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K 8T ABLI 8 IT R I> 1889.. H. W. GRIFFITHS, SURGEON DENTIST, 3, VICTORIA STREET, MERTHYR TYDFIL. ARTIFIOIAL TEETH WITH ALL THE LATEST IMPROVEMENTS. PA INLESS EXTFACTIONS. AND ALL OTHER DENTAL OPERATIONS. CONSULTATION FREE. 7337 & 87, HIGH STREET, MERTHYR TYDFIL. M\ W. ROB E R T S., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL I EG 0 N M 0 IT G E B thanking his numerous Patrons for their kind favours during the past, respectfully iuri Ithem to an inspection of his NEW STOCK, comjnising a large assortment of FURNISHING AND OTHER IRONMONGERY. f1;7r Special attention is i.,ivited to his Stock of GROCERS' TEA CANISTERS, SCALES, &c., at prices which will compare favourably with those charged by Bristol Houses. The attontion of CARPENTERS and JOINERS is invited to a large assortment of Planes, Saws, Edged, and Joiners' Tools of the best Makers. BUILDERS SUPPLIED AT WHOLESALE PRICES. Dealer in Oils, Colours, Roofing Felt, and Vulcanized India Rubber Goods. PLUMBERS', BELL-HANGING, & GENERAL TIN-PLATE WORK EXECUTED BY COMPETENT WORKMEN. 7362 The Cheapest Furniture Warehouse in Merthyr is at 6$-7, Victoria Street. MONEY SAVED IS MONEY GAINED. THE 15 PER CENT. REDUCTION Made up to the Public if they purchase at MOSES GOODMAN'S FURNITURE ESTABLISHMENT, 6 & 7, VICTORIA-STREET, MERTHYR TYDFIL. WORKMEN AND TRADESMEN WILL THUS secure SUBSTANTIAL ADVANTAGES, which, as respects the purchase of 't' Furniture, will fully compensate for the recent REDUCTION IN WAGES The Furniture offered is large, magnificent, and well assorted I I, <. A* T I • IT. T J <* » "PS, RR'"E S°? = -«>»;->«W'F" cicscripticn. —il. G. pledges himself that all Goods sold by him w made'on "thTp'emises, and<5toeSrtdSrlption. Parties leaviiig the r:eighbourliood, wisliirig to dispose of their On^„ ,„j n he same -Two PIAKOS for .ale. In good order. A large stock AIONEY LENT ON GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, RINGS, ETC. 7341 BILL-POSTING IN MERTHYR. € CHRISTOPHER PULM AN, BILL-POSTER & TOWN J CKIEB, 17, Victoria-street, Merthyr, UNDERTAKES Bill-posting and Distributing throughout the town and neighùourhoofL 7366 All Orders by Post or otherwise carefully attended to. IMPORTANT NOTICE. THE SWANSEA ROYAL & SOUTH WALES UNION FRIENDLY SOCIETY. (REGISTERED BY J. TIDD PRATT, ESQ.) Chief Offices —$1, WIND STREET, SWANSEA. HAVE Opened District Offices in Pontypridd and Abetdare, Mr D. O. THOMAS being appointed District Manager for Pontypridd, and Mr THOMAS MORGAN 63, Bute Street, Aberdare, is appointed District Manager foi that place. £ 900 paid in the District. 7370 TYDVIL SCHOOL, MERTHYR TYDFIL HEAD MASTER JOHN J. COPLAND, M.A., (Successor to the late EVAN WILLIAMS, M.A.,) UNIVERSITY GRADUATE AND CLASSICAL PRIZEMAN. T\Tthis School Boys will be prepared for the r* Jmr.erSlUes;,th<: Public Schools, and the various Public fAv tv!? Is' C?PLA>:D lias successfully prepared Pupils T V? Matriculation for the College of Surgeons, the LAW, the Oxford and Cambridge Local, &c. s Siven at periods suitable to the convenience OI IRUPLLS. 7S(SS iw™LS^001 re-commences after the Christmas Vacation on Monday, January 17th, 1876. "FOR THE BLOOD IS. THE LIFE. Deuteronomy, chap. xii., verse 23. CLARKE:7S WORLD FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE. Trade Mark,—" Blood Mixture." THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER AND RESTORER. SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions, Blotches, Ulcerated Sore Legs, Old Sores, Glandular Swellings, Cancerous Ulcers, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles Ringworms, Scald Heads, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch' bcurfs, Decolourations of the Skin, Humours and Diseases of the Skin of whatever name or nature, are literally carried out of the system in a short time by the use of this world-famed Medicine. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS FROM ALL PARTS TMPORTANT ADVICE TO ALL.-Cleanse the h!00*1 rl1fleyc.r >'ou fi"d its impurities 2lnf. throuoh the .skin m pimples, eruptions, or &ores cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins cleanse it when it is foul, and jour feelmgs will tell y°u when. Keep the blood pare, and the health of the system will follow. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste, and war- ranted free from anything injurious to the most deli- cate constitution of either sex, the Proprietor solicits suJerers to give it a trial to test its value. CLARKE'S WORLD-FAMED BLOOD MIX- TURE is sold in Bottles. 2s 6d each, and in eases., containing six times the quantity, Us each—sufficient to efiect a permanent cure in the great majority of !ong- standing cases.-llY ALL CIIEMISrS and P VTFCLNT MEDI- VH.N DORS throughout the United Kingdom and the. by the Proprict;0^ a<^ 011 receipt of 30 or 132 stamps F. J. CLARKE, Chemist, Apothecaries Hall, Lincoln. Wholesale: All Patent Medicine Houses. LONDON DEPOT: 150, OXFORD STREET. 7371 LOCAL AGENTS IIIr IJ. P. J ones, Ebbw Vale. Mr W. J. While, 128, High street, Merthyr. Mr Rees Thomas, 143, High-street, Merthyr. Mr T. W. Evans. Commercial-street, Aberdare HQ LL 0 WAY'SO I NT MEN T, Certain Cure for Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Diphtheria, Asthma, &c. "OOR curing sere throat, diphtheria, bronchitis, asthma, ti#h ness of the chest, and pain in the side—which instant treat- f.?**?110 Prevents degenerating into more serious maladies 1'M- n' has same powers over chest eomplainisas D ister possesses, without causing pain or debility. Old n- I" luvalids will der.ve marvellous ease from the use of wh'.s'n has brought round many such sufferers, failed0 6 health after every other means had signally failed. Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Sores, and Ulcers. By Tubbing the Ointment round the affectcd parts, it pene n« all +v,n KI JUa and exercises a wonderful power nart Tim ,°n ow,n8'to, and returning from, the diseased Intoin-ihio .lauin)atlori diminishes, the pain becomes less In i'l ln^ V' ^-aUer thicker, and a cure is soon effected. cases' Holloway's Pills should also be rom'the body w orouShi7 expel all depraved humours Gout, Rheumatism, Stiff Joints. aflfactedan'a"sc ^rom inflammation in the parts drink ntntT nf w!? a permanent cure, adopt a cooling diet, morning and r,r hi' of Holloway!s Pills night and into the safforW Pln*ment; most effectually twice a-day drive all inflimm Parts; when used simultaneously, they subdue and rmm! m" an<* depression from the system, the sinews and mut/W enlargement of the joints, and leave iw. smews and muscles lax and uncontracted. Esfabli shmm!d p',Is ar« sold at Professor HoIIeway's everv resn^Mahin v' Oxtordstreet, London also by nearly World in Pot^L«^ew ° Metii( inc throughout the Civilised and 33, i? a"rl Boxes\,nt ls- W- 2s. 9d, 4s. 6d., lis., 22s., ouneo i n SDlahest Pot of Ointment contains one onnee and the smallest Box cf Pills four dozen. Full printed directions are affixed to each Pot and Box. and can be had in auy language, oven in Turkish, Arabic, Aruxeuian, Persian, or Chinese. 7372 r To PELICANS AND OTHEUS. T° BE LET, with immediate possession, the TIT n foible Licensed Inn, called THE BALANCE," Merthyr Tydfil. A suitable tenant csuld not fail to do a large and thriving trade, as its situation is excellent for busiuess.-For particulars apply to Mr. D. DERBYSHIRE, Lord Raglan Inn, Aberdare. 7323 WANTED. WANTED, to know, the ADDRESS of any of the Friends of PATRICK MOLLOY, who embatked -AMIVK P Queen in May last, for Queensland. Apply to Mr PaEssiVELL, Merthyr Tydfil. 7325 WANTED. WANTED, INFORMATION as to one PATRICK MILLER, who applied for a pa-sage in aZa Star, ^n,- which left London in May last for fore ^houIH this P^rick Miller neyer embarked there- himsplf r? 51 advertisement arrest the attention of «nK friends, he will receive the sum of £ 5 uuon nre- entiog lumselfto Mr. PKESSWELL, Merthyr Tydfil. 7F26 DANCING CLASSES. MRS. COPLAND, RTYDFIL SCHOOL, MERTHYR TYDFIL ESPECTFUXLY announces that she is about forming a Series of DANCING C/.ASSKS under a compe- Janua^next! W meet ia the second week in an??n(^|J°TUiI;LP"PilS,^11 be hom Fi^ to Seven o'clock o'clock ^!Th,u n!! an Gentlemen, from Eight to Ten rt 1 A Class as may be arranged. wiih?„'rn ,nteti:Ung or others who may wish o jem these C asses should send in their names to Mrs ner«toD' °I b0f?re Thursday next, in order that the ssary arrangements may be completed as soon as possible. 7310 23, IRONMONGER LANE, LONDON. (TBB OLD House.) JOHNSTON'S CORN FLOUR IS THE BEST. TO OBTAIN THE BEST ASK FOR JOHNSTON'S CORN FLOUR. It is rich in flesh-forming and heat-giving properties, and when belled with milk affords complete and perfect nourish- ment for children and persons of weak digestion. It is de- eioua for Puddings, Custards, Blancmange, Ac. 7373 DEN TAL NOTICE. PAINLESS DENTISTRY AND ARTIFICIAL JL TEETH. MR. G. H. JONES, SURGEON DENTIST, 57, Gt. RUSSELL STREET, LONDON, By Appointment Surgeon Dentist to THE LONDON INFIRMARY, AND ST JAMES'S DISPENSARY, AND THE BRITISH ASYLUM FOR DEAF & DUMB, &c. (Under Royal Patronage). May be Consulted at the Undermentioned Towns :— ABERGAVENNY:- Mr. Allen's, 18, High Street, alternate Tuesdays. HEREFORD:- 143, St. Owen Street, alternate Wednesdays. GLOUCESTER Mr. Mathews, 86, Northgate Street, Every Thursday, BRISTOL:- Mr. S. H. La. Trobe, 35, College Green, Every Friday. Mr G. H. JONES guarantees entire freedom from pain in the extraction of teeth, which seldom exceeds 20 seconds. By the improved self-adhesive system of adapting- artificial teeth, as invented and patented by Mr G. H. Jones extraction of loose teeth or stumps is unnecessary, and PRIZE MEDAL TEETH (London and Paris) can be adjusted without, pain in the most difficult and delicate cases, so as to defy detection, in consequence of the natural appearance of the teeth and their close adjustment to the gums. By this patented method of construction, mastication, extreme lightness combined with strength and durability, is ensured useless bulk being obviated, articulation is obtained better on this than any other principle. Terms as modentc. as the employment of the very best materials and scientific workmanship will permit. Every information given on consultation, without charge. MR G. fl JONES will be glad to FORWARD A PAMPHLET Gratis and Post Free, which explains his unique system, from his only LONDON ADDRESS 57, Great Russell Street, opposite the British Museum (Testimonial.) October 18, 1873. My Dear Doctor- I request you to accept my grate- ful thanks for yeur great professional assistance, which enables me to masticate my food, and wherever I go I shall show your professional skill, as I think the public ought to know where such great improvements in Dentistry and mechanical skill can be obtained. I am, dear doctor, yours truly, S. G. HOTCHINS, By appointment Surgeon Dentist to the Quean I 3. H. Jones, Esq., D.D.S. 7107 TO PUBLICANS AND OTHERS. TO LET (with immediate possession), the OLD -L BUTE PUBLIC HOUSE, Pontmorlais, Merthyr- aquire of Mr. R. J. COCHRANE, 23, Union Street, Merthyr Tydfil. 7389 BROOCH LOST. T ^ursday between St. David's F^t the AnSel Hotel. on the stSrsl S'Lth° *°M>" ps PRIVATE RESIDENCE AT DOWLAIS FOR SALE. XjlOR SALE, a DETACHED HOUSE at Pant, trb.tr>rDeaJ i^lal^V la™7„ occnPied by Evan Jones, Con- tractor.-Apply to Mr. W. MORGAN, Millrose Villa, Cardiff or to Mr. S. DBRHAM, Mary Street, Taunton. 7324 Mil. JOHN DANIELL, Of the DOWLAIS INN, DOWLAI3, ~13EG-S^ to intimate that he has commenced ArFNrTUf^St-nSi, ACC0XJNTANT and COMMISSION AUCTIONEER prepared to undertake the duties of an All matters entrusted to him will reeeiTe his prompt and careful Offices at the Dowlais Inn. 7367 MERTHYR TYDFIL (MS COMPANY. rpHE DIRECTORS announce that the price -I- charged for GAS in tho Merthyr (Town) District on and after January 1st, 1876, (and until further notice) will be at the rate of 4s. 6d. per thousand cubic feet consumed. The charge in the outlying Districts will remain as at present, J. W. RUSSELL, Chairman. Merthyr Tydfil Gas Works, December 1st, 1875. 7305 GLENFIELD. GLEN FIELD, THE QUEEN'S LAUNDRESS SA'YS THIS STARCH IS THE BEST SHE EVER USED. Q.LENFIELD. Q.LEUFIELD 7334 MR. DANIEL DAVIES' NOTICE. Established 24 Years. MR. DANIEL DAVIES, AUCTIONEER AND GENERAL BUSINESS AGENT, 7374 19, IVOB STREET, DOWLAIS. PIANOFORTE & ORGAN INSTRUCTION. MISS OROOK (Organist at Wesley Chapel), 17, NEW CASTLE STREET, MKBTHSB, BOUNCES that her Pupils ■will Resume aeir Musical Studies on Monday, January 17th, 1876. Dowlais visited regularly. Vacancies for additional Pupils.-For terms, kc" apply at the above Address. 73&7 R. C. LEACH, BILL POSTER, AND TOWN CIUEn, 63, CARDIFF STREET, ABERDARE. All Orders promptly attended to. 7314 j MERTHYR AND DOWLAIS STATIONS. QMIBUSES tween m E R T 11 Y R -> AND DOWLAIS as under:— a In „ „ We Merthyr 8-55 ll-is 12-0 4 55 (;™ Arrive at Merthyr 10-0 12-30 2-40 G-40 10-0 FARES: Merthyr to Do wlaia Station. 9<] Dowlais to Merthyr V.6d" 7315 MONDAY, JANUARY 17th, 1876. M13 3DWAITD LAWRANCU, Pi ojessor of Music (of the Conservatorium of Music, Leipzig, and Organist of St. David's Church, Merthyr, &c), BEGS to announce that he will resume his Pro- fessional Duties on MONDAY; JANUARY 17th, 1876. Mr. Edward Lawrance can always receive additional Pupils. ABERDA.RE AND MOUNTAIN ASH VISITED EVJEKY WEEK, Terms for Pianoforte, Singing, Harmonium, and Harmony Lessons, &c., &c, may be known on application at MR. E. LAWRANCE'S RESIDENCE, 7335 2, COURTLAND TERRACE, MERTHYR. TEMPERANCE HALL, MEiiTHYR. TWO MORE NIGHTS ONLY, FRIDAY, & SATURDAY, JANUARY 7 & 8, 1876. FIRST APPEARANCE for a number of years of the late HARRY CLIFTON'S COMPANY. Miss FANNY EDWARDS, (MRS. HARRY CLIFTON.) Concert and Operetta Party, Six Verastile Artistes, Grand Holiday Programme, Superb Quartettes, Laughable Extra- vaganzas, Mirthful Sketches, Original Comic Operettas. The Great Comedian MR. FRED LAW In his Olio of Oddities." Magnificent Costumes, Elegant Stage Decorations. Reserved Seats, 3s. First do., 2s. Seeond do., Is; Third (Limited), 6d., Family Tickets, 10s. 6d. Tickets and Plan at Messrs Farrant and Frost's. Doors open at 7 30, to commence at 8 o'clock. 73.30 FREE EMIGRATION TO QUEENSLAND. FREE Passages are granted by the Government F to Female Domestic Servants of all kinds who are quite free to engage with whom they please at the best wages they can get. °'° Wages j625 to je50 a-year all found. Free Passages given to Agricultural Labourers, whether marrisd or single. wue'ner Wages Y-30 to Z50 a-year with board and lodging. Assisted Passages to Mechanics on payment of £ 4 Wages as under :— lilacksmiths 12s to 14s aday. Shinwri»}if<! in. Carpenters.. 12s „ 14s Ta& to 2ns a day. Shoemakers..9s „ 10s „ Miners.ios ij8 The above need not want work a single hour after landing Apply personally or by letter to AGENT-GFKWU A T QUEENSLAND, 32, Charing Cross«?AL FOR \V. J. Presswell, Thomas Town, Merthvr Tvdflp' p V or to 35, Victoria Street, Merthyr, South Wales T w ,iur«e«, Hotel, Neath, and J. U. MannL W^t. Castle Street, Swansea. n,r' Western Mail Offi^. — ——,— 73ea KERNICK7S VEGETABLE pills TRY KERNICK'S VEGFT a Ri^ Tic-Doloreux They are easy to swallow^ being FlL^- finement in doors, strengthen thn avlT • re(iuire no con- tried by thousands, who pronounce them ^Kanu have been cine in the world. m t0 be the best medi- Dear Sir, — Daniel Humphry's SePferaber »th, 1869 Factory, near this place, suffered from «eavcr' Ynysyfelin stomach for four or Ave years and iLi?^ P;lins in the it, but all to no purpose, untfl hXn"fd agent in Merthyr the first t0 mee* your good for him than all the othp« hi h ,S 16 took did more and by the time he had taken tl^ ^,ken lJut ^tUer, free from pain and ever sin™ tw «plUs he felt totally -he keeps your pUlI in for the la3t five years any similar symptoms ha house and whenever he feels and he is aUrigh?1Z*in■ °M7 tQ,rtake of your pills usually suffered from flatulenrv ha Jfuml'hreys also, wlio remedy for an attack of that Inrt' H f?und them the best n thanks to your aeent wh?, » „ ^Ishes to send you this ours obediently 0 Was 80 ki'id to him.-I remain I Thousands of other Testimnni»i<, ROBERT PRICE." be published. «• KERNICK^S PTTViI1.UaUy KRATIFY'N8 might system, need no snecial r,,i„; .1 give energy to the universally declared to ba^ w ^ard to diet, and are ever discovered. est Medicine of the kin PRBPARED ONLY BY D TTR^CK' MANUpACTURING CHEMIST, duke STREETi cardifi. By the appointed Avents^mtl3' lid-and W- Druggists, with direltions for r^orb,51'^16 Chettlist £ a/ £ lur restoring and preserving health E R N I CK'S VEGETABLE a u WORM LOZENGES They may "be tafen w'!fhi?wae(ijr eveT introdaced for Worms, and are also useful for 7MW? °f *U agos v'ith Perfect 3afety pale complexions. children of delicous stomachs and ings, and t^To°doinifthe child oftthe,loiSenges for five morn- SV°'w'Harrfs1E1< M°ROA^ Neta^n"^°f D° than eighty worms in a week!whUstUWn»iintr's child' had 8ot rid °' 140 »nd she has improved wn^A .•?* ?' your wom lozenges, PRICB, Cefn, Merthyr W011uerfully in health siuce."—JNO. ivorm lozenges to try^hef/Iff rt^me aEo, bought a box of your lhe little boy god of °UhiS child' who was ver>' )nes thaHhey could not iwi-I ^ge w,?rrus and so many small From MI. MORGA* JW?D THEM MEYRICK. rour valuable worm lo'zemfes^T?11" Seud nie xt <lo'en ol n this neighbourhood." y are cunng all tho chil:lren PREPARED OKLY BY 7350 8- P-™CKs^Dfa1i™ino D U K E S T R E E T. CARDIFF. )ld in Boxes at Is. lAd. and 7jd., by the appoInted Ageut4 u4 and TO S AiiDs.KS. WANTED, a steady young man as Journey- man.3 State wages required, and address to John W. James, Saddler, Church Street, Llanidloes, N. Wales. 73^- MEHTHYR TYDFIL SCROOL BOARD. SCIENCE AND ART CLASSES. FT1HE Annual DISTUIB LTION OF PRIZES pmi-nM- CERTIFICATES to the successful Candidates in T, ;,r," !ntbe aoove classos, will take place at the [IR I T 'I. '1' ON TUURSDAY, JANUARY 13th, 1870, n.n.rt f* i u^3 £ ^SXFR, Esq., of the Science and Art Thl ri Kensington, will deliver an ADDRESS. The Chair will be tak-nat Eight o'clock by C. H. JAMES, Esq. The COtHmittee respectfully invite Pa-cuts and Guardians, thi, De0"^ °.f thc Town generally to attend wil S «K H tll(' past and present Sessjons attindf-CTri and ,th« conditions and advantages of attending the Classes of the Board explained Admission free. that t .i k e thisopporf unity of stating SCIFNrf -11 «• I'ECTUKES on NATURAL by Mr \F't A « w; exPe"me/ts. will be delivered AEER^IORI U? srHn )rCle'lce react-er of the Board> at 4MW1UB JAD> C.CHOOL, commencing on TUIIRSTIAV 6 18?6' at P m* prompt, and to be cou- Sories beVeeomJletUed!DAY S:'m° Ume aUcl pIace untU For Syllabus of Free Lectures see Small Bills. 7386 SALE BY MR. W. P. STEPHENSON. CARDIFF ARMS ROYAL HOTEL, CARDIFF. Sate of the contents of the above fine Hotel, which is one of tte oldest and most extensive in the Principality. MR. W. P. STEPHENSON" Has received instructions from ,fr. J. H. Perry. whose lease under the Marquis of Bute will expire on the 2nd February, TO SELL BY AUCTION, °n the Premises, on MONDAY, the mi, T A NT! A T?v »4 tte Mowl dw,_ ^1. 6. and appropriate ND a N J 'r u K B first-c,ass anJ spacious Coffee, Comm'prriai 1lDJ aPPurtenances of the and other reception rooms'- "i Milliard Rooms; Drawing parlours, sitting and smokini- iarge ^sembly-rooms, bar, and sculleries, numerous bed d,T: p rooms» kitchens, all of which are completely f t'ers>. and dressing-rooms, tho requirement of a medern Hn^d^ a f'ylc sultab!e to commerc;al business. uein Holel d°mg <i large family and cuUrCaUenUoneo( hoteUnd ,re(1P0.mmfnd th's sale to the parti- al to private families furnM8-1"house proprietors, as well Furniture has been »V* a large Part of the "asj; H obtained one befoj^hind m? of tho Sale. may bo the,hotel,;or to ,b. ot 7384