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MISCELLA NEOUS. The Marquis of Bute states that he is .iS.nit ap- plying to Parliament for powers to enlarge Cardiff Docks. The variegated aloe is growing at Torquay in the Open air. The cholera is diminishing at Naples. Coal fields have been discovered at Panama. The Pope is said to be in excellent health. The Cape gold fields are yelding large returns. The price of coal at the pits at Grangemoor, nee Huddersfield, has been increased 2s. pt r ton. A boy ha^i died from taking ether, while undergoing an operation, at South Hants Infirmary. A youth of 15, while jumping off an engine at Staf- ford, has been killed. The Spanish Government is now in great hopo that the Carliata and the Intransigentes will speedily be put down. A corporal who had deserted to the Carlist sid" has been recaptured and shot. The Old Catholic Bishop Reinkena has taken the oath of allegiance to the German State. A great Home Rule meeting was held at Dun- dalk on Sunday. All was quiet. Miss Emily Davfj does not intend to offer hersell for re-election for the London School Board. The indisposition of Mr. Macarthy Downing, M.P. for Cork, still continue*. The late Sir Edwin Landseer will be buried next Saturday in St. Paul'« Cathedral. The colonial mail steamer Edinburgh has arrived from the Cape in 24 days. The Catholics of Hull have determined to erect a new altar at their chapel, to coat £200, in memory of the late DeanTrappes. Two priests of thel Church of Rome were on Sun- day ordained at the Cathedral by the Bishop of Ply- month. There were imposing ceremonials. Morton, Rose, and Company have been appointed yinancialAgenta of the United States Government in London. A vessel from Riga, said to have cholera on board, has arrived at Moville, Lough Foyle. Due precau- tions will be taken. For the year ending the 1st July last the dock rates and tonnage dues received at Liverpool amounted to £643,88.5 lis. 5d., the total tonnage of vessels being 6,571,742. At Sheffield, a discovery of coal has been made while deepening a sewer. A crowd with baskets, buckets, and lacks noon made its appearance. Charles Williams, the militiaman who shot a com- rade at Carnarvon, ha* been discharged, on the ground that the occurrence was purely accidental. Accident* are not confined to railways; a carrier's van, while returning from Dorchester to Winfrith, was run into by a waggon, and one passenger killed pnthespot. Local taxation in Ireland during the past year has amounted to nearly £3,000,OOu, or about 10s. 9d. per head. The steamer Lorely, which was detained in the River Meney, has been lightened of a portion of her Cargo and allowed to sail. In the River ThiJle has been fished up a chest four feet long, full of iron and gold pieces, belonging to a vessel sunk in 1388. On Sunday, after High Mass at Kensington, Arch- bishop Manning preached, and referred to the Paray- te Monial pilgrimage. Jay Cooke, and Co. expect to be able to resume business shortly. They have placed all their private property < in the hands of their creditors. The railway at Richmond was blocked on Sunday for several hours, owing to three empty carriages get- ting off the rails. A London Co-operative Wine Association hall been formed for the purpose of securing the ad- vantages of co-operation for subscribers. The body of a man has been discovered in a cesspool at Birmingham. He had evidently been in aix weeks, and had probably fallen in while intoxi- cated. The Rev. A. D. Wagner, of Brighton, has again announced that he will hear confessions and give ad. Yice on certain days. The West African mail steamer Ambriz, with Sir Garnet Wolseley and officers of the Gold Coast ex- pedition arrived at Grand Canary on September 21; all Well. Statistics made up to the end of June this year mhew that tliere has been a decrease in the output of West Cumberland coal during the first six monwia of this year. The Ulster Peat Fuel Company tested appliances lor compression of peat fuel on Saturday, at Cal- tan, in presence of a large assembly. The result was most satisfactory. Iron has been discovered in the vi- cinity. The 12th brigade Royal Artillery, after eight years of home service, embarked on Saturday at Devon- Jiort for Malta, amid the cordial |regrets of numerous riends. Not one man was found to be absent without leave. After the present October sessions, criminal cases will cease to be tried by the chairman ui the county of Limerick at Bruff. In future the Kirriste* of that town will only dispose of civil bill cases, A boiler burst at Moorvale jute works, Newry, on Friday, killing one man, and setting a large quan- tity of jute and waste on fire. The fire waa promptly got under, the damage done being estimated at £700. A serious collision has occurred off Cape Breton, in a fog, between the steamer Precursor and an American schooner. The schooner sank, and twelve of lier men were drowned. A difference has arisen between the executive ci tli. Labourers' Union and the Gloucester district {Which is likely to lead to the secession of the latter, prith its 19 branches and 1.500 members. The Morning Advertiser thinks it ominous that the yice-President of the Council of Education, Mr. W. E. f orster, was the only Minister absent from the Cabi- net Council on Saturday, at which the 25th Clause tras discussed. In East Surrey the final result of tho revision is a iieti Conservative gain of 530 votes. There were fill J>ut on against 13ti struck off, while the Liberals had jDnly 116 put on against lot) struck off. On Sunday morning, the gev. Ernest Rowland Wil- fcerforce, son of the late Bishop of Winchester, Recently appointed to the incumbency of Seaforth, formally took possession of the living by reading iumself in." ■ In closing the business of the Glasgow Circuit Court, Lord Deas remarked that four or five charges t;f murder had been tried, and in all of them, he waa fcorry to say, the crime was attributable to Indulgence In strong drink. On Sunday, at Newcastle, a pitman named Wil- liam Thompson cut his wife's throat from ear to ear iduring the absence of her father to get some beer. trhe murderer could give no reason for committing the crime, and the vromaii had died without a struggle. At Limerick, on Friday, John Connor, the cele- brated fishing cot builder of Castleconnell, pro- ceeding to execute a decree from the Mayor's Court Bar 7s. due by a professional angler, waa drowned Ithfbt carrying off the angler's cot. At Cork, the Municipal Council are about to get the cons eat of Parliament to purchase their gas works, br to orect new works themselves, as the Cork Gas Company find they cannot continue fid supply gas At the present price of coal, &0. i On Sunday afternoon two eases of poisoning, through eating toadstools, in mistake for mushrooms, recurred in Birmingham. The sufferers were in both Instances children, and. prompt measures having fceen taken, they happily recovered. < Great sensation 1VU created a few days back at ylenna by thp suicide of the Baroness Pino-Friedent- nal, an aged member of the aristocracy, the mother Of the Governor of the Bukovina. The deceased poi- Xoned herself in a fit of melancholia. MR. BRAD LAX'OH.—American papers state that ?)€ Rev. Dr. Brindley, yrho follows Mr. Bradlaurfi bo Controvert his assertions, has arrived in New York with that object in view. He bears letters of intro- ihiction from many eminent gentlemen in Europe. On Saturday night a huge flame was seen, supposed to be a vessel on fire, apparently about seven miles S.W. of the Longships' Lighthouse, Land's-End. Sud- jBanly a volume of sparks flew up the names quickly ftnbeided. Afterwards a steamer was seen' moving about the root where the blaze had been seen. ? On Saturday, two errand boys in the employ of an ironmonger at Camboume, surreptitiously procured A cartridge charged with shot, and loaded a breach- loading fowling-piece. One then discharged the gun tat the other, the charge entering the arm, and tearing KWay a considerable portion of the flesh. £ On Saturday afternoon the annual festival of the Choral Union of the Prestwich rural deanery took griace in the parish church, Radcliffe. The sermon ■waa preached by Bishop Alford. During the course Of his address he remarked that music was present at the creation of the world, and that music would be present at the close of its existence. The Mahomedanj of Calcutta have subscribed to perpetuate the worthy memory of Judge Norman, who was assassinated by a Mahomedan in Calcutta some two years ago. It has been resolved, aa the JHost suitable appropriation of the money, to esta- blish a number of memorial prizes, to be competed lor by students in the Calcutta Madrlssa. k An Irish contemporary says it hag reliable autho- rity for stating that the Right Hon. John Bright, jChancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, when addressing 3iis expectant constituency at Birmingham, will not 'touch upon the causes, real or supposed, of the Skshantee war, neither will he undertake to defend the Cabinet or the preparation of the enormous arma- ment now partly on ita way. Justice Fitzgerald granted a conditional habeas cor- pus to produce Reardon, accused of the murder of the unfortunate Kate Pine. The condition was that no- tice should first be given to the coroner, who had be- fore refused to let Reardon be present when the wit- nesses on the inquest were being examined. The coro- ner adjourned the inquest, only taking evidence of identification. The whole question of the coroner's Tighta and prisoner's privileges will be solemnly ar- gued before the writ of kabeas corpus will bo granted. A pewon, who gave the name of Thomas Curley, and claimed to be a resident student of Trinity Col- lege, Dublin, WM sentenced to five years' penal ser- vitude for stealing a coat on the 15th of last month. 'There is no such name M Thomas Curley on the books of the Dublin University. The Irish 1\irne3 says that that is not the real name of the prisoner. He is very Wftll known to be the son of a distinguished English Kttolar, and is himself a graduate of Oxford Uuiver- ny. Statistics prove beyond controversy that railway havelling Is the safest of all modes of locomotion; Mtd though that forms no argument against the ne- »*sitT of its being made still safer if possible, yet figures are calculated to allay tho fears of the •iaBEnstts. Last year th? rail"ya carried, as we have JBfKO. nearly 423 million? of Passengers, and of th"se lbs comber Wiled from cau^ hoyond their own coa- was Qnl12\ being one in millioua. At Southampton a meeting ha.s just taken place be- tween Frederick Hecker and Karl Blind, the German popular leaders, who had not met since the stormy years of the Revolution. Lincolnshire rams have averaged BISlOe. this season. A woman 70 years of age has died under suspicious circumstances at Jersey. Mr. Proctor, of the Royal Astronomical Society, has gone to America. on a lecturing tour. On the 1st of November a set of new signals for use at soa will be introduced by compulsion. The Duke and Duchess of Wellington and variou8 others of the nobility have returned to town. Professor Jowett has returned from Italy quite ra. stored in health. The Bishop of Rochester has consecrated a new cemetery at Rochester. The German Government have forbidden the teach. ing of French in the primary schools of Alsace and Lorraine. Twenty thousand dollars are to be expended in improving the Baltimore Cathedral. The largest steamboat on the western waters, the James Howard, 3,300 tons burden, has been burned. The Ironsides, one of the largest lake tteamers, has beon wrecked off Grand Haven. The Florida orange crop is reported to be plentiful, and of excellent quality. One of the New York churches pays its tenor singer a salary of 3,000 dols. a year. The Bucks Chamber of Agriculture has indorsed the views of Sir Massey Lopez on local taxation. It is stated that the American Congress is to be asked to sanction a system of free banking. We regret to learn that Lord St. Leonards is seri- ously ill. His lordship is in his 93rd year. Captain Taylor has carried off the threo prizes offered to the London Rifle Brigade by Aldersgate Ward. Great interest is taken in the United States in the visit of Mr. Joseph Arch. A man named Gelling was killed at Douglas, Isle of Mam on Monday, by the falling of a wall. Mr. JohnVSiuith.run,'farmer, near Gainsborough, was killed the other day by falling from the top of a load of hay. Lord Leigh on Monday inaugurated an exhibition of art and industry at Rugby. Half a yard of gauze laid over the mouth while sleep- ing will prevent malaria in the jungle. There were over one million of paying visitors to the Vienna Exhibition in September. Captain Nolan has gone off in his yacht to watch the events of tho Ashantee war. A coupltf'of labourers have seriously mutilated a man at Sheffield. The supposed murder by drowning a woman in the Liffey turns out to be a case of suicide. The miracle of St. Jannarius took place at Naples aa usual a few days ago, cannon announcing the fact. It is again reported in 'Paris that General Man- teullel is likely to succeed Count Arnim as German Ambassador in France. The agency of the Navy Department in London remains in the hands of Messrs. Jay Cooke, McCul- loch, and Co. On Monday Lower Beaconcots Farm, near Southmol- ton, and the dwelling house and out-buildings were totally destroyed by fire. A marriage is^rranged between Sir Alexander Ban- nerman and Lady Katherine Ashburnham, the eldest daughter of the Earl of Ashburnham. The cost of timintenance in the ten convict prison* last year was jEljb.879 13s. Id. The average cost of each convict was £30 14s. 0d. The gentleman .who committed suicide at Margate on Sunday morning, was the son of a London clergy- man named Povah. M. lie nan's publisher at Prague has publicly, in the Austrian papers, expressed deep regret for the part he has taken in the publication of that author's book. Sir Bartle Frore spoke at a missionary meeting at Bristol on Monday. He had no hope of the permanent putting down of slavery without Christianity. The ironworkers in South Staffordshire on Monday refused to accept a reduction of 12! per cent. of their wages. A meeting of railway clerka was held on Monday in Broad-street, London, to consider their position and adopt the best means of improving it. At the Arcadian Club, New York, the famous prima donna Christine Nilsson and the popular aetress Miss Neilson, have met for the first time. Professor Huxley opened the winter session at the South Kensington ■ School of Art and Science on Monday by delivering a lecture on Biology. The Bucks agriculturalists have agreed to request the Lord Lieutenant to call a general meeting to from a benefit society for farm labourers. Tho Canadian and Pacific Railway Company has surrendered its charter into the hands of the Dom- inion Government. W illiam Thompson, charged with the murder of his wife near Consett, has had a verdict of wilful mur- der returned against him. Charles Tomkins, a gunner in the Royal Marines, has killed his wife by knocking her down and kicking her, at Southsea. It is said that on the Jews' day of atonement one- foiuth of the shops in Berlin were closed, shewing tho numerical strength of the Jews in that city. The Church of England Sunday School Institute held its annual meeting on Monday at Sion College, London wall. The too inquisitive wife of the postmaster in Wis- consin was recently held to bail for opening the letters in her husband's office. A valuable guano island, not marked in the chart, is said to have been discovered in Lake Minnetonlca, Minnesota. There are upwards of 5,000 Oddfellows Lodges in the United States. The members number about 400,000, and the revenue is four and <t quarter million of dollars. The Commissioners of her Majesty's Works and Public Buildings intend to distribute this autumn, among the working classesTind the poor inhabitants of London, the surplus bedding-out plants in the pub- lic parks. At the Greenwich Police-court on Monday, a young woman who, it was stated, had been 130 time. in cus- tody for drunkenness, was once more convicted and Bont to gaol for seven days. Dr. Branton Hicks and Mr. Erichsen, the two emi- nent medical men who were dangerously ill from blood poisoning by wounds received during dissection, are now both recovered, and able to resume their duties. Acoording to the Engineer, a serious blunder has been perpetrated already in connection with the Ash- antee war. The railway will have a gauge of 4ft. 8 £ in. The artillery train is provided with a 3ft. gauge. In the course of last year 116,223 tons of fuel, tll. cost of which, including the freight to India, amoun- ted to £ 361,094, were sent out from England for tha purpose of the Indian railways. Late on Sunday evening, a whale boat, containing iwven ship carpenters belonging to Passage, Cork, Ire- land, capsized in a sudden squall, and four of the oc- cupants were drowned. The boat waa under sail at the time. The next mails for Australia and New, Zealand will be despatched from London as follows :—Via South- ampton: On the morning of Thursday, the 23rd October. ViA Bridlisi: On the evening of Friday, the 31st October. A large number of handbooks in reference to every description of gun in the service have lately been is- sued for the use and instruction of the officers, non. commissioned officers, and men of the Royal Artillery. The Attorney-General writes to the Daily News ex- plaining, in reference to an article in that paper, that he has never taken part in any discussion about county court judges or their fees. The marble bust of the late Lord Chancellor West- bury, by Woolney, willed by his lordship to Wad- ham College, of which he was a most distinguished member, has arrived at Oxford, and will, it is expected, shortly adorn the college hall. Last winter an insurance company for horses was founded in several districts of Switzerland, which is in a fair way for success owing to the high price of horses. About 200 persons nave already insured more than 800 horses. A serious coUision has occured during a dense fog ► off Cape Breton between the steamer Precursor, of Hull, and an American schooner named Addie Osborne. The schooner sank within four minutes, and only three tmt of the fifteen men on board were saved. Frederick Blamforcl, master of the cutter Risk, ha* been fined JE28 10s. by the Jersey Royal Court for importing and landing seventy-eight gallons of spirit without reportingt he same to the Custom House Court. The spirits were ordered to be confis- cated. The new clerical law* in Prussia are found to be in. ade- quate, and at the opening of the next Landtag, a proposition will be made to enlarge their scope. The approaching elections, which commence in November, will chiefly turn upon the Church question. In the case of the ballet girl who died from in- juries received through her dress catching fire on the Btage of the Alhambra, the Jury have returned a verdict of "accidental death," with a recommen- dation to the manager to provide an additional sup- ply of blankets at the sides of the stage, so as to be better prepared for such emergencies. The fiorth German Gazette, a semi-official paper of Berlin, has resented the recent article in the Mlmorial Diplomatique of Paris respecting the policy of Germany. The Memorial declines to discuss the subject any further. It will be remembered that the Paris journalist declared that the military encroach. ments of Prussia had no counterpart in modern history. A man who had been sentenced to seven years' penal servitude on Monday at the Middlesex Sessions for stealing a cheque, asked leave to speak, and con- fessed that he had committed a theft for which a young man named Sweeney was convicted at these sessions eighteen months ago. Serjeant Cox promised the matter should be investigated. Count de Strzelecki, the distinguished Pole, who did good service by his Australian explorations, died on Monday, in London, after a long illness, at the age of 77. He was a member of several of our learned so- cieties, and was rewarded by the Government of the day with the order of the Bath for his services as Commissioner during the Irish famine. AMERICAN CATTL*.—The Philadelphia Ledger of September 20th tayf, Western cattle are being ex- ported in considerable nnmbera to England. They are sent out alive and gain in weight, by a few week's grazing, more than they lose by the passage. The profits from their shipment are considerable, and the business is growing rapidly. It is said that one of tna i ransatlantic steamship companies is now having built four large steamships, tapeciall, adapted to carrying cattle I Two permanent Hoard schools were opened atDept ford. A strike of coal miners is expected at Cardiff, en account of the discharge note being insisted upon. Mr. ] Israeli has been staying with the Earl of Brad- ford at Weston Park. Several remarkable pictures in fresco have been discovered in catacombs in the Crimea. The Brighton West Pier Company haye declared a dividend of 11 per cent. for the half year. More attempts have been made to find coal in the county Antrim. An attack upon Valencia is projected by the in- surgents. The Jesuits are getting into trouble in Austria. They will have to leave the University at Innspruck. Heavy rains have been falling in some parts of Ire- land, and the lands along the Shannon are inundated. The 19th Session of the Old Testament Revision Commission has been concluded. The foreign delegates of the Evangelical Allianea have met with a brilliant reception in New York. There were great rejoicings at Rome on Thursday, it being the anniversary of the plebiscite. The Gas Meter Company propose paying adividend of 7 per cent. for the half-year. Tin-plate has been materially reduced in price, owing to the American panic. The Rev. H. E. Trotter has been appointed by the Lord Chancellor vicar of Northam, itants. Another large co-operative society is to be opened at the West-end of London. It is proposed to establish swimming baths in the Thames, near Hungerford Bridge, London. Friday's Gazette contains an order proroguing Con- vocation until December 17. The screw-steamer .Whittington has been lost near Falmouth. The heavy floods in Scotland have done serious damage to the outstanding crops. The Assessor at the Mayor's Court, Blackburn, left the Court in a pet, and the proceedings had to be stopped. A ballet girl has been burned to death at the Alhambra. through the skirts of her dress becom- ing ignited. The Agricultural Labourers' Union at Shepton Mal- lett held a meeting by torchlight in the market- place on Friday evening. Ostrog, the Russian Pole, who has been commit- ting such extraordinary robberies in and around Windsor, is still at large. The liabilities of Tnppenbeck and Co., of Liverpool, aile over 1:300,000. The creditors have agreed to accept 10s. in the pound. The men refuse to accept, the reduction in prices proposed by the South Staffordshire iron masters. A mass meeting is to be held. The Times speaks of the Taunton election as a heavy, if not a fatal, blow to the Ministry, should Mr. James not be re-elected. During last year the 720 inmates of Salford Gaol earned upwards of j;8 each. Their maintenance cost £18 per head. The London City Guardians have refused the re- quest of the Local Government Board to send certain children to Roman Catholic schools. The Times' correspondent at Sierra Leone says that the authorities at homo have committed the mistake of underrating the power of the Ashantees. Rail. are being still delivered at Woolwich for embarkation to the Gold Coast. They weigh 40 tons to the mile. Some Liverpool wine merchants have been fined 20s. and coste for receiving a quantity of ardent spirits into a warehouse which was not fireproof. The leading High Churchmen of Birmingham'have passed a resolution that they ought to be represented on the School Board. The Hon. and Right Rev. C. A. Harris has been com- pelled by the failure of hishealth to resign the Bish- opric of Gibraltar. The Dean and Chapter 8f St. Paul's have appointed the Rev. George E. Oscar Watts, M.A., to the rec- tory of Kensworth, Herts. 1 he Liberal press of Berlin expresses indignation at the apathy shewn by the public regarding the pending selections. A contradiction is given to the statement of the Avcnir National that the Permanent Commission was to summon the Assembly for the 13th inst. Parliament has been further prorogued from the 22nd October to the 16th December, and the Convo- cations of Canterbury and York to the 17th Decem- ber. Lord Carnarvon has been speaking 'on the subject of labour and capital at Lincoln. He suggested better cottages and allotment of lands. 1 idele, one of the favourites for the Cesarewitch race at Newmarket on Tuesday next, broke his leg while being exercised a day or two since, and had to be destroyed. The existence of the Atlantic Cable is believed in the City to have greatly reduced the dangerous effects of the American panic. Captain Werner has demanded a court-martial, as he is anxious to vindicate his course in connection with the Carthagena ironclads. M. Thiers is preparing for the position of Repub- lican leader of the Opposition, whieh hejwill assume at the opening of Parliament. Dr.Cumming has delivered another lecture on the late pilgrimage. He wished all prime ministers were like Bismarck, who had expelled 4,000 Jesuits from Germany. The Hindoo society for the suppression of obscenity Is having great success. The most obscene works have hitherto been published by "respectable" Mahomedan presses. So many accidents have happened by the North Metropolitan Tramway's cars that the company are requiring deposits of £5 from the drivers to secure careful attention to their duties. I It is stated that Captain Richards will be appointed to the command of the Devastation, vice W. N. W. Hewett, nominated to succeed Commodore Commerell, V.C., C.B., at the Cape of Good Hope. AtBamatapIe, on Friday, the Barrister held that a man being included in the list of persons guilty of bribery at a previous municipal election is not suffi- cient to disqualify him. The cattle dileaseJ prevails near Leamington, and Is spreading in the counties of Oxford and Northamp- tonshire. At Mollington one farmer has lost nineteen animals. It is said that the British Chamber of Commerce At.Pans is taking steps to amend the regulations, under the new Treaty of Commerce as to the classification and value of goodl imported into France. "A Western Dissenting Minister" says the ballot now protects the Dissenting voter from the tyranny of Nonconformist priest or deacon, and many a Dissenter will now, for the first time, vote conservatively and conscientiously. At a meeting held at Oxford it was re- solved that the memorial of that city to the late Bishop of Winchester should be an addition to Cuddea- den College and the erection of a chapel. A German professor has started the idea of lay- ing tobacco smoke on to houses like gas. The tobacco is burned in large retorts, and the smoke is to pass through pipes, scenting the houses with the flavour of fine llavannah cigars. > On Friday the London Temperance Hospital, estab- lished in Gower-street for the treatment of diseases without any alcoholic remedios, was inaugurated by a public meeting. The limes says the seats gained by the Conserva- tives would make a great difference in the condition of the House of Commons if the present Parlia- ment were to survive; but if it does not, they are of very great importance, as success generates success. The prefect of Lyons has suspended six schoolmis- tresses and one schoolmaster for not having given religious instruction to their pupils. He has also, for similar reasons, interdicted three mistresses and six masters from exercising the profession of teaching. The Rev. A. R. Vardy, the now head master of King Edward's School, Birmingham, has volun- tarily surrendered a third of his income—conditional upon a grant of equal amount by the governors—in order to augment the inadequate salaries of the under masters. Mr. Bright has written to the Chairman of the Birmingham Liberal Association, stating that the new election will be announced in a few days. Ho intends to send his address to the electors in a day or two, and he will arrange when to meet hill consti- tuents. The Economist thinks that for the moment the pros- pect in the money market is firmer than it was, and it is possible no further advances in the rate may be at present necessary, but on the slightest appearance of a large real demand from any quarter, the rate must be instantly raised. A young man of the name of Glassup, residing at St. Mary Cray, Kent, while out gathering hazel nuts last Sunday in Orpington Woods, fell into a dry well over 40ft. deep. He remained imprisoned in it till Wednesday, when he was discovered alive, but in a delirious state. He had lived upon the mice which he found at the bottom of the well. The death of Sir Edwin Landseer was announced to the Queen by telegraph on Wednesday last. Her Majesty, who had always entertained a high personal regard for Sir Edwin in addition to her appreciation of his great talents as an artist (having known him for 35 years), was constant in her inquiries after his health during his long illness. The news of his death deeply grieved the Queen, who deplores his loss greatly. EXTRADITION OF CRIMINALS. —The London Gazette contains a copy of the treaty for the mutual extradition of criminals concluded between the Go- vernments of Great Britain and Sweden and Norway on the 2Gth June last. MR. BRIGHT.—The Saturday Review thinks the fact of Mr. Bright not being personally unpopular ia in it- self a.n advantage to the Government. The Examiner, the organ of the extreme Radicals, declares that if any man can prevent tho necessity of a Tory interregnum [t is John Bright. It doubts whether even he can do to, but will be very glad to be disappointed. CHANNIL COKHUKICATIOK.—The Nautical Commis- sion to inquire into the practicability of making a new deep water harbour at Boulogne-sur-Mer, having reported in favour of the scheme, an administrative inquiry of commndo vel incommodo will be feeld tmaea liately at the Hotel VIll., Swlogne,