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r. H. W. HARRIS'S ALSRISJOUNCEM EJNT;- H. W. HARRIS. ■Auctioneer, Appraiser, Hop/g&^Esta+e, «' GenrrclAt^tnt, [ I BEGS to infori)^Ji^T>uhlk: (Vk alL*»(atter- entrjist»«itjjrflf3cai'ei^n ga^jp^Tally find Carefully atte^sd to. i ^eivjBJWfected. Fire •ad Life Policies eflictel o^^Wintskeous terras. Railway and other SjMres boufrWt and sold, and thr dailv prices obdfmed on application. Offices:—140, High Streat. Merthyr Tydfil. TOWN OF MERTHYR. TYDFIL. TO BREWERS ^W OTHERS. TO BE S^D, <fOR LET, A LL that -a^lMtiiated aldipacious BREW- ~J\ ERYJtREM larg^water sup- ply an^Capital JaJfoii«3*v £ ^i^r^c £ 'known ^Jorton's in B6tu66ud- Btreet, Merthyr TyAHr. For particulars lanjj^o view apply to Messrs. TAYLOR & WILLIAMS, Solicitors, Bath, or to Mr. H. W. HARRIS, Auctioneer, 140, High. street. Merthvr Tydfil. TO GARDENERS FLORISTS, AND OTHERS. TO BE SOLI) BY PRIVATE CONTRACT By Mr^Jj^flHARRls, At Ms Oppm^140, Hfip-lL-street, Merthyr, A 0SS £ fcfcF'Clb' of DUTCH & OTH EE Fi(mEfr ROOTS & RTJLBS. cotisiesed for ahsolkt^Pale, PODSV^ of Crocustes | Double^^fnj' Hyacinths Polya*thus Narcissus Dou^ST?; Single Tulips Iris J quilla, &c., &o. Anemones They will be sold in parcels to suit the conve- nience of Purchasers. SAL E THIS DAY. No. 12, UNION STREET, MEBTHIE TYDFIL. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By lIIr H. TV. HARRIS, On FRIDAY, the SOth day of October, 1863, on the Premises, THE whole of the Household FURNITURE of Mr. WJI. THOMAS, Civil Engineer, WHo is leaving; the neighbourhood; comprising mahogany hair-seatety^MwTST*hair-seated couch, telescope dininrnJfflrl^eapable °f dining 12 per- sons), picture}, piort gla*, fenders, umbrella stand mahogany teid^btaJd,I easy chairs, shelf and dresser, brass CQntll^tf|,ks, dish covers, metal teapot, parailnATVAp, earthenware, child's chnir, nre-euard, |asMnk benoh, deal kitchen tables, plate trarmA-, pans, aKthes horse, coffee ,er- pot, Dutch ovin, butler'slrty and stand, rst of china, tea and br^dcforseivjce (china, In buff "i, and gold), cut decanters, celery bowl, water jugrs, jars, brushes, liad-t^eter bedstead, mahcgeny Wash-stand and dressing table, baby's iron cot, input commode tnd hastens, mahogany towel borues, four chairs, paid,if s,mahogany wardrobe, deal ciiest of drawers, deal wash-stand •nd, dressing table, toilet ware, walnut wood cnair, inlaid card table, hah-tester and »ther iron bedsteads, camp stool, mahogany box, prime feather beds, door porter, knives aud forks elec- tro-plated cruet stand, toast rack, Tomliuson's Cyclopaedia on tea Cteam Engine," and sundry other articles too numerous to mention. Sale to commence at Two o'clock, and the whole will be scid without reterve. Auctioneer's Of2ee, Oct. 21, 1863. MR. J. EDW ARTISiS NOTICES. JOHN UBWARDS, AUCTION EER>#i^APPRAISER, General Insurance/ Ijlgent, AXD ENGLISH fe RESPONDENT, Wills and Ajdn^^strationsyExpfiHjTed. Terms Modera -0_ 46, VICTORIA-STRSETTDOWLAIS. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. JOHN EDWARDS, At the CARDIGAN ARMS INN, Victoria-street on TUESDAY, November 10Ji;1.863, subject to Conditions there and Uieti produced, Substantial DWEL- LIlsG>HOLhE Aid Gparclen. xhe Housads divide ^Bedrooms up. fitairs, Parlour, Efitiijirtiw ''Pantry down- and^ron f nf°f ary^uildings in the back, and produces aboul £ y rent per annum, and will always command a^ood tenant. The premisetl art; held under a lease granted by the Rev. J°hn Llewelyn, fiti'D years 89 of of £ 1 3? ""jeXpired' at an annual ground rent house is very convenient, and within a few miautej walk of Ivor Works. Sale, to commence at 8 o'clock. For further particular!! appiy to the AUCTION- EEK, Sunny Cottage, Dowlais, or to Mr M IiLOTD, Queens Head Inn, Merthyr. Mr. EB\7ARD LAJWXTAITCS, PROFESSOR OI?Jtf{Tisicj MERTHYR, (Of the Consep^oriumiof MuVc, Leipzig,) ^\ONTM^^S tcj/^Gc^t engagements for d^tor 4^' ^oin^prrdv Con- Address 7, CcLriland Jifrace, Merthyr. WATER! WATER!! W^\TERir~ J. G. PRO GE B-, (From Ca ) PLUMBER TO TNArt, YR LOCAL iuMpJtantg ofA/erthyr -c> anV^neighbpi»4|ood|that h^fsOpened .^tWtreetjMiifere Orders tor X&ZT f,ttmT C'(«il>«Ccn and attended TO witli promptness. Note the Addresses, Hioh-STREBT, nl^iiru Y h. TO PUBLICANS AND OTHERS. To BE LET, (with immediate poggesrion) that T°LET'. (wi[!l in,me(li«te possession) that ?a& in Which a fioodfTpe has bee^ Seme" maD3( and Rent App|y A. Buc Hipjr Sc^Co^/fftyinney. MFE ASSURANCE AND LOANS. TTPo1rWS £ 1000' TJ repnyftB^f^y^a]Motlier Security, over any pencil extending s be readily obtained dn muXJ, ViNJL!ars' rnay For prospectusVs,TH'mn ^Kfc\ji>i»TtTms. Assuiance orLoaiL, aM for s 'or apply to Mr. wTLLjAJ5l^°tlTri,l!o,matioii, Solicitor, Merthyr-TydflL iNSON 8m"H, B2T Agent for the British and Mutual Life As- eurance bocifty, Nos. 17 & 18 New Hriw Street, Blacklriars, London, E c n^Se ESTABLISHUD 1844. THh LATE WiliiamMej rick TSiomas, Esq. of Courtland Jjjxfse, ^Merthyr-Tydfil. j\ Pers«is h\v«Lijrbl!wy on the late Mr. 1 homaa arcV\ue\toi^fo s nd iuiinediaieJy particular! of nieir^espective Accounts to thv,. ^A7JU. VATBUt?, Maerdv ITou-e, Mer- »nd paid m or<le^"lut t'^y he examined Alerthyr-Tydfil, Oct. 15, 1863, ANCHOR HOUSE, 66, HIGH-STREET, MERTHYR. SHOW Ob1 GOODS! JRfASi EHSHIPOoEuNCseT^ s, Fin UseMLleLcItY Led LIi(nhNJ virEiiLreRis YPa upMbo elriAsc oNnaatTtl LenvEtiHsiSoit n tSo tHo tAhTae Wn "WLenxSatr, eenalisnoid uvCsJflDs^Tli/EcTtlS| ^i^£ ey W^t^TjVitfo^irfgnetsrUe Per m Gowoeidath cs h a j.uN Ulsat erpgaare rrtivmvaeerd niet E t.y rao1no' i f tF^ hAe JvS8OnY vr iG~ MOOn HiSQ -and and all of f1 wlK uc„h ,are worthy of Inspection. The Show Room will be opened OIl Wednesday Next, NOVEMBER 4th, when an Inspection of these Goods is respectfully solicited. jgKm TO EMIGRANTS. |RA' =— Steamers leave Liverpool, as under, for New York weekly:- Passage money, 26 6a found with unsurpassed Dietary Children un ears of age Half-fare; Infants under Twelve months, VJ Great Eastern for New York, September 30th: Grea^tmain for Melbourne, October 15th. Royal Standard Steam Ship for Me ne on November 20th. PARTIES intending to emigrate should senc^Wtar namep ago, and a deposit of Bl each, to se- cure berths, inclosing a stamp, as undjjjp^— THOMAS //f'i X> YD, The Emigrant's Fri^fOld Fox ^al^Ereet, Bale-street, Liverpool; 3^- Steamers every Tue^Jyand Wednesday iarl^j^Y ork, and Thursday for Canada, Boston, and Halifax, all at th^fno price, only £ 6 tis. f^tfd with good provisions as approved by the Government Agents^^ Government Agents It is the unanimous opinion of all Emigrants who have confided themselves to the care of THOMAS LLOYD, that the Old Fox Inn is odfe of the best, most comfortable, and cheapest Houses for Emigrauts in Liverpool. Cheap Drapery Establishment! A L D- Agm Xi-L u ALBSET HOUSE, PONTMORLAIS, HIGH-STRfiET, MERTHYR. GT~ IB LLE REGS to return his thanks to tfie Inhabitfeptslaf ]Terthyr and its vicinity, for their very liberal patronage and support, and \<oulu inspect \iliyacfj»aint them that the following Departments are constantly and well supplied \vf%h Few a. u^0Keap Goods, namely,— Woollen Cloths I h a w l.s and an ties Moleskins and Corduroy I -Plain and Fancy Silks Ducks and Canvas Fancy Dresses and Merinos Checks and Flannels Bonnets and Straw Hats Hats and Caps Ribbons, Feathers, and Flowers SUiits Collars, &c. Hosiery, Gloves, &c., &c. N.B.-The Managing Hands have a practical knowledge of the Trade, and uitl at all times study the interest of their Customers. NOTE.—Tailors and tho lraJe supplied at Wholesale Prices; and Great lieduction made to Emigrants. Bonnets, Mantles, 9" Dresses Made to Order by Experienced Hands. ET ABLISHED TEN YEARS. uvuir-. Et SURGEON DENTIST, STREET, MERTHY11> HAS brought the MECHANICA^ff?ANCH of his ProLlfy to sohigh degree of perfection that Pi RTI ( L or JiN IU|«rt?ETS of Th El^jn8trdtfcdM»#is principle, can be fitted with the greatest accuracy, without the least pViii nr ii^oaveinnd are worn with comfort even on tender gums and stumps they serve ill tH* piVp>«<of N AT U R A L 'I Ki- 'l 11, in M ,w^'i I A an(\.rt Ul-ATlON, and also ]>reir\i^amk^pport the xemaini"ng teeth. They arc nou liable to discolour or wear out, and presen^^lj^^fppearancc of j\ ATLHAL T EETH ot great A PERFECT FIT GJSfcfflANTEED IN ALL CASES. SCALING, STOPPING, RiiGUL'.TING. EXTRACTING, and all OPERATIONS IN DENTAL SURGERY, performed with the greatest care. CHARGES STRICTLY MO DERATE. —CO NSULTATION FREE. -J—AWrr Tgai!JBB»J-gaggfaaia3e^^B,'«..?tM»yi»^jgi »n |1 mi 11 I-^ m II II VICTORIA MOUSE, VICTORIA STREET T HOM O 3ST, HAS received a First-Clnss Ga(f^ral Stock of^L^^ER GprfvS in every Department of the Bu- ness. Tie selection is not surfassfedHii Qnafity, ) fsipn, cr Cheapness, hv an House in the Trade. T. Asbtcn invites an ii.fpeetion iKnn the Inhabitants of Dowlai3 and th neighbourhood, and feels confident that everv unpujaftiiced person will pronounce the Establish mentoneof the Best snd Cheapest in the Trade. r Funerals Completely Furnwhed on the most Moderate Terms. NOTE. ASHTON'S Cheap HAT Warehouse, Victoria Street, Dowlais. CAEDRAW FACTORY, & 1S6, HIGII STRELT,, MjptTOfYR. D7^s5eSts, WOOLLElJ MAISUFA^PCTIER, T '^r,r< ^UI'n^rio thanks to his friends and the public in ge leral for th(^p^ry flattering encouragement he has received since his removal to 136, Tligh-strect, (nexLilPr.r to High-street Chapel,) begs to inform them that he is now prepared to execute all orde orltided to him with the greatest promptitude. ° A Large Stock of the undermentioned Goodsahvays kept on hand r-" DUTY OFF PAPER!! Writing Paper at lOd. per lb.! SPLENDID NOTE PAPER A D AT THE "TELEGRAPH" Ffl MEKTJBLYR. AT TENPENCE P|1R PpWiD. THE Public who wish to economise in th iir pmcnie TO 'Writing Paper will experience a considerable pecuniary advantage in pi releasing foMy- r¥ EIGHT rather than by the Quire or Ream. l*s Envelopes at Siipexjj^per 100! As good as need sed. AC-COUNT BOOKSI en per cent. Cheaper than they are usually supplied by Bristol Houses. Proof on Inspection. PAPER HANGINGS FROM FOUR PENCE PER PIECE UPWARDS. A LARGE ASSORTMENT ALWAYS ON HAND. FIANOFOETES AND PI AN OFQJiHKS ar§l Harnl)nVcps possessing fine tones and l^iufci^jifferior, may al- ways be obtained on ativ%W0^ous terms of Mr. EDWARD LAWUANCE^tlggfnist and Professor of Music, Merthyr ^ntiL Address 7, Courtland Terrace, Merthyr. BLINDS I WIRE BLINDS!! but WIRE, ZINC^S*FTFIAN, A??P TRANS- W i N DO\t i|LI M> MAHpfACTORY, (Opposite tie ^ecj^rfoac1,) COMFORT IN WRITING-! No rxw CAN T THE (Treat superioritvyffi'e'' TELEGRAPH J- PEN, sold a^^fe TELEG>f-<PH Olhce It is auaptedJin^^ery hand,is |i>5 amalgama- tion oi tlj^Jest nietaisj rtjffbeihe; anti-ero- sive, wmlast twice al long/lmd Y itexl^mfa surably superior to auf oitlie Pensj StTillv sold. A trial invited. Sol J aT 3d. jpTd- sen, or ^s. ner gross box. 1 A CORE FOR THE DNCOSED. Ten Thousand Cured in the last Twelve Months by using THOMPSON'S SOFINA AND QUININE BLOOD AND SJ&tiACn PILLS. These PiJs should be us^nJy all atdictud with nervous debility, Jjjiifgeiistinn, *indy spasms in the stomach ci^^e;iS. giddiness in the head, dimness ofaj^^ or ioiiS 0| i;icmfiA', palpitation oi tiiu pains -lyA'' of the limbs causejj^j' paral.vfcis,/ scursj or ulcer^wi-legs, lhe^fhatics, luuiSagS pUt*. grj^^7l)ains or \wakness in the lli^/or loin^rolious and liver obstructions, asthiua, tighjp(?&s on the chest or dithcultyof iireatfiing^BMisuinptive coughs, or natural dee,-tying uiu.stioii of the system. F or cleansing anA^ritying the blood, which is the fountain of h0^they stand unrivalled.—Pre- pared only by J. THOMPSON. Chemist mlll Herba- list, in boxes at la. und 2s. 0d., and sold by all respectable Chmnists in the kingdom, or direct from the establishment, 13 and 44, Oxford Street, Swansea. ¡- NO QUACK MEDICINE. KAYl^ WoRSJjKLL'S PILTS challenge scientilie examinati(ji^irtWTTK'ir composi- tion and efficacy. Tliey^fl^redients, hting vege- table, are siugulfl^jJ^h, .lesouue aniAiedieiiial in combinatjijig^^rii^ir [iiiwr^tf)r^is Aflagonistic to the vt^Tause of disaasJ; Iro^miivW which they ilissipate the eKcltsrfetnh^^etiUie re- storing a healthy statc Jk parts and functions. Boxes cm/be from any Medi- cine Vendor, Is. l.^d, 2s. Sd., and 4s. (id. THE SOFMER'S BEST FIIM'. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. All Disorders aifvioting the Livar, Stomach and Bowel TIIESE, Pills can be call Oy rerom- X mended as the mostjjimple and certain romedy lor indigestion. fl^TOifney^didity, heart- burn, co'ic, constipiitM*f7find alliuie many mala- dies requiting fiou^nsordertd stAxnach or bowels. In a distasei^^jf pviiL|(j^i^iJyt;uieejUrset the tives, anj^cti engthelei^ of ni^ifornnch. They may betaken under lily circj^lstances. Weakness and bility, Nervous ir -abiiity. The who] 'son-, (!ct exer(tised by these admi- rable Pills over the hlood and fluids generally is like a charm in dispelling low spirits, anrl restor- ing cheerfulness. Their general aperienr qualities well fit them for a domestic medicine, particularly for tema'.cs of all ages and periods of life. They never betray any disagreeable irritating qualities; they quickly eject all impurities from the system, and regulate every function 01 the body. Old Coughs, Colds, and Asthmatica Affections. These Pills, assisted in their action by rubbing Helloway's Ointment very effectually twice a day upon the throat and rhot, and keejiing those parts covered with the preparation, will be found the most etlective remedy for asthma, coughs, colds, bronchitis, and influenza. Holloicay'g Pills are the best remedy known in the world fur the fotlowmg diseases:— Ague Foirale Irregula- Scrofula, or Kind's Astfcvna rities Evil BiliùusComplainiBFevers of all kindsSore Throats .I;Iot,clies on the Fits Stone and Gravel Skin Gout Secondary Symp. Bowel Complaints Head-ache toms Colics Indigestion Tic Ooulouieux Constipation of .thelnlfammation Tumours Bowels Jaundice Ulcers (tions Consumption Liver Complaints Venereal Aflec- Debility Lumbago Worms 01 all kinds Dropsy l'iles. Weakness, from Dysentery Rheumatism whatever cause Ergypelas Retention of Urine Ac., &c. Sold at the Establishment of Professor Hoi.- LOWAV, 244, strand (near Temple Ba"), Lon- I don also by all respectable Liuggi^ts and Dealers in ^edi -ines throughout the eiviliz< J world, at the following prices:—Is. ljd., 2s. yd., -tS. (id., lis., 2'Ù. and :Ms. each Box. There is a considerable saving by takin he larger sizes. N.B.—Directions for the guidance of uatient n every disorder are affixed to each Box, Cheap Light! The People's Comfort! THOMAS TZEHOZMZAS BEGS most respectfully to announce that he has now rejui^fs^TTIspecuon a Large Assortment of PARAFFIN, MODERATOR, HALljapl^Jrajy LAMPS, suitable for the Cottage, Man ion, Cuurch, Chapel, and Public Instj^WflsT y^l Paraffin Lamps, complete, withJ<<fls?es, iron a Kit ■wirds, and warranted perfectly Free from Smoke and cjmell in biiri]in;r^^|^r Iibs secufeqduHb^ tne £ ^»*fffiier Months a large quantity of Young's best double refij^rParr.fhn Oil, tler&niy oi^ifftherto proved Free from Danger of Explosion. I Young's Best Double Refined Para^TOil, ?s. 8d. per gallon, or 4d. per pint. Best Foreign Re £ ^a Colza Oil, 5s. per nailon. Miner's Lamp Oil, very fine, 4s. 8d. per gallon, or 7d. per pint. OBSERVE THE ADDRESS, Opposite the Bush Hotel, 132, Eigh-stroet, Merthyr Tydfil. CEFN BREWERY) MKETliYU-TYDFIL. PEAB0C& Co/s FINE HOME-pREWjED ALES!! la., Is. 2d., Is. 4d., acd Is. 6d. PER LON, in 4i Gallon Casks, and upwards, to suit the convenienre of Families. SELLIN G OF F At an IMMENSE REDUCTIO^^JjTTf REMNANTS of c A. x s, AT FE ANCl^ UJDE S rUMITFEE AND IRON 1 WAEEHOUSE, 44, HIGH STREBflAIERTHYR. Wanted a Youiig Man as Assistant, able to speak Welsh and English. Perfect Arsiculation & Mastication /^V\ ifhM | m&m T- REES> Cl) STJK^JSe^KDENTIST, Jl128, JJ^e-^STREE^AlERTHYR TYDFIL, O EGSto cail the altefcti/n of the Public generally to 13 his rfcwfai^fhoLry arjilying Artificial Teeth, dis- pensing with all painful operations, springs, and fasifcnitasjS of fvwy Jkind, while the expense is less than half the ordinary charge. The material used im tfleil construction is so natural in colour that it defies detection, even if the mouth be looked into J a»frtheir durabilit^ia-nnrch greater than any other substance advertised for the purpose. £ £ s. other substance advertised for the purpose. E £ s. £ 13. A Single Tooth from 0 to 11 A Single Set. „ 210 „ 7 10 A Full Set 5 0 „ 15 15 Scaling, Filling, and Regulating Teeth executed on moderate terms, and on strict dental principles.

