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POLITICAL GOSSIP. 1 -+- ANOTHER revolution has taken place in Madagascar. J The partisans of Radama havG,) been again successful, j and have placed him in power, after assassinating the Prime Minister. ONE of the vacant Garters has been conferred upon 1 the Marquis of Lansdowne. Lord Lovat will have the ( vacant ribbon of the Thistle. Lord Lismore will be ( the new Knight of St. Patrick. ) PROFESSOR FAWCETT has not done with Brighton yet, and by way of ingratiating himself he recently < gave a lecture to a crowded audience on Parliamentary j Reform, at the Town-hall, Brighton. SIR CHARLES WOOD has just received from the natives of India a carpet worth 25,000 rupees. This would lead us to suppose that, as the Indian Minister in the Cabinet, he has given satisfaction to the native Indians. THE following appointments have just been gazetted :—Commander William Colringfcon, recently promoted from the Narcissus for service at the Cape of Good Hope and Africa, to the Warrior. Clerk— Alfred Smith, to the Fisgard, as supernumerary. Naval Cadets (nominated)—Lord George G. Campbell, Joseph E. Gregory, Francis G. Oliver, and Robert P. Ray. ACCORDING to the Horning Herald, a government commission will be opened for the purpose of inquiring into the late riots at Belfast. It is extremely probable that such a step will be taken whether there is any truth in the present rumour or otherwise. REPORTS are curren t that Prince Hum bert's reception at St. Cloud has not been so cordial as the friends of Italy could have wished. En revanche, he has been made much of at the Palais Royal, and appears to have sensibly enjoyed his stay in Paris incognito. IN Vienna there is a rumour that the Austrian Government will shortly acknowledge the King of Greece, of course with due regard to the family of Bavaria. There are rumours also, in Paris, that Austria will shortly acknowledge the kingdom of Italy. THE Pays says a dangerous and satirical thing apropos of M. de Persigny's toast of "Napoleon III., the Founder of Liberty in France." It proves, to his own satisfaction, that the encomium passed on the Emperor is strictly true. For some time the people were drunk with liberty. If so, they were soon taken Up, and flung into prison." INTELLIGENCE has been received at Lloyds' that Confederate cruisers are doing considerable damage to merchantmen. It was also reported that the Con- federate war steamers had successfully run out of the harbour of Wilmington, and had destroyed no less than thirty-three Federal merchantmen. A NOTICE from the Foreign Office has just been issued, which will put a stop to such complications as were involved in the sale of the Confederate cruiser Georgia. Tke notification directs that in future no ship of war belonging to a belligerent shall be allowed to enter or remain in any of her Majesty's ports for the purpose of being dismantled or sold. THERE appears still to be a difficulty in the way of the treaty of commerce between France and Switzer- land. The Government of Lucerne is about to contest the competence of the Federal Government to conclude such a treaty. This is a kind of secession" which may create further difficulties in Switzerland. VISCOUNT BURY, M.P., has offered to the share- holders of the South Western Railway his services as one of their directors, in the room of the Hon. Ralph Dutton, M.P., who has resigned. It is also stated that Sir Stewart Alexander Donaldson is a candidate for the seat at the board vacant by the retirement of Mr. Wyndham S. Portal. THE Northern Whig says, that the sum claimed as presentments for injuries sustained by wrecking in the late Belfast riots amounts to between £ 9,000 and £ 10,000. According to the custom of the grand jury in such cases, the amounts granted will be levied off the barony of Lower Belfast; and, as the grand jurors have the power of defining the district, this large sum may be assessed on the parish of Shankhill, in which the town of Belfast is situate. LORD PALMERSTON, on his recent visit to Hereford, was asked by a farmer for a tip—not of £ s. d., but as to the chances of Blair Athol or General Peel for the St. Leger. His lordship laughed heartily, and so did the people around him, who referred him to the Oppo- sition, as the Premier could not possibly know any- thing of the intentions of so good a Conservative as General Peel. THE election of a director of the National Provident Institution, to fill up the vacancy caused by the r eath or Mr. Richard Fail, took place on Friday at the London Tavern, Bishopsgate-street; Mr. Lucas in the chair. The poll opened at one and closed at four. There were two candidates, Mr. Constable and Mr. Alderman Phillips. The election, was declared to have fallen upon Mr. Constable, the numbers polled being f Mr. Constable 4,792, Alderman Phillips 940. Mr. Constable returned thanks. The usual vote of thanks to the chairman closed the proceedings.



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