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HORRIBLE TRAGEDV NEAR UXBRIDGE. A more diabolical murder, or series of murders, tbnr those which occurred on Sunday morning last at a pine called Denham, a picturesque illage situated abou' a mil. and a half from Uxbridge. has not. taken place in this coun- try for In any years. The ill-fated persons who wer- butchered in the manner described below were Emanuel Marshall, a mechanical enginecrand agricultural machinist, his wife mother, and three children. Their residence is an old-fashioned cottage standing at the corner of a shady lane leading from the Uxbridge-road to the Oxford mail coach- rpad. It is 1PO yards iron; the nearest habitation, and about four times that, distance from the village of Denham, w hich lies to theri.ht The last time at w iiich any member of the Marshall family was seen alive was ahout dusk op Saturday evening, when Marshall an 1 his wife were retur- ning from Uxbridge, presumedly with their marketing for Sunday's dinner The children played in front of the house for a couple of hours before the arrival of the parents, but they retired to bed at the usual hour, and everything seemed quiet in the cottage. During tile wholt-of the next day (Sunday) the blinds were down, and the floors locked, but this circumstance awakened no surprise in the people of the village, who were aware that Mary Anne Marshall was to be married in a day or two to a young gardener in Mereford- "hi"e. and therefore thought that the family hnd paid a visit to some of their friends. This impression was strength- ened by a communication made by a woman named Simp- son, living close by. Mrs Simpson, while returning from Uxbridge on Saturday evening, lost the key of her door, andfailedtonndit. About six o'clock next morning she resumed her search for it. and while thus engaged she met a man whom she heievedt.) be Marshall from the fact of his having a dark beard and complexion like the murdered man. Addressing him, she said, Are you not Mr Mar- shall ?".but he turned his nead away, and gave a negative answer, adding, however, that he had been to the house, and that he was aware that Marshall and his family had gone for a holiday." The whole etf Sunday passed, and s" did the great part of Monday, without anything being seen of the Marshalls On the evening of the. iatter day a little girl brought Mary Anne Marshall's wedding dre.,s. which had been ordered at Uxbridge a week or so before. She wa- engaeed in her fruitless attempt to obtain admission, when a Miss Sparks, sister to Mrs Marshall, made her appear- ance, for the purpose of ascertaining why the family had not accepted the invitation of her parents to take tea with them on the previous evening, and also for the purpose of assist- ing Mary Anne .Marshall in the arrangements for her wed- ding, which was to have taken place on Tuesday. In conse- quence of Miss Sparks's inability to account for the silence in the cottage and the bolted doors, suspicion arosefor the first time, anel a lab .urer from Denham who happened to he passing, and was spoken to on the subject, burst open the door, when he was horror-stricken by the discovery of some of the murdered bodies. He rushed at once to the police-station at Uxbridge, and related what he had seen. Superintendent Dunborn. In-pector Sutton, Ser- geant Bowden. and several constables, repaired at once to the scene of the tragedy. Just inside the doors the bodies of Mrs Marshall and Mary Anne Marshall were lung, bhat of the younger woman inclining towards the other. A gown was loosely thrown over Mrs Marshall's night-dress, as though she had hurriedly put it on before eOlliillg down stairs. Mary Anne M .rshall had nothing but her night elrtss on. The heads of both were horribly disfigured, and there was a "nol of blood quite close to the, beside which was a large smith's hammer, with which they are supposed to have been murdered. There was also a larue bletud stain on the w all near the door, evidently caused by Mrs Marshall's head coming in contact with it. In a little room between the front parlour and the back kitchen, tbe bodies of the two elder children were found. They w,re piled Oil one another near the fire-place, and there is no doubt, from the position in which tliey were, that their inhuman murderer brutally flung them there after having smashed their heads wit.h one of the terrible weapons after- wards discovered. The bodies ■ f the poor children were partly uncovered. The body of eld Mrs Marshall and that of the youngest child were discovered in the back kitchen, and the wounds visible on them were even worse than those which cnnsed the eleath of the others. Tie poor woman's head was fearfully beaten in, and her night-dress was completely besmearedwithbtood. The child lay on her back, quite close te her grandmother, her head Pea ring evidence of fear- ful blows Having left this horrible i-cene of slaughter the police entered Marshall's forge, which is just beside the house, and almost on It line" ith it. There they found Marshall's body lying on the floor, with his face downwards. At first they scarcely recognised it as a human body, in as- < much as it was covered with some sacks, which were care- fully 'tucked in' at both sidts. and covered with the grit and dusf of the place. The poor man's face was a terrible spec- tacle His features were so disfigured and begrimed with the dirt of the place, mingled with the blood flowing frplfl his head, that the police and his neighbours were utterly unable to recognise him. There was a large hole on his forehead, evidently inflicted with a poker, w hich was found broken in two near the body. Hi- head has been beaten to h jelly, and his arms present several terrible cuts and bruises as though he had struggled witii his assailant. An axe, two large hammers, and a poker, all of which are stained with blood, were found near the bodies. Marshall was only dressed in his shirt, trousers, and socks. It is supposed that having come downstairs to see what his unsuspected assailant wanted, lie was first eles- patched, and the either members of the family being thus deprived <>f their protector, fell already prey to their fiend- ish murderer, i hey, it is presumed, heard the scuffle be-i t.ween .Marshall and the murderer and rushed downstairs in their night clothes only to he killed one by one. The soles of Marshall's socks were quite clean, and from the fact of his shoes and some < f his clothes beins; missing and those of the murderer being found in the bouse, there is no loubt that the scoundrel, after disposing of Marsliall and the other victims, divested himself of his own garments, and put on those of the murdered man. j Two watches and chains, one belonging to Marshall and oLe other to his sister, are missing. A watch, which is >aid to correspond to that worn by Mary Ann Marshall, H-as pap ned en Monday at Mr Roberts's pawn office in Uxbridge, by a man having the appearance of a vagrant, who loitered about Denham immediately before and after ;he murder. In January last 1\1:.r.ila]] was severely beaten iear his own house, and it is saiel that a militiaman, who ivas sentenced to two months" imprisonment for the offence 1llr1 who, in consequence, made use of threats against Mar- ihall. closely resembles the description given of the sup- tosed vagrant by a policeman who met him near the scene If the murder, at three o'clock on Sunday morning, and by i man with whom he drank in a neighbouring beer shop. A man with w hom he stayed at a common lodging-house! it Uxbridge missed him from bed early on Sunday morn- ng, and was surprised on his return'to find that he wore nucli better clothes than those which be had ta\en off the trevious night. The man assured the police that his com- tanion left for Reading on Monday afternoon, and acting in this information two detectives at once started ill pursuit. APPREHENSION OF THE SUPPOSED MURDERER. I READING. Tuesday Evening About six o clock this evening great excitement was •reated in the town on the report of the capture of the mpposed murderer of the seven members of the Marshall ainily at Denham. On enquiry it was found that a man ,ad been arrested at a lodging ho„se kept bv Abraham j0ck in Silver-street, by Supenntendent Dunham. of the Slough police accompanied by a lnfln named Charles coombs, who had given damaging evidence against him. It appears that Coombs is a bricklayer, residing at. the Bell-yard. Uxbridge and he states that the man'that has teen captured came out of Coldbath Prison either on Fri- iay or Saturday last. He only knows him by the name of Jack, and the uian has declined to give any name at pre- sent. He went to the Bell-yard on Saturday night, and isked Mrs C'oombs for lodgings, but said that he should not be in until Sunday morning On Sunday morning he returned, and he then had a different suit of clothes to which he wore on the previous night He had also a. oar- pet bag with him, which was full ..f food and other things. He went to bed and got, up at, 10 o'clock. Hethen went, ou* and got some beer, and afterwards stopped at the Bell-yard all night of Sunday. The next night the man spent in ano- ther vard along with two girls. This morning lie went into the Bell-yard early, and asked Coombs for something, but he said he bpd not got it. He then asked for some break- fast, and Coombs said he would give him some if he had not got. any. and he then gave him some breakfast. The man then told Coombs that he should go by the 7 o'clock train to Reading and after he was gone Coombs' suspicions began to arise, and he informed his employer that he could not jest until he went after the man, as he suspected he had committed the murders. His master thereupon volun- teered to pay his expenses. He announced his suspicions to the sergeant of police, and he was accordingly shown t ie c'othes that were found in Mar-hall's house all covers irh bl<>od, and th. se lie identified as Ikill" worn IIY ¡he nan "Jack"' on Saturday night. He then proceeded to sheading iu a trap, accompanied by Superintendent i.'un- 1,1111, of the Slough police, and. with the assist,net of • 'o!ice-constable TonImari. searched various lodging-bnus s m the town, and at li»t found the man iu the house ,.bo\a- nentioned. These facts C >oinbs asserts to lie true, and further that the prisoner had actually on the clothes of the IJllrdeled man. and also |,i.s wateh. lIe was 1 1> n J.-un d "wi taken to the police station, where two men were "Jaced w,th him In the cdl tu watch hi 111. Wuen spoken tu a:t '-he murder he became excited, and said to the office7", You would not say I did it. Look here, so help me Go T never mur Iered man. woman, or child. I never set foot nto the house or the shop. What do you think of it?— Jiere. take it out of that," Ee has a determin d look. a: d peaks wi:h something of a Scotch accent He is about 5 'eet 7 inches high, of a sallow complexion, and has a dark beard cut short all round: dark eves, b'-ovn b;! r and moustache. He was dressed in a kind of pa.in e/ cap, cle; n w hite smock, ami dark -i i ;ped trouss As the. fact of the captuie b came kaown throng: out Raiding the exciiemeiit increased in intensity, and a- t e iked out that the murderer would leave Keadit g for s'ough by the 8 10 pin. train upon the Great Western over a thousand persons assembled to witness \5 leparture. Before leaving the cell he was visited bytie Deputy Governor of the Reading Gaol. Mr Boyce. who at nee identified him as having been two or three times in beading, and couvicteei a short time since of stealing a iamb at Abingdon, for which he was sentenced to eighteen months hard labour in Reading Gaol. He then gave the name of John Jones. He was also convicted some eight or years since for stealing a barrow at the Reading cemetery. It appears further, that when he saw the offi, rs coining into the lodging-house after him. h" thrust his hand into his pocket, and endeavoured to draw forth » loaded pi-to! out Police-constable Touiirian proved too q lick for bun, ,• 'or he j.imped over the benches and seiz d ins arm in time. Hethen walked quietly to the police-station. It also ap- peared that instead of the murdered man's watch, he had the pawn-ticket of it on him, for he had paw ned it at Cx- tridge. and endeavoured to sell the tick- t at Fiautiigan's taf1 to.by. When c tptur,1 ht: had 011 the m irdered man's trousers and bo ats, and he had s dd the coat and waistcoat Juring the d"y to l\In, Lyon", in Ur1Î"n-rec' fnr 4,. The prisoner was taken to the railway station in a fiv, a posse of some sixteen constable-; being placed on duty thereat. He was hooted and hissed by tl e large concourse that had assembled. He was taken through the goods sta- non. and I,I,ced in a second-class carriage, in charge of Superintendent Dunham, the Su| erintende it of the Ux- bridge police, and Captain Drake, the chief constab'e of Bucks. The carriage was afterwards shu ited on to the S. 10 p. m train, and as the carriage passed the stationtbe prisoner received the hearty execrations of the crow el out- side. DCRTXG the first battle of Bull Runn brigadier-genera! discovered a so dier concealed in a Im'e iu tJJe gr .un ¡ and ordered him to join his regiment. Th- man. looking bim nil in the fa?e. placed his thumb upon his nose, and repli^ No you don't, obi fellow you want this hole yourself AN English bishop querulously remarked to his servant that he was dying. ell my lord." said the good fellow if we are to trust your authority), "you are going to a ,wtter pLlce," ".John." replied the prelate, with an air ( of conviction, there is no place like Old England." DUNVILLE & Co, Belfast, are the largest holders of whisky in ihe world. Their Old Irish Whisky is recom- mended by the medical profession in preference to French brandy Supplied in casks and cases for hem" use or ex- portation Quotations on application to MKSSKS. DUX- YTLLE&Co., ROYAL IRISH DLSTILLEIUES. BELFAST, 30(55 FLoWERY LANGUAGE.—The editor of the JVeu: Orleans Picayune acknowledges the receipt of a bouquet in the fol- lowing term- :—" Tinted with the b lie of the softest sum- mer skies, and laden with a perfume re-calling the delicious sea air on a summer morn, was the glorious bouquet of double violets, flecked here and there with white Lidv- Bank roses, sent us yesterday by a fair friend from Jeffer- son. Rare and odorous blossoms, caught together by the delicate hands of a woman who has au eye to effect and a soul to drink in and comprehend the beautiful, are cheering companions, and bring a sparkling pleasure to the eve dulled by the monotonous aspect of printed pages.—New- York Tribune RESULTS OF THE FRENCH TREATY.—That the wine trade has undergone important changes and considerable development during the Isat ten years cannot he better shown than by instancing the fact, that while the con- sumption of wines in I860 (the first year of the French I reatv 1 was ï.>;58,19J gallons, it had increased in 18(59 to 14.840,158 gallons, or double the quantity. According to the Government returns, the houses which paid duty on the largest quantity of wine in the port of London during the year 1309 were the following. Appended also a bst of the houses which paid duty on the largest quantity of foreign spirits during the year 1869 "WINES (Foreign: SPIRITS ¡Foreign Gallons Gallons W k A Gilbey. 717,243 W fz A Gilbey. 2S4 02> F W Cosens 1+O.S'iS Twiss k Brownings.. 2-7111 Gaurlet Freres 127.440 Nicholas and Co 1S0.»15 Boyes and Beckwith 12".227 P Taylor & Sons 133 4-=. I R Hoopera.nd Sons" 12403'3 Trower anà L'lwson.. 12; 24> Ping-.wall c\: Cù, 121.278 Dinewall k Co. 112.6-t'> Canlitfe A* To 89,400 R Hooper t Sons 103 I iS Simon <Iè Lightlv S5.750 Bmn. Forùe- fi Co, 9S9I6 T»ent. Urwick Jt Co.. S18í9 Bishop & Sons. 95 057 J Allnutt jun. & Co. 81.092 Seaser Evans 8S.345 D Taylor & Sons 76,073 E Bumst it Co. 67,704 As Light Wines are acknowledged by medical men to bs a most desirable beverage, and a large portion of the above increase comes under that head, the importance of these figures should be borne in mind in any revision of the French Treaty. 3144 THE CLERGY AND THE PEOPLE. -A remarkable letter, with the above titie, hy a clergyman of the Establishment, which has recently appeared in the Bi.rmmrji.m Vailp Post, which we subjoin :— I believe we (the clergy of the Church of England), as a body, have made a grett mistake, though it has been with the best of intentions. I have been for some lime seriously reflecting l1 lion tbe an"m;¡I<1us position we occupy in relation to the people and I have come to the conclusion, forced upon me by the resistless logic "f facts, that, whatever may be our other distinctive qualifications, we have not been, and are not yet able, to discern the signs of the times.' We are reminded of a simihr state of thing- hy the Prophet Isaiah, in "hieh the Lord's watch- tIlen are caner1 'bEnd: anr dumb dogs look- ing all to their own way.' every one for his gain.' If the trutb must he told, the disease has been chronic with us, and only presents itself in another nhase at the present crisis; f..r can any one of our hodv deny the truth uf the charge brought against us by Mr Bright that, during the long nnd 8anguin,Ir,v wars which have so desolated our country in this and the preceding century, we. the messen- bers of pleace par exce'lence. never once lifted UjI our voice against the national iuiquitv. The clergy must, from the nature of their education, have known that aU wars were diametrically opnosed to the spirit and teaching of that re- ligion of wbich they dailll to be tbe arcre.1i¡ed expounders. et they 1I1M1e no sign, exct>pt, a]as! to encourage the doing' of that which they knew to be offensive in the sight of heaven. Policy and expediency have ever been pliaded in justification of the worst of crimes le,g the disgraceful cruelties 111 Jamaica) but the clergyman must refuse to ad- mit, these excuses. Hetakeshis stand upon the New Tes a- nient, and no earthly consideration should induce him to ignore its heavenly light, or compromise its most, palpable requirements. Now the glorious message of the G-ospel is 'Peace on earth and good will towards uien.' and that mes- sage it is the peculiar aud distinguishing mission of everv clergyman to declare in tbe name and after the example of his Divine Master, and especially is he called upon to de- clare that message when the peac* of nations is threatened, and men, made in the image of GOI1. ar" prepuring to shed each other's blood, in order to gratify the ambition of their proud anl1 selfish rulers. Yet, who ever heard of a clergy- man at such a time stepping in to l1enounce, in the name (If Christianity, the impious arbitraments of the sword? On the contrary, have they not been among the foremost of those who have urged upon their fellow-countrymen the sacred .duty of immolating themselves upon the altar of their country, and who have invested the carnage of the battle field with a false and delusive glory? I fear, in all this, we have not been found faithful. A TALE FROM CHILI — A horrible story of brigandage reaches us from Chili. Don Gomez y Lagoberon. a famous bandit captain, who, from his fatness in the Sierra Pro- funda. has long defied the Chilian authorities, was recently pursued, with the brigands under his command, by a body of troops, which succeeded in cutting him off frolll his fol- lowers. and driving him to take refuge in a cavern situated near the summit of oi,e of the loftv mountains constituting the above-named range In this cavern he had concealed a female captive, whose husband he bad robbed and slain, and whom he had comrelled to live with him his mistress. The soldiers made several attempts to reach the entrance to this cavern to whieh there was only one means of access — a mere mountain goat tmck; bur Ltgooeron, a man of gigantic stature, and Herculean strength, rolled lieavv rocks down upon them, and succeeded iu heating then off, after several men had been severely injured. The officer in com- mand, unwilling to sacrifice his troops uselessly, resolved to starve the bandit out, and "sate down" before the place. After two days' blockade, however, the soldiers grew weary of so tedious and humiliating an expedient, so they impro- visedan escalade of the robber-chieftain's stronghold, ari l succeeded in capturing him. To their horror, thev found that Lagoberon had cut off one of his unfortunate com- panion's breasts, and eaten it. Thepoorworan was dis- covered in a dying state, having sustained a feirful loss of blood: and she expired nbortly after her rescue from the clutches ot her barbarous paramour, The liutcber was con- veyed to I alca, where he was promptly triw) and condemned to death by the irarotte. Iu South Americi execution fol- lows sentence with startling rapidity, and GOluez was straightway conducted to the scattold, guarded by a strong escort of mounted gendarmes. While the executioner was engaged in adjusting his toilette de mart, the convict drew a whistle from his pocket, and blew it sharply whereupon about sixty of his men, who had introitjcedthetnselves amongst the crowd surrounding the scaffold rushed upon the gendarmes, and massacred them ere they could offer any resistance. They freed Lagoberon, and cornpletel tbeir enterprise in a. niauner not devoid of a certain ghastly humour, hv garotting thy executioner; after which they escaped almost unscathed, to the mountain. There they are probably still at liberty, practising their profession, to the terror of the whole country round. It should be observed that to facilitate their flight th**y annexed the horses of the faller. genda-ines and that a good many of thein seized women from the throng gathered upon the place of execu- tion, carrying them away, flung across their saddle-bows. The social condition of Chili as revealed by this narrative is one of almost hopeless degradation, only to be equalled by that of Mexico, Greece, and certain districts of Central Africa, wdiere murder, lust, and raoine are the rules of life. Civilisation penetrates but slowdy into these savage countiies, of whose existence we are scarcely eyer reminded save by some appalling and revolting incident, like the Marathon massacre, or the cannibalism of Don Gomez y Lagoberon. — Daily TeIerjraph.

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