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MISCELLANEOUS. Xord Tini»rd«i will suc?e^ tho RU'ht ITin. fM- imuart Sacunoad ft* Panur-nont Un«i<;r-bu;r.jtary of 8i&i for r"or?'an A.TsIrr, Ths r»jH)rt of tha Sultan's visit to Rome ;s denied. Hy*ointh* tZM be-*n elactsd C.'urd of Geneva. Sfe, Oaswrod, author of the History of Cha- Bhlre.* baa died at the age of 87. Ths iate heavy rains have swollen moat of our Eng- lish nv«r«. The London GM Company propose declaring a 10 per cent. dividend. It iz dmiad that the Bishop of Nancy has joined the Old Catholics. A pilgrimage to Rome by English Roman Catho- lics ia projected. A heavy gala on Sunday at Laeda blew out one of the large window* of the Town Hall. A severe engagement has taken plue ia Cuba, but j of course that ia nothing n«w. The cotton crop of America has recently suffered much damage from drought and womM. A new edition, of the works of Molfere ia in prepara- tion, which promises to be a most complete one. The Evangelical Allianoe at yew York closed on Sunday n^ght. The attendance was immense. M. Rouher, the Bonapartist leader, proposes that it meeting be held to facilitate an appeal to the people. A Chinese newspaper has beeo started by a spi- rited native at Hankow, price one cent, per copy. iScvere (bought has prevailed in several parts of Chins and Japan. A Shanghai carnage coaapany to finish cabs for the public has been started. It is not thought probable we shall hoar much more of the cholera this year. A one hundred yards' swimming mAtch,with clothes on, has come off at Hiajo, Japan, Bishop Harris of the American Episcopal mission an the Rev, J. p, Newman, D.D., are now in Japan. Two I!ldI1 wore crushed to d^ath on Saturday, near Hartlepool, white digging out clay. The Timet speaks vsry hopefully of the present Spa- nish Government. The French Governnunt has abandoned tho idea of taxing textile fabrics. Mr, Holman Hunt's new picture, The Shadow of the CroM," will be shortly exhibited in Bond Htreot. Th« yellow fever is abating at yhrev«port. About 600 persons have dieri. The "Red Cross" Conferenoc coatfanoa its sittings at VUana. The Hull people are of opinion that the election in that town will take plaos on the 22nd. Th. dairymen ef Penge and Norwood have raised ths prios of milk to fivepenoe per quart. ffrom America we learn that Mr. James Parton proposes to write a life of Charles Diokans. Professor Henry MorUy's ITirst Sketch of Eng- lish Literature has run into a second edition. A swimming match between two dogs at Kichmond h;< 'ifceiy excited some interest. The winner WM su seconds before his competitor. Tui Southern University of America has conferred th* degree of D.C.L. on Canon Leighton, Dr. Edgar Shepp^fd, and J. A. Shaw Stewart. Marshal MacMahon is to decide a question be- tween this country and Portugal as to a bay on the XM* Coast of Africa. M. Thiers deiiija he is engaged in caba's, and "5 fce is preparing "to defend the threatened liberties and toTereigntyof thf people." JBarnslay Michaelmas Cattle Fair was field on Saturday. It was moderately wtll attended, "u,l there was a very fair show of horned and other cattle. Oa Sunday a yrsat mass meeting of railway ser- vants was held at Perth to consider the course to be taken to have their hours reduced to 10 per day. The Emperor of Russia ha-s presented to Maior de "Winton a diamond ring, with the Imperial initials, for Services in connection with International exhibitions. Some apprehension is fait at Constantinople as to theftte of the French steamer Anient, which left L ertch on the let of September, and hag not since been heard of. It has been determined to honour tha memory of the late Vicar of Shetii»id by building a church—to bt calltd the Sale Memorial Church—in the district of Dyer's-hill. A jxdysf'ot journal is to be published at Florence with the title of Aryo. It will be printed in Italian, French, German, and Russian. Tho only effect in Montreal of the panic in New York has been to make tha bankers more cautious, less willing to let out their funds. A mass of valuabla property, it appear*, lie's un- claimed at ths Court of Chancery, M well as in the Bask of England. Her Majesty the Queen h*s forwarded £ 2-"> to the fund for the mamorial to the late Rar. S. B. Gobat, vio.tr i f- 5oaf< >rth. At the Bristol Coufer»ace of Minsrs a resolution in r¡¡,our of weakly, wagss, without'any stoppages, was yasa^d. The hwrLcir fishery is remarkably good at present. 61$lasts, sach compriainj 13,2')0 tiøh, wero delivered at Loweitoft isut week. The rice" crop of Louisianla in the present season will., says the N'.xo Vrl*aiu» Picnyunt, De tho lar^eot e»cr produced. "hiV Ahoy!" a narrativa of shipping nmadven- fcur«.a haaed on tho Plirusoii inquiries, ii tv b6 the title of the Christmas Annual of Once a W (ek, Tha International Committee of the Suez Canal held a stormy meeting at Constantinople on Saturuay, but came to no decision. Ou raising th" Shanghai submarine cable recently for repairs, it was found coated with oyeters to the thickness of a man's lody. The Baroness Burdett Contts has contributed £.;0 tc>w»rus a slip at Botfin Inland, to erable fishermen to haiÙ tii«ir-Loat« out of the rsach of tho wild sea thsra. The Shoreham Chamber of Commerce has memo- rialised the Privy tn place restrictions upon the importation of cattle from t rance. The trunk system of railways is now completed in India by tae opening of tne Kristna Viaduct. Bombay and Madras are within 1,270 mile. of each other. The supposed Rye murder bras out to be a hosm a large dog having been the victim that creatod the leusation. The Jfémorull Itiplomaiique, a journal of weighs iu Paris, says that the Comte da Chambord will not fee king unless he agrees to the political programme sketched out by the National Assembly. In the late Atlantic storm the Missouri was wrecked off the Bahamas. The loss incurred ia reckoned at 5o0,000 dollars. The Spaniah steamer Maisi was also wrecked, and twenty-four lives lost. On Saturday, the headless body of a man was fouud on the sands of Moreeambe Bay, near Bolton-le- Bitvids. From the dress the body is supposed to be that of a sailor. Cab-hunting hall commsncsd In most of the shires, wad foxss are plentiful; so, if the season proves pro- pitious, good sport may be expected. In C louco^ter- shiie, Lord FvUhardmge's hounds have killed a large number of cubs. A Berlin correspondent says there Is hardly a Ro- man Catholic bishop in Germany who would not s"«ud the rest of his lifetime in gaol to iea Don Carlos on the t' ne of Spain. The ci, ia discussing Bismarck's ecclesiastical policy., u.faith in national interests and influences triumphing in the end, but thinks it imay be only after a period of grievous disorganization and of reli- gions anarchy. The Veo. "WYu. Pollock, D.D., viear of Bowdon, Canou and late Archdeacon of Chester, died on Sa- turday night at Claoghton, Birkenhead. An op«n-air harvest musical festival took place on Saturday afternoon on the sit« of the new Inde- pendent Church, Clapham-road, under the presidency oi Mr. J. Curwen, the leader of the TonicScl-Faists. j Mr. Lowe's secretary has acknowledged the receipt cf a memorial from the Sheffield Licensed Victuallers in respect to fees charged on the renewal uf their licences, and baa declared such charges to be irregular. A serious collision occurred on Saturday afternoon at Swansea, between a passenger train and soma mineral waggons, through the points being wrongly turned. No hvoo were lost, but 15 or 16 people were much shaken. Oa Sunday a thief secured a great part of the collec- tion after a Harvest F33ti"?*l in a church in the east end of London. He was captured, but rescued on his T.i-y to nUl puliee station. Cuba has been visited by A destructive rain- storm, 'whi'jh caused the sea to break over vessels leaving the harbour, and to drive some of them ashore. A lighthouse was overthrown, and great damage dona to telegraph linea on the inland. Mr. Henry Graves baa arranged for exhibition in hi*$ailarias an exceedingly interesting collection of tb Aii^i-aved works of Mi* Uts Sir Edwin Landseer. '(V v.- are ■ Is oi -b>; >r, yi oiilier, and are now on I -v. • • C-. iorthcou.ing Clas- j •. j.. :v s.:tured, tne e-xp9n»es v o .i suOetcripti^ms. Ai s*- Latfl- rt .Ms.. s:u•*• Siiy rrriU^n tor tho I'tistival, U<*3 beth uu. ing Uie pasc week. Placards emanating from the Ultramontane party have bean posta.i at Genera, vidently protesting arainst the popular collectiont of a Catholic Cure, and recommending Catholics absolutely to abstain from noting. The Journal de &enb>e publish. a letter from tha Abbe MJorCJhal, ex Chaplain to the Armies of Italy and the .Rhine, announcing that the Bishop of Nancy h&a decode tPJui the xioiuan Catholic Church. It is aaid that g.îQ.ttl members of the Royal Academy propose the erec;io'.i hi St. Paui.s Cathedral of a armorial to Sir Edwlil Landseer and the other great artists buried there. Mr. Go«chen, M.Pf) writes to tha Time* to correct the qnotat-ion of 8om« Sg^jpes frous his t sport on bx:al tMation, and explains that in ra-publishing nis raport t he ciid aoi avail himnalf ol any nsw in?«tsrial3 op l»tor returns tiiAU those already kaown. Twc, .Tiost aD8:1 p-°po»itiOM have bean rr.ado by ib-i .Japan^so and gr.iSOlj answered by the cue being that ths "K^p.ror sbr aid have his hair flr*«s.*>i'j after the style of £ urwps*a ledlea (which the t'-i Hed waa ?-'0 c") and Mio otb-er that the Government fiuuld turn iw attsatioa to tho FUFOREOTIOQ of Sin iMA ZIZCIQUITOEA) The city of Carlisle has has applied for, and obtained a separate Court of Quarter Sessions, and Mr. Herachfell, Q.C., of the Northern Circuit, has been appointed tho first Recor. ler. ¡I ijord Wilton ha.3 arrived at Malta, all well. The iand tax last year produced Bl,103,000. Thirty candidatas have applied for Mallow Rectory. The Crown Prince of Saxony has been thrown from his carriage a.nd severely injured. Thtl deficit of fthe Vienna. Exhibition amounts to nearly thirteen million florins. The report that General La Marmora is likely to lose his sight is contradicted. Two Klu-Klux mon have been sentenced to be hanged for whipping a nogro to death. The Public Works Loan Commissioners have lent School Boards nearly £ 300,000. The Grant Western Railway of Canada is able to pay a *1 por cent dividend. There hM been a great destruction of huusea and shipping iu 8.mtll\¡ra Hayti. M. Rane hM been condemned to death at Paris in contunviciaui by a Council of War. Two new School Board schools, costing &1S,00"), have boon opened at Sheffield, and 600 scholar.) enrolled- At the Bristol Miners' Conference a prop yl to found a mining BC!KK>1 was discussed with approval. Mr. Go"dwir, of Preston, has been run over by a spring cart and killed in Manchester. Mr. Behbngham, son of Sir II. BelMugham, hae joined the Roman Catholic Church. The Turin papers state that the inauguration of the monument to Cavour will take place early in November. Efforts are being made to improve the observance ef Sunday in Switzerland. A seriou3 accident has happened in Dundee while repairing an elovator. One man was killed on the spot. Ten sailors have been sentenced to seven days' im- prisonment at Southampton for refusing to work on Sunday. Several leading Liberals, who had previously held aloof, have given in their name3 to Mr. Reed's com- aloof, have given in their name3 to Mr. Reed's com- mittee. A ship chandler's stores at Penryn were burnt down on Tuesday by a fire, which broke out at one O'clock. A lady has placed a window in Bath Abbey in oommemoration of the re.-iboralion to health of the Prince of Wales. The Exeter School Board has laid the foundation etouM of four large schools in the poor and populous districtt of that city. Republicans have boen returned in all the four De- partment* in M. Thieraia said to be greatly delighted. The arbitrator haa decided against the ironmaster^ and the reduction of 12i per cent, will not take place at present. The new English pilgrimage is to be to the Holy Land, vii Rome, and will leave next Lent, headed by Monsignor Capel and the Mai^qui# of Bute. The United Preshyteriau Synod met at Sunder- land on Monday. The RvY, George Ball, of New- outlr, is Moderator. At the Durham Quarter Sessions, on Monday, John Brown, agricultural labourer, WAS sentenced to five years' penal servitude for a murderous attack on his wife. Tho Gurman Ministers have ordered the expulsion from Germany of all emigration agents and recruiting emissaries who do not belong to that country. Dublin Exhibition had a narrow escape from fits on Saturday, in consequence of flags having been placed too near the gas. The day before the failure of Jay Cooke he enter- tained President Grant at his palatial residence at Chelton Hill, near Philadelphia. The parish of Kues*nachfc, Switzerland, has voted the sum of l,000fr. for the embellishment of William Teil's chapel And the surrounding wood. The Warden of Sing Sing Prison, U.S., says that during hilt service of twenty years he has never known of the attempt of a lite prisoner to escape. Last year there were 473 causes in the Admiralty Court, which was an increase on the previous year. The amount for which the causes was entered was £ 718,510. Damage to tho extent of about £400 was on Mon- day caused by a fire which broke out in the Wellington Mill, Oldham. The cases of drunkenness heard by Mr. C. Aspinall on Monday at Liverpool numbered 165, an increase of 10 over the previous Monday. Sir Richard Wallace, M.P. for Lisburn, ha* been struck off the voter's list on that borough on a technical objection. It is said that great efforts have been made to obtain the expulsion of Prince Napoleon, but tii.it Marshal MacMahon has put a decided negative on the suggestion. Mr. Spurgeon has laid the foundation stono of a "Pontons' College" at the rear of his Taber- naele in Newington. It ia said that the Vatican purpose adopting towards Switzerland the measures wliicn Pius VI. followed towards trance in the Revolution of 1793. Tho fact of Prince Bismarck's accompanying the Emperor to Vienna will, its is believed, furnish a con- tradiction to the reports of his waning influence. The dispute in the Manchester engineering trade ha* been settled in favour of the masters. It is ex- pected that a 51 hours' movement will at once be com- menced by the men. A report i. said to have reached Vienna from St. Petersburg that the Czar has issued a uka"a con- fiscating all endowments of Greek schools invented ia land* situated in Russia. It is shewn by a Parliamentary book published on Wednesday that in the year ended the 31st of March last the gross Customs' duty on tobacoo and snuff WM iJ7,104,010 -V 2d., and the net produce £ 7,046,930 5s. M. In and about Pfaeffers, Switzerland, the squirrels are doing so much damage to the larch-trees that the Council has been obliged, as in 1805, to appoint a special hunter to chaia them. He gets a certain sum per head. The Society Suisse pour la. Sanctification du Di- manche" offers a prixa for the best essay upon the im- portance, in point of view of health, of rest on Sun- day for all, but especially for those engaged in arduous bLuur. Un Monday afternoon, while Mr. Charles Paget and his wife and her linur were sitting on the rocks near Fiiey Brigg, an extraordinary wave swept them into the sea. The sister alone was saved. Juries, in every Terdict where ar man is suspected of homicide, record their disapproval of the departure from the ancient constitutional rule of having the pri- soner when in custody present. A very noisy meeting, held at Plympton on Mon- day, resolved not to adopt a resolution in favour of a school board for the parish, which the Nonconformiet8 strongly urged. A poll is demanded. The Mimorial Diplomatique says that in the event of the failure of the Monarchical scheme the different fractions of the Bight will continue united and sup- port oh* prolongation of Marshal MacMahon's power. M. Thiers is also likely to favour this policy. Rear-Admiral Winalow, who oommanded the United States war steamer K ear sage during the msmorable fight between that vessel and the famous Southern privateer Alabama, in which the Alabama was sunk, has just died at his residence, Kearsage Avenue, Boston. Countess Berritorff, the widow of the late German Ambassador to the Jiritish Court, has been presented by her friends injEnglan 1 with a valuable bracelet, as a souvenir of her long sojourn in this country. They include some of the most influential members of both political parties. The funded debt of the United Kingdom amounts to £ 726,000,000. The charge for interest and manage- ment is rather more than £ 122,000,Oi 0 per annum. In addition there ia an annual payment of 4i millions as Terminable Annuities. The Magdalena, of Hull, from Buenos Ayres, and the Jane, of Ipswich, han been in collision off the Humber. At first it was feared the latter had foundered with all hands, but captain, vessel, and crew have, however, got into Grimsby. Navigating Sub-Lieutenant William Renwick. Wha was sentenced by court martial to ten years' penal servitude for asiaults upon boys, on Monday es- caped from the fiagship at Devonport, by lowering him- 'rielf down the side of the vessel into a. boat waiting to recelu him, Dr. Fryer, formerly Missionary Bishop of Zanzibar, has written a remonstrance against the Dean of Can- terbury participating in the communion service in a Presbyterian church. He will bring the matter un- der the notice of the Archbishop of Canterbury. It appears that the Due d' Aumale desired to visit the battle iields of Metz, but the German Hovem- ment objected to his doing so. The French War Minis- ter communicated with the Berlin Minister of Foreign Affairs, and promised that the visit should be made incognito, but to no purpose. An alarming tire broke out on Monday the pre- mises of Messrs. Waterlow and Sons, near J.ondon v\ all, but owing to the energy of the Fire Brigade it was contmedto the ground floor. Fourteen engines wr,re employed. The Lord Mayor of London, Sir Sydney \Vatcriow, was present. An inqneat was held at St. Austell on Monday rela- tive to the death of a woman, and as a man with whom she had been intimate, and ngainst whom she had brought a charge of theft, had bie^n heard to threaten to give her a dORe," the inquiry was ad- journed for 2>o$i-mortem examination. Ten days ago a boy was shot at Camborne by a shopmate, and the wounded lad died from exhaus- tion, At the inquest on Monday it was elicited that only blank cartridges were kept in the shop, but that oii3 loaded cartridge had been placed on a shelf, and that deceased had himself placed tins in the gun fired at him. A punt attached to her Majesty's ship Resistance was oapsizod in Plymouth Sound whilst the vessel was shifting her moorings, and a seaman in it was drowned. At the inquest held on Monday, a verdict of accidental death was returned, but the officer of the watch was censured for not taking the punt on board previous to moving the ship under steam. The Waybill hop and cheese fair was held on Mon- df-.y, It venaa that hops were gathered and cured thi? s-j«c?ou on fJ{.fl(JO acres of land, the produce vary- ing from 6cwt. to lclcjvt., and the prices from four spiine '.s to £9. Somerset and Wilts cheese realised womOos, to 70s., .nd prime Cheddars from 70s. to is.. Several BJ itish war vessels are cruising along tha Spanish coast. The reported bad health of Mr. Bright is contra- dicted. The City of Carlisle has obtained a separate Court of Quarter Sessions. The movements of the Comte de Chambord are 'becoming very mysterious. M. Guizot denies having written anything about the Fusion. It is expected that specie payments will be resumed in the United States at an early date. There r.rj only 68 peers alive out of 5S0 who con- stituted the peerage on the accession of her Majesty. It is said that the proclamation of the Monarchy in France is assured by a large majority iu the Assem bly. Mr. Reed denies that the shipowners of Hull are to oppose him. One hundred and ten lieutenants are to be allowed to retire from the Navy. Lord Romilly will commence sittings in the Euro- pean Arbitration case on the 27th inst. The Spanish paper, the Impartial, denies the re- port that differences exist in the Spanish Ministry, Lizarra^ra, the Carlist General, has shot three Car- lists belonging to the party of Santa Cruz. The ship Colombo from Rangoon to Queenstown was burned on the 12th of May. Mr. Cole, C.B., is to make a provincial tour to e*- Elain the working of the new Training School oI lusic. t The foundation-stone of a new Congregational Church has been laid at Clapham-rise. In the last financial year the malt duty was gross £7,7S:3,2GV 12s. 21d. and net £ 7,544,173 DS, 7d. All railroads running out of Philadelphia carry the daily papers free for a distance of fifty miles. Our exports to our West African possessions reach £ 1,500,000 per year. The imports are ;Sl,OOO,OOO. The National Reform League has passed a. resolu- tion recommending Government to bring the coal mines under Government control. The Archbishop of 'Canterbury has promised to write a paper called God's Message," for the Sunday Mayizine. A "People's Commentary on the Old Testament" is in preparation by the Society for the Promotion of Christian Knowledge. It is said that one-third of the present Parliament of Canada, consisting of two hundred members, are now or have been editors of newspapers. There is no country in the world, with double the population of Canada, that gives to any newspaper ft circulation equal to that of the Toronto G{,)Óe. The Leicester October fair had the largest stock ever shewn in that town. The cattle numbered over 2,000. Milch cows brought high rates. American female newspaper reporters are now to be found in all parts of the world. Sixteen went to the Vienna Exposition, The Law Tiina thinks that in view of the approach- ing elections solicitors, as a body, should endeavour to secure more direct representation. The three dramatic stars, Phelps, Matthews, and Toole, will appear together at the Gaiety Theatre during the nine nights immediately preceding Christ- mas Day. It appears that the wages of labourers in the Bom- bay Presidency is from 3d. to 6d, per day. Skilled workmen receive from 8d. to 2s. The grouse shooting on the Yorkshire moors con- tinues very poor. Hares and rabbits are plentiful, and the partridge shooting is good. There has been another fight between the Carlists and the Republican troops. The losses on both sides have Deell serious. Captain Geortce Tryon, R.N., C.B., has resigned his post of Private Secretary to Mr. Goschen, and report gives him tiie command of H.M.S. Monarch, &VOl1t to ue cOillmissiu1!cd. From all oiiidal dvcument just printed, it appears that in the year ended the 31st March last, the fines and penalties received at the metropolitan police-courts amounted to .1;i,3;)tj bs. ::>d, Colonel Wilson Patten, M.P., calls attention to Professor Leone Levi's statement as to the increase ot pOVl" rates, and the de. rease of imperial taxation. He says it is remarkable. The high price of eoal is sadly frightening the chief manufacturing firms. John Brown and Co., of Sheffield, have purchased a colliery for 1:13ï,()QO. Several other large firm3 have made similar purchases. The Paris correspondent of the Independance Belge says the general opinion is that the Bazaine trial is as- suming a serious aspect not only for the accused, but also for the witnesses. A Naples journal says that on the re-opening of the Chambers the Mini-ler of ,J a-lice will bring in a law to enforce the celebration of marriages by civil as well as religious ceremonials. A music and dancing licence has been refused to Cremorne Gardens, and also to the Criterion, Messrs. Spiers and Pond's new place in Piccadilly. The building will cost £ .^5,000. The Saturday Review thinks that the real Ï3sue of the Bazaine trial is whether the Marshal left the Re- publican armies to their fate in order to secure with foreign assistance the return of Napoleon, During a terrible gale on Friday morning, the schooner Tulip, from Sunderland, went ashore on Saunton Sands, North Devon. The master, mate, and one seaman were lost, The Spectator disapproves of the extreme measures propol!ed by the German Government with respect to the Roman Catholics of Posen, and asks what would be thought if we attempted the same sort of thing in Ireland. Arrangements are now being made to transfer to the General Post Othee the custody and maintenance of all the Government telegraph wires in the Royal Arsenal, Royal Dockyards, and the military and naval stations throughout the country. Nothing has been settled with reference to the removal of the 1st West India Regiment from the West Indies to the West Coast of Africa, for parti- cipation in the operations against the Asliantees, the matter being still under consideration. A new Children's Hospital is about to be built in Vienna. Towards the cost of itR erection Herr Mauthner, Ritter von Markhof, has paid over the mu- nificent sum of 110,000 florins (£11,000), to the city authorities, and has also contributed 60,000 florins (U;,UW) towards its fittings, friends providing the site. A Paris journal publishes the following curious paragraph "The oldest newspaper in the world is published at Pekim It is priuted on a large sheet of yellow silk, and appears in the same form, with the same characters, and on the same kind of j-tuif as took place a thousand years ago. The only thing changed is the writers." La CorrcsponcUncia of Madrid says Castelar refuses to modify his programme, although some deputies of the majority threaten to withdraw their support. He lias expressed him- self freely to these deputies assuring them that ha would regard those as his best personal frienda who woud relieve him from the tremendous responsibility of power. But at the same time that he did not deaire; power he would not abandon one of the bases of his programme for censure, and would continue to employ in the civil war and in the army all those measures which he believed to be neces- sary without regard to any party. THE POTATO CROP.—Mr. Thos. Scott writea to the Field :—From a detailed inspection of the cropfl in some of thp great potato districts, and from tho crop on my own farm in Surrey, I am quite satisfied that the amount of produce is double that of last year and I estimate that, while we did not save 3,000,000 tons in the United Kingdom in 1S72, we shall this year secure at least 7,000,000 tons of sound tubers, thus'compensating for the reduced aroas, checking the price of wheat, and affording nearly l £ lb. of potatoes per day for each head of the population throughout the year, which is as much as we usually care to con- sume." A BISHOPRIC or ST. ALBAN'S.—It is proposed, by a memorial now in circulation throughout Essex and Herts, to form a separate diocese tor those counties, with the Abbey Church of St. Alban as its cathedral. A requisition signed by a large number of in- fluential persons has been prepared for presentation to Mr. Gladstone. The chief points on which it relies are as follows :—1. St. Alban's was one of the See* which it was proposed to create at the time of the Re- formation. 2. Its magnificent church, of Royal foun- dation, is now being restored by means of public con- tribution, and is eminently suited to be used as a cathedral. 3. The northern part of the diocese, comprising the counties of Herts and Essex, is naturally divided by the river Thames from the county of Kent, its southern portion. 4. The area of the counties of Herts ana Essex amounts to 1,868 square miles, with a rapidly-increaa- ing population. 5. The diocese of Wincitester includes now the densely-populated district of Southwark. which may, with benefit to that diocese, be separated therefrom, and added to the diocese of Rochester, thereby confining the limits of the latter to the coun- ties south of the River Thames. G. The present time is, in the opinion of your memorialists, a favourable ■m port unity for the formation of a new diocese.

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