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PAPER HANGINGS DUTY FREI^- A LARGE NEW STOCK, L S IG>S, HANDSOME PATTERNS, S&wffN.JK^UOOI), WELL ASSORTED, j I^jT^^BSFOSES, AT GREATLY RED RICES, AT THE TELEGRAPH OFFICE, 50, HIGH STREET, MERTHYR. 1^. iyrt GENERAL FURNITURE WAR 1 b' I e(i to try the re l§jg' ,g| 44, "stab 1112 to v y of I 11 stead 06br ets C oths. tg s a ltt ses, Fe,tther and 8 «■ r. & J. MyffiSfpEomiETtSs. • > y Agents JofHare's Patent Seasoned Floor cloth| V | 4 AWatcTi is certainly ont of the most perfect and indispensable machines ever produced by humaifcngenuity" Ji 3D. WILLIAMS KWmrk T> K&S to call Public attention to his Stock of LEVER WATCHES, being the jK J-' most serviceable fo-r general use. They comWfie great accuracy with durability, and will **j hard wear with less liability of injury titan any other construction. Every watch is manu- v^ian k Jpftured expressly^ For him, and thoroughly examined^^nder his own supervision, therefore ^r4v& £ ^rchasers Tr)^ with the utmost coyiitferice rely OByhiy commendation. The prices will be itTnto o hto e £ £ c1po15 r0 nisc11ie50ds sse..wraitlil onbe Do. io. in Gold Cases (Gentlemen's).. £ 12 12s. to £30 Os. A written Guarantee and Two Years' trial n with each watch. Silves Horizontal Watches, from el 10s. Gold do. do. from .7.7.77 £ 3 3s. Watches, Clocks, and Jewellery repaired on the premises in a superior manner. BEST WATCH GLASSES, 6d. Each; COMMON Do., 3d. each. 129. HIGH STREET, MERTHYR. EXTENSION OF PREMISES. THOMAS n • DJRAPEE, 1-31, HIGH ST-R-EET, .TVnFTT, OPPOSITE THE B HOTEL RESPECTFULLY announces his return fi-om Lon and other Mark^ts^ithf a chpkfeselection of GOODS, JLt< suited for the Season, and that his 7 y' New Sho ooms are now Opmei. P.S. A vacancy for a respectable Young Woman as an APPRENT E; one that can assist in the Millineiv will be preferred. 3 32, VICTORIA STREET, MERTHYR. t DICKS'S CELEBRATED GUTTA PE I, E D tBjQOTS AND s^is, (LEATHER TOgajT V THEY are CHEAPER, HEALTHIER, and wear in alljeftsons DOUBiJk^aBjj TI ME OF i.E AJPlfER, continu- ing Waterproof until quite worn through, and theifare easier repah^cf/fronly une-half tiTe price of leather. Warranted not to rip or give way.—All kinds of Boots and Shoes properly Repaired on UrCPre raises with Gutia Percha, on an improved principle. ■' N.B.—Brancn Shops in almost every Town in the Kingdom. "Upwards of 21,0,0#pairs Sold Weekly. OBSERVE THE ADDRESS, "THE LIFE BUOY," 32, VICTORIA STMSET, MERTHYR. V JOSEPH H. COR IN, ^7 NOS. 12 AND 15, ST. MARY STREET, CARDIFF, (OPPOSITE THE QUEEN'S HOTEL,) I WHOLESALE PERIODICAL AND 8 ER-Y FOR the London Times, and other Daily and Provincialir^ws papers. Am Nawspdtfers ordered direci from the different Offices. J. >1. C is PirnjtmSer direct, having mJQ^iii|ctiX<with any other person whatever. At No. 12, J. H. C. has an extenjjju^Jssortmcnt of TvavelliiM^oodsIji^Eufactured on the premises, consisting of Travelling Trunks, PorlaaSmteaus, Ladies' Dress Trunks, E le, Leather, Carpet, and Fancy Bags, Hat, Bonnet, and Cap Cases; Knapsacks, Tourists' Bags, and e description of Travelling Equipage ft N.B.—Travelling and Dress Trunks made to order on the shortest Old Trunks or Portmanteaus Repaired or taken in Exchdiige. LOVERIDGE AND COMPLY, WHOLESALE T WINE AND SPIRIT JEftk$EANTS, y WHOLESALE WINE AND SPIRIT JEtfk$EANTS, mekj^BTY nJj I 1 POST ORDERS PUNCTUALLY ATTENU^D TO, SAMUEL WARE^tlTD SONS, TAILORS ANiJQRAIplES, 'S R 48, Pari-St., BRlSJ^tfL, X>JX-.?J, ^ARDJJ^F. E Rb WOT E S. WHEN YOU OR GLBNPIELD STARCH SEE T T, AS INFEKIOI^RRNDS AR SJ0*MTUTED. WOTHERSPOON & CQYOLASTODW & LONDON" H, GRIFF I^er^; I TEMPERANCE & CO^dlE&fAL HOT £ L AND BO^iHN(llHQjSE^^ 14, NEW ^^ESTR^BT^^O^FCTOWIY, M E R M Y1L GLENFIELD PATENT STARCH USED IN THE RO^Jb-fclUNDIlY. THE LADIES are rea^^full^jfiformed thrrOhis Starch is exclusi^^used in jL Roy^Laundry, and Her Majesty's dress J^jj^a^although she haa tried wheatei^^Ee, a^ ot»A- pow^r starches, she has found none a^liem eqml V\?l^e,^jlenfiel<i, which is the finest stgprfi she has^evef i&z&S Wiitbai-srsoon & 68?yGt!$sgow & London. VICTORIA LOZENGES, BEING made by self-acting ma^jarty^re free from ) handling, and are recoimne^m for their perfect Purity, Delicious Flavours, ajxf^-ee from all coletfmig matter. | Sold in Packets at 4D.%8CS, and 4d. each, by Grocers, Drugtpm^andComeltioliers', and Whole- sale by Wothersfroon & Col (tlaJgow and London.— Agents for Merthyr anal M^bourhood Messrs. MATTHEWS, BHOTHERS, WJfolessfe Grocers. •^n<j uoissaoong Jo XosSyj 'nopBa^siuitapy 'o^qojj joj z) 18 0;itntRA •siuauiiB^snt A[.iBdX-jiyq ao Au^fenMpsxg. Xq a[qs -^Bdaj 'saBa^ aaaqi jo 'o'au^rffy '000*7 04 dn o'jJ XUOJJ mns AUB 8abi{ u^o no^^junoap-^fSof.iad psAo.id -du aaiuiMiin.rf^fffAV aq 101 ,tnoA' a.tnsu j pus "EIOIV I Od/Aa T Is po^ry put. 'aaauoipny 'skvj^TiaV JDMS 'smj^tswo pun ~r PUI3 deaqo v yvfa MOW AVO«IOHjwft?M v-n^ i ^.5|f Register Office forSsrvajats &^ttuations. TELEGRAP2^^frFrCEgME*I«YR. F^yjyLl^lBI?,uiring—flbMjf^ICAjJI&VANTS may be supplied frap^R^retljep^Rt the TELE- GRAPH Office, PKEE WRANS^JFIAKGE. JAMES Statuary and SJ»tfe M^^ons, Trinity Street, Cartjjdf: OjfcrfJhCanal Wharf TOMBSrJjifJiorials, aHfi*aH|p<iiK!s of,OfGamental BuildingwvvqpJ^ executjjd'on the shortest aotice. Designs preparecKnd fginfarded by post on ipplication. A GREAT MECHANICAL VICTORY. The Labour of the Washing Day Made Easy, By tho use of Bradford's Pa-tem Wa sh ing, Wringing, & Mangling Machine 1 -7- A GKNT for Menhyr Tydfil and neighbouihood, THOMAS THOMAS, Ironmonger.—M:.y be seen at Work a. his Private Home every TuKSDAY.—J. List if Prices, with Testimonials, thi,otttiz -pos t,,(,,t,a piication, f (.•PSF.HTE TH ji fcvst; D|?Fp§VI'||^ 3SUS11 ,« I WANTED a GROCER'SA»?tSTANT, also !a a strong, active, Jjjkrfing Miin sariWARE- HOUSEMAN. i ry Apply personaH^I^O. MERJbraa(^\ji^Tor Ha*«S7 Brynmawr. f l TO BE SOLD BY P^S^ffKCONTRACT, THREE well-built JjJUJIraaen's COIETAGEB, with large GARTOjiTS behind aptl flfcry necessary convenience, sitotffed near Chapel, Ye»f street, Tiv>ejJ^raiw. Tena^6^d|^ipymg twoisKWie houses, apdrthe owner liv^jg/n tho third. ,w A pftfy to DAVID EVANS, Yew-street, liJfSedyrhiw. TO PUBLICANSJJ^WIIERS. rjPO BE LET, witlj^l^mediate pMis^Uru^fchat wgll- I known DQJ^Ij S-L [ LIENl-ijflf) c^iteff the MASONS' AgKli," situate i 1/(Jnrcl^f-(Iyi'hiw. Applytg/MLr.^SA-UCELPlcto^iwewery, Pic-




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