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MR.H.W. HARRIS'S ANNOUNCEMENTS. MR. H. W. HARRIS, AUCTIONEER, APPRAISER, HOUSE, ESTATE, AND GENERAL AGENT, BEG8 to inform the Public that all matters ■ entrusted to his care will be punctually and carefully attended to. Rents collected. Fire and Life Policies effected on advantageous terms. Railway and other Shares Bought and Sold, and the daily prices obtained on application. Offices :—140, HIGH STREET, MERTHYK TYDFIL. [547G TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, A BAY MARE, R ISIN G Four Years old, good in harness or -■ to drive, from 14-1 to 15 hands high, and sound in 2 wind and limb. For further particulars as to price, &c., apply to Mr. H. W. HARRIS, Auctioneer, 140, High-street, Merthyr. [5469 TO BE LET, OR SOLD, A LARGE and Commodious HOUSE, situate in Thomas-street, Thomas Town.—For fur- ther particulars apply to Mr. JAMES FORRESTER, 21, Thomas-street; or to Mr. H. W. HARRIS, Auctioneer, Merthyr. [5539 PIANOFORTES AND HARMONIUMS. "EXCELLENT Toned Pianofortes, in Walnut and Rosewood, at 25 Guineas, New Second Hand ditto, Good, at JE5, at TAYLOR'S PIANOFORTE WAREHOUSE, MARKET SQUARE, MERTHYR. 6S* Pianos for Sale or Hire. Music Half-Price. Pianos on hire, with option of purchase at the expiration of the term. [5478 KATE'S WOESDELL'S PILLS. THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE. Sold by all Chemists, &c., at Is. lid., 2s. 9d., and 4s. 6d. per Box. XT AYE'S WO RS DELL* PILLS THE BEST REMEDY FOR INDIGESTION. Sold by all Chemists, &c., 'at 18. lid., 2s. 9d., and 4s. Cd. per Box. [5517 J OIIX 1FIL HAMS, Builder alld lromwnjter, of Douiais, and MARIA, his Wife, DECEASED. PUBLIC NOTICE. A LL parties indebted to the above are re- quested to call at the house of HARRIES, of No. 1;>, Taff-strept, Pantywyee, Merthyr Tydfil, immediately, so as to make an arrangement to pay their different accounts to Mr. THOMAS SAMUEL; Cordwainer, Well Street, Dowlais. DAVID HARRIES, Executor of Maria Williams. May 28th, 1866. [5532 RED COW INN, GLEBELAND-STREET, MEBTHYtt TYDFIL. WILLIAM OHIRM RESPECTFULLY informs the public that -*— he has just opened the above old-established INN, and begs to intimate that all Ales and Spirits sup- plied are of the very best quality, he being determined to merit a trade by the excellency of his goods. Every accommodation is given to Commercial Gentlemen and Visitors, the stabling room being of the most ample character. The patronage of his friends and the public will be es- teemed a favour. [5488 ONE POUND REWARD BODYWYGIAD ESTATE, PENDERYN. NOTICE is hereby given, that the above He- ward will be paid on the conviction of any person TRESPASSING on the above Estate in pursuit of Game, or for the purpose of Fishing. All persons are hereby cautioned that in each case of Trespass a prosecution will be instituted, and followed out with the utmost rigour. All Dogs found upon the Estate will be immediately destroyed.— Application to be made to GEORGE WOOLLEY Gamekeeper. May 1st, i860. [5528 READ THE FOLLOWING ADVERTISEMENT OF COHEN AND SON'S, WHO would inform the public that they conduct their Business upon their established prin- ciple—that of Selling a Superior Article at the Cheapest and most Moderate Cost. COHENS' Men's Black Cloth Suits 33s. Od. COHENS' Boys' ditto 18s. Od. COHENS' Men's Black Cloth Trowsers 12s. 6d. COHENS' Boys' ditto 7s. Od. COHENS' Overcoats, best Witney 18s. Od. COHENS' Pilot Jackets. 15s. Od. COHENS' Boys' ditto 8s. 6d. COHENS' Men's Cloth Vests 6s. 6d. COHENS' Boys' ditto 3s. 6d. COHENS' Mole Trowsers. 6s. 6d., 7s. Od., 10s. 0. COHENS' Men's Fancy Trowsers and Vests o Aght to be seen to be appreciated a Marvel of moderate cheapness, of a good woollen quality 17s. 6d. COHEN & SON would especially inform the public that these articles combined in one price, are beyond competi. tion and quality-they are thoroughly well made and cut, with good material, and of an unequalled low price. Parties desirous of effecting economy in their purchases of MEN'S, YOUTHS' d, BOYS' CLOTHING, should make a call at COHEN AND SON'S x CLOTHIERS & OUTFITTERS, 86 & 87, QUEEN STREET, TREDEGAR. [5504 MT THOUSANDS NOW USELM Johnson, Johnson&COS PURE TEA. It is The Tea for the MILLION,-ou account of its great strength and uniform excellence. OBSERVE all are 8d per 12). CHEAPER In Packets only, from 2-ccs. to l ib., & 3-lb. & 6-lb. Tin Cardsters- At 2/8,-3/-& 3/4 per lb. Choice Qualities, 3/8 & 4/ per lb. Johnson, Johnson & Co. 'Sgj&flSl AIVSAY TEA MERCHANTS, LONOON. It; See that the name is on each Packet. old by Chemists, Confectioners, &c., in every Town. LOCAL AGENTS. Merthyr: LEWIS, Chemist, George-toivn. ABERDARE: THOMAS, Chemist. ^rynmawr: JONES, Stationer, ijowlais: LEWIS. Chemist. fountain Ash: THOMAS, Chemist. yS Allen' Post 0ffice- 17 BLJ^NSON, & CO., TEA MERCHANTS, » IOMTULD STBEET, CITY, LONDON. [5O05 SON, JOHNSON, & CO., TEA MERCHANTS, » IOMTULD STBEET, CITY, LONDON. [5O05 —— WATERLOO HOUSE, MERTHYR. SUMMER FASITI ONS. E V A N MEJiEDIIII BEGS to inform the Public of his return from London with a Splendid ASSORTMENT OF GOODS, comprising the Principal and Latest Novelties of the Stason, and that THE SHOW ROOM IS NOW OPEN. E. M. tails particular attention to his stock of Broad and Narrow Cloths, Fancy Coatinsrs, Fanny Trouserinp, MI'K Velvets, Hnts, Caps, Shirts, Collars, Ties, Searls, &c &c., and all other articles for gentlemen's wear, not to be surpassed bv any House in the Trade. 38, High Street, Merthyr, April 26th, 1866. p503 MRS. SHAW BEGS to announce to the Ladies of Merthyr and its vicinity that her Snow "ROOMS were RE-OPENED frr the Season on THURSD IY, May 3rd, 'Vith a New and Elegant Assortment of Millinery, &c., in the latest London and Paris Fashions. AN EARLY INSPECTION IS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. 4, Church-street, Thomas Town. (No Circulars.) [5502 SELLING OFF AT REDUCED PRICES MISS RICH M 0 N D'S, BERLIN WOOL, FANCY, & STATIONERY REPOSITORY, 108, HIGH S T R E E T, MEKTHYll TYDFIL, (Opposite St. David's Ch urch). HPHE following: Articles, in Stock, are to be SOLD OFJT at GREATLY REDUCED PKICES:— Albums—Musical, Pearl, Ivory. Velvet, Russia Leather, &c. Dolls—Walking, Speaking, Crying, and every other description of Doll. "Vases, Lustres, Toilette Sets, Ladies Neceasaires, Ladi»s' and Gentlemen's Dressing Cases, Farcy Soaps, Fancy Hair Brushes, Combs of every description, Lombardo Pins, &c. A large and magnificent Stock of Berlin Needlework. The new Hand Banner Screens, Braiding Designs and Braids of every description, Cottons, &c., also a stock of STATIONERY, AT MISS RICHMOND'S BERLIN WOOL, FANCY, AND STATIONERY REPOSITORY, 108, High Street, opposite St. David's Church. [5518 IMPORTANT TO COLLIERS. E V A N T H 0 M A S, I RON MaN G E R, SAFETY LAMP MANUFACTURER, 7, CARDIFF STREET, ABERDARE, JJEGS to call the attention of Colliery Proprietors and Colliers to his superior made Lamps. Clany Lamps, 5s. 3d. each Firemen's Lamps, 4s. 3ù.; Newcastle Pattern Davy Lamps, 4s. 3d. Clany Lamp Glasses, 6.1. each. Safety Lamps repaired at the shortest notice. [5501 THOMAS JAM ES PEARCE, ALE AND PORTER BREWER, PONTYCAPEL. ORDERS SENT TO No. 3, VICTORIA STREEET, PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. ky WHOLESALE PRICES ON APPLICATION. (5507 Eirst-Class Furnishing & General Ironmongery. Warehouse, 147, nIGH STREET, MERTHYR, W. T. GRIFFITHS, PROPRIETOR. n BEST Electro-Plated Goods, Table Cutlery, Baths, Iron Bedsteads, Register Scoves, Kitchen Ranges, Fire Proof Safes, &c., &c. Oils, Iron Tubing, India Rubber, and other articles used by Iron Masters and Coal Proprietors. (550G TO ALL WHO DESIRE A DINNER WELL COOKED- CAPTAIN WARREN'S COOKING POT IS INDISPENSABLE IT saves waste and trouble-Preserves the flavour of the meat-Is excellent for making soups, of all kinds— Renders burning, scorching, over-boiling, & smoking impossible—Effects a great saving over old methods—Most delicately flavoured dishes can be made by inexperienced cooks—Meats may be kept hot for two hours without xpoiling—Meat prepared by it is invaluable for invalids and persons of weak indigestion-The same set of vessels may be used for either baking or boiling—It has also a steamer for cooking vegetables. MAY BE HAD AT T. THOMAS'S IRONMONGERY ESTABLISHMENT, 132, High Street, (opposite the Bush Hotel,) Merthyr Tydfil. [5508 CAEDRAW FACTORY, MERTHYR TYDFIL. DANIEL ROBERTS, WELSH ELINNEL & STOCKING YARN MANUFACTURER, A LARGE assortment of PLAIN and FANCY FLANNEL always on hand; also, WHITE FLANNEL .L-1.. of a Superior Quality. WELSH STOCKING YARN of every description at moderate prices. CIDERS PUNCTUALLY ATTENDED TO. [5509 Improvement in Dental Surgery |$$0)) THOMAS REES, Vl •. f %Jl DENTIST, 28, HIGH STREET, MERTHYR TYDFIL, OESPECTFULLY announces that he has recently made professional visits to London and Paris for the purpose of perfecting himself in recent improvements introduced into the practice of Dental Surgery, especially those affecting the introduction of Artificial Teeth, without the necessity of removing hidden stumps, or giving the Patient the sligiitest pain in their application. He would especially draw public attention to these im- provements, as they indicate the perfection characteristic of the Art in the atteliers of Parisian Dentists, especially with respect to the manipulation and tke affixing of Artificial Teeth. The Material used in the construction of these Teeth is so natural in colour that it defies detection, even if the mouth be looked into. whilst its durability is all that can be desired. Scaling, Filling, and Regulating Teeth executed on moderate terms, and on strict Dental principles; [5516 PERAMBULATORS !PERAMBULATORS A lAltGJi STOCK OF CHILDREN'S SUMMER CARRIAGES HAVE JUST ARRIVED AT THE SOUTH WALES IRONMONGERY DEPOT, High Street, Merthyr, which can be had at prices varying from 7s. 6d. to 50s, each. [5514 SELLING OFF! AT S. B. WITC H ELL'S Home-made Wholesale and Retail Fashionable BOOT AND SHOE ESTABLISHMENT, VICTORIA HOUSE, WHITCOMBE STBEET, ABE RD ARE. O B. WITCHELL respectfully invites public attention to his Superior Stock of BOOTS and ^0 SHOES, suitable for the present season. Ladies' Elastic Side Boots at 3s. 6cL Ladies' Elastic Side Stout Bottoms, 4s. Ladies' Elastic Side Fine Kid, 4s. 9d. Babies' Slippers, 5^1. Babies' Patent Boots, lOd. Gentlemen's Cossacks, 5s. 6d. Gentlemen's Elastic-Side Boots at 7s. 9d., onlytto be had at Witcliell's. Children's Elastic-Side Boots from Is. lOd. iJgT Observe the Address :-S. B, WITCHELL, Cheap Boot Establishment, opposite the Queen's Hotel, ABERDARE. ORDERS PUNCTUALLY ATTENDED TO. REPAIRS DONE ON THE PREMISES. [5512 # Printing, Binding, Ruling, and Perforating FOR THE TRADE, AT THE "TELEGRAPH" STEAM PEIITIKG OFFICE, MERTHYi TYDFIL. OOD WORKMANSHIP.—MODERATE CHARGES.—PROMPTITUDE IN THE VJT EXECUTION OF ORDERS. [5475 [A CARD.] 1 FREDERICK WARE, (T-ATE WARE & SONS,) TAILOR AND OUTFITTER, BRISTOL. Souili Wales Establishment:—5, DUKE STREET, Cardiff. f5499 J. OEPPEN, TAILOR AND OUTFITTER 56, THOMAS STREET, MERTHYR. ALL ORDERS PUNCTUALLY ATTENDED TO [5498 PIPES. PIPES. PIPES. TO PUBLICANS AND OTHERS. PIPES cf excellent quality always on hand at the PIPE FACTORY, Dynevor Street, George-town Merthyr. Orders immediately executed, either by the box or gross. [5479 THE IMPERIAL ART UNION. £ 5000 FIRST PRIZE, AND UPWARDS OF 1,500 OTHERS IN PAINTINGS, VARYING IN VALUE FROM £1,000 DOWN TO R5 EACH. T^HIS ART UNION allows all Prizes to be selected by Prize-holders themselves, in any part of the Kingdom. Ticket holders or their representatives will be admitted to the Drawing. SUBSCRIPTION :-HALF A GUINEA PER SHARE. Remittances to be made to the Secretary, or any of the Agents, who will also furnish every information. RICHARD KING, Secretary. Offices-10, Castle-street, Holborn, London, E.C. N.B.—Agents wanted on liberal terms. References re- quired. [5327 .6JOHN PUGHETGFE^^ LICENSED EMIGRANT AGENT, 80, TITHEBARN STREET, NEAR THE EXCHANGE, LIVERPOOL, BEGS to inform his Friends and countrymen U who are about to Emigrate to America, Australia, Patagonia, or any other part of the Globe, that they may have full particulars of the fares, time of sailing of Steamers and Sailing Ships, &c., per return of,post, by sending him a letter in Welsh or English, containing one stamp, to the above address. N.B.-The best Accommodation for Emigrants on the most reasonable terms, and a convenient room to keep their luggage free of expense. Steamers to New York and alluTiir^s of the States, and Canada every Tuesday, Wednesiu^m .'hursday, and every alternate Friday and Saturday. Sailing Ships Weekly to New York and all parts of Australia. We, whose names are subjoined, highly recommend Mr. JOHN PUGHE to the notice of Emigrants as one who may be relied upon :— WILLIAM BEES (Hiraethog), Î B. THOMAS, Ministers JOSEPH WILLIAMS, of the JOHN THOMAS, Gospel H. E. THOMAS, > of B. THOMAS, Ministers JOSEPH WILLIAMS, of the JOHN THOMAS, Gospel H. E. THOMAS, > of NOAH STEPHENS, different WILLIAM ROBEETS, Denomina- DAVID WILLIAMS (Troedrhiwdalar), tions. DAVID WILLIAMS (Troedrhiwdalar), tions. R. ELLIS (Cynddelw), [5500 THE PROVINCIAL UNION ASSURANCE COMPANY (LIMITED). Capital, £ 100,000. Chief Offices:—104, FLEET STREET, London. DIRECTORS: THE RIGHT HON. LORD G. LOFTUS (Chairman of the London. ") CAPTAIN T. HANDLEY (late of H.M. Indian Army), Southsea, Hants., and 2, Upper Belgrave Terrace, Belgravia. W. H. JOHNSON, Esq., Albion Villas, Tottenham (Mana- ging Director). CHARLES DOHERTY, Esq., Iffley Villa, Upper Norwood, and the Cavendish Club, London. JOSEPH FLEET, Esq., Harrow-on-the-Hill, Middlesex. ALEXANDER BOYLE, Esq., The Junior Carlton Club, London. MANAGER FOR LONDON: J. W. WALTERS, Esq., 104, Fleet-street. SECRETARY: J. VINCENT MILLER, Esq., Nelson Villa, Clapham, and Brighton. ASSISTANT SECRETARY ALFRED JOHNSON, Esq. W. H. JOHNSON, Esq., Manager and Actuary. Sick Claims pain in the District, £ 1,500. Number of Members in Merthyr District, 3,000. r|^HE Provincial Union Assurance Company issues Policies for Sick and Life Assurances from £ 3 to JE200, and from 4s. to 30s. per week during sickness, with medicine and medical aid. Females on accouchment receive 20s. No Society is better established upon a scientific basis. It has excellent officers-skilful surgeons -active agents—honest collectors-and a sound board of management. Its tables are graduated, giving the exact risk for each payment; every member receives an indis- putable policy. Members are entitled to sick pay in twenty-six weeks, and to medical assistance from the day of entrance. Collectors call weekly for the Premiums due to the Society, and all disputes are decided by Local Arbi- trators. No increase of rates for Miners. Persons insuring for over £ 6 at death, receive an advance of 10s. per year for every year of membership. There are over three thousand members in this district alone. Special tables for endowments. Every member should ask for a List of Sick and Death claims paid. Attention is requested to tke following extracts from the table :— TABLE I II.-Burial and Sick Departmeutx—A person can II.surc for £10 at Death, and receive 10s. per week during Sickness, and Medical attendance, at the following rate ol payment Per week. Age. Sickness. Death. 6d. from 20 to 30 — JEO 10 0 and jElO 0 0 8d. „ 30 „ 40 — 0 10 0 „ 10 0 0 10d. ,,40 ,,50—0100,, 10 0 0 The payment of Is. per week will secure the following weekly sums during Sickness and at Death:- From 25 to 35 — 15s. Cd. and iCI5 r.. 35 to 45 13 6 and 12 „ 45 to 65 — 12 0 and 10 TABLE lV,-To Secure £50 at Death, and 308. per Week during Sickness :— Per week. Age. One Shilling and Eightpence from 25 to 30 Two Shillings I 30 to 35 Two Shillings and Twopence „ 35 to 40 Two Shillings and Sixpence. 40 to 45 Half the above amounts for t25 at Death, and 12s, 6d. per week during sickness. INFANTILE ASSURANCE.—Children under five years old, paying Id. per week, receive S3 at death; over five years, receive 25. £100 AT DEATH.—9Jd. at 10 years of age 101d. at 20 years of age, and Is. at 30 years of age, will secure j3100 at the death of the assurer. BURIAL TABLES.-One penny per week at 15 years of age secures X7 10s. at death at 30 years of age, f6 9s.; at 40 years, £ 5 14s.; at 60 years of age, X2 13s.; at 70 years, £ 110s.; these amounts can be progressively increased for every penny premium paid. A penny member receives the same class of policy and cards as a member assuring for £200. Agents in Merthyr District:— ,r ,,J Mr. Win. Lilly, 2, Albert-street. Mertiyi-tMr. Ed. Davies, „ Penydarran—Mr. Win. Seinsbury, 3, Baltic Place. Tredegar—Mr. Robort Martin, 13, Union-street. Pontypridd—Mr. W. Davis, Tumble. Cwmsibra—Mr. W. Davies. Beaufort—Mr. Joseph Price, the Prince of Wales. Mountain Ash—Mr. Watkin Watkin, 3, Pump-street. Members will be enrolled by any of the above Collectors, on application or information given which may be required. Agents Wanted. AGENCY DEPARTMENTs.-Agents and Collectors wanted in every part of South Wales not at present represented. Young men connected with Sunday Schools, large Works, Ministers of the Gospel, National Schoolmasters, and other persons of spare time, are required to become Agents for the Provincial Union Assurance Company in the following places on special terms:—Cardiff, Swansea, Newport, Pontypool, Llanelly, Carmarthen, Neath, Briton Ferry, Llantrissant, Brecon, Abergavenny, Crickhowell. Applications for Agencies to be made to the Manager and Actuary, W. H. JOHNSON, Esq., at the Company's Gffices, 104, Fleet-street, London or to Mr. E. Davies, Superintendent of Agencies for South Wales, 2, Albert- street, Merthyr Tydfil. (5530 £ t HCEISED PASSENGER AGENT FOR U AMERICAN AND AUSTRALIAN SHIPS. E. DAVIES, GRAPES INN, 29, UNION STREET, LIVERPOOL. WE, the undersigned, beg most respectfully to inform all intending Emigrants that we have proved the above Establishment be one of the most comfortable and cheapest Establishments for strangers to stay at, so that we do heartily recominen 1 all intending Emigrants to write to the above address, where all informa- tion will be given respecting the Fares and Sailing of Steamers and Ships to America and Australia, and the best of advice and protection will be given them during their stay at Liverpool. Signed -Benjamin Jones, Brynmawr, Mon. Thomas S. Davies, Dowlais Thomas Jones, Tredegar B. W. Jones, (Cymro Cloff,) Brecon; Stephen Davies, Aberdare; John Davies, Gadlys William Rees, Mountain Ash David Davies, Mountain Ash, &c., &c. We have much pleasure in bearing testimony to the above Rev. Thomas Williams, Rector, St. Asaph Rev. W. E. Jones, Baptist Minister, Victoria, Mon.; Rev. T. C. Evans, Ardwick, Manchester, Independent Minister, &c. P. S. AR Emigrants will be met on their arrival at Liverpool, by writing to the above address before they will leave their homes. Passengers guaranteed the very lowest rates of passage, with special berths, and are earnestly recommended not to pay their passage until they come to the chief office here, and judge for themselves. [5497 JFFX WELSH EMIGRATION OFFICE, LIVERPOOL. jpppl|jr nnHOSE persons from Wales who intend emigrating to AMERICA or AUSTRALIA, are hereby in- H formed that we book Passengers, either per Steamers or Sailing Vessels, at the very lowest rates in Liverpool; therefore they are cautioned against paying any deposit money, or any instalments, to any Agent in the Principality. If they pay such deposit money, whom do they expect will act as their friend and guide in Liverpool, where so many exist by defrauding intending Emigrants ? Every information will be immediately forwarded on receipt of stamped envelope addressed to JAMES LAMB & Co., Brokers, 47, Union-gtreet, Liverpool. We, whose names are appended, confidently recommend all intending emigrants to put themselves under the care and instruction of the above Firm, feeling assured that they will experience from them the most honourable conduct THOMAS LEVI, Morriston; DAVID SAUNDERS, Liverpool, formerly of Aberdare, Calvinistic Methodist Minister JAMES OWENS, Liverpool, formerly of Aberdare, Baptist Minister NOAH STEPHENS, Liverpool, formerly of Sirhowy, Inde- pendent Minister. [549ó CANADA, NEW ORLEANS, AND THE WESTERN STATES OF AMERICA. A THE MONTREAL OCEAN ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S Steamers A Sail from LIVERPOOL every THURSDAY. 7 Calling at LONDONDKRRY Every Friday, to take on board Passengers and Mails. FARES—First Cabin to Portland, New York, and Boston, £ 18 18s., and £ 15 15s., according to accommodation. STEERAGE PASSAGE to Portland, Boston, or New York, X7 7s., includes a plentiful supply of Cooked Provisions, prepared and served up by the Company's Stewards. Passengers booked by all the Principal Railways to all parts of Canada and the United States at very low fares. NEW ORLEANS—BY STEAMER DIRECT.—From Liverpool, every alternate Tuesday. Fares—First Cabin, B25 Steerage, £7 78. For Passage, apply to WILLIAM SEARLE & Co., 15, Water Street, Liverpool; Londonderry, Foyle Street; or to their Agent, JOHN COPELAND, Clothier and Outfitter, High Street, Merthyr TydfiL Ocean Passage and American Railway Guide and Government Pamphlet on Canada sent on receipt of Four Stamps [5495 WELSH HARP STORES, ABERDARE. JAMES BEYNON AND COMPANY, COMMERCIAL STREET AND DEAN STREET, ABERDARE, IN returning their sincere thanks to the Public for the great patronage bestowed upon them for the last three years, now wish to inform the public that they have entered into arrangements with the principal Burton Breweries to supply their ALES at the same prices and terms as at the Brewery, Burton-on- Trent. Having purchased a large stock of OCTOBER BREWINGS, they can with confidence well recommend the Ales as being second to none. Mild Ales brewed on the premises, in casks of 4.1, 9, 18, & 36 gallons, at Is., Is. 2d., Is. 4d., & Is. 6d. per gallon. London Gin, 10s. 8d., 12s., and 14s. per gallon. | Splendid Old Jamaica Kum, 16s. and 18s. per gallon. Fine Old Irish Whiskey, 16s. and 18s. per gallon. | French Brandies, from 22s. to 30s. per gallon. Wines at the usual Prices. Wholesale and Retail. N.B.—J. B. & Co. retail the same Genuine Goods at their Branch Establishments, viz.Royal Exchange, Trecynon Lamb Inn, Hirwaiu Black Lion, Caedraw, Merthyr. (5494 DAVID HART, THE LARGEST STOCK AND JOB BUYER IN IERTHTR. IF you want to buy Good and Cheap Furniture, go to DAVID HART, General and Furnishing JL Warehouse, 9, PONTMORLAIS, where you can buy every description of Furniture at the lowest possible prices. All goods warranted as represented. Any description of Furniture made to order. Picture Frames made at half the usual prices. In submitting the prices of the following,Articles D. H. pledges his honour to the public that they are of good description, and the cheapest in Merthyr :— £ a. d. £ S. d. £ s. d. 3 Feet wide Iron French Straw Mattress (best made) 0 14 0 Stair & Passage Oil Cloth Bedstead. 0 15 0 Milpuff Mattress 1 0 0 from per yard 0 1 Oi 3 Fest 6 Inches wide 0 16 0 Full-size Milpuff Bed 0 16 6 Mahogany Pembroke Tables 1 2 u 4 Feet wide 0 17 0 Six Cane Chairs 0 17 0 Kitchen Tables from 0 4 6 4 Ftet 6 Inches wide 0 18 0 Six Windsoi Chairs 0 18 0 Milpuff from per lb. 0 0 1J Every other article equally as cheap.—D. H. returns flanks to the public for the encouragement he has received for the past Twelve years, and begs a continuance of their 1 atronage. flfegT Note the Address 9, PONTMORLAIS, opposite the Methodist Chapel, and 50, GLEBELAND STREET, Merthyr. 5493 THE "BEE HIVE," 31, VICTORIA STREET, MERTHYR. DAVID A NT H 0 N Y RESPECTFULLY announces to the Inbabitants of Merthyr, Cefn-coed-y-cymmer, Taoedy- rhiw, and Dowlais, that he has just taken the above Shop and Premises, which he has OPENED with a large, magnificent, and well assorted STOCK OF NEW DRAPERY GOODS Note the Address:—BEE HIVE SHOP, VICTORIA STREET. [5491 THE "TEA EI CHAN GE," AND GENERAL PROVISION WAREHOUSE, TROEDYRHIW. W. S H A R P, IN returning thanks for the extensive patronage bestowed on him for the past Fifteen Years, respectfully announces that he has always on hand a well-selected Stock of GROCERY GOODS, consisting of Teas, Sugars, Flour, Cheese, Bacon, Butter, and every article connected with a Family Trade. Special Quotatiom SHARP'S CELEBRATED TEA, SOUCHONG MIXTURE, FOUR SHILLINGS ?EB POUND. Hut, EVANS, & Co'S. BRITISH WINES, IS. 3d. PEB BOTTLE. BOOTS and SHOES in great variety, of best manufacture, and warranted to wear well. Note the AddressPOST OFFICE, TROEDYRHIW. [5492 THOMAS JAMES PEARCE, WHOLESALE TEA DEALER, IERTHYR. | Q F F I C E SI-NO. 3, VICTOBIA STB K BROWN AND POLSON'S PATENT CORN FLOUR, PACKETS Sd., TINS Is. EECOMMENDED FOR CHILDREN'S DIET. TO OBTAIN EXTEA PEOFIT BY THE SALE, OTHER BINDS ARE SOMETIMES SUBSTITUTED INSTEAD OF BEOWN & POLSON'S. Each Packet is signed by the makers—"JOHN BROWN," JOHN POLSON." [5522 ESTABLISHED DENTAL SURGERY! TEN YEARS. MR. E. R. GAY, SURGEON DENTIST, No. 55, HIGH STREET, MERTHYR TYDFIL, HAS brought the MECHANICAL BRANCH of his Profession to so high a degree of per- fection that PARTIAL or ENTIRE SETS of TEETH, constructed on his principle, can be fitted with the greatest accuracy, without the least pain or inconvenience and are worn with comfort even on tender gums anas umps ev serve all the purposes of NAWRAL '1EETH, in MASTICATION and ARTICULATLON, and also preserve and sup- port the remaining teeth. Tlhey are not liable to discolour or wear out, and present the appearance of N AT U R A I TEETH ol great beauty. Å. PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED IN ALL CASES. SCALING, STOPPING, REGULATING, EXTRACTING, and all OPERATIONS IN DENTAL SURGERY, I performed with the greatest care. IS" CHARGES STRICTLY MODERATE. —CONSULTATION fREE. f5489 MR. DAYID PRICE'S WTICE. DAVID PRICE AUCTIONEER, APPRAISER, ACCOUNTANT, ESTATE, AND GENERAL AGENT, BEGS to return his thanks for the support be has received for the past seven years. All matters entrusted to him will be attended to with punctuality and prompt settlement. W ills and Administrations executed, and Valuation for Probate, Fire, and Life Policies effected. Public and pri- vate Accounts audited. jgg" Arrangements effected between Debtors and Creditors. AGENT FOR THE SUN FIRE AND LIFE ASSURANCE OFFICES, ESTABLISHED 1710. Auctioneer's Offices, 38, Tiiomas-street, Merthyr. r5486 MOULDING WHOLESAL E. E. M. DA VIES, PICTURE FRAlIE MANUFACTURER, AIR-TIGHT CASE MAKER. OJIOP Fronts and Sbop Fittings prepared by by First-class Workmen. Estimates given for general repairs.—Picture Backs at half-price.—Glass at wholesale prices. -All orders for Mouldings and Glass to be accom- panied by remittance, payable to E. M. DAVIES, Old Harp, Picton-street, Merthyr Tydfil. C4- List of Prices on application. [5487 FOR WRITING OR COPYING GOOLD'S EUREKA BLACK INK Is perfection It writes Black immediately, flows freely, will not change colour, and does not corrode steel pens. Sold in bottles, 3d., 6d., Is., pints Is. 6d., quarts 2s 611., gallons 8s 6d. H. J. WALKER & Co., Chemists, Bath, sole consignees. London Agents-Barclay & Sons, 95 Farringdou-street. Bristol-Pearce & Co. Cardiff-Duncan, Times Office; Jones, Duke-street; MEETHYR—P. WILLIAMS, TELEGRAPH Office. Stephens, Chemist. Newport-E. J. Phillips, Che mist Jones, Chemist. Swansea-Allwood & Morgan Glover. [5485 BLINDS BLINDS BLINDS IiUTLER FOR WINDOW BLINDS -L) 4, BETHESDA STREET, OPPOSITE THE BRECON ROAD, MERTHYR. Great Reduction in Price Butler's Improved Brass-Top Window Blinds. Wire, Zinc, and Venetian Blinds. Remember! Butler for Window Blinds.-The only Manufacturer in Wales. [5481 FREDERICK LLOYD ATKINS, ACCOUNTANT AND RENT COLLECTOR, Offices :-Opposite the Market Square, Merthyr TydfiL jtp L. ATKINS begs respectfully to inform • the Public that he has commenced business as ACCOUNTANT, and will shortly qualify himself as AUCTIONEER and APPRAISER. All business entrusted to him, such as Rent Collecting, Making up the Books of Tradesmen and Public Companies, and all other business pertaining to the duties of a public Accountant, will be faithfully and promptly attended to. Insurance effected upon Life or Property to any amount in the best and oldest established offices. Private arrangements effected between Debtors and Creditors, and the utmost secrecy may be relied upon. Money advanced upon goods for absolute Sale. [5482 DOWLAIS DISTRICT OF ODDFELLOWS, M.U. GRAND OPEN-AI ft FETE will be held by the Members of the above Society, on THURSDAY Evening, 26th July, 1866, in a Field near the old Morlaia Castle, kindly lent for the occasion by G. T. CLARK, Esq. -For particulars of Rustic Sports, &c., that will take place, see Bills. A BAND will be in attendance, and Dancing will com- meuce at Four o'clock. Refreshments will be Sold on the grounds by the Com- mittee at moderate charges. Admission to the Field SIXPENCE each. The Proceeds will be devoted to the Funeral Fund of the District. [5523 MR. J. EDWARDS'S NOTICE. JOHN EDWARDS, AUCTIONEER AND APPRISER, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, AND ENGLISH AND WELSH CORRESPONDENT, DOWLAIS. ILLS and Administrations executed; TERMS MODERATE. [5483 THE MOST RELIABLE FRIEND! HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. Glandular Swellings, Bronchitis, Mumps, Quinsey, Sore Throats, and Diptlieria. T In any of the above diseases, immediate and permanent relief is obtained by effectually rubbing this detergent Ointment twice a day, upon the neck, chest, and back. It acts upon the very mainsprings of life for through the glands pass all new matter required for the body' repara- tion, and all old particles dt: "rimental to its preservation. The Ointment, used conjointly with Holloway's Pills, will act so searchingly and cerf. aly as to effect cures in the most hopeless cases. Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, and Ulcerations of all k nds. There is no medicinal prepa: ition in the world which may be so thoroughly relied upc i, in the treatment of the above ailments, as Holloway's 0 ntment. Nothing can be so simple or safe as the manner in which it is applied, or its action on the body both locally and constitutionally. The Ointment, rubbed around the part affected, enters the pores just as salt enters meat. It quickly penetrates to the source of the evil and drives it from the system. Diseases attendant on Childhood. Diseases incident to early life fall more under the management of the mother than the medical man. Hol- loway's Ointment should therefore be regarded by her as "Household Treasure," as it never fails in bringing out the rash in measles and scarletina and for the removal of all skin diseases its effect is miraculous. In cases of whooping cough and croup, this invaluable Ointment should be rubbed twice a day upon the throat and chest, and the youngest invalid will derive therefrom the most soothing relief. Two or three of Holloway's famous Pills, reduced to a powder, will augment the curative powers of this Unguent. Both th, Ointment and Pills should be used in the".foUonng ctUu Bad lcprs Chilblains Gout Sore.throats bad breasts Chi pped hands Glandular swel* Skin-diseases Burns Corns (soft) lings Scurvy Bunions Cancers Lumbago hore-hesdsj Bite of Moschc- Contracted and Piles Tumours toes and Sand stiff joints Rheumatism, Uloers tlies Elephantiasis Scalds Wounds Coco-bay Fistulas Sore Nipples Yaws Chiego-foot Sold at the Establishment oi PROFESSOR HOLLOA AY, ] 244, Strand, (near Temple Bar,) London, and by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicines through- it the civilized world, at the following prices:—Is. I Ad., 2s. 9d.. 4s. 6d., lis., 22s., and 33s. each Pot. There is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. fflr Directions for the guidance of patients in every disorder are affixed to each Pot. [5484