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ten. H. W. MASSIFS 1 A NNOUNOEMENTS H. -W. B.AERIS^. I uctioneer, A vvraiser.J2\fltfe. Estate, and G^uftmA^ent, BEGS to inrflJrmthe mblic that all matters entrusted.to his careltdll be pumytwtffly and arefiilly attentied to. Rents ceii £ cted. Fire nd Lite Policies effected on^dfantageousterms. Railway and other SJwrfes bought and sold, and the daily prices obtained on application. Offices :-140, High Street. Merthyr Tydfil. HIGH STREET, MEETHYR. TO BE LET, and may be on invme- diatehijt^^ A LL that DOUBLSKfKJENM^D PUBLIC A HOUSE, tAor Tavern. 're The Premisesare in J>ocArep|r, thg^*gtf{; is moderate, and an active iprjgn vroujdr+5e enabled to command a good buslftess^ For further particulars wagifzo Mr. H. W. HAB- Ris, Auctioneer, or to Mr. ELIAS, Lamb Inn, Merthvr. TO PUBLICANS AND OTHERS. TO BE LET, with immediate possession, THAT DOUBLE LICENSJHT^PUBLIC- HOUSE, known MJYAL OAK," situate in HIGH S^#dfeT, folMhyr, and oc- cupying a situatj^frof uiMiurpassJiig' excellence for business^.jdfnst the lousa itself offer&^every u'. for business^.jdfnst the lousa itself offer&^every convenience as a residence I f or Jj^rSspectable family.—Satisfactory regions kjiife given by the present occupier for leavinM^ I Apply on the pre s, r to Mr. H. W. HABRIS. Auctioneer and Accountant, 140, High Street, Merthyr. TO BE LET, A GENTEEL RES"No. 6, COUETLAND TjWrtKvCE, Ms&mXR. Apply to T MlXXp; Hu. StJ^OTStlc, oticcu, merthyr. p N.B.—Kent Eedi|ce(^jt«'^I9 10s. PON TLOT TYN. RHYMNEY IRON WORKS. By Mi-. H. W. HARRIS WILL SELL BY OTION, At the WELLINGTON IN ey, on MON- DAY. April 7th, 186j2<m Sejen >'clocl £ in the evening, (subjecj^o such clndi iopfoi sale as shall be then ra*>ducetff)7^ > ALL those TW0 the property of the late WilhamUfltyd, grocer, situate in part of Pengarreg, ontlottyn, Rhymney Iron Works, and n in the occupation of Morgan Morgan, and another, as tenants thereof. These premises are held under Lease for a term of 99 years, subject to an annual ground rent of 17s. 6d. They produce rental of £ 1016s. per annum. For further particulars apply to the Auc- TlONEEli, 140, High-street, Merthyr. Auctioneer's Office, March 19th, 1862. TO GROCERS AND OTHERS. TO LET, A HOUSE AND SHOP, situated ngap-Jack- son's Bridge, Merthyr Tyd^ir^The Pre- niises are well adapted for carjymg on a general Grocery, there being an^^ceUent cellar for Storage, and a suitahj^c fck am, extensive Baking Trade. a^hbfl id^Sfcli a large and prosperous 0usinfss»h|s^|>e^i cltrried on for several years, and in wpicn a suiWTfle Person would command an exfensiv^Patronage. The Shop has been lately rencjudnwith Fixtures. odious The House has cojprfnodious Bedrooms, and other conveniences smtable to a Family. Application to be made to the Rev. J. HUGHES, Bethania, Dowlais, or to Mr. H. W. II ARRIS, Auctioneer and Accountant, 140, High S r -et, Mertliyr. PARISH OF ABERDARE. ELIGIBLE INVESTMENT. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, Mr.lH. W. HARRIS, At the BLACK LION INN, Aberdare, on WED- NESDAY, April 2nd, 1862, at Six o'clock in the evening, (subject to such conditions of Sale as shall be then produced,) the following VALUABLE and IMPORTANT LEASEHOLD PROPERTY,— T OT 1.—All that. SHOP„^BtfELLI.VG 1 j HOUS R, and PREMJ^CW6d Comp- ton Hou«e," situai^ffT Corotnerial P.ace, Abtrdare, late in^Kfroccupation ofJMv. William Wigiiunan.Jt'tfese premises ire hemmder lease for a te: m t>f99 year*J^jin lit 2nd of February, 1823, subjecr. to a GrdflRHeilt of they pioiuce a rental ot £ lu lws/,43u. pc nnUIn. LOT 2— U1 those SM»!UMraSSUAQE3 o, Dwelling Houses sit(|^ji^ar the Castlo Inn Abergwawr, Aberaman Jctdarc, now or late in the occupation of.1 ph Bush, Thomas Jenkin Richards, Ni ar v,,is, Jane Jones, Lewis Tho nas, Commus Crawley, and William Davies, as tenants thereof. These Premises are held under L'ase for a term of 89 years, from the 1st of January, 1857, subject to a Ground Rent of £4 10s., and they produce a rental of 949 10s: per Annum. c will be put up in one fr ■more; Lots to .uit the convenience of Pur- dlGfCTS LOT 3.- Ml those SEVENT MESSUAGES or Dwelling Houses situate in Jenkin and Ynys- llwyd-stree s, Aberdare, and now in the occupa- tion of Thomas Lewis and others. These Pre- mises are held under Lease or a term of 99 years, commencing from tin 1st day of May, 1854, subject to a Ground Rent of £ 4 10s. per Anuum. They produce a Rjntal of £ i9 8-. per Annum. For further particulars apply to Mr. W. R. SMITH, Solicitor, Mer.hyr and Aderdare, or to the AUCTIONEER, 140, High-street, Merthyr. Auctioneer's Office, March 17th, 1862. ^SALOYMR! J. H. thomasT CARM II R THE NSHIRE. TO CAPITALIS rs. i GITTCULTURISTS, AND OTHERS. Sale of important and most desirable FREE- HOLD PROPERTY, situate in the Parish of LLANDEYEILOG, in the above County. MR. J. HOWELL THOMAS pursuant to instructions leeeived from the PROPRIE- TORS, will SELL by AlJCTIUN, at the BOAR'S HRAD HOTEI,, Carmarthen, on Saturday, APRIL 12th, 18th', at three o'Clock in the After- noon, the Valuable and Impp) tunt Freehold Estate called KILGADAN-FACH. with excel- lent Farm Hou?e. Out-11uiidm^}"^Premises, together with a LaboimH><<TJottage, containing f,G Acres, 1 Ho 27 Perches or therea- bouts, of Arable, Me^xlolv, and Pasture I^and, with small PlafltfU^°l'4 iu the above Parish and County, sfo^ftyefceupation of "r. John Davies, and heldyb'T'lunu^'wri the 29th day of September, y^ im^i^ease, for *21 years, determinable at the ep/tfot the fi st seven or fourteen years bysin^nonths' previous notice, at the low annuaJHrent of £ '6, and subject to the payment of all Rates, Tithe Rent-charge, and Taxes, which are very low. The Estate is in the immediate vicinity of Lime and Coal, and within a short distance of the river Gwendraeth, so famous for its Salmon and Trout fishing, and is within two miles of the Post Towns and Watering- Places of Ferrysidc and Kidwelly, and the Stations of the youth Wales Railway at these places; is also within five miles to the Market and Post Town of Car- marthen. The occupier will shew the Estate, and all further particulars may be obtained of F. GUEEN. ESQ., Solicitor, Carmarthen or of Mr. J. H. THOMAS, Auctioneer and L-mtl Agent, at his Offices, Lammas-street, Carmarthen. Carmarthen, 6th March, 1852. ""THE TT 'iTTTT Trjiywni'T AT THE GETHIN COIjy* £ jMERTHYR TYDFIL. JU^E^SrSTt REOSCOPKS-sriEW S Ttf thtl aStty^Cotiery. Eedffree, twenty *our stamp* \J I AL^HCBetts, High-street, j Merthyr Tydfil Savings' Bank. THE TRUSTEES AND MANAGERS, in i. consequence of the oneaing' of Post Office Savings' Banks in Meri«tey?an<i Dowlais, have DECIDED UPpj^<Lf^I]/fithe above Bank. Depositors, dfJgivijfj pJarteln^ Days' notice, may receive the amt>u&*jor^p*eil" deposits in money, or may have/thgjwrtcounts transferred to the Post Otbee gfbank. Attendance every Monmy pill Apai 14th from y 11 to one 0 Gljck- 1 T '• EASE ANDFfe4pTH TO THE SICE. 4 ai?' /y.r»*S { HOLLOWAY'S OlRTMEWT. Sores, Wounds, Bad Breasts, Bad Legs. XN this class of maladies an improvement in the appearance of the disease of the patient follows the first dressing with the Ointment. It must not only be smeared on the wound, 01 sore, but be briskly rubbed for some inches round about the diseased swollen or painful parts. It will penetrate to the blood vessels, nerves, and muscles, and even to the bone, and will exercise the most wholesome healing and purifetkfg"f)Q\ver over every tissue requisite for oiigh repara- tion. The effect of the Oji»«fient is increased by fomenting with warmjjrsflJer -#Sore the Ointment is rubbed in; buj^Sores, whJii healing^ahettld never be clean^edwith a sspon*eor an^JrMng else, as the young and new |m^,jhvhj*en appears lik a cream, would be waslroa Glandular Sivellt n hitis, Mumps, Sore Throajtfand Dmtheria. To combat these diseases with success, a re- medy is required which wifi have the whole ab- sorbent system under its control. Such a reme- dy is Holloways Ointment, when rubbed on the skin, it penetrates to the glands, and removes any obstruction or impurity which may be im- peding their healthy action. This Ointment acts on the very mainspring of life, for through the glands pass all new matter required for the body's reparation in all the above class of cases the Ointment and Pills used conjointly, will act so searchingly, and certainly, as to effect cures in the most deplorable cases. Both the Ointment and Pills should be used in following cases: — Bad legs Corns (soft) llheumatism Bad breast3 Cancers Scalds Burns Contracted and sore nipples Bunions -still' joints Sorc-tbroats Bite of Mosche- Elephantiasis Skin-diseases toes and Sand Fistulas Scurvy flies Gout Sore-heads Coco-bay Glandular swel- Tumours Chiego-foot lings Ulcers Chilblains Lumbago Wounds Ciiapped hands Piles Yaws Sold at the Establishment of PROFESSO HOLLOWAY, 244, Strand, (near Temple Bar), London, and by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicines throughout the civilized world, at the following prices:—Is. lAd., 2s. 9d., 4s.6d., lis., 22s., and 33s. each Pot. There is a considerable saving by taking he larger sizes. N.B.—Directions for the guidance of patients are affixed I- each Priehard's Aromatic Steel Pills STAND alone among the many new dis- coveries in Medical Science. By their won- derful tonic or strengtheningjmyptHiiK, and peculiar power of oxidisii^^iroulood, the pale debilitated invalid isrgjwrered ruddy and robust, while the relaxed, no matter from what cause^dGn experience their invigorating and re £ fc»rtJtive effects. j Prepared by W. PU/C*IAI?D, Apothecary, 65, Chaiing-cross, London, 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., and lis. To be had of Megsw^TSmyth, and Rees, che- mises, Merthyr; nes, chemist, Dowlais; Tho- d mas, chemist, Aberdare; and of all Medicine Vendors. Priehard's Dandelion, Chamomile Rhubarb, & Ginger Pills ARE an unfailing remedy forjodige^tion, constipation, bilious, H^i^and stomach complaints. Their" gent^ifperation, yet certain result, particiilarlv^jw6f$mmen$,. them for all the above ailmentas theirX\te necessitates no confinement, the man of bi/ntps can continue his pursuits, and the agedfef r>otJi»^exes find a medicine that may be reanm^ro at any time, under all circumstances, jiitSout the least appre- hension of dangerous»«Bults. I11 Bottles, Is. a., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., and lis. Prepared only by W. Prichard, Apothecary, 65, Charing Cross, London. To be had of Messrs. Smyth, and Rees, che- mists, Merthyr; James, chemist, Dowlais; Tho- mas, chemist, Aberdare; and of all Aledicine Vendors. England expects every Man to do his Duty. COMPANY 'TENTION THE OLD BEJB HIVE INN, REVIVED BY THE VETERAN YOUNG, WHO begsl|(l^inost re9ppctfully to return hi^UHothjUi^sTbr jfie Patronage he has received during the sbfoiyti/ie he has opened t lie above 11 0u 11P, not kcel)ing the best •Ue.s, London Spirits, to meet with support fromJjJ^Tienerous Public, also from his Brethr ritts. N.B.—Thp^ld "^eteran has a large Rcom, and is nowHatting ft up, and hopes to have it ready by Monday, the 27th inst., when the first Convivial will place, anl hopes all the singing Bees will muster strongly inside the [live. ESTABLISHED 1825. THOMAS JONES, PLUMBER, P AI^SB^; GL AZ1 Ell,&c. 151, HIGi^S^EETjAIEKTHrR, BEGS i^ifiespecgjillyj^jhform his friends artfrthe public tf^iierjny'tiirtt. the Board of Health having deteunffcedJ^iAllllV ill parties to employ tcliGmsoevt^^fff^Tpleaxe in all interior work neceswryjtfr the introduction j'water from the luaijaF^npes into their houses, lie is pre- pared to supply ail materials and cxeeute all such" work at the very lowest remunerative priccs, cousistent with good materials and workmanship, and solicits a share of their patronage. N.B.—T. J.'s experience in tbif branch of his business is so well knowi asto need n< comment. P I Å N 0 FOR T E SAN D BARNON ICNS. C. Rr, 7 RESPECTFULLY beg* to call attention toJa^E^cJlent Stock of New and Second-Hand PIANOFOBWCfcr Inlefcr Hire. ltIlfD. 5000 of the Most Popular SONGS aa^rIANOF(JKTE PIECE £ Lfli^^V> "a" "nce* All kinds of BRASS MUSlCAl^iSTRUMENTl at ^ny Cn&mfue Price. Excellent Stock of CONCERTINAS, commencingM"rom^|^fn7each. Concertinas and Harmoniums Tuned and Repaired^ Pianofortes Tuned in Town or Country. Agent for Alexandre's, Boosev's, Dubaine's, «md Wheatstone's Harmoniums. SECOND HAND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS BOUGHT OR EXCHANGED. Market Square, Merthyr. CAEDRAW FACTORY, & 136, HIGH STREET, MERTHYR. WOOLLEN M>WCf^CTURER, BEGS to return his sincere thanks to Lis Friend iepub* i general for their kind support and would respectfully inform them tins REMOTiJjEnto 136, HIGH STREET, (next door to High Street Chapel), the very comnrftWious premises oupied by Mrs. Jones, Milliner where he hopes to merit a continuance of their favours. I D. R. having lately effected considerable improvementsAn tt ufactvring Department wishes to call particular attention to his very Superior WHITB EL, a Large Stock of which is always kept on hand. WELSH SHAWLS, GREY CLOTHS, BLANK ANCY PLAIDS, PLUN AND FANCY STOCKING YARNS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ALL KINDS OF FLANNELS, &c., PRESSED ON THE PREMISES. Perfect Articulation & Mastication (tW&m su ON-DE, NTIST, F 128, 3TEEET, MEETHYR TYDFIL, S to call the attention of the Public generally to his neiv Mbthod of applying Artificial Teeth, dis- pensing with all painful operations rings, and fasteniligsJ^ every kind the expense is less than half the < rdinary charge. ^jWfeiraterials used in tlpir c^structiojarlsso natural in colour that it defies detection, even if the mouth be looked into; ami ^oir dyj»wffmtv is much greater than any other substance advertised for the purpose. j|r S. £ gf A Single Tooth fcgrfrO 5 to 1 1 A Single Set 2 10 "7 10 A Full Set ,yr.. „ 5 0 „ 15 15 Scaling, Filling, and Regulating Teeth gdtecuted on moderate terms, and on strict dentical principles. THE GETHIN ACCIDENT RELIEF FUND.



MARCH, 1862.

[No title]
