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WOMEN'S SUFFRAGE DEMONSTRA- TION AT MERTHYR. Mrs Crawshay, of Cyfarthfa Castle, who has always taken a great interest in the above question, presided on Tuesday ev^n'ng at a large and influential meeting held at Zoar Chapel, the use of which had been given for the occasion in consequence of the Temperance Hall, in which the meeting would have been held, being underrepair. The principal speakers were Mrs Crawshay, Mrs Fawcett, wife of Professor Fawcett, M.P., and Miss Lilias Ashworth, of Bath. Mrs Crawshay, who was received %:th immense cheering, said I share with all present their anxiety to hear the two gifted ladies who are my guests tO-D-ght but it has b en intimated to me that a few words on my own part would be acceptable to some among the audienee; and rs I have always found my Meiuhyr ft lends most kind and indulgent in listening to me- notwithstanding my wicked notions- J propose making a remark on the assertion that women don't want the suffrage." (chcers.) Mr Henry James s?id at Taunton, last week, that if he were sure even half the women of England desired the franch'se be would vote for it, and he seemed to fancy that he was acting ;n accordance with the wishes of the majority of women in England in declining to vote for it. This may to some extent be true—the black slaves d'd not care to be set fcee- there musk be some little experience of freedom before it is vp'ued. But why should the women of England who don't want to vote be so afraid of the suffrage being given to those women who do. They will no more be obliged to vote than men are. There are many women who do not use this privilege-do not fulfil their duty- but it would be a strong plea to bring forwprd, that we must not a"ow pny men duly qualified to vote, because some do not care to vo 3 (" hear, he-,r," and applause). Who is he who kiows what proportion of women are arxious to have a voice in making the laws by which they, no 1: -s than men, are bound ? No one -for the tyranny exercis d by some men is so great that they prevent their wives a id grown-up daughters bearing any discussion on the subject, when anxious to do so. (Hear, her-). To my knowledge there would have been some aere to-night who are kept at home as if they were either children or idiots. Is it l'ely this state of things w' I continue? No. Because at some of these meet- ings the absence of Mrs or Miss So-and-so will be de-, plored, and the aae renen for her absence given and those men who ret thus tyranic lly by their wives and daughters are the very ones who would most shrink from having such conduct traced home to them ( hear, hear," and cheers). It is only the most noble and the most generous of husbands and fathers who at the pre- sent time allow womankind the exercise of in- tellect but the others will have to do so, and then Mr Henry James will find himself obliged to vote for the enfranchifleiQeot of women, if he will either gain or re- tain a seat in the House (" hear, hear," and cheers). I feel sure that one reason why narrow-mindfl m^n are feel sure that one reason why narrow-mindfl In"n are so averse to greater indepence of thought on the plr" of women is that they fear it might raise the standard of intelligence throughout the country. This is a strange fear, while there are physiologists who assure us that the mini of woman is in itself an inferior article to man's mind. Perhaps they will have to modify this idea some day (" hear, bear," and cheers). In the year 1801 M. Sylvain Marechal wrote a book in which he discussed the question, "Ought women to learn the alphabet?" This is ironical, but really it is the point where the men went wrong ("bear, hear." and cheers). They should have resolutely answered "No." But only think, had they done so, what a far more backward posi- tion Europe would hold now, for it is clearly a decree of Providence that one class cannot rise without the rest, any more than one individual can do so. What is the meaning of all the martyrdoms of all ages ? Only that the martyr was in advance of his time and that is a crime resented now not less than in ages past, though it is no longer punished by physical tortures, but mental torture is still in vogue (applause). Mr Charles James moved the first resolution. He said he had no hesitation in moving the resolution which had been placed in his hands, because, as they all knew, he had for many years held the opinion that to debar women from the exercise of the suffrage when they were not exempt from taxation was sheer tyranny. He thought women had given abundant evidence of their intellectual power as well, and they might possibly see some testimony of their foresight in the circumstance of his being put forward to move the first resolution, in order that the audience might see for themselves the powerful contrast between the poor, stammering man and clever voluble woman. The resolution was That the exclusion of women, otherwise legally qualified, from voting in the election of members of Parliament, is injurious to those excluded, contrary to the principle of just representation, and to the laws in force regu- lating the principles of municipal, parochial, and all other representative governments." Mrs Fawcett, in supporting the resolution, said the advocates of woman suffrage had had an uphill task hitherto, and were not likely to have it less laborious for some time to come. Not only had they to con- vince the minds and conscience of the British public that the demand of women for representation was based upon justice and reason-that was the least diffi- cult part of their task-but they had also to convince that large mass of opinion which was not based upon reason and common sense, but which sprang from the rocks of prejudice and superstition that lay deep in the minds and natures of so many hundreds and thousands of them. They were reminded of that old couplet A man convinced aga'nst his will Is of the same opinion still. They might convince the minds of men over and over again of the justice of their demand to be placed in pos- session of the suffrage, and they might convince those men of the injustice of holding them in the same cate- gory, as to disqualification for voting, with paupers, criminals, and imbeciles, but still there would remain the same prejudice against the extension of the franchise to women as though none of those reasons existed. She would just tell them of a cir- cumstance which happened some seven or eight years before the Married Women's Property Bill became law. She was down in the countrv. at her father's house, on the eve of a general election, and her father had invited some of the leading Liberals to meet him there to concoct measures of action. After the general business was over, she thought it would be an admirable opportunity of bringing the Bill under their notice, and accordingly she did go, but she found that Liberalism was often like beauty-~oniy skin deep. She submitted the Bill to them, and took care to point out the clause which provided that a husband should not, under certain circumstances, be held responsible for his wife's debts, which met with unanimous ap- proval—(laughter),—but some one, with a keener per. ception than the rest, suddenly asked whether, if his wife had £2,000 left her, and he wanted to use it, he would, under this Bill, be obliged to ask her for it. She was under the necessity of saying that it was so, whereat the whole body of the leading Liberals for that part of the county said they did not agree with it, could not support such a measure, and refused to sign a petition in favour of it. That was the line of action ot the advanced Liberals of Suffolk 7 or 8 years ago. Since then the cause of women suffrage had made con- siderable progress. It was true that Parliament had not done much since, but the fact that members of Parliament had expressed their willingness to do some- thing for them showed the progress of public opinion in the direction in which they desired it to go. One of the most successful tactics which had been resorted to by its opponents was that of denouncing the movement as of a revolutionary character. When first the question was mooted in Parliament, it was thought that it would receive the support of the entire Liberal party. Then the tactics of their opponents changed, it was said that the women of the country were Tory at heart, and if the measure received the assent of Parliament it would damage the Liberal party. That stratagem had a good deal of success. But if it lost them a portion of their Liberal support, it won for them supporters in the ranks of the Conservatives. Amongst the 240 members of the House of Commons who supported the Bill for woman suffrage they counted Mr Gathome Hardy, Sir Stafford Northcote, and Mr Ward Hunt, and they found advocates in John Bull, the Standard, Globe, and other papers, which publishel leading articles in their favour, and stated that the principle which they had always advocated led them to support the extension of the suffrage to those women who are householders.. But there had since been another change of tactics, and in- stead of saying women were Tories it was now said it would be revolutionary to extend the suffrage to women, and entirely subversive of society. It was easy to call names, and there was a habit in all political circles of calling any change which you desired a reform, and any change which you did not desire a revolution, and so their opponents ex- pected to behold revolution in a measure which proposed simply to confer the suffrage upon female householders. Last year when Mr Trevelyan introduced his bill to ex- tend household suffrage to the counties, it was supported by speeches from Mr Forster and Mr Bruce, now Lord Aberdare. The former adduced as reasons for the measure that he had always been a household suffrage man, that the agricultural labourers had conducted their agitations quietly and orderly, that they had sent a petition with 82,000 signatures in favour of tbe Bill, that they were becoming more intelligent and en- lightened, and that questions were constantly arising in the House closely affecting the labourer, whose interests required representation in the House. She did not dis- pute the application of those reasons to a labourer's case, but she contended that they applied, every one of them, with tenfold force to the unrepresented female householders of the country. They had sent a petition signed not by 82,000, but by 300,000 persons in behalf of their measure and as te educational attainment, it was no disparagement to the labourer to ny that there would be several generations yet before the average agricultural labourer of England got to the level of the average women of that class who would be enfranchised by this BilL She did not wish to say anything unkindly of Lord Aberdare; but she could not refrain from noting the argu. ments upon which he based his support of Mr. Trevelyan's Bill, and his opposition to the Woman's Suffrage Bill. In the first place, he said he agreed in all that Mr. Forster had said, but with respect to female suffrage he was opposed to it from the facts that no women came over with the Duke of Normandy at the Conquest of 1066, nor did anytake part with the barons in wresting the Magna Charta from King John. Surely these were the drollest reasons ever heard for such a line 01 conduct but Lord Aberdare thought martial prowess was a proper qualification. Perhaps he might be reminded that there was once a Queen Phi'lipa, who, wh'le her husbond waged war against the enemies in the South, conducted an army to the North, and fought twelve pitched battles against the Scots. She contended that all the arguments of representation and taxation when applied to men were equally applicable on this question to women, who were conveniently enough included in the schedule of the tax collector, though excluded from a share in the national repre- sentative body which directed the public affairs of the state. At Bridgewater the Local Government Board directed the levy of of a rate to raise jE6,000 to defray the expense of that election commission which revealed the corrupt practices of the burgesses, and led to their dis- franchisement but though the women petitioned against tkeir conclusion in that assessment, having had no part in the malpractices which brought the burden upon them, they could not be excluded from the list of persons from whom the money had to be raised. In co; Jusion, she said if property was the right basis of representation, then it could not be right to exclude those women who hold property. It was a flagrant injustice to exclude such a woman as Lady Burdett Coutts, for instance, from the suffrage. They were determined to go on in their endeavours, and they would not be debarred from their purpose by any cry of unnatural alliance between themselves and the Tories. She hoped the time was not far distant when such meetings as the present would become no longer a necessity for the attainment of their object. Mr. W. JONES, of Cyfarthfa, moved the Wowing resolution, That a petition to the House of Commons be adopted and signed by the chairman on behalf of this meeting, and that a memorial be forwarded to Mr. Richard and Mr. Fothergill, members for the borough, requesting them to support Mr. Jacob Bright's BiP to remove the electoral disabilities of women." A draft of the memorial was then read after which Miss Lilias Ashworth addressed the assembly at consi- derable length, and the resolution was cr .led with acclamation. The Rector of Merthyr in supporting a vote of thanks to Mrs Crawshay, Mrs Fawcett, and Miss Ashwoi iih, concluded in the following words:—" I was at Bath the other day, and wal informed that there were thirty thousand women there, in the height of the season, ;n excess of men. Why was this ? Why simply for the reason that the young men of the present day don't do the'r duty in the way they ought. (Applause.) They ought to set about mai rying at once. With this view, then, I hope the measure under discussion will succeed, and I hope the women when they do bccome enfran- chised will get an Act of Parliament passed that a poll-tax be put on every man that is not married. (Immense laughter and cheering.) Mrs Crawshay, after acknowledging the conap^ment, expressed her personal gratitude to the Rev. D. Jones, B.A., and the deacons of Zoar Church, for their courtesy in granting the use of the chapel for the meeting, after which the assembly dispersed, GLAMORGANSHIRE MICHAELMAS SESSIONS. The Michaelmn Sessions for the county of Glamor- gan were commenced in the Guildhall, Swansea, on Tuesday, when the county business alone was taken. There were present—Messrs R. O. Jones (thalrman), J. C. Fowler (deputy-chairman), H. H. Vivian M.P., L..L. Dillwyn, M.f., aDd a number of nu<ri«tr*t«ii CHANGE OR DAY FOR COMMENCING THE SESSIONS. The Chairman observed that some three years ago they altered the course of proceedings in that Court, and fixed Tuesday as the day on which they should meet and transact the county business, and the subse- quent days for the judicial business. He did not then anticipate that the business wouJd become so very heavy. At the last Sessions the Court sat until the Tuesday after the opening, and he was told that at the present Sessions there were about 100 prisoners for trial. Under these circumstances it was very desirable, if the justices were willing, to meet on Monday, so that the judicial business might be taken on Tuesday, and by that means they would have the whole week for the disposal of the business. He made a proposition to that efFrcL The Deputy-Chairman (Mr Fowler), seconded the proposition, which, upon being put to the Court, was agreed to unanimously. PENSIONS TO POLICE OFFICERS. The Chairman, upon the recommendation of the Chief Constable, moved that a year's pay be given to the widow of the late P.C. Meek, of Merthyr. The Chief Constable stated that the Superannuation Fund now amounted to £1,278, and at the present time only JE45 per year was paid out, so they would see that the funds were ample. The Deputy Chairman (Mr Fowler) having spoken in approving terms of the late P.C. Meek, the grant was unanimously agreed to. The Chief Constable also recommended the granting of a pension of JB25 per annum to P.C. Wise, who was disabled from active duty after long service. RE.VALUATION OF THE COUNTY. The Rev C. R. Knight brought forward the motion adjourned from last session, relative to the re-valuation of the county for purposes of the county rate. The rev. gentleman said he had been saved the trouble of making anything like a speech on the occasion, even if the cir- cumstances required it, by a leading article which ap- peared that morning in the columns of a daily paper, and of which, he need scarcely tell them, he was perfectly innocent. With regard to the present valua- tion of the county, there could be no doubt it was far from equitable for rating purposes. He alluded more particularly to the change which had taken place in the colliery property. Coal was rated at 4d per ton when it was seeing at from 6s to 8s, and it would be quite absurd to continue the same assessment now that coal was worth from 27s to 30s per ton. He adduced other arguments to show that the present assessment was not on an equitable basis, and concluded by moving That the basis of the valuation of the county be re-considered by the Assessment Committee." Mr Penrice seconded the resolution. Mr Vivian, M.P., said that the mover of the resolu- tion seemed to justify his request for a re-valuation, on the amount of the profits made by the owners of certain property alluded to. As, however, it was an established principle that profits could not be rated, it seemed to him that the whole argument of the mover of the reso- lution must fall to the g.ound. The Chairman said they might perhaps differ as to what "pronts "really were (hear, hear).. They would have to deal with coal mines the same as they would deal with any other property, and base the assessment on what a mine would let to a tenant for from year to year. Mr Vh lan said that collieries in Glamorganshire were rated higher than in any part of England, and the principle upon which they were rated was different to that in any other place, being rated upon the dues paid by the lanc"ord. He contended that a re-valuation on the principle laid down would not be an equitable basis. Mr Fowler said the question would be—what was the value of a mine from year to year ? The Act of Parlia- ment laid down the bas;" of ratir^ value as being profitable occupation," and that wr" the principle upon which they could act. If they passed the resolu- tion they would have to embark upon a most onerous duty, and the question would bccome one of justice in passing the resolution. They were essentially a taxing body, empowered to tax for mm'fold purposes, and all their taxation ought to be based upon equality. If they had good reason to believe that any injury was sus- tained by inequality, it w: the duty of the court to as- certain and re-adjust, '.1 order to secure perfect equality in the incidence of the rate. Mr Rhys said he c»rd v.lly supported the motion that the basis of the county va'uation should be taken as a whole. He should not,! )wever, have been so ready to support it had it been con fin: 1 to collieries only. The Rev C. R. Knight, in renly to Mr Vivian's re- marks, said that the rateable bas's were not on profits, he did not k low what it ou?ht to be on. If he wanted to purchase a col'iery, he saould say Tell me what your profits are, and then I will te" you what I will give for it." The resolution was then put pnd carried, Mr Vivian vot:"lK agai lit it. ISCBEASK OF SALARY. On the motion of Mr Grenfell, the salary of Mrs Cox, matron of the Swansea House of Correction, was increased to JE80 per annum, with £20 a year for lodgings out of the prison until apartments were provided for her with'n. BOABB OF CONSERVATORS. Mr N. P. Cameron and Mr S. S. H. Hoi man-Fisher were re-appo nted Conservators of the Carmarthen Bay Fishery District, Mr Thos. Penrice, of Kilvrough, being appointed in conjunction with those gentlemen for the same district, in the room of Mr Howel Gwyn, resigned. Mr Frederick Morgan, Mr Tynte, and Mr George Thomas were appointed conservators also, of the Rumney River district. Major Turbervlll moved that the requisite notice be given to form a fishery district bordering on the Ogmore and Ewenny Rivers, and their tributaries witb;n the county, and the court directed the necessary notice to be given. INCREASE li* THE COUNTY ROLICE. On the motion of Mr Pritchard, seconded by Mr Griffith Llewellyn, four po'ice officers and one sergeant were ordered to be added to the Newbridge district of the county constabulary. A notice of motion, to consider as to proposed im. provement of the Glyn Neath and Bridgend police- stations, was ordered to stand over ti'l next sessions. SURGEONS OF THE COUNT r PRISONS. The Chairman moved that the salaiy of the surgeons of the two county prisons be increased from JS100 to JB150 a year. There were, he said, two of them, their attendance was constant, and the number of prisoners was increasing. Both of them were men of considerable experience, and amply deserved the increase proposed to be given to them. Mr Grenfell seconded the resolution, and observed that with regard to the house-surgeon at the Swaneea House of Collection, Mr James Hall, no man could be more attentive, and, as they had heard from the report, his duties had increased appreciably. The resolution passed, which concluded the business. TRIAL OF PRISONERS. The criminal business commenced on Wednesday. The Chairman (Mr R. O. Jones) proceeded to charge the grand jury: He said he was afraid the state of the calendar was such that their duties would be very onerous. He was told there were at present 100 pri- soners in the calendar, and probably before they were discharged some few more might come in, making it al- together one of the largest calendars they had to deal with. Considering the great increase of the population throught the county, and the number of persons, strangers, who came to reside in it. this was not to be wondered at. It was the anxious desire of those who administered justice, and who had the regulation of the county prisons, to do a'l in their power to deter those who had once been convicted of any offence against the law from returning to their vicious courses. He re- gretted to say they had not succeeded in doing what they desired and though poLslbly something might be found out which wps hitherto unknown that would oper- ate as a determent in this respect, they would still have the heavy calendars to which he was new adverting, until such time a9 this change came about. In the meantime, heavy punishments had been awarded by those having the administration of justice in their hands, and he did not think there would be any relaxa. tion in this respect, the desire being more to deter others from the commission of crime, than with any very san- guine hope of preventing those who had once embarked in it from returaing to tne'r evil courses. Some of the juiy might have seen that the magistrates, the day previously, had found It necessaiy to enlarge the county orisons, and he was afraid, judging from what they saw, that this enlargement would have to be still further ex- tended. It was to them aU a source of regret that this should be found requisite, but it had become a matter of absolute necessity, and there was no alternative. Having referred to the several cases in the calendar, the learned Chairman then dismissed the grand jury to their duties. The following p.:80ners from this district were tried on Wednesday James Grrze, miner, 47 years of age, was charged with stealing SOlbs. weight of iron, the propel ly of Mr R. T. Crawshay, at Merihyr Tydfil, om the 28th of August.—P.S. Be" Merthyr, proved searching the Eritoner's house, and finding the iron. His daughters ad been previously charged with stealing some of the had been previously charged with stealing some of the same kind offon, and were now in custody.—Evan Rees, contractor at the Cyfartbfa Works, deposed to losing the iron and William Bevan, master moulder, pro- duced a pattern with the view of identity.—The jury found the prisoner guilty, and he wrs sentenced to six month«' imprisonment with hard labour.—The Chair- man, in passing sentence, commented strongly on the heinousness of the offence of the prisoner in bringing up trs daughters as systematic thieves. Eliea K'ng, ag 1 28, was charged with stealing a si'ver watch, the property of David Jones, at Merthyr, on the 22nd of July. John Thomas was charged with receiving the same, knowing it to have been stolen. The woman was found guilty, and sentenced to twelve months' imprisonment, and the man Thomas to six months, bota with hard labour. Denis Lane, labourer, aged 40, was sentenced to six months' imprisonment, with hard labour, for stealing an umbrella, the property of Charles Mullins, at Gellygaer, on the 4ta of August. Eleanor Jenkins, ased ^0, was sentenced to nine months' imprisonment, with hard labour, for stealing a s"ver watch, the property of Thomas Thomas, at Merthyr Tydfil, on the 17th of August; Mary M'Caiihy, surrendered to her bail, charged with maliciously wounding Thomas Rees, at Merthyr, on the 25th of August. Ihe jury found the prisoner guilty, and she wr s sentenced to three months' impri. sonment with hard labou". Elias Darics was charged with mr" clously wounding Lucy Davies with a knife, at Llanwonno. The jury found the prisoner guilty of a common assault, and he was bound over to keep the peace for six months. Edwin Brodest, collier, aged 30, was found guilty of maliciously wounding Sarah Smith, at Merthyr Tydfil, and shntenced to three months' imprisonment with hrrd labour. n_< Jonathan George, labourer, pleaded guilty to stealing a silver watch and guard, the property of Levi Richards, at Merthyr, was sentenced to six months' imprisonment with hard labour. BILLS IGNORED. The grand jury threw out the bills against William Hall, John Bryant, John Owen. and Richard Jenkins, charged with stealing a quantity of spirits, wine, and ginger-beer, the property of William Conybear, at Cwmogwr, on the 9th of September.

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