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The Scene at Que-enstcwn.

The Arrival at XiiverpooL…

Examination at Bow-street.I



THE YELVEBTON CASE AGAIN. Thefoll owin g letter, dated from Coudette, where Miss Longwortih-or, as the majority of people call her, the Hon. Mrs. Yelverton-is at present staying with some relatives of Major Yelverton, who have always sympathised with this lady, has been addressed by her to the editor of the Times, and her letter, together with the enclosure, has been published r-r- As the law of my case was governed by the facts, and the facts depended for the most part upon the credibility of my statements, may I ash you to do Hie the favour of pub- lishing the following extraordinary corroboration of my truth and of my opponent's deliberate falsehood? I believe it is the rule of evidence that if a witness gives a premeditated false account of any facts which must necessarily be within his knowledge, the rest of his evidence becomes worthless though possibly true. Does not this rule apply to my case, where the whole defence is based upon statements calculated to affect my credibility f The principal statements have now been shown to be deli- berate falsehoods. No one of the. Judges believed the' statements made respecting Mrs. Gem-ble's house; and re- garding the Melbourne, the fact is still more distinct of' wanton slander.. The inference is obvious, and needs no comments of mine. TiKEBZSA Telverton. 2, Alliance-villas, Vietaria-park-road, Hackney, Londcn, Sept. 8. Madam, I think it due to you, as well as to myself, to refute, as far as my knowledge of facts willi allow, the ,fMije 2tatements which I have seen in a pamphlet respecting what took place on board1 the steamship Melbourne in the harbour of Balaclava, March, 1S56. I- commanded the Melbourne at that timo> and distinctly recollect General Stiuubenzee bringing youf on board (then Miss Longworth) aad placing you- under say protection. Previous to that I had frequently seen you out riding with the- General and his lady. When yourself,, the General, his aide-de-camp, and Major Telverton, whom 1 knew by sight, came on board I was on shore,-but returned shortly after. The General then told me tha# he wished to put Miss Lqngworth under my care for a passage to Constantinople. After remaining on beard about thirty minutes,, himself and party landed. Some time afterwards- I observed Major Telvertotihad returned on board in plain-clothes. I also remember him walking: on the poop cfeck for some time with yourself and the doctor; you then satf down) on the arm chest at the after part of the poop, a signallanitern burning a bright lightbeing suspended directlyoverheadumd exposing every person on deck to view, there being no bulwarks round that part of the ship. I"remained on, deck till nearly mid- rnVht,. after seeing all the sentries properly posted. A petty officer was also on watchonthat part of the poop near where you amd the major were sitting. Having a large^mamber of troops oni hoard at the tima, sentries were pla^d on otJier .■parts o £ tl\e declc as "welly so that no T^art 91 the? lore or aft, wata unseen. I s&w nothing improper im. the con- duct oOffajor Telverton. had it been ^o, it could not have escaped observation. The assertion that'any noise m your cabin could be heard in mine is not correct. The cabin you occupiedIwas in the after part of the saloonj.asad mme m the fore part, and about 60 feet between them. The reason that Major Yelverton assigned for not going into-your cabin must, therefore, be a fabrication. We sailed a.t4t a.m. On arriving at Coustantinop-le I landed you in my own boat, and saw you safely in the' care of some French ladies wear- ing the order of the Sisters of Charity. When these false assertions were first made public I was not in England, and did not become aware of them uiitiT my return^, then tpo late to be of any service; but seeing the matter revived, and understanding that you continued the straggle solely for the purpose of clearing your honour and Wr fame, I could no-longer refrain, offering my testimony,, so far as I remember the circumstances. .L I have the honour to be, madam, your obedient servant, To the-Hon. Mrs. T. "Eelverton. W. G&ampioji. v


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The Arrival in London.

The Inquest on Mr. Briggs.