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H&Mnilftry, but at all events a very effectual" irranner. Slyly' they dropped the butt-ends of their rifles on the- crowd's toes, and as the rifles were the harder, tho crowd yielded to their gentle admonition, thoso in rear chaffing the unfortunates who suffered at the hands of the 2Jrd. When at length the streets were -cls&red, and a fair view could from the ccntre of tho roadway be obtained of the decorations on both sides of the way. some idea could be formed of the almost miracu- lous efforts Diade by the various ward committees to make a naturally dull and heavy thoroughfare put on a holiday aspect. On the westward aide of Temple Bar, and also on the city side, Mown1. Willing and Co.'s stand was well filled with a. gaily-dressed party of spectators, numbering nearly 3,000, and tho old Bar itself, which all the scraping and gilding in the world could never make look handsome, looked, at all events, neat and trim and clean M though it was surprised at having its coating of soot and smoke removed from it. Hero an immense mass of people cemr igated, but tho double and the treble barrier with their cruelly sharp edges very effectually kept the people back. In Fleet-street, with scarcely a singlo exception, the house- holders had dressed out their houses with both taste and ingenuity. There were no wooden balconies or ugly pro- jections to obscure the view, or to hr".ak in upon the extra.- ordinary uniformity of the ornamentation. On either tide WM stretched a curtain of crimson cloth with a gold edging, while flags and bannerets, appropriate mottoes, hangings, and tapestries, made FIeet-str, .,t look gay in- deed. The London"'came out with a munificent display of bunting, the very roof being plentifully covered with flags, and decorations. "Within the rails of St, Purs tan's Church Beats were erected for the school children, who during tho long hours they sat waiting the arrival of their Queon whiled the time away by singing tho National Anthem, And" God Bless the Prince of Wales," greatly to the delight and edification of tho people who thronged the pavements, and who cheered the infantile songsters to their heart's content. At St. Bride's Church a stand was also erected for the school children, WhG,;8 shrill voices sounded not unmusically above the hum of the crowd. The un- sightly bridge of the London, Chatham, and Dover Eail- "W*Y Company which spans the roadway just at the foot of Ludgate-hill was, looking eJtst- Trwi, partially obscured by tho Triumphal Arch, whfeS TO completed only a few minutes before the antral of the Queon. Tho painted Gothic archea were lavishly glide d, and the gilded letters ol in *notto shone dut conspicuously, and coulu be seen a long way up Fleet- •trtet j while tho bannerets on the top were arranged with great taate, and almost elegance. The railway bridge was extemporised into a stand for tho directors of tho London, Chatham, and Dover line, o.nd th^ir friends, and owing to ita having been somewhat carefully draped was mado a little less hideous than it usually appears. Both the arch and the bridge entirely shut out the ri^w of Ludgate-hill from Fleet street, but those who were privileged to pass Along the roadway had no causo to complin of those •ba tractions, for the threa hundred yards of this section ■*ra», perhaps, the most picturesque of the whole line of routa. On the right, and just at the foot of the hill, was an elegantly-arranged stand, fitted up with all the noatn?ss and luxury of the dress circle at a theatre: and though it would be, perhaps, unfair among the host of glittering decorations which adorned the exterior of every building between Farringdon-etreet and the Cathedral to single out particular points as specially worthy of observation, we eannot help remarking Mr. J. W. Benson's well-known •stahHshment, which was draped from top to bottom in erinMon velvet, while wreaths of flowers, exquisitely arranged, contrasted favourably with the deep rich back- ground on which they rested. Every window in this esta- blishment formed 0. privata bo:, of It theatre from which was witnessed a scene of real and thrilling inte- rest. At tho corner of the Old Bail y the decorations of tho grand ptnnd shewed out wed, and yet still farther up, the hill was gay with flags and colours. At the corner of Avc-Mrvria-lane none except th08e who had police permits, or tickets for the Cathedral, ■were allowed to pass, so that the front of St, Paul's was kept comparatively clear of iho crowd. Shortly before eleven some little stir was visible in tho direction of the narrow thoroughfare hading from St. Paul's Wharf, and an extra force of police was despatched to keep tha road clear. Soon it became perfectly apparent why this precaution was taken—the "the Members' boat" had arrived,, and very shortly afterwards came rnahing along a stream of right honouiable •ad honourable gentleman, accompanied by their wives, who prC3seJ forwards in a banner whidl shewed they woro, under the impression tl1at their foremost colleagues heels were invulnerable, as belter skelter they rushed towards the gateway of the Cathedral. -The occupants of tha various carnages, as they moved illowly along the Hill and Fleet-street, wero eagerly ■canned by the occupants of tho pavements. Gorgeous liveries, and even oriental costumes, came in for a special share of cheering. I Maharajah Dhuleep Singh, was loudly -cheered, and acknowledged the compliment, by constantly )>owi&g to the people. About twenty minutes past eleven Mr, Disraeli, aocompanied by Viscountess Beaconsiield and his private sccr ,< drove clown Floet-sti-cct in an open Carriage. lie was easily recognised,' and hands and hand- kerchiefs were waved, and cheer after cheer rent Ihe air, And as the great novelist and statesman drove by. Mr. Gladstone was Dot so easily recognised, as was in a. closed carriage but for all that, the Premier '8Iet with a perfect ovation, which ho courteously acknow- ledged. Wh £ H at last the hour arrived at which the car- riage traffic WM stopped, the crowd began to amuse itself with chafi\ There was, of course, the proverbial dog, and itlm luckless policeman to hiss and hoot at; but 'ho people Appeared to be in excellent good humour, and to be loyally inclined, «o" they sang" God savo tho Queen," and "Rule ^Britannia," occasionally varied by a well-known American marohing tune. Just abyve Temple. Bar, the goat of tjie tSrd oame in for an immense amount of patronage, and from the manner in which he every now and then flfaook his gilded horns, he was evidently under the impres- sion that he was not an unimportant spectator of ao unim- portant ceremony. One unlucky adventurer v. ho had the •udacity to climb to the srvmmit of Temple-bar was yelled and at length made to descend from his high position. Thia Wall hardly done when the slashing of bands and tho distant roar of the people announced that the procession wa# approaching the ancient barrier of the City's precincts. Thea all eyes were strained westward, nud soon was to be seen the waving plume of gallant Sir Thomas Mahon, who looked proud of glistening s(|Trtdrons of which he ?wa^ in command this day. There, too, was Lord Lucan, tho stem old hero of many a liard fought field, and dashing Colonel Marshall, the isau ideal of a cavalry officer. Loud rang out the cheers as 1tis Royal Highness the Duko of Cambridge passed tinder the gateway, but louder still rr.ng out the enthusiasm 'drowning the clamgour of the bands, and the morry pealing Of the bells, as the Royal carriage halted in front of kil- ling's Stand, while the Lord Mayor, with chivalrous bearing, handed the Queen the Sword of the City which the lightly touched and then returned to his lordship, who ftfso bowed low to his Sovereign end then mounted •JliS grey chargor and, followed by the mace-bearer !Wld*ld«taen, took his place in the procession. The Princess, "whose smile ever awakens tho enthusiasm cf tho people, acknowledged their hearty welcome with all that kindly and aympathetia manner for which she is so highly dis- tinguishod; yljila the Prince, who was evidently auected 'by this magnificent demonstration of a people's love, bowell A^ain and again. Her Majesty appeared deeply impressed jwith her reception; and the little Prince, who dotted his ;cap repeatedly to tho crowd, seemed to wonder what it aIr iPie&nt, and clung closely to the side of his distin- £ uished father. Down Fleet-atreet, under the Triumphal arch, up Ludgate-hii!, the cheering of the people can only be described as "immense," and was only hushed when the solemn pealing of the great organ of the Metropolitan 'Cathe&ai announced that tho sovereign ruler of great people had entered the sacred edifice for the purpose of jthanking the "Great Ruler of us all for His infinite mercy 'Ja S^tviog the life cf her dear son. I THE PROCESSION. 4Qjd £ j&XIM*nd the Princess of Wales left Marlborough- ijouqeaboulvfr^fifcty minutes to twelve in a close carriage, and dyoVfliiBuckingham. Taaaco, amidst the most enthusiastic gretrtblg ot j!e. people along the route. At five minutes tvolTftj/oiock tho Roj<.d procession left Buckingham Palace for St: Paul's. A troop of mounted police preceded the f recession, a.nd were followed by a. couple of troops of ^usSftri ftnd Lancers, ami then tho general of the day, sur- rounded hy a brilliant stair. Kext was the old state carriage of illO Speaker, drawn by two powerful horses. the Speaker was attended hy the ofucers of tho House of jOommoM, The next carriage contained tho Lord Chnn- jjtellor, and the third his Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge, attended by an escort. Then came thacar- stages of her Majesty in tho following order:—■ First Carriage.—The Gentleman in aiding to his Royal f Highness the Prince Leopold, the E .eny in Waiting to • "his Royal Highness the Prince Arthur, tho Equerry in Waiting to his Royal Highness the Duko of Edinburgh and the Silver Stick in Waiting. Second Carriage.—The Field Officer in Brigade Waiting, the Equerry in Waiting to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, the Groom in "Waiting to hi, Royal Ili.'dmess tha Prince of Wales, and the K-nucrry in Waitin" Third Carnage -T ^• room in aiting. the ClorkMar- shal, thq Master of *h? Household, and the Private Secre- J? :T Tj •}« • fourth Carirage.—The Woman of the Bedchambcr Waiting to her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales, Maid of Honour in V* aihr.g, Maid of Honour in Waiting, and the Comptroller and Treasurer to his Royal Highness ths Princo of Wales. Fifth Carriage.—Tho Keeper of Her Majesty's Privy Purse, the Chamberlain to her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales, the Bedchamber Woman and Lady Superinten- dent, the (Second) Lady of the Bedchamber. Sixth Carriage—The Lord in Waiting to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, the Lord in Waiting, the Lady of the Bedchamber to her Royal Highness tho Princess of Wales, the Lady of the Bedchamber. Seventh Carriage.—The Gold Stick in Waiting, the Lord Chamberlain, the Lord Steward, the Mistress of the Robes. Eighth Carriage,—The Master of the Horse, his Royal Highness Prince George of Wales, his Roval Highness the v ° Prince Leopold, his Royal Highness the Prince Arthur, his Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh. Ninth Carriage.—His Royal Highness the Prince Albert Victor of Wales, her Royal Highness the Princess Beatrice, her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales, and his Royal Highness the "Prince of Wales, the Queen. Her Majesty's carriage was drawn by six handsome dark bays, and fortunately the weather was such as to admit of tho Royal party appearing in open vehicles. The Queen looked remarkably well, but the Prince of Wales, though looking stout, was pale and evidently boro the signs of his severe illness. A more enthusiastic wel- come was never accorded to Royalty, and along the whole line the' cheering was renewed again and again even long after the procession had passed from view. The Queen, ths Prince of Wales, and the Princess of "Wales repeatedly bowed their acknowledgments. John Brown, the faithful Scotch servant of the Queen, clad in Highland dress, occupied a sed in the back of the carriag3 of his Royal mistress. The rear of the procession was brought up by some squadrons of the Blues, and tho route lay through Stable-yard Gate to Pall Mall, Charing Cross, the Strand, and Fleet-street. At several points military bands were Stationed, and the scene was one which can never be forgotten by those who witnessed it. THE CATHEDRAL. (FEOM OUR LONDON CORRESPONDENT.) Arriving in the Strand before nine, I found no difficulty in making my way through that great thoroughfare which Englishmen know so well. Crowded at aJl times, it was thronged to-day with a whole province of people. But they were kept in good order. Thanks to the splendid troops which lined the road, there was, it might almost be said, a place for everyone, and everyone in his place. There was free passage for those who journeyed east, provided you did not mind I:1n occasional graze of awheel or a kiss fró111 a horse. Sud- denly, at the junction of dhe Old Bailey with Ludgate-hill, I found myself pulled up. But Colonel Henderson's pass took me across the line, and I found myself in a compara- tively quiet haven. Thenceforth no more crush. The ad- mirable ticket arrangements with a plan of the Cathedral on the back, shewed exactly the point to steer for. Arrived in the gallery at the left of the pulpit, I must sdmitthat the first view was disappointing. St. Paul's seems scarcely the place for a pageant. It is too much broken up into compartments. In spite of all the galleries draped in crimson, which rose tier upon tier, there was a vast amount of wall space unoccupied, which made me think, even in the midst of the service, that the sacred building was not so very full after all. In fact, it must be confessed that as a spectacle to-doy's sight was "not "equal to the opening of the Albert Hall last March. There everyone could see everyone, awl could take in the whole gorgeous scene at a glance. To-day its component parts were more magnificent, but, being divided into sections, was less im- pressive. The first impression was very singular. At this early hour very fnw of the seats are filled by people, but each chair has its Hue covered book containing the form of service. The effect was just that of looking at a field of wild hyacinths in full bloom. The misty haze of ultramarine had a charming appearance, and the scene was not more beautiful though a good deal more animated when later every scathed its occupant. And now let me attempt to give some geographical description of Wren's master-piece. Placo yourself with me in the gallery close to the left of tl1C pulpit in the space beneath the dome. At our left is a gallery for "the public," that fortunate portion of them who have succeeded in getting tickets by begging or otherwise. Xext to that is a gallery for the London School Board, out of sight from where we are, for a huge rock of a pillar intervenes. Front- ing us is r gallery for the Queen's household, of which Dean Stardey and Lady Augusta are the first occupants in point of time. Then comes the great arch, which gives communication between the space beneath the dome awl tho navc, Both sides and the western end arc lined with galleries; the last-named has a tier of three. ne- turning to tho space beneath the dome, the first gallery next to the nave is a.second gallery for the Queen's household, then a very large one for the "Public," and a smaller one for the same. This brings us back to the choir. Let lIS now go downstairs. Immediately below us are the I judges, then peers and peeresses, then Indian and Colonial officials, then distinguished foreigners. This brings us once more to the great nave arch above-mentioned. Right beneath it, stretching from side to side, is the Royal pew, rich in crimson velvet n11,1 gold. In the forefront of it is th8 thrrn", by no m'ans cf ivory, or l'e:1.ched by steps, as in the clays of Solomon, but a capacious arm chair of crimson silk and gilded back and Jogs. Flanking this royal scat. on either side, are- pbahnxes containing about fifty white and gold chairs for the Court. Cloie to this royal enclosure are the seats for the Ministers and their wives. Behind them are the raflk and file of the House of Commons with their wives. In the front row, facing the gangway (forgive a House of Commons phrrse) are the leaders of tho Opposition, and then we come to the choir. This it is impossible to see, but you may imagine that it is filled with clergy, some in surplices, some in gowns, and all save "literates" wearing their University hoods. Thus we have made a full tour of the great church, and may watch the arrival of the mighty congregation. Earliest among the notables whom I can recognise is Dean Stanley, already mentioned, next to him the door-keeper of the House of Commons, who is stationed here, it may be presumed, to recognise hon. members, and to turn back those who arc neither members nor honourable T think the first of tho Commons to arrive in this Christian church was a Jew Serjeant Simon — who had abundant opportunity to compare this huge edi- fice with that revered temple of his forefathers, which would almost have gone into one of the chapels of Sir Christopher's rhef cVcvxre. Mr. Graham, M.P. for Glasgow, Mr. C. Reed, M.P. for Hackney, and Mr. Locke, M.P. for Southwark, were the next earliest, and for a long time they remained the only representatives of the people present, so that it would have been easy to have had a. count out. But for divers good reasons no one suggested that. The Church and tho Legislature were not long before they received the support of the Law. Mr. Justice Brett and Lord Justice James were very prompt to put in an appearance the first in his robes of crimson" and ermine, the second in far more gorgeous robes of black and gold. Tho Lord Justice and the" claimant are the stoutest men in tho world; and as the judge paraded the church, together with some of the 'cathedral clergy, he was the observed of all observers, and we congratulated ourselves tbat the race of great lawyers is not extinct. And now it is half-past ten, full two hours and a half before the Queen will arrive, but the visitors come pouring in thick and fast. Precisely at half-past ten arrives the first boat- load of M.P.'s. They come crowding in as though tho division bell were sounding. Conspicuous among them are portly Mr. Craufurd in a gray clork, and grotesque Mr. Beresford Hope, looking more grotesque than everin a waterproof! 'A few minutes later, those magnificent speci- mens of the animal, man/Her Majesty's Beefeaters come in, and, arrayed in their quaint Elizabethan uniforms, stand at regular intervals, with halberds in hand, all down th.e crinigon-carpieted passage leading from the great west door to the royal pew. At th: same rime enter the Ministers of the Cabinet in the Windsor uniform, as yet, however, without their leader, who does not arrivo until half an hour later. Mr. Disraeli epmes before his great rival, with Lady Beacons- fieldon his arm, and arrayed in his usual light gray over- coat. He finds it hard to get a front seat; but after much coa:dty» on the port of courLiy ceremonietrii, the distin- guiahed gentleman vi the pitss and his viscountess find places close to his favuiuite lieutenant, silky-beardecl Sir S. Xortlicote. I All this time the sun is shining brightly. Glowing sunbeams—right Royal Queen weather—come striking through the small windows, too largo, however, for the Chancellor of the Exchequer. He is close to the Throne, and the" firce light which beats upon the Throne" j shines full on him, making his snow-white hair a veritable crown of glory.and making him blink his eyes in most nnplclI santfasliion. It is poetical justice. Theminister who would have put out ourlucifer lights is himself sorely put out by a much greater light. He changes his scat, but so does Apollo and once more is Mr. Lowe the beheld of all beholders. Then it seems to strike her Majesty's Ministers that the sun tra- vels west, and that, therefore, it would be bettor for their collerguo to move farther east, and at last he is &t peaca in the welcome shade. See, there comes our pale and I thoughtful Premier, looking happier to-day than he has t done of late weeks. He has much talk with Ca&on Liehtfoot, evruoncry a'Oout the cathedral. Then there la Tar down towards the west a flutter of white lawn, and presently there march slowly, and with raverential step the Dean and the ,chapter, and disappear within the choir. Next rh .-ro arises a gorgeous vision of Oriental state. First, comes the I\awab of Bengal s.-omingly covered with goldleaf, and then, a little later, attended by a splendid suit- the Maharajah Dhuleep Singh, a very handsome English-looking man, set off to great ad- vantage in his magnificent turban and aigrette. At 12.50 there is a simultaneous rise. Everybody stands. Surely, not the Queen yet? Yet down in the distance we see sundry splendid-looking officials. On they come, first of all the macebearer with the House of Commons mace, preceding our new Speaker, who has his robes of State on, gold-decked, the first time of wearing. He is followed by chaplain and attendant, and he takes his seat in the front Ministerial bench, close by Sir George Grey. After about a minute's interval comes a still more elaborate procession. Gigantic mace, enormous gold-laced bag, each borne by a different person, each of those persons himself a sight to behold, and then wizened Lord Ilatherley, the Lord High Chan- cellor of England, of whom it would take six to make one Lord Justice James. lie takes a seat on the front peers' bench, opposite the Speaker. There are still more wonders in store before the crowning spectacle. There is Lord Mayor Gibbons, preceded by his mace bearer and by the City Remembrancer, who bears a sword compared with which the giant Goliath's was but a child's plaything. He points it before him as though lie meant to prod the Macebearer, but he refrains from pushing rfiatters to extremities. Behind the Lord Mayor is Sheriff Bennett, looking very distingue. Then comes the long processson of the white-robed clergy, whose robes stand out well against the scarlet uniforms and crim- son hangings, and blue robes of peeresses, that now fill the building. I'recisely at one, there is a hum of distant voices far away beyond the great west door. The organ strikes up tho National Anthem, and this great congregation stands up- right, heads all turned one way. Then, indeed, we have a vision of beauty and grandeur. Enter generals and other officers in uniform, then the Royal party itself, at- tended by the Lords and Ladies in Waiting, and behind theui a phalanx of servants in their liveries of crimson and gold. The feast of colour wanted only ono thing to make it complete—the sun light, which an hour ago was so bril- liant, hut has now been dimmed hy clouds. There they stand this goodly company. Of course there h no cheering, no saluting, in this the House of God. But for a moment tùey stand, the foremost of the realm, "bearing the gaze of the sixteen thousand fellow-worshippers turned upon them. Tholl they bend for private prayer, the Princc's short, but as we may well believe fervent; the Princess's, ,his wife's, far longer. The Prince is, of course, on the Queen's right, in General's uniform, and looks con- siderably stouter and balder than before his illness. The Princess is lovely in a dark blue velvet dress, against which the light blue bonnet strings stand out in graceful contr3St. X ext to her, on her left, is one of her boys, with head just high enough to reach to the rail of the pew. Beyond him is Princess Beatrice in lilac and white, then Prince Leopold in Highland costume, and then, at the extreme left, the Duke of Cambridge in Field Marshal's uniform. The Prince of Wales is also flanked by one of his children, who seems of the same height as his brother; next to him is the child's uncle, the Duke of Edinburgh in the uniform of a naval officer, then Frinco Athur in the uniform of the Rifle Brigade. But why talk of uniforms ? Those who wear them are so covered with orders and ribands, that you can hardly see cloth (whether blue or red) beneath. One strange contrast there is to all the rest. Not the Queen, for she has so much white fur about her that her widow's robes are scarcely notice- able. But one of the ladies in attendance is in deep mourning, and becomes absolutely conspicuous by her sable attire in this "Field of the Cloth of Gold.' Listen to the organ roll, faint at first, then swelling louder and louder, until the strains are taken up by the choir, out of sight from where we stand, but with voices so clear, so strong, that they seem close at hand, and all sing- ing together as though they were but one instru- ment. It is tho Hymn of St. Ambrose — the Te Dcvm, never sung more nobly, even at its native ililan. Very grand are the praises of martyrs' prophets, and saints. Then the full sound dies away, and soft voices almost whisper of the sharpness of death over- come, and the Gato of Heaven opened to all believers. At that meinent a sunbeam gleams through the Cathedral, as though it were a radiance shed from the golden gates themselvos. Tho most pathetic musical passage is that which accompanies tho words, We therefore pray Thee help Thy servants, whom Thou hast redeemed with Thy precious Blood." Tho Te Deum is followed by the Lord's Prayer and the Preces, to Tallis's glorious and inimitable music. Then comes the Collect for last Sunday, the prayers for the Queen and the Royal Family, and the General Thanksgiving. At the words, particularly to Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, who dcsires now, to oner up his praises and thanksgivings for Thy late mercies vouch- safed unto 'him," there is a pause, and a silence so deep that amid that vast assemblage a whisper might well-nigh be heard. Then comes the special prayer of thanks- giving said a few weeks ago in our churches, and then the Grace, As the service has gone on the head of the Princess has bent lower and lower, and ere the prayers were over she lets her tears of joyful gratitude freely now. The Queen has turned towards her frequently throughout the service, and there is no need to dwell on the common bond of sympathy that draw them together at this hour. The prayer is followed by the Anthem, taken from rsalm cxviii, 14-21 and 28 v. It is a fine work, admirably rendered in perfect tune and time. Then comes the sermon, preached by the Archbishop of Canterbury, which, I fear, can scarcely have been heard by the great majority of those present. His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury then delivered the following address. The text was—Romans xii., v. 5 :—" Every one members one of another." In those dark clftys of December, and nights of undefined dread, never to be forgotten, when hour after hour sounded in our anxious ears in this city, and the striking of a church clock, or the tolling of any parsing bell startled us with apprehension lest our worst fears were realised, all the peoplc of this United Kingdom—the whole of the British race everywhere, all of every blood who own allegiance to our Queen — joined in prayer as one family, a family wide as the world, yet moved by one im- pulse, watching oyer one sick bcd, ycarning with one heart for one precious life. To-day we are gathered at the very centre of the kingdom, in this church, the structure of ages of national associations, to present to God the thanksgiving which the nation offers again as one family. "Every one members one of another." The family in its restricted sense-the State—the Church—each of these societies is a direct institution of God. The Almighty Father, who, seeing at first that it was not good for his creature man to be alone, gave r. helpmeet for him and children, stamped this on man's nature, that he cannot do well his part in life without these social ties. Born into a family, nurtured in family life to develope his moral powers, carried usually to the grave by mourners of his own kin, man has but a maimed existence if there be any flaw in his family life. Happy the people that prizes as holy this earliest form of society, and rccogniscs God's institution in every home. Now, was not the anxiety of those mournful days intended to make our home feelings more intense, and to cause us each more truly to realise the sacrcdness of an English home, while a nation's prayers centred in one house, and the poorest and riclicst could not but endeavour to picture the anxiety and grief that pressed Oil mother, wife, children, brothers, and sisters within that house, from the torn feelings of that natural affection which is the source of our dearest joys and sorrows'? Th* poorest and the most lonely widow in the locst ncglected lane in London felt, as keenly as the greatest of those on whom court favour smiled, that she had an interest id the welfare' of tho Royal House and was entitled to sympathize in its sorrows; and thus we are all drawn close together through those family ai'fcctions which are the birthright and blessing alike of rich and poor, and the expG- rience of which enables us to sympathize with each others joys, fears and woes. Poor families must learn to sympa- thize with the rich and the great, as thank God, these also through the same family affections ha.e learned to sympa- thize with the families of the poor and humble. Thus God has used our ad trial to make t.s prize the Royal Family. And then the the Mate also is an institution of (.lud. In it. too, Ho has made us "members one of knottier." In the old days, as families grew, the Almighty I'ath'-r saw that it was not good for men to be isolated Families which were not near in blood, ran risk of being shut up, eaeli in its o»vn stronghold. God welded them intu the State, with scope for new and more extended ait'ccuons, pov.ers, duties. Has not our trial taught us more to reverence the State, as wo have felt sympathy in our bean's heart for the Head of the State? Loyalty- it is dying out among u.s—is it ? An old-fashioned tiling, fit oi.lv to be locked up with the regalia and other vent rable monuments of antiquity, furnishing only a curious subject of antiquarian interest for the specula- tions of the enlightened philosophers and politicians of this new age. AVell, somehow, feelings supposed to be dead, but only at the worst slumbering, sprang forth; the love that was pent up in myriads of hearts burst all arti- ficial barriers. The most thoughtful and the most thought- less alike had soiuchow learned from recent experience to suspect that it fares ill with states in the day of trial if they have lost their loyalty. There were still some who told us, with prophet's voice, that the love of law, the ic,ile-of liberty, reverence tor t?i> greaf representative ooaws which for centuries have guided the nation's lif.1, are in- seperable from those intense feelings which make us reverence not abstractions merely, or multi- tudinous bodies corporate, but individual living souls. This thought was moving in many thousands of hearts, and we were in the mood such thoughts engender, when God sent this trial to give our feelings new life. In a moment our sad anxiety, as soon as the reality of danger flashed upon us, stirred the memories of four and thirty years. The accession-the coronation-the marriage, that blessed union of loving and congenial souls—the regulating social influence felt through all the land for so many years—the baptisms of the nine children—the dark day of 1861, which smote the heart of sympathetic England as it tore an august presence from our view—the gradual restoration ftS the days of ..lourning wore on—that spring morning when all England rang with warm welcome to the young princess who for us was leaving her Northern home—the marriages of sons and daughters—and the births and baptisms of grandchildren, just as in one of our own houses, when death threatens, the whole history of the loved object we fear to lose, comes back in the hours of waiting; so England was stirred by a hundred touching memories, when danger threatened the Royal House. And God doubtless thus touched our hearts to deepen our loyalty, and make us better prize the thousand good things secured in a well-ordered State by love to the head of the State. And then the Church. Always in their hours of strongest feeling men acknowledge that they need a Church. We prayed in our churches in the day of anxiety. We gather here now in the nation's greatest cathedral to record our heartfelt thanks. God in Jesus Christ ordained for families and states that they should have this further sacred bond of union in the Church of Christ. States and nations and races, as they are sepa- rated and have rival interests, become estranged. So of old, Jew, Greek, barbarian, Scythian, looked, each on the other, with suspicion or abhorrence. God willed' in the ages at last to make them all one. Now, a sacred bond connecting them, each separately, with God,: had been felt to be needed even in the old primaeval societies. The family, the State, each required in its way to be made a Church through knowledge of God and worship, that it might not forget Him who gave it being at first, and whose presence was its only safe guide—that thus its members might better perform their several duties, individual and social. Thus the father of Lhe family was from the first tha priest of the household: and the tribes of old, scarce formed into bodies politic, had each a Priest-King. So when God built up a peculiar state of his own to be for all time, small as it was in extent, and insignificant in power, far more than Egypt, or Greece, or Rome, the. source of the world's civilization. He made it a Church, that is, He gave it knowledge of ^himself. He imbued its laws and all its. institutions with Heavenly principles. He taught His people to look to His presence and guidance as their surest hope. But the sacred society thus instituted by God, was, as time wore on, to have a. wider and more er- tended range. It was His purpose that soon, when Christ, was revealed, its boundaries should extend that it should embrace nation after nation, and at last the whole in, habited earth; that in the Church of the living God, where it grew to its maturity, should bo found an union for all mankind, from which all laws and institutions, all family, political, and interne* tional relations should receive the eternal principles by which alone they must be regulated if they are to last. Brethren, does not experience teach us that nations, if such there be, which have no religion, have lost the only lure bond and stay of national and religious life ? We Englishmen, thank God, love the Church of Gpd. I speak not before this great assembly of any party divi- sions. It was one of the most marked fea- tures of our late anxiety that in the broad circuit of the British Empire msny joined in our prayers who scarcely knew the God to Whom we prayed; and none were more hearty in their prayers than God's ancient people. We trust a time is coming when all the races of the empire may be one in faith, as we have proved to be one in loyalty. But already, to-day amongst us Christians, it is felt and believed that in united prayers and thanksgivings we are one. God most likely intended this lesson. It was very common in State prayers of old, as I find from the forms preserved at Lambeth, to speak of our unhappy divisions. Perhaps this common call to national prayer has been sent now to make us think of a happier union. We Englishmen, thank God, speaking generally, all love the Church of God. Wo believe in God. We know He watches over us in sorrow and joy. We desire to make His Law our tule of action. We Christians of England thank Him for the consolations He has provided for us ih our anxieties through the birth, death, ascension, and living intercession of His Son. We of the Church of England prize our own forms and our own beliefs, and hold them to be best for our own souls and for the nation; but, be our own form of Christian worship what it may, we all unite in this, that we acknowledge God to be our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour; and we gather now in this, Christ's Temple, to record our thankfulness for a great national mercy, and to express in the most solemn way, whilst we pay allegiance to our earthly sovereign, and speak of our reverence and love to her person and family, that we look upwards, for her, for those who are dear to her, for ourselves, for our families, and for the body politic, to the King Eternal, Im- mortal, Invisible, who controls all the events of our individual, and family, and national life. The Church of Christ is for all ranks, ages, and races. Praise be to God in Christ, we all, rich' and poor, have learned to be united. The poorest, we have said, joined with the richest lately in solemn prayers. If they are not here with us to day, they are thanking God as we are. Such a day makes us feel truly that we are "members one of another." The sermon lasted about a quarter of an hour. Then at the ascription, all rose, and very softly the organ sounded forth that finestlof, all Hymn tunes, Dr, Wesley's Aurelia," better known as geing to the processional hymn"TlieChurch's One; Foundation." Mr. Stone's words went to it perfectly and it seemed as if not the choir only, but a great part of the congregation too, joined in with voice as well as heart. Then we all knelt, or sat rather, for there was no kneeling room, as the Archbishop pronounced the Benediction, and straightway the organ once more pealed forth the National Anthem, the Royal Family and their gorgeous frame work, slowly receded through the great west door, and I was fortunate enough to find my exit almost simultaneously, instead of being condemned to the four hours' imprison- ment predicted by the prophets of evil. THE RETURN. At the conclusion of the service, the Royal Party re- entered their carriages, and the proccssion returned to Buckingham Palace in the same order by it arrived at St. Paul's, the order being as Ludgate-hill, the Old Bailey, the Holborn Viaduct, Holborn, Oxford-street, the Marble Arch, Hyde Park (east side), and Constitution-hill. The Lord Mayor, the Sheriff's and the deputation from the Aldermen and Common Council of the City of London, preceded her Majesty as far as the confines of the City, where they left the procession. The appearance of the return route compared favourably with any other part of the line, in fact the decorations generally in Oxford-street eclipsed those of any other part of the metropolis, with the exception, perhaps, of Ludgate Hill. The most elaborate arrangements were also made for illuminating this thoroughfare. Regent-circus was unques- tionably one of the most attractive points of the route. A pretty triumphal arch was-thrown across the road, and the flowers and evergreens which entered largely into its embellishment had a pretty effect, and gave it quite a rustic appearance. We have only to add that the enthu- siastic demonstrations of loyalty which greeted the royal party during its progress to St. Paul's were repeated during the return journey. After the royal procession came another, in some respects more remarkable. Gigantic cars, drawn by long strings of horses, cavalcades of white mules, piebald horses, with their drivers standing on their backs, a real lion perched up aloft elephants, camels, and divers other beasts in fine trappings made up an :¡:;tu:li,,1¡iJ\ (,f\vnlcfl(lc, and perhaps the liugest and most costly advertisement ever seen. In a word, it was Sanger's equestrian troupe.
