MR-. H.W. HARRIS'S ANNOUNCEMENTS. ■ £ ••• •> MR E W. HARRIS, ■|AUCtlONEEK, APPRAISER, HOUSE, ESTATE, AND Jr. l. GENERAL AGENT, BEGS to inform the Public that all matters entrusted to his care will be punctually and carefully f"! Attended to. Bents collected. Fire and Life Policies effected OR advantageous terms. .Railway and other Shares Bought and Sold, and ihe daily prices obtained on application. a Offices:—140, HIGíI STREET, MERTHYR TYDFIL. fS44 II TO PUBLICANS AND OTHERS. f |>0 LET (with immediate possession), that well-si timed Double-Licensed Inn, known as the Duke of York," Bridge-street. Merthyr. I To any person of business habits this opportunity is a favourable one for an extensive trade, the house being unconnected with any Brewery. Coming-in and Rent ^inoderate.—For particulars, apply to Mr. H. W. HARRIS, Auctioneer, &c., High-street. Merthyr Tydfil. [301 TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, r- following Property, Bailway Shares, and I i ..t J. Stock:- r Two Dwelling Houses, situate in Yew-street, Troedyrhiw. £ 800 Preferential Stock of the Brecon and Merthyr Tydfil Railway Company. I, 10 Shares in the Brecon and Merthyr Tydfil Railway. 10 Shares in the Merthyr, Tredegar, and Abergavenny Railway, TO BE GIVEN AWAY, ¡ 2 Sbaresiathe Merthyr {Jab Company. 2 the Merthyr Coal (Jonipany. 20 Shares in the Cardiff Steam Navigation Company. For particufare, apply to Mr. H. W. HARRIS, Auctioneer, 140, High-street, Merthyr. [302 ,j PONTMORLAIS, MERTHYR-TYDFIL. TO BE LET, and can be entered upon im- mediately, that compact DRAPER'S SHOP, late (; in the occupation of Miss Jenkins, deceased. The Premises are well situate for business, there being no (; in the occupation of Miss Jenkins, deceased. The Premises are well situate for business, there being no other drapery establishment in the immediate neighbour- hood. For particulars as to rent, &c., apply to Mr. H. W. HARRIS, Auctioneer, 140, High Street, Merthyr. [303, TEMPERANCE HOTEL, 5, CHUROH-ST., t; if Thomas Town, Merthyr. yblfio u; in SALE OF EXCELLENT HOUSEHOLD FU £ NI1UKE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mi-. H. W. HARRIS, On TUESDAY, the 16th day of April, 1867, at the TEMPER- ANCE HOTEL, Thomas Town, Merthyr, ri^HE whole the Hodtjaioiii) FURNITURE and A of her Effects of the REV. GWKSYN JONES, who is leavjtog for the United States of America. The FURNITURE consists of dining tables, sofa, couch, hair-seatod chairs, side-board, pier glass, fenders, lire-irons, china, earthenware, dinner service, plated tea service, silver protfgs, table and dessert spoons, glass chandelier, easy chairs, chairs covered with American leather, window polo and curtains, timepiece under glass case, carpeting, cocoa nut matting, hearthrugs, table covers, inkstands, decanters, cruet st»n& wine glasses, tumblers, papier niache trays, knife case, floor cloth, mats, stair carpeting and brass rods, Pembroke table, book shelves, eight-day clock, half-tester iron bedstead and curtains, four-post bedstead and curtains, feather beds, mattresses, palliasses, blankets, counterpanes, sheets, table cloths, cane-seated chairs, night commode, wash- stand and dressing table (with marble slab),toilet ware, dres- sing tables, toilet glasses, chest of drawers, milpuffbeds, cbild 's, crib, chifd'sbedsitod towel horses, clothes basket, Windsor chairs, deal tables, oak wardrobe, coffee mill, coffee distiller, sugar nippers, ooroer cupboard, tubs, buckets, pans, kettles, frying pans, clothes horses, boskets, kitchen tender, tripod, brushes, fountain, flat irons, and the usual culinary uten- sils. Also, a capital Washiug Machine, in good working condition and sundry other articles too numerous to mention. Sale to commenoe at Twelve o'clock, and the whole will be sold without reserve. Auctioneer's Office, 140, High-street, March 25th, 1867. ,Vr. [237 NO. 1, COURTLAND TERRACE, I Thomas Town, Merthyr. SALE OF ELEGANT HOUSEHOLD TO BE SOL D BY AUCTION, By Mr. H. W. HARRIS, )'. On TUESDAY, the 9th day of April, 18G7, VpHE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and other Effects of Miss TCRNER, No. 1, Courtland Terrace, Merthyr Tydfil, who is leaving this neighbourhood in-oonseciuence of ill health. The FURNITURE consists .of mahogany loo table, hair-seated chairs, cloth table covers, pictures, two pianos (one in walnut wo:ld, 6i octave, Crawford's patent; and ontt in mahogany, 6i octave), music stool, carpeting hearth- rug, fenders, fire-irons, foot stools, easy chairs, Victoria chair, pair of card tables in mahogany, pier glass, cLimuey ornaments, window pole and curtains, half-tester and other iron bedsteads, feather beds, wool mattresses, straw palli- asses, milpuff bed, blankets, quilts, counterpanes, toilet ware, toilet glasses, dressing tabled and; washing stands, night commode, cane-seated chairs, chest of drawers, ward- rone, floor cloth, stair rods, lamps, books, benches, tables, window chairs, earthenware, china, bookshelves, cocoa nut matting, folding couch covered with moreen, umbrella stand, blinds, ottoman, Sponge bath, a double action harp jtnd mahogany stand, washing machine. The. usual culinary utensils, also a pair *f handsome large sized globes of the eastern and western hemispheres, with compass bag all complete. Sale to commence at Twelve o'clock, sad the whole will be sold without reserve. The Furniture can be viewed on the Monday previous to the sale. Auctioneer's Office, March 28th, 1867. ) [238 TO BUILDEBSAND OTHERS. MERTHYR MAttKET HOUSE. iI, PARTIES desirous of TENDERING for the Repairs of the Tower, the Paving, the Roofs and Shoots, and the Cleansing and Repairing the Skylights of the above Market House will send their Tenders to Mr. H. W. HARRIS, 140, High-street, Merthyr Tydfil, on. or before the 15th day of April instant. The whole must be done to the satisfaction of the parfcv appointed by the proprietors to inspect ;he same. 381 TO DRAPERS AND SHOPKEEPERS. lJIr. H. W. HARRIS Has received instructions to SELL BY TENDER, in one lot, HPHE STOCK-IN-TRADE of the late Miss JENKIN8, Draper, Pontmorlais, deceased. The Stock, it is assumed, will amount at cost to upward* of JE120, and will be sold at a discount therefrom, the pns- cise sum to be ascertained at the completion, of the inveau- tory. Payment one half cash, the remainder by approved jnofd and secured promissory note at 2 months, or 4R allowance at the rate of 5 per cent per annum for cash. AL' The whole wilrbe on view on the 10th and Utb of April instant, and Tenders will be received by the Auctioneer marked." Tenders for Jenkins's Stock up to 12 o'clock on Wednesday, the 17th instant, when at that hour they will be opened at his office in the presence of those who attend. All further particulars may be ascertained on application to Mr. W. H. HARRIS, Auctioneer, 140, High Street,, Merthyr. t325 MILLINERY AND STRAW BONNET MAKING. A PPRENTICES wanted to the Millinery and JA* Straw Bonnet Making; and also Improvers in or out-door, where they will have a thorough knowledge of the business. —Apply to Mrs. PRICE, 25 and 26, Wellington- street, Morthyr. [307 OEPPEN, ;,1 I TAILOR AND OUTFITTER 56, THOMAS STREET, MERTHYR. All ORDERS PUNCTUALLY ATTENDED TO m% 4" ,i I. ,) 17" BERLIN WOOL AND TOY WAREHOUSE. | >'•««* ,.10. ;&)$,• HIGH' STREET, MERTHYR TYDFIL. !'f j di. jv.Ovl4' ei!-> a« nhoaA .c: j 'COP F L AND "A-N; i) I) D R G E s S; HAVING taken the Busiaesa of the Misses Richmond, beg respectfully to inform, the inhabi- JTL tauts of Merthyr and its vicinity that the) have RE-OPENED the Shop with a Choice Selection of FANCY GOODS in Toy:, Statonery, Needlework; Wools, Ladies' and Children's Undelt-linen, and an inspection of the Stock is respectfully solicited. < 247 J¡ r OSBORNE HOUSE, 48, High Street, Merthyr Tydfil, • • :Next Door to the West of England Bank). ',) < NEW GENERAL DRAPERY ESTABLISHMENTi :i< ,-iaai-ic. 3. ■ 'i D A V 1 D J A M E 8, | ^'(Late Assistant to Mr, Evan Jones^ I ff:p* A T?U R' ESthPe EabCoTve FPUreLmLiseY s wiintfh oa rmNs ew hains d FErxiteennsdivs e and ASliortment the PitbHc of DRAPERY generally GtOhOaDt S, ho incHludAinS g Othe PEChNoiEceDst) Spring Patterns. HUB CAP?, TIES, COILABS, &c OF THE LATEST AND MOST JIPPBOVBD SHAPES. A Large Stock of Hosiery and Haberdashery. An early inspection is solicited, as D. J. trusts by keeping Goods of the Best Quality to merit a fchare of public support. [248 Feb. 20th, 1867. ESTABLISHED DENTAL SURGERY! TEN YEA^S. ) ii ivi R E R. G AYS, rr SURGEON DENTIST, No. 55, HIGH STREET. MERTHYB fYDEjL, I HAS brdug^it the MErHANIv^AL BRANCH 01 his Profession to so high a decree of per- fection that PABTI A Lor ENTIRE SETS of TKETH, constructed on his principle, can be fitted with the greatest accuracy, without the least pain or incouvenienoe and are worn with comfort even on tender gums and stumps thev serve all the purposes of NATUJRAL 1 EliTll, in MASTICATION and ARTICULATION, and also preserve port the remaining teeth. They are not liable to discolour or wear out, and present the appearance of WAiUKAl TEETH ot trreat beautv. A PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED IN ALL CASES, SCALING, STOPPING, REGULATING, EXTRACTING, and all OPERATIONS IN DENTAL SURGERY, i n»-h<u performed with the greatest care. or CHARGES STRICTLY MODERATE. —CONSULTATION FREE. 262 1. T; 0 FAMILIES. PHILLIPS AND EVANS, 1 MERTHYR, J Hiw j INVITE especial attention to their Furnishing Department, Zw replete with JL a Larg6 and Choice Stock of BRUSSELS, TAPESTRY, DUTCH, AND KIDDERMINSTER CARPETS, DRUGGETINGS, FLOOR CLOTHS, DAMASKS, MOREENS, ,in-U. I., i" 1; WINDOW HOLLANDS, TABLE LINENS, COTTON AND LINEN SHEETINGS. TOIL E I.I.y G H V 0 £ V 0 K S, <S,c., fa March 6th, 1897. '■ Wi «#«'» j A.I > ,{ -.1- f~<r 1 ■. "T— —— NOTICE 0 F R E M 0 V A L. DAVID CALEB, BUILDER, CABINET MAKER, UNDERTAKER.&c., X>EGS to intimate to his Friends and the Public in general, that he has just Removed from 87, Pontmorlais, to a large and commodious house of business, which has recently undergone extensive altera* tions, situated at 106, High Street, opposite St. David's Church, where he intends to carry on, on a more extended scale, all the above Branches of Business. Non* but the most experienced Workmen employed. Estimates given where desired, and Contracts taken in the town and neighbourhood. A large Stook of Seasoned Timber on hana. An inspection of his Superb Stock of Home-made Furniture is respectfully solicited. He would also direct special attention to his assortment of Iron Bedsteads, which are unsurpassed in the town, both in respect of quality and pnoes. 251 IMPORTANT TO GOLLIE R S. E V A N T H 0 M A S, I E O N M O B O E B, 1 '\8AFETY LAMP M A N U F A C T U E E E. u.. H 7, CARDIFF STREET, ABERDARE, BEGS to call the attention of Colliery Proprietors and Colliers to his superior made Lamps. Clany Lamps, 5s. 3d. each Firemen's Lamps, 4s. 3d.; Newcastle Pattern Davy Lamps, 4s. 3e Clany Lamp Gleaseri, 6 h each. Safety Lamps repaired at the shortest notice. [252 1 j « J •- THOMAS JAM E,S P £ A R C E, ALE AND PORTER BREWER, P0NTYCAPEL. ORDERS SENT TO No. 3, VICTORIA STBEEET, PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. WHOSESALE PRICES ON APPLICATION. 253 EXPRESS TO WITCHRLVS TO SEE THE MONSTER BOOT, 3 FEET 9 INCg^S LONG, WEIGtHT 65ilbs., MADE BY G. B. WIHCHELL .aagA'aosa REA T BÅ; a a a-a N S. I N -^CT"r Bo 0. T S A N D S HO E S' S B., WITCHEL having determined to Clear Out the remainder of bis Winter Stock invites • Public attention to hi t list of Prices, which is unequalled, and never to be surpassed. Men's Cossacks, 3s. lid. Men's Balmorals, 6s. 9d.; Men's Elastic Sides, 7s. 9d.; Lace Boots, nailed, 8s. 6d.; Women's Elastic Sides, Stout Bottoms, 3s. 9d.; ditto, ditto, 4s. 6d.; Women's Balmorals, 211. lid.; Women's Overshoeo. Is. 54d.; ditto, with Felt Tjopa, is. ll.^d.; Girl's Elastic Sides, from Is. lOd.; Babies Coloured Leather Boots, lOAd.; Babies Slippers, 54d. Ditto, Patent Gutta P.«rcha. Bottoms, with Leather Welts,—Men's Balmorals, 9s 6d.; Men's Elastic Sides, 10s. 6d.; Women's Elastic Sides, 5. 6d.; Women's Bahnorals, 5s. (¡d.; Youth's Balmorals, 6s. 9d.; Youth's Elastic Sides, 7s. With a large assortment of other goods, too numerous to mention, which must be Cleared Out to make room for the Summer Stock. JL Quantity of Paetnt and Brmcn Leather Ztyghtgs to be Sold Chenp. ,) i W Observe the ADDRESSWITCHELL'S Noted Boot and Shoe Establishment, VICTORIA HOUSE, ABEUDARE. w n ii in in 11 m "i"; r ygsnfss, Improvement in Dental Surgery 1 | T fl 0 M A 5 R E E S if! I3ENTX8T, I HIGH STREET, MERTHYR TYDFIL, O ESPECTFUlDIiY annouucea that be his recently made professional visits to London and Paris far the purpot ie of perfecting himself in recent improvements introduced into the practice of Dental Surgipry, especially those atfect ing tbe introduction of Artificial Teeth, without the necessity of removing, hidden stumps, or giving the Patient thty slightest pain in their application. He would especially draw public attention to these im- provements, as they i ndicate the perforation characteristic of the Art in the atteliers of Parisian Dentists, especially JWäh rwpect to the in Mipulation and tbe affixing of Artificial Teeth. The Material used ) in the construction of these Teeth is so natural in colour that it defies detection, even if the mouth be looked into, whilst its; durability is all tb at can be desired. Scaling, filling, and1 Herniating Teetli executed on moderate terms, and on strict Dental principles. f255 RITT ANY C 0 W S, The Only Breed of cattle that futve escaped the Rinderpest. HPHE Isobility, Gentry, and others, are respectfully informed that they Jf can be supplied with the above beautiful and profitable little Animals (Calved and Downicalving), in any number, »t the shortest notioa. The great sucoess aid nient -which have attended the etfitorts of the Importer, in introducing the Pufe Breed or tils useful and hardy Cow Jmto the Country, has induced him to extend his connection abroad, by appointing^experienced Agents throughtBi Brj ttany. aud he isnow enabled to offer tbe pubtte a constant supply of the choicest stock that out be obtained, at prices ych defy all competition. The low cost, together with the hijjh milking qualities of this meecl, render them of great value to the Cottager, as well as the fancy Stock-keeper and Dairyman. Young Bulls alw ays on Sale.Brittany Sheep 25s. per head.—Aldemey and Guernsey Cows ana Heifers.—Suppled to description, as to ^re Colour, and time of Calving. Apply to the 4 rofts MpawB. B0BEETS0N k Co., 58, Crutebedinais, London, E.C. ,u. ROLF-TSON '■I-1 ii ~t • i in ■ '»"■ BLINDS i PLEADS BLINDS 1 BUILER FOR W&frOW BLINDS' 4, BETHESDA STBEET, ( OPPOSITE THE BRECON ROAD, MERTHYR. Great Reduction in Price I Sutler's Improved Brass-Toy EVindow* Blinds. Wire, Zinc, and Venetian Blinds. Remember I Butler for Window BHiula.—The only Uanufacturer in Wales. 257 t fitaa tea free from J "^MINERAL COLOUR. I •ij J"ohmon,JohnsontCos PURE TEA J i Iswarraøted free from all Min- | i eral Colour-it now comtnands > J a large sale on account of its great 4 strength and uniform excellence. > 4 > 4 Supplied in Packets only, from 2 ozs. to 1 lb. | 4 and 3 lb. and 6lb. Tin Canisters- i At 2/8,' 8>- & 3/4 per lb. I Choice Qualities, 3/8 & f/ per lb. J Sh^J^Sold by Chemists, ConfictiMieP^ i &c.,ineyery Town.. y- ■ •, 1 LOCAL AGENTS. [ Merthyr—Lewis,c^ainiat, George-town. f, —STiFHES'S, clremisd:, Mitrket-square. ^.berdara, THOMAS, chemist I Dowlais, LBWiri, chemist. Brynuiawr. JOSES, stationer Pontypool, EDWARDS, sta- Bl-bw Vale, Lkwis, clicmist j tioner, George-street. BQrwaln, SIMS,, chemist. | Tredegar, Jenkins, chemist, VfOuntain Ash, Thomas, [ Church-street. chemist. Treforest, RICHARDS, che- Kautyglo, ALLEN, Post mist. Office. ) JOHNSON, JOHNSON, & CO., TEA MERCHANTS, 17," BLOMFIKLT) STREET, CITY, TX)KT>ON f256 FLOOIS' NEOLIN HAIR WASH, For restoring Grey Hair to its Original Colour. PRICE-10, 61. [n proof T. F. requires no payment where cases are treated by himself, until the effect M produced. PREPARKD only by THOMAS ELOOKS, Hair-dresser and Perfumer, 54, High-street, oppoaite Ehe Market Square, Merthyr. DIRECTIONS FOB USING THE WASH. Apply a little to the Hair, night and morning, with a imafl piece of sponge or hair brtisn,.and in a few days the Hair will resemble its natural colour. The freer the Hair is kept from grease the sooner it will take its effect. F L O O K 8' INFALLIBLE CHEMICAL HATE DTE, For changing Red or Grey Hair to a Beautiful Black. Warranted not to stain the Skin. PRICE-4a. PREPARED only by THOMAS FLOOKS, A Hair-dresser and Perfumer, 54, High-street, opposite the Market Square, Mertbyr. T.F. having used this beautiful preparation ia his profes- sion for many years, with the greatest success, can recom. mend it as the best dye ever offered "to the public. [258 PIAB0F0BTE3 AMD HARMONIUMS. EXCELLENT Toned Pianoforte*, in "Walnut E and Rosewood, at 25 Guineas, New Second Hand ditto, Good, at JB5. at TAYLOR'S PIAKOFOBXE WAREHOUSE, MARKET SQUABI, MERTHYR. ty Pianos for Sale or Hire. Mutic Half-Price. Pianos on hire, with option of purchase at the expiration id/be term. 259 THE LIFE INVESTMENT, MORTGAGE, AND ASSURANCE COMPANY, (LIMITED). 8, NEW BRIDGE STREET, BLACKFRTARS, E.C. CAPITAL. £ 500,000. Empowered by Act of Parliament. Trustees Rev. 8. T SFROSTON, B.D., Wednesfield Heath, Stafford- Shire. and Sproston Wood, Cheshire. CAn. W. G. Cov?NTRT, Earl's Crootue Court, Worcester- shire, Deputy-Lieutenant for the County of Worcester. Local Committee for Wales. Rev. J. EMLTN JONES, M.A., LL.D., Merthyr. Rev. D. JONES, B.A, Merthyr. Rev. DAVID THOMAS, D.D., (The Editor, of the Homilist), Stockwell, > Ój" i V .1' Rev. C. GBitTiTHa, Merthyr. j Rev. 0. W. JAMES, Dowlais. Rev. JOHN PENRT WILLIAMS, Rhymney. Rev. D. ADAMS, Aberdare. Superintendent of Agents. Mr. T. D. WILLIAMS, 5, Romilly Terrace, Canton, Cardiff. Advantages Offered by this Company. The Policies issued by this Company are Investments, the benefit of which will be derived by the Assured should he live to an average age, to the full amount of the Policy. They can be used as securities on which to borrow money. They can, when payable, be converted into annuities for old age. They are expressly adapted to provide for temporary dis- ablement from sickness. They enable the Lives of Invalids to be assured without extra Premium. They are indisputable.. >t '11 I The payment of Premium can be at any time determined, and a Policy of the valuf of the Premiums will be granted without the necessity of paying any more Premiums. The surrender value of the Policy guaranteed. Special arrangements for Ministers of Religion. 'Guarantee of a l$rge capital.. Policy holders may change from Table 1 to the Building Tables, and receive all the advantages by paying the additional Premiums. Special arrangements are made for Commercial Travellers and Sehoohnwters in connection with their Mfe Poncies. Shipowners, Captains, and Officers of the Mercantile Marine, will De able to assure upon an entirely new and advantageous system, by which the extra payment for sea risk is avoided. The profits will be divided every three years, 80 per cent. of which will be given to the Assurers. The first division will be made on the 30th December, 1868, and it is confi- dently expected that thfe Bonus wiU be highly satisfactory. L" Agtnt*. Mr. C. Be MEss, 124, High Street, Merthyr. Mr. ELIAS MAURICE, Tailor and Draper, Glebeland. Mr. JAMES BYEKS, Outfitter, Dowlais. Agents, Wanted throughout Wales.- Apply to the Superin tendent. 260 Fourth Division of Profits December 31st, 1866. Mutual Assurance without Mutual Liability. Profits may be applied so as to make Policies payable in Lifetime. Second Class Lives Assured on an improved System. The Policies issued in the last Six Months exceed in amount a quarter of a million of Pounds sterling. BRITISH EQUITABLE ASSURANCE COMPANY, No. 4, QUEEN STREET PLACE, SOUTHWARK BRIDGE, E.C. {"CAPITAL FUND :—4 Quarter of a Million. Accumulated Fund exceeds One Hundred and Ten Thousand Pounds. The Accumulated Fund is equal to about 50 per cent. of the entire Premiums received on Policies in force on December 31st, last. Business re- ported in 1866vf-Policies^ 2,073; Amount, £ 353,700; 9,300 Policies ift fbrce.f £ 1,569,731. AgentsMr. W. L. DANIEL, 64, High Street, Merthyr Mr. D. CL. GUNN, 39, High -Street, Merthyr; Mr. J. THOMAS, 2, Albert Street, Merthyr; Rev. B. D. THOMAS, Surrey Terrace, Llandilo [50 FOR WRITING OR COPYING GOOLD'S EUREKA BLACK INK Is perfection! It writes Black immediately, flows freely, will not change colour, and does not corrode steel pens. Sold in bottles, 3d., 6d., la., pints Is. 6d., quarts 2s 6d., gallons 8s. 6d. H. J. WALEFR & Co., Chemists, Bath, sole consignees. London Agenh—Barclay fc.Sons, 95, Farringdon-street. Bristol—Pearc iL Co. Cm-dia-Duncan, Timet Office Jones, Duke-sfc MERTHYR—P. WILLIAMS, TELEGRAPH Office. Stephens, Chemist. Newport- E, J. Phillips, Chemist; Jones, Chemist. Swansea—Allwood & Morgan; Glover. 296 c -i'i .'ill baa i n ) 4$UNION TERRACE, THOMAS TOWN, MERTIJ.YR TYDFIL. MR. AND MRS. FROST DEQ most rei«p«etfiilly to inform the Gentry and Inhabitants of Merthyr and neighbourhood that they will be prepareil to receive Pupils ia SINGING, OFORTE, HA H VfONIUM. COMPOSITION, &c, AFTER A^RIL 1^M.TERM« MAY BE KNOWN ON APPLICATION. Mr. FROST will visit profession ally the following |Jace?. onceVw«k:-Pontypridd,. Cardifl^ Neath,^and AMvt ■■■"1 /• ■ ttil f|i"i II TO SILK MERCERS, DRAPEBS, MILLINERS, CLOTHIERS, HATTERS, AND HABERDASHERS. AND J. HARPui'^i !f.. r COMMISSION AGENTS, BEG respectfully to announce that ther ba\e received from an Old-established 1 irm a large Stock of First-class GOODS, coiwisting of Foreign and British Ribbons, Black and Coloured Ribbon, Veh-ets, Bonnet Glaces and Gros. Areophanes, Patent and Silk Velvets, Luton and Dunstable Straw Goods, Gents and Ladies Leghorn Hats, Gloves, Hosiery, Lace, and Haberdashery, Stays, Prints, and Manchester Goods, which are now open on new at their Warehouse, 57, Thomas-street, Thomas Town, Merthyr Tydfil, Mid to which the attention of the trade is respect- fully invited. The otock will be constantly recruited with Fresh Fashions and Seasonable Goods, N.B.—Business transacted with the Trade only. (269 i GO TO THE FOUNTAIN HEAD) r"'lci MESSRS. GUSTAVE, ZIEL, & Co., ■ Rue Borie, 41, Bordeaux, _r :3 It" t Exporters of French Wines and Brandy, HAVING appointed Affects in Grefet Britain for the Sale of their Superior WINES and COGNAC, respectfully ^ondit the ptiir&age of the Nobility, Gentry, Hotelkeepers, Retailers, and private Con- sumers. They can guarantee their quality to be unexcelled, and coming direct from their vineyard, warrant them to be the genuine article, and free from adulteration. t, They beg to infonn parties intending tt> purchase that Mr. TILLEY having accepted the agency for South Wales, is prepared to receive ojdert, which should be given sometime previous to when required, owing to the delay that must neoessarily be incurred coming dwootfrdm Franco. Brandies from 4s. 6d. to 13s. per gallon (in Bond); 13s. to 30s., or per cut-of 12 bottles, (in Bond). Wines of various vintages, per case of 12 bottles, from 10a. to 110s. (in Bond). Very Old Cognac andSne Champagne always in stock. Sea Insurance at the met of the buyer. For further particulars as to Terms and Prices current for the month, apply to Mr. TILLEY, Auctioneer, Accountant, and General Agent, „ 268] Pontmorlais West, Merthyr TydGI. ¡ n'D"DV SOUTH WALES IRONMONGERY STORES, 122, HIGH STREET. MERTHYR TYDFIL. LAMPS, STOVES, tJUNS, AMMUNITION", OILS, and every requisite of the Season, JUt in the Furnishing Ironmongery Department, to be had at moderate prices at the Establishment of the SoUTK WALFS IRONMONGERY COMPANY, 122, High Street, Merthyr Tydfil. An immense Stock of IRON BEDSTEADS atpriou from ISs. each. 261 l: SEEK AND YOU WILL FIND l'<J: TOP FOR READY MONEY ONLY! — THE BEST AND CHEAPEST FURNITURE WAREHOUSE IN WALES IS lull D A V I D HAR T"S," f J. { a U j. 9, Pontmorlais, and M, Glebdaad Street, Merthyr, where all Goods are Warranted as represented, and alt articles marked in plain figures and sold extra cheap., Every description of Furniture made to Order. In submitting the Prioee of the following Articles, 4 his honour to the public that they are of good description, and the f r I l^ cheapest in Wales :— ) '}■ £ s. d. 1 £ B. i £ ■. d. Drawing Room Suits 12 12 0 full Size Feather Bed Milpuff Bed Full Size and Mahogany Loo T&Mes 2 2 0 Bolster and 2 Pillows 5 5 0 Best Quality 0 16 (> Mahogany Hair Seated Milpuff Mattresses 1 1 0 Milpuff Bed Full Size Drawing Room Suits 12 12 0 full Size Feather Bed Milpuff Bed Full Size and Mahogany Loo Ta.t,le8 2 2 0 Bolster and 2 Pillows 5 5 0 Best Quality. 0 16 G Mahogany Hair Seated Milpuff Mattresses 1 1 0 Milpuff Bed Full Size Spring Sofas 4 4 0 Palliasses 0 14 Second Quality 0 1- 6 Mahogany Hair Seated Iron Half-Tester Bedstead 1 12 6 Stair and Passage Oil Cloth Chairs 0 15 6 Iron French Bedstead <0 17 from. 0 1 0^, Easy Chairs from 1 1 0 Circular front Marble Wash Picture Frames at half the Easy Chairs from 1 1 0 Circular front Marble Wash Picture Frames at half the Mahogany Pembroke Tables 12 6 Stand 1 15 0 1 usual price Six Cane Chairs 0 17 0 Painted or Polished Wash Milpuff from lid. per lb. Six Windsor Chairs 0 18 0 Stand and Table (pair) 0 15 1 Stair Rods. (per dozen) 0 2 6 Every other article equally cheap, and competition and contradiction defied. The Trade and country dealers supplied at Wholesale Prices. D. HART having bought 000 Full-sized IRON BEDSTEADS for CASH is now enabled to offer them at 16s. each, being the lowest price ever submitted to the public fi>r the same article. KST Observe the Address DAVID HART, Opposite the Pontmorlais Methodist Chapel. 266 No.' 35, HIGH STREET, MKRTHYE, WATCHMAKER*' 1° JEWELLER, "O ESPECTFULLY announces to the Inhabitants of Merthyr and Neighbourhood that he has taken the above Shop (next to Mr. Leonard's, fruiterer), which he ias Opened with an Assortment of WATCHES AND JEWELLERY specially adapted to the requirements of the district. »• Having had considerable experience in several Watchmaking Establishments, and having a thorough practical knowledge of the Watch and Clock Trade in all its branches, and also extensive experience in the Repairing of Jewellery, he is enabled to assure those who may favour bim with their patronage that their orders will be executed to their satis- faction, as he is determined to devote his pettMMud attention to all work with which he may be favoured. WEDDING RINGS SUPPLIED. [265 WELSH HARP STORES, ABERDARE. tinK .(it JAMES BEYNON AND COMPANY, COMMERCIAL STREET AND DEAN STREET, ABERDARE, IN returning their sincere thanks to the Public for the great patronage bestowed upon them for the last Four years, desire to inform tha public that they have entered into arrangements with the principal Burton Breweries to supply their ALES at the sasie prices and terms as at the Brewery, Burton.on.Trost. Thsir large stock of OCTOBER BREWINGS are uow in fine condition, and such as they can with confidence recoil nwnd as being second to none. Mild Ales brewed on the premises, in casks of 4J, 9, 18, 4 36 gallons, at Is., ls.^2d., Is. 4d., and Is. M. p" pJloa. London Gin, 10s. 8d., 12s., and 14s. per gallon. j Splendid-Old Jamaica Rum, 16s. and 18s. per gaUo*. Fine Old Irish Whiskey, 16s. and 18s. per galloa. | French Brandies, from 22s. to 30s. per gallon. Wines at the usual prices.—Wliolesals aad RetfeiL N.B.—J. B. k Co. retail the same Genuine Goods at their Branch Establishments, vii., Royal Exchnye, Trecynon Lamb Inn, Hirwain; Blade Lion, Caedraw, Metthyt. 264 ANCHOR HOUSE, MERTHYR TYDFIL. EDWARDS kND MORRIS BEG to announce that the above Premises are now OPEN with a large and well selected STOCK OF NEW GOODS, To which the inspection-of the publia is iavitod. N.B.—THE REMAINING STOCJC W*LL BE CLEARED OFF AT A GBEAT REDUCTION. BROWN AND PGLSON-S P A T E N T :J /CORE FLOUR, PACKETS 84, TINS Is. RECOMMENDED FOR CHILDREN'S DIET. TO OBTAIN EXTRA PROFIT BY THE SALE, OTHER KINDS ARE SOMETIMES SUBSTITUTED INSTEAD OF BROWN & POLSON'S. rr 1 Each Packet is signed by the makers—"JOHN BKOWN," JOHN POLSON." 261 i- •- L.. ■ 11 D. C. GUNN & SONS, AGENTS FOR J'' 1 SAKUEL AILSOPP & SOFS PALE AND BUMOIT ALES, :;1' IN CASKS AND BOTTLES. ALSO, ■ ,or ¡It; GUINNESS'S EXTRA DUBLIN STOUT. -J r, 8-« .ARJt J HI G H 8TIIBI, M B B T II i A ME. M?H) P&BJlfi'S NOTICE. DAVID PBICE AUCTIONEER, APPRAISER, ACCOUNTANT, ESTATE, AND GENERAL AGENT, BEGS to return his thanks for the support he has received for the past seven years. All matters entrusted to him will be attended to with punctuality and prompt settlement. Wills and Administrations executed, and Valuation for Probate, Fire, and Life Policies effected. Public And pri- vate Accounts audited. Money advanced on Mortgage on Freehold or Leasehold, Property. Bcgr Arrangements effected between Debtors and Creditors.! AGENT FOB. THE SUN FIR8 AHp LIFE ASSURANCE OFFICES, ESTABLISHED 1710. £ Auctioneer's Offices, 3d, Thomas-street, Merthyr. [271 1 TROEDYEHIW. 4 TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By MR. DA FID PRICE, On WEDNESDAY, the 24th of April, 1&)7, at the ANOEL bN. Troedyrhiw, (Subject to such Conditions of Salo there and then produced,) A LL that WKLL-BUILT DWELLING- XJL. HOUSE and PREMISES, with walled-in Garden, and water laid on, being No. 58, Yew Street, Troedyrhiw, in the occupation of Daniel Rees, producing the annual rent of C7 16s. Yearly ground rent. JE1 lOa. 2d., under a lease granted by TVTNDHAM LEWIS, Esq., for 99 years from 2nd August. 1857. The Auctioneer begs to call the attention of Small Capi- talists to the above sale, the property being well-worthy of their notice. Salo to commence at Sevon for Eight o'clock in the Evening. Auctioneer and Accountant's Offices, 38, Thomas Street, .Nierthyr, April 4d6 IW4. 1294 TO CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. nPENDERS are invited for the erection of FIFTEEN COTTAGES, in Margaret-street, Dow- lais, for the Dowlais Mutual Benefit Building Society. The Plans and Specifications may be soon at the resi- deuce of Mr. THOMAS SAMUEL, 72. Well-suwet, Dowlais, daily (Sundays excepted) between the bourn of ten, a.m., and Four, pan., from Monday, April 1st, to Thursday, April 11th, 1867. Sealed Tenders to be delivered at my house, 24, Viotoria- street. not later than Friday afteraoon, April lith, 1867. N.B. The Society do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any Tender. FRANCIS JONES, Hon. Sec. Dowlais, Maroh 2", 1W. 235 LEWIS'S PECTORAL BALSAM, For Coughs, Colds, Aathma, Hoarseness, Consumption, and all disorders of the Chest and Lungs, GIVES INSTANTANEOUS RELIEF. IT is so agreeable to the palate, that Children can take it as easily as Adults, and without danger. It has been proved to have the most wonderful effect in curing the above complaints. It is invaluable to these suffering from tickling in the throat, phlegm, shortness of breath, tightness of, and wheezing at the cliest, kc, One trial will convince all of its beneficial properties. Attention it drawn to the following Testimonials:— 21, Oeorge-st., Merthyr, October 17th, 1W6. Sis,—I bee to strongly recemmend your Pectoral Num. Mj daughter suffered «o much from Coufth, and tightness of the Chest, that we I!ould not rest for a whole fortnight, fearing1 every moment that she would sulfate. We tried everything that could be thought of, but to no avail, until we gave liajr one or two doses of your medi- cine, stler whivh -he -was much better; and now, we are happy to gar, »he is quite well.—I am, Sir, yours, &c., To Mr. Leivis, Chemist. DAJCIRL BSTA.IT. From Mr. William Jones, Contractor, 37, l'enheolgeirig, Merthyr, Oct. 9th, 1S6& 1 fouad rour Peetors) Hakam very beneficial in Cough and Astkauu Xr. Lewis, Druggist, Ac. PREPARED SOLELY BY James LEWIS, Chemist & Druggist, Georgetown, Merthyr, Sold in bottles at 18. lid., 2s 9d., and .8. 6d. each. There is a considerable saving in taking the larger sizes. J AOKNTS:— AberMn<Mi.Mr. A. WILLIAMS, Chemist, &c. Aberdare .Mr. W. J. THOMAa, do Brynmawr .MeaarB. LLEWELLYN & WILLIAMS, Chemists, fee. Cefn Mr. DAVIES, Chemist, fltc. Dowlais^ Mr. JOHN EVANS, Chemist, Union-st* EbbW Vale .Mr. T. DAVIES, Chemist, Spencer-st. Hirwain Mr. J, SIMS, Pharmaceutical Chemist Merthyr Mr. REEs THOMAS, dn, do. High Street. Mountain Ash ..Mr. w, J. THOMAS, Chemist, &c. Penydarren .Mr. JOHN EVANS, do. Rhymney .Mr. FRASKUN DIXOS, do. Swansea .Mr. GLOVKII, Chemist, ice. < Mr. L. ANDREW, Pharmaceutical Chemist, 14, Castle Square. Tredegar .Mr. WAITES, Pharmaceutical Chemist. Troedyrhiw Mr. N. KNOX. Chemist & Tea Dealer, WHOIKSALK AOEN'Tfj:— Bristol—Messrs. CotUKs & ROPER, 114. Uedcliffe Street. „ —Messrs. LEONARD & ROBINSON, Nelson Street. 270 THE MOST RELIABLE FRIEND! HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. Glandular SwcUings, Drcmobitia, Mumps Quinsejr, Sora Throats, and Piptbwifc j In any of the above diseases, immediate and permanent^ relief is obtained by effectually rubbing this detergent Ointment twice a day, upon the neek, chest, ana back. It acts upon the very mainsprings of life for through tn# glands pass all new matter required for the body repen- tion, and all old particles detrimental to its preservation- The Ointment, used conjointly with Holloway s Pills, wilt act so searchingly and certainly as to effect cuws in the most hopeless wses. Bad Logr Bad Breasts, and Ulcerations of all kinds. There is no medicinal preparation in the world whiolt may be so thoroughly relied upon, in the treatment of the above ailments, as Holloway's Ointment. Notnin* ca* so pimple or safe as the manner in which it is applied, Os its action on the body both locally and constitutionally. The Ointment, rubbed around the part affected, enters tM pores jiist as salt enters meat. It quickly penetrate# to the source of the evil and drives it from the system. Diseases attendant on Childhood. Diseases attendant on Childhood. Diseases incident to early life fall more under tit management of the mother than the medical man. Hol- lowavs Ointment should therefore be regarded by her as a "Household Treasure," as it never fails in bringing out the rash in measles and scarletina and for the removal uf all skin diseases its effect is miraculous. In eases of whooping cough and croup, this invaluable Ointment shouM be ruDbed twice a day upon the throat and chest, and the youngest invalid will derive therefrom the most soothing relief. Two or three of Holloway's famous Pills, reducod to a powder, will augment the curative powers of that Unguent. Both the Ointment and Pill* ikouM 6.d in tk* fStlownnfeaiei ;«• Bad lees Chilblains Oout \iw\ breasts Clisyped l>and( Glandular.«w«l» Skin-diseases Burnt Corns (ssfit) lings Scarvy Bunions Caacers I<umbaRO Sere-Maos Bite of Moscbe- Contracted and Piles Tumoare toes and Sand stiff iolnts Rheumatism, Ulcers flies Elephantiasis Scalds Wounds # > Coco-bay Fistulas Sore Nipples Yswm. -^J| Chiego-foet y gold at the Kstablifciiment ot Paorsssofc HOLLOUAY, 244, Strand, (near Temple Bar,) London, and by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Mediciues thronrt- the civilised world, at the following pricesIs. ljd.. SB. 0d.. 4s. 6d., lis., 22s., and 33s. each Pot. There is a considerable saving by taking the larger Diract(«M for the gukhmoe <4 #Mlea(a la esdii dNmler AN diad to esefc Pot. i i i AL i