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8, HIGH STREET, MERTHYR. ) J. W. Tu N N'S • I HALF-OBOWKT (3/3) TEA. THIS Well-known Strong Black Tea cart now be obtained from Mr. ALEX. GUN^X. Confectioner, J- 39. HIGH STREET, MERTHYR. AND U.NIDV STREET. D -WL\M. ami DELIVERED by HIS VANS to HI" ollowing places weekly Cefn, Troedyrhiw, Rhytuuey, Tredegar. Quaked Yard, and Nelson. 29(54 Q- A. 1) K .NT S 15 E D S. D- GEORGE (Late T. REES), 128, HIGH-STREET, MERTHYR TYDFIL, BEGS to state that he has just received a Large Stock of Now Garden Seeds from one of the largest aDd most respectable Houses in the'Trade, and solicits an early inspection. The prices will be found strictly monderate— compatible with > ew and Genuine Seeds. L'atulo0ues on application. 3044 ALBION HOUSE, HIGH STREET, MERTHYE. EASTER HOLIDAYS. The Public a.re most respectfully informed THAT OUR SHOW ROOM IS NOW OPENED With an Extensive Assortmept of NEvV G-OODS, Consisting of Jackets, Shawls, Dresses, Straw Millinery and Bonnets, Feathers, Flowers, and Straw lIats in Enùless Variety. ALSO MEN'S AND BOYS' HATS AND CAPS. JONES AND JEREMY RESPECTFULLY Solicit the same Liberal Patronage as hitherto received, for which they beg to tender the Public their best thanks. 3082 THE LATE FiRE AT JIEl.THYli. THE SALVAGE STOCK Of the above Fire will be SOLD at WATERLOO HOUSE, ..L\ Xo, 83, HIGH-STREKT, (And NOT in the Market House, as previously announced,) On SATURDAY and MONDAY next, MAY the 21st and 23rd, 1 d70. Sale to commence on Saturday at Twelve o'clock, and should all the Gcods not be disposed of. the remainder will be Sold on Monday, commencing at 12 o'clock. THE LATE FIRE IN HIGH STREET, EVAX ]\[E REDITU Respectfully irlformg his Customers, and the Public, that, pending the R E-BUILDI N G or WATERLOO DOUSE, HE HAS TAKEN A SHOP IN VICTORIA- STREET, :-Next uoor to Nlr. which he will OPEN SHORT L Y, WITll A FIRST CLASS STOCK OF GOOD?2, SUITABLE FOR THE SEASON. 3114 THE LATE FIRE AT MEllTHYii. SIR. EVAN MEREDITH Hg\S received numerous letters of sympathy JL-IL from Friends in various parts cf the country He very much regrets, owing to the anxious state of his mind, that he is totally unable to acknowledge them personally, and takes this public method of expressing his unfeigned gratitude for the kindns-s and sympathy shown towards him and his family in his misfortune. 3121 TO SADDLERS, HARNFSS MAKERS, ic. &c. A. & H. KENT r> E G to infoim the Public that they have J* constantly on Sale at :;0. Yew-strset. Merthvr, a Large Stock of VvHITL LEATHER, beautifully dressed by a first-nte workman. 3127 CLASSICAL & COMMERCIAL SCHOOL, C'efncoeclcyminer. THE above School was RE-OPENED cn 3IOSDAY. May Kith. 1S70. Master: — Rev. 1. WILLIAMS. 3f>5 L L A X D R 1 X D 0 D WELLS. LLANERCII HOTEL. THIS old esiiihli.shcd Faniilv Hotel and Boarding-house, IS XOW READY FOR THE RECEPTION OF VISITORS. TERMS — From the 1st of April until the 15th of June, £ l lfs. per week, including Board, Lodging, and Attendance, After that date, £ 2 2s. per week. Proprietor — E. DA^ SON. 310.3 MOWN & roLsoys CORIT FLOUR IS GENUINE. PREPARED SOLELY FROM MAIZE- I-NDIA-N CORN TO OBTAIN" EXTRA PROFIT BY THE SALE, OTHER QUALITIES BLARING A FALSE NAME J ARE UNSCRUPULOUSLY SUBSTITUTED INSTEAD OF BROWN AXD POLSON'S CORN FLOUR, r Which if prepared solely from Maize—Indian Corn. BR f> V N AND P O L S 0 N Jf) were the first to adopt the name of Corn Flour. and they are greatly interested in maintaining its reputation, which is liablb to be discredited by the "nW;trrmtahle appropriation of the name to articles of a different cha- racter. BttUW.N A >' D P'» L SON 'S CORN- FLOUR With Milk for Children's Diet. ii U \Y is a3Td P o L > <> > is CORN* FLOUR to thicke'.i Soups and latices. BUO WiN A iN D PoI,So" "ii B CORX FLOUR to thicken Beef-tea Bit U \V JN A. N D P l) L () :s CORN FLOUR for Custards. BROWN AND P (_) r, S o N S B CORN FLOUR for j Blan^-ma^ge. I Bit OWN A N D P (» I, s «> x • jjj CORN FLOUR for Pfrtiflings. PE A ii L i A t Is rich in a.buminons properties. — Prepared by BROWX and POL- ON PK A K ITL N A Is rich in flesh-forming properties. P, eparel1 hy BROWS and POLSON. PJiAiiLiiN A Has the sustaining properties of Oat"> eal without being so heating. P E A R, L 1 N A JL May be used with or without Milk. Prepared by BROWN and POLSON. PE A R L I N A Boiled with water, and a little salt, is the most digestible Supper. PJi A K L I N A For Breakfast. Prepared by — BROWjs and POLSON PEAKLLINA For Baked Puddings. Prepared by BROWN and ) OLSny PEAllLINA r, r, for Tlum Puddings. Pre par, d hv BROWN and POLSON. PE A K L I N A Recipes unon each Packa ge, Prico fid. LeNDOS HCUSE, TREM&AR, WILLIAM DA VIES BESL'° "n"r'™ni from the T.OX. DON and ot.ierMARKETS, and Ilia EXTENSIVE SHOW IvOOMS WILL BE OPES EI) OX SATURDAY NEXT, I zcitll. ez MAGNIFI0I2NT STOCK OF MILL LI VERY, SrilAW IIA IS AND EOS NETS. FIOWF/HS, »;EATHEIIS. MANMLES. PALE'IOTS. FUIOHKS. DKESS MO HAIRS. FRENCn MERINOS, H R > U R N O US E CLOAKS. LACE SHAWLS. SIVLYS, C* *IISE L etc. GLUVES. HosiEiir. RIBBONS. -.¥- LACES. FRINGES AND THIYI:lli-i GS. LADIES' CI OTHS. SKIRTINGS. OVERSIGHTS. SUN HATS. 5UN S i A K>. UMBRELLAS. TABLE LINENS. CARPETS, FELTS. D IUGGETS. HEA .in).'UGS. GRRNAitlNE?. .VI U> !.IN S. PKIN TS. WOOLLEN CLOTHS. DOESKIN3, TFCE. A Large Stock of New Straw and Felt IIat«. no:: —————-————.———————————— TO PARENTS & GUARDIANS. "V\7" ANTED a well-educ«ted Youth as an Apprentice to a C'Jiemist and Druggist.—Apply to JOHN JONJ^, stamp Office, Abej^dare. 3113 MILLINERY AND STRAW BONNET M A K I X G APPRENTICES WAN FED to the Millinery .Mud .Straw Bonnet ;M »kin<j, where tliev wij■ have a thorough knowledge of tlle business. Also Im- pio.ers anted iM-doors or oat A?5LY to Mrs. PRICE NO.>. 2. and 2(;, Wellington Screed, .slertliyr. 30(1) TO BE LET, -LTH ininic(liate po,i;(,ssion, at a moderate ii i r,rent ai' tliat detached and co nvenknt VILLA called. Bute Villa." situate in the Toiv B of Aberdare For lurther particulars apply to Mr. DAVID KOSSEB, fcoU. uor. 17. Canon-street, Ab. rdare May 1. til, 1870. 311!J C E F X c (I E D Y C Y 31 M E R NEAL; ME'tTTfYIt TY J>1:tL. f O BE LET, with aninei jiate possession, a f neat and substantial detache I VILLA, with stable, coacn-hju.-e p-rden and greeuli ouses vines includeiJ/. Mr \v;a|1nn la,te' 'y in the occupation of opkins. Gas and aacor are laid ou. The mid,? nf rn' r ln a most,b ,Kaltby ^pot, and in the TfI0'111?10 sc«nand «iUim five minutes: walk R?r Vef'1,stauon the^recc and Jde.th r Railway. Cefn H.rf V pav,ltlCll]iirsI.a,V'-y to iMr- 'I^omas Jones, v-ein Uuta, near Merthyr Tydti To G R C E It S. 0 Ir,r (wit T°alS^tim; u^< ■ possession. a HOUSE centre of a large and knus Stre.et> Dowlais, the mises have been always OP population —These Pre- and a successful trade has'SP1** ln <irocery Bniiness. tures con/plete. Gas and on in them. Fix- —Apply to .Mr. D. ANWYI. n?L al. ou- RentModerate — 6 door. 3084 M E R T H YRj ^TTT. y O BE LET the ARCH SHOP, Castle-street 1 consisting of shop and :)akei ouse, cellars t;„ » corn warehouse, stables, cart-fioi isa, pigsties two large kitchens, back kitc^ n, four larU be!lrn!°.Ur' and garrets. —Apply to Mrs Gi enllian 'Jowell 5 ( street, Merthjr. PUB Ii I C X. OTICE. "VTOTICE IS ITEREBI GIVEN, that all -L* Goods pledged at the she p of HUSKY BAI'.VETT, 1 awnbroker, a7, Victorin-sSrett, .Viertliyr. must be rc- deemed befure the 1st day of Aui :ust next. the vtl' 'P WJiI open on Mon- U,e ay8, for to' Delivery 01 Goods and bale of L nreUeemed Property, 1st May. 1870. alai ST. GWYIIKO'S OHUSOH, VAYNOR. THE CONSECRATION OF the nhove Church will take place (D.V.) on WEDN38D.VY, JUNE 1st, 1870. Morning Service (English) at 11 o'cloek. Sermon by the HDHT REV. THE Lom) BISHOP OF I:5T. DAVID'S. Afternoon Service (Welsh) at 3.30. Sermon by the HEY. WM. EVAN&, Incumbent of Rhymney. Evening Service (Welsh) at 7 o'clock. Seimon by the REV. DAVID FARRY, R.D., Vicar of Defynnock. The Clergy are requested to appear in their surpli Collections will bi made at the close of each serv in aid of the Building Fund of the Cefn Church, &r A Luncheon will take place at 2 o'clock. Tickets 3s. 6d. each. Tickets may be had of the Rev. R. WILLIAM^ Rector, Vaynor; Mr HOWELL Jesus, Dowlais; Mr ALBX. GUSN, High-street, Merthyr. and South-street, Dowlais; and at the Castle and Bush Hotels, ilerthyr. 8129 REFRESHMENT ROOMS AT THE GREAT WESTERN, VALE OF NEATH s rATIOS, M E RIIIYIi, V.-I3.L I3E OPENED ON SATURDAY, \i A Y 2 1, 1 8 7 0. ALE, Wiy E, AND SPIRITS, together with MEFliEbHMENTi), at TUlVN Eli ICES. Proprietor ALEXANDER GUXN. 3130 DOWLAIS PUBLIC HALL C0MPAN5MLIMITSD.) CAPITAL, £1,800, IN" 1,800 SHARES OF JE1 EACH. l'llOnSIO:\AL DIRECTORS .Mr. Robert Harrison, Chemist, Do vlais Daniel D.lvics, ,\udlUneer, DoiviaU J .1mes James, Chemist, Dowlas '1 nomas •leukiiiA, Contraetor, Pant '1 homas Ashtou, Diaper, Dowlais John" dwards, sunny Cottage, Dowlaia William R ce, Tator and l-raper, Dowlais 'I humas Jones, Firelllau, Maniet-street. Dowlaii Evan Jones, Draper, lJ.jwlais Heuiv Davies, (iroeer, lIo..¡ais HeIny Jones, Grocer, Dowlais Thomas Jones, Groeer, ow!a:s Benjamin Roberts, faster lioll Turner, Dowlais Dav.U Tliuuus, Mount Pleasant Inn, Dowlais Evan (iritliths, Groeer, Dowlais Will Morgan, Sculptor, Pant Rees Lloyd Atkins, lJùwlais N-ithiini' 1 Naihamel, Carpenter, Dowlais Thomas Richards, Kail way Station, Dawlais. SOLICITOR D. ROBERT LEWIS, ESQ. SUB-TREASURER WILLIAM LEWIS, ESQ., Market-street, Dowlais. BACKERS: Messrs. WILKINS & Co., Brecon Old Bank. SECRETARY MR. JAMES EDWARDS, 11, Upper Union-street, Dowlais. The object of the Company is to build a PUBLIC HALL for t'ie purposes of Amusements, Lectures, Enterta,:unent8 and PulJI.e Meetings at Dowlais. Pruspi etna ;s amI forms ,,1' application for shares may be outallled on application to the Secretary, at the OFFICE—11, UPPER UNION bTREbT, 3137 DOWL VIS. THE BELL HANGING TRADE. CHRISTOPHER CUMMINS, Bell Hanger, (established in Merthyr for the last 37 yaars) re- svectfully announces that he has engaged, during h 8 illness, an Ethciellt Workman, named JOliN DAV!ES, who will undertake for him the execlltion of all orders, and as he is a man of thorough experience, C. C. can co.ili tently ensure tor hi, patroas satisfaction. No. 11, Broad-street, Merthyr Tydtil, May isth, 3130 M E R T H Y Ii MUSICAL AND EDUCATIONAL EISTEDDFOD. FRIENDS of Education and Lovers of G.1od f' Music do not forget to Patronise the aJove Eisteddfod on MONDAY NEAT, MAY 23rd, AT THE TEMPERANCE HALL, MERTHYR. President:—REV. J. GRIFFITH, M.A., Rector. ADJUD.UATORS J, C. Fowler, Esq.. C. II. James. Esq., W. Jones, Esq., Cyfarthfa A. J. Morris, Esq., Plymouth W. E. Jones, Esq., Artist. P. Ro.-ser, E»q Aberdare Air Bawde/i, Leader of the C) fanhfa. .sti-ing Bani, and Mr 1>. W. Jonea, (:lorganwg.i 31 Prizes will be Awarded to the Successful Candi- dates iu the various subjects. The following extraordinary List of Competitors have beeu sent ill, viz — ChuÍ1s. 14 Quartetts, 2 Tnos, U Duetto, 'ii Solos (female 3t>; Ditto male', (JO Map lJt" Lwi.lg, 11; P,Jd 11 t 1.HI) ..girls Ditto (boys) 19; Bills of 1 arcels girls), 7 Ditto (bovs), 15 Freehmd urawing, v English H story. HI; iiental Arithmetic, 10; Recitations boys:, 31 Ditto girls), is. Meetings to commence, morning 10.30; afternoon 2; evening li. AD.MISSIOK Platform, 2s.; Front Seats, 13. M Back Seats ana Gallery, Is. f"r full particulars, see programmes (one penny each" which may !.Ie had of the l'rinter. 21, Glebelaurl-street. By order of the Committee, 3133 JOSEPH WILLIAMS, Secretary. STEAM T0_NEW YORK. QHORTEST !SEA ROUTE.— ^3 Milford Line—Steerage Passage, tti WlT 11 full dietary. The magnificent fiii -powered Clyde-built .~5teainship ~i 500 tons, will be despatched end of May, frum Victoria Docks, London, calling at M.lford Haven, Saturday. 4th of June, tu embark passengers For freight or passages, apply to fcl. C. Hurley, Cardiff; J. Copeland, Merthyr Tydnl J T Morgan, Merihyr Tydtil; F. W. Caunt, Aberdare: Messrs Kean L,eeves II: Co., 27, Leadenhall-street, London, E C., or to Jackson & Co., Milfurd Haven. Rail, London to Milford, 12s. tid. 3134 DV Y B O O EL S .-A Large and Varied Stock. DAY bo UKs. — lu Su-onii Leather Bindings. AjJ. "UN I HOOKS, CLUtf BOOKS, &c.¡ Ruled to order. CHEQUE BOOKS ot every descnptioii Perforated and Numbered. Note the Address :—r\ WILLI A US, "Telegraph '• office Opposite the Market House, Merthyr. MERTHYR TYDFIL LOCAL BOARD OF HEALTH. WANTED immediately a thoroughly experienced BOOK-KEEPER to keep the Accounts of the Board Salary nut less than iloO a year. Candidates are requested to make application in their own halld writing, accompanied by Testimonials, addressed LO thp Clerk, on or before TUESDAY next the 24th inst. By older ot the Board, THOMAS WILLIAMS, Clerk. Merthyr-Tydfll, 13th May, 1870. 3132 MERTHYR TYDFIL LOCAL BOARD OF HEALTH. TO SCAVENGERS. THE Board invite TENDERS from Persons JL w Uing to Contract for Scavenging the Merthyr Town District and the Merthyr Suburban District, from the 2nd June, U70, to the 17th May, lo71. specifications and Forms of 'lender may be had on application to the surveyor. Sealed lenders, endorsed "Tender for Scavenging," to he left at the Office of the Board, 71, High-street, Meithyr, on or before 1st June, ls70. The lowest Teuuer will not necessarily be accepted. THOMAS WILLI UIS, Clerk to the Roard. Merthyr-Tydiil, May 17th, 1S70. 3123 PONTYPRIDD UNION. THE Guardians of this Union are prepared to JL receive TENDERS from persons willing to CON- TRACT for the supply of COFFINo, and undertake for the BURIAL of aupers. A Specification and form of Contract may be seen at my office Tenuers must be sent to me on or before the 25th day Slo^'1871'' E. C. SPICKETT, Clerk. LOS T NEAR DO VVLAIS FARM, A YOUNG TERRIER DOG, about four months old, light brown, with dark brown stripe along the back. ears and tail not cut. Whoever will bring the above Dog to the TELEGRAPH Office, Merthyr, will be suitably rewarded. 3125 GLAMORGAN RIFLE VOLUNTEERS. Orders for the Week Ending Saturday, May 28th. TUESDAy-COmpany drill S.O p.m., Drill Hall. I WEDNESDAY—Full Dress Parade, 8.30 p.m., Drill Hall. THURSDAY-All Comers' Match Meeting. FRIDAY,—Recruit drill 8. p.m.. Drill Hall. SATURDAY.—No 2 Section will assemb:e at 6.30 p.m., at the Shooting Ground, for Class Firing. OFFICERS FOR THE WEEK :— Lieut. James, SergeoM Evans, Corporal Thomas. 3064