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Mie thief of tbe money which her husband was now narged with receiving. In addition to the prosecutor's vidence, that of Mrs Rees, the landly of the Duffiyn haA S' Wa^ ^a^en> wbich went to shew that the piisoner M, the day after the robbery, deposited with her 19 overeigns. She, however, returned them to him almost /nrnediately afterwards. A her hearing some fui ther vidence in corroboration, the Bench ordered the pii- oner to bo remanded until Saturday next. I JfANSFEK DAT.—To-day being the last Specif' esBions for transfeiring i;censes within this division so enable the applicants to continue sealing until the oth proximo,the following licenses were transferred :— orge Hammer, Horse-street, Dowlwii. Sarah Ann oweJl to Morgan Simon; Ei uce Arms, Victoria-street, 1. ? ^ai8' *-° Mary Price Canford, Uii'on-street, Dow- Mary Morgan Temple Bar, High-street, Mer- from Thomas Jones D.ivies to Joseph Williams oluntecr Tavern, ditto, from H. S. Law to T. J. fJ/Wies Court Anns, ditto to Mrs Janes Brown Red ~l°Dj Castle-street. Glebeland, from Robert Palmer to Robert WiHis Joiner's A"ms, Brecon.roitd, Elias Wil- to William Emanuel; Brecon House, ditto, from Joseph Pittaway to Elias Williams; Patiiot, High- POW1MS. James Evans to Hemy Williams; ack Lion, Caehauis, Mary Evans to David Griffiths ;,la& and Castle, Upper Union-street, from James Day, deceased, to Margaret Day. WEDUFSDAY, OCT. ht.-(Before the Rev. J. Griffith an I Dr Probert.) „ ^SCNKAKDs. — John Pairy, sinker, found by P.S. JJIdingin Glebeland-sfreet, on the 22th nit., drunk and pcapable, was sent to gaol for seven days with hard labour in default of paying a fine of 5s and the costs.— Ann Williams, alias "Nanny Brat," a notorious custo- mer, proved by P.C. Evans Jo have been guilty while drunk, of riotous and obscene conduct in YD'sgau- street, on the same day, was sentenced to one calendar month's imprisonment with hard labour without the option of a fine.—Mary Griffin, married, proved by P.S. p ding to have been guilty of nearly sitP'lar conduct in Graham-street the same day, was committed to g.iol f<or fourteen days with hard labour in default of paying a nne of 10s and the costs.—Cathei ine Holland, married, found by P.C. Alison under nearly similar conditions 'n Bridge-street the same night, was similarly dealt 1th. ASSADLTTVG THE POLICE.—James Jones, collier, sur. rendered to his bail charged with ba\;n!? assaulted ■fr^C". John Evans in the execution of his duty.—Com- Phinant stated that on the 29th ult. he saw the defen. dant in George-street, Georgetown, drunk and creating £ disturbance. When requested to desist and go home he refused, using very baa language to the officer. The Jitter took him into custody, upon which the piisoner became velry violent and kicked witness several times about the legs. He was veiy violent all the rest of the way to the station. Nothing previously being known against him, he was let off with a fine of lOa and the costs. AFFILIATION. — Margaret Daviea, singlewoman, Pentrebach, v. David Richards, puddler, Caedraw.—Mr Jones (Smith, Lewis and Jones) appeared for the de- fendant; Complainant, though a comparatively young woman, had had three illegitimate children. The Bench, under these circumstances, made an order. BREACH OF CONTBACT.—Evan Rees, a brickmaker w the employ of Mr John Jenkins, brickmaker, Thomas Town, was summoned for having absented himself from the service of his employer without just cause or lawful excuse.—Mr Frank James appeared for the complainant. The facts of the case were shortly these. The defendant was engaged subject to a fortnight's notice on either side. On the 22nd ult. Mr Jenkins was away from home, he, although the works had been left in his charge, left and did not afterwards return. The loss occasioned by his absence was esti- mated at considerably more than £ 5.—The Bench find. ing the man had no adequate excuse to offer, made an order for pa) raent of £3 compensation and costs, or one month's imprisonment in the alternative. SATURDAY, OCT. 4th.-(BeJore the Rev. John Griffith, E. Davies and J. Probert, Esqrs.) DBTTNKARDS.—William Burke, navvy, found lying drunk and asleep in Yoyagau-street, on J hursdiy Ilight was fitled 5s and the cos's.—Thorn n Pi ice, labourer, found by P.C. Robb, on the night of the 3rd i,t., in Station-strcet, Aberdare, under neprly similar circum- stances, was similarly dealt with.—John Richards, miner, WP* summoned for having been d'unk at PMI Ly- waun, on the 28th ult. The rise was proved hy two men named Evan Davies and Hugh Jones, the former of Whom defendant had used very unb com'ng langu >ge to. Fined 5s and the costs.—Thomas Eva-n, collier, summoned at the instance of P.C. Parsons, for almost similar conduct in £ ildge-si>' .'t, Troedyrhiw, on the 28th nit., was similrlv de:H with.—Alary Thomas, maitied, summoned by P.C. Cole for similar conduct in Geofge-strfet, Georgetown, on the 25th ult.. w. also fined 5s nd the costs.—Lew is Daley, collier, drunk and llotors in Cpstle-str. jt. on the 1st ;st„ was fined, upon the evidence of P.O. Brow.ijobn, 10i and the costs.—Thos. Daley nd Wen. Bi.t:"n, co"iers, caught by P.S. Jennings in High-str t the same ever ng, diunkand fighting together, were e..ch fined 15s w1d the costs, witu the alternative of 21 d -ya' i'ulJAiqo.nent *ith hard labour,—Henry Mereb mt. m: -un, charged %y P.C. Brownjobn w ith drunken fid riotous conduct in Swan.street, on tue same night; Roger Howells, puddler, charged by P.S. OMin* with sio'iUcconduct in Bigh-street: the follow^ n> rht, and Mary Milligan, aix'ested bv P.O. Jariiea in j e* ;<couU. Picton-street, CaedralV, t.iepreviorsnight up m a. situ'1 change,each fined 10s and the costs, or 14 days' hard labour in the altemative.—David Davies, coilier, found by P.O. Cole in Bridge-street, Met thvr, on the 24th ult., lying helplessly dtimk, w?* fined 5s and the clists.-Thomag Williams, sawyer, and M-uy Ann Percy, uiauicd, sum- moned at the instance of P.S. Davies, fllr dunken and i.otous conduct in W LtPitt Sheaf Lane, on the 22nd \1't., were each fined JOa and the costs.—J<-rnet S^'comhe, married, agfinst whom P.C. Melhl"sl1 piefeired a similar charge, was siœuly de: It with. Sue had been found creating a disturbance in Old Abercana^d, on the 27th ult. In default of pajT tg the tine and costs, impiisonment with hard labour for fouueen days was awarded her. AN INOURABLE.-Res Llewelyn, a tramp of some notoriety, wfs brought up cli°"ed w th being a rogue and vagabond. P.C. Robb proved find;ng the m>n tying asleep in a cow-shed near W orks. Upon oeing roused he told the officer that he had no money wherewith to pay for a r'ght'a lodging, and that he pre- ferred sleeping where the former found him, to goi ig to the works, which were close by. It transpired that the man had been upon severa' pret ions occasions com ided of similar offences. He was now sentenced to fourteen diys' imprisonment with htJ J ibour in Swansea house of correction. CoAL STEALING.—Mary Rea^dcn, Mavy Manning, and Daniel Manning, juveniles of the age of 14,13 and 11 years respectively, were summoned for having stolen 110lbs weight of cor', of I he value of lid, the property -of Richard Fothergi11, Esq., M.P., aud another.—Mr Simons appeared for the prosecution.—P.C. Moles proved finding the three defendants stripping a loaded «o? I tram which stood upon a "bogie" incline at Ply- mouth Works. Upon seeing witness they all threw down their loads and made olÍ. He pursued and over- took the male defendant, who supplied HI]) with uie names of the other three. Witness had warned the Mannings upon at least a dozen previous occasions against pursuing these practices.—The Bench af1 er reading the parents of the Mannings a good lesson, tiis- «r:teed the summons against the boy, but fined his fitter 10s. Reardon, in whose name there had been Some mistake, was ordered to be summoned. THE ALLEGED ASSAULT UPON A SIGNALMAN,—Chas. Rogers, breaksman in the employ of the Rhymney Ra:lway Company, was summoned for having assaulted Hugh Balfour Young, signalman upon the Great Western Ra'lway, at Midd'e Duffryn box, Mountain Ash. Pai-iculars of this cr^e will be found reported elsewhere in our columns.—Mr J. Jones (Smith, L -wis and Jones) apper red to-day for the complainant.—De- fendant, after the evidence for his opponent had been re-heard, ca^ed a pe. on named Brown, who h id t e management of the shunting of the wagons of the Powel Duffryn Comnany upon the siding spoke" to by Young, who testified that defendant had not taken the latter by the leg until he (Young) had lifted his foot with the evident intention of giving bim (defendant) a kick. Young did eventua'ly k ok defendant, who there- upon struck him with a mop-hmdle across the shoulders.—The Bench, after some deliberation, said they entertaiaed a doubt in their minds as to the pro- bable commencement of th's row, the benefit of which they were bound to give the defendant. They, how- ever, thought that had the summonbeen draw a in another form, namely, for interfering wi h the signal- nnnin the execution of b:i duty, they should not have h itated in convict'ng the defendant. The prtsent summons would, however, be d'scharged. CHARGES OF WOUNDING—Martha Farley, single, surrendered to her bail charged with having m t ciomly wounded Charles Jones, a t:n*nan, residing at Bridge- street, Meiwhyr. The evidence of the >rosecuW* an i that of a young woman named Emmi jdlvans went to ehew that tiiese two were sitting in the Plymouth Arms Bridge-street, the previous night, discoursing love and wh'skey, when the piisoaer, who WIn in » i adjoining room, broke in upon their eooiug wi h M exclamation respecting her own pal.iality t»the crathur." Words —of a veiy unple mt r .tare too—jn^ucd between them, and r'timately the pr:soner followed up an attack with her fis- by a blow from a tin quart pot which took the breath away from her ant.1, ouist for a while.—Mr Simons, wb > defend 1, succeeded; i elicit ig that no end of provocation h. i been given to ) "s c "nt in the way of taunting words and other insulis. Tne Bench concurring i'l the lea, .100 ^entleuiAn's view, or- dered the prisoner to oe dJ ch irps. WHOLES AN THIEVING.—V^iL-AM Bevan, a tramp, waa brought up charge! with stealing a fc^ey fla.niel shirt, the property of Morgan Powell. co\ier, Duffryn Road, Mountain Ash; fo»- fl; nnei slt. and two shawl' the property of Evan Jones, High- s; .^et, Mountain Ash and two pairs of stockings, the propeiuy of Mr Simon, High- street, Mountain Ash. It appeared frorn the evidence that the whole of the aide rs >n question had been washed and placed upon les; the gavders attached to the houses of the respactive owners, to d J on the jnorn'ng of the 1st ult., and misled some three or four hocirs after Wards. Information wr t given to the pjtice aud the next morning P.S. OldMg wa<* caHed into a l»wn«hC>P in Georgetown, where he found the pnsoner endeavour ng to pledge two of the sbuv. When questioned respecting them he asoured the omcer that they were his own property. His attention bemg draw a 'o the fact sbat both were much too capacious for a t mature, he stated that they were his father s, otll P?lice sta^on he wn found wearing one of tbe told 't*3 an<^ a ra* mussing stockings. Wnen b'm h» he stated that the things had been given now nan»ed Murphy to take to pledge. He Murphy, \vhnUp?n a lonS stoiy respecting this same dentlv ^I.- he had met, and whose victim he evi- the Benoij to Relieve he had bpen.—The Clerk But do you wish to plead guilty in this court, or would you prefer being tried at the Sessions.—Prisoner John Murphy gave them to me your honour. The Rector John Murphy John Murphy is the man in the Dleon! (loud laughter.)—Mr Simons (who was in court) Well. 1 always knew there was a man m the moon, but I never until now knew his name to be Murphy (renewed laughter).—-Prisoner Well, I won t be tiied at the Sessions your Worships. HI plead guilty to the whole lot.—The Rector That is much better than laying the blame on John Murphy, poor fellow (laughter).—We (the Bench) are abundantly satisfied that you stole these things, and the sentence is that you be imprisoned and kept to hard labour for one calendar month upon each charge—three months alto. gether. THE ROBBERY AE PONTMoRLATs.-Caroli11e Taylor, alias Brown, and Jo'm Taylor, described as a gaffer and av,of>ed to be the husband of the other prisoner, were charged, the former with stealing £21, the moneys of John R. 2S, cattle dealer, Newfoundland Tip, and the latter prisoner with receiving £19 of such money, well knowing the same to have been feloniously stolen.—Mr W. Bduoe appaared for the prosecution,and Mr Simons the defence. The facts of the case have already appeared in our columns. It will be remembered that the prosecutor, who was returning from Waun Fair on the evening of the 24th ult., met the female prisoner and another womsu near the Nelson Ion. The nrisoner succeeded in ogling him into a gully there, after out a very short stay in which she rushed out and he discovered feimself to be minus his money. The hus- band next.day went to the Duffryn Arms, and after casing for some drink requested Mrs Rees, the landlady, to take care of some money for him. He then handed her 19 sovereigns. His wife followed shortly afterwards and fearing a disturbance Mrs Rees returned him h;s money. The pelice were then communicated with, and both prisoners were arrested. They, however, denied all knowledge of Rees or his money.—Mr Simons made a powerful appeal to the Bench on behalf of h's clients, contending tnat Rees, upon whose testimony depended the whole of the case against the prisoners, was not worthy of credence, inasmuch as his story was in several vital points inconsistent and improbable.— Their Worships, however, committed both prisoners for trial at the ensuing Sessions. BEGGl so.—Evan Davies and Mary Williams, tramps, were brought up charged with begging alms in High- street, Mountain Ash, on the 2nd inst.—A Mrs. Mary Powell gave testimony in support of the charge.—P.S. Rodman, who had taken the prisoners into custody, proved finding upon Divies the sum of 6s 9d.—Williams WPS now ordered to be discharged. The other prisoner was sentenced to seven days' imprisonment with hard labour, and the money fonnd upon him was ordered to be applied towards the expenses of his incarceration. AFFILIATION.—Edward James, refiner, was sum- moned as being the father of the illegitimate child of Jane Jones, singlewoman, Caeharris, Dowlais. It ap. peared that defendant had contributed regularly to- wards the maintenance of the issue,half-a.crownweek for the first 12 months, at the expiration of which period he mauied another, since which event the pay. ments had fallen off 20 per cent.—The Bench made an order for 2s 6d per week from date of application for summons and costs. A BSCONDJ S"G WITH WORKHOUSE CLOTHES. —Margaret Hammond, widow, an inmate of the Workhouse, was brought up under warrant charged with having deserted that establishment, and taking away with her a com- plete suit of wearing apparel, the property of the Guardians. Mr T. B. Meredith, the master, testified that the prisoner obtained leave of absence for a few hours on the 27th ult. Instead of returning according to precise she remained away four days.—Prisoner, who appeared very penitent for what had occurred, hoped the Bench would forgive her this once.—Their Worships ultimately discharged her with a caution. MONDAY, OCT. 6th.-(Before A.. De Rutzen, Esq.) DRONKABDS.—Samuel Morris, bailer, and Henry Chapman, engraver, found by P.C. Evans yesterday, (Sunday) in Picton-street, Caedraw, making a disgrace. ful exhibition of themselves, were each fined £1 and the costs, and in default of payment committed to gaol for 14 days with hard labour.—David Thomas and Alfred Pugh, colliers, their first appearance, were fined 10s and the costs each, for an offence of a similar class, committed by them in New Castle-street, the same day. P.S. Olding proved the charge.—Elizabeth Davies, mm. led, chrged by P.C. Hunt with drunken and riotous conduct in Brecon-street, Dowlais, the previous Saturday, was fined 5s and the costs.—Cathei ine E'lis, tnariie 1, found by P.S. Jennings in Bethel-street, Georgetown, the same night, under almost similar cir. cums'. nce-i, w: s fined Is and the costs. A FAMILY SQUABBPJ. Eleanor Powell was sum. moned by Jane Evans for having assaulted her on the 25th ult., at Clwvdyftvgwr. Complainant stated that on the day in question she went to defendant's house to com^lam of a beating which the son of the latter has given her (complainant's) son. Defendant would not listen to her, but at once threw some tea slops in her face, and afterwards hit her on the head with a saucer. —Defendant urged that her opponent, who wai her sister-in-litw, and who was continually trying to rule in her (defendant's) own house had on this occasion com- menced hosti ities by a demonstration with a sweeping brush.—A witness namel Sarah Davies was heard in support of this \iew, and trs Worship, after hearing her evidence, dismissed the summons. VERY MUCH THE SAME.— Ellen Crane, widow, was summoned for hi\viuJ assaulted Mary McDonald, mai ried, on the 27th ult. In this case it appeared that the complainant, hearing that her brother was being beaten by the defend- nt with a peker, rushed to the spot and endeavoured to nersuade the latter to "draw her blows a'«y now." Whether she went teo near her brother and got the blow wbich M's Crane intended for the 1 .tter, or whether Mrs Crane struck her intention- plly there was no evidence to shew, but one thing was cei&vdn that the poker handled by Mrs Crane des- cended somewhat Jie;tv i'y upon her cheek.—The evi- dence upon some of the most material points was so conflicting that the summons was of necessity dis- missed. BROTHEL ROBBER1E3 AGAIN. — Hannah Williams, a'ia-t Hannah Lo<> stood in the dock changed with hav ng ntolen.E117a.the moneys of Thomas Smith, mason, 6, Horeb-st' eefr, Penyda ran, from his person. —Mr Plews defend d. This was a case which pre- sented none but the or 1iu;uy features of brothel rob- beiies. Prosecutor on tue previous (Sunday) night met the piisoner at the Paiiiot Inn, from whence they ad- journed together to a brothel. The usual d' ink was sent for-gin and peppermint this time—and prosecu- tor after a biief stay left. When he got to Pontmorlais he turned in to a public house, ca'led for a glass of beer, took out Irs purse to pay for it and discovered his loss. The police were communicated with, and the pri- soner brought to the station by P.S. Jennings. She, however, deried ever having clapped eyes upon the man before, but she afterwards tdmitted having seen him going up with Sal the show g'd," to whom she lent the key ot her door. This narty.a young woman named Sarah Morgan, when callrd to-day denied in toto the prisoner's statements respecting her.—The evidence was considered too doubtful to entertain any hope of a con- viction, were 'he case to be sent to a jury, and the pri- soner w. s therefore discharged. STKVLIVG COAL.—M*rgp-et Reardon, 13, was sum- moaedtor hav;ng stolen 90 Ibs. of coal, the propeiiy of the Plymouth Iron Company.—Mr Simons, who appea ed for the prosecution, said that there could be no doubt that these children were encouraged in their evi1 practices by their parents, who were generally a dishonest d;ssipat< 1 class.—P.C. Moles proved seeing the prisoner on the 24th ult. taking the coal in question from off a tram wbich stood upon a coal stand at Pentrebach Works. She was an inveterate little thief, he having repeatedly warned her—catching her as often ps twice the same day.—Hs Worship told the mother who was in"cou^t that she would find it as cheap In the end to trtrn up her cirld honestly as otherwise. She wou'd be this time fined 10s and the costs, or seven day.s' imprisonment in the alternative,—Prisoner herself was also wfjed as to the seiions consequences which her conduct, if persisted in, would enta:l. ASSAULTING A Chud.—Margaret Mahony, manied, was summoned for having assaulted Margaret Meade, a little child, aged six. years.—Mr Simons defended.—It appeared from the evidence of the parents of the child, corroborated bv that of a witness named Diiscoll, that on the 26th utt. Mrs Mea ie and the defendant had a qua • i-el, the resu't of wbich was a good deal of hair pulling and stone throwing, and other conduct of a like and still more di >gustiag nature. Mrs Meade's house sf >od a regular bombrrdment for a wh'le without any visible damage, but ultimately a missile was hurled into it which struck complvnant, inflicting a rather serious biuise upon her side.—For the defence four witnesses were called, but the;" testimony did not, however, amount ta much.—His Worship considered the case proved. Th's row hid been a very disgraceful one from beginu'ng to end. Defendant would be fined 10s and the costs, or fourteen days' hard labour in the alteraative. A PAWNBROKER FJNVD FOR BR"CH OF THE PAWN- BROKERS' ACT,—Harris Freedman, pawnbroker, High- street, Dowl as, was summoned for not having used in his business a document mentioned in the 3rd schedule to the Act, namely, a pawnticket,for a turnover, which had been pawned with h'm by one Catherine Donovan. Mr Simons apnea-ed for the defence. The ewdence went to shew tnat on the 27th ult., Mrs Donovan went to the defendaut's shop gOld pledged a turnover. The ticket kiven her was upon an old form. 8he subse. quentiy took a bundle to MIJ Hollander, another pawn- broker, and offered it in pledge. The latter, however, decFued taking it in a < the day was a very strict holi- day with thea. Mrs Donavan then told her that she need not put her off in that way, that another pawn- broker had obliged her that day in a simdar manner. Mrj Hollander retoiied that she didn't believe this. Look at me ticket then" responded Mrs Donovan with a tiiumphant air. The ticket when sciutinised of course put all end to s'l further dispute. Mrs Donovan ultimately went away leaving the ticket behind her. Mrs Hollander forthwith took it to her brother to whom she related the ci -cumstances connected with it. In- spector Thomas was then communicated with, and the present nroceedlngs were the result.—Mr Simons con- tended taat tl>:3 w; a matter which had arisen entirely through the inadvertence of b:s client's clerk, fid more- over that the prosecution had been set on foot out of a pure spiiit of riva I among the parties concerned. Defendant's clerk w..s then sworn as to the giving of the ticket. He admited ha\ ing used one of the same sort the same day, and also that he was but fifteen years of age.—P;s Worjirp pointed out that for employ- a hoy oi h:i age defendant was liable to a penalty of £ 10. In the present instance he believed that the use of th s particular ticket was attributable more to acci- dent than design. The fine, therefore, would be the merely nominal one of 28 6d and costs.