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THE NEWS budget. --


THE NEWS budget. The Gas Lamps of Paris.—The gas lamps in the side walks of the Champs Elysees have just been replaced by others of a new model. They resemble in shape an antique vase, The light springs from an imitation candle, and at the top is a white porcelain reflector. These lamps give a much more brilliant light than those on the old system. Serious Accident with a Cricket-ball.— While engaged in a game of cricket at Peckham-rye on Monday last, Mr. David S. Batchelor met with a serious accident. A ball, hit from the bat of Mr. Charles Dickie, struck him with considerable force in the chest, felling him to the ground, whilst blood flowed from his mouth. Dr. Blackie was immediately summoned, and the unfortunate gentleman conveyed to his residence, but it is feared the accident is of a Vxsry serious nature. Another Death from Crinoline.—Early on Wednesday morning a fire broke out at Mr. Darkus Larkings's,'in RobertVplace,. Commercial-road East, London. The inmates were aroused by a strong smell of smoke, and on going downstairs they found the back room in flames, and Mrs. Barkus Larkings nearly burnt to a cinder, The deceased had been sitting before a, large fire., and. had fallen asleep while waiting for her husband. It is suppesed that her crinoline had pushed her dress, over the fender, and that it had thus taken fire. Earl Russell has replied to the memorial of the liMon and Emancipation Society of Manchester in reference •'&> the Mersey steam-rams. His lordship • ,says that tihe question of building and fitting out Vessels of war for the so-called Confederate States has long occupied the attention of the Govemmentalid will.coritinue to receive their anxious consideration. The -EEiancipatiois. -Society has mitten a ietter to Isord Russell, in which, while they thank him for the steps he-has taken in reference to the vessels on the Mersey, they beg him net to lose sight of what is beimf; done 'T on we Clyde. Another S&d Colliery Accident.—Fear men were, with companions, descending the shaft of -Auckland-par-E Colliery, near Bishop" Auckland, when ,the" cradle "1in which they Were'feeing lowered canted, the four fell<Qut, and to the bottom of the shaft, almost before reaching which tliey dead, för'& fall of 300 'feet is enough to kill, the -smash which follows. She three other-Even were,-Ra it seems, •: miraculously preserved. course an investigation j will be made into the que iron of the! construction of the cradla, and how it 'í"/?;Ð ~o sible it dfeuld cant." i Emigration. from ths Lancashire District. —During the past eaonth -eighty-five persons selects! 1 from the distressed 'districts of Lancashire and.; ChesMre have beer: assisted out of the funds of the National- Colonial Emigration Society, 44, Cliarisg- cross, to emigrate to I' a colonies' of Wictoria, Queeas- land, and New Xoalard. The society will send ant during the eurrctt mosth a number of young weBMn to -Tasmania, ace tetter assisting ferty-three persons; to emigrate to T.yw k<aland, and ajsrangements .SBedn} progress for sanding to South Aefealia, next jasortth,! several familie-s, -numbering sixty to seveIlty:souls, t from Manoihe^jsr; and Stalybiidge. | Escape C. militoy 1 convicts Itave just ajaade. their escape froiaT«enes,-ie.. -Algeria, wihsae 'they were employ-s-d on the fei* the consimctfoir lighthouse. They first a supply of It:rea.dl,l{y hreakinglillWw the canteen of i> c works, to whidbth^y added gr-.yja from sm;&dyominr vineyard, -taroi s w.d uponanshing boat, an -wln& they set sai pposed j ain. Oe their d'-s- appedi-amee being small wssels .-wfej sent in pans u t w to no porposs, as the inrctives-k: had a stent of hours. -& 3thmg heard otfrJft<3ID, A rwftng e n in Gteaesal Sibley's pedSiea was 1 weaU,hy:ill:RglishmaF,? iz iguadBBte of Oxford -and oimer office:? on the s&aff of ^iiCsrd Raglan. Hehad-coine froni.England on iferiff^tefeajat in the Nsrth .West, and took- nominal position 'cm Genera&Sibfey-'B gtaff to grata&r his taste « £ advente-re. Sent OEirecomiGstring service "*o was ccflqgMzui crn- buscade and sfeo& down with ^ron-headed .aa!rows, 4he savages scalping him and kaofemg off oa1 side of 11s head while he was yet alive. He leaves .a -sploB.did yacht ;e-£ld;1!)" HEIRS library imMmr York. The Blockade-Runners.—Two sf :ihe raaost noted blockade-runners, says the Liverpool iWe-st, whose -aaptm'e sand cGEwlema t on has -a.lxeaidy .&?- pearedin our -solumns -sie re -ort d by f-ke latetisail as SOIZ. kOne/tiiewell aowi1 Vci xde-rimuiierCharles- ton, bsought-ejxly 8.50G ax,h& being bo*gM4by al'Sfew York ihouse. TTheothsr,, delate steamerjEagle,brought the price of M«,000..litis. She is .a first-class steamar, her' great spesd jerfitessng her a 'sraluabla^ddition in aarp eet. Her is not;given ;i»biT.t it is nore £ Lan probsibleiSiiat/Mke most if our jfast steamers a short time wiill see 5ier again :South, .but as a Federal cruiser, 6Br ^Mbbtiaer speed »wiIL;adiEisably adapt Sibi. Ducking.for Witehcraft.-F ATAJ;, J&ESEE-.— The inquest, iatHedinghaasi, or she body cfa poortld Frenchman, who went bv llic zicrae of HiTtaainiy, i I*a.s just been conoLcded. He sEetfL".s death mffioiisequence of a deokingihe had been.subjected to by a Mrs^mtih, aided by :two .men, one of whom. as name# Sfcamiaaers, because Mrs^Siaith believed Abe feeble oM sman,>faad bewitcSied her, .and because fee would not acaspt £ 3 from her, and f" to her annul titae cha^si. They pushed 1.3 n two or timsee times into tike brcek, and when iJ-e c^c "ped to Ms ihei; he slept all sriigfet in his wet and s-lizay clothes. Be -died in amsaguaace, notwitlistanding subsequent careful tendiiag .atti&e workhease. iTJ}:e jury, af-tier xeEzly two >TOBJSsn discllSSKUl .W&Ð dismissed" n^ct i ^ung able -to The entire case will soon come before the HscsmghaEi bench of magistrates. Xtv« sine. 1 stood that unanim«u-Sifor ,<a verdict of Manslaughter agaiKct Mrs. Smith; buttiwo jurymen wccld not conaesatito-sa similar v^ilietsageinst Stamsners. of Able-tae.6ied Operatlstge., —Each day during the last week tthe Ashton T,awn- hall has been SEEXounded by i £ Ste able-bodied :mill" hands amxious tto have their aaaiaes put dowroil reo commence the wofe proposed to .be done in ce-rieir- 'streets, &0., ;by dillc corporation. '(I'here are at the present time between 400 and On Wednesday i^Oanenwere set toi^r-ork m Crickets- lane, to remove the surface preparatory to sewerwv;, and the qsiaatity -of work perforiKed has greatly astonished every gentleman who lias telen an interest in this matter.. sEaeh man is paid 4d. tfer the remo-Tal of a square ya»d .of etrth, and they woul, in companies of twenty. Spades. E,Ba provided for ikege who do not i.possess them, for Abe use of which a is to be Estopped each weak, j&tl the horses aad-Q^rss available intiihe borough kave b^en employed. .-Eatal Balloon resident.—A gala WTEIS given in 4he f iece-hall Halifax, or. Saturday night, .and a grand balloon ascent was .announced, in the ear of ,which it was ^eaid would be seated Mr. Youngauda lady. .About seven o'clock Mr.v37bung took his aeafe.fent not the My, and the balloon .commenced its ascept- On leaving the hall it came agsinst some telsgt-aph wires which ,pass over the hall. "Ehis had the effect of ren- dering tefe balance somewihai unsteady. After it ,had yisen out of the building a'sl-ight breeze from the west .carried Jet against the top ,of .ajnill chimney, and e it was held, either by the lightning conductor, or fey- tie net getMng fast to the coimice. It soon collapsed, and the crowds of spectators woye horrified, expecting evei-y minute that the aeronaut srould be precipitated from the top c" the chimney, whic|a is about thirty-five yards high. Me, however, retailed his presence of mind, and more than once waved his hat, of which the people took note and cheered. A rojs-e was let down out of the car, and eventually to it S'as attached a pulley and another rope, which were ,Q.ra.wn into the car. The pulley was fastened to the ,ear, and the aeronaut was fortunate enough to reach the ground without being hurt.. There the balloon remained all night. Next day some men ascended to the top of the chimney to recover the balloon. One of them., Charles Bawson, had reached the top, when, the rope snapping m two, he fell to the ground, and was taken up dead. The unfortunate man wss thirty-seven years old, &ad has left a family. Love, Jealousy, and Murder.—A dreadful ease of this nature occurred at Malta, on the 4th Septem- ber. The murderer, a man about twenty-three years of age, who bore an excellent character, was a soldier in the 1st battalion, 22nd Regiment, and was employed as groom by the surgeon of the regiment. Disap- pointed in the object of his affections, a woman-servant in the game family by her marrying the day previous a corporal of the regfsrtent, he openly vowed to take her life; but being at jbj^e time under the feflnfffce of drink attached to the threat. J.]i tiie evening |s.g seized his -yic^am, and deliberitely cut her throat with a razor in the presence of her married daughter, an'd then attempted to cut his own; but failing in this, from the handle of the weapon break- ing in his hand, he ran out of the house and threw himself over the nearest bastion. He was picked up in a state of insensibility, which terminated in death early the following morning.. The woman was forty- six years old, and a grandmother. Hearing only One Side.-At the Sherbourne County Court, a few days ago, George Lacey claimed the sum of ten guineas from John Wright as damages for an assault. The jury found a verdict for the defendant, upon which the local journal says This caused considerable surprise in court, the more so when it oozed out that the foreman had only heard distinctly a part of the defendant's son's evidence, and upon that made up his mind for the defendant. A new trial is not improbable, several parties having offered to subscribe for the purpose." Fatal Cart Accident.—Information has just been received of the death of a young man named Tate, who was brought in a dying state to the German Hospital, Dalston. It appeared that the deceased was the driver of a coal wagon, and between five and six o'clock in the evening was coming along the Lea-i bridge-road with an empty wagon, and was, it is said, following that dangerous practice, so common amongst drivers, of riding on the shafts, when he fell, and the wheels passed over the lower part of his chest, crush- ing him in a most frightful manner. He was imme- diately picked up by his mates," who placed him in a cart, and took him to the' hospital. He was alive when the cart arrived, fest expired before he could be got into the ward. M. Forcade, in the Revue des ÐetMJ Mondes, ven- tures to ridicule M-. tie Persigny's dukedom. If there must be dukes under a democratic empire, M. Forcade suggests that theiar title should, (after the Spanish fashion, be expressive, of what have done to merit the highest honours. On that principle, as Spain has her Prince of Peace and BuJfce of Victory, M. de Persigny migM appropriately he called the Duke of Elections. MorSea? tftl Hyde- park,- Last week a labourer passing -aloEig the Hyde-pa* k-road saw a bundle lying within the rails under tho trees. On taking up t'hle bundle he tound it to contain a child still alive, but dying fteffii strangulation-. The child was takes, tc St. iSeorge'-s Hospital, and died soon afterwards. On Tuesday an inquest was held on the body, an&;a, Yer- dict of wilful murder "against- some person t&ffinown was -i-&ariiecl, Frightful very slacking; 'accident oecU3?ed at Selsteaa, ITottinghamsMpe, 'on 'Itiiursday last;. It appears theJt a man named Timothy "Coleman and his wife weie walking dowia the -gtfegway at CSélston. Some wagons were ranniag along, and it is Ftijr. osedthat he Was jumping into fhe last one to ride when he slipped and fell down, some .d-i "the wheels ipaasing over his feead, part of wkich Was all but cut off. His hands ;0ad arms were Rightfully mutilated, -tmd he was talfcen up quite dead. Slis wiis was a short distance off and did not see fche&erideift cceur. He has '■left a family oi'e children. Attemrt-od Murder of t%e Malta, Haiigmnn. -A few days vo an attempt «mtsijaaSe to murder. the II public eveosacner by the top. oT. a house on Lh-c St. Guiseppe-asad a-feeavy stone as he.; was lying .-Riij.'tep outside the -<ioor, as is the csstoEi with the low<sr orders dwaasg 'the fbot season. The stone .streak'>iin on his side, ng two of Ms ribs, and otherwise doing him sssious injary, but sio fsjfesi result is ant'dpated. Had iike stone struck him ia any pa~i cf ^e body ith aise full lO"?ee of it-: -loccnt, as was c*d«?ntly intemlov.. it miM from i&s -great weight J!¡;,¿¡¡;VO -crushed him rz'lo death. It appears t -at he had NBnQsred himself very obno:«c>us to ilie pe^^le with «,L e lived, fpssn Lit, overbearing sSfditttem-, peraie *>cn < et towards tk^i. The house was a roam- -mon,lod&.g-house all thein;mat0S having access to the tensaea. whichm:;¡,kes-,itvery ditncult todisoover the as&ho • of this musri • rca.^> who MS hi'J-?r'uO escape .idto etion. Esrteaceximar j £ per-J1Mings hawe- -bssn re- ceived oft o safety £ «cae of' the«alors oi ihe larquo Elvira, Cat tain Hans, ram clow-n: L-y the (Jcean Kiny steaanaer off L)ungea-3ss, wiilo semned to have -been pre- sei-cd n most pmipideEti m 1. About >ci?;litcor hoitK the foiraideiiiig of t ic jarque, tlx-, cajitain of brig (now £ ?- DUE- kixi: -when about five asiles sex th-wesi -of Dover, hfiaini ciics of distress, <SD2id looking round an clisajgiDg- te a piece -w^ack iiib lioad wessejust visible poor feisow na-i steaggligg-f or life. A feat--was instantly lowe^d ard after an»<Sa difficulty the .man w&s got hold -of ard drsggedvea board ilae ^sfisel.-tbtit so exhausted Ufc they -.did iaot expsst fee ou»d c. By iBseai?.s- or-, stisialante and wacm bleaketsafes shortly sseovered,. and, Sbseq his statement, it > a certadmesd ^hati he. was-@ne of the three imisfiing seamen of the barque, an<I iwho«*«}re suppMedfrto !2ave:;gesie down in -the, His same is Benjamin iiffolman, of PlymeRih. f- e states -iiheA he wa £ in his birth .st the time -of t]>-3 collision, f-aiid hear~g soa&e peresn call be won. on deelk,but =saw no one;-ire boats were gose -and tz" shÍii wss-'i-siaking. S^he might was- ery dark,-wife the wind, blawaag hard, ainQ^r Iseavy- sea was rumEsng jc&b the «lup^sjmk his ww> res.j<cd oni|M;rt of a liafodiwry, whlefc. €Hij|f€>rted hisa uitii he w picked by tho the following day, .wMch landed him st Duniis-k. HfeimlBie Deatk ÊQ.Ei. shodking case of sufeeaiion throsgh the iaeautious use ,of charcoal has eoc&rBed at ti-e fox kennels- ef Mastei»s,-of,:Aisssesley-hai?,, iSTofcte. Two Mien.-Ea-med WiMiainiSerley ,a»d William :Bv.dft, connseted -with the thn-nting -establishment .of Jir. Musters, wont to bediura rasm builfcnear the Skennrfs (about a-mu2 from tiae kall;, l%litin £ j^ charcoal lire b:. the maca previous to ilheirig-eiEiing inv bed. T&e maa had been »rr some liszne agecl n having to rv?^aboutietee-o-xfock in "he momiagi-tc prepai iVr.1 h^icir o'clock nexi mornis1 ,r0 ~dbo vion n<;>t ]hwml!g,é();vme ,oœt of their room the whio l(tJ ólm Squiresi) ,:a man Earned Eiward Shields <tto feeder to the -estaMishmeiaS) went tr< call them Up. but could not Makeithfirm hear. lifted up Sliie dt to the w:is.dow, which he forced open, when one of-tfes tmforttjB«^e -miSP-, (&*&$) was fGund dead, and iihe other per £ sefcly ijfeensible. The latter (Morley) w-asjsEomediately tt&kcn cat of the room, ssd Dr. Forbes insteiitly sent i-or. ,Txie proper remedies were applied, but up to the p-ies^nt time there are .very little hopes entertained of L"s ■-recQyjgry. Both, snen are aboutttsenty years cf ago, and unmarried. The Murde1- by FrenehmeH on the High '%?as.—Jean « ct L«<"evre W..Ooseph, an4 Eugene Jean, of thrt F' e?rih Jeissie .Adeline, has;e been brought npc .c ir vl at the Sender land Police-court, .changed with the wilful murder -of iftlajbthew William- sOKj of HartIepoel,-fBherman. fhe .iFegine Adeline, it will be remembered, ran down a fishing-boat, and whu he deceased attempted to stee lÚslJife by getting on beard the ship, he was struck, .knocked back into t e t cr and drowned. The clerk to the magistrates £ 111 el that a coEcmunication kad been received fro n t Home-office, a-r-d that the juaiceswc-re further c on t the law of the Crown ,on-the subject The prieoners would, therefore, be remanded until a positive answer should fee received. The eeeurrence 1 took place about seven Kliles off the coast about Seaham hwbour, and it is supposed the Freshmen perpetrated the deed so thatrthey might get clear away and claim for dams-ges. The poist of .law in question is, aether the magistrates have any juris- diction or account of tbe affair occurring fiat g ,,tL""lt .distance from t%e shore, and while the deceased was in -&e act of boardisig a French ship. The prisoners were ag'in remanded, 't'he bench intimating that the ease wotJ/l be taken on the receipt of .sn answer from the Crown. Bail was accepted for the captain, but the two men -were detained is custody. Batting in the Serpentine.—Baring the past summer bathing in the Serpentine has been carried on upon a very extensive ssale, in a large space of the water set apart for the especial use of bathers between the hours of five and eight o'clock in the morning and seven and eight o'clock in' the evening. From the returns of the Royal Humane Society's superintendent it appears that from the beginning of the year up to the 13th inst. the total iiuiuber of bathers m the morning had been 64,§46, and in the evening 198,841. The highest number reached were from the 13th to the 19th of July, when the heat was very great. There were'6,400 morning bathers and 28,000 in the evening. Seventeen persons who have been in danger of drowning, and eight who have attempted suicide, have been saved by the officers of the Royal Humane Society. ■ Government Emigration.—The Maori, 700 Seventeen persons who have been in danger of drowning, and eight who have attempted suicide, have been saved by the officers c-f the Boyal Humane Society. Government Emigration.—The Maori, 700 tons, Captain Ashby, belonging to Messrs. Suart and' Simpson, London, and which sailed on the 21st- March from Plymouth, arrived at Melbourne, Victoria, on the 29th June last, having on board 31 married couples, 192 single women, and 29 children, in all 283 souls, 11 under the care of William Butter, Esq., surgeon superintendent. Three births and one death (that of an infant) took place during the voyage. The Eena, 425 tons, Captain Butcher, belonging to Mr. George Lidgett, London, arrived at Fremantle, VVestern Aus- tralia, on the 22nd July last, with 15 married people, 21 single men, 17 single women, and 12 children, under the care of John Gray, Esq., surgeon. Transfer of the Straits Settlements.-The negotiations for the transfer of the Straits Settlements have nearly terminated. The last stumbling block is the amount expended on the fortifications at Singa- pore, ordered by the Indian Government. The sum is £20,000, and it is expected that this will be allowed by Sir Charles Wood. A Dog Market.—The rage in Germany for dog shows has called forth a new institution in the way of dog markets. An unusually well-stocked fair was held on the 1st and 2nd at Apolda., near Jena, duchy of Saxe Weimar. Here were 480 specimens offered for sale, in addition to an exhibition of 650 others, too dearly valued to be had for love or money. Sporting dogs were best represented, bringing 100 thalers and above, and offering all the .varieties of Hukner-hund, Fuchs-hund, &0. Poodles, water-dogs, ratcatchers, spitze, and others, diversified the canine scene. The Spanish journals report a serious event in a village near Saragossa. A young and beautiful daughter of a wealthy hidalgo was about to be married to the son' of a neighbour, when a young officer came to the village ta pass a three months' furlough. He saw the young iady, was smitten with her charms, and declared himself her suitor. This so excited the jealousy of her intended that, happening to meet his rival after hearing mass, he began, a quarrel which resulted in a challenge to settle their differeiwse by a duel with knives. It; came off the same evening, and, after continuing with the utmost fury for about three quarters of an hour, ended in the death of both com- batants. Stack-firing • la the Wolds.—A. iestructive fire occurred in the stackyard of Mr. Clarke's farm at Ackland Sleights, ten miles from Malton, on Monday night. The fire was discovered near midnight, and a messenger was dispatched for the Salton fire brigade. Unfortunately, a mufSted peal had. been rung on the church bells the previous day, and the men took some time in getting1'togeilier, as they-could not comprehend what the denied bells at, midMght meant. The large stack desef^yed Yv8« estimated to contain. abota, sixty quarters of wheat, probably worth, with the straw, mm. Est^n&tS-i^ry' SuieSfe.-—As E bext ?5,udd, a waterman, one day last week was in i s be- 011 the river-G-ff Greeiiwich, he diiaovered the body of a mail floating m th water, anfi on bringing -t a ho1 c iou&d that <one of tke deceased'-s eyes had been partly blewn out, and that the face bore marks of brSSas from gun- powder. '@n proceeding to search body o £ the oi gun caps, powder, and bullets ■Were found, and at a short distance !&?6m whese the deceased V as first s«an a pistol, the nipple of which was broken, was picked 14". Tho dc-ce^ed was very respectably attired, <and is describes as abotS thirty- five years of age, -six feet in heighi, brown hair, and dark OGTiiplexion. -Only a penny d1J money was found in his h'FS two linen Vndkerchfcfs he had bore the initials B." 'A, -Illiberal Irish XiandlsP^.—The -Gountess qf Meath gave her >usual festival la^t week'fco all the old women for micr: round Kilr-uddery. the tables were laid door of the mansion, wTiere over IOC •recipients of htT ladyships c-yjnty sat-Sown to table,, which was fesautifuUy omaaaented wftli flags ,ar.d nosers, and gDoaning cadea: roast beef, of which Ic Ihe ève-niug there was i-ea eike and dasic- £ .Q »as kepi up till twelve oxlock. Ttso next day the^avenila,; psurty took plsjee, "Ksder the p&.ronage oi Lady Kathiesii: Brabaz»n,3ber. •k,dyship*s. or ly daughter, vlio was to be seen all-the -evening dealing out pLum cake and #xe gOQçltJÜngs of ihe gaiAeri oO her little fjaests. -The party con-Sistea jf over fiivy childrea, aaeestly belon^ng to -\ho atuea.i her ladyshM1^ soh»osi. The earl ,and coantesto hi jvg a fund got up betwefsi them, from«v-|jich they supply over clothes atifc coal at Ler "'adyship. <^hen arr.Hlg.ïl'm' the distribsticn, arways ;gwc-a the 'cla romen a party. A shoeMriS- avoids nJ occurref at 7 -s. Morri-»or. and Co.'s eS-asivo ea*rme worEs uaa iSTew- castlo lbet week. A aumbcr oi men ive/e Jiffcng1 a moiib-fee? casting, weig^'ng fifteen tons, by jiets. of-a. moveable crane, wiien-cce of the girders of the crane gave *s|, and the ere le and iser fell a t e Id lg pit. Piiix CampVell, one of the men, was p >n the spore; Edward Gahager, Mio^ael Cooley,:s;'Ed John M'Gsjise were badiy.hc.'t. Thesnen had got fe-3 crane too. ntfoih to one side, which caused the ace^Ksfc. It was-capable of lif '1 g lty-fiveitons. The Sunday, Earl Essex has add-essed to a oi-^e iporary a letter 01 ti sub- ject, ir which he sa —"LJsave heard asub- scripfiio-i has bee^ ^ct n foot'fees? the purpose -c; .her of enabling the suffeers ao redeeass/their goods, -ec? to try the validity of the I trust Tthe former..sr!T think public <epinion wil] be sufficient .to prevent the recur- rence <d such an act >cf cruelty. I have cot. -I vwcver. seen^my aiinouncemant of tase subscriptwat; and T venfcoas to ask yau- to insert these few liaeg in the Twnec, Jo the efeetl^atl shallii<ihave great jpleasHxe in contr L: ti-ig X5 to -«ch a sc-fescription, in -the hope that tiliey may meet .he eyes <& £ those wh-a W-e pro- motingsnt. I trisst irv example.wrill be foliowec by all who sœ-e averse ïtø7iJ'fharisaism and religious perse- cution." .Bo^fttsry of Officers' .JBaggage—A. Vool- gunnels of the Rays]. Artillery, were placed bar before JMr. Traill, = OT. a charge of stealing da large amount,of clothii&g^&rxi other valu d «t I -0, the property of Lieuterants Lavie and Dowlas, c'f the same. regiment and TILabethSEEarper, a JR re- siding.at Montpe'ier-rlace, Casabsrwell, was csbesged with t.be.Elegal pesBcsJon of .abortion of the stolen property. The evidea.ee pro^'ieil that the Lmale prisoners were servants to the prosecutors, Wh0 xlast week eissfearked for India. On the night previous to !the office?-e leaving Wcelwich the ;xrisoners deean|„od ^ith their baggage, bui -cwere subsequently .a^prehendsed in Lendoii, and it appeared that they had begn.aesiding at the house of-the female prisons, y ho had ,-pledged seve-ral of the stolen articles „t z :s.&ap; in< tbe Walworth-rread. Sergesjifr-Major Osborii,, ;Of the. military police, afce^ed that he-should be able-to ■pre duce other evidence implicating tte prisoners, who were then rananded. CiTaeatittg a taneaf bire Relief Committee. —T-o of the paid visitors of the Presi-. u Relief Corn- Kiitte-2 have Ifeeen charged before theJ?reston magis- trates with defrauding theSJeiief Committee to a con-' sid61"?t$le. extent. Their pl&n .of procedure was said to be to-draw tickets for a eertaiE family for, and only give two of :them, keeping x et remaindo?. or, as it was shawn in ,<s^her instances, drawing ifor smaller sums slwI hot administering Eglef at all. assistant secretary of the committee gave evidence -which ex- cited all who heard it. From his state- ment the accounts appear to 'have been kegst in the loosest maimer. Sockets were -distributed among the visitors to 4b what they liked with, and nothing more .,¡¡-'as ever a-sked about them. The prisoners were reinanded. Extraordinary Escape of a Child—gome days since a lady, accompanied by a little boy; four year,c, .old, left Derby by ihe 3.38 express to Birming- ham s»d Bristol, travelling in a first-elass carriage. After ifaey had gone a. few miles, the carriage door against which the child was leaning flew open, and the little fellow fell out.. The mother was in the greatest agony, but the train did not stop at Willington, and she had to wait in the greatest suspense until ,Burton was reached. She then got out of the train, told what had recurred, and Mr.. Harrison, the station- master, sent an express engine down the line as far as Willingt on, but the child was nowhere to be found. Directly afterwards, however, a luggage train on its way from Derby to Birmingham arrived at Burton, and in the guard's van was the little fellow, safe and sound. It appears that when he fell on to the line he received no particular injury, and had the sense to cross the rails and to get on the bank, when the goods" coming up, the driver stopped his engine and took up the little stranger.' An Army for Archduke Maximilian.—We read in the Nation If it be really true that the Archduke Maximilian has decided on accepting the throne of Mexico, he will not require the protection of the French troops,, as he may organise a formidable army simply with the crowd of place-hunters eager for appointments in" the new empire. Our Vienna corre- spondent writes that thousands of such applications have already been made. Letters are daily arrh i-jg from all parts of the world at the residence of the future Emperor in such numbers that it would require a Seet to convey to Mexico all the parties who proffer their services. It >ifj,nmv easy to understand why many journals in Austria and elsewhere so pressingly recommend the Archduke to venture 011 this distant undertaking." As the Regiment of Hussars of the Prussian Guard, in garrison at Berlin, were going to take the usual exercise a few days since, in passing a bridge over the Spree one of the horses suddenly reared and leaped over the parapet into the river. In spite of all that could be done, both the rider and the horse were drowned. Prize Babies—At the BrougMon Gilford (Wilts) annual horticultural exhibition, held a few days since, by the side of a brace of cucumbers, two feet in length, were a brace of babies, twin children of James Coole, constable of the village, and next to that a spray of nine beautiful apples, clustered together like a bunch of grapes, also the property of the said James Coole. A first prize of ten shillings was awarded the cucumbers, a prize often shillings for the twin babies, and a first prize to the apples. It is said that there is to be a special' class next year for the best set of twins, one variety, from parent stalk, to be decided by weight. Attempt to Poison Five Girls.-—At the Hull Police-court, on Thursday, Mary Ann Richardson, fourteen years of age, was placed at the bar charged with attempting to poison &ve other young girls. The prisoner and the young girls in question were employed as packers at Messrs. Howard and Co.'s starch mills, Reform-street, Hull, and being in the habit of dining daily on the premises, they had formed a club, in order to provide themselves with coffee. On Monday last it was the, prisoner's turn to prepare their daily meal, and five girls, named respectively Roe, Cussons, Watson, Youll, and Ashton, having partaken of the coffee, soon afterwards showed evident signs of having imbibed poison. Faintness and frequent vomitings resulting, medical assistance was sent for, and Mr. Walton, surgeon, attended. He administered emetics, and applied the stomach pump, and in a short time succeeded in restoring the girls to apparent conscious- ness.. However, two of the girls, named Youll and Ashton, now lie in a very precarious condition, with but little hope of recovery. Some differences existed between the prisoner and the girls poisoned, in conse- quence of the latter having charged Richardson with the theft of a penny that had been missed, which she denied, and retaliated with a threat to the effect that she would serve them out some day. Some poison having been seen in her possession led to the appre- hension .of the prisoner, who was taken into custody on Wednesday. The girls being unable to give their evidence from illness, the case was remanded. Great Chess-playing Feat.-In a Berlin letter we find the following report of a wonderful feat of Herr Paulsen, the great chess-player, recently accom- plished at Dusseldorf. t At' a, congress of the Rhenish chess clubs,.Herr*Paulsen played ten games at a time, fighting twenty opponents at each board, and con- tinuing for fifteen hours unremittingly. At the end of Iris extraordinary effort, rendered more difficult by his back to the boards, and. opposing players 0C tried mettle, he had lost three games, won three, and come to a draw in the case of the four others. Ihe monster contest lasted from half-past two till half-past five in the morning. While it was going on Herr Paulsen never left the chair, placed at some dis- tance from the boards, and; a.t the further end of the platform erected at one side of the: hall. The boards were watehed in his interest by Herr Wilfred Paulsen, his brother, and also a phenomenon- in his way, who moved the figures, announcing in a loud voice his opponents'moves. He exhibited a. power of-memory nearly similar to that of his brother's, for while the latter was .playing with one of the ten, he allowed the nine-others to displace the figures, .and try all sorts of moves showing the position ef the board when he left it whenever their turn came round. He as well as his brother kept in mind during the game an aggregate amount of 640 squares with 320 figures distributed over them; but the elder Faulsen had them before his eyea, the younger relying upon memory alone, besides calealating his chances aiid fighting two hundred op- ponents, headed, by skilful and renowned adepts. There were 333 moves made on either side, every opponent having about ^ali-an-hour's time for leileo- tian, and no more than three minutes being usually required by the common antagonist. The rare spectacle was attended by a large concourse of people, who would rush in anil out at all hours of the night, inquiring earnestly into the state of the games, and -the health of Herr Paulsen, whom they evidently be- .lieved to be smarting under a kind of mental rack. Others were fastened to their seats, and felt it im- possible to absent themselves, and leave the unique eBidbition for a moment. There is no beverage ad- witted but water, and no refreshments partaken of by Herr Paulsen and a large majority of the players. Canadian Gold Mining. — The Quebec Neivs states:—" We hear -that a great rush has been made for the gold mines in the county of Beauce, about thirty-five miles from -Quebec, and that at present there are upwards of one thousand people at the dig- gings, which are said to be exceedingly rich. The gold district extends ever a distance of forty miles." Again, the same paper states:—"The reported rich- ness of the gold mines in the Chaudi-ere is more than verified by persons who have arrived in town with specimens of the deposit A gentleman from Ottawa, who went to visit the locality, showed us yesterday some fine nuggets, weighing nearly an ounce of pure gold.; and he informs us that lumps much larger in size have been washed from the banks. About two hundred persons were at work, and others were flock- ing-fe the place. Withs «esond California at our door, it is strange how little excitement it creates. We learn,fropa the Lower Esovinces, too, news of the yield of gold. A correspondent writing from Sherbrooke, St. Mary's, under date of August 16th, states :—'Five tons of quartz from tke £ !umminger lead were taken off and crushed last week, and yielded fifty-three ounces of the precious metal. This is the product of five men's labour for six days, at a depth of fifteen feet from the surface. The quartz was not picked, but sent to the crusher as it came from the lead, which is a large one and easily worked.' Strange Affair.—On Sunday, the 6th inst., a boy about twelve years of age, named William Stormoutb, son of a Scotchman, employee, at the railway station '3 1 at Leominster, was proceeding, in company with a number of other boys of about his own age, along a footpath by the river Lugg, in the vicinity of the rail- way station, when, having ocaasion to pass over a stile, his feet became entangled in the bars. Upon seeing him thus eaught several of the lads commenced treating him in a most brutal manner, without any cause or provocation. They seized him by the legs and arms, and forced him through the bars of the stile; they then resolved to throw him into the river, but they cast him instead into a large hole, and procured S(fuantity of stones to stone him. Up to that time the boy had been in an almost insensible state from the treatment he had received. Whether his perse- cutors thought he was dead, or assistance at hand, we cannot say, but they then left him to himself and de- camped. The boy with difficulty reached home, but did not immediately inform his parents of what had occurred.. On Sunday he was taken seriously ill, and Drs. Hyde and Baker were in constant attendance upon him up till two o'clock on Wednesday morning, when he expired. Three boys, named George Box, Charles Price, and Henry Thomas, were apprehended, but Thomas was discharged, there being little evidence against him. Bc-x and Price were remanded till after the inquest. Value of Slaves.—Slaves, says the New Torh Times, command a higher price in Kentucky, taking gold as the standard of value, than in any other of the Southern States. In Missouri they are sold at from 40 dols. to 400 dols., according to age, quality, and especially according to place. In Tennessee they cannot be said to be sold at all. In Maryland the negroes upon an estate were latey sold, and fetched an average price of 18 dols. a head. In the farther States of the Southern Confederacy we frequently see reports of negro sales at high prices, notwithstanding the war and the collapse'of Southern industry. We notice in the Savannah Republican of the 5th a report of aneo-ro sale in that city, at which, we are told, high prices pre- vailed, and at which two girls of eighteen years of age were sold for about 2,500 dols. apiece, two matured boys for about the same price, a man of forty-five for 1,850 dols., and a woman of twenty-three, with her child of five, for 3,950 dols. Twenty-five hundred dols., then, may be taken as the standard price of first-class slaves in the Confederacy but when it is remembered that this is in Confederate money, which is worth less than one-twelfth its face in gold, it will be seen that the real price, by this standard, is only about 200 dols. In Kentucky, on the other hand, though there is but little buying or selling of slave stock going on, we understand that negroes are still held at from 700 dels, to 1,200 dols. apiece.


Money Market.

The Corn ! rade.

Hide Market.

Cattle Market.

[No title]
