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DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. MESSRS. JONES and STUCKEY, Whole- JJUL sale Wine and Spirit Merchants, of V.,T'h-r, hym. V'LVKD PARTXEISHIP by Mutual Cousov.t. CI.Jim" azainst thL' fr'm "houlj -h" :,c'n;; in to )(r yKED. S 1% CKEY. 33. High-street, 31 ctlivr wLû int- r. l tllrrymg on the Business. 9 y 4973 I' COUNTY OF GLAMORGAN. FTUIE Justices of the Peace for the County of Glamorgan will, at the next General Q-nrter Sessions, to be h-Id at Swansea, in and for the said County, on | TWSSDA.Y, the 9th day of April, 1S72, at One o'clock in the Afternoon, proceed to the appointment of a (ioVKKXOR før th.. Count,- (,au] at Cardin.. The salary is £ 300, with house and the usual allowances of Coal., Gas, and Water- Testimonials to be sent, addressed, "County Gaol f Governor," under cover, to me on or before the Firs: day of MARCH, 1?72. TIIO. DALTON, Clerk of the Peace. Cardiff, 23rd January, Is72, 4Ht;:J GLAMORGANSIIIR E. EPIPHANY QUARTER SESSIONS, 1872. NoTICE IS FEREP>\ GIYEX, that the EIMHI AXY QUARTER SESSIONS of the County Of Glamorg-an, "i:¡ he holr'^n by adjournment at the Towx HUL. CABPIFF, on WEDMESDAT, the 2ist day of FSBRUAKV, L>72, at Ten o'clock in the Forenoon, for the Trial -frr-soners only, wh..n and where all Jurors and peraons bound by recognizances are required to attend. Dated this 20th day of January, 1^72. THO. DALTON, 49^4 Clerk .pf the Peace. J. OEPPEN, tailor and outfitter 56, THOMAS STREET, MERTHYR. ALL ORDERS PUNCTUALLY ATTENDED TO. 4903 r U B L I C -NOTICE. TUTS IS TO OIYK NOTICE, that I will not be re^pi-ns.Me for any I'EHTS contracted by my Wile, Jane OrifliMis, as she is nut authorised to obtain any Goods on my Credit. RI(. irAKD X GRIFFITHS, Puddler. Phydfelen, Troforcst, Jan. f(i, 1S72. 49.52 TO PARENTS AND GUAEPIANS- \VTANTED, a respectnble and well-educated TV "5 outh as an APPRENTICE to the General Iron- mongery business. A lad havirz knowl«<l:r,; of both LANT'ua?EF preferred, -pplv to "W. T. GKIFFITHS, Iron- Hie!u;r, Il'srh Street, Me: tin r I'yd'il. ;(-t ti7,nn Liver one is .Mercury or Blue Pill, the other OXLY TWO MEDICINES REALLY NET upon the Dandelion Thousands of constitntionshave been destroyed by Mercury, Blue Pill, or Calomel. The only safe remedy i., DR. KING'S DANDELION AND QUININE LIVER PILLS. which act very gently "n the Liver, givinc immediate relief in all cases of Rile, Indigestion, Sick Headache, Leas of Appetite, Giddiness, Spasms. Heartburn. Flat- ulency, Nei vousnebs. Gout, and all disorders of the ttemach and Liver. Sold by all chemists and medicine vendors, in boxes at Is Ud.'is fKl. is. (id. or for .stamps frem J. JtottKK, 47, Mortimer-street, Cavendish Square Landon, w 4570 CORK, CARDIFF, AND NEWPORT. .1 'HJK THIRST-CLASS PASSENGER JD STEAMl-TS leave CORK for Jro'^Vlil with Goods and Passengers, EVSHT WEOESDAY, calling at iiiUord, ret u rainy direct ETEKY FRIDAY. For NBWTORT direct ETEJT MOITPAT, returninll ETERT ▼«» JFKSBAY. Fares: — Cahin, lIs. 6d.; Deck. 7s. Cabin Return Ticket, available icr one month, £1 7s. For lJartieular8 see (mail Hilk A6EXTS. Cardiff-Mr E. C. DOTVJU.YG, Shtpbroksr, Bute Docks Newnort—Mr. J.viiis JUDBOCKI. Cork- ITT or COBX STEAM PACKET COITRAFY, LIMITED. 4035 FOR SALE, ON HIGHLY ADVANTAGEOUS TERMS, ?0\n- NIv.V AND YKllY BEAUTIFUL P 1-A ]*N O ITO KTiiirf Enquire at the i>c!dence of M F. E D W A R D L A W R A NeE, ( "rr ffjr-r ofMunc and Oepmu* of St. Diuvid's Church. ADDI-VKSS 4I"0-S ?, COURTLA N'D TERRACE, Y'ERTHYR. DRAYMAN WAITED. 'l"{T. XTED, a your,? Trin as DRAY^IAN.— i V Apply at the Iron Bridge Brewery, Merthyr. tt69 TYDFIL SCHOOL, MEltTHYR. A MID THE CLASS GRAMMAR AND COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. Head MasterEVAN WILLIAMS, M.A. Assistant Muster:—J. WILSON (Certificated in Science.) The studies are divided intn two courses :— 1.—The Engl it'- whMi etfebracec the Rnhjedll necessary for ali Mechanical Lng-iueering and Mercantile Pursuits. 2.— The Cl'tx*iril Count, whifh iu'lude-; the Greek, Latin, 1110 French Lancpiaees; the Mathcmat- s, and certain 0!' Science, and prepares for the Middle Class Civil Service, fccience, Professional Preliminary Examinations, and for adniirsion into the Theoligicai Colieires and UVlvsrsities. Boarders (uuarterly, weekly, and daily' ae; well all Day Pup Is, may be admiiteil at any time durins? the quarter. Term<. ic., on application, personally or by letter at the above Jd<lress. 4634 TO THE NEKYOUS A> D DEBILITATED. A Popular Medical Treatise. Pest free Two Stamps. A PHYSICI.\X in extensive practice, having successfully treated a great number of lieni.,Ie suffering from Xevvcus Debility, Lassitude, Depression of Spirits. Irritability, Exf.itement, Distaste, and In- capacity fr-r Society. Study, or Dn<ille>s, Indigestion, Pains, and Palpitation. Giddines*, Noise in the Head, Weakress, JMsturbed Sleep, Brok-n-fiuwn Health, Fright- ful Dreams, Loss of Memory, Loss of Muscular Power, Trembling, Jfcc, will be happy to send his book on the subject. All persons who from excessive indulgence in the pleasures of life, or who, from various causes, are de- pressed in spirits, shaken in nsrves, or weakened in frame, should read this work —Address, J. HAMILTON, M.D., 401, Oxford-street, London. Its Curability fully Demonstrated. A Pamphlet sent for Six Stamps on Consumption. P.ror.ci.r i-\ :>rd Asthma, with remiuks on a new stnti most successful treatment, by J. HAMILTON, M.D., 4114, Oxfonl- srrect, London. 4940 The 1-EA of 1"E.AS." -r:' I ø., î ,I .,¿¡¡ oJ ,¡ XKW SE.YSUXS PURE TEA IV PACKETS Is zvn' choice and pungent—a?id is sclcctcd from the Best Pure importations judiciously blended. 2 2 6 2 8 3/- 3/4 3/8 4/- per lb. Sc<U in every Tmvn in Great Britain h v authorized Agents-(Chcmists, Confectioners, &c.) LOCAL AGENTS:— Merthyr-LEwrs, chemist, Georgetown. Aberaman, Sims, chemist P'pool, Edwards, stationer Aberdare, Thoma., 70, Mill- Pontypridd, Daries, chemist street Pentlottyn, Davies, rost- „ F.vans, chemist office Dcrlais, TIec., chemist Rhymnev, Dixon, chemist Emmanuel, coiifectioaer TntY's Well, Williams ELùw Vale, Jours, chemist Tredesar, ,leniciR5. (diewiist Hirwain, Sims, chemist Troedyrhivv, Knùx, chemist ■Jioniston, Bevr.n, Post-off!e [4885 JOHNSON, JOHNSON, & Co., TEA ME HAKTS, 17, Blo\1mfieJ(l-<:trcf't, City, Londo ITO. 20, H ZGc Li STREET, (Corner of Court-street, and opposite the Old CTiurch,) MERTHYR. THE PRINCE OF WALES MIXTURE AT THREE SHILLINGS PZ i POUND IS THE ADMIRATION OF ALL LOVERS OF FINE TEAS. FINE MONING CONGOU, at 2s. fid This Te:t possesses the aroma, pungency, and strength very difficult to procure-a tiec.dedly good useful Tea for large Families. T. BOWJE.NT JONES & CO., CONSIGNEES for AUSTRALIAN PRESERYED BEEF and MUTTON LEIBIG'S EXTRACT OF BEEF &e., and AGENTS for THE LITRE BOTTLE WINE COMPANY, Selected by HER MAJESTY'S Government for the supply of the Royal Military Hospitals. BORDEAUX CLARETS & WHITE WIXES. PORTS. Bottle. Bottle. BoRbEirx CLASFT.—An excellent Dinner Wine. s. d. a. d. Much improved In Bottle. Duty paid 1 2 PORT HIVE .Will much improve in bottle, but BT.JuT.mxCt.ARET—A Beautiful Wine 1 10 qlif-c fit for immediate use for general purposes.. 2 4 CATALANS A HUNGARIAN WINES. snle^dl/'rnn TV*DpUn> ."W .in wood, splei.ftHi conditio i, a rare old Wine in wood. RED CAT.VI.AX. A most usctul Red Wine for Dry, tawny, and with great delicacy "f bouquet 3 6 family purpose*—fruity and full colour, and much r-.riT .iv- used inthe south of Europe 110 „ CADIZ V. IN SHERRIES. IWHITE CAT VLAN*.—A dedicate Wine, with slight FRTITY SHKRHY. —A full bodied Wine, most useful muscatel flavour: a very pleasant lunch and din- l( ,or ordinary purposes X 10 ner Wine, and will be found an agreeable wine for C ;ow>- B«A>D" SIIKHHT.- Brown or pal; COI our, erening parties 1 10 with age and much aroma,. This Wine can be used p0T>To as a dessert Wine 2 8 PAJ.E ^HIIRBY. — Amontillado flavour, old and dcli- TARRASOS-A PORT.— \n excellent Wme far ordi- cafe-Most suitable as an after-dinner ->"ine. We nary family tise-great colour and body 2 0 highly recommend this beautiful Sherry S 6 A List of Prices and Qualities on application to T. F.OWEN .loNES k <;o., 20, High street, Merthyr The Litev Bottle contains ftve glasses of wine more than any other wixe bottle, being 23 per cent more than the Reputed qtxart. 4932 -r- WHY GO TO BRISTOL, AND PAY MORE? TIIE "TELEGRAPH" STEAM PRINTING & PUBLISHTNG OFFICES, 50, HIGH STREET, (OPPOSITE THE MAEKET SQUARE,) MERTHYR_ TA'UFIJj. RETAIL STATIONERY WAREHOUSE, 43A, HIGH-STREET, P. "WlLLTAMS ANNOUNCES that having every facility, which Steam Machinery and the Employment of tho most Competent Workmen can render, for the execution of Printing Orders, he respectfully solicits a con- tinuance1 of public ratrinace. H is l hargfo for Posters, Bill Heads. Ci: cnlars, and every kind of Printing Work, are ai Mrderatf as any in the d;strict, and at least ten per cent, lower than the usual Bristol prices. For the Expedition in the execution of Printing Work, the Tn EC,I:>.I a Pnl^'TT^(.; ESTABLISHMENT will bear favourable comparison with any I'rintirg Ofli.-e either in Bristol or tt> Principality whilst for COLOUR PBINTISG, Cards, Printed Headings, and work rtqiwii g special care and taste, the resources of the Establishment—embracing as it does, an assortment of almost every kind of Plain and Fancy Type, and the engagement of a numerous staff of efficient Compositors- ensure those desirable advantages, -#L- GENERAL STATIONERY. Person atudyice economy will buy WRITING PAPER by the quire. The Wholesale Purchaser buys h Reams l"t by weight, and so does every Pvetail Purchaser who appreciates the maxim that a Penny saved is a penny *rne<L' WRITING PAPER excellent quality can always be had at the TELPGrAm Office, at Is. per lb., and Envelopes at from 4d. to 6d. pe JQ0. These who purchase under this system save fully 50 per cent. SUNDAY SCHOOLS "\JT ILL 2nd at the Retail Stationery Warehouse of the TKLKORATR ffiee, a larjc number of Bibles and Testament *» (both ELglish and Welti., it, plain and elegant bindings: also a varied assortment of Reward Books, and F-Vt-nre Ri ward"(. artis. There are like«ise en sale Sunday School Instruction Books, of various kinds and prices. ffl0UtlUtS Are informed that for Mournin; Stationery and Memorial Cards, the assortment at the THUX.KAFU uffice will be found ample. SCHOOLMASTERS & HEADS OF FAMILIES ARK respectfully invited to the STOCK »f SCHOOL BOOKS and SC. HOOL APPARATUS at the TELEonArH Office. There are Primers, Reading Easies, Spelling Books. Grammars tHistories, Arithmetic Books, Geographies, and Dictionaries also slates, Exercise i eoks, and Cep.Es, the latter ruled o any pattern, with or without headipgs, and adapted for the teaching of round, small, large, or angular hands. TO WHOLE SALE CUS T OM E R S. PUVS, Ink, Envelopes, Paper, School Books, Books of Fata, Dream Rooks, Table Bocks, Valentines, Penholdersand Pens, and Slate Pencils, supplied to Shopkeepers for Sale, and to Hawkers, at Wholosale Prices. PLAYING CARDS At various prices from Tenponce to Half-a-Crown per pack. THE "TELEGRAPH" PES Has beea a public favourite for the last twenty years. It is still nr.rivalled as a pen for common use, and "So pen can tell its many merits. It is anti-i-wrosive, and is therefore more durable than any other kind of pen, whilst for ease in writing it is the nearest approach to the litlill. Sold at .'id. per doz., or 2s. pergross. DAY BOOKS AND CASH nOOKS Of every lize, binding, and thickness, always in stock: and Purchasers will fintl. them u cheap as can reasonably by desired. THE TRAVELLING DRAPERS' POCKET LEDGERS Are made In all sizes, paged, 'and indexed, if desired. 1 hey are strongly bound, and calculated to bear knocking about." __n- COLOUR BOXES (ENGLISH AND FOREIGN), From 6D to 3s each These Cdeur Esies, as supplied at the TRLKOP-.U-U Office, obtained the Prize of the Society ot Arts, and are specially recommended by that Society for general use. THE ADDRESS:- THE "7ELEGFAFHM FRIMTiKG AND STATIONERY ESTABLISHMENT, 49a, and 50, High Street, Merthyr Tydfil, 4933 I .1.J,v,¡.,u < -.0- MERTHYR POUND. rpiTIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, that there I are impounded in the above Pound Two GO )l) DON"KE\S, Lniess claimed within Seven D::ys they will immediately afterwards be So'd by Auction at the Mountain Ash, Twynvrodvn, to recover f?o and e e ses. THOMAS MEREDITH, Poundkeper. C.umnryd'.vn Farm, January 31st, 1372. 4570 Farm, January 31st, 1372. 4570




Family Notices