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LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. EXECURSIONS.—The Cyfarthfa Excursion train left the Yale of Neath Railway station on Saturday morning last at seven o'clock for Swansea. The men marched to the station headed by their fine bind, and weie accompanied by a very large crowd of people. The scene at the station was very animated, and it was with no little difficulty the train was prepared for starting. In the evening, when the men re- turned, a large crowd of people" received" them at the station, and, when marching home, the band played some fine pieces of music—among them being, See the con- quering heroes come !"—The excursion train for Cheltenham left the same station on Monday morning last, and carried 54 pleasure-seekers. lViK. RBES EVANS, of Thomas Town, wishes it to be understood that he is not the author ot any recent letters in the TELEGRAPH, in reference te the Flower Siiow THE MONSTEK PETE AND GALA at Peuluolgerng came off on Thursday, aud was attended with great success. Upwards of five thousand people assembled in the field duriug the day, and tuoroughly enjoyed the amusements provided tor them. All the arrangements were excellently carried out. ] THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS.—We understand with much pleasure that Mr. Charles William Price, the son of Mr. Thomas Price, of this town, who is at present attending the London University school, has successfully passed the preliminary examination of the Royal College of Surgeons UNIVERSITY OF LONDON.—Four students of the .Normal College, in Swansea, have just matriculated at the Univer- sity of London Mr. D. A. Davies, of Swansea; Mr. Josiah Jones, of Trelech, Carmarthenshire Mr. E. B. Evans and Mr. T. Jones, both of Aberdare, in this county. No other student from any college or school in Wales appears in the list. Nine students from the Normal College have matri- culated during the year. FATAL ACCIDENT.—An accident, fatal in its consequences, occurred at the Plymouth Works, on Wednesday last. A haulier, named Daniel Ingrain, aged û9 years, was engaged in taking coal from the works to Pentrebach houses, when he fell off the cart on which he was riding, and the wheels passed over his body, smashing all his ribs. and his left arm. He was attended by Mr. Balland, surgeon, but death soon resulted from the injuries the poor man received. An inquest will be held on the remains. CATHOLIC TEA PARTY.—The Catholics of this district had a tea-party in the Temperance hall on Monday last, which was very numerously attended. A drum and fife band from Rhymney attended during the day, and played several lively airs. A concert of principally Irish music was held in the evening, and was also largely patronized. There were several beautiful melodies sung in a creditable j manner, especially by the ladies, and they were received by the audience with rapturous encores. We regret, however, to say that some recitations which were given were literally j murthered." On the whole, however, the concert was I successful. The proceeds were handed over to the funds of J St. Mary's Catholic Chapel HIGH STREET CHAPEL.—The Rev. C. White, minister of tllÍs place of worship, announced to his last Sunday his intention of reartinsr to them next, Sunday night It paoer 011 the Position and duty of llaptiyts ax Non- conformists." This paper was read last Wednesday at Bruonferrv, before the annual meeting- of the iilamortran and Carmarthenshire English Bantist Association, and was adopted as the circular letter to be address i this year by th ■ Association o the churches. Mr. White invited all, aiiil especially the vounsr people to attend—an invitation which, we are sure, will be well responded to. A fu 1 report of this address will appear in next week's Ti4i.EGRi.PH. BETHEL CHAPEL.—A lecture was delivered in this chapel last Monday evening: by the Rev. Mr. Davies, minister of the Bethel English Baptist church. The subject of the l"cture was-" Try, try, attain." The lecture, which lasted about two hours, was well arranged throughout, and showed that Mr. Davies had bestowed much labour aud reading upon its production. Several instances were given of ereat men who had risen from obscuiity to celebrity by making their motto Cry, try, again." The lecture was especially suited to young men, who were told that what others had done theycouid, by perseverance, also accomplish. At the conclusion "of :hs lecture Mr. Davies was heartily applauded hy a tolerably large audience. The chair was oc- cupied by John Jones, Esq., of Courtland-terrane. to whom and the lecturer, votes of thanks were given at the close of the meeting. 12TH GLAMORGAN RIFLE CORPS.—The challenge cup was again competed for on the 12th inst., and was won for the second time by Private Barnard, he being 7 points in advance of Sergeant Davies and Private Glascodine, who tried for the second place. If our skilful comrade heads the list of competitors the next mogth, he will be the owner of the handsome cup presented to the Corps by the ladies, on the occasion of laying the foundation stone of the Drill Hall. MERTHYR BURJAL BOARD MEETING.—On Monday last a special meeting of this Board was h*ld, lor the pur- pose of considering' the state of Zion grave-yard, and espe- cially with reference to a recent burial there. It appears from the report of the inspector, that the wile of Mr. Evan Leyshon was buried there on Thursday, 5th inst., no notice having been previously served upon the inspector of grave- yards. That officer, however, learnt, that a funeral was to take place and visited the grouud, finding a grave, consi- derably too spacious, opened at the back 01 the chapel, and that a portion of the foundation walls had fallen in. The erave was afterwards partially clos d. He airain visited the ground on the following day, and found that the grave had been re-opened, the side biicked up and the founda- tion wall repaired. The Rev. Mr. Griffiths, the pastor, and also one of the deacons of the church were present to offer an explanation which was that the minister being from home at the time, the grave-digger had neglected to give the proper notice, and that if the oversight would be overlooked a similar neglect should not occur again. The Board for a considerable time discus- sed the question, and ultimately passed unanimously the following resolution on the subject—"That the attention of th Biiiiai Board having been directed to a recent iuter- ment at Zton burial ground, in which th..re was an irregu- larity, with respect to an Order in Council, and it also appearing that the number ot interments has of hte srreatly increased, this Board would desire the attention of the Secretary of State to such Butial grounds, more especially as of la e a school-room ba.« been erected in close proximity thereto, and. therefore, on this, as on other grounds, its con- tinuance as a butial-phi 'e is injurious to the public health, it is also resolved that a copy of tha Inspector's report in reference to this matter be forwarded to Dr. Holland." This was the whole business transacted, and the Board adjourned. A Toss IN THE STREETS. — Some amusement was caused in the High-street on Monday evening last by the toss-up of an unfortunate donkey and a cart-load of 'taters." A very soft-looking man was driving the cart, and as he seemed to feel lazy when opposite tLe Market-square corner he proceeded to get into the cart and have a ride. There were already three large sacks of 'taters on the cart. and as the shafts were not of the best description the lazy driver had scarcely disposed himself in front when they both broke off from the very ends, and 'taters, driver, cart, and donkey were stretched in beautiful confusion on the road. The prostrate driver commenced to rub his leg with great assiduity, and he looked extremely stupid when he spied his 'taters scattered about the road. The ass was the next to rise. and the two broken shafts were then picked off the road and presented toltne driver. Of course, the cart was rendered useless as a conveyance, and the 'taters had to be left on the side of the street till some more suitable cart was procured to carry them to their destination. We heard someone hinting that the entire yoke belonged to Paddy Boyle, the recent hero of the police courts, but we cannot vouch for the accuracy of this piece of information THE MERTHYR TYDFIL WORKING MEN'S AMATEUR DRAMATIC SOCIETY. This promising society gave another performance in the Temperance Hall on Thursday sen'night last. The audience was not so good as on former occasions, but this may be somewhat accounted for by the fact that the evening was very wet. As we wish, however, to see local talent sup- ported as it ought to be, we must hope that on future occa- sions the. performances of those amateur dramatists will be patronized by a greater number of our respectable inhabit- ants. The first piece performed on Thursday evening was Mr. Thomas Taylor's comedy—Still Waters run Deep," the caste, of which was a follows :—Mr. Potter, Mr. Lewis Captain Hawkesley, Mr. W. Hammett; John Mildmay, Mr. W. Thompson Dunbilk, Mr. T. H. Davies; Langford, Mr. Morgan Markham. Mr. Chew Gimlet (a detective), Mr. B. Pugh; Jessop. Mr. Thomas; Servant, Mr. Parker; Mrs. Mildmay, Mrs. W. Hammett; Mrs. Strenhold, Mrs. W. Thompson. The character of Captain Hawkesley" did not suit Mr. Hammett so veil asdid that of "Pizarro" at the previous performance. We fancy he did not quite under- stand that military dash which is requisite to such a char- acter, and in the deceitful part which he played—both in love and money matters—he seemed to dread assuming that air of cunning audacity which, on a, stage, is absolutely expected of such a character. Also, in some of his conver- sations with John Mildmay (Mr. W. Thompson), his atten- tion languished ill the spirit of the acting, and he seemed more to be going through a task than really performing a principal part in a comedy. This failing was especially remarkable in the interview between Captain Hawksley and John Mildmay, in the house of the former, immediately after the latter had discovered the perfidy of the captain towards his wife, and the position in which he stood to Mrs. Strenhold (Mrs. W. Thompson). Mr. Hammett received the tale of the discovery of his treachery and villiany with too much carelessness, and he did not display sufficient emotion, or chagrin, when he was being compelled to re- linquish his shares in a certain project those shares which he had so much difficulty in procuring—and his letters from Mrs. Strenhold—letters on which he set so much value. We make those remarks on Mr, Hammett's acting simply through a friendly feeling to the society. We are sure they will be glad to have their short-comings pointed out to them, in order that on future occasions they may be able to correct these and perform with greater brilliancy. Un- doubtedly, as an amateur, Mr. W. Hammett displays great abilities, and he evinces signs of certain qualities, which, after a few performances, will prove him to be no mean actor. Of course, as a beginner, he must require a little in- struction and polish, and this is the reason we wish to point out to him some points on which he might improve in future. To Mrs. Hammett we would also wish to address a few remarks. In the character of Mrs. Mildmay on Thursday night she acquitted herself with great credit, and we shall be happy to renew her acquaintance on the stage on future occasions. Naturally, however, she was a little to > bashful, and she should have evinced greater horror and surprise than she did, in that scene where Mrs. Strenhold discovers to her that she knows all about her stolen interview with Captain Hawkesley, and that she is determined to prevent it. Mrs. Hammett, as Mrs. Mildmay, retired to her room, when ordered to do so by Mrs. Strenhold, with t')o much ease-much more ease, indeed, than was intended to he evinced by the original Mrs. Mildmay, in Tom Taylor's comedy. On the whole, however. Mrs. Hammett is an excellent amateur, and she need only forget a little more of her bashfulness to insure for herself a good name as a local amateur actress. We will now speak of the acting of Mr. Lewis a«jMr. Potter. Undoubtedly, this character suited him roach better than did that of the Peruvian king at the former performance. There were very few features with which to find fault in his acting, and we believe he did ample justice to the. character he represented Under the able tuition of Mr. W. Thompson, Mr. Lewis will yet prove to be a first-class amateur, as will also, we have no doubt, Mr. and Mrs. Hammett. Of the performances-of Mr. W. Thompson and his wife it is almost impossible for us to speak. Of course, a.s pro- fessionals, their more advanced perfection was especially remarkable when they played with amateurs, but W6 cannot fail to notice, that their spirit is also gradually com- municating itself to their very apt pupils. As the loving husband of Mrs. Mildmay, Mr. Thompson'sactingwasahnost perfect, aind, as the far-sighted, cool, and precise man of business it was next to faultless. The part of Mrs. Stren- hold was sustained by Mrs. W. Thompson with her now well-known ability, and we have no hesitation in saying that those two professionals are of the greatest benefit to the society, by whom, we trust, their services will be long retained. The other characters were also well sustained, but as the above are the principal ones we do not think it necessary to particularize the others. This comedy was followed by comic illustrations of Darkie life down South by Messrs. Mackey and Johnson. Mr. Cartlidge was expected to take part in this perform- ance, but his absence on business prevented him from doing so. The scenes in this cov" episode were received by the audience amid bursts ut iie.;rty laughter, and when the "celebrated Ethiopian vocalises first retired off the stage they were obliged to return an I respond to a hearty encore. If a performance of this nature is again introduced we would advise the society to imp rt more nigger singing into it. There is nothing takes bet ter with an audience after a grim drama or comedy than a g od comic song and accom- paniment—a fact which, we beli ve, the society will find to be true if they adopt our sugg-esti.,a at their next perform- ance. The entire entertainment of the evening was concluded by the farce, "Urgent Private Affairs." of which the follow- ing was the programme:—Dentatus Dotts (Dentist and Loyal Hammersmith Volunteer), Mr. J. O. Avis; Major Polkinghorne (of the same Gallant Corps). Mr. D. Winter Joe Jutnballs (a Confectioner's Shopman), Mr. C. Hem- mings; Mr. Bagshaw (a Solicitor), Mr. E Williams Mrs. Dentatus Dotts (on affectionate Wife), Mrs. W. Hammett Mrs. Polkinghorne (Wife of the Major), Mrs. Wozencroft; Sally Vokins (a Maid of All-work), Mrs. W. rbompson. This is a very comical farce indeed, and it was particularly appreciated hy some ofour members of the 12th Royal Glamor- gan Rifle Volunteers, who happened to be among the audience at the time of its performance. The characters were all well sustained, and numerous indeed were the bursts of laughter which pealed forth on.the discovery of Dentatus Dotts or Joe Jumballs, which immersed in one of the numerous "scrapes" into those two unfortunate characters were constantly falling. During the evening it was announced that another per- formance would be soon given by the society at the same hall. The Band under the leadership of Mr. Nixon at- tended during the evening, and discoursed some excellent pieces of music at the intervals between the different acts.

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