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SINGULAR TRIAL FOR TREASON IN NAPLES. The celebrated 6rial -of the Princess Sciarra and <^„,a_iiei Quattromani ha^ just terminated, after oc- cupying the Court o.v Naples for fouf daye. THe prisoners Caroline, widoVr Prince BMbermi.iColonna, ch Sciaiia, aged forty-Uro, a id CatfaMer Quattromapa, formerly secretary to Mi to^inicioaTfty c# Naples, and now its pensioner, ag4d =ixty-tw|, were! charged wjth mha,mgm the lasl mon^ of %e yfeir IS^nd m the bfe^rtnu^ofises; CfTncerted anirfer;- cltKftd with several persons associated in a sect tb» resolution to act, direct, or undertake certain treason- able practices with a new to destroy the. farm of GoyernHie»t, tae^te the'suWfectsfef th:9, kingdom to ,w"^id to cafry d6VastaW slaughter, an^^acki'ng'into™Various communes of t|e State, for the purpose of restoring the dominion of tne ex-Kmg, Francis II., Bourbon Never, perhaps, were the Courts of Naples so densely cr«w^-a^-tlip impnrt!i|it 0cc;^ion:Allwho wfere1' tsfcfTrl t ^Kroughouf tlie trial tlie Princess preserved a sin- gu:l?-ly'calma!l9:J].gÜ.1fied demeanour. Once or twice she wept, tears of pride rather, when the indignities to which she had been submitted were alluded to-she, a grait in the family of Colonna, whose name had been m,^le history of Italy for nine centuries. \Aitha fan in her hand she continually touched her hps, while Quattromani, a tail, handsome man, unfor- tunately blind, held a white pocket-handkerchief, with which he continually wiped his forehead, for the heat was as intense as that of the dog-days. Wednesday was occupied principally in examining a pile of docu- mentary evidence, the remainder of the day and a part of Thursday being taken up with the examination of thirty-six witnesses twenty-two for the prosecution aiid fourteen for the defence. The Attorney-General then as the public prosecutor, laid the facts before the court in a speech remarkable for moderation, lucidness and occasional bursts of eloquence. He pronosed to treat the case, he said, With moderation calmness, and impartiality; but it was lm- whfph th? their attention to the deplorable state into ^hjclvtheir provmce had been thrown. Rome was. now really the hotbed of. conspiracy-a den of brigands. There Frano.-sco Borbone resided; there he had found a supporter in the Pope and despotism and ignorance were united; because the Pope is King- Brigands and assassins despoil this the most lovely part of Italy, so jessed by God, so cursed by. man. On the 16th of January, 1863,. placards announced an organised conspiracy against them in JRome. Ramifications existed in Naples, cap- tained by men who to their grief were not found among ttieni- men respectable in every other, respect except political. It was r-'Ll W Tn°rir- at Prodigious ID an (round of apalause) OrZhi tlZ Jt11™? nf bond^e. and in the following Oc.ob.r the plebiscite decided that we should pass through velli1fvei-p"M>fill1^ItU^eS7the of Dante and Mac'chia- H ° pyramid was encumbered Ml: 7 ^er °^trilctions, but at the apex is the unity o. Italy (great^Ejjl^use). The nobles liad,not-ohosea to assist ri rearing grand edifice. Conspiracy existed in Naples. You ee it with your eyes and touch it with your hands in the letter before the court. There a council and aMliati," and gradations, and assumed names, as Abram and Aarohe, and payments far membership; all these facts were-developed in the letters in cipher, and the conspiracy was intended to destroy our Italian unity. After analysing'these • letters, which were found in the carpet-bag of the Princess Sciarra, and were ad- mioted to have been given 1 to her by the Cavalier Qua,ttTOmani who. declared he became .possessed of them through Duciiaruen,-Frenchman, whom the Atuorney-Generai aecIared to be a myth;, and that .the carpet-bag-, of the. Eoy&l Princess was the box of Pandora, full of ruin to Naples, the learned counsel- said:— He could not forget the answer of tbePiincess on her last exami- nation-" She was not a resident here—she was indifferent to the fate of Naples." This from the Princess Sciarra, a member of the family of the Colonnas, who for mne centuries had been identi- fied., with Naples! lie, would not urge against her words* attributed to her on a later examination by a delegate who ,0h0'.yed her. When a.red flag was seen .on her journey to the fiontter, she exclaimed, "I would rather see. a Republic here than the infamous Government 6f Victor Emmanuel." To wind up, then (continupd. the Attorney-General),. the Prihcess could not have been cjecoivcd. she was not friendly to a united Italy. She carried a letter to Francesco Borbone in her hand, and many criminal letters in her carpet-bag. She is guiity. I have not indulged in any-party sentiment. I have endeavoured to be .jast and severe. Gentlemen- of the jury, We want an honest and independent verdict. Given at a time when an awful scourge is ravaging our province, i.twiil create a vast interest, and exercise avast influence. Be not imposed upon by great, names, feut let your verdict be honest and independent. After cotfesel had been hear'-fl for the- defence, the Presideiit proceeded to -suni up to the jury, and urged them to be hdnest, firm, and independent., termip.ating his speech at about half-past six o'clock in the evening At seven o'clock the,court presented an extraordinary scene. Daylight then faded into dusk, and a; few candles werfc brougnt in, just rendering darkness visible. Galleries, the bench, and the body of the'hall were filled with persons, strofig partizans of one or the other cause,-many of them ladies, who like myself, had been shut up in this, mtensely hot. furnace since nine o clock in the morning. The general impression was mat botn prisoners would be acquitted—the iury it was feared, would fail to do their duty, and as is always the case in Naples, some went so far as to say that the Princess had bribed the'jury. After various false alarms, about half-past eight o'clock an usher announced the return of the Court, and the jury, d were ordered in. There was- a dead silence" while the .ghosts of bonnets were, peering over the galleries to catch every word. The foreman of the! jury having been called upon by the President, ex- claimed, On our honour and our conscience the jury reply to the first question, as to the guilt or innocence I of Cavalier Quattromani, we declare him Guilty;' to; the second question, as to the guilt of the Princess. sciarra, we declare her Not Guilty.' This document having been signed by the foreman and countersigned the Chancellor, the prisoners were ordered into COUTL- and to the .eye of pity only the scene was very toucnmg. Cavalier Quattromani, a tall handsome man, sixty years of age, but. stone blind, was led in by a carbineer and groped his way to his place in the court. The Princess reappeared, leaning on the arm of her advocate, Tarant'ini. As she entered she tot- tered and seemed about to faint, while her ill-repressed sobs were audible still plucky and dignified., to the last, she rejected a glass of water which was brought to her; the only sign of her distrust of herself being that she grasped the arm or hand of and would not allow him to leave her. The Chancellor tnen, by order of tne President, read the verdict. Quattromani received it in a firm and dignified manner. The President then, turning to the other accused, said, "Princess, you have been acquitted by the verdict of the jury, and you are free to return home accompanied hy your friends." Though she evidently tottered from agitation, she yet turned and gracefully curtseyed to the jury and the court, and then left, supported by Tarantini, and followed by numerous' ladies and gen- tlemen, who closed in around her, and the. ca^se celebre of the Princess Sciarra, was over. After the foreman had read the .verdict, the Attorney-General an- nounced the punishment determined by the law for Quattromani, ten years of replusion, .a -finei at the pleasure *of the'judge,' and.the expenses. ■




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