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EI-ITGSEE OF NEWS. £ It appears, from an official return,_that last year 01 the duty on pawnbrokers amounted to £ 27,765. o_i A Salem machinist has invented an automaton J; that will smoke a cigar just as naturally as anybody. M. du Chaillu has been heard of. He is doing a a goo-i deal in the gorilla way, and has sent a live one tl '.England. The Bishop of London has intimated his inten- tion of holcling- a general ordination in her Majesty's Chapel p RJyal, Whitehall, on Sunday, the 18th of December. f Tia e Duke of Rutland, it is said, is about to seek j, a warmer climate for the winter, by the advice of his physicians, I False back hair of a golden hue has been selling i at 200f. a back knot in Paris, with small diamonds studded t at 2,000f. The rage for red hair is perfectly astonishing. 1 The Baptist Union for England and Wales held < its annual session at Birmingham last week. The number of ministers and representatives present was about 400. 1 By a recent Act of Parliament, brewers' licenses are to expire on the 30th September in each year. All licenses issued after the 30th ult. will expire on the day mentioned in the following year. Sir Watkin and Lady Williams Wynn are expected to arrive at their town house, in Berkeley-square, towards the end of the present month, the interesting event being' looked for about the middle of November. The -foundation stone of a new church for the village of Blackley, near Manchester, was laid on Saturday. Trhe site was given by the Earl of Wilton, who also con- tributed dESOO towards the cost of the building. The marriage of Viscount Amberley, son of the Earl Russell, with the Hon. Katharine Stanley, daughter of Lord and Lady Stanley of Alderley, will take place on the 8th of the ensuing month. A Bristol Churchman wants to entertain at his house all the Welsh curates who are coming to the Church Congress, but don't like dignitaries. The reply has been received from such a vast number that the question is if he is able if they are willing. The Marquis of Downshire last week per- formed the ceremony of laying the foundation-stone of a new Presbyterian church in Banbridge. The cost of the building is estimated at £1,400, and, when completed, it will be an ornament to that thriving town. Lord Russell has intimated his intention of visiting Aberdeen on Friday, the 11th of November, for the purpose of being installed as Lord Rector of the University, an office to which he was elected by the students in January .last. Agriculturists will be puzzled with the an- nouncement in an Edinburgh contemporary that last year the income from turnips in England and Wales amounted "to £ 1,154,945 6s. 8d. Some stupid compositor has sub- stituted the word turnips for turnpikes. Some wag has started the id<3a of a Banting Restaurant Company, with a proposed capital as big as 'that of a joint-stock bank. It seems a ludicrous thing to .establish eating-houses for the express purpose of making people thin. Among the odd things lest in Paris, for which it is announced that no owner can be found, are a splendid carriage and pair of very fine horses, which were discovered near the viaduct of the railway at AuteuiL All endeavours to find the owner have proved fruitless. There dined together the other day, at Upper- thorpe, a suburb of Sheffield, a family party, consisting of three brothers and two sisters, the united ages of the five amounting to thrqe hundred and sixty-nine years. Res- pectively their ages were 79, 77, 74, 72, and 67. Last week's statements from Blackburn and -Preston, says the Manchester Examiner, show a consider- able increase in the number of unemployed cotton opera- tives. In Preston great dissatisfaction exists amoRg the workmen. The hop and cheese fair at Weyhill came to a conclusion on Saturday. In the cheese market, dairymen cleared out, and very few cheeses were unsold. Business in the hop mart was throughout slowly transacted, but a large quantity of hops were sold. At a ploughing match in Gloucestershire last year the day was very wet, and two of the gentlemen present so admired the pluck of half-a-dozen young ladies present that they offered to give a sewing-machine to the first and second married, if within the twelvemonth. Only one was claimed, and at the meeting a few days ago it-was awarded. At the Cornish ticketing last week 2,403 tons of ore realised £13,2,58 ]2s. 6d. Averages:—Standard, £ 119 7s.; price per ton, 1-5 10s. Gd.; produce, 6f. Compared with the previous sale the standard has declined 16s., and with the corresponding monthly sale on September 8 it has declined C2 10s. At a recent meeting of the guardians of the .Ashton-under-Lyne. union, it was found that the increase of per,wns relieved during the week, as compared with the pro- vious week, was the large number of 1,370. The total number of persons receiving parochial relief in this union is 11,676, at a cost of f;720 12s. At the usual meeting of the Birmingham General Hospital Board, Colonel Mason, the chairman of the Bir- mingham Festival Committee, handed over a further cheque for £ 2,000, making £5,000 already paid over as the proceeds of the festival. Colonel Mason announced that the accounts will shortly be closed, and the balance paid over to the hospital. An interesting ceremony was performed at the London Blackfriars-bridge last week. The ksystone of the second arch on the western side of the structure was re- moved in the presence of a considerable assemblage of engineers and other persons interested in the works. It is expected tl. at the old bridge will be entirely removed in the course of the next six or eight months. The number of freshmen admitted during the present year at all the colleges of Cambridge is as follows, with the exception of Clare, Corpus Christi, and Sydney:- St. Peter's College, 12 Pembroke, 9; Christ's, 26 Queen's, 10- Caius, 33; St. Catherine's, 12; Jesus, 23; St. John's, 76; Magdalene, 14; Trinity Hall, 26; Trinity, 15S; Em- manuel, 22; Downing, 6. During the past week two parishes, Lelant and Altarnon, were polled on the question of church-rates. At Lela-nt fifty-six votes were recorded for and thirty-eight against a rate of Hd. in the pound. At Altarnon there were 130 votes for, and eighty-four against a rate of 6d. in the pound. The contest in each parish was carried on with much spirit. The visitors to the South Kensington Museum during the last week have been as follows:- On Monday, Tuesday, and Saturday, free days, open from ten a.m. to ten p.m., 11,880; on Wednesday, Tnursday, and Friday, Students' days (admission to the public 6el.), open from ten a.m. to live p.m., 1,632-toffil 13,512. From the opening of the museum, 4,899,878. As the Government train between Hartlepool and Ferryhill was passing down the Kelloe Bank incline the other day, the cngineman pereeived a floclr of sheep on the line. They appeared to take little notice of the train's ap- proach, and, as it was impossible to stop the train, it ran over them, and proceeded on its journey. Three of the sheep were killed. Tnere is said to be a difficulty in the winding- up of the Galway Packet Company, owing to the impro- bability that the official liquidator can secure a purchaser for the ships. The vessels are of an exceptional nature, and an open market would not be available. Unless a company start which will require such vessels they must be sold at a serious loss if they chance to secure a purchaser. After two ssrmons for church expenses on Sunday by a well-known incumbent at the East-end of London, the following items were found in the plates :—7 cheques, 6 sovereigns, 15 half-sovereigns, 1 crown-piece, 36 halt-crowns, 17 florins, 154 shillings, 302 sixpences, 63 four- pennies, 176 threepences, 171 pennies, and 151 halfpennies —making a total of 1,099 pieces, of the aggregate value of JE56 5s. 6 icL The London City Police Committee have resolved to adopt for the force the" Britannia hat," or helmet, rgcommended to them some two years ago by the surgeon to the force, Mr. G. Bbrlase Childs. Since this substitute -for the old, heavy, and clumsy hat (or stove- pipe, as it "is facetiously eailed) was first recommended, it has been' adopted by the Metropolitan and several provin- cial nOlic6..torces, and is likely to come into general use. A mAgnjficent bazaar has been opened in St. Hall, Liverpool, in aid of the Southern Prisoners' Relief Fund, Contributions have been received from all parts of the United Kingdom, from Paris, Rome, the Southern States, Canada, and even from New York. The -cecuniary success of the bazaar is already a matter of cer- tainty, as subscriptions to the amount of £ 7,500 have already fcaen"received, and they are still pouring in. The New Zealand Board have chartered two ships for the conveyance of emigrants, who will be provided with, free passages to Auckland; namely, the Ganges, 839 tons, Captain Funnel, which will embark about 300 emigrants at Cork, on the 2nd of November; and the Bombay, 937 tons, Captain Sellars, which is to sail from Londor, on the 15th day of November, with about 350 emigrants. On Saturday, a. lady, named Hazeldine, entered an omnibus at Beg'ent's-circus to proceed to St. John's- wood. On reaching Upper Baker-street, a man of gentle- manly appearance, who had been seated by her side, hastily alighted from the vehicle. The lady instantly felt her pocket, and discovered that her pocket-book, contain- ing two. 1:50, five £ 10, and five £ 5 Bank of England notes, had beau. abstracted. Th,q Earl and Countess of Lincoln have given a splendid entertainment, at their mansion in Picca- dilly, to their tradespeople and the members of their house- hold, in celebration of the birth of Lord Clinton. The library, and several of the principal rooms of the mansion, were thrown open for the' ball and supper. The arrange- ments were liberal, and the festivities prolonged to a late hour. Wo mbw ell's splendid collection of wild ani- mals, &c., whilst on its way to Oxford, received an extra- ordinary and interesting addition in the shape of six fine lion cubs, which, with the mother, are doing well. The accouchement took place at Newbury, Berks, and their a&reut is regarded with considerable intest, Tbe collection j ilso includes the newly imported lion-slayers (S^yads), it s».d the tiger which destroyed a lion a few j eai s bacls. a. my.p, "Edinburgh Journal" gives an-extra- e: orfflX of » oM Ml- « M.Z 3ff« ^Snlwte IMrstb,?-andalthough now in herl02ndyear,has t i clyack feast." The Derby Reporter says:— We are informed-on 1 m-ettv good authority that there is another movement on x fr>r>t for the reopening of the celebrated MaJock case. A firm n SSI is said, have taken the matter m hand, and are endeavouring to institute new proceedings on 1 the ground of the documents which were discovered so mvsteriously at the recent sale of Mr. Else s furniture. It S stated that notices have already been served upon the tenants to withhold the rents from the parties into^vkose hands they would fall by virtue of the decision in the House of Lords," Wine men, miners on strike, were taken before the stipendiary magistrates at Wolverhampton, and charged with intimidation. They had formed part of a band num- bering from 1,500 to 1,700 men who had ill-treated and threatened a collier who was quietly returning from lis work, had called him invidious names, abused and stiuck him. The case against the prisoners was proved, and they were all sentenced to three months' imprisonment with hard labour. „ t The resolution proposed at the meeting of colliers at Bilston, on Saturday, was practically carried out on Monday morning, when large numbers returned to, their work No meetings of the men were held anywhere in the district. The collieries in the more immediate neighbour- hood of Wolverhampton are again getting into full business, a^d hundreds of poor fellows, after their long holiday, are glad to be busy even on Monday, a day on which colliers m general usually play. „ A melancholy accident occurred at Marke Val- ley Mine, Cornwall, last week, by which two brothers named Isaac and Edward Pollard were killed. They were engaged tamping a hole with powder preparatory to blasting; one was holding the iron tamping-bar, and the other was beating it with a hammer, when a spark of fire fell from the irra upon the powder, and there was an immediate explosion. Edward Pollard was killed instantly, and the other brother died after lingering two or three hours in great agony. A party of ladies and gentlemen, travelling from Aurora, Nevada Territory, United States, met with a tearful accident. They were about crossing a ravine, when a waterspout "burst on the mountains, and came down upon them before they could get out of the way, sweeping them before it. A Mrs. Medbury and Mrs. Glen, with three children, were drowned. The gentlemen, four in number, were saved, but badly injured. The four horses were drowned, and the wagon dashed into atoms. The Registrar-General's Weekly Return states that the deaths registered in London during the past week were 1,263. The average number in the corresponding week of the ten years 1854-63, excluding the deaths from cholera in 1854, and corrected for increase of population, was 1,193. The present return is therefore seventy above the average. During the week the births of 997 boys and 899 girls, in all 1,896 children, were registered in London. In the ten corresponding weeks of the year 1854-63 the ave- rage number was 1,798. j An elderly lady, who has already contributed the sum of £700, in nine donations, towards the funds of the Royal Free Hospital in Gray's-inn-road, London, called the other day at the hospital during the sitting of the weekly board, when, after making inquiries into the state of the funds, and inspecting a great portion of the building, with the general arrangements of which she was highly gratified, she handed a further donation of to00 to Dr. Marsden, the founder of the hospital, to meet the many demands on the institution.





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