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F. H. W. HAItltIStØ ANNOTJNOEM ENTS BH. W. NAARTTIS. -dweftonm-, Appraijp^House, Estate, a* EGS to infgprfithe pjillic thatall matters entrusted^: his rase fell be ramctnally and e.irefully a<<e»..>d ftoT] item^'ollected. Fire and Lifqp*Policie» Afectwon sJpantfujeous terms- Railway and »fter<^hpreslbouffht and solo, and the daily prfee/obtgraed <*i application. Offices140, eighrStreet. Merthyr Tydfil. TOWN OF ABERDARE. Sale of Valuable Leasehold Property. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr H. W* HA RRIS, At the Black Lion Hotel, Altars, on Wkdnes" DAY, the 25th day of November 1863, at lour o'clock in the afternoon, subject to sud, con- ditions of sale as shall be then produced, in the VoT^-All thnt SHOP and DWELL ING- I j HOUSE, situate in the centre of Aberdare, now in the occupation of Mr. YVatkin J. Thomas, CJjnmist and Dru?sis<. /Tf These premises are^iow Agmv" lease to the present tenant for 2^yea^s frwmjrftfirst of May 1854, determinablp^t tue cnnytttaeBrst 14 years, Bnd producinpr^rentaf ^WsOpper annum and the tenant payfner th| j^qf)ertv/ax. The p-rourfTl rent alportlon^n on this lot will be £ 7 lis. per annum, y L..t 2.—All that SHOP and DWELLING- HOUSE, situate in th entre of Aberdare, now in the occupation of enry Lewis, Draper. Those premises are leased to the present tenan for 21 years, from the second day of July 1857, determinable by the tenant at 7 or 14 years, at a rent of JSiOO per annum, and the tenant paying the property tax. The ground rent apportioned on this lot will be £ 12 16s. per annum. lot 3.—All that double-licensed PUBLIC- HOUSE, called the "Baileys Arms," situate in the centre of Aberdare. This house is now held under an agreement for alease by Mr. Evan Evans, of Neath, for seven years from the 25th of March, 1801, at a rental of £ 60 per annum. lot 4. -All that DWHLLING-HOUSE and SHOP. situate in the centre of Aberdare, now in the occupation of Mr. Simmons, jeweller. These premises are held under a lease for 21 years, from the first day of May. 1854, determin- able by the tenant at the expiration of the first 14 years at the yearly rent of £ 80, and the tenan, to Piy property tax. The ground'rent apportioned on this lot will be JE3 16s. per annum. Lot õ.-AU that HOUSE and SHOP, situate In the cemie of Abf rdare, now in the occupation of Mrs. Wood, milliner. These premises are held under a lease for 21 years, from the first of May 1854, determinable at the end of the first 14 years of the term, at a rental of £ 30 per annum, and the tenant paying the property tax. The ground rent apportioned on this lot will be £ 3 16s. per annum. The whole of the above premises are held for the residue of a term of no years, computing from the second of February 1823, the last day thereof excepted. For further particulars apply to Messrs. Chas. JET. and F. JAMBS, Solicitors, Merthvr Tytlfil; Messrs. M. BRITTAN and SONS, "Solicitors, Albion ( hambei's, Bristol; or the AUCTIONEER 140, High Street, MerthyrTydfi). Auctioneer's Office, Nov. 4, 1863. _1' MR. J. EDWARDS'S NOTICES. JOHN EDWARDS, AUCTIONEER AI^APPRAISER, AND ENGLXSI^T/S&L^OITT^SPONBKKT, A Wills and A (I I stra ns Executed. Terns Moderate. 46, VICTORIA.STREET, DOWLAIS. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. JOHN EDWARDS, At the CARDIGAN ARMS INN, Victoria street subject A EWEL. N The House len; stairs, Parloyf Bedrooms up- stairs, with a&e»nSrt^Jfr1' t>11mL. do wn- and produces al>\itA^7 y^"j*hngs back, always coram an d\ annlun> and will The premises are by the Rev. J0}ln i ,_if Junder a lease granted ■which are unexnired yu' fo1'99 years, 89 of of^l 3g. ej > at an annual ground rent few minutes' walk fYlcollvet;¡ent, and within a For furthe/narti?.!1!61106 at o'clock. Sunny Cottao-P A^AR,PTYto the AUCTION- DANIEL DAYIES AU C T ION E E R, A P P R lIS E R cere thanks to thiKPnrtll1T.l ™ost s,n~ has received for the i" Vu',p(>rt l,e to secure a pontii>i<v ,Y, land hopes entrusted tSn^aJ'C,et0ffc^ HI6- V11 T™h Sharcs Bough* v .nilw-ny ot!,f'r made; ProW V,ur.tionj^or Probate Accidental ne? -AgenU&r Lif-, Fire, sural!cs Co'm^ -mZ'1Un' Glass In- OFFICES: 19, IVOR STREET, DOWLAIS*. AFANY Shops and DWELLING Houses to be Sold or Let. EDWARD iAWRAWCE, LESSOR MERTHYR, lhe ^^vatorium of^fusic, Leipzig,) cengageinghts for Auctprf 118 Accompun^iii, or Con- —Torr^ceTMerthyr. TO PUBLIC A N^AND OTHERS. JjHfn immediate possession) that the DoublevLiyensed Inn, called carrinrf^Wt 'hiclu/& GteodVrade Iujsb^en moderate maDy^Ofrs^/Ini;oinin^md Bent -Apply to A. BUCH^?& CO. MJymney. LIFE ASSURANCE AND LOANS. LOANS FROM £ 5Q RFO £ 1000, TJ^aJabirb^i Security, •ver any period tt^texc/pdirRTTi. w' ex Solicitor, MtrthyAt^fil^ ^mixh, tBB- Agent for the British and Mutual Life As suranceFochty, No-. 17 & 18, New Bridge Street, Blacktriars, London, E.C. EHTABLIfHED 1S44. =- INDIAN RIC^^STARCH, ( Trade-Elephant) MAN u i^rfruA,IVTMY P>BSONS, 3^'cti¥*1 ^'O^This starch, fLKnires |°WPilinV. is wirfi anted pure and nee^m ffce iAAiny M-rf so common in } 01 a!) OTL. 8ta^{wi.—22. BREAD St., LONDON. «old^y^fGroCers. See that you ^ct ELEPUANT STARCH, -'C- No. 431.] MERTHYR TIDFIL, SATURDAY, NOVEM ROBERT JONES, 126, HIGH SIEBEjwiEKIHyB, Begs to announce that his SHOW BOOMS have been replecished^irtf^ajsE^^r^^ELIVERY OF NEW GOODS, com- prising a very Large and Catfefully-SelJo% £ & Aisortment of Millinery, Mantles, Shawls, Dresses, Furs,&c., R, J. respectfully invites Inspection of his Stock. S&k* TO EMIGRANTS. Steamers leave Liverpool, as under, for ork weekly:— Passage money, CO 6s. found with unsurpassed Dietary lr under ears of age Half-fare; Infants under Twelve mxptwpsW. **4 y' Grcat Eastern for New York, September 30th: r (4 Melbourne, October 15th. Royal Standard Steam Ship fo elb ember 20th. PARTIES intending to emigrate should their and a deposit of Bl each* to se cure berths, inclosing a stamp, as mfcfler:— TTTOTcfAS Tio-YID, The Emigrant's Friend, Old Fox Inn, 14, Hale-street, :pale-street, Liverpool. 4W Steamers every Tuesday and Wednesday for New York, and T hursday for Canada, Boston, and Halifax, all at the same price, only 96 6a., found with good provisions as approved by the Government Agents. It is the unanimous opinion of all Emigrants who have confi<ed themselves to the care of THOMAS LLOYD, that the Old Fox Inn is one of the best, most comf ortable, and cheapest Houses for Emigrants in Liverpool. CEFN BEEWEEY, MERTHYli-TYDFIL. pbabobXP0- FINE HOME^B^JEj^fSfip/ALES la., Is. 2d., Is. 4d., and Is. 6d. PER GADLO^In 4i Gallon Casks, and upwards, to suit the convenience of Families. SELLING OFF! At an IMMENSE REDUCTION, a Lot^of REMNANTS of O _A_ R /T s, T FRAi^xrf)^WyiES' rUMITUKE AID IEOI BEDSTEAD WAEEIOTJSI^ 44, HIGH STREET, MERTHYR. Perfect Articulation & Mastication (( 8UBGE0FM)LWST, ^~P IF JJ 128, HIGH>?MET, MERTHYR TYDFIL, D EGS^focall the%ltention .AJ/HE Public generally to IX^FUS new mfctluxllof applying Artificial Teeth, dis- pensing with all painful operations, sprinmsfand fas TEAWSGFLIJT'E LERY krrn I, while the expense is less than half the ordinary charge, 'lhe M#RT?rial used IK YTFIRFCONSYI.VGUON is so natural in colour that it defies detection, even if the mouth BIT looked into ,\AT? their (kfrability is inucli greater than any other substance advertised for the purpose. 13. A Single Tooth iromJ(f/5 to 11 A Single ?ET F 2 10 „ 7 10 A Fullest „ 5 0 „ 15 15 Pealing, Filling, and Regulating Teeth executed on moderate terms, and on strict dental principles. Cheap Light! The People's Comfort! THIOJVCJLS THOMAS BEGS roost respectfully to ANNOUNCE that he hns now ready FEP^TRSPECIION a Large Assortment of PARAFFIN, MODERATOR, HAL!, and OTH^>TAMPS, suitable for the Cottage, Man ion. Church, Chapel, and Public Institutions. Y\ Paraffin Ltrnips, coinplele, with Glasses, FROM^J<UNWAJ*W Aid WAMINTPD perfectly Free from Smoke and C'MEL! in burning-. T. T has etcujptfaurhm: me^vmncv Mptrfn* a Jarge quantity of Young's best double refined Pajaff.n Oil, S(HE ouiy lirNiuucilo J<OVCD Free from Danger of Explosion. 1^/ Young's Best Double Refined Paraffin Oil,*S. 8jik/per gallon, or4d. per pint. Best Foreign Refined Colza OjJ<^s. per gailou. Jliner's Lamp Oil, very fine, 4s. 8<1. per gallon, or 7d. per pint. OBSERVE THE ADDRESS, Opposite the Bush Hotel, 132, High-street, Morthyr Tydfll. VICTORIA HOUSE, VICTORIA STREET, DOWLAIS. T HOMAS/Xs&r O 2sT, T HOMAS/Xs&r O 2sT, X> Sb/dC HAS received a First-Clnss GencraJ^fock of WLKLTEK. &K)DS in every Department of the BU'INTSS. The selection FS not surpassed |IFITA»FFILITV, J (SIPN, cr Cheapness, by an House in the Trade. T. AsLton invites an II.FPECTIA^FOM the Inhabitants of Dowlais and th neighbourhood, and feels confident thnt every UNDJ*7UDICED person will pronounce the Establish ment one of the Best and Cheapest IN the Trade. Funerals Completely Furnished on the most Moderate Terms. NOTB.—ASHTON'S Cheap HAT Warehouse, Victoria Street, Dowlais. DUTY OFF PAPERTI Writing Paper at 1Qd. per lbe SPLENDID NOTE PAPER HAD AT THE TELEGRAPH" QTOCffi, ^MJEKTJIYK, AT JjifrflfycEi/jpD. THE Public who wish to ecprffJmise in thVr^kr$y?6 o\ Writing Paper will experience a considerable pecuniary advantage in puwcrasipg it by y EIGHT rather than by the Quire or Reajn. Envelopes at Sixpence per 100! As good as need be used. ACCOUNT BOOKS! e n per cent. Cheaper than they are usually supplied by Bristol Houses. Proof on Inspection. PAPER HANGINGS FEOM FOUR PENCE PER PIECE UPWARDS, 4 LARG& ASSORTMENT ALWAYS ON HAND. j PIAN O F OJRTES AND HARM^iUAIS, PIANOFOJJ2*ES and Harmwiumsnpasessing fine tpK^a and may al- ways hi»"ffijtained of Mr. EDWAKD LA W I; AIA1 and Professor of Music, Merthyr TJyifrUx^ Address 7, Courtland Terrace, Merthyr. BLINDS! WIRE BLINDS 1 BUT LKH<S WIRE, ZINC, VE^fUN^AND TP.ANS- MA^OT^TOEKraK^fi^A.ST., (Opposite WBj^n^road,) VLERTHYR. COMFORT IN WHITING! NO riiw CAN TEH THE great superiority ETIHG^>|TELEGRAPR PEN, sold at Ji/jrFELf.1 HIAPH O^ce It is adapted fojrjt^iy JjjrftiAs an aiu#J^ama- tion of the b^>t^net|l|»^aJrne nc^ttiti-corro- sive, will 1>«T twicii an, ^rite iminra surably »tf[)erior 10 k^vol'tiie^f'e Is usually sold. A trial invited. SI1<Tat^mTpe dozen, or 2s. yer irross box. ALL CURES MADE ElsYTT" BY HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. Bad Legs, Ulcerous Sores, Bad Breasts and Old Wounds. NO description of wound, sore, or ulcer can resist the healing properties of this excel- lent Ointment. The worst cases readily assume a healthy appearance whenever this medicament is applied. Rheumatism, Gout, and Nejjrdgia,. 4 Nothing has the power of rediu^g inflamma- tion auds ubduing pain in those complaints in the same degree as H ollowgjar/ooling Ointment and purifying Pills. VjJ|en.tyaffcsiaiu 1 tancfjug]j- t'uey drive all inflam«fation praviti^fvom the system, suMrfeanil reiiXkc' all eiil^gement of the th^^ews^klKl nxuscles -0 Sore Thro jjmtKoria, Qui.ns^y. Mumps, aid a^"othar Derang ments^df the Thro"! t Ou the appe^ance of any of these maladies the v intniej^-trshould be well rubued at lea.t three times a day upon the neck and upper part of the chest, so as to penetrate to the glands as salt is forced into meat; this course will at once remove inflammation and ulceration. Both, ilf Ointment and Pills thould he need in the following rattt; — Bad leers Corns (soft) Rheumatism, Bad breasts Cancrrs Scalds Burns Contracted and sore nipple. Bunions Rtifi joints Sore-throats Bite of Mosciic- Elephantiasis SUn-diseases toes and Sand Fistulas Scurvy flies Gout Sore-heads Coeo-bay Glandular swel- Tumours Chiegü-foot lings Ulcers Chilblains Lumbago W eunds Chapped hands Piles l'J Yaws Sold at the Establishment of PROFESSOR HOLLOWAY, 244, Ptrand, (near Temple Bar.) London, and by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicines throughout the civilized world, at the following prices:—Is. ljd. Sis. 9d.. 4s. 6d., lis., 22s., and a3s. each Pot. There is a considerable saving [by taking the larger sizes. N.B.—Directions for the guidance of. patiects are affixed to each Pot KAYIs'S WORSDELL'S PILLS. FOR the last thirty yf&rs the truth has been gaining ground that top»*il'y the blood is the simplest and most njjAtfMl way ot restorincr and maintaining heairti aud the great and distinguishing iea^jHifof tpesel celebrated pills is, lhat they speaHTy eradiqftle 111 disease from the body, by pifTming ^feKfoa; thu^good heallli is at once securei,/uid r!' 'r.ay-^usure a sound constitution and Jctiplet/freedom from pain and disease. Prepared solely bv Ifiitm Kaye, Esq., ot Pros- pect Hall, WoodfapitfE-wex. tiold by all Chemists and other dealeffin patent medicines, at Is. l^d., 2. 9d., and 4s. 6d. Wholesale Depot, 22, Bread Street. London. A CORE FOR THE DSCDBED. Ten Thousand Cured in the last Twelve Months by using 1 THOMPSON'S SOFIN>*«T) QUININE BLOOD AND 2ifOMAC!l PILLS. These Pills should h^ftseaby all afflictetl -with nervous debilit^li^ijestWL windy spasms in the Rtornach !S 1 giSi)pies.S in the head, dimness o^^ighloH^sl^It memory, palpitation of the h<Sart, 7arl] 'wpgioiess of the limbs caused by paraSsis, syifyy or ulcerated legs, rheumatics, lunibag^ffpiles. gravel, pains or weakness in tiiejtfwk or loins, bilious and liver obstructions, aSvnna, tightness on the chest or difficulty of'Tireathin' consumptive coughs, or 11 at ural aying- and exhaustion of the svstem. For cleansing and purifying the blood, which is the fountain of life, they stand unrivalled.—Pre- pared only by J. THOMPSON. Chemist and Herba- list, in boxes at Is. 1^1. and 2s. SJd" and sold by ail respectable Chemists in the kingdom, or Siirect from the establishment, 13 and 44, Oxford ^Street, Swansea, BER 7, 1863. [PRICE ONE PENNY- Per Quarter Is. 3d., by Post, 2it. 6d. ESTABLISHED 0 TEN YEARS. UVEIE^. IE, SURGEON DENTIST, MERTHYR' HAS brought the MECHANICAL BRANCH ol IFPPRof €ssion to so high degree of perfection 1 -TNT H that PAKTI ^L or EN'L J R LI SJITS of TEETH, uwlwtructed on his principle, can be fitted with the greatest accuracy, without the least pain or irlcouvenience and are worn with comfort even on tender gums and stumps they serve all the purposes of NATURAL TEKTH, in M .VSTL- and .A^ '1C UI ATI ON, and also preserve and support the remaining teeth. They are not liable to discolour or wear out, and present the appearancc of IT ATli HAL TEETH 01 great beauty. A PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED IN ALL CASES. SCALING, STOPPING, REGULATING, EXTRACTING, and all OPERATIONS IN DENTAL SURGERY, performed with the greatest care. W CHARGES STRICTLY MO DERATE. — CO NSULTATION FREE. Winter Fashions! Winter Fashions AT THE ALBERT HOUSE, TOP OF THYR. IB O T L/Xj HI J^ESIRES to acquaint his Customei>-fc6d TT^PUWP If MFKLTETURN from the Markets with New Shawls | Q Woollen Cloths Dresses I Doeskins >1 an ties • Blankets Bonneta Flannels Hats •' Miirts and Collars Jackets Ties, &C &O. Bonnets Flannels Hats Miirts and Collars Jackets Ties, &C &O. N oTB.-The Bonnet and Mantle Room is now opened for the Season, with the Newest Productions. Soliciting an Early IEsUe 131, HIGH STREET, HYR-TYPFIL. THOMAS li CM C H BEGS to announce his return from the London Markers' Choice Selection of New and Fashionable (JETFOS FRENCH & ENGLJ^SraililNSRY, ^^IsTGX/ And Dress Materials, Shawls, Mamies, J§eke*s, LADIES' and </hildre:rs Underclothing, Furs, Feathers and Flowers, Ribbons an Lice, Garibaldi aruKPolka JACKETS, Haberdashery and Glove-, together with a large assortment of Fancy Goo too numerous to mention and that his Show Rooms will b opened oa Saturday NOVEMBER 7tli. Motto of Business:—Oa9 Pric^ for Ready Money orly.—Fvery Article marked in Plain. Figures, from which no deviation will be made. N.B.—Notwithstanding the enormous advance in tho Price of Cotton and Linen Goods, T. Roach has bought LARGELY previous to the s uzui is a!J!. to ott':r soiur (JJOIIEJ I>arK*aia«. PRINTING BY STEAM POWER. WHY GO TO BRISTOL & PAY MORE 1 P. WILLIAMS RESPECTFULLY informs the Public that he possesses every fae.ilitv (which perfect machinery and Steain power can yield) for executing Orders to any extent in Printing, on tlie Shortest Notice, and at the Lowest Rate of Charges. Bill Heads, Invoices, Letter and Note Headings, Circulars, Business and Visiting Cards, Auc- tioneers', Agents', and General Trade Announcements, in the best Style, and executed with an Expedition that cannot be surpassed in any Establishment out of London. Prices of Posters, printed on Good Pap. Double Crown (30 in. by 20) for 100 17s. 0d. ) For 200 .IITSFOD. For 300 35s. Oll. Do. do. lolio Long (80 bv 10) „ 300 13s. Od. „ \0f. 0d. „ 1,000 ,.21s.to2os. Royal (24 by 20) „ 100 16s. Od. ,STH) .^2^. Od. „ ^6 32s. Od. Demy (23 by 18) „ „ 14S. Od. IFF „ \2«! (Id. 11 20S. Od. Crown (20 by 15) 10s. s Od „ 21s. Od. Deuty folio (18 by 11) „ 13 „ •• 17s. (Sd. Crowmjo. (15 by 10) „ 7s. Od. „ ,1 JKJs T'd. PFE. Od. Foolscap dot (14 by 8 £ ) „ 6s. 0d. 9s Cd. lis. 6D. DEM^W..4T«(rfllby 0) „ „ 4s. Od. 5Qtr 9s. Gd. 1,000 14s. 6d. Cronn 4to. ^I(IBY 7^) „ 4s. Od. •• ^S- >> » Demy Octavo (9 by of) 1000 7s. 6d. ,3,0D0 18s. Od. „ 5,000 25s. 0d. Crown do. (7 £ by 5) 2000 10#. 0d. 5,0:>0 20s. Od. 10,000 30s. Od. Demy 12mo. (7s by 4J) 5000 15s. Od. 10,000 25s. Od. 20,000 40s. Od. I- (7i by 41) 5000 o(l. Coloured Paper or Coloured Inks, charged extra. Invoice Heads on Good Writing Paper. Foolscap Quarto (8|byGi).. for 100 4s. 6d. "For 500 Ks. Gd. For 1,000 14s. Od. Pist Gmo. (9 by O) „ 1000 12s. Od. „ 3,000 30s. Od. „ 5,000 42s. 0d. Foolscap do. (84 by ti) 10s. Od. 2-:S. Od. 34s. 0d. Do. 9ino. (54 by 4*) „ „ 8s. 0d- „ „ 20s. Od. „ „ 30S. Od. Circulars, Cream Laid Paper, Fly Leaf. Note size, for ICO, from 3s. 6d.; 200, Gs.; 500, 12s. 6d. Csrds, irom 10s. per 1,000. TEA PAPERS PRINTED AT Is. PER 1,000, IF TURKS REAMS ARE ORDERED. PRINTING and BINDING done for the TRADE. Account-Books of all Sizes and Patterns, made in a Superior manner, at the Shortest Notice.— Every style of Binding dene at the Cheapest. RATE of Prices, consistent with elegance and durability. Paper Ruled by Machine to any Form.—School Books, Writing and Ciphering Copies, Pocket and Othce'Ledgers, MctaUicBoeks, etc., etc., always on hand.— Reviews, Magazines, and all other Publications, including Newspapers and Cheap Periodicals, supplied regularly. Standard M USIC supplied to the Public at Wholesale Prices. THE LARGEST ASSOBTMENT OF PAPER HANGINGS IN MELt. T HYR, Comprising the most EleganL and Rich Designs, together with those of the Cheapest Description. Carriage Paid to any place within the delivery of the South Wales, Vale of NTeath Taff Vale, and Loop Line of Railways, and also to all parts oi' the Iron Districts of Monmouthshire, on Orders oi 20S. and upwards —— lELEGBAPH" Office, Merthyr Tydfil. TREFOREST. TO SOLD BY >j £ lYATE CONTRAIL ALL that Roadsida^ffoiyie fini Convenient Premises, CPRFCD I]F F'/I A\\ THORN INN," sitmate Q^AND-APIIILLL>|ILE WO Tre- lorest, on the Ofmliff RoaJ,^ahd in '™ICH there is a large trade carried on.( In conjunction with the Inn FWRO is a larsye Market Garden.—For Particulars apply to Mr: W. WVNN, Griffin Inn, Treforest. TO BOOT AN £ > &VL&I&MJOKERS. -J F) M ENW^MRD ii MEILLOV^RNNCH nt Mr. JljU J.-C^TES, 2^5|INGH S^ET, Dowlais. TO GfjiOCEBS' 4SSISTA&TS. WANTED a jfixifR-llAApply to yf J. M OJ/OT |tiiocer A)±<\ Provision Merchant, Circle,(Tredegar. /WANTED, R-"P t INN," sitmate Q^AND-APIIILLL>|ILE WO Tre- lorest, on the Ofmliff RoaJ,^ahd in '™ICH there is a large trade carried on.( In conjunction with the Inn FWRO is a larsye Market Garden.—For Particulars apply to Mr: W. WVNN, Griffin Inn, Treforest. TO BOOT AN £ > &VL&I&MJOKERS. -J F) M ENW^MRD ii MEILLOV^RNNCH nt Mr. JljU J.-C^TES, 2^5|INGH S^ET, Dowlais. TO GfjiOCEBS' 4SSISTA&TS. WANTED a jfixifR-llAApply to yf J. M OJ/OT |tiiocer A)±<\ Provision Merchant, Circle,(Tredegar. /WANTED, T> Y aResp^table MJDBLJ-1GED EFIRSON, a SiuCtion as# FFC*J^RKEEBKR, in a Isa tske the CWRE AYR iustruclicp M young cniLflren can DT I J^WTIIL recommended!—Address, EYI\ Post Office, 4 »Merthyr. j T BE LET, 'o With ymmedkite pos&tffwn. HAT GenLKl and/-ery Conveni^t House, called Jr HILL J Cy Ul,^GE,f^situate in George Town, Moithy# lateXu the occu- pation atJC. T. WILIJ,Suiy^on. The House is ple«-\iHiy situate^ is replete with every Convenience,|m<i well adafteil for a respec- table Family. There is a Inr:Garden attached. For particulars apply at the CSRONEK'S OFFICE, Victoria Street, Merthyr. NOTICE. SHOULD TIIlj/MEET THE/^YE of anyone who at any'Time employed, or was acquainted with/!a pttaJjn iiamyi CADW.VLADF. p (sometimes ca n, LEWIS, who last left Osw^stfv alouf *ighr years ago, they would venrmuo cljlile yre inquirer by in- formingywhatfttej list }y^>x l of iiiin. He was then employe! iW /'onne^inn with some of the Iro;/or Coal Work^nn the neighbournuod of Merthyr, but s no/since been heard of by hit, friends. X Any informaidon, howfever slight, will be gladly received by H. A., care of Mr. P. Williams, Printer, High-street, Merthyr. MEKTHYR JVLJ^FCAL UNION. "O EP SON^^nosstwJingtj COPIES o^^iie Jl ij^SlC leioiisTug J/s bocj«fy, art-J vgrneffcA to rettra YtvJhf&ediwtSly to Mr | IT EHWS. [ J i MR. BATD) PRICED mmCE. DAVID PRICE, Auctioneer, Appraises, Accountant f House, Estate, and Genpr&tAgent, BEGS to return h's thaffks for the support has revived hx^fTie past years^-<#ll matters entrustje^fo liirri^wiT^be ttia with punctualitv>rfa proinpt wil"I)('A(livin* tr, i)ted, and Vala. ation for Probate, Jrive |nfi Lrffe Policies effected* Accounts and *fnts><!wlected; public oni private Accounts aiiRttfu. Auclioneer's Offices, 38, Thomas-striet, Merthyr. STARCH MANUFACTURERS TO H. R. H. THE PRINCESS OF WALES Q.LENFIELD/PAMNT /&TARCH: USED IN/THEJIOTY ^VNDBT, AND AWARDED KL IWTIZ/MEDAL 1863 Sold by ^GrocisAftbMdl^, Oilmen, &c. WOXHERSPOON 0. Glasgow and London NOVEMBER, 1863. BURNHAM TIDAL HARBOUR COMPAITJC AND SOMERSET AND DORSET RAILWAY COM PANY. T\1EECT Through Communl. a J cation between South ^>Vi!.les and th<j South-East, South, and West of England. Improved Steam Communication between CARDIFF & BURNHAM. Opening Throughout "f the Somerset & Dorset Railway from Bjrnham to Poole. STEAMER, "DEFIANCE." Time Table for NOVEMBER, 1863. I FROM BURN HAM. FROM CA^DIP* 2 Monday a.m. 2 ]\lon^ay^T7 7i a.m. 3 Tuesday .llj am. 3 Tw^iday 8i a.m. 4 W ednesdayl2| p m. ^4^Wednesday 85 a.m. '■J Thursday. o Thursday.l0| a.m. 6 Friday .S^p.rt)., 6 Friday ll^f a.m* 7 Saturday^: 3.\ p m. Tl^Uwday 1 p.m. 9 yiond^f 4', p.n^^]fJpon(lay ..yX\ p m. 11 \Y«dnesday 7 ^liirWy Tuesdav^^ 3 p.m. 12 Thursday..J5yp.iyJfL2 Thuradaiy. 7i a.m. 14 Saturday ..ISfY in 13 Fr^iav 8| a.m. 16 Monday fi^jLA.m. lO^Monday l\ a.m. 17 Tuesday Jl 1) a.m. If Tuesday 8 a.m. 18 WTednesdaji2.j' p.nr; 18 Wednesday a.m. 19 Thursday. l| i^n.'lO Thursday.10" a.m. 20 Friday 2$p.m 20 Friday Hi a.m. 21 Saturday^ol p m. 21 Saturday .12^ p.m^ 24 Tuesdajf^T.. 3) p.m. 23 A^<in lay 2 £ p.m* 26 Thursday. H p.m. 25 Wednesday 7 a.m. 28 Saturday. 8A a.m. 27 Friday. 8 a.m. 30 Monday 91 a.m. 30 Monday 7 a.m. Trails leave Burnham for Poole, Southampton, l'ortsmouth, &c., at 7.27 a.m, 10.28 a.m, 12.50 pm. and 6.20p.m. Trains lease Poole for Burnham at 8.0 am. 9.35 a.m, 1.5 p.no, and 6 20 p.m. Trains leave Southampton for Burnham (vUL Wimborne) at 6.0 a.m. and 5.10 p.m. Trains leave Southampton for Burnham (viA Salisbury) at 8.50 a.a, 11.35 a.m, and 4 50 p in. Trains leave Portsmouth for Burnham (via SaL isbury) at 8.0 a.m, 10.50 a.m, & 4.15 p.m Passengers, Parcels, and Goods can now be Booked Through between Cardiff and Poole, and all Stations on the Somerset and Dorset Line, and LONDON. PORTSMOUTH, GOSPOHT, SOUTH- HAMPTON, LYMINGTOX, and all the principal S'ations on the London and South-Western Line. For further particulars see Small Bills. All information as to Freight, &c., may be ob- tained on application to Mr. SWAN, the Tidal Harbour Company's Superintendent at Bum- ham Mr. W. THOMAS, Lute Docks, Cardiff; Mr. Jonx WHTTCUVUCH. Hi-H-street. Newport; and Mr. Jonx S::ITII, York-house, Bridgwater, (By Order) BOBEftT A. KEAl), Secretary & General Manage, Offices, Glastonbury, t'senteaabes, 1i4&. NOVEMBER, 1863. CARDIFF AND BRISTOL. —1 —s. npHE Cardiff Steam Ntrl- "Tk g"011 Company's New v\ and Fr.?f-Sailing Steamer VELl NDRA," DATID KMk DAVI ES, Commander, is CltE" i intended to ply between CAROIH rnd BRISTOL, during the present Month as follows, arriving at and starling from Hathuist Basin, Urisiol. calling at Hotwells, where Passengers will be Lauded and Embarked. BETWEEN- CARDIFF a £ t> BRISTOL. PROM B [IT E TL^CLIA/I'KO^JF.AANVNST BA- CARDIFR/ I R r\rs, JNTISTOL. NO'CMLIEY'TSR.'1. "I ^PCO^MBER, 1863. 2 Monday 8 alift r 3 Tycsdaj* 10J a.m. 4 Wed I). aJm. 5 Ointuisday 1 p.m. 6 Friday 11', a'm. Z/>!at 2\ p.m. 9 Monday 2] p.m. J<r) Tuesday 4f p.m. 11 Wed p.niy'12 Thursday 7 a.m.' 13 Fritby. II p.m. i 14 Saturday.. 81 a.m. lü Monday.. 71 17 Tuesday ..I0i a.m. 18 V. ed Hif a. ri. 11) Tluirsday 12 p.m. 20 br.day. IlA a. 21 Saturday. 2 p.m. 23 Monday 21 p.m. 24 Tuesday 4 £ p.m. 25 Wed. 3| p.m. j 2o Thursday. 7 a.m. 27 Friday 5 4 2p Saturday.. 8i a.m. 30 Monday 7 a.m.1 1 Tuesday ..10 &ml To-and-fro from Bristol in conjunction with the ELY, 11th, 12th, 13th, lith, 25th, 26th, 27th, and 28th. Fares :—After Cabin, 3c.; Fore Cabin, Is. 6d. Further information as to fre'aht, ice., may be obtained by applying at tho Company's Office; Bute D^cks, (Jardin; or to John Evered, Clart- reet Hall, Marsh-street, Bristol. E. J. THOMAS, General Superintendent NOVEMBER, 1S63. STEAM COMMUNICATION BETWEEN LTVSRPOOL, CORK, MILFORD, CARRIRI', AND NEWPORT. ■I RPTIE CORK STKAM SHIP A COMPANY'S Sc^w Steamers yfc>3»\#^V'DODO," Captain Paynes, 1,000 "^te^^Tons; "IBIS," Captain Hol- land, J —ou i ons "OOKMOr; ?>T," Capt. Croft, 1200 Tons HALCYON," Capt. Mowl. 8u0 Tons; or OSPREY," Cnpt. Partridge, 800 Tons, is intended to ply as undeni-atii, and afford con\-evance tor PassengMrfffcoods, and Cattle, at verv moderate ratpgrII FROM CARDIFF OR. Niwmrro CORTL. From Newport, Tiudki^v .l.. 3, 9 £ a.m. „ Newport, Satum^v. 7, 2 p.m. Cardiff, Tuesdg|r, 10, 5 a.m* (^rdiff, Satunlacy, 14, 71 a.m. EIWM Cardiff OR NrwroKT, TO LiVERPOOIt (via Cork), From Newport, Tuesday, 3, 91 am. Cardiff, Tuesday, .10, 5 a.m. FROM CORK FOR MILFORD, CARDIFF, OIL NEWPORT. To Milford & Newport, Wed 4, 81 a.m. Cardiff. Friday, 6, ..Hi a. in. Milford & Cardiff, Wed 11, 2| p.m. Newport, Friday, .13, 4 p.m. FROM LlVEiU\;OL v:a CORK, TO CARDIFF ORNKWPOUX. To Cardiff Tuesday, 3. 2A p.m. „ Newport, Tuesday, 10. 8j a.m. FARES from Cork t6 Cardifi and Newport 'Hest Cabin, 17s. kl.—llccij, No Steward's Fee. Return Tickets, available for one month, 27s. Hor-cs, Carriages, Live Stock, and Goods for Shipment should be alongside FOU ll HOURS before the advertised time of Starting. For particulars, apply to the ^cwtarv, Cork Stpam SJnp Co" Cork; 'Ford ac Jackson, Miljord; J imes Martdock. (.'Ol''o.i XVL irf. C Xewport; M Wi]«ou, Sou, 4c Wofatr, 17, Water-street, Livtrpool, or tr; E, C. D0WNI»0>. [ Bute Docks* Gttwt