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MESSES. H. W. HARRIS AND TAYLOR'S NOTICES. MESSES. 11. W. HARRIS & TAYLOR, AUCTIONEERS, APPRAISERS, ARCHITECTS, SURVEYORS, HOUSE, ESTATE, AND GENERAL AGENTS, NEW AUCTION M A K T, COURT STREKT, MERTHYR, E(7 to inform the Pilblic, that all matte" CTI- rll te(I to their care will be punctually, promptly, and t -P arefully atteiitle(i 10. and in :011 Branches of the Building Trade w3? TAKEN OUT FoiL EITL- j IIIATF-S, -W-R O_ T »AT? ANNOUNCE tbfit TBCV LIOLD Messrs. the ubove MART, or next Sale, may now be received. TO THF, GF, PROFESSIONIAL AND AMATEUR GARDENERS, & OTHERS. dutch BULBS. MESSES. H. W. HARRIS & TAYLOR -pi ESPKCTFULLY announce that they have just ■ received direct from Holland their annual supply of ihe best DUTCH BUBBS, consisting of solec.ecl ASSORT- F NF DNNBLP and SINGLE Hyacinths, ^NARCISSUS, LUHPTS, °S, UO«W. «»D SingH | of LIE »' <!«" street, Merthyr Tydfil, will be esteemed.A.favour. Auctioneers' Office-, September 30th, 18<5. Auctioneers' Office-, September 30th, 18<5. TOWN OF MERTHYR TfDFIL. TO DRAPERS AND OTHERS. TO BE LET or Sold, all those convenient and well adapted PREMISES, No. 9, HIGH Srmt PONT- MORLAIS, UltKTiii'K TYDFIL, late in the occupation ^RVRPSFEUIARS ss to reat &c., apply to MESSRS || AR IIIH and TAYLOI*, AI ctioneers, &c., Court Street, Merthyr lydnl. October 28th, 1S7 ">. 727! TOWN OF CARDIFF. DESIRABLE INVESTMENT. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MESSRS. H. W. HARRIS & TAYLOR, At the QUEEN'S HOTEL, CARDIFF, ON MONDAY, the 10th day of JANTAKV, 187(;, at 0 Three o'clock in the Afternoon precisely, subject to such conditions of Sale as shall be then produced LOT I.-All that ONE-THIRD PART or BHARg in the Reversion of, and in the Loudoun Hotel, and the six HOUSES adjoining, numbered 170, 371, 172, 173, 174, and 175, now in the occupation of Mrs. Winstone, Mr. Fingalstone, Mrs. Shrieber, Mr, Percy, Mr. Matthews, MR. Tories and another, situate in Bute Road; ALBO of and in Two Houses adjoining the Loudoun Hotel, in the occupation of Mr. Williams and r another; ALSO of and in Two Houses, Yard, and Stable, situate in Freaerica Street, Numbered 33 and 34, now in the occupation of Mr. Parsors and another; ALSO of and in One House and Premises, situate in ChaTles Street ALSO of and in a Warehou,e, situate in Bute Road aforesaid, now in the occupation of .James Ayre, all situate in the Town of Cardiff aforcsaid. The Tenant for Life of the Premises is now cgcd H5 years. The above Premises produce an annual rental of £ 500 and upwards, and are held under LEASE?*, some of which are for the terms of 9'J years, and others 999 years. Lor 2 —A POLICY ot ASSUR\NCK in the Scotti-H Pro- vincial Insurance Company, for the sum of Z-1(10, on the Life of a Gentleman now aged 32, subject to the half-yearly premium of £5 12s. ld. For further particulars app lyto Messrs SIMONS and PLEWS, Solicitors, Merthyr Tydlil; or to the AUCTIONEERS, Court Street, Merthyr Tydfil. M „ Auction Mart, Court Street, Mertliyr Tydfll, December 14th, 1875. 7:n7 BRIERY HILL, EBBW VALE. SALE OF VALUABLE LEASEHOLD PROPERTY. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MESSRS. H. W. HARRIS & TAYLOR, On WEDNESDAY, the 12th day of JANUARY, 1876, AT the HEOI.-V-M ■WYN IN> BV.IEUY HILL, EHBW YALE, at Six o'clock in the Evening, subject io such conditions of Sale as shall bs then prouucBD- All that capital and vteil built MESSUAGE or DWELL UN U HOUSE, with large Shop adjoining, and now used as a Grocery and Provision Store, together with a good Stahle and Coach-house, now in the occupation of Mr. (,eo,ge ThomaS. The Premises are most substantially built, and in an excellent *tate of repair. The Shop is very spacious, well adapted for business purposes on an extensive scale, offers an investment to the capitalist not often met with. The Tenure is leasehold, for the term of 7" years from the 26th day of March, 3»45. at a moderate yearly ground rent. Further particulars may be obtained upon application to the AUCTIONEERS, Court Street, Mertliyr Tydfil; or to Messrs BIMOBS and FLEWS, Solicitors, Mertliyr lydnl. Auction Mart, Court Street, Merthyr Tydiil, December 14th, 1875. 1316 NGTTING HILL, LONDON. SALE OF VALUABLE LEASEHOLD PROPERTY. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MESSRS. II. W. HARRIS & TAYLOB, On FRIDAY, the 2]st day of JANUARY, 1676, AT tho LONDON TAVEK>, Bishopgate Street, LONDON, at Four o'clock in the Afternoon (under a power of Sale), and subject to huch conditions of SDO as shalli be then produced:- LOT I.-All that substantial and well built DWELLING c HOUSE and Premises, situate in Treverton Street, Ludbrook Grove Road, Notting Hill, numbered 57, producing a rental of £34 per annum, and now in the occupation of Mr Turner. LOT 2.—All that substantial and well built DWELLING HOUSE and Premises adjoining Lot 1, and Numbered 69, now in the occupation of Mr. Pratt, producing a rental of .eSOperannum. LOT 3.—All that substantial and well built DWELLING DOUSE and Premises adjoining Lot 2, and Numbered CI, now in the occupation of Air. Wright, producing a rental of £3. per annum. The whole of the Premises are held under separate Leases for terms of 99 years, from the 25th day of March, ISC) at an annual prround rent of A;7 10s. each. For further particulars apply to Messrs SHARP and ULLATHORNE, NO. 1, Field Court, Gray's Inn, London Messrs SIMONS and PLEWR, Solicitors, Merthyr Tydfll or to he AUCTIONEERS, Court Street, Alerthyr Tydiil, 7315 ON 8 A L • JUST RECEIVED FROM LONDON, New and exceedingly tints PIANOFORTES AND HARMONIUMS By the bost Makers. MR. EDWARD LAWPANCE, PROFESSOR of Music, (Conscrvatorium of MUSIC, Leipzig), and Organist of St. David's Church, Merthyr, has always 011 Sale, on highly advantageous terms, exceedingly Fin„ ANOI'ORLES AND HARMONIUMS, but by the best Makers only.—Address, Mr. EDWARD IMWRANCK, 2, COURTLABD Terrace, Merthyr. 71&7 PEOPLE'S EDITION. IMPORTANT MEDICAL WORKS. BY DR. HENRY SMITH. Twenty-first Thousand. BY post, two stamps in envelope. GUIDE IO HEALTH; or, ADVICE and INSTRUCTIONS for the' Cure of Debilitating .ureases. By HENRY SMITH, M.D. of the University of Jena, Author of the Volunteer's MANUAL W GUIDE TO HEALTH A Medical W0,T ON the Treat- ment, by Meaieines only, ef Nervous, Mental ». A PHYSICAL Debility, Lowness of BUNTS, Indigestion, HI, 0f Siaht Want of Energy, lrritab;lity, Deafness' E X "V *C re- sulting irom loss of nerve power, which/if LVLEEIML %nd IN premature decline. (lives IKSTRUU'J'loIsi B t ith Thousands have been restored to health. Illustrated '"tli cases anu testimonials f 10111 grateful PATIENT*, with nlca of cure used in each case. Also ADVICE TO YOUHJCJ M L-AJ ON MJBJ LCTS OF VITAL IMPORTANCE Ihe Pamphlet will be tent free by post, to any address, on receipt of two penny stamps. Third jjious-md. By post, seven stamps in envelope. WOMAN. Subjects treated Girlhood, Maiden- hood, Courtship, Marriage, Mo'.herhood, Female Education, Female Health, Female Hygiene, Domcbtie Medicine, &c., &c. K.H—A Special Edition, BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSH'ATED BY EKOBAVINOS ON "WOOD. Cloth gilt, One Shulmg. NOTICE.—The abovemadical works will b. sent direct from the Author in aa ENVELOPE on receipt of the amount in stamps. Address Dr HEKRY SMITH, 8, Burton Crescent, Loudon, WC CONSULT A LONDON PHYSICIAN BY LETTER WITHOUT FEE. DR. H. SMITH, the Eminent Specialist for the euro of all debilitating and contagious diseases, will for the Ltsneiu 01 country L-atieuts who cannot consult him peruonuiiy, on ;\CE.ving LU.A.RN.T C.U of tli>:iv ENS?, /.CUD his fpi"i,!II. ■■• TUJCC TINT T"ra;vlc.S FCR UW SUIC.CS>ul icstoraiiwii U' UOIVITU WU Y'^UUR. 7101 ADDRV^I-R, Ú, SiiilTjj, S, Burton CRESCENT. loudon, \V.c t WHY GO TO BRISTOL AND PAY MOUE r THE "TELEGRAPH STEAM PRINTING AND PUBLISHING OFFICES, 50, HIGH STREET, OPPOSITE TELE MARKET SQUARE) MERTIIYR TYDFIL. RETAIL STATIONERY WAREHOUSE, 49A, HIGH STREET. P. WILLIAMS ANNOUNCES that having every facility, which Steam Machinery and the Employment of tho most Competent AN orkmen can render for tho execution of Printing Orders, he respectful y solicits a, public patronage. His Charges for Posters, 13.11 Heads, Ci J"lars'm nd every kind of Printing Work, arc as xModcrate as any in the at least ten per cent, lower than the usual Bristol pmcs. For Expe in the execution of Printing Work, the TELEGRAPH PHINTJBTAJLIM., MBNT will bear favourable COMPARE on with any 1 nntin^ Oihce either m Bristol or the Principality; whilst for COLOUR PIUMINO, Caids, liintcd Headings, and work requiring special care and taste, the rcsouri .s of t Establishment—embracing as it does, an assortment cl alrrios Plain and Fancy Type, and the engagement of a numerous staff of efficient Compositors—ensure these desirable advantages. TO TILE THADE. Printing, Binding, Ruling, Paging, and Perforating for the Trade. At the TELEGUATK Printing Office, Merthyr Tydiil. GOOD Workmanship—Moderate Charges—and Promphlud in the Execu- tion of Orders—have been the prominent features in the business operations of this Establishment for the last .Twenty Years. Goods of the value of -62, and upwards, delivered Carriage Free at all Railway Stations in South Wale-J. SOLE AGENT IN MEElIlYR FOB THE EUREKA INKS. GENERAL- ST A TION ER Y. No Person studying economy will buy Yv III 1 i aG PAPER by tho quire. The Wholesale Purchaser buys his Reams by weight, and so docs ovcry Retail Purchaser who appreciates the maxim that a Penny saved is a penny earned." PLAYING CARDS At various prices from Tenpencc to Half-a-Clown per pack. GROCERY SHOP BOOKS Of every thickness, plain and interleaved, supplied at per gross or per do^env at as cheap a rate as any House in the Kingdom. For the execution of every description PLAIN AND COLOURED LETTER-PRESS PRINTING, By Powerful Machinery, driven by Steam Power, the TELEGRAPH Office possesses facilities unequalled in the District, and can undertake the delivery of work in quantities at the very shortest noticc. QIRCULARS, CARDS, CHEQUE BOOKS, QONDITIONS OF SALE, CATALOGUES, CLUB RULES, pOSTERS, HAND BILLS, PAMPHLETS, AND EVERY DESCRIPTION OF LETTER-PRESS PRINTING, AT THE TELEGRAPH OFFICE ACCOUNT BOOKS TO ANY PATTERN, IN EVERY STYLE OF BINDING, Manufactured on the Premises AT THE TELEGRAPH OFFICE. FORMS RULED & PRINTED TO ANY PATTERN FOR COLLIERIES, IRO WORKS, MERCHANTS, TRADESMEN, AT THE TELEGRAPH OFFICE. THE BINDING DEPARTMENT H. AS CAREFUL ATTENTION, and every means is adopted to secure JLJL Elegance and Durability in the work produced. ACCOUNT BOOKS Ruled to pattern, and bound in every form of binding paged and indexed, CHEQUE BOOKS Of every description supplied, Numbered and Perforated. TO WHOLESALE CUSTOMERS. PENS, Ink, Envelopes, Paper, Penholders and Pens, and Slate Pencils, supplied to Shopkeepers for Sale, and to Hawkers, at Wholsale Prices, THE TETIEGRAPH PEN Has been a public favourite for the last twenty years. It is still unrivalled as a pen for common use, and" No pen can tell" its many merits. It is anti-corrosive, and is therefore more durable than t.ny other kind of pen, whilst for ease in writing it is the nearest approach to the Quill, Sold at 3d. per dozen, or 2s. per gross. COLOUR BOXES (ENGLISH AND FOREIGN), From 6d. to 3s. each. These Colour Boxes, as supplied at the TELEGRAPH Office, obtained the Prize of the Society of Arts, and are specially recom- mended by that Society for general use. WHITING PAPER An excellent quality can always be had at the TELEGRAPH Office, at Is. per lb., and Envelopes at from 4d. to Gd. per 100. Those who purchase under this system save fully 50 per cent. THE TRAVELLING DRAPERS' POCKET LEDGERS Are made in all sizes, paged, and indexed, if desired. They are strongly bound, and calculated to bear "knocking- about." o u r n e 18 Are informed that for Mourning Stationery and Memorial Cards, the assortment at the TELEGRAPH Office will be found ample. THE ADDRESS THE "TELEGRAPH;1 PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, • 4(Ja, liigli Hreoi; Moraijr Tydiil, 719 NOTICES. I E S T A B L I ED 1869- H. W. GRIFFITHS, SURGEON DENTIST, j 3, VICTORIA STREET, MEllTHYR TYDFIL. ARTIFICIAL TEETH WITH ALL THE LATEST IMPROVEMENTS. PAIN L ESS EXTRACTIONS. AND ALL OTHER DENTAL OPERATIONS. COIfSULTATIOII FREE. 7212 FURTHER REDUCTION IN PRICE. G S COKE I OF EXCELLENT QUALITY FOR DOMESTIC PURPOSES IS ITST 0~W" 02ST SA. _G E At tlio Gas Works, Picton Street, Mertliyr Tydiil, in large or small quantities, at 6s. 8d. PER TON, or 4d. PER CWT. Gas Offices, Merth) r Ty,l (it, 13th August, 1S75. 7211 A~GOOD PIANOFORTE MAY BE HIRED From £ 2 2s. Od. PER QUARTER, ON THE THREE YEARS SYSTEM. THOMPSON AND SHACKELL, 101, OXTOHD STREET, SWANSEA, AND AT CARDIFF, DESl RE to call special attention to the aliove notice, ntid would warn the nul>iio against the so-called Second- hand Pianofortes now so froeiy advM'tis-d at what is saul to be l.-ss t'um half the original price. ihe Pianos supplied by I iioitipson and SuVuckell are warranted, and by the best Makers only. SPACIOUS SHOW-ROOMS AT 101, OXFORD STREET, SWANSEA, AXD QUEEV STREET, CARDIFF, ('out lining without exception the finrst Stock of Pianofortes, Harmonium, aud American Organs in South Wales. -v. t> j.u "Bute" Model Hivrnioniu'iis, as supplied to the Mat qui* of Bute, price Twelve Guinea^, in eainiso'mo Rosewood, is the very best small rtarmonium manuf.ic nra i. Harm >aiuins from F^ur Guineas. 7210 WINTER SHOW ROOMS. X., M o i:c- Hi, I 3 a M O H O E HOUSE, TJEGS t,< announce Umt lmSHOW KOOM3 for i3 winter FASHIONS ARE NOW .OPEN. The Leading Novelties in all Departments. Anclior Hou. X* W 0rt"lW' 1S75' 72M ALL-SOppyS BITTER OR MILD ALE. | OCTOBER BREWINGS IN FIKST-RATE CONDITION. i MESSRS. SAMUEL ALLSOPP & SONS j r»t 0PP0«nni.y thCir GENUII,E ALES" MR IflHN DAVIES, CROWN HOTEL, HIGH STREET, MERTHYR, Ivm, duniM ui Til £ J following prices:— IN CASKS of 18 Gallons at SIs., 24s., 27s., 30s., 33s., 36s. and 42s. Guinness's Extra Stout, and Allsopp's East India Mild and Pale Ales in Bottles. 0, es. I DELIVERED FREE BY ALLSOIP'S CARTS. 7199 ¡ The Cheapest Furniture Warehouse hi Merthyr is at 6 è" 7, Victoria Stree MONEY SAVED IS MONEY GAINED. THE 15 PER CENT. REDUCTION Made up to the Public if they purchase at MOSES GOODMAN'S FUBKITURE ESTABLISHMENT, 6 & 7, VICTORIA-STREET, MERTHYR TYDFIL. Wrwt>-irM"R"isr and TRADESMEN will thus secure substantial advantages, which, as respects the purchase of iXtureTwill fully compensate for the recent REDUCTION IN WAGES. tv, [? ,nre offered is large, magnificent, and well assorted, and of the very best Manufacture in the Trade which he confidently offers, both in respect ol Quality and Price, as unsurpassed in Merthyr or elsewhere. „ Tobies, 4c., suitable for Publicans, to be Sold Cheap also a number of Emigrants' Boxes. Likewise A^tlA^oo min>«-r«uf to mrntion cqiir.ily tlieap and all well made.-fcew and Second-Hand FURMITUKE of every de«crii>tion — M. G. pledges himself that all Goods sold by him are made on the premises, and of tht best description. lp»vine tlie tieipli>-ourliood, wishing to dispose of tlieir Goods, may call, and tliey vpill have the utmost value for ■*ame — Two PlA2\OS for Sale, in goou order. A large stock of IRON LEDsTEADS on hand at the Old Prices. MO^'EV LEX/ ON GOLD AKI) SILVER WATCHES, RINGS, ETC. 7202 PTA (JI^OBTES, HARMONIUMS, AND ALL MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. T- CHIRM <&; SON o9 VICTORIA STREET, MERTHYR TYDFIL, to' 1 "d°rm ¥ertbyr ancl neighbourhood, that they are now pre- I BU" •" P"'IES' THEY BAD great experience iUSSi;ibvMess» Co Hard Collard Broadwood, Hopkinson Kirkman, Brimsmead, Ralph AlHson, and otLr BEST EugUsh and Fareign ^ers.-Harmoniums by Alexandre, Ces.nm, and other makers. Second-hand pianofortes and Harmoniums always for Sale. Pianofortes on the One, Two, Three Years' System. Harmonii'.vis at Monthly Payments. Agents for Arthur Allison's, Dawe's, and Mauisden s Patent Jlelody ;.nd Pedal Substitute Organs. PIANOFORTES from 15 Guineas { HARMONIUMS from 4 Guineas. ALL OTHER INSTRUMENTS ON THE SAME SCALE. Music SCPPLLED AT HALF-PRICE. LESSONS GIVEN ON THE PIANOFORTE. TERMS MODERATE. 7214 W. MEREDITH, -T CABINET MAKER, UPHOLSTERER, CABPET "WUIVK,EI3;OXJSE^I:-A.IT, AND GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHER, &c., 125, HIGH* STREET, AND 52, GLEBELAND STREET, MERTHYR, TJEGS TO INVITE THE ATTENTION OF L'AliTlES ABOUT FURNISHING TO INSPECT j HIS LAK'GE AND VARIED STOCK OF | CABINET A1NtD UPHOLSTERY FURNITURE, OAHPEI,. CUHXAO' MIT^AI^LS. IKIA.S A ILIOX BEDSTEADS, &C. | DINING & DRAWING-ROO-^1 SUITES, IN MAHOGANY, OAK, WALNUT, &c., &c. BEDROOM SUIT.^S IN MAHOGANY, AMERICAN BIRCH, ENGLISH ASH, POLISHED PINE, JAP4 NNED WOODS, &c., &c., READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. -A- :?,j :P :E c .A- -"K, "F E T S. To this Denartr nent the attention of the pnblic is ]>artieularly invited, the Stock consisting of upwards of 10,000 yards of BR" (JSSELS, TAPESTRY, KiUDERMINSTER, FELT, DUTCH, T\V ILL, and other makes, havihg been select ed with great care and judgment from the Best Manufaauryrs, andamon^ which found some of the ? most elegant and unique patterns, to be obtained only at this Establishm having been purch: vBed on the uiost advantageous terms is marked at the TR unoL considerably belov present values. VELVET PILE, AXMINSTER, and TURKEY CARPElto supplied upon the shortest noticf at LONDON PRICES. .J FEATHER BEE S, SPRING, HAIR, and other MATTRESSES manufactured upon the premises by experience Workmen upon the shortest notice. AN IMME NSIi STOCK OF PIE It ATSD TOILET GLASSES IN GB.EA.T VAEIKXY. ELOOR-C CLOTHS, LINOLEUM, ETC., IN ALL WIDTHS, j COCOA S1BRS. CHISI, AM) MAJiLLLA MATHS S..TO. x jioes, oitnor UrgQ QS 5.uiaLf coxo'/i-^i rurnn>uud in a k-w bOuia ao ice. NOTICES. U C LEACH, BILL POSTER, AND TOWN CRIER, 63, CAKDITF STREET, ABEKDARE. All Orders promptly attended to. 7219 MERTHYR AND DcnVLAIS STATIONS. MNI B USES tween Ni E R T 11 Y R DOWLAIS as under:— a 111. H.m. p.m. p.m. p.rn LEAVE Merthyr 8-55 11-15 12-0 4-55 6.55 Arrive at Merthyr 10-0 12-30 2.40 6-40 ]0-0 FARES: Merthvr to Dowlais Station. 9D. Do wiius to Merthyr 6d. } 7205 DR. ILUM'hK S Special Lectures to Youn^ MF-N.ON H KM,TH, ITS RESTORATION, AND HAPPY MAUlilAdKS. Wi "n to mnrry, with advii-e to tboc who con'em j I; te •x.; pointing out certain, impe^'nerts whkü -t I life uohappv, and directions for the'r spv.*« £ > r->u u.uM be read by a" who value hcalt* streiiu.h. ana M uiiood, -.ind -sh to atta:,j a lipi)py old age. l*o~i 'r« yu rcc.'ijit o" two stamps.—Address, S^CBETAKT :<1" Anatomy, Birtr:iighairi 'i311 "ANCHOR" LINE UNITED FETATES MAIL STEAMERS. ^L A 6 G O W TO NEW YORK TIe IN: R= of this Line are despatched from GLASGOW FOR NEW YORK EVEKY SATURDAY, Ca.' "s zt JLOYI.-1-E, LOUGH FOYLE, to Embark PAS^SEIJ-'ERS FARES: SAIOO-> (AIn:; .£13 ICs., 414 14s., and 410 Fa ISLF.llllHililE, ,.7 vi'. rr 'flf '8 6-. IN"! M "ATE AND H eera< e Passengers Booked thruu-h to ail J-ai.s t, T'IE United states and Canada. iHi) A!•••'}• to HKNDSS ON UIIOTHENS, Glastow or to J. MOR. Co. C-:d;J; J. T. MCBCAN, 19, G'ebe'and .VEUII^R lydfil; or to G. JAIR ',OW, ]7, WE'I-SFEOT, Dowla:s. ) P L" LY ERM ACHER'S PATEN T ClALVAXIC C. HATN-B, ANDS, BELTS BAT- G TEt:IKS, RECENTLY IMPROVED.' Approved by the Academy of Mi die inc of Pari« and oih<r Mtd>cal Authorities in England and abroad. 'I 1,e remarkable efficacy of these self-applicable VoJ,a'c »: a-^em.-n-i s so widely known tUat in CON rad stmcaon U TI'SE unp inc pled advernseis who can onlv publvh st.I-iniei:non;(- otcr. authmug, Mr Pci TKRMACH £ pre- MS to sul>ni)t the testimony of others, am..nirst whom are .he.ud d many ereat scientific and medical autho- I.TI •». 1 ese uuiu jieachable tettimcnie- in favour of the V A" OUS cuRat.vE powers of this Medxo-Ga.van c svstem 1 ampillet ,1UMER" F'JL I>L"ERUOC HERE, are comp U-d in the CALVIM-M, NAI RR.s's CHIEF RESTORER or IMJ-AIRBD > | T A L EHLLUGY," se po-t ,rec for „ >t ai!ps. The mMso: evidence there'n supp.-mcuUd i y the fo'lowing paragraph rec-nt y f°u;;a work !p 76, 1-67 of John King, „ C-'nua: I rofessor of Ot-stotric t Cine nnaii- j-iieseChain- -e vc:yuseful ii many Nervous Disorders: Muxivar Debili-.y Aphonia Ei.eumstism HE II .HPIIEPSY IH.SPEN.IA I rs-.ys.^ i ov id Liver Para'xVs (Bladdj.->1 C"IU' PSTA-T. s A»t..«na ch.ea Snia Paralvs'.s JAmeno. hcea Impotecrv e P Ili I Ne iia V, r. er's ( ramp Spinal Ini.aioa Hysterical Cramps' FC_i Joints .Nervous Debility and Contractions "'•C'.a ,Coi stipation Lass of Sme" iieric Para T$.. Dea.uess Nerv's) Loss of Taste, &c.' T^R :ujL.liev info, ,na-ion and pr'ce M-i apply :O J. L. PLLNEUJ! \CTTER'S GALVANIC H^T-IBLISFR MENU 194, RBIGENX STREET, LONDON,"W. 7}"0 EYILN€NT PH 8'0 ■v GH0P.GE'S^V\ //PILE 4 GEAVEL\\ I F PILLS. | | 0 m ntontmoa, Jl ø œ s \J-E.QE0R0E,M.E.P.S./ g "• HIBWAIN, OJSW TA*e IBBwmI una aespstred f«r km and WEA Bcmedles tn rain, be MMUM ske" Is ttia a WE AND igeetj eve for 7011 M A IBSII cost BY tttttmt G. vDRGE'S PILE AND GRAVEL LL8, which are now rsoogaiaed by all as Heing the h-" Medleine yet dilOOyered for PXJLE AND MR 4 EiL, M well M for the toll owing pains, whtah, In Kit r-nlce Cue. out of every laundred, am caawd by the, palatal Maladies}— PAIN It THE BAOK. FLATULENCY, QRIPINQ, COLIO, 4 BK -6 OP WIIQHT IN THE BACK AND LOINS. iPAiNG IN THE REGION OP THE HEAMT, UVER. AND KIDNEY8. OON8TIPATION. ,N8 IN THE THIGHS. SOMETIMES SHOe-TING DOWN TO THE OALP OP THE LEG AND FOOT. SUPPRESSION AND RETENTION OP URINE. PAINS IN THE STOMACH. AND ALL LIVER OOMPLAINTS. Thousands bsw bMI1 eared by these PU1«, U< BUBT WIIio bad bean ptoxraaaed taopaleas. BSVE beaa UucooghlT CESBXED to health BY thafa aaa. •BB BOX WIU. OOWIBOK THB HOST BOBPTIOAL OF TIIEIB ttTMACT. Ai or Am le »•« tehe ms* bo Mm OXX or BOTE of OM MAM* PRO^RUL^^EVARTT^LTUT TTETTABU «• Re. X.—OAORQX'B PILS AND OBATKXI PILLS, lqo. %GBO]Et,%]g,g GBAVBII PILLS. No.8.~ASO&AB'g PELLS tOB THB PILBB, IwtforUmt TrnMrnomtisis IriØ be fonwv&d to my aidrm so rf"ipt of a ««M{«spe. bddimammi& "a MA tLwbyaanvwuL-Ommw.L nar M u noisnw n m MTmanEMfT ITAJU. IfOTlCB.-Tk* wo*b PIL9JHDOKATBL PthLS" tft espvrijfa MNI wtifK at gtmhomm' E»U, LOKI-ON -—Barclay, Suttoc, Newbery, Sanger Barren Squire, & C<. BRISTOL •—Collins and Roper, Pearce <fc Co &c. Lrvti'.i'ooL Evans, Sors, and Co. Clay, Dodd, and Case U;ume and C'>. 7195 K E R N, I C K'S V E a E T A B_L_E PILLS, IF you suffer from Headaches, Bilious Complaints, Indigestion, Costiveness, Rheumatism, or Tic-Doloreus. TRY KERKICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS. They are easy to swallow, being very small, require no con- fmement in doors, strengthen the system, and have been tried by thousands, who pronounce them to be the best medi- cine in the world. Cefn, Merthyr, September 9th, 1869 "Dear Sir, Daniel Humphreys, weaver, Ynysyfelin Factory, near this place, suffered from severe pains in the stomach for four or five years, and had tried many things for it, but all to no purpose, until he happened to meet your agent in Merthyr the first two pills he took did more good for him than all the others he had taken put together, and by tlie time he had taken the six pills he felt totally free from pain and ererbince—that is for the last five years -he keeps your pills in his house, and whenever he feels any similar symptoms he has only to take two of your pills and he is all right again and Mrs. Humphreys also, who usually suffered from flatulency, has found them the best remedy for an attack of that sort He wishes to send you this n thanks to your agent, who was so kind to him. -I remain ours obediently, ROBERT PRICE." Thousands of other Testimonials, equally gratifying might be published. KERNICK'S PILLS" give energy to the system, need no special rules with regard to diet, and are universally declared to be the Best Medicine of the kin ever discovered. PREPAltED ONLY BT P. KERNICK, MANUFACTURING CHEMIST, DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF. Sold in Boxes at Is. lid. and itd, By the appointed Agents and most respectable Chemists and Druggists, with directions for restoring and preserving health KERNIC K'S VE GETABLI WORM LOZENGES Are the most efficacious remedy ever Introduced for Worms They may be taken by children of all ages with perfect safety and are also useful for children of delicous stomachs and pale complexions. ——— SIR,—A woman gave two of the lozenges fcr five morn- ings, and by so doing the child got nd of no less than eighty worms.—DANIEL MORGAN, Nelson," "W. Harris, of Cefncoed, miner's child, had got rid of 140 worms in a week,whilst taking a box of your worm lozenges, and she has improved wonderfully ia health since."— PRICE, Cefn, Merthyr. A customer of mine, a short time ago, bought a bex of your worm iozenges to try their effect on his child, who was very ill. The little boy god rid of forty large worms and so many small ones that they could not reckon them."—JAMBS Mumier From Mr. MORGAN, Pendarran.—" Send me 12 dozen of your valuable worm lozenges they are curing all the children in this neighbourhood." PREPAHED ONLY BY 7196 6. P. KERNICK, MANUFACTURING CHEMIST, DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF. Old in is. i?vl. and i;d.. by tht appointed £ genu, si,i !J,¡.y¡¡t respectable Chemists ana Dro&iste DO YOU WANT Mu.Ni-.Y ? TF 60 the Merthyr Tydfil and South AValo? Loan and lll-count Company are now Jendin; 'iiiir- f'oa +■■> and iipwards at the SHORTEST notice, TO II «-;• .^>RS A~D Rules £ f "PP^tloBS for Loans, u.-thcr w. h ihe SrW r br, 5ja'} by aPP>.ving at the i. s, 23 JI-. ,«i V M I)>Devor street U. org*town, M" t! yr Xy.ifi nnri a.dranced t0 any amount on &u.u5 .Stuck?. and everj kind of tangible .Security 'L L. J. DAVIES. Manager. A T ONE"—To gentlemen, clergymen, farmers, Mr and others, resident in town or counfv. v A1 'EAD is prepared to make advances from £ ;o arid aoove, Privately, for iong or short pe.iods, upon Note of ana, l^iie Policies Furniture without reoiov. or publicity), n. \e>°,r. P^ant, and any available security. Ke- pajaWejko suit the convenience of borrowers. Interest f.om ••> pw cent. No delay, Law Cots, Life or foraia- htles. For further particulars applr personal.r or bv letter to Mi-T. FAIRHEAD, 117, Brixton Road, Ljndou," s.W. near Keunington Gate. 'Cid MONEY TO LEND-" FR031 S2 upwards-to Tradesm jr.. Farmers, orkmen, Ac., on personal security, Fui r iture (without reulOva:, Trade Stock, Unseasonable Goods, <:c—Repayment fwS arraneed to suit the borrower's convenience,—\o Uttce fees; distance no object: no geauoie appi.c»tions reiuscd.—Apply personally or by letter, e:i 1- in^ rtauiped dnected envelope, to H. M. Ueirnsxein, 18b and ii>0, ttieh teticei, Dowlais. 7^93 MONEY! MONEY:: l.n MONE\ immediately advanced from and upwards, on Personal Security, re-payable by easv mstaimentg. No bills of .ie required, thus saving all extortionate charges. Apply to A. B JACOB AND SOX, iG, High Street. Dew"?' and at ^8, Welline-ton Street, Merthyr, [TLal Cash advanced on Deposits of Jewellery, Plate, Pianos, &c. STEAM PACKET COMMUNICATION BETWEEN CORK, NEWPORT, AND CARDIFF. • L/1J 1-CLASS PASSENG ER X? MKA-MFRS. The eity of Cork JTv^. 6te;im J lcket Go's Steauieis will leave Cuaiv, jr NEWIOUT end, A so., i tp, l:YU;y MONDAY, re:urnin? to CORK from Ntwposx a VERT Wednesday, AND for CABDIIT. KVESY TriuasoiX. di'V"'6Jl rates for Goods and Cattle l'11 "e arranged ou appiic t.ion to 'he Company at CJrk or to th.ir Agents. E-'i'es: — C:tt) i:bi Is.: Cui-ri Rtturu Tic Let, avai!ab,i r on,, mou n .iavittding Sit-ward'« fe.= £ .11.». 0.i,; i^eck, 7s. For i'artae-r particu.srs tve b1l! rlilh.. A'-KNTl. i7r'4 Ci;;DifF—Mr E. C. Dowsife, Shixil. roker, VKWFORT—.Mr. JAMUS MAHDOC; of Cork Steam Packet Co Limi .i-d.-Penr ise Quay ;J; The Marvellous Remedy for Coughs, Cold', JJ,, .rseness Asthma, Bronchitis, Consuuipti-jn, auda-, Caest Afieatioas ~~J? JE3 O tXrO Sold by ail Chemists,in bottle.) at Lo ljd,2s 9d, 4s Cd 6: il Sent by the .Pr0}.>rietv, 0 upon receipt oi ttiiuips. From Rev J. STONEllOl' -»E, &t. Saviour's Vtcara»» Nottingham, Acorsx. 1: DLAR SIB.,—lean strongly recommend your 1'cciori = e a» an invaluable Cough Remedy. 1 have given ii a lair tUal in my own family, anu have aiao supplied it to persons »unering irom CoUjjh in my parish, and in every msta-co It lias immediate relief. In some cases, atter passing sleepless ni^ncs, one or two doses of the Pectoriue ua'.c such a good effect that persons have got a good nlg"t s reat, a.i.J. tUo Cough has speedny disappeared. Mr. A. ROLFE, St. Ann's Square, Main. ■ -j. t ) I ine is superior to any .C.> 1 have tiie 1 .or our'is or Colds." PECTORINE cures the worst forms of.Cvug13 a;,a ^o.ds PECTOIUNE cures Hoarseness PECT'ORINE gives immediate relief in Bronciu, PEC is the tiest Jledieiue for Asthma PECTulilNE cu-es Whooping Cou^h PECTURIS b will cure a tioutdesome tickling is invaluable iu tue Early cua^e.- oj Con- sumption PEcToitl^E relieves all Affections of the Chest, Langs sad Throat. Prepared only by SMITH: AND CLARRE. Manufacturing Chemists, Park Street, Lmcoiu. + Vice Chancellor Sir C. Hall granted a perpetual ir- junction, with costs, against F, Alason, Chemis.. jt^jtherham for using the word" Pectorine." LOCAX AGENTS: Mr..L. P. Jones, Ebbw.A ale ~Z@i Mr. W.J. \S hile, iza, High-Straet, Si\.rthyr Mr. Rees I'hjnia=. Lis, iligu-atreet, Aiertuvr ilr. 1'. W. Evans, Coinmurc^-dU'u«,, t^rda-e ONLY two medicines really act upon u-<» i^ver one is Mercury or Blue Pill, the other Dand.liia, Thousands of constitutions hav# been destroyed iv jiercury' Blue Pill, or Calomel. The only remedy is DR. KING'S DANDELION AND QUININE LIVER PILLS. which act very gently on the Liver, giving immediate reliof in all cases of Bile, Indigestion, Sick Heartache Loss of Appetite, Giddiness, Spasms. Heartburn, Flatu.eucT 1'i ervaus- ness, Gout, and all disorders at the Stomach "ami Liver. Soid by all chemists and medicine vendors,il at :6. 1;d. 2s. 9d, 4s. 6d. or for stamps from J. Roiuui, 47, iiisnimer- .nor- street, Careudish Square, London. W. i1.17 RELIEF FROM CO UuH IN TEN MINCTES. HAYMAN'S BALSAM of HOR'-M'OUND, far Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, and all •irders of the Chest and Lungs. It promotes expectoratl." lever and allays the cough. Agreeable to the p..ia r n Is admi- nistered with ease and safety to cu m-DiiEX »s Ali cLrs. It will be found to give instantaneous relief, sue if perse- vered in it will scarcely everfail to ell ect a r-ipij curt; IMPORTANT TESTIMONIAL. Amport Firs, Andover, May 2ath, iMia.—Kir.— 1 have for some years had your Balsam of Horchounu t er iu-s. ti. B. Webster, and intended writing to tell you how maej beneht Shi has derived. She was considered consumptive, but the Balsam has quite restored her, and she is now quite string. I have recommended you dozens of customers, and a., have been pleased with it.-l iini, yours, 6:c., U. B. W tiisiiii. iN.B.—There is a saving ia taking tLl. larger bottles. Wholesale Agents:— W. Mitton < £ Co., Barclay a. Sons London Collins & Roper, Bristol; and Evans, boas, A CO., Liverpool. CAliTluN- As unpricipled parties are offering an imitation for sale,the public are requested to observe that the words HAYMAK'S BALSAM OX HORLUOLND are staaiped an the bottle, without which none are genuine. 7201 THE SOUTH WALES IRONMONGERY WAREHOUSE, HIGH STREET, (Opposite the Vale of Neath iMilioay Station), MERTHYR TYDFIL. W JAMES, PROPRIETOR, THE SOUTH WALES IRONMONGERY JL SHOP. FOR FURNISHING IRONMONGERY ri^HE SOUTH WALES UiONAlON CTEIX Y X SBuP, FOR IllON BEDSTEADS r PHE SOL I'll WALLS IRONMONGERY SHOP X FOR PETROLEUM, PAE AlFIN, t BENZOLlNH OILS. Tiiii SOUTH WALEs IRONMONGERY X SHOP, FOR PARAFFIN & BENZOLINK LAMPd MILE SOUTH WALES IRONMONGERY X SHOP, FOR HAYWOOD'S BEsT CUTLERY RI^HE SOUTH WALES IRONMONGERY 1 SHOP, FOR BRUSHES: SCRUBBING, BLACKING, LAUNDRY, AND BALUSTKR. RNILE SOUTH WALES IRONMONGELIY X SHOP, FuR GREENSLADE'S PLANES PATENT SASH TOOLS, k LUSTERS. T' HE SOUTH WALES IRONMONGERY SHOP, FOR CARPENILIX^ and MASONS' TOOLS, LC. "HE "SOUTH WALES IRON" IERY SHOP, FOR BU1L .L- AND JL SHOP, FOR BU1L .L. AND GENERAL IRONMONGERY. THFTTOUTJI WALES IRONMONGERY SHOP FOR LUBRICATING OILS,ANTI- FRICTION AND OTHER GREASES, WASTE, &c. 7