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LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. TELEGRAM FROM LONDON.—Thursday Evening-. Robin- son, for Bristol, has been unseated to-day, by the Court of Appeal. We have been requested to announce that the Rev. John Griffith, M.A., of Merthyr Tydfil, has been appointed local treasurer of the National Association for Freedom of Worship (London and Manchester), whose object is gradually to abolish pew rents in parish churches, and to restore their ancient freedom to rich and poor alike. THE SWANSEA ATHLETIC SPORTS. — At these sports on Monday last, we notice that our townsman, Mr A J. Goodwin, has again come off victorious, having won two of the principal prizes, value S3 each. They were the 100 yards race, and the quarter-mile steeple chase, over eight flights of hurdles and two pieces of water, which was, togethsr with a formidable-looking hedge, about 18 feet wide. The running, and particularly the water-jumpin" was excellent. The victor was loudly cheered by coming in, he being the only person who had cleared the water. BOARD OF GUARDIANS.—The ordinary meeting was hell on Saturday, when there were present: Messrs. G. T. Clark (chairman), R. H. Rhys, J. Williams, D. E. Williams, D. Davies, W. L. Daniel, J. Smith, D. Bevan, M. Edwards, H. Jenkins, J. W. James, R. Lewis, J. Matthews, L. Rhys, W. Gould. W. Simons, T. Williams, W. Harris, and the Rev. J. Griffith. The minutes of the last meeting having been read and confirmed, the Clerk read a letter from the auditor, calling the attention of the Board to the amount of the sureties of Mr Williams, the Aberdare Assistant Overseer. Mr R. H. Rhys thought it should be the same amount as the Merthyr Assistant Overseer, and he therefore moved that he find the same sureties, viz.. £1,500. Mr Simons seconded the proposition, and it was agreed to. The Clerk then proceeded to read a circular from the Birmingham Central Education Com- mittee, respecting the Government Amendments on the Education Bill, but before he had concluded the Chairman asked if it was a part of their business to entertain such a question. Mr Simons, though a strong supporter of the views of the committee, thought it was not within their province. The Rev. J. Griffith and Mr. R. H. Rhys agreed, and the circular was laid upon the table without having been fully read. The Chairman whilst reading the Master's report remarked that there were still large num- bers of cases of syphilis in the house, and he thought it was a question for the Board whether they did not think it desirable to petition Parliament in favour of ihe application of the Contagious Diseases Act. Mr Simons also thought it was a subject for their consideration, and he gave notice that he would bring the question forward on that day three weeks. Mr D. E. Williams said that he should at the same time propose an amendment that the Act should not be applied to this district. The Master's report stated that there had been nine admitted, one born, eleven dis- charged, two died during the week, remaining in the house 311, being a decrease of twenty on the corresponding week, last year in the infirmary there were 28 men, 21 women, itcd seven children total, 56. This was all the public business transacted. THE MANCHESTER UNITY A.M.C.—On Monday, the annual movable committee of the Manchester Unity of Oddfellows assembled at Chesterfield for the transaction of the business of the Order. The A.M.C. this year con- sists of about 240 deputies, representing the various dis- tricts, and forms the central and supreme governing body ot the Gnity. The Grand Master, Mr. Wm. Lovsey, of Worcester, presided, and in his opening address said that the returns compiled up to the 1st of January last in- cluded lodges with 422,590 members, whose income last year had been jE523,010 3s. 6d., and expenditure for sick and funeral henefits, JE361,956 8s., showing a gain on the year of .£151,053 15s. 6d. These returns made the capital of the society, £2,784,344. If a proportionate amount were added for 11,510 members not included in the returns, the income of the whole Unity would have been B537,255 4s 4d and the expenditure jE371,814 8s. Sd., showing a gain of JE165,440 16s. 4d., and making the capital of the Unity £ 2,860,181 9s. 8d. The Directors' report stated that 28,379 new members had been initiated last year, exclusive of 1,930 in the Colonies, making the total number of members 439,190. Of the new members 75'3 per cent. were under twenty-five years of age. The next matter noticed was a conference which deputations from this and other friendly societies hod had with the Earl of Lichfield, at his Lord- ship's request, as to whether they thought it desirable that the office of Registrar of Friendly Societies, held by the late Mr. Tidd Pratt, should be abolished, as proposed by Government, and whether they thought it desirable a Royal Commission should be issued to inquire into the condition and management of friendly societies. The directors replied in the affirmative to the first question, until legislation has drawn a clear distinction between self-managed Benefit Societies, and collecting and funeral clubs and had deci- ded to submit the second, as to a Royal Commission, to that A.M.C. The directors also reported that, as directed by the Sunderland A.M.C., they had inquired into the dis- tressed financial condition of the Manchester district. They had valued the assets and liabilities of the district, and found a deficiency of assets amounting to £9.639 198 2d. This condition had been brought about by a long per- sistence, regardless of repeated warnings, in the payment of inadequate contributions for the benefits promised, and a rate of expenditure altogether excessive. Any attempt to afford the required assistance to ttie Manchester district would probably be resisted by a large portion of the Unity; and, if assented to, would bring upon the order so many similar applications as would jeopardise even the existence of the Unity. They therefore, after mature deliberation, could not recommend any alteration in the general rules, or the raising of a levy throughout the Unity for the relief of the Manchester district, and could see no other course but to urge upon that, and other districts similarly situated, a large and immediate reduction in the death benefits, and as great an increase in the contribu- tions of members as could fairly be obtained. The directors further reported that with respect to the legality of such payments to members afflicted with insanity, which the late Mr Tidd Pratt stated would render trustees liable to a prosecution for misappropriation of the funds, they had taken the opinion of Mr Elliott, one of the magistrates of Lambeth Police Court, who stated that no case had been decided where it had been ruled by a superior court that insanity is not such a sickness as entitles members of a friendly society to such a pay. The directors' report will be discussed after it has been con- sidered by a sub-committae. The proceedings of the A.M.C. will last the whole of the week. THE BRITISH RABBI.—IN England the very name of Rabbi has almost passed into disuse. Reader" or minis- ter" are now the favourite terms. No preference either is given to applicants for office who claim to come of the tribe of Levi, or who count their descent from Aaron. The idea. of priesthood has faded away as completely as the gorgeous temple within the walls of which its rites were wont to be celebrated. Nay more the bare fact tha.t 3, man is known to be of Aaronic lineage (a Cohen) will often stand in the way of his selection, on account of his being unable to per- form certain duties towards the dead without fear of a life-long pollution. Other things being equal, therefore, the son of Aaron must needs give place to one who boasts not of coming from the hallowed line. But what makes a readLsr" ? The will of the congregation, and nothing more. A vacancy occurs, which is duly advertised in the Jewish press. The salary offered usually ranges between JE40 and .£200 a year. It is not a very tempting bait, especially as there is no likelihood of things growing better, but it is alluring enough to draw out; half-a-dozen candidates, and among them our friend Jacob Solomon, who is not prosper- ing to his heart's content in the watchmaking line of business. He thinks he would like to settle down snugly in "the synagogue house," and write "reverend" on his card. So he sends in his application, and backs it up with such interest as his friends are able to command. The election rests with the seat-holders of the congregation, and a committee of five or six is usually chosen to decide between competitors. If Jacob has a good vcice, and is not suspected of being otherwise than a reputable liver—a point upon which, to do the electors justice, they are exceedingly particular— he gets the post, subject to a three months' notice on either side. At the end of this time. if the congregation are tired of him, and if watchmaking prospects are looking up," he may drop the reverend and open shop again. There is nothing more durable than the three months' notice to bind him either to the congregation which has chosen him, or to the office upon which he now enters. He receives no kind of ordination, nor does he even hold a license. He will probably think it necessary to start a white tie in acknow- ledgment of his clerical character, and during his synagouge ministration be will also array himself in a black Geneva gown and bands provided by the congregation. But the hat is that which after all, perhaps, is supposed to convey the highest title to respect, and upon which, therefore, the greatest care is lavished. This is also the gift of the syna^of;u«, and beeidee being turned up at the sides, is decorated in front with a rosette as big as a five- shilling piece. When, in addition, the reader adorns himself on Sabbaths with a straight-cut coat, he may very well pass for a colonial archdeacon of Puseyite tendencies. But by far the most important part of the synagouge arrangements has yet to be described. Besides having souls to be prayed for, Jews have likewise bellies to Le filled. Anybody, as has been seen, may aspire to the former duty, but the latter can be attempted only by a qualified and licensed official. He is known as the killer." It is not a pretty title, to be sure, as written down in English, but in Hebrew it sounds much better, and, whether in English or Hebrew, expresses an office of great trust and consideration. Whether your Jew might make shift to do without his reader," we will not be ill- natured enough so much as to guess, but that he cannot get on without his killer" is as certain as that he cannot live without food. He must of course eat and drink, and, as a matter of equal necessity, he must have somebody to determine what is eatable and drinkable. This is the duty of "the killer." To him pertains the responsibility of deciding between "Cosher" and "Trefa." These are terms of almost magical power. Speak of Trefa to the veriest rascal who never goes near his synagouge, except on the day of Atonement, and he will recoil with in- stinctive horror, for it is meat which may not lawfully be eaten by any Isralite who hopes to be saved. Not that it is necessarily pork, or any such abomination. It is simply meat that has not been properly killed and examined. "Cosher," on the other hand, is meat which may be eaten with a clear conscience. To settle which is which, is the duty of the killer."—St. James's Magazine. WELSH EDUCATION ALLIANCE.—A meeting of the Execu- tive Committee of this influential body was held at the Congregational Memorial College, Brecon, on Thursday evening last. The business which transpired had not been reported to us before going to press, but we understand from letters written by influential members in all parts of Wales, that very strong and decided opposition was to be offered to the Government amendments to the Educational Bill. We hope the Alliance will have no sympathy with those selfish Nonconformists who regard a conscience clause as an insult to themselves, and yet do not hesitate to de- mand such religious instruction in the shape of Bible reading and comment as will make it necessary for many of their fellow-ountrymwn to resort to a conscience clause as the only protection from persecution and tyranny they can find. WHIT-MONDAY.—On Monday last monster excursion trains left the Vale of Neath Station for Swansea The lowness of the fare attracted such a large number, that Ion; before the time of starting the tickets were at a premium, and hundreds were left behind, not only at Merthyr, but at Abernant, Llwydcoed, and Hirwain. It was estimated that nearly ;000 persons arrived at Swansea, being it is said the largest excursion party ever arrived from the Hills. The day was beautifully fine. and the numerous excur- sionists had plenty of opportunites of spending the day at the Mumbles, or in any other way their inclination led them. In addition to the usual attractions of a ride out to sea, a bath, or a visit to the picturesque scenery of the district, there was an Eisteddfod at the Music Hall, and the Athletic Sports, at both of which places there were competitors from this district. At the Music Hall eistedd- fod the Siloa Choir, Aberdare, tvon the first prize of f25, and a medal to the conductor. For another prize of £30, and a medal worth £2 2s., the winning Choir was the "Aberdare United." At the Eisteddfod at Morriston, Edward Lawrance, Esq., of Merthyr, was accompanyist and musical adjudicator. The Saron Choir, Aberaman, won a first prize uf £ 10, and also the principal prize of the day, VIZ, £ 25 The excursion party did not return until nearly three o'clock on Tuesday morning, more fatigued than pleased with the events of the day, or rather the day and night. — *■ DOWLAIS. IVOR CHAPEL.—The English Congregationalists at this place held their annual tea meeting on Whit-Mondav. The chapel was well deClJrated for the occasion. Althongh the Baptist congregation at Caersalera had a tea meeting on the same clay, and thousands went away by the excursion to Swansea, Dolygaer. and other places, between seven and eight hundred sat down to tea at Ivor Chapel. The Ivor congregation have always held their annual tea meeting on Whit-Monday, and although their party has not been less numerous this year than former years, yet it was unfortunate that there should have been a seeming collision between them and the congregation at Caersalem. In the evening a social meeting wits held at Bethania, on account of its being more spacious, and the Bethania choir kindly gave their services on the occasion. Addresses were delivered by the chairman (T. Williams, Esq., Goitre,) and the following ministers The Revs. Thomas (late Australia), — Jones, Bryn Zion F. S. Johnstone, Mer- thyr; D. Jones, B.A., Merthyr; and J. LI. James, Ivor Chapel. The proceedings generally were highly approved of by those present. THE MERTHYR TYDFIL LOCAL BOARD AND THE SEWAGE QUESTION. SUSPENSION OF THE WRIT OF SEQUESTRATION. The appeal of the Merthyr Tydfil Local Board of Health against the recent decision of the Master of the Rolls not to allow any further time for the prosecution of temporary works for the purpose of diminishing thp nuisrtnce arising from the sewage, was heard in the Court of Chancery, by Lord Justice Giffard, on Saturday. After hearing the arguments on both sides, Lord Justice GifFard, in giving judgment, said Cases of this description must always, no doubt, depend upon their own particular circumstances and the main feature in this case is that there are really permanent works pointed out, which, when carried into effect, will undoubtedly abate this nuisance. I lay no stress on the circumstance referred to by Mr Jessel—that it will require an Act of Parliament in order to carry that system into effect, because there is the Local Government Act upon which all proceed- ings are founded. An Act of Parliament of that descrip- tion is quite a matter of course therefore that has no weight with me Here if the parties were acting contu. maciously, I should not hesitate to at once issnt: the seques- tration, be the result of that sequestration what it might. But they are not acting contumaciously. Antecedently to the decree they delayed very much, but since the decree I do not think that the dday has been at aU inordinate nor do I think that they are delaying now. That being so, first of all I must deal with the two cases which have been re- ferred to, the Banbury case, and the case of the Attorney- General r. Colney Hatch Asylum. First of all as regards the Banbury case, no scheme was proposed, no scheme was attempted, and no scheme being proposed, and nothing having been done, and as far as the evidence went, nothing really being intended to be done, the sequestration was allowed to issue. Again in the Colney Hatch case 110 scheme whatever was proposed and neither in the Banbury case nor in the Colney ilateli case had the parties made a case which would entitle them to say (to use I think it was Lord Justice Turner's expression) they wanted time to set themselves right. Beyond all question in this case, these parties want time to set themselves right, and if they have time they will set themselves right by a scheme about which there can be no mistake. I therefore do not think it necessary to go further into the Banbury case, or into the case of the Attorney-General v. Colney Hatch. With regard to the Colney Hatch case, regard being had to the order which I intend to make, I have only this to observe, that the Vice-Chancellor's order referring it to an engineer was in point of fact, referring the merits of the whole suit to an engineer, and to the determination of that engineer. What I am going to do as regards referring it to an engineer, is to see in the interests of the plaintiffs whether it is possible during the time which irust elapse before those permanent works can be carried out, that anything more can be done, and if anything more can be done, undoubtedly the plaintiffs shall have that done for them. That in my opinion will be for them a more beneficial order than any sequestration which can issue. What one must see is that in a case of this description, where you have not only the interests of the actual plaintiff and the defendants, but the interests of the public (for we have the Attorney-General here) to look to, and those interests are of great magnitude. What you will take care to do, as far as you can do, will be this—to take care that the decree of the Court is carried into effect without delayr and as rapidly, and as completely as pos- sible; but, on the other hand, to take care that in doing that, you do not inflict some irremediable mischief, which, for aught I know, might be inflicted, where you have the drainage of a population of something like 50,000, being a great many gallons a day, going down the river Taff if I, without the report of an engineer, were to take on myself to say that I could at once order that culvert to be stopped up. That being so, the order I propose is simply to suspend the sequestration until after the engineer has made his report. When I have that report, I shall, no doubt, suspend I. the sequestration further, so as to give ample opportunity for the purpose of carrying into effect the permanent works. That, undoubtedly, was the Master of the Rolls'originalinten- tion. I donotsayitwashislastintention. It was to a great ex- tent with his sanction that the temporary works were undertaken. The order that I shall make is this :— [ shall appoint an engineer, (I dare say the parties can agree upon a name, but if they cannot do so, then I must name somebody myself,) to go down and report upon this :— 1. Whether the culvert can at once, or with any, and what temporary works to be executed by the defendants, and within what time short of that which is necessary for the completion of the intended permanent works, be closed up with safety to the neighbourhood, its health, and in- habitants. — 2. Whether anything, and what more can at once be done of a temporary nature, with a view to diminish the existing nuisance. — 3. And in reporting 1 shall direct the engineer to have regard to the intended permanent works and their completion. Of course the applicants must pay all the costs of the engineer, and all the costs of this application. In making that order I am quite satisfied that it is much more for the interest of all parties that that order should be made than that the sequestration should issue. I can only regret that an order of that kind was not acceded to by the plaintiffs a long time ago, because it would have saved much time, and a vast deal of ill-feeling. J. BOWSTEAD, ESQ., H.M. INSPECTOR OF SCHOOLS, AND THE BISHOP OF LLANDAFF. Mr. Bowstead will feel much obliged to the Editor of the MERTHYR TELEGRAPH if he will insert, in his next issue, the accompanying letter, addressed to the Bishop of Llandaff. Education Department, Council Office, Downing-street, London, June 7th, 1870. Education Department, 4th June, 1870. "My LOUD,—My attention has been called to a corre- spondence between your Lordship and Mr. Evan Matthew Richards, M.P. for Cardiganshire, which appeared in the Times of Thursday last. In that correspondence Mr. Richards quoted my official Report for 18(38, and contrasted it with certain statements made by your Lordship, and other members of a deputation that waited upon Mr. Glad- stone on the 13th ult. In your reply, you state that you "have not read the last report of the Government Inspectors of British Schools in South Wales and I can well under- stand that you should be glad to bo excused from reading anything so dull. But that Report concerns the education of a very large proportion of the children in your diocese, and it is just possible that the public may expect you to feel some interest in the matter. I fear, also, that your statement necessarily implies that you have not read the last Departmental Report of the Committee of Council on Education, in which the report upon British Schools in South Wales is quoted, and referiel to. If this be so, it may, perhaps, be thought that you deem yourself competent to instruct the Prime Minister upon the education difficulty without having made yourself acquainted with the latest and most authentic information on the subject nay, so far as appears from your letter to .Mr. Richards, without having any special knowledge what- ever of the present state of the question. But although you decline to read the Reports either of the Department, or of the Inspectors, you think it not un- becoming to say that "there has been a vast amount of exaggeration as to the degree of objection to Church schools in Wales and to add that the letter addressed by the Bishop of St. David's, a few years ago, to one of these gentlemen (the Inspectors) would certainly make you cau- tious in accepting his statements as to the national feeling on this subject." You allude here to the attack which was made upon me by the Bishop of St. David's, in his charge of 18^0; hut seeing your aversion to dull reading, I hardly know whether it is safe to infer that you have read that charge. r feel it perfectly safe, however, to conclude that you did not read the reply which was made to it and 1 must, therefore, relate what occurred upon that occasion. "The Bishop of St. David's (instigated by parties, and acting under impulses which were understood by everybody at the time) accused me of having, in a Report written some six years before, misrepresented the sentiments of the Non- conformists of South Wales with respect to Church of Eng- land schools, and exaggerated the objections felt by them to the education of their children in such schools. This was a question of fact, as to which Nonconformists alone could give reliable evidence. They alone were competent to de- clare their own sentiments, and the force of their own ob- jections, to Church education. I therefore appealed at once, bv circulars, to all the representative men whom I knew, or could find out, among the Nonconformists of South Wal-s and Monmouthshire and, in a few days, I received more than three hundred answers. I had these answers printed, and extensively circulated, and there was not one of them which did not fully bear out and verify the statements I had made. With one voice, the writers—though writing without concert, and from widely separated localities agreed that I had faithfully represented their views, and that I had understated, instead of overstated, their objec- tions to Church schools. And what evidence did the Bishop of St. David's pro- duce by way of rejoinder ? He could not find one among the thousands of Nonconformists in South Wales to come forward and say that I had misrepresented or exaggerated their views. He quoted, indeed, some letters and pamphlets written by Welsh clergymen but even if the statements of those clergymen could have been accepted as unbiassed. they would have ranked as mere secondary evidence, and could have no weight as compared with the statements of the parties themselves, whose sentiments were ill question, and who were writing about that which they alone could know—the state of their own minds. "The result was that the accuracy of my representations was established as completely as human testimony can establish any statement of fact; and your Lordship will find that the attempt which you have made to damage my credit as a public officer, by reviving this almost forgotten contest, though it may serve your purpose to some extent with the ignorant and the prejudiced, will not lower me in the sliGhtest degree in the opinion of those who know the circumstances, or will take the trouble to ascertain them. I appeal, without misgiving, to public opinion upon the sub- ject, and I am confident that I shall be supported—as I was most nobly and generously supported in 1861—by the great majority of the most enlightened laymen, and ministers of all persuasions -(excepting, of course, the Bishops and their subordinates) —connected with South Wales and Mon- mouthshire. I have the honour to be, My Lord, Your Lordship's most obedient Servant, "J. BOWSTEAD. The Lord Bishop of Llandaff." -+- MRS. ROBERT CRAWSHAY ON WOMEN'S SUFFRAGE. rUBLIC MEETING AT MERTHYR. A public meeting was held at the Temperance Hall. Merthyr, on Friday night, to consider the subject of women's suffrage. The announcement that Mrs. Crawshay, of Cyfarthfa Castle, would take the chair, invested it with more than ordinary interest The meeting was announced to begin at nine o'clock, and punctually to the time Mrs Crawshay entered, accompanied by the Rev. Moncure Conway, minister of South-place Chapel, Finsbury. London, and followed by a number of ladies and gentlemen from the Cattle. The body of the hall was quite full. Besides the immediate members of the family there were on the platform Colonel Wood, of Southall, and Mrs. Wood Mr C. H. James and Mrs lames Mr Sutherland and Mrs Sutherland; Captain Russell, Mr William Jones, &c. Mrs Crawshay was most warmly received, and spoke with much ease and self-possession, and with clearness of enunciation that won for her the admiration of every one present. It was to the following effect:—" Neighbours and friends,—I can imagine many of you wondering what has so strongly impressed me with the desirability of women under certain conditions having votes as to induce me to take so prominent a part before you to-night. When I ask many of my female friends what they think on any great question before Parliament, they reply, We have no opinion — what's the good of having an opinion ? We have no votes." I should like to make it impossible for women to quiet their consciences with such an answer as this. It has been urged that women have enough to do already. Can we look at the figures many of them make of themselves—the size of their chignons (laughter), the shape of their paniers. the hight of their heels, at one time, (loud laughter), the tremendous cirouinference of their skirts, at another, their enormous length—and not feel they must have an immense amount of time unemployed on their hands? (Applause.) In answer, then, to those who object to the effect on woman that voting will have, and that it will unfit her for home duties, I reply, I think it better for the surplus time of woman to be applied to the consideration how to mend the wickedness and miseries of the world than in striving to mar the human from the divine in her own person in the way she now does. (Cheers.) And having now told you why I think the possession of a vote will tend to ennoble women's charac- ters, I will add that through them I hope to see a higher standard of morality introduced into the world. And 1 fancy few of those present to-night will consider the course of all events so pure and noble that we can afford to throw aside the help of at least half the human intellect as a thing not worth having. (Applause.) Who shall say how far the course of progress has been retarded by the ignorance of women ? Men, you have thought the education of women a thing of no importance; you have devoted charitable educational bequests in the case of many public schools to the education of boys only, when the bequest was equally for boys and girls. Would this have been so if women had possessed votes to put in an effectual reminder? And on whom does the evil recoil ? On you—sons of ignorant mothers, who filled your infant minds with superstitions which years of after education, in some instances fail to eradicate. (Cheers ) It is true, in many cases, your noble efforts at self-eman- cipation have brought you to the fore, but consider where you might all have been had your mothers known how to point your first dawn of intellect aright! This is the back- ward process in each generation: the sons are sent heavily weighted for the battle of life by the ignorance of their mothers. It is for the purpose of giving more solidity to the character of women that I am anxious to see them in vested with the responsibility the possible possession of a vote would entail; and I now thank you for having listened to me so long, and ask your attention to the words of my friend, Mr. Moncure Conway, whose kindness in speaking for us on this occasion I feel very much." (Loud and con- tinued cheering.) The Rev. Moncure Conway then addressed the meet- ing on the same subject. Mr C. H. James, in proposing a vote of thanks to Mr Conway, enumerated several of the laws of England as affecting women, which he characterised as barbarous. Mr James was in favour of giving votes to single women, and widows holding property, but opposed to the extension of the privilege to married women. The resolution was seconded by Mr W. T. Crawshay. Col. Wood, in complimentary terms, proposed a vote of thanks to Mrs Crawshay for taking the chair, and the ad- mirahle manner she had conducted the meeting, which tfas seconded by a stranger in the body of the Hall, and carried by acclamation. Mrs Crawshay, in returning thanks, expressed a hope that although the subject was perhaps unpalatable to many of them, they would think of what they had heard, and that when she went round for help she would find many ready to second her in endeavouring to secure the suffrage for women. 0 The meeting then separated. -+- RESULTS OF A PACIFIC MISSION OF MR. HENRY RICHARD, M.P., TO THE CONTINENT. Last autumn the Committee of the Peace Society re- quested Mr H. Richard, M.P., to undertake a journey to the Continent for the purpose of enlisting the aid of members of the several Legislatures in efforts to draw public attention to the evil of the gigantic armaments which so heavily oppress the people of Europe, and to promote the mutual reduction of these huge peace esta- blishments. He accordingly visited the cfcFef capitals of the Continent, viz. Paris, Brussels, the Hague, Berlin Munich, Vienna, and Florence, and obtained many inter- views with the members of the legislatures in those cities being received, not only with marked personal courtesy, but with the expression of deep interest in the object of his mission, and in not a few cases with distinct promises of co-operation. That his mission was not barren of practical results is proved by the events that have since ensued. In little more than a week after his departure from Berlin, a. notice of motion in favour of international disarmament was given in the House of Representatives by Dr. Vir- chow, one of its most distinguished members, and on the oth of November it was introduced by him in a very able and earnest speech, and after an animated discussion was supported by the votes of ? members. But there was another large section of the Chamber, led by Dr. Lasker who openly professed their adhesions to the principle of the measure, and objected merely to the time at which it was brought forward, because, owing to the Legislature having in 18G(> accepted a measure fixing the military budget of the North German Confederation for five years, they did not feel themselves at liberty to disturb the arrangemeut until the expiry of that term, which will take place in 1871. After the year 1871," said Dr. Lasker in his speech, "the Diet would be sure to decide, and act in full accordance with the demands of the Left side of this House, as well as with the wishes of the German people." Shortly after this motion in the Berlin Chamber, Messrs Schruck and Wigard presented to the Saxon House of Representatives at Dresden a similar resolution, couched in these words —" That it may please the Government to employ all its influence with the North German Confederation, in order to obtain a reduction of military expenses, and to take measures for a general disarmament;" which was carried by a large majority. And on the 22nd of January a motion in favour of dis- armament was also carried, iil spite, we are told. of the energetic appeals from the ministers, in the First Chamber of the Saxon Diet, by 24 votes against 21.. The same idea has also taken root in Austria. For not only did Herr Figuly bring forward a motion, proposing a reduction in the army to effect a saving of 20 millions of florins, but on the 23rd of March, on the war estimates being brought forward in the Lower House, Herr Mayer- lioffer moved a resolution, urging the Government to effect still greater savings in the estimates, and also to prevail upon the European Powers to effect a general disarmament. This motion was supported by 53 members against 64 who opposed it. In Wurtemburg there has been, and is, a very strong agitation against the new Prussian military law, sought to be imposed upon that country. A nnnster protest has been got up against the measure, and a correspondent says :—" It is believed that the Chamber of Deputies will receive this protest, attested by no fewer than 200,000 signatures, out of a population of 1,800,000* In Bavaria, also, petitions with. ai large number of signatures have been presented against the military law; and Mr Kold, who more than ten years ago published a very able pamphlet against Standing Armaments, and with whom Mr Richard was in communication during his visit to that country, has proposed in the Chamber that the sum of 2,791,000 florins, demanded by the Minister of War for special expenses, should be reduced to 1,600,000 florins, and that the term of military service should also be considerably reduced. MERTHYR BURIAL BOARD. The usual monthly meeting was held on Wednesday last, when there were present Messrs J. Jones, (in the chair), W. Gould, G. Roach, and the Rev J. Lloyd. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. THE HAY AT THE CEMETERY. The Clerk said this was the time they usually advertised the hay grown at the Cemetery. He supposed they would adopt the same course this year again, viz., to adver- tise in the local papers. This was agreed to. TWYNYRODIN CEMETERY. The Clerk stated that the above Cemetery had been cleansed as ordered by the Board, and the cost of the same was £3, which he thought was not very high considering the amount of work tha.t had to be done. The account was ordered to be paid. POSTPONEMENT OF MOTION. The Chairman read a letter from Mr L. J. Davies stating that as he was unable to attend there that day, he wished the motion, respecting the remuneration of the Clerk, that he had given notice of, to be postponed until the next meeting. RESIGNATION. A letter was read from Mr P. Williams resigning his seat at the Board. The Clerk said it was for them to say whether they accep- ted the resignation. Mr Gould thought they should adopt the same course as they did when Mr Goodfellow resigned, which was to ask him to sit until the end of the year, to save the expense of appointing a member before that time. The Clerk remarked that he would write to Mr Williams, asking him to continue to sit until the end of the year and he supposed that should Mr Williams refuse he was to pro- ceed in the regular way to appoint another. Mr Gould asked if the Board could not appoint someone, as the Local Board of Health had done lately. The Clerk said they could not. THE INSCRIPTIONS ON THE GRAVESTONES AT THE CEMETERY. The Clerk read a. letter from Mr G. Morgan. stonecutter, Brecon Road, asking the Board permission to lay a coffin shape stone flat on the grave of the late Rev B. Lewis, of Bethel, and also to allow suitable moral quotations to be put on the stones. The Clerk said it was no regulation of theirs to forbid the stones to be put flat on the grave, but it was an order of the Secretary of State. They had however on two or three pre- vious occasions allowed persons to put stones down, but a few inches from the ground, so as to let the air pass under. But as to the quotations they had a rule which stated that only extracts from Scripture would be allowed, after having been approved of by him. This rule they could not alter, except at a Vestry. After a short conversation it was agreed to allow Mr Morgan to lay the stone a few inches above the ground. THE HEARSE. Mr Roach ssid he had made arrangements with Mr Jen- kins, who contracted for the Hearse, and he had kindly promised to forego his claim for a month whilst the hearse was being painted He had also seen Mr Gabe, who was willing to do the work with his hearse during that month at 7s 6d per journey he could not do it cheaper as he would be obliged to have two horses in it. Mr Jones had also said that he would finish it in a month, and he (Mr Roach) thought it was much better to let him have that time to do it well, for there was a good deal of work re- quired to be done. It was then agreed that the public should be charged the same for the hearse as at present, and the Clerk was ordered to enter into an agreement with Mr Jones to finish the hearse in the month, or if he did not do so, he was to pay the difference between their present contract, and their arrangement with Mr Gabe. CALL UPON THE OVERSEERS. An order was made for a call upon the overseers for jE57 16s, being the amount necessary to make up the deficiency between the current receipts and expenditure of the Burial Board. INSPECTOR OF GRAVEYARDS REPORT. The following was then read — To the Merthyr Tydfil Burial Board. GENTLEMEN,—I beg to hand you report of registered deaths burials, and hearse hirings, &c., for the month ending May 31st, I beg to report that, in accordance with your orders, I have had the Twvnyrodin < 'emetery put in order, the grass cut, trees trimmed, and all the nuisances removed to my satisfaction. I respectfully recommend the Board to have a wall built outside where the present iron hurdle is at the end of the two cottages, to prevent people living in the main street bringing their ashes, &c., up there to deposit it along side of your wall. I am pleased to report that the ashes behind St. Tydfil's Tower have been removed, and the hollows in the graves filled up, and the appearance of the whole place much improved but there are a few tombs that require the brick-work repaired, and if the Churchwardens could be prevailed upon to employ a mason and labourer for a week to do so, it would be very desirable. I regret to make a serious charge against the minister, trustees. and grave digger of Saron Chapel, Troedyrhiw, for they, on the 12th of March opened a grave, in which a corpse of one Gwenllian Rowlands had been buried on the 10th, and removed it int another grave their plea for so doing is that the grave digger made a mistake in opening a grave belonging to another family, and they wished to bury her with her late husband. I have re- monstrated with the parties concerned, and explained to them the consequences attending such a gross violation of the law. It now remains with you, as a Board, whether you will proceed againaft them according to Act of Parliament. I am, gentlemen, Your opedient servant, June 8th, 1870. CHAS. DAVIES. The interments for the month were In Thomas Town 1; Cae pantywyJl, 0 Graig, 4 Troedyrhiw, 4; total, 9. Registered deaths Merthyr Upper), 64; Vaynor,6 Merthyr (Lower), 70, total, 140. Hearse hirings 14 at 5s, £3 10s.; 1 at 6s. 6d and 1 to Pant at 10s.; — total, £4 6s. 6d. Interments at the Cemetery, 67. THE DISINTERMENT AT TROEDYRHIW. The Clerk read the clause in the Act of Parliament from which it appeared that the parties bad held themselves liable to a tine not exceeding .£10. He (the Clerk) had en- quired into the circumstances of the case, and was perfectly satisfied that it was purely a mistake. He knew the parties to be very respectable people, and he was sure that they would not do so intentionally. Mr Gould was also of the same opinion and he was glad that they had found out the mistake so soon, and then so promptly rectified it. A deputation from the chapel authorities were in atten- dance and called in, and the Clerk remarked that the Board were satisfied that it was purely P, mistake, and stated that they would take no further steps in the matter, but they hoped that they would take more care in the future. The deputation after promising that such a thing should not happen again, thanked the Board for the view they had taken of it. This concluded the public business. MERTHYR POLICE COURT. WEDNESDAY.—(Before H. C. Greenwood, and T. J. Evans, Esquires.) FOOT-RACE.—Thomas Jones a young man employed at the factory, Quaker's Yard, and James Morgan, of Naviga- tion, were summoned for obstructing the highway.—P.C. Edmunds, stated that on the 26th ult. the defendants took part in a foot-race on the highway near Quaker's Yard, which congregated a large number of people so as to make the road quite impassable. The defendants admitted the offence. —The Beneh after cautioning them not to run on the highway again discharged them on paying the costs at the same time they warned others that should any be brought up on a similar charge they would be more severely dealt with. J STEALING A HAM.—Jane Brenin was charged with steal- ing a ham the property of Mr Thomas Thomas, grocer.. Union-street, Dowlais. The prosecutor stated that on Monday last he had the ham (produced) in his shop hanging up in the back kitchen, among several others the police: called this morning and he then missed it he recognized. the ham (produced) by a crack in the bone it weighs 114 lbs., and is worth llid per pound had seen prisoner many times in his shop, and in his beerhouse as well. —In- spector Rees said that on Tuesday about twelve o'clock he found the prisoner in a house in Ivor-street, Dowlais; she had the ham in question, with other things, in a tub by her side he told her that he had been informed that she wanted to sell a ham a short time ago she replied Yes here it is (taking hold of the ham out of the tub) my hus- band and me quarrelled, and he turned me out, and I took these with me;" he brought her to the station, and then went to her husband's house, and from what he told me I returned to the station and told her that her husband said there was no ham in the house she then said that it was her property, for she gave 2s. for it; this morning he charged her in the Merthyr Station with stealing the ham she replied No, I did not steal it;" she did not know the person from whom she had bought it.—Prisoner pleaded guilty and was sentenced to six weeks' imprisonment. ALLEGED THEFT OF MONEY.—Sarah Williams, better known as "Pretty Sal," a prostitute, and John Williams (" Sliony Will ") were brought up charged with stealing 2!h., the property of Margaret Madden, who said that she kept a lodging house on Monday last, she had a purse and money in a box in a bed-room in her house a little before ten o'clock she took Is. out of it, leaving one sovereign and 9s behind she then locktd the box, and put the key in her pocket she went to bed about twelve o'clock, and rose the following morning at about seven, and found the key in her pocket; afterwards she opened the box and found the purse and money gone prisoners lodged with her; when she missed the money she went to the female prisoner at the Dynevor Arms, and asked her for the money back, and told her that if she gave it back she would do her no harm she replied, I will go to John and get some of it now for you" she spoke to John, who was then in the house, and he struck her; she heard the female prisoner asking him to give her some of the money; but he only replied, I have not got it now, I have planted it with some one else to keep.A man named Edward Jones, labourer, at Pentrebacb, who was sleeping in prosecutrix's house on the night of the robbery stated that he heard the female pri- soner walk up and down stairs several times during the night. Both prisoners were remanded for a week. [The above cases were crowded out last week.] SATURDAY. Before H. C. Greenwood, and E. J. Davies, Esquires. FILRD^7K A.XI) RIOTOUS.—William McCuIe was summoned neing drunk and riotous at Picton-street on Sundav morning the 22nd ult.-P.C. Olding proved the charge.- mea us and costs, or in default one week's imprisonment. DISCHARGED.—Two men named George Harrison, and Lawrence O'Shea were charged with sleeping in an unoccu- piea building, and having no visible means of subsistence. —P C. Coles said that he found both prisoners early this morning sleeping on the Penydarren limekilns; the pri- soner Shea said he had no money to pay for lodgings and had gone there to sleep he also said that he "had'been working at Dowlais Works the other prisoner said he had been working at Ebbw Vale.— Both prisoners said this wan the first time that they had been charged with such aa offence, and if the Bench would kindly forgive them they would go to their work.—The Bench then discharged them and hoped they would continue to work and never appear in the court again. BEERHOUSE OFFENCE.—Margaret Lewis, landlady of the Beehive beerhouse, Dowlais, was summoned for selling beer <lu^g illegal hours.—P.C. Garleck said that on Sunday last the 22nd ult,, he saw a little girl come out with a pint of beer which had been given her by the defendant's niece, who lived in the house; he took the child and the beer back, and called their attention to the time; the niece replied, I hope you will forgive me this time. —Fined 5s, and costs 8s Od. PaId. REFUSING TO QUIT.-John Mullen was summoned for being drunk and refusing to quit the Rose and Castle Inn, Hi^h-street, on being requested to leave.—The charge.