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The Scene at Que-enstcwn.

The Arrival at XiiverpooL…

Examination at Bow-street.I



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The Arrival in London.


The Arrival in London. At half-past two the train arrived at the Camden tickst platform, and as soon as it stopped the where- about of Muller was at once indicated by the cluster- iag of the London detectives round the compartment of the carriage, and the shaking of hands and the cordial greetings which, passed between Inspacuora Tanner and Williamson, who, together with Sergeant Thcmas, of the detective force, at once entered the carriage. The rush to get a glimpse ot tjo sup- posed culprit was now' terrific, and continued tor about five minutes, during the whole time the ticket collectors were collecting the tickets at the platform. Notwithstanding the cries and groans which pre- vailed, Muller, who sat with his face to the engine, between Inspector Tanner and Sergeant Clarke, appeared quite unmoved, although he looked very pale. To all appearance he was more unconcerned and much less excited than most of his fellow-pas- gensers, the vast majority of whom seemed, until the tremendous uproar and excitement at tne Camdensta- hwii apprised them of the fact, unconscious that they were in company with the supposed murderer of Mr. Bri~<*s. The tickets having been collected, tne tiam moved slowly from the platform on its way to Euston, amidst the loud execrations of those assembled, many im run alon^ the platform, hooding and hissin-j, and exhibiting the°wildest excitement, till the rapidly inCTeasing speed of the train put distance between thThe train reached the Euston terminus at about 2 45 Here another scene of excitement presented itself The train was pulled up m such a manner that i =,+ ;ase barely reached the northern end of «»^ wic wkii brought to a stand was immediately oppo- se the side gate in Seymour-street. Here the Bow- street police van was drawn up with its door backing towards the train. The moment the accused was recognised the cheers and groans by which he was ^3d were tremendous. The prisoner jumped from fZ olvJZein a light and easy manner, but the m- nrnased nallor of his countenance told taau he fully comorehended the position in which he was placed. SSS van then drove out through the iron gates into Drummond-street, where another salute greeted i, mirrlerer. and uassmg along the Hamp- stead-road and Tottenham-court-road, reached Endell- ■ qi (Giles's and so on to the Bow-street station. ^Notwithstanding the announcement in the morning rvaners that the prisoner would not arrive m London ?uf half-past two o'clock in the afternoon a consider- abia crowd assembled round the office shortly o'clock, in the firm belief, apparently, that the Stoner wotddbe brought before the magistrate in the jsSS. *« £ m-elftoSk some mformation from Mr. Brnaby, the chief clerk, but the circumstance was regarded as a si-n that Muller was at hand, and created a decided Mr Brings, however, remained only a irmSuTes. M length a cry of Muller is coming!" heard in the distance, and a desperate rush It ™tde at the van as it drove down Bow- J. -] .¿. afreet up to the door of the poiice-stawon, ana one tme there appeared some risk of its being turned «ver. It was some little time before a passage could be cleared for the transit of the prisoner and his at- ?,r dants but at length the door was opened, and the fitH- r>erson to alight from the van with a light, jaunty 5 Mnller himself. Then arose a storm of step was «n.0anin» of a most unmistakable cSSer, but if did not in the slightest degreedI is- cor cert the prisoner. The people seemed surprised at the sHght, mean, and shabby appearance oi the man l^ W been so long the theme of universal discussion, below the middle height, excessively plain-looking and ill-featured, and with light-colouredhair^ro.ectmi SngJ?hite'broad brtSSed and somewhat weather- rented upon the disappointment which they had expe- What ?" said one stalwart ragged denizen of n Dials, he murder Mr. Briggs! he chuck a big v onf of the carriage! why he couldn t do it. Se° was at once taken to the inspector s room, WwT he was received by Mr. West, and placed at the i Tnst>ector Durkin entered the charge upon the sheet. When the prisoner was asked his address, h3 replied, "At 16, Park-terrace, Old Ford-road, Victoria-nark," the house at which he was lodging I eLThil departure to America. He appeared stiU unmoved, but when the words were re^«r*° charged with having wfifully murdered Thomas Brings, on the night of the 9th of July last, his head a little and there was an obvious tremoi throughout his frame. He appeared weak when heiwm aK to be removed to his cell, after the sheet hadbeen Sored by Inspector West, but he recovered a little rSw?rds, and walked across the station yard with ft %zst an affectation of nonchalance. He was then lock^ up, there being strict injunctions from the authorities of Scotland-yard that no one should be permitted to be present, or to have any interview wuli the prisoner, except hi3^ accredited solicitor, Mr. ,oc Thomas B^ard. on behalf of the Germa.n Society. Mr. Beard was present daring the formal proceedings of Srin-the charge, and about an hour afterwards he ™ to the German gentleman, who was to act as an interpreter Rsimer3 a police offiaer of the A division. Mr. Beard ha(l a long interview with his client. It was not until the court'closed, at five o'clock, that the crowd became convinced of the folly of waiting to see Mailer >,aken over to the police magistrate 011 duty to be examined. It was stated that Mailer would be examined before Mr. Flowers on Monday morning, and then remanded for a a week From the moment of Muller's arrival at Bow-street on Saturday his demeanour was reserved. He ex- pressed his gratitude for the kindnesses shown him bv the officials, but beyond that he made no further remark. As soon as the form of handing him over to the authorities at Bow-street had been gone through on Saturday, the prisoner was taken to Ins cell, tie did not displav the least discomposure, but appeared to look upon the whole proceedings as a. matter of form which he was quite prepared to go through. After he had been in his cell for some little time he commenced reading, with apparent pleasure,, the Ovivp" that had been given to him when waiting for to tS mor,.1n5 at tl» EdgeMll Station, Liverpool. He seemed to treasure the gift and while journeying t« London occasionally read portions of it, speaking only when spoken to.

The Inquest on Mr. Briggs.