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L MISCELLANEOUS. 4' 5 f .—— Ecdes, educated at the Qaeen's College, tTrtnidad, is the first lad on the list of successful can. didatea at the recent Cambridge Local Examinations. Lieutenant Lillicrap, of the Royal Marine Artil- lerY, tried Portsmouth by Court-martial on a charge of fallowing f," cheque to remain dishonoured, has been acquitted. v, Lord Stanley of Alderley has been ordered to -par £5 damages at the MacclcBfleld County Court for ■hooting a dog, which his lordship alleged pad killed one of Lis har^^{^ Since the appointment of a Roval Commission on Friendly Societies the Cotnaierrfal World- Bays e. rumour has got abroad th$t it is the intentioa of the Gorernment to take the jaatxagemeotjpf Eiieadly ^ocietica into ita own bands. We understand$that /on Saturday Mr. John Albert Bright, .eldest > eonVjeA the> Eight Hon. J. Bright, accompanied by Mr, Biohard Heape, of Rochdale, sailed from Liverpool for New York, in the steamer Calabria, .with.the Intentionjaaking a tour through the United Stata. The foreign consuls ^residing at Bucharest have sent the Roumanian Government a collective note to thank It for the measures which it has, adopted to stop the persecution^ of^ which the Jews are the victims, and to encqprage it to fiontinue its efforts in that direction. A telegraiti-^Erom Halifax announces that the opinion prevaik-ihera that the Dominion Government will accept the Treaty of Washington, and that a large majority of the Dominion Parliament is known to be in favour of it, 80 that the passage of the Acts necessary to put it in force Is regarded as a foregone conclusion. Her Majesty, who had a high appreciation of the late Lord Mayo's administrative ability, and who received the intelligence of his lordship's, assassination with deep sorrow, wiU, it id' said, 00 advised by Mr. Gladstone to confer the peerage of the United Kingdom on the Countess of Mayo, with remainder to her heirs male. It is announced at Norwich on the authority of Sir Samuel Bignold, t"he local Conservative leader, that the Conservatives of the city propose to start two candidates at the dissolution' of Parliament. It is also announced, on the sarhe authority, that the Conservative candidates will in all probability be Mr. Huddleaton, Q.O., and Sir H. i. Stracey. v.. (. The Buenos Ayres Standard of January 14 says _1& The whole River Plate public has bee* horrified at the atrocities comtaitted in the South by the Gaucho assassins, who in T)ne day killed some fifty foreigners. The latest adviees from the interior of the Republic are cheering as regards he material progress. The wheat harvest will be the largest this country has ever produced." T&o New Code of Regulations" has been tanud by the Education Department. Its articles relate to the administration of Government grants to elementary schools for children, and training schools for teachers; the official inspection of elementary schools; and the certifica- tion of teachers. Special provisions are made in the case of evening schools. A bill making further provision for the educa- tion of blind and deaf-mute children has been issued; a bill to provide that jurors in criminal trials shall be chosen by ballot; a bill to amend the Public Parks (Ireland) Act; a bill to improve the administration of justice at petty sessions, by providing for payment of clerks to justices by talajy; and a bill to amend the law respecting the invest- ment of money paid into the Court of Chancery and to abolish the office of Accountant-General of the Court, have also been printed. Thai. Bank of England has issued the following notioft stockholders in the Public Funds :—India £5 per Cent. Stock, India £4 per Cent. Stock, Metropolitan Con- •olidaied Stock, and Bank Stock.—" Any holder of the aBove Stocks residing within the United Kingdom may have his Dividend Warrant sent to his address by post, on filling np and sending to the Chief Accountant of the Bank of England a form of application, which may be ob- tained at the Bank of England, or at any of its branches; also, for the Publio Funds, at any Money Order Office. Applications for the transmission of Dividend Warrants, Eyabla in April, 1872, should be lodged at the Bank on or fore 1st of March next." Tjm FIKEBRACE DIVORCB CASE.—The public have not heard the last of the very remarkable case Firebrace v. Firebrace and others," which, it will be remembered, occupied the Divorce Court fcr twelve days, resulting in favour of the respondent. The husband has, as it is understood, left tho country, taking with him the ehildren; and the wife has filed her petition for a restitution of conjugal rights. It is expected that the Intervention of Lord Penzance will be sought at an early day to permit the substituted service of the citation in the lady's petition, on the allegation that Mr. Firebrace is not to be-foand within the jurisdiction of the Divorce Court. IMPORTANT DECISION ON THB LAW OF SHORTHAKD WBITOW.—At the Stowmarket County Court, before Mr. :1. Woolledge, the juJge, a case of considerable interest was heard. The claim was to recover a sum of money for taking shorthand notes at the inquest on the gun- cottoft aeciilent. The shorthand-writer who had the order gave part df the business to a local reporter, as it was too heavy to do^Single-haisded, and he claimed the full price of 8d. a folio far that portion he transcribed. The judge heard r»iddtoce on both sides, and held that the price paid to the origififtl shorthand-writer being 8d. a folio, it would be fair that the party doing a portion should receive two-thirds. Juilgiheht passed accordingly. FRENCH NAVIGATION ACT.—An English mer- chant in France does not think the public have fully realised ho.w much the shipping interest of England will be affected by the new mercantile navy in France. The Eng- lish vessels will be placed at a disadvantage compared with those of other nations that have navigation treaties with France, and will be compelled te abandon the car- rying trade to them. He thinks our Government should not consent to a revision of the Treaty of 1860, unless the French Government manifest a desire to shew fair play to the English shipowners, who are the chief sufferers by this new arrangement. THI PROSPECTS OF THE SURPLUS.—The Econo- mist takes a very sanguine view of the prospects of the surplus. In the sh: weeks already elapsed Mr. Lowe has got more of the quarter's taxes than what he has to receive, and tbere are still seven weeks to spare. The Customs, Excise, and Stamps are coming in at a rate which ensures larM aurphls. TEe average receipts in stamps is from £150,000 to £ 200,000 a week, and only £350,000 is needed to complete the estimate, so that a large excess may be expected. The miscellaneous revenue is always ancertain. but there are only £290,000 to be re- ceived out of £400,000 estimate. Everything in the accounts, says the Economist, tends to confirm the sanguine anticipations formed at the beginxing of the quarter; and we see little cause, to doubt that at the end of the year Mr. Lowe will have at least about JE3,000,000 more money than he thought safe to estimate. £ CLEARING HorSB FOR THE STOCK EXCHANGE. —It has been suggested, in order to remove the difficulties attending settlements on the Stock Exchange, that a clear- ing house should be established, but the difficulties in the way are formidable. The numbers to be admitted to the clearing are one ground of objection. The Bankers'' Clearing House would be almost unworkable, If several1 tiundred banks wore admitted.. The difference of position occupied by jobbers and brokers is another ob- stacle, aS any arrangement for clearing would be apt to throw the work on one class which properly belongs to the other. But the fundamental difficulty is that of credit, any system of clearing being impossible which compels* brokers to take the cheques of people they do not know. The Economist suggests that any clear- ing to be established should be confined to jobbers only, and that for the settlement they should arrange some mode of consolidating their transactions. Brokers would then pay into'the clearing house and receive from it, instead of from individual jobbers, the latter balancing their transac- tions among themselves. Tue 8*7RREYDER OF METZ.—A rumourhas been current that the Due de Broglie has found at the French Embassy in London some documents which tend to shew that an understanding existed between Marshal Bazaine and Prince' Bismarck during the siege of Metz. It originated, doubtless, in the following fact, mentioned in the Republique Franraise:—■" General Boyer proposed, On the part of the Marshal, to Prince Frederick Charles and Bismarck a military convention, by virtue of which ihQ French army might retire with the honours of war to any neutral part of the French territory on the understanding that it should not fight against Prussia for a certain period of time. The Marshal, remaining at tho head of big troops, proposed to summon the Corps Legislatif, Which had been dissolved on the fourth of September, into their midst, and its first act would have been to reconstitute the regency. This account is taken from the.report furnished by General Boyer himself to M. Tlnot, French Minister in London, and is embodied in a despatch sent by this charge <P'affaires to the Tours delega- tion on the 27th of October, 1871." THE MAORIES.—" A Traveller," writing to the Spectator, makes some extraordinary revelations respecting New Zealand. He believed until visiting the country that the Northern island was a possession of the British Crown. He finds that three-fourths of it is owned by Maories, who sometimes acknowledge the Queen's supremacy, for money payments, but who often claim, and maintain absolute independenee. Between Auckland and Wellington, the New York and "Washington of the Northern Island, there is no high road, no mail, no telegraph, no free communication. The natives stopped the mail, forbid the making of roads, ana turn back messengers or travellers. A large district wwj ^aken$rott the rebels, but the surveyor who went to layout of it. was murdered, and the Colonial Go- vernnwni fir "powerless to exact vengeance. Tho natives object to m* increase of political strength which the English WMf" gains by improved communications. Thftt" wished to go a journey of sixty miles, but in* told ft WOttld take five days, as he must stay two or thrw dayf TO a Maori pa on the way, to conciliate tho hatfree ùi4 obtain leave. It is always a chance if one is allowed K* Jjafls on, or be turned back, and the fact that the writer obtained Iea-ve to go by land from the Thames to Tamarga. was thought important enough to be sent to the Auckland papers. Meanwhile there is a strong feeling among the colonists, who think that alluvial gold in large quantities is to be foimd ia the ground shut up by the Maories. Another Maori war seems to him to be a not remote possibility. The odds of numbers, science, and wealth are terribly against the Maories, but they will die hard, and a fresh war will retard the fortunes of the island for years to come. The death is announced at Montpelier College, Grenada, West Indies, of Archibald Pignenitt Burt, Attor- ney-General of the Colony. Mrs. Burt died 3 days after her husband, both of diptheria. It was stated a few days since that the Commissioners of the International Exhibitions had come to an arrange- ment with regard to sales in the buildings at South Ken- sington, which it was believed would satisfy all British and Foreign exhibitors alike. This statement has since been announced officially. It has been resolved that as the French and Belgian Commissioners had liberally relinquished the rights accorded to them with reference to the sale of articles, the rules laid down for the Exhibitions of 1851 18rt2 will in future be adhered to.n This means tWf exhibitors will be permitted to take orders for Jheir gftflja, but will not l>e allowed to remove any articles JhajJFe actually in the Eajubjtjga luiUl its clm\ -) ,:1.- _I.') c.





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