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Stft. H. W. ■ANN OTJ N CEMENTS H. W. HARBIS, Auctronetr, Appraiser, House, Estate, and General Agent, BEGS to inform the Puh^tlnit all matters entrusted to hiscj*^fll bdkginctually and carefully attend^^tf!^ TlJats ejected. Fire and LifeE0tiere5effeetMoH|MTa$tju^ousterms. RaiWay and other flyi 1 111,IcTfpil and sold, and the dally prices obfurttivSn application. Offices:—140, Hif^Street. Merthyr Tydfil,' Thomas Town, Merthyr Tydfil. DESIRABLE INVESTMENT. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. H. W. HARRIS, On Monday, the 30th day of MaJMh?T§&3, at the Angel Hotel, Merthyrl>dfil, at seven for eight o'clock in the <tvepmg, (subject to such conditions of Saleaj^naiyfcA then produced), DW ELLIxM^HQl^ahJrf^rid piece of Building ^Awdrfitujpein Thomas and Church Sm>ets, ittJpas-Mwn, Merthyr Tydfil, late in the occu»h^h Mr. T. H. Mabtin, Surgeon. t These Premisejwre held for a term of 99 years, from the lst//fay of May, 1854, subject to a ground rent of 26 12s. 7d per annum. For further particulars apply to Messrs. C. H. and F. James, Solicitors, Merthyr Tydfil, or to the Auctioneer, 140, High-street, Merthyr. Auctioneer's Office, March 18, 1863. MERTHYR, TYDFIL. TO RAILWAY CONTRACTORS & OTHERS. To be Sold by Private Contract, THE whole of the PLANT used in the con- struction of the Merthyr JEprffil Water Works, now lying near the Peu>»fyn Reservoir, consisting of an excellent ponblc steam engine, (12 horse power) three cajirvrta pumps, 10-inch, jMnch, and 6-inch iwe: caab winches, screw jacks, smith's tooi^chn-catler, bejitt-and oat crusher, wireaii, trucks, ten •arte, ligh^«rue/ fioklw.' iapf> railway earth Waggonj/fnearly new),/tjrenty tons of light bridgeTails, stat^^ttinipfscveral sets of harness in goftd condition, limtw planks, baulks, pales, sleepers, hammersjHcks; old iron, &c.; tempo- rary buihpnHs, CMffipsting of labourers' huts, pro- vision stores,les, storehouses, &c. The bov ill remain open for disposal for one month from the date hereof, after that time the remainder will be Sold by Public Auction, of whifh due notice will be given., For further particulars apply at the Reservoir, «r.'Harpok, Surveyor, or to Mr. H. W. Har- MS, Auctioneer, Merthyr Tydfil. PARISH OF PENTYRCH. ••• GLAMORGAN SHIRE. VALUABLE LEASEHOLD SHOP, DWEL. LING HOUSE, AND PREMISES. TO. BE SOLD BY AJJ-TFFION, (Under the direction oftjj^wortgagee,) By Mr. H.WTEiARMS, At the King's Ab^nn, PAtfyfdL on Thurs. affY' 9t}»<'i8t!3,t folrvtfcWJ^in the £ Ur&isely (surblect tl suWfconditions of ^aleajKShall be that |ro»^al ■ substantkAw^eU-ttiUt SHOP, MESSUAGE, Jr^VELLING HOUSE, 9r conveniences, w' a capital piece of Garden round, thereto bpkJnging, situate at Twyn-pen- near Parffyrch, now in the occupation of the owner. "R;7, £ ? P'^nistJs are held under Lease from the fnlKu "O^ourable George Rice Baron Dynevor, • lives and a term of 99 years, commen- from the-Zth, day of March, 1857, subject to the yearly ground rent of jB2. ■P or further particulars, apply to T. Williams, Esq., Solicitor, Merthyr Tydfil, or to the Auc- Honeeb, 140, High-street. Merthyr Tydfil, March 24, 1863. i TOWN OF ABERDARE. ELIGIBLE INVESTMENT. TO BE SOLD B? AUP^ION, By Mr. H. W. H^mRIS, i J^LACK Lion HouIsl, T| Tuesday, the in y °f April, 1$#3| atlsix »r seven,o'clock ^ening, Jf<Sy direglioh t>f U>*<Mortga- snok aiower eftS^)>Wia subject to h condijjdns as Ailflbe|thj*^>roduced, Jj^TA^AU that pAuol^ucensed PUBLIC Inn and Jrejjrffses, called the Lamb <3ott'a^^e^^er thjnStable adjoining, and the —^°' situate in the of Sa.r„v, -i"i^er<ifre> now the occupation ther<vif :*J^ueld and Robert Lane, aa tenants ftnura., PjflGucing a rental of E34 16s. Od. per AU that Tucking Mill, Factory, two joininL68*!1^' water, and other erections ad- -Lea^f a^)ove> held by Mr. Roberts for a *t th«> se,vt>n years, from the 1st of May, 1860, The. k y rent °* L9. • whole of the above Premises are equal to tJ/^kold, being held under a Lease for a °f 997 years, at a pepper corn rent. Jl. an i further particulars, apply to W essrs. C, to th i ^AMES> Solicitors, Merthyr Tydfil, or fil. Auctionebb, 140, High-street, Merthyr I ^oneer's Office, March 26, 1863. TITUS JONES'S NOTICE. Cyfarthfa Surgery, Merthyr. Mr. TITUS J^MES by j> ^.ftnnounce that^Mfbas been instructed ■m-AKrison, £ fK £ Suigeon, (who is about leaving^Jke neigh bfcurhpotf), 0*0 E; C T 10 N, a <f1 K^fDAY, the 13th day of 1 W' whole oiJfiB Valuable HOUSEHOLD URNITJfjRE, Horses, Saddles and ^op8* ^^V^ther effects. l°gllea turt)rer particulars, see Bills and Cata- ^Uea't^ appear in a few days. Cata- fifter fiT oy,be bad of the Auctioneeu on and 1 r.»6th day of APriL > ^tie-8treet, Merthyr, blarch 26th, 1863. BATH) PRICE'S NOTICE. Victoria Street, Merthyr Tydfil. ."() BB SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. DAVID JPfiTCE, Saturday (this dav^and following Mon- akJ'i 28th and J0tlwnst*> (consigned for Absolute sale), aboeftj M oOOA plEC^S of^A^fill^ANGINGS. T<v .Alsft. aUarie mjtober of Pictures «R^her {rames- Jhent Handles cdfcist of a choice assort- ^encKT °^» Tl°5kCViatins, English and 0 Bordenifig to match. To be sold in iVp168 t° «uit^clmers. iptujeg axetoo numerous to particularize. commence each day at 11 o'clock. '^> Thomas-street, ^^erthyr, March 26,1863. jB,.T.EEYAyS'STQTICE7 POSTPONEMENT OF SALE. r??.TTICE 18 heheb^given, I the SALE A IT rTlwg 4^ advertised to tak^ce^feKrdi^ GOUSE *6^^ELLING Five Dwifrland the the sevJrlf^ NG an'1 SHOPS in Coh^ M oecuputHfcs^rMr. Wui. Field, Mr. Sen?' anTM^5?^U S(,n' Mr- Jor,lon' Mr. PONRn ?it, Pritchurd, is POST- 1863. 1 the 8th day of April, SMITH AND LINTON, Solicitors, on-atreet, Aberdare, MarCh 18th, 1B63. PIANOFORTES AND HARMONIUMS. o. TAYLOR, T>ESPECTFULIy begs to call attention to his Excellent. Stoolrt^fiNew and Secondhand X\ PIANOFORTES, for Sale orWf £ [ I I 5000 of th* Most Popular SONGS and PIANOFORJM^TIJ^sW han^Htfalf Price. All kinds of BRASS MUSICAL INSTRUMEjWSat ^Gattlogu^fffeT Excellent Stock of CONCERTINAS, comj*^ncing fromsfjbdjepiltfq Concertinas and Harmoniums Tuned poo, Repaired. Pianofortes Tuned in Town or Country. Agent for Alexandre's, Boosey's, Dubaine's, and atstone's Harmoniums. SECOND HAND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS BOUGHT OR EXCHANGED. Market Square, Merthvr, JOSEPH H. OORJJi, NOS. 12 AND 15, ST. MARY-STREET, (OPPOSITE THE QUEEN'S H v WHOLESALE PERIO V FOR the London Times, and otha^Daily and Pro^JiaTJ^»#pers. All Foreign Newspaper ordered direct from the diffi^nt Offices. J. H.^>: ia^frchaser direct, having no connection wjth any other person whate At No. 12, J. H. C 8 an extensive assortment of Travelling Goods, manufactured on tb premises, consisting of velfing Trunks, Portmanteaus, Lady's Dress Trunks, Enamelled Leather, Carpet, and Fanc^Bags, Hat, Bonnet, and Cap Cases; Knapsacks Tourists* Bags, and every description of Travelling Equipage. N, B.—Travelling and Dress Trunks mad to order on the shortest notice. Old Trunks or Port manteaus Repaired or taken in Exchange. ,J BETTS' PORTRAIT GALLERY, 84, HIGH STREET, MERTHYR. JrO* -A Hj _b Having had an entirely n#w gallery constructed sn^fflly fg^pAyiyjg^fEYISITE, is now enabled from the superior light in bis new Operating Rpmi, to promKfcfi^Kclass PHOTOGRAPHS. Six Cards, 7s. 6d,; twelve for>K^6d.; twenty iof&C, extra copies Is. each. StEREOSCOPlC VIEWS of MERTHYR and the Yi^nity.—Just Published, THE CEMETERY, CYFARTHFA QUARRY, price Is. each Do., Illuminated, 2s.; post-free Two Stamps Extra. Perfect Articulation & Mastication ti K )) STJKOEO^C^^TIST, 'Y128; HIGH 8TE^^VMERTHY^ TYDFIL, r> EGS to cal^Wfe a€tentifl«ot tha/PttWe generally ^Irirari^ ij to his n^^rn|tTiLilr)f » £ p|yi^<ArtiflciaI Teeth, dis- pensing with all painful operations, springs, and faa^ninorVm ev yI I hile the expense is less than half the f rdinary charge. The materials m^nn theirTfflltrtlpwo^S so natural in colour that it defies detection, even if the meuth he looke^mto; and thar aurajrfuty is much greater than any other substance advertised for the purpose^^ A Single Tooth .from to 1 1 A Single Set 10 „ 7 10 A Full Set „ 5 0 „ 1515 Scaling, Filling, and Regulating Teeth executed on moderate terms, and on strict dentica pinefiles. j ESTABLISHED lap TEN YEilS. MR. E. G-A-1P- SURGEON DENTIST, 55, HIGH STR^jfEX MERTHYR. HAS brought the MECHANICAL BRANCH of his Profa^iowISi so niflni a degree of perfection that PARTIAL ENTIRE SETS of TEETH, jymstrujtel onjns ngkreiple, can be fitted with the greatest accuracy, without the least pain orikcon^nierR#T>an^mre worn with comfort even on tender gums and stumps they serve all th^urpoipspf NATURAL TEETH, in MASTI- CATION and ARTICULATION, and also prejj^fe nnd si^Jfrathe^rntiining teeth. They are not ia ble to discolour or wear out, and present ^reappearance of pAJJWRAL TEETH of great beauty. A PERFECT FIT GUARANTEEDlnALL CASES. SCALING, STOPPING, REGULATING, EXTRACTING, and all OPERATIONS IN DENTAL SURGERY, performed with the greatest care. CHARGES STRICTLY MODERATE. — CO N SULTATIOJV FREE ART XJNIOISr OP LONDON, Established for the promotion and diffusion of the knowledge and love of the Fine Arts in the British Empire. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION, £ ^>r— WHO that has seen does not remember tie magnificent Paintijiffof Tantallon Castle," valued at 200Z., and won by Mr. W. HOPKINS, of Merthyr^bj^e year 1860? The public generally, and all lovers of art especially, ajyy|eby mformecJ^hSl equally beautiful Works of Art will be offered for competition in the current jdbr. togetjjef'with several minor but elaborate specimens of masterly skill and superior^Cniugk Eyerv^mber, for each Guinea sub- scribed, is entitled to hold one chance in the dis^utioi df. Bribes; which consists of the right to select by the prizeholder himself a Work >r A|fc'lrmi ou«<of the Public Exhibitions also of Statuettes in Bronze, Tazzas, Statuettes irL^rcAa^rBajjH^&efs in Ivory, and Books of Etchings, all produced expressly and solely for th^SocietjI Tne firat-foige this year will be the>»sinal Lifl-sia^otatutfv^rnarMft of the "Dancing Girl Re- posing," lately seerrtn-thftlnterna$^alExKiWtjwf £ -*alued at 700 Crehwae. Every subscriber of One Guinea for the current y«jjrfending 31stof^arch, 1861 will rece'vcTan impression of a Plate by H: C. Shenton and C. H..Teens from the^nginal picture Ry T. F. Dick^ee. "A LABOUR OF LOVEtogether with a Sefr of Gwtt»8i»«iJooignB in uutline, by JPTFriolo, illustrating Tennyson's Poem Idylls of the Kin* hpaidps a Am new of one of-tlie PrizciH u,L the annual distftbation. WByvaeiouspermissio of Her Majesty, Porcelain Busts of H.R.H. The Princess Alexandra of Denmark, reduced from the original bust by Mrs. Thorneycroft, being the only portrait in Sculp- ture for which the Princess has yet sat. Parties wishing to subscribe are requested to make early application, personally or by letter, to the Agent for the District, Mr. TITUS JONES, Auctioneer, Castle-street, Merthyr. v r, r c. Specimens of the^ngravingy"A-Iiftbour oHmv^'111'I TtttiI ASfi"!rQflfeei NOTICE.—All those wishing by inclosing a Postage Stamp to THOMAS LLpOT>, the EmigranT^fnend, Old Vox Inn, 14, Hale-street, Dale- street, Liverpool. EOONOMY AND FASHION. :0. J 0 TAILOR & DRAPE STREET, gTILL maintains his R and Economical Tailor in N.B.—All Ordefs promptly executed. Gemen waited upon at their residences. DAVID HART, FCJENITURE BEOKER A»D GEN- ERAL SAM83fAN, 50, GLE^J^f?D, MERT^ BEGS t^fMorm the pubji(<that ho bu] 3 kine^of Second-Haj^WHirniture, OU1X1 Dck, or Job Lots, in an^^mmodity, to any amount, for Cash. N.B.—Sales attended in town or country. Com- missions taken at Five per cent. To whom it may concern Seek and yoell find ^NO TEA 1 AND NO GAMMON! yJJAVID"HART, PAWNBROKER, 50, GLEBELAND-STUBET, MERTHYR, ASSURED the public that he continues Lend- ing Money in full, from Is. to £ 10, on all kinds of Clothing, &c., &c. It is hoped all par- ties pawning will refuse to take Tea anywhere, when they can go to DAVID HART'S and get money without tea, and the long-injurious vtea system will be totally abolished. I HOPE CJEiAPEL, MERTHYR, THE ANNIYERSA^YrsmVICES Of the above Place of^^Mshij) wMI le hekj#*fn SUNDAY Aim MOIDAIj^BTigra MS^OTH APRIL IEXT. THE Ber. D. C. DAVra<M.A., London; prfflLv. E. LTJMLEY, Cardiff; and The Eev. S. JtJNES, Merthyr, wilKmiciate on the occasion. ^h.GREAT Ei^fjTEEN^. FOR A CA 8TH. F ARA including Provisi S. Send yoMNama eposits of 22 each at once to MESSRS. LAMBHAND EDWARDS, o era. 41, Union-street, Liverpool. CABINET, UPHOLSTERY, CARPET, PLOOil'pc6TH. A KB IB, OS BEB>TEAB WAREHOUSE, 44, HieFH 3T^E^/MERTJBHfR. PARTIES about Furnishing, and desirous ofjobtaipifJg First class Goods, will do well by trying the above Establishment. I JJKANCIS DAVIES, Proprietor, Cir A large Stock of Gilt and Wood Mouldings always in stock. AMERICAN AND AUSTRALIAN (WELSH) EMIGRATION OFFICE. \\f E beg to acquaint all intending Emigrants that we Book Passengers by YV Steamers and Sailing Ships toalKparts of ;the World at the Lowest Prices in Liverpool. All information^given on applic y a letter, enclosing a postage stamp, addressed 5 f > >^1 iLAim^BDWAEBS, (I I yr 41, Union-street, Liverpool. We, the undersigned, confidently ommé al migra.nts to entrust themselves to the We, the undersigned, confidently^jerommei^all/y'erfMEmigrants to entrust themselves to the care of the above gentlemen, as wejmow they iiffl be nonrftly dealt with whilst under their charge— William Thomas, Liverpool, J Thomas Price, Aberdare. John Lloyd, Merthyr, Wm. Morgans, D.D., Holywell, Edw. Evans, Caersalem, Dowlais, Wm. Roberts, Blaina Baptist Ministers. Thos. Levi, Morriston, David Saunders, Liverpool, formerly of Aberdare. Methodist Ministers. NOTICE^ I THE Undersigp«<XHBREBY "GIVE • NOTICE th^T wilLrfoWience^Mf^e re- spo nsible for any^DEBSSN Kr. NICK, may contract; kii<1\aW pewftis are hereby cautione<U§aiust ^vilfTf#^ltK1E^IncKe' March 13,1863. TO GROCERS AND DRAPEBS. TO JBrff LET, AVERY o«rt^modioi»nSHOP, Wj»ere an ex- tenai^B businesslhaa Jbeen>>«tnied on for the last J4;years,, Alimt^cFxa H<^n^et-street, Tre- cynon, AberdareVftleht M^iQerate. Apply to T. Wo<ELEjf<<New Cut, Swansea. TO DBAPEBS^^SISTANTS. WANTED, art^em«ffl|a\YOUNG MAN; also aJfOUNG I^U)^^ho has had some experienc^fn Mi¥i £ «yv^c^Stpaw Trimming. A kno^dge of bolll lln?Uages^ndispensable. Apply to E. MEViDijif; Waterloo House, Merthyr. ■ TO LETO With immediate wd&sw>n. k N excellent Privat^iOlteEJ\)pposite the fA. TaffVale StatipiC 4, High- street, lately occajrfod Ifr. Crump, Contrac- tor. Stabling a^achel tol tltee hawses, with large loft ove. Etdk eqtewlce. Large garden, water laid on, and usual conveni- ences. Apply, to view, to Thomas MILWARD, Plough Inn, next door. Re WILLIAM WILKINS, (Late Grocer,) PLYMOUTH-STREETJM«RTHYR TYDFIL. ALL personsi^^Wi»o«CTuH estate are here- by requeued to/]fcy, pi^t»rnake immediate arrangemoifrafor ttit j*yoirot of their accounts, to the said WILL|a|l5^kins, who is author- ized by us to receive^ine same. CHARLES EDWIN MATTHEWS, WILLIAM WILKINS, SEN., Trustees for benefit of Creditors. Merthyr, March 13, 1863. WATER! WATER!! WATER! J. G. PRO G«E R, (From CQP&fft) PLUMBER TO TPE MERTHYR LOCAL OAARD BEGS tojdform t efc^alJtajrfsof itfierthyr andJkBe neighlfc irnobdtlfat he has Opened a Shojtf^o. 85, Hig i-strp«,Iwhere Orders for Inside Water Fittings taken and attended to with promptness.^ Note the Address:—85, HIGH-STREET, ilfERTHTR. RE-OPENING OP THE ^— HONG-KONG TEA AND F, VICTORIA -STRfiST, MERTHYR. THIS Old EstaWi^liment j^P<vv)re-opened for the Sale^6f first-qfjy\y 'r" Ci IHI 'I II ml Groceri^-alTthe lowest jftfjw |f«!6le. Flour, Barley-meal, Qb*™ Jal> India Corn, Meal, Oats, Bran, «., always on Sale on the premises, aj«fiat thp" ong-Kong Steam Corn Mills. r THOMAS HERBERT WILLIAMS, Proprietor. NOTICE. To THOMAS REES and^ARY REES, his Wife, Ute/f Tredegar. I HEREBY NOTICE, that unless yojy'pOT JHHttyre of April next, thesMfflof d%L Ble for Bt»;u;d and Lodgmgs, the value of an umbrella IfcnWHtfeoby me and never re- turned, cos^ notice, the goods you Mft itf niy house on the 10th Novem- ber, 1861, jcbrfeitTOng of two old boxes, some books, t^To irfuows, and a quantity of filthy things,,will "be Disposed of to the highest bidder withotit further notice, in order to lessen my claim against you. (Sijned) HENRY + FOSTER. White Horse, Penydarren, March 17, 1863. FORTY Ton^srrfi^TOEs.ppiy f d h'° D^ontriJ^sfHere- TO M^oET, Grocery pp«lnsEs ami business, in a conumnding sitiu^ibti at JowJ^fsT Apply AXKiNfe/foil sctoi s6l Taxes, ilfcrthyi^ydfil. [ s' TRY THE NEW GROCERY SHOP- 29, Wellington Street, Merthyr. BLEWI^ L^TIS EGS to stat^tBat hfe hjS\pened th« above premiaj^r^ith a r N fijmoijIVqJ GRP<5ERY, Consjstmg of flour,^Bifcmr, tea/^Jnd aH the usual goods found at GrficSry Ejrt!ablishinents, all of which, having been bought oh the best terms, are offered to the pu at the very lowest prices FOir CA S H. Note the Address 29, Wellington-st., Mer thyr. EDUCATION. LONGCROSS HOUSE SCHOOL, CARDIRPf— Conducted by the T. SPARKS. AT this Estajjlisifme it MB Pupils are pre- paj-ed^flhajlui lie ld)«ols, the Univer- sity LojfiinExaHijhltio] s^rnd for Commercial Sittia ns. ThaSoanJi are treated in a kind and liberal ma ;e their meals with the Principal and Jfts fami y, and their moral and religious training is-carefully attended to. Several of the pupils have lately distinguished themselves at the Oxford and Cambridge Ex- aminations. Terms, &c., on application. SALE BY MR. DANIEL DAVIES. ABERCANAID, MERTHYR, GLAMORGANSHIRE. CAPITAL INVESTMENT IN LEASEHOLD PROPERTY. MR. DANIEL DA VIES, Has pleasure in announcing to his numerous friends and the public in general, that he is favoured with instructions by the representa- tives of the late Mr. Phillip Voil, to offer for SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION On TUESDAY, April 14th, 1863, at the Lord Raglan Inn, High-street, Merthyr Tydfil, sub- ject to such Conditions of Sale as will be then and there produced, Tntl A those Four New and well-built Jt\. HOUSES, with Gardens and Pre noises, very convenie uated in, and being Numbered 53, 54, 5 £ fandp(|, Nightincale-street, Abercanaid, nefU^wert jjTydfiljBforesaid, and now and alwas/well the respective occupations^! Mabk-s. Wil^fm White, David Davies, Wfiliam llnp, nd^nother, as monthly tenant&Cnereof, vmuci Rentals amounting to £ '24 14. (or tlifreabo«l|s) per annum. Annual Ground Rent £2 1 d. This Lot contains five rooms in each hpose, with pantry, coalhouse, water-closet, &of The Premises are also well -protected with/good boundary walls. Lofr&-All jfiat-well-built HOUSE, with Gar- den and Premises, situate opposite Lot 1 in the same street. This House contains three rooms, a pantry, and a very wide passage down stairs, and three large bedrooms upstairs. It is now in the occupation of Mr. Abraham Evans as monthly tenant. There is also a coalhouse, water-closet, and the Premi-es are walled in. Subject to a Ground Rent of 16s. per annum, and producing a Rental of £ 7 3s. per annum. The above Properties are held under a Lease from the Right Honourable Lord Dynevor and the Trustees of the late E. P. Richards, Esq., for 99J years, 97 or thereabouts of which are unex- pired. The Auctioneer would most respectfully call the particular attention of capitalists to the above Sale, as the Houses are all recently built, and stand in the best part of Abercanaid. The street is well fnrmad, and has been paved by the Local Board of Health. a There will be no outlay needed on the aforesaid Premises for years to come. The tenants will show the Premises. Further particulars may be obtained of D. W. ilfoRRis, Esq., Solicitor, Pantywyll, Mertbeyr; or of the AUCTIONEER. Sale to commence at seven o'clock p.m. pre- cisely. 19, Ivor-street, Dowlais, A/arch 26,1863. TO BE LET, And^ma^ be enfewd uvprrtmmQiately, AHOTTSl? ANDJSgok l^jfcg y, Bethos- da-street, M«nhyr. (J I y' Apply to ^fdSsrs. JAMES, ei rs. WALKED, A COPY of ^he TKLEGRAPH" for Septejiroer /27th,|L:62] flbich^rfll be liberally paid^Sr. TOUK^MNRDLD io^He TELE- GRAPH OSrce, JI/erthyilT BLINDS WIRE3LINDS!! WIRE, ZINC, ^TKATiS- PARjawT yriN^W alutd MAN^TOIsk SDA-ST., (Opposite tl^jBre^n-roaid,) MER YR. Gardeua, Agricultural, and Flower Ttl Secds^ M R ARE, 12, CHUmiffiSTREETJMERTHYR, 13 EGS MBffectfully ta acq^LMty h^frit nds and the<mixabitant||if \hM*owj#rthat she has just received a largelplojc best quality of Garden, Agricultural, and Blower Seeds, Bulbs, &c. which will he Swld^^ffoderate Prices. All Orders punoduallv attended to. George Town, Merthyr Tydfil. TO BE LET, v. TO BE LET, v. A LL that Convenient and substantial DWEL- LING HOUSE, knownas.tvr''Cottage, with largo Garden, Stabta^KJach-house, arid every convenience, situaJ^ffTreo^Tovrn, Mer- thyr Tydfil. The. premises^fe now ifc theyOccupation of William &«[fws, Esq.. aJdJvill be^ouud well suitedstfc^Iarge M Possessiontcan l»elil^>n thfrTst of May next. The jreiaiee.s wl BeLCT on Lease, or from [ year to yeartas iifty»^feired. For further ^antfeulars, 'apply to Mr. W. '■ ■■■ MARCH, 1863. STEAM COMMUNICATION BETWEEN CORK, MIL- FORD, CARDIFF, AND NEWPORT. 4, — rrHE CORK STEAM SHIP A COMPANY'S Screw Steamers cc DODO," Captain CROPT, 1,000 4, — rrHE CORK STEAM SHIP A COMPANY'S Screw Steamers DODO," Captain CROPT, 1,000 "jj^MMQ^Tons; "IBIS," Captain HOL- LANI), J200 Tons, or "CORMORANT," 1200 Tons, is intended to ply as underneath, and afford conveyance for Passengers, Goods, and Cattle, at verv moderate rates. FROM CARDIFF AND NEWPORT TO CORK. From Cardiff, Saturday, „ Newport, Saturday, ,14w#fl2 noon „ Cardiff, Saturday,1, 6 a..m. Newport, Saturday, 28, 12 noon FROM CORK FOR A^RD, ARDIFP, D, PO To Milford & r iff, 2\ p.m. ^rNewjWtT\leMiM^ayll, 7 a.m. Cardiif|Li%anpduay, 18, 2 p.m. Newpout,fc<Qnesday,25,7 am FARES from Co £ kl|^ardiff #ndNewport Best Cabin, 17s. 6(^^Deck, 7s. No Steward's Fee. Return^raete, available ior one month, 27s. Horses, Carriages, Live Stock, and Goods for Shipment should be along-side FOUR HOURS before the advertised time of Starting. For particulars, apply to L. W. Glover, Secre- tary, Cork Steam Ship Co., Cork; Ford & Jack- son, Milford; Thomas Nicholson, Plymouth; James Maddocks, CorkSteam Ship Co.'s Wharf, Newport, or to E. C. DOWNING, Bute Docks. Cardiff MARCH, 1863. CARDIFF AND BRISTOL. —1 rpHE Cardiff Steam Navi- Tk JL gation Company's New and FaAt-Sailing "Steamer YELINDRA," DAVID DAVTSS, Commander, is 1 I'-B** intended to ply between CARDIFF and BRISTOL, during the present Month as follows, arriving at and starting from Bathurst Basin, Bristol, calling at Hotwells, where Passengers will be Landed and Embarked. BETWEEN CARDIFF AND BRISTOL. PROM BUTE DOCKS, FROM BATHU £ 8TRBA- CARDIFF. SIN, BB^TOL. APRIL, 18f3 April, 1863. pril, 1 Wed 2 1- p. in.-44 p.m. 3 Friday 31 p4^Sat»aay 61 a.m. 6 Monday *6^k?mJ 6/Mongay. p:m. 7 Tuesday.a.n/ 7lllie9aa^X^'>7^ p.m. 8 Wed. p.ii.1 9V £ uja^ay.. 10 a.m. IOF d. 81 a,Isay.. 11 a.m. 13 Monday lli a.m. 4^uesday. 2j p.m. 15 Wed 2 p.nw o Thursday 41 p.m. 17 Friday 3f T^TL|8 Saturday 6J a.m. 20 Monday. 5y^Tm. 21 Tuesday +8i a.m. 21 Tuesday.Jr$p m. 22 Wed +9 a.m, 22 Wed /v6 p.m. ? Thursday 9| a.m 24 Friday.7| am. 25 Saturday.. IOJ a.m' 27 Monday 10f a.m. 28 Tuesday .2 p. rd 29 Wed 121 p.m. 30 Thursday 3 p.m To-and-fro from Cardiff, 6th and 7th. t To. and-fro from Bristol, 21st and 22nd. To-and-fro from Bristol in conjunction with the Ely, 3rd, 4th, 8th, 17th, 18th, and 20th. Fares:—After Cabin, 3s.; Fore Cabin, Is. 6d. Further information as to freight, &c., may be obtained by applying at the Company's Office, Bute Docks, Cardiff'; or to John Evered, Clare- street Hall, Marsh-street, Bristol. E. J. THOMAS, General Superintendent i Prichard's Dandelion, Chamomile Rhubarb, & Ginger Pills. ARE an unfailing remedy for indjgestion, constipation, bilious, liver, i»tfstomach complaints. Their gentle operation, yet certain result, particularly recommpira them for all the above ailments, and, as iLr use necessitates no confinement, the maprftftCHismess can continue his pursuits, andJjBe aged of both sexes find a medicine tha by, be resortep to at any time, under all cj^tfulnstancie^. out the Ipre- hensiod gerous In^Bottles, Is. 1U, and lls Prepared only by >VT llT^rtiard, Apothecary, 65, Charing Cross, LonjWT T( \>e hrd of Me^rlSmyth, and Rees, che- mistt j Merthyr; idmes, chemist, Dowlais; Tho- mas, chem'st^Derdj-e; and of all Medicine Vendors. Also Pri chard's Aromatic Steel Pills, or restoring weak and relaxd constitutions VS TERNATIONAL^HIBI rIOK. The Jurors o^jfass 2/kave p^rded a FOR J2*ESUE CLdV FlFDp l&yARC". Sold by all Grocers, Chandlers, Oilmen, MERTHYB TYDFIL- LOCi- BOARD OF HE TO SCAVENGBI^frftm) OIHEJ THE above is dWrous^^rfreoei ■? <- Tender^or, thelJbtvl^gf/ag of DOA at i iy Office on -applicm-^ofi. Tenders to bl senile me on or before V :>- NESUAY, the 1st dpy ?f April next, endc "Tenders for Sc^enging Dowlais District.' (By order) J. W. RUSSELL, March 12, 1863. Cle-, li. FIB WOOL OIL FOR THE CURE OF RHEUMATISM, GOUT, NEUJ>tflGIA, VD ALL PAINS ORIGINATpfu FROM COj ». Guaranteed to rcmoK^theumtilic Tooth, J or Liar Ache^fn fivafer nittminufes. Sold in bott^s, l^Kdh™fo(kfand 2* each, by HENRY (jiAvAfe^Vk'toria H< GwernlJ^yn Bach, /Dliwlals, Sole Ageni l r Wales. AGENTS :—Merthyn^ees Thomas, Drug" Cardiff, S. P.- Kernick, Druggist; Pontyi and Treforest, C. Bassett, Druacgist; Beaufoi P. Jones, Cheipist, Medical Hall; Penydar- John Evans, Chemist; ^Brynmawr, Alfred M, Jones, Chemi st; Rhymney, J, Prosser, Gror v THE PATENT CAJZELINE OIL, SAPR, ECONOMICAL, AND BRILLTANT. FREE FROM ANY OFFENSIVE SMEL'J Ad(iptcdtf) burn in any Patent Cazeline Lam or in any Paraffin or Mineral Oil Lamp. THE PATENT CAZELINE OIL posse all the requisites which have been so 1 desired as a means of powerful artificial li t- It is warranted non-explosive, and therefore ] fectly safe in use is free from any objactiom smellj and produces, a.most.brilliant hght. It i, admirably adapted for use in the dra •» and_parlours of the affluent, whjKon point "f economy it is equally suitablefiir the cottages the people. By its nsa %Jp^fliant and cheerful light ca9 be obtained i^C^t.not more than th t ef a common t»How«*male. TDMplmfff A perf^t substitftel iu Turoentine. It_ i* suited to all the purposes fpjrwhich that artic' is used, i Hbr Paintlrs' it is found superior to ordinary Turpentina^and at 1*4 than ont third the price, and^foes not posses* the rani odour of mineral Tj^pentinr. The •CAZELINJ^ OIL and TURPBHZIKB; I« supplied wholesale by CASSELL, SMITH & Co., 80, Fenchurch Street, London. Agents wanted in all towns not yet supplied. The public are cautioned against inferior Oils. When asking for Caiejhne see that a show curd bearing the name is exhibited. KAYFS WORSDELL'S PILLS. Recent Extraordinary Cure of Indigestion Sfc., ajter all other Remedies Itadjizilei. TTTE following spontaneous testimon^to the value of this old-establishedJWaicine has been received through Mr. W. Be, Chemist, Guildford.— 9, WiMer's BnihiHfigs, lAll Mead, Guildfpjra; Sinaey, |A.ug. 22, 1862, John-Kaye; Eijq., -j I I Sir, —Having teen apiefcd far upwards of four years^^thlndugcfstl^il Gmjm, ana Piles, I could find no relien jitui edicine what- ever. I payeTbeen un ands of four me- dical men; but without lari £ ltill I was induced to, try.a box of your valjiable'Pills, which gave me sudi relief that I h., e continued taking them, and anj npw(restorejJ''to perfect health. I know afls<| of several cas^B where they have been of th« greatest rise when other medicines have failed. If you consider the above testimonial of aay Value, jou are at liberty to make what use of it you please. I am Sir, yours respectfully, "SARAH WEBBER." Prepared solely by JOHN KAYE, Esq., of Prospect Hall, Woodford, Essex. Sold by all Medicine Vendors,.at Is. iid., 2s..9d., & 4s. 6cL per box. Wholesale Depot, 22, Bread-street, London. HEALTH AND CHEERFULNESS PHILOSOPHY AND FACT. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. Sick Headache with Loss of Appetite. A CERTAIN cure for headache, loss of appe- tite, and low spirits. These Pills may b* taken without danger from wet or cold, and re- no restraint from busiam or. pleasum quire no restraint from business or. pleasure They strengthen the stomach, and promote • healthy action of the livejj^pui iifc«tfg the blood, cleansing the skin, brapiCg thelnerves, am}invi- gorating the system /I .< A "Vadrd cq Fdmajkfs. 1 Tte local, ility amrtfere|ulwities which art the especwr annoyance Vf taf weaker sex, and vthicht>^neii neglected-a^tfays shorten life, are rilieve for the time bemg and prevented for the timfe to come, by a cowse of this mild but the rough alteradve.r ,4 ous Disorders. Any derangement of these delicate organs af- fects disastrously both the body and the mind. To the nervous invalid Holloway's Pills are an article of vital "necessity. They unparC tone and vigour to the internal organs, and consequently to. the nefvous system, which pervades and con- nects them. Hence their marvellous cures of hysteria, low spirits, spasms, fits, headache, ner- vous twichings, and other kindred complaints, which are all radically removed by the use of these invaluable Pills. Holloway's Pills are the best remedy known in the world for the folloicing diseases:- A^ue Female Irregula- Scrofula, or King Asthma rities Evil Bilious Complaint*Fevers of all kindsSore Throats Blotches on the Fits Stone and Gravel Skin Gout Secondary Synp. om Bowel Complaints Head-ache torn* Colics Indigestion Tic DOulouieux Constipation of thelnflammation Tumoors Dowels Jaundice Ulcers (tions Consumption Liver Complaints Venerea Affee Debility Lumbago Worms of all kinds Btop&y Piles Weakness, from Dysentery Rheumatism whatever canae Ersypeylas Retention of Urine &c., Ac. Sold at the Establishment of Professor Hot. LOW.AJJ 244, Strand (near Temple Bar), Lon- don "also py all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicines throughout the civilized world, at the following prices:—Is. lid., 2s. 9d„ s. 6d., lis., 22s., and 3Ls. each Box. There is a considerable saving by taidit the larger sizes. N.B.—Directions for the guidance of patient* Ti evvr), di,olti i bt-l',I'IX, to .f,,