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NOTICES. MESSES. H. W. HARRIS AND TAYLOR'S SALES. MESSRS. H. "W. HARRIS & TAYLOR, AUCTIONEERS, APPRAISERS, ARCHITECTS, SURVEYORS. HOUSE, ESTATE, AND GENERAL AGENTS, BEG to inform the Public that all matters entrusted to tlieir care will be punctually, promptly, and carefully attended to. Hans, Elevations, and Specifcations Prepared. Works in all Branches of the Building Trade Measurttd and Valued. QUANTITIES TAKEN OUT FOR ESTIMATES, &C. Hallway and other Shares Bought or Sold, aDd daily Prices obtained on application. Offices: 140, High Street, Merthyr Tydfil 4900 JACKSON'S BRIDGE, MERTIIYR TYDFIL. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MESSRS. H. W. HARRIS & TAYLOR, At the ANGEL HOTEL, MEKTHYR TYDFIL, ON WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7th, 1872, AT Eight o'clock in the Evening, subject to such conditions of Sale as shall be then pro- dTn'that SHOP and DWELLING-HOUSE, BAKEHOUSE and PREMISES, together with SIX COTTAGES in the rear thereof, situate in Bethesda Street, Merthyr Tydfil, numbered 4(J, and 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, and 33, now in the occupation of Ann Thomas, Grocer, and others, producing a rental of R45 3s. per annum. The above Premises are held for an unexpired term of 26 years at a peppercorn rent. For further particulars apply to the AUCTIONEERS, 140, High Street, Merthyr Tydfil. January 19th, 1872. 4967 SALES BY MR. DANIBL DAVIES. DOWLAIS IVON WORKS. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT BY MR. DANIKL DA VIES, LOT 1. — One Eight-Roomed HOUSE, a SLAUGHTER-HOUSE, and Three COl- TAGES, all in Horse-street, Dowlais. LOT 2.—One Nine-Roomed HOUSE, in good condition, situate in Francis-street, Dowlais. LOT 3.—Two very large SHOPS, and convenient HOUSES attached to both. New premises and a good trade carried on, situate in ictona-street, Dowlais. One-half of the Purchase-money may be left as mortgage at 5 per cent. T- LOT 4.—The Lease of a piece of BUILDING ^GROUND, near Gwernllwyn Chapel, Mary-street, Dowlais. 19, Ivor-street, DowJais, Jan. 24, 1872. 49G8 SALE BY MB. W. P, STEPHENSON. THE HEATH, NEAR CARD1EE. Important Sale-of the Costly FURNITURE; t he HO CARRIAGES, and HARK ESS; the Cellar of RARE OLD "WHSES; the Extensive Collection of STOVE and G KEEN- HOUSE TLANTS, and the FARMING STOCK. ——— Al.R. W. P. STEPHENSON IS favoured with iustructions from the Adminis- t tratrix of the late Wyndliain W. Lewis, Esq., to SELL BY AUCTION, At the HEATH, near CAEDIFF, on TursDAT, the 30th JANUARY, 1872, and following days, the Costly Aioderu I FUKNlTUKE, and other appointments ol' the above Mansion also several lluit^bs, and four-hurst! HKHAK, and ether Carriages, an extensive assortment of Single and Double and Jt'our-in-liand Harness, baddies, Undies, and Stable Furniture th« C&LLAit of FIXE and KAKE WIN ES, including Claret of 1834, in magnums and quarts, Port of 1834 and 1S20 (a small quantity), and splendid old Brown Sherry and tne valuable Collection of s'l'OVJO anu GliEENHOUSE PLANTS, comprising very line specimens of the leading varieties; and the Farming Stock, lmple- mants, &c. Sale to commence each day at 11 for 12 o'clock precisely. Catalogues, in which the order of Sale will be indi- cated, may be obtained on application to the AUCXIOINKEK, >1^ Smith Street, C^rdill, on andatter the 2oth January, 1872; and the dÏeets may be viewed by holders of Lata- logues only on Aioaday, 29th January, 1872. 4950 PUBLIC NOTICE. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, that I WIN not be responsible for any DEBTS contracted by my Wife, Jane Griffiths, as Bhe is not authorised to obtain any Goods on my Credit. RICHARD X GRIFFITHS, Puddler. Rhydfelen, Treforest, Jan. 56,1S72. 4962 TO PARENTS AND GUARDIANS. W ANTED, a respectable and woll-cdncatcd Youth as an APPRENTICE to the General Iron- mongery business. A lad having a knowledge of both languages preferred.—Apply to W* T. Giiirfixiis, Iron- monger, High Street, Merthyr Tydlil. 4951 ONLY two medicines really act upon the Liver one is Mercury or Blue Pill, the other Dandelion. Thousands of constitntionshave been destroyed by Mercury, Blue Pill, or Calomel. The only safe remedy is DR. KING'S DANDELION AND QUININE LIVER PILLS. which act very gently on the Liver, giving immediate relief in all cases of Rile, Indigestion, Sick Headache, .Lews of Appetite, Giddiness, Spasms, Heartburn, Flat- ulency, Nervousness, Gout, and all disorders of the Htomach and Liver. Sold by all chemists and medicine vendors, in boxes at Is. l^d., 2s. 9d. 4s. Od. or for stamps from J. ROKKE, 47, Mortimer-street, Cavendish Square, London, W 4S70 EMINENT & GEORGE'S^Vj- //PILE & GMVEL\^ s II PILLS. | | 2 V TKOPKIETOB, t Y.E.GEOKSE.M.R.P.SJ' § HIRWAIN, 4' Though yon have snfTored anddcspalfefl for years and tried Uemedlcllln vain, be assured there Is 141,1 a safe and speedy curo for you at a small coat by using (^.EORGE'S PILE AND GRAVEL •V.PILLS, which are now recognised by all as being Medicine yet discovered for PSJLSi AND ?*!?. as well as for the following pains, whieh, n JNinety-nine Cases out of every Hundred, are caused "J these painful Maladies:— PAIN IN THE BACK, FLATULENCY, GRIPING, COLIC, A SENSE OF WEIGHT IN THE BACK AND LOINS, DARTING PAINS IN THE REGION OF THE HEART. LIVER. AND KIDNEYS. CONSTIPATION. PAINS IN THE THIGHS. SOMETIMES SHOOTING DOWN TO THE CALF OF THE LEG AND FOOT, SUFPRRSSION AND RETENTION OF URINE. PAINS IN THE STOMACH. AND ALL LIVER COMPLAINTS. b««i5^ri^r^J.Tei5een C1"ed by thusc Pills, .intl many who had "traced hopeless, liavo been thoroughly restored to flvj Bfnr health by tlvoir use. "ILL CONVINCE THE MOST SCEPTICAL OF THKIlt El-TXCACY. these thl ?/ m"J' hi suffering from OKF. or T.OTITof • Proprietor prepare* thu Vegetable Remedy in ■H- 1 <>is .following forma. Ho! 2'GBoSi GRr/^Dp?^JEL PILLS- h No. 3. Pills FOR THE PILES. Important be forwarded to any address vn TSCeiPt of a stamped envelope. Sold in Boxes, Is. lid.. u, ™ „ TO Ja-.hy nil respectable Chemist*. *VIHT BOX IS PROTECTED RY TTTT. „ OTICE-The word, « 1'ILE AND^UiVpT Pf^Ts" A Copyright, and entered ^StaUoZfAlaU WHOLESALETGE^^ "»N:—BARCLAY; SDXXOSj newh»t,» c LONDt. squibe, & Co. ewbert; SANGER; '■COLLINS & ROPKR PEAIICE & S0N8'& Case i RAX ^002 i r NOTICES. TOBACCO PIPE WORKS, MEBTHYIt TYDFIL. To Publicans and Others. EXCELLENT Short Cutty Pipes delivered to any Railway Station at the following prices Six Gross Packed for 6s Box of Mixed, Long and Short, N ine Gross, fer 10S. Post-oilice Orders payable to W. F. TAYLOR attended to by return of post. BILL-POSTING IN MERTHYR CHRISTOPHER PULMAN, PILL-POSTKR & J Towx Crieu, 17, Victoria-street, Mortliyr, undertakes Pill-posting and Distributing throughout the town and neighbourhood. 4905 All Orders by Post or otherwise caref My attended to. L. R. L U M L E T, APPRAISER, 29, VICTORIA STREET, MERTHTR TYDFIL. T71STIMATES PREPARED. Work in all J J branches of the Building Trade Measnred and Valued. Dilapidations and Cost o Repairs made up at Reasonable Charges. 490G WHEN YOU ASK FOR GLENFIELTJ srrAROH SEE THAT YOU GET IT, As Inferior Kinds are often Substituted for the sake of extra profits. 4907 MIl. EDWARD LAWRAXCE, Professor ef Music (Conservatorium of 1Irmíc, Leipzig), and Organist of St. David's Church, Merthyr, begs to announce that he is prepared to receive additional Pupils for Pianoforte, Harmonium, Singing, I-larmony Lessons, &c. and also to accept Professional Engagements for Concerts during the present Season. Aberdare and Cefn, AC., kc., visited every week. For terms apply at 2, Courtland Terraee, Merthyr, 4908 ASSURANCE AGENTS. WANTED, AGENTS for "THE NATIONAL WEEKLY LIFE A.SRURANCE COMPANY.—Apply to "Mr. MORGAN JOHN, 37, Ivor Street, Dowlais, or to AIR Jonx LEWTAS, Maindee, Kewport, Mon. 4837 BILL-POSTING AT ABERDARE AND NEIGHBOURHOOD. WARGUST, Bill-poster and Town Crier « Rents all Hie Posting-stations at Aberdai-e AND district, and attends personally to all orders, which arc carried out on the most moderate charges. 4U09 ADDRESS ;-11, PYMBlWKE-STREET, ABERDARE LD PAPERS AND PARCHMENTS,— Owing to an umisual demand, CHARLES T. JEFFRIES and SONS, Wholesale and Export Stationers, kc., Canynfc Luildings. RedclifT-strect, Bristol, are just now prepared to give a very high price for any sort of OLD PAPERS for re-manufr.cturinginto Taper, &c. Upon re- ceipt of instruction addressed, "Waste Department," lings will be sent for packing the same, and, upon receipt of (ioods, the value will be forthwith remitted. Their prescnt prices will be found much in excess of that usually given by dealtrs and others. 4nO %\€?Aj§SIsgS U R E* Rs.' fcoF feIs;? CAS SELL'S COFFERS of SURPASSING EXCELLENCE, JCREAT and. widely g;>rcis.d popularity- extending over a period of more than twenty- one years—celebrated throughout the kingdom for their richness, strength, and fine flavour. Owing to the reee-,t favourable importations, the qualities are even superior to formerly. Cassell's Coffee Is., Is. 2d., and Is. 4d. per lb. Cassell's Coffee, fine qualities, Is. 8d. and 2s. per lb. ASS EL'S PURE TEA Shave been C fully tested, and their reputations thoroughly established. They have been used and most highly ap- preciated by families, in all parts of the kingdom during the greater part of a generation. The fine qualities now being supplicrl are adapted not only to maintain but in- crease the celebrity. Cassell's Pure Tea 2s. 4d., and 2s. 8d. per lb. Cassell's Pure Tea, finest qualities, 3s., 3s. 6d., and 4s. per lb., in packets of 2 oz. to 3 lb. Sold by Grocers, Chemists, Confectioners, and others. Supplied wholesale by LEONARD & Co., Nelson-street, Bristol. And CASSELL, SMITH & Co., London. A GEN CY.—Additional Agents Wanted for the sale of Cassell'H Teas and Coffees. Fo iterms apply to Cassell Smith & Co., 80, Fenchuroh-street, London 4911 PROTECTION FROM FIRE. BRYANT AND MAY'S PATENT SAFETY MATCHES LIGHT ONLY ON THE.1!OX. BRYANT AND MAY'S ODE MAitjt, BRYANT AND MAY'S PATENT SAFETY MATCHES AnE NOT POISONOUS. BRYANT AND MAY'S PATENT SAFETY MATCHES WITHOUT PHOSPHORUS. BRYANT AND MAY'S PATENT SAFETY MATCHES LIGHT ONLY ON THE BOX. BRYANT AND MAY'S PATENT SAFETY HOLDER For use wherever a MATCH is frequently required. BRYANT AND MAY. 4912 SPECIAL NOTICE TO INTENDING EMIGRANTS. milE UNITED STATES AND CANADIAN _M EMIGRATION AND BANKING AGENCY furnish FHEE OF CIJAHGE, every information and advice, and procure through their correspondents in Canada aud the United States, EMPLOYMENT ON ARRTVAL for Mechanics, Clerks, Drapers, Agriculturalists, and others, able to pay their own fares. Circulars, &,c free on per- sonal application, cr forwarded by post on receipt of two Stamps. Messrs. RKED KEIM,: 86, Finsbury-circus, Louunn E C. 4707 ^aH5H5H5E5H5ESH5E55ESEES5Eb3E5c5EiM5EE5H'Q I @ [i! RECOMMENDED AS THE CJ | mmm&T & mm | has for 30 years been preferred G] for its great STRENGTH & cheap- H R] ness. Sold only in PACKETS, G G Signed W^JMMWINMMV B G 2s.4d.-2s.8d.-3s.-33.4d. 3s.8d.perlb. ? D{ 1 LOCAL AoehtsI Merthyr, Stephens, lit rrcn, WV.ite, bookseller Thomas, lii;;H-st IIi, aih, HutchlllS, chemist Aberdare,Evans, Gomel.-st Svantcn, Ailwood, chemist „ Jones, Cornel.-pi Jjowfort, Jones, chemist Thomas, Mill-st Jthlv J 'ale Jones, Victor, -rd Thomas. Comd.-pl Ncu-pm t, Cherry, Iligh-st 3Ton:>faht trh, White, cheni. Cardiff, Williams, St. Mary- Poifihiit, Hancock, chemist street Horniman's AGENTS in every town, 2,53S Chemists, &c, HORNIMA/N'S TEA is selected only from the spring gathering, and imported free from' facing' powder; tea distinctively strong and delicious j n flavour is thus obtained, Genuine packets are signed 1f JP-Jj¿J/017UÎl7Wl'/l, S£{J: LONDON. Prices, 2s. 8D.—3s.—3s.4d. & 3s. 8d. per lb. 401(3 NOTICES. BRYNRYYUYD HOUSE, CEFN, N E A It M E R T H Y R. MISS BROAD, of Rath, assisted bv Iirr sister, His* ICATE -BROAK, rcccives Younrr Ladies to Board and Educate. The MISSES n., from their long experience in Tuition in Entrland. France, and Oermany, can offer the advantages of a THOROUGH souml 1':lIglish education, combined with French, Gennaia, Mwsic, Sing- ing, Drav.'ing, and Dancing Great attention paid to the home comforts and health of the Pupils. Private LESSONS snven ii1 anv of the Accom- plishments- Term.a on application. I:>:38 LLANWONNO SCHOOL VOXUD. PORT IT /JOYS' SCHOOL. WANTED immediately for the al iOVf! Srhool a CERTIFICATED MASTER. Salary, £ 00 per annum and 2s. (id. for each pupil in the Day and Night Schools who passes his examination successfully in the three subjects—Readins, Writing, and Arithmetic; and also the Night School Fees. Applications—Stating age. whether married or single, clasa of Certificate, &c., with recent Testimonials, to BE addressed to ma. 4055 E. C. SPTCKETT. Clerk to Llanwonno School Board, Pontypridd. LADIES' BOARDING SCHOOL, 29, CHARLES STREET, CARDIFF. MRS. S. J. DAViES HAS pleasure in annonrK-inaf TITTIM or IFER SCHOOL were RESUMED on TUI'BSIUY, ISth JANUARY, 1S7- TETiMS POST FRJ:E ON APPLICATION. FITTERS WANTED. 1^,7" A XT ED, Two g"o')d Steady .Workmen, Constant employment-—Apply to WILLIAMS 4 KxiyiiT, Coedpenniaen Foundry. Pontypridd. 4953 MOlJLDEllS WANTED. ANTED, Two good Steady Men for Green t V Sand WO!'k. Constant employment.-Apply to WN.I.IAMS k KXIIIUT, Coevlpenmaen Foundry, Ponty- pridd- -195t MUSIC—INSTRUMENTAL & VOCAL. MISS CROOK, No. 17, New Castle Street, Merthyr Tydfil, TT> ESPECTFTJLLY announces that she eon- tinues to give Private Lessons on the TIANO- FORTE and HARMONIUM, and also teaches the rudiments and practice of Music in Vocal Score.—For terms, Jc., apply at the above Address. MISS CROOK'S pupils are informed that her Profos- sional Duties v.-ere Resumed, after the Christmas Vacation, on MOSDAY, JANUARY loth, 1S72. ^MERTI-IYR AND RHYMNEY BRIDGE. AN OMNIBUS leaves the iaves the A 11 OTFL, C A., T L E Merthyr, daily, at 8.30 a. m., 12.25 P. and 4.15 p.111. for RHYM- NEY £luiw E STATION PETURNING On the Arrival of the 825 a.m., 1.5 p.m., and 4.47 p.m. Trains from A CERIIAVEXXT. December 28th, 1871. 4S63 MAMR -U- I'S IN PANTS' LIFE PRESERVERS E1YRRY Mother in Europe is invited to try the above Powders their effects in relieving the distressing symptoms attending dentition are invaluable. Fits, Convulsions, Vomiting, Relaxation of the Boweh, C. &c., are magically arrested by a few doses. In Inflammation of the Lungs, Scarlatina. Measles, &c., &c., if taken according to the directions given, the Europa Powders will be found highly ctlicacions in modifying the attack, and thereby arresting danger. They are warranted by the Proprietor to excel in virtue every preparation hitherto offered to anxious mothers for the preservation of the lives of their offspring. One trial only will be sufficient to convince the most sccptieal of their marvellous restorative action upon the Infant, system. T K H T I M O N 1 A I j S Bee Hive Shop, Ystrad, September, 1S70. Sir,—1 willingly bear te"timony to the good effects pro(lucec1 by your Powders upon my chil(1 while Teething. I think such a valuable medicine should I)ee"llle known to every mother. "Make what use you think proper of this note. Mr. George, Medical Hall, rentre. Respectfully yours, F. MTLKS. Ystradvfodwg, July, 1370. Dear Sir,—T feel assured if you wouVi only advertise your" Infants* I.ife Preservers "You would receive the best thanks of tliousards of herds of families, for presenting them with such truly wonderful medicine. They only require to become known to be universally used. Both my wife and self firmly believe that, under the Divine blessing, the life of car child has been often saved by giving a (lose or two. I write this in the hope that you will, some time or other, publish their virtues, with benefit to yourself, and also to millions of little sufferers. Mr: George, MedicaJ llall, Pentre- I am, dear Sir, yours, respectfully, B. PHILLIPS, Carpenter. DAMK EUROPA'S INFANTS' LIFE PRESERVERS are prepared only by E. A. GKOIUIB, Dispensing and Family Chemist, Pentre, Pontypndd, and .sold in packages at Js. li-d. and :?s. fid. each, by every respectable Medicine Vendor in the World. Maybe had Post Free from the Inventor for, 4 or .t Stamps. Directions around each Powder. CAUTION.—See"that the Inventor's Signature is written on the Covornment Stamp. WHOLESALE AOKNX.—WM. MATITER, LONDON AJTD MANCHESTER. RETAIL AOENTS. :—Aberaman. Sims Aberdare. -T. Richards Blaenavon. R. M. Evans Brynraawr, A. M. Jones Cardiff, Coleman; Cinderford, (Jwinnell; Ebb v. Vale, LI. P. Jones; [Tirwuin, J. E. George Llantrissant, Dd. Llew- ellyn Merthyr, W. Smyth and W. L. Daniel Mountain A sh Abel .Tames Monmouth, Cossens Neath, Alfd. Dayman Pontypool, Thos. Roderick Pontypridd, Bassett Rhymtiey, F. Dixon Swansea, J. Davics Tredegar, F. AV. Evans Treherbert, D. r.I..Tonkins. "u' 4913 I C O M P T O IT ISIOTTSIE .L,,2- ,L- -L LJ -C..J ——- (Near Wesley Chapel), MERTHYR TYDFIL. D. J. ~E~V~A N S, I DRAPER, SILK MERCER, & c. ESPECTFULLY nrvnormeos his l-ecent. RETURN from LONDON, and that each DEPART- V1 WENT is now Replete with the Latest and most Fashionable NOVELTIES of the SEASON. There are a )arce Assortment of DKKSSKS, MAKTLKS, IWI^LTOX and \TNSEY SKIRTS, ]?OXXET»3 and IT ATS, in all the Newest Shapes, in STRAW. FELT, and BEAVER. This Department being under the special supervision o! Mrs. 'I-TANK ].>te Miss Pinker', who also gives her personal attention to the execution of all Orders entrusted to her by her Ladv Patrons. TIES, SCARES, and HANDKERCHIEFS in the Newest Patterns.and Styles. -HOSIERY in all Sizes and qualities. —GLOVES in the different Sizes, and in every variety of make and quality.—TRIMMINGS in all qualities and shades of Colour. D. J. EVAN £ whilst offering on behalf of himself and Mrs. Evans, their gratitude for the liberal patronaee hitherto accorded them, respectfully solicit a continuance of their favours, which shail always receive their immediate personal attention. CHARGES IN ALL CASES STRICTLY MODERATE. 4911 CHATWOOD^TNWNCrBLE^AF^. W. T. GR I P F I T H S GENERAL IRONMONGER, 147, HIGH STREET, MERTHYR, HAS pleasure in aimonnein.? that he has been appointed Sole A pent in this district for the Sale of CIIATWOOD'S ( E LEI SKAT I'D SAFES, which were the onlySaf.-sof British Manufacture meriting a Prize Medal at the Great Exhibition of 1807. They are unrivalled for the security against the clever attacks of the modern burglar, and are unsur passed for the safety afforded to Jewellery, Plate, Account Books, Documents, &-c., in ease of Fire.—Catalogues Free. 4915 Please Observe the Address:—NEAR THE ANGEL HOTEL. s.. 87, HIGH STREET, MERTHAR ITDFIL. M. w ] l~<y 13 13 R T S, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL IROSMOE&EB,, DEALER IN CUTLERY, ELECTRO PLATE, STOVES, RANGES, FENDERS, FIRE IRON'S, lHON BEDSTEADS, MECHANICAL TOOLS, COPPER AND TIN GOODS, AND ALL MANUFACTURED ARTICLES OF I I-?, 0 N MON Gr E 11 Y N JJ II A K D W A R E • C:Qr Special attention is invited to his New Stock of GROCERS' TEA CANISTERS, SCALES, &c., at prices which will compare favourably with those charged by Bristol Houses. IictilcY in Oils, Colours, Roofing Felt, and f ulearn zed India Rubber GøÐds. 4917 .=.-=- IMPORTANT TO COAL OWNERS, IRONMASTERS, CONTRACTORS, AND OTHERS. -:0:- §i_ A. & H. KENT, (FJ/H 1 LICENSED HOESE SLAUGHTERERS, & LEATHER DRESSERS, (0F BRISTOL AND LIERTHYR TYDFIL,) RESPECTEULTY announce to those resident in ARERGAYENNY, 75RYNMAYII, i NANTYGLO. HEAINA, EHHW VALE, BEAl'FOKT. TliEDEGAR, and other Districts, that they Uav«'Opened a BRANCH BUSINESS in snitnbh- Premises near the CI-AKVNCH INN, BRYNMAWB, where they give personal attention to all Orders they may be favoured with. The ul^enno^^ value pivrn in CASH for all worn-out HOUSES aud CATTLk, whether living- or dea'd, ond which nr<? removed on the shortest notice. A. II. KENT since they have resided in Merthyr (the y<ar 1S5C) have been patronised by all the principal EstaDlisn- mcnts in the District. *„* Orders by Poit or Telegraph immediately attended to. 4S23 | TARAXACUM, | ? OR 1 DANDELION COFFEE, L o Prepared from the pure fresh Dandelion Root. g, «§ <(> —" o Thi3 article contains, in an agreeable form, all the properties of & g, ° the root from which it is prepared, the valuable qualities of which § & are daily becoming more generally appreciated. & So S rij Especially recommended to Invalids as an article of diet, and a £ iq particularly to those who suffer from Weak Digestion, Nervous O and Dyspeptic Affections, Flatulency, Distension, and Biliary S 5 & Obstructions, in all cases of which it will be found invaluable, at £ p the same time extremely pleasant to the palate. |? Public Speakers and Singers will find it to be a very pleasant g .2 m heverage after their exertions; it assists digestion, and stimulates tfc cd t;1 the operations of th" Stomach. rj: CD 6 I directions FOR use. I t) £ 84 Upon two tnble-spoonfuls of tliis Preparation pour one pint of boiling v; H *1? water, let it infuse by the fire for ten minutes, then add milk and sugar •M as agreeable. ri; aj PREPARED BY 21 W. L. DANIEL, |M g I CHEMIST,—64, HIGH STREET, MEItTHYK.$^ g Sold only in Tins, at 1 s. 6d. each. <i* Two Tins seut by Rail to any part of the United Kingdom on receipt of t"" W Forty-eight Stamps. r.j [LOCAL AGENTS: b> 4918 (.) (", ¡t1 Ihii'c been appointed in all the Principal Towns of the United |j| Kingdom. jl? I*' & ft11 L* 1 >1- n. ■ nn NOTICES. I H.ARMONIUMS, f ALL SIZES, AT 268, OXFORD STREET, LONDON, WARRANTED VERY BEST QUALITY. —————— ( WITHOUT Stops..£4 4s. Three Stops, 96 6a. Five Stops, E7 15s. Eight Stops, including i W beautiful Voix Celeste, JE11 10s. Ten Stops, JEM 14s. Twelve Stops, jE18 10s. Feurteen Stops, f26. Sixteen Stops, JE30. Etc. C. LAYLAND AND COMPANY, BTAJRMONIUM MANUFACTUREES, 268, OXFORD STREET, LONDON, W. A Few Second-Hand in Stock, Cheap. THE TIRADE STTFFIjIEID. Gii" AMATEURS AND THE TRADE SUPPLIED WITH ANY ARTICLE OF HARMONIUM FITTINGS. 4961 ARTIFICIAL TEETH. H. W. GRIFFITHS, SURGEON DENTIST (And Asisntftct for a considerable period to Mr. T. Recs,) RESPECTFULLY informs the Public of Merthyr, Aberdare, and Neighbourhood, that he may Jt t be consulted professionally, from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily, at 3A. Victoria-street. Merthyr. All eperations in Dentistry carefully and skilfully performed. Artificial Teeth, guaranteed to answer all the purposetof Natural Teeth, supplied at Moderate Charges. Children's Teeth regulated. Consultations Free. The most careful attention paid to all orders. Charges stricUy Moderate. iOr ADDRESS-SA, VICTORIA STREET. 4919 DENTAL SURGERY. II MR. E. R. GAY, SURGEON DENTIST, P4 55, HIGH SI REFT, MERTHYR. tcj — Ol 02 Attendance from Ten a.m. to Eight p.m. Consultations Free. I~n FED Tke great satisfaction given by Mr. E. It. GAT, to most of the influential Families in the m town and county, including IS R. T. CRAWSHAY, ESQ., jg Rj Of CYFAIXTIIFA CAKTL*, will, he hopes, bp a sufficient guarantee of his ridll and experience in' all departments of the Dental Profession. In order to give Patients the full advantage one of the most useful discoveries of Modernj Science viith reference to Dental Operations, Mr. E. R GAY has introduced into his practice the use of NITROUS OXIDE OAS, whieh gives perfect immHnity frnm all pain, whilst it is' unaccompanied by the slightest danger even in the most delicate constitutions. 4773 55, HIGH STREET, MERTHYR. 4920

