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I THE NEW TEA IR/, 1876. "U"8I a J W. GUNN, FAMILY GROCER, CORN, FLOUR. AND PROVISION MERCHANT, IN issuing his New Year's Notice gratefully tenders his best thanks to his Customers for the liberal support he has received for the past year, and to assure the public that he will continue to make the QUALITY and PRICE of all goods his chief study, particularly eas and Coffees, which branch he gives special attention to. J, W. G. respectfully Invites public attention to his choice STOCK of new Fancy and other Fruits. PRIME STILTON, CHEDDER, DOUBLE GLO'STER, AND PRIZE AMERICAN CHEESE. WILTSHIRE SMOKED HAMS AND BACON. OX TONGUES IN PICKLE & SMOKE DRIED AND ALL DELICACIES FOR THE BREAKFAST TABLE. ( W. & A. GILBEY'S WINES AND SPIRITS. AGENT FOR BASS & Co's PALE AND BURTON ALES. ( GUINNESS'S DUBLIN STOUT. In Casks and Bottles, all in prime condition for Christmas. SPECIALTIES FOR THE CHRISTMAS SEASON. •T. W. GUNN'S SELF RAISING FLOUR II decidedly the economical that can be used, as one-fourth the butter, &c., may be »;aL- better ,5^7' Cakes, &Cij ensured, and can be made with little trouble and no of laiiure, ample directions for use being given on every bag. SUPERFINF, Sd. per lb. A TRIAL RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. SEE TESTIU1NIAL FROM ED. LA VIES, Esq., SURGEON, COURT HOUSE. A large assortment of new Dessert (Greeu and Dried) bruits, which for quality and price cannot be surpassed. A choice Stcck of Foreign Cigars, 1..st year's importation, now in splendid condition. For New Year's Parties and Presentations, J. W. G. begs to call hisJFatrons' attention to his Stock of French and Japanese Goods. Flour, Corn, and all goods delivered Free per own Vans to any part of the Neighbourhood. TeruS-Aa all prices are calculated to give every adv.ntage to the buyer, immediate cash payments are necessary J W G- U N N 67 & 68. HIGH STREET, MERTHYR. OMVSITK I IK P0:-T OFFICE. 7360 DRILL HALL, MEH/THYR. A 8 err R E E In Aid of the FUNDS of the 1 S Til GLAMORGAN R. V. O., Willl,c held at the above Hall ON THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1876, US £ E5.I,TI:?,?'R°NAEE (If OOL- CLARK, LIEUr-COL. DAVID, MAJOR POWELL, and MAJOR CRESSWELL. By the kind permission of R. T. CRAWSHAY, Ecq., the CYFiETHFA STRING B A JN" D Under the leadership of Mr. G. C. BAWDKN, will attend. THE BAND O F T HE CORPS, Under the leadership of Mr. WILLIAM CHIRM, will play Selections during the evening. Tea on the Tables from Five to Seven p.m. CONCERT OF VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC FROM SEVEN TO NINE. Dancing to commence at Nine. SINGLE TICKETS, 2s. 6J. DOUBLE TICKETS, to admit Lvly and Gentloman, 4s, to ba obtained at tho Mcrthyr Telegraph Ojjlcc, Merthyr Express Office, G.W.R. Refreshment Rooms, of Messrs. Fanant and Frost, Mrtl. Wilkius, Post Office, and the Members of the Corps, Refreshments will be provided during the evening at Moderate Charges. Volunteers are requested to appear in Uniform. A good CLOAK ROOM will be prcvidedi y. DA VIES, Lieut., January 1st, 1876. HON. SEC. B8TABLI H_ir 15 D 1800. H. W. GRIFFITHS, SURGEON DENTIST, 3, V I C T 0 111 A S T It E E T, HESTHTE TYDFIL. ARTIFICIAL TEETH WITH ALL THE LATEST IMPROVEMENTS PAIN I, E S S E X T R A C TI 0 N S. AND ALL OTHER DENTAL OPERATIONS. CON SULTATIOF PSBB. • 7337 llw C/kvjicsI furniture Vt'anlnntst in Mcrthyr is at 6 Sf 7, Victoria Street. MONEY SAVED IS MONEY GAINED. THE 15 PER CENT. REDUCTION Mad. up to the Public if they purchase at MOSES GOODMAN'S FURNTTUHE ESTABLISHMENT, 6 & 7, VICTORIA-STREET, MERTHYR TYDFIL. "VT fOKKMEN and TRADESMEN will thus secure substantial advantages, which, as respec's the purchase of f f Furniture, will fully compensate for tLc recent REDUCTION IN WAGES! The Furniture offered is large, magnificent, and well assorted, and of the very best Manufacture in the Trade which he confidently offers, both in respect of Quality and Price, as unsurpassed in Mcrthyr or elsewhere. *Jerc'le!> Tr*,les' > 'table lor Publicans, to be Sold Cheap also a cumber of Emigrants' Boxes Likewire Ml ct Artichf uo'i^ir.trouf t<, turn, equally the; ;n,tf all well made —New and Second-Hand FURNITURE of ererv description.— W. G. pledges Liir seli that all Goods sold l>y liiui are made on the premises, and of the best description. BPa„riieS d' t0 of thelr Goods- n,ay cal1 atld they will have the utmost value for san,e -lwo <or f-ule. u t,ood order. A large stock of 11! ON BEDSTEADS on hand at the Old Prices. MONEY 1 KNT ON GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, RIXGS, ETC. 7341 BEES THOMAS, CHEMIST, FAMILY WIET E A;N"D SPIRIT DEALER 14 3, ][IGH STREET, MERTHYR, J^ESPSCTFULLl' INVIT1 S ATTENTION TO THE FOLLOWING LIST OF WIXES AND SI'lRITS: PORT Oil SIT EE ilY Is. 6d., 2"2, 6d., 3s., 3s. 6d. and 4s. 6d. per Bottle PORT OR SHE) HY, from the Wood lOs., J2i1., 14s. and 16s. per Gallon. GIN 2s. Id. and 2s. Gd. Per Bottle. 12s. and 14s. per Gallon. RUM OR WHISK BY 2s. 2d., 2s. 7d. and 3s. Id. per Bottle. 12s., 15s and 18s r,or ra]l„n DUNVILLE'S H1SKE Y 3s. 6J. ier Bottle. U i8s' r'cr G,,IIon- HOLLANDS 2s. S i. per Bottle. RUM SHRUB 2s. per Bottle. PEPPERMINT IN. per Bottle. BHANDY, Pale ( r Brown, 2.:1.3.1.,2.:1. 8d. and 3s. Id. per Bottle. FRENCH BR A2v VY, 1'itle or Brown, 3" 3s. Gd., 4s. and 4s. 6d. per Bottle. Do. do. ;HII., 24s. and 28.;1. pt;r Gallon. RECTIFIED RPIMTS or; WINE, 56 O.P., 4s. Id. per Bottle. MOET AND CH,\NDON"S CHAMPAGNE 72s. per Dozen Quarts. 7 64 AGENT FOR MESSRS. FELTOE .t SONS' "SrECIALYTE" SHERRY, AT 3°3. PER DOZEN BELLE VUE WINE AND SPIRIT VAULTS" HIGH-STREET, MERTHYR TYDF IL. HENEY "WILLIAMS, PKOPlilETOR- WINES. SPIRITS. 8. d OLD PORT, from the wood the best Wine BRANDY (Martell's & Hennessy's, lor invalids 1 er Bottle. 4 iTx.n/}ottlp. some years) Per Bottle 4 10 4 5 3 Very choice Old v. 0 RUM (Jamaica) Katural SHEHHY, entirely free from spirit 2 li. Ditto, old, blended.. « Very choice Ol.i Brown Sherry • • • 3 G WHISKEY, Irish, mild, not fie'rv v in CLARET- St Julien de Medoc, free from I Ditto, ditto, old, blended i a acidity 2 6 Ditto, Scotch, very choice i | Finest OLD TOM—GIN 30 ALES AND PORTER. EAST INDIA PALE ALE—Imperial I SAMSON—The strongest AJO OA record »„J„. pint». Per doeen 5 6 | Best Dublin Stout ^Q j (Is 6d per doz charged for bottles—refunded when returned), I NO SUNDAY BUSINESS. 1365 & 87, HIGH STREET, MERTHYR TYDFIL. M. W. EOBBETS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL IRR-OIFCTIMIOLFCTG-IEIR,, WHILST thanking his numerous Patrons for their kind favours during the past, respectfully iuri them to an inspection of his NEW STOCK, compusing a large assortment of FURNISHING AND OTHER IRONMONGERY. y- Special attention is invited to his Stock of GROCERS' TEA CANISTERS, SCALES, &c., at prices which will compare favourably with those charged by Bristol Houses. rh. attention of CARPENTERS and JOINERS is invited to a large assortment of Pianos, Saws, Edged, and Joiners' Tools of the best Makers. BUILDERS SUPPLIED AT WHOLESALE PRICES. Dealer in Oih, Colours, Roofing Felt, and Vulcanized India Rubber Goods. PLUMBERS', B ELL-IIANGTNO, & GENERAL TIN-PLATE WORK EXECUTED BY COMPETENT WORKMEN. 7362 WHY GO TO BRISTOL AND PAY MORE ? THE "TELEGRAPH" STEAM PRINTING AND PUBLISHING OFFICES, 50, HIGH STREET, OPPOSITE THE MARKET-SQUARE] MERTHYR TYDFIL. RETAIL STATIONERY WAREHOUSE, 49A, HIGH STREET. P. WILLIAMS ANNOUNCES that having every facility, which Steam Machinery and the Employment of the most Competent Workmen can render, for the execution of Printing Orders, he respectfully solicits a continuance of public patronage. His Charges for Posters, Bill Heads, Circulars, and every kind of Printing Work, are as Moderate as any in the district, and at least ten per cent. lower than the usual Bristol prices. For Expedition in the execution of Printing Work, the TELEGRAPH PRINTING ESTABLISH- MENT will bear favourable comparison with any Printing Office either in Bristol or the Principality whilst for COLOUR PRINTING, Cards, Printed Headings, and work requiring special care and taste, the resources of the Establishment—embracing as it does, an assortment of almost every kind of Plain and Fancy Type, and the engagement of a numerous staff of efficient Compositors—ensure these desirable advantages. TO THE TRADE. Printing, Binding, Ruling, Paging, and Perforating for the Trade. Z, At the TELEGRAPH Printing Office, Merthyr Tydfil. GOOD Workmanship—Moderate Charges—and Promptitud in the Execu- tion of Orders—have been the prominent features in the business operations of this Establishment for the last Twenty Years. Goods of the value of £2, and upwards, delivered Carriage Free at all Railway Stations in South Wales. SOLE AGENT IN MERTHYR FOR THE EUREKA INKS. GENERAL STATIONERY. NO Person studying economy will buy WRITiNG- PAPER by the quire. The Wholesale Purchaser buys his Reams by weight, and so does every Retail Purchaser who appreciates the maxim that a Penny saved is a penny earned." PLAYING CARDS At various prices from Tenpence to Ilalf-a-Crown per pack. G ROCERV SHOP BOOKS Of every thickness, plain and interleaved, supplied at per gross or per dozen, at as cheap a rate as any House in the Kingdom. For the execution of every description PLAIN AND COLOURED LETTER-PRESS PRINTING, By Powerful Machinery, driven by Steam Power, the TELEGRAPH Office possesses facilities unequalled in the District, and can undertake the delivery of work in quantities at the very shortest notice. CIRCULARS, \J CA HDS, CHEQUE BOOKS, CONDITIONS OF SALE, CATALOGUES, CLUB RULES, DOSTERS, HAND BILLS, PAMPHLETS, A ND EVERY DESCRIPTION OF LETTER-PRESS PRINTING, AT THE TELEGRAPH OFFICE ACCOUNT BOOKS TO ANY PATTERN, AO IN EVERY STYLE OF BINDING, Manufactured on the Premises AT THE TKLEGHAPII OFFICE. FORMS RULED & PRINTED TO ANY PATTERN FOR pOLLIERIES, IRO WORKS, MERCHANTS, TRADESMEN1, AT THE TELEGRAPH OFFICE. THE BINDING DEPARTMENT HAS CAREFUL ATTENTION, and every means is adopted to secure Elegance and Durability in the work produced. ACCOUNT' BOOKS Ruled to pattern, and bound in every form of binding paged and indexed. CHEQUE BOOKS Of every description supplied, Numbered and Perforated. TO WHOLESALE CUSTOMERS. PENS, Ink, Envelopes, Paper, Penholders and Pens, and Slate Pencils, supplied to Shepkcepers for Sale, and to Hawkers' at Wholsale Prices, THE to TELEGHAPH" PEN Has been a public favourite for the last twenty years. It is still unrivalled as a pen for common use, and No pen can tell" its many merits. It is anti-corrosive, and is therefore more durable than any other kind of pen, whilst for ease in writing it is the nearest approach to the Quill. Sold at 3d. per dozen, or 2s. per gross. COLOUR BOXES (EJSGLISHAND FOREIGN), From 6d. to 3s. each. These Colour Boxes, as supplied at the TELEGRAPH Office, obtained the Prize of the Society of Arts, and are specially recom- mended by that Society for general use. WRITING PAPER An excellent quality can always be had at the TELEGRAPH Office, at Is. per lb., and Envelopes at from 4d. to 6d. per 100. Those who purchase under this system save fully 50 per cent. THE TRAVELLING DRAPERSNPOQ^jgji LEDGERS Are made in all sizes, paged, and indexed, if desired They are strongly bound, and calculated to bear "knocking about." I FHOURNETB An informed that for Mourning Stationery and Cards. th6 assortment at the TELEGRAPH Office will be foundample. THE ADDRESS .— THE "TELEGRAPH" PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, 49a, and 50, High Btreet Merthyr Tydfil, 7333 8: 1- WANTED a Steady Respectable Girl, as House I TV and Parlour.Mald.-Apply to Mrs. T. J. PEAROH, Penyb.yn, Cefn, Merthyr Tydfil. 7395 TO SADDLERS. WANTED, a steady young man as Journey- man. State wages required, and address to JohnW. James, Saddler, Church St r-ot, L! midloes, N. Wales. 7385 TO PUBLICANS AND OTHERS. TO LET (with immediate possession), the OLD BUTE PUBLIC HOUSE, Pontmorlais, Merthyr — nqutre of Mr. R. J. COCHRANE, 23, Union Street, Merthyr Tydfil. 1 SUN LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY,LONDO ESTABLISHED 1810. Specially low rates of Premiums for young Lives-Pro. spectuses an! Copies of the Society's accounts forwarded on application. j. G. PRIESTLEY, Actuary. 7390 AOEKT :—MERTHYK TYDFIL.—Mr. D. PRICE. BROOCH LOST. LOST on Thursday Evening, between St. David's Church. High Street, and the Angel Hotel, on the Jiatst Pavement, a GOLD BROOCH, with Three Ferns, and Six Emerald Stones on it. Whoever will bring the same to the Merthyr Police Station will be handsomely Rewarded. 7391 PRIVATE RESIDENCE AT DOWLAIS FOR SALE. FOR SALE, a DETACHED HOUSE at Pant, near Dowlais, lately occupied by Evan Jones, Con- traetor.-Apply to Mr. W. MORGAN, Millrose Villa, Cardiff or to Mr. S. DERHAM, Mary Street, Taunton. 7324 R. C. LBAGJET, BILL POSTER, AND TOWN CRIER, 63, CARDIFF STREET, ABEKDARE. All Orders promptly attended to. 7314 BILL.POSTING IN MERTHYR. CHRISTOPHER PULMAN, BILL-POSTER & Town c CRIER, 17, Victoria-street, Merthyr, undertaker Bill-posting and Distributing throughout the town and neighbourhood. 7366 All Orders by Post or otherwise carefully attended t*. TO PUBLICANS AND OTHERS. 1^0 BE LET, with immediate possession, the Double Licensed Inn, called "THE BALANCE," Merthyr Tydfil. A suitable tenant could not fail to do a large and thriving trade, as its situation is excellent for business.-For particulars apply to Mr. D. DARBVSHIRB, Lord Raglan Inn, Aberdare. 7323 PIANOFORTE & ORGAN INSTRUCTION. MISS O E OOK (Organist at Wesley Chapel), 17, NEW CASTLB STREET, MIBTHI R, ANNOUNCES that her Pupils will Resume their Musical Studies on Monday, January 17th, 1876. Dowlais visited regularly. Vacancies for additional Pupils.-For terms, tc., apply at the above Address. ygey IMPORTANT NOTICE. THE SWANSEA ROYAL & SOUTH WALES UNION FRIENDLY SOCIETY. (REGISTERED BY J. TIDD PRATT, ESQ.) Chief Offices-4t, WIND STREET, SWANSEA. HAVE Opened District Offices in Pontypridd and Aberdare, MR D. O- THOMAS heing appointed ^ISln* "anager for Pontypridd, and Mr THOMAS MORGAN, Street, Aberdare, is appointed District Manaper foi that place. jEMO paid in the District. 7370 TO BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. TO BUILDERS AND OOINI-RACTOPS. THE DIRECTORS of the Odd Fellows' Hall Company, Dowlais (Limited) invite TENDERS for the Erection of a proposed HALL at Dowlais. Plans and specification may be seen at the Ivor Castle Inn, Pant Road, Dowlais, on and after Thursday, January 13th inst. Tenders to be sent in under cover addressed to the Secretary, f, Morlais Street, Dowlais, on or before Six p m Thursday, February 3rd, 1876. The Directors do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any Tender. Dowlais, January 10th, 1876. 7394 MRRTHYR TYDFIL UNION. TO CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. THE GUARDIANS of the above Union are pre- NEW DAY BOOM!™ TENDERS for the Erection of a Boys' T ?LAN.IF.V,T? SPCCification of the same can bo seen with Mr. llliams. Architect, Morgan Town, Merthyr Tydfil, who will furni&h all particulars. «.The do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any lender. JANSA^ MTH.^O11 T0 °N °R BEF°R<! 10 A'N1- 011 SATURDAY> Tenders to be sent to me on or beforc 10 a. m. on Saturday, January 29lh, 1876. By order, FRANK JAMES, Clerk. High Street, Merthyr, January 10th, 1876. 7393 23, IRONMONGER LANE, LONDON? (Tn. OLD HOUSE.) JOHNSTON'S CORN FLOUR IS THE BEST. 110 OBTAIN THE BEST ASK FOR JOHNSTON'S COIiN FLOUR. whenSboififI1wf/he8hnfcr,^?n^ and ,leat-Siving properties, and Men? fnr thi?} affords complete and perfect nourish- and persons of weak digestion. It is de- clous for Puddings, Custards, Blancmange, Ac. 7373 "FOR TilG BLOOD IS THE LtFii "-3ee Deuteronomy, chap. xii., verse 23. CLARKE'S WORLD FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER AND JL RESTORER. For cleansing and clearing the blood from all impurities cannot be too highly recommended. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Skin Diseases, and sores of al kinds 't is a never-failing and permanent cure. It Cures Old Sores. Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Neck. Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs. Cures Blackheads, or Pimples on the Face. Cures Scurvy Sores. Cures Cancerous Ulcers. Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. Cures Glandular Swellings. Clears the Blood from all impure Matter, From whatever cause arising. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste, and warranted free from anything injurious te the most delicate constitution of either sex, the Proprietor solicits sufferers to give it a trial to test its value.—Thousands of Testimonials from all parts Sold in Bottles 2i. 6d. each, and in Cases, containing six tini°s the quantity, 11s. to effect a permanent cure in the great majority 01 long-standing cases.—By all Chemists and Patent Mcdicine Vendors throughout the United King- dom and the World, or sent to any address on receipt of 39 or 13*2 stamps by F. J. CLARKE, Chemist, Apothecaries' Hall, Lincoln. Wholesale: All Patent Medicine Houses LONDON DEPOT: 150, OXFORD STREET. 7371 LOCAL AGENTS Mr L. P. Jones, Ebbw Vale. Mr W. J. While, 128, High street, Merthyr. Mr Rees Thomas, 143, High-street, Mcrthyr. Mr T. W. Erans, Commercial-street, Aberdare HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. Impurity of the Blood. Unless the blood be kept In a pure state the constitution must be weakened and disease supervene. These wonderful Pills possess the power of removing or neutralizing all con- taminations of the blood and system generally. They quietly but certainly, overcome all obstructions tending to produce ill health, and institute regular action in organs that are faulty Ico.n irritation or debility. The dyspeptic, weak, and nervous may rely on these Pills as their best friend and comforter, as they act upon the main springs of life, and thus save thousands from a premature grave. Complaints of Women & Children. The very mild and painless action of these Invaluable Pill, recommends them to every household as a remedy for the first departure from health. Any mother, nurse, or young person guided by the directions which accompany each box of Hollo- way's Pills, has at once available means for checking diseases purifjring the blood, and expelling from the sy^em all gross humours. They are indeed, at ail ages, the female's tried lend. Disorders of the Liver with Flatu- lency and Indigestion. Loss of appetite and flatulency arc usually the forerunners .f stomachic disease. These famous Pills exercise the most salutary power in all affections of the liver, and all irregularitle of the stomach and bowels; they restore a healthy function to every internal organ, oUreome all obstructions, and cast out all impurities, The PiUs and Ointment are sold at Professor Hollowayi Establishment, 533, Oxford-strset, London, also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine throughout the Civilised W Mid, in Boxes and Pots, at Is lid.. 28 9d., 4s 6d., lis., 22s and 339. each. The smallest Box of Pills contains four dozen and the smallest Pot of Ointment one ounce. fall printed directions art .'affixed to each Box and Pot, and •on be bad in any language, even la Turkish, Arabic, Armenian Persian, or hinese. 7872 MERTHYR AND DOWLAIS STATIONS. QMNIBUSES tween MERTHYR AND DOWLAIS 1 »S UN-IUER LIT A,UK A I13, P,M* P,M' P-M Leave Merthyr 8-55 11-15 12-0 4-55 6-55 Arrive at Merthyr 10-0 12-30 2-40 6-40 30-0 FARES Merthyr to Dowlais Station 9d. Dowlais to Merthyr 6d. 7315 G L A Al 0 R G N N S H I ii F, IVTHAT AT THE R ,-FF .9 .F?TER SESSIONS, held at OAUHFF, ON Monday, the 3rd day of January, 1876 the following appointments of Conservators for the several Fishery Districts of the county were made CAUMARTSEN BAY FISHERY. Nathaniel Pryce Cameron, Esq. Samuel S. H. H. Fisher, Esq. Thomas Penrice, Esq. RJIVMNEY RIVER FISHERY. Honourable Frederick Courtney Morgan. Charles Kemys-Kemys Tynte, Esq. George Williams Griffiths Thomas, Esq. EWENNY AND OGMORE FISHERY. The Marquis of Bute. William Llewellyn, Esq. AlexanderBrogden,Esq., C'donel Romilly. M.P. F. E. Stacey, Esq. J. W. N. Carne, Esq. T. M. Talbot, Esq. Stephen Collier, Esq. H. Thomson. Esq. C. Price Davies, Esq. The Rev. C. R. Knight. The Earl of Dunraven. Capt. Arthur Traherne. J. R. Homfray, Esq. Major T. J. Turbervill. Oliver H. Jones, Esq. TAFF AND ELY FISHERY. Thomas William Booker, Esq, Velindre, Cardiff. John Boyle, Esq., Cardiff Castle. James Brogden, Coedriglan, near Cardiff. Ihe Honourable Henry Campbell Bruce, Duffrvn Aberdare. William Sheward Cartwright, Esq., Newport, Mon. George Thomas Clark, Esq., Dowlais House. The Honourable Colonel George Herbert Windsor Clive, M.P., St. Fagau's, Cardiff. John Stuart Corbett, Esq., Cogan Pill House, Cardiff. Robert Francis Lascelles Jenner, Esq., Wenvoe Castle, Cardiff. Major Vaughan Hanning Lee, M.P., Dillington Park, Taunton. 6 Henry Lewis, Esq., jun., Green Meadow, Cardiff. Robert Rickards, Esq., Maindy, Carrlitt. George Williams Griffiths Thomas, Esq., The Heath, Cardiff. George Montgomery Traherne, Esq., St. Hilarv Cowbridge. Major Thomas Picton Turbervill, Ewenny Priory Bridgend. Evan Williams, Esq., Duffryn Frwd, Cardiff. Gwilym Williams, Esq., Miskin Manor, Pontypridd. Rev. David Watkin Williams, Fairfield, Pontypridd. Mr. Edward David, The Hendre, Llandaff. Mr Richard Edwards, Vedwhir, Llwydcoed, Aberdare Mr. Robert Forest. St. Fagan's, Cardiff. Mr. Benjamin Matthews, Glanely, Cardiff. By order of the Court, THO. DALTON, I 'IV 1 1 ~W Clerk of the Peace. Cardiff, 10th January, 1876. 73% IDE N TAL ma NOTICE. PAINLESS DENTISTRY AND ARTIFICIAL TEETH. MH. G. H. JONES, SURGEON DENTIST, 57, GT. RUSSELL STREET, LONDON, By Appointment Surgeon Dentist to THE LONDON INFIRMARY, AND ST JAMES'S DISPENSARY, AND THE BRITISH ASYLUM FOR DEAF & DUMB, &c. (Under Royal Patronage). May be Consulted at the Undermentioned Towns :— ABERGAVENNY:- Mr. Allen's, 18, High Street, alternate Tuesdays. HEREFORD:- 143, St. Owen Street, alternate Wednesdays. GLOUCESTER:— Mr. Mathews, 86, Northgate Street, Every Thursday. BRISTOL :— Mr. S. H. La Trobe, 35, College Green, Every Friday. Mr G. H. JONES guarantees entire freedom from pain in the extraction of teeth, which seldom exceeds 20 seconds. By the improved self-adhesive system of adapting artificial teeth, as iuvented and patented by Mr G. H. Jones, extraction of loose teeth or stumps is unnecessary, and PRIZE MEDAL TEETH (London and Paris) can he adjusted without pain in the most difficult and delicate cases, so as to defy detection, in consequence of the natural appearance of the teeth and their close adjustment to the gums. By this patented method of construction, mastication, extreme lightness combined with strength and durability, is ensured: useless bulk being obviated, articulation is obtained better on this than any other principle. Terms as moderate as the employment of the very best materials and scientific workmanship will permit. Every information given on consultation, without charge. MR G. H. JONES will be glad to FORWARD A PAMPHLET Gratis and Post Free, which explains his unique system, from his only LONDON ADDRESS 57, Great Russell Street, opposite the British Museum. (Testimonial.) October 18, 1873. My Dear Doctor- I request you to accept my grate- ful thanks for yeur great professional assistance, which enables me to masticate my food, and wherever I go I shall show your professional skill, as I think the public ought to know where such great improvements in Dentistry and mechanical skill can be obtained. I am, dear doctor, yours truly, S. G. HUTCIIINS, By appointment Surgeon Dentist to the Queen G. H. Jones, Esq., D.D.S. 7197

