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ST. PATRICK'S DAY. The speech of the Marquis of Hartington, on proposing the tout, "Prosperity to the St. Patrick's Society in London" on Saturday evening was to the following etIeet :-However proud we may be of being subjects of the Queen and members of the British Empire, we yet all of us keep in a corner a special pride in being either Englishmen, Scotchmen, or natives of some particular country, and therefore I think none can be surprised to And the Irish, community in London coming together Anniversary after anniversary to celebrate together their common ijiigin, of which they all feel proud. Aware as I am that every matter of a political cha- racter is excluded from our meetings on these occasions, I think I may yet venture to say without fear of giving offence that we shall every one of us agree that it would be an excellent thing, and a subject of con- gratulation to us all, if every Irish anniversary could be celebrated in as harmless, in as innocent, and I may even say in as meritorious a manner as that which we are now met to celebrate. It does appear to me that the object of this society is one possessing still higher merits thfn a great many societies of a similar cha- racter.$fany societies of this description devote their re- sources to what, I will not deny, may be most meritorious objects, such as the relief of general distress of members of the community. This is an object which may be most meritorious, but which-is at the same time most liable to abuse. No one, I think, can say that the object of this society, which is to give a good, useful education to the children of the poorer members of our community, is not in the highest degree a useful and praiseworthy one. I find one name which, unfortunately, will appear no more in the list of our patrons. and to which I think it is impos- sible for me to avoid alluding on this occasion-I mean the late Lord Mayo, the Governor-General of India. He was a warm supporter of this society; but it is not of him in his character as patron of this society that I will speak. He was an Irishman whom Irishmen of all parties delight to honour, and whose loss I am sure Irishmen of all parties will unite on this national anniversary in regretting. We regret his loss not because he had not attained a full meed of honour, for he had arrived at and had filled with dis- tinction perhaps the highest and most illustrious office which it is in the power of the British Crown to bestow, and we mourn his loss not only as an active, energetic, and patriotic Irishman, but as a useful and devoted ser- vant of the Crown. In responding to the tout of The Lord-Lieutenant," proposed by the President, The Attorney-General for Ireland said it was impos- sible for. jam, from his official relation, to speak as fully as le felt on the claim which the Lord Lieutenant had upon the goodwill and consideration of every assembly of Irishmen. He did not believe any nobleman had ever brought to the discharge of the Viceregal duties a more conscientious desire to dMkll that in him lay for the benefit of Ireland; or had more fully made himself acquainted with the duties pertaining to his high station. He was no part of a mere gilded pageant, but a real administrator, working zealously in the interests of the people over whom he had been called to preside. But in addition to that, he had been fully able to discharge all the ceremonial duty connected with his high office, and had discharged, with t liberaj hand, the hospitality for which the Vice- regal office bad ever been distinguished. It was hardly necessary to say that he had been assisted by a lady who possessed every quality that could adorn her sex. That the was a lady was sufficient to enlist the sympathy of every, true Irishman, and if she had not the advantage of being an Irish lady, she was the next best thing, for she was an English lady, with a heart full of earnest desire to benefit the country in which she was residing. The toast of the Lord Lieutenant was usually accompanied by some other werds. namely, Prosperity to Ireland." He believed they were incorporated with the toast on the present occasion, and he believed the state of Ire- land never was more prosperous than at present. Looking to the society's report he saw that during the years 1349-50 and 51 no festivals had been held on account of the depressed state of Irish interests. He believed they were approaching the time when they were able to say that the festival was held in the capital of what he always hoped would be a United Kingdom, and was supported by true Irish hearts, which were ever alive to the claims of charity and patriotism. He would use one line from a song which they had just heard sung (S. Lover's). It was a lesson to them all. and one which he wished their country would take to heart,- Don't be always dividing, but sometimes combine. Bound this hospitable board men of all religious and political p»rt?es met, the only open sesame" being that they shotild be Irishmen, or Englishmen who wished well to Ireland. He wished every other assemblage of his cGantryrbten could honestly and conscientiously say the same fhing. Mr. King, the secretary, announced the subscrip- tions t» be nearly £ 700, including the following:— The Qneen, £ 105 the Marquis of Hartington, £ 50; the Duke of Devonshire, £ 20; General Dunn, t); the Attorney-General for Ireland, £ 20 Lord Clan- williivm, £ 25~he Earl of Cork. £ 10: Sir R. Howard, L 10; Mr. ChM. LIO; General Sir Trevor Chute, £.5; Sir D. J Corrigfcn, £ 1 Is. the Earl of Bessborough, JE5; Mr. Justice Keating, £;3; Mr. Justice Willes, £5; Mr. A. J. Stewart, £ 21; the Marquis of Londonderry, £10. Archbishap Manning, in accordance with custom, preached at High Mass on Sunday morning at St. Patrick's Church, Soho. There was a very large congregation, the nationality of most of whom was proved ,hy the shamrock in the hat when the church emptied after service. As the feast fell on what is called in the Roman Catholic Church Passion Sunday, the usual emblems of joy were not displayed. The altars were draped in violet, and several banners of the same colour were fixed in different parts of the church. The music was Haydn's Sixth Mass, with part of Rossini's Stabat Mater and Vivian's March of Pius IX." The bishop proceeded to point out their applicability to Ire- land, which hspf never lost that faith which it received from Sfc: Patrick.- Ireland (said the preacher) has con- tinued faithful through sorrow and suffering. This day is observed by the children of Ireland all the world over; not only at home, but in England, Scotland, America, Australia, India, and parts of Africa. No saint has his fenst observed by so many grateful hearts. There is nothing 1 could tell you of St. Patrick you do not all know well. I shall therefore say what I think he would say if he stood here now. Hold fast by that faith of which the shamrock you love so well is the emblem, its three leaves springing from the one stalk, being symbolical of the Blessed' Trinity. Ireland has clung to the Holy Roman Catholic Church while other Churches have sprung from Acts ofTarliawent. Remember also to teach your children what 88. Patrick taught your fathers. Do not teach them reading find writing only. Woe to that father or mother that sends a child to be educated where the name of God is not adorffd, and those of His Mother and of St. Patrick are not held in respect. Be most careful, too, of the home education. It is of no use that Christian lessons should be taught at school if the children do not see Christian example at home. Be sincere in practising what you tell your children to do. Observe temperance; indeed I would advise abstinence, which with mafty is easier. Remember that here in Lon- don there are keen and unfriendly eyes, so be all, as I know many of you are, good examples to those among whom you Hvt. Christianity is crumbling and dying in England, but the Catholic Church is united as of old. Cherish feelings of charity and generosity to all around you. and continue to be in unison with your clergy. Be faithful unto death, and you will receive the crown of life. -After the sermon, the Archbishop gave the pontifical blessing in solemn form. The day was very generally celebrated in Ireland. In addition to the demonstrations in Dublin and Drogheda, there Tyaa-a large meeting at Waterford. As there was a drenching rain, however, the proceedings were cut short. At Cork, a crowd, estimated at about 15.000, met in the City Bark. Mr. Ronayne presided, and said :—" Such an occasion as the. late Thanksgiving would have been ac- cepted-by the most despotic Government of Europe as an opportunity to release political prisoners. He asserted that the offence* of the prisoners were political. Her Mn-jestj should remember that her dynasty owed its existence to the- greatest military perjurer of modern times, the- DvJtm oi Marlborough. Providence seemed to winh to remind her of that, for sitting with her in the carriage, when the foolish boy O'Connor presented a pistol at her was a descendant of that same Churchill. The English Government aever granted anything to Ireland through a sense of; justice, but. through fear." Previous to the meet- ing. aWrge demonstration took place in the city. About 10,W0 or 19,000 persons paraded the streets, accompanied by bands playing the national airs. There were numerous flaftg and bwuMrs. The local police force had been con- siderably augmented, and a large body was kept under arms, but there was no occasion for their interference, as all passed off peacefully.


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