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lA^N 1ST OTT3STCEMBNTS; H. W. HARRIS, Auctioneer, Appraiser, House, Estate, and general A gent, ynEG8 to inform the Public that all matters .1 > entrusted to his care will be punctually arid arefiilly attended to. Rents collected. Fire A fl and Ljto Policies effected on advantageous terms. w Offices :—Mr Rees Thomas's, nigh-street, i ^Merthyr, opposite Cloth Hall. \y A DOWLAIS IRON WORKS. ELIGIBLE INVESTMENT. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Afy. H. W. IT A lilt IS, On MONDAY, the 3rd day of SEPTEMBER, 1860, nt the BUSH INN, DOWLAIS, at Six o'clock in the Even hip- (subject to such conditions 01 sale as shall be then produced), the following LEASEHOLD PROPERTY: T 4 LL that Double-Licensed PUBLIC LOT 1. jS^ HOUSE and PREMISES called the "PLOUGH INN," and the.HOUSE adjoin- ing, situate in High-street, Dowlais, numbered /237 and 238, in the occupation of Mr. Thomas x Owen and another, as tenants thereof. They S produce a rental of £ 38 per annum. LOT 2.—All those FOUR DWELLING HOUSES situate in High-street, Dowlais, adjoin- A intrine above, and numbered 230, 240, 211, and i 2Also the FOUR DWELLING HOUSES P I yfinder tliem, and situate in the rear thereof. J s They produce a rental of £ 37 Is. per annum. The above Lots are held for a term of 99 years from the 14th day of January, 1803, and are subject to a ground of £ 2 16s. 4d. per annum. For further parficulars, apply to the Auc- tioneer, 143, High-street, Merthyr; or to Messrs. BALDWYN and WALKER, Solicitors, Chepstow. LORD RAGLAN INN, MERTHYR. REES GABE announces to his Commercial ^Pfiends and the Public that the above Inn lUffTevery convenience for their accommodation, the Goods supplied are all of the very best 0 <il Hors^and Trap kept for Hire on reasonable Jt,en»<and Orders for them by post promptly I ^^«f(tended to. I MR. JOHN PRICE, Wholesale Provision Factor, < 26, Wellington-sti-eet, Merthyr. | Home-cured Welsh Bacon of the best quality at the lowest market prices. PRIME WELan BUTTEE, BY THE CASK, Always on sale, at reasonable prices. Stores Back of High-street; Entrance in J Jls Chapel-street. M To Carpenters, Builders, &o. Cardiff Depot of Pre/pared Joiners' Work, the Canal Wharf' East, Cardiff (near the South Wales Railway Station.) JAMES and PRICE have always on J liand a large Stock of the following named Goods :-Skirting: Mouldings, Archi- traves, Cornices, Sasli Bars, Door Jambs, Angle < Beads; Doors, and Sashes. Per foot. 11-inch Doors, 4-panellcd square, framed 6d. framed at 6d. 2-inch Doors, moulded both sides. 10d. j ]}-incli Bead, But and Square „ 6Jd. j I 2-iftdi 6-panel Doors, moulded J ) y^hoth sides 10d, ''J 1 lj-inch Sashes and Frames, Deal Casings, Baltic Sunk Sills and r Axle Pullies, prepared to hang double Ogd. lj-inch do., as above, primed, and glazed with Crown Glass „ 13."d. 7-inch Torus Skirting, lis. per 100 feet run. SEPTEMBER, I860. Steam Communication between, Corle, Car- diff, and Newport. | mHE CORK STEAM SHIP i' » i! Si _| COMPANY'S Screw Steamer "PREUSSISCIIER ADLKR," 1,000 Tons, Captain BYRNE "DODO," LOCK) Tons, Captain CROFT, or "BITTERN," 800 Tons Capt. HOLLAND, are intended to ply as under, and afford conveyance for Passengers, Goods, and Cattle, at very moderate rates. FROM CARDIFF AND NEWPORT. Newport, Saturday 1st 6-i a.m. Cardiff, Saturday °th a.m. j, Wfcwport Saturday lotli v'f j|-™- /Cardiff, Saturday -2nd .)a i.m. Newport, Saturday *Jth. o a.m. I FROM CORK.—x<or 1 Cardiff, Wednesday, 5th 7 a-in* rt t Newport, Wednesday, 12th 14 P-m- MI Cardiff, Wednesday, .lfth (>4 a.m. ^TlJewport, Wednesday, 26th J'1, To CORK, Best Cabin, 17s. Gd.—Deck, 7s. ./f No Steward's Fee. i Horses, Carriages, Live Stock, and Goods.for Shipment should be alongside ONE 1IOUK before the advertised time of Starting. For Freight or Passage, apply at the Company s Office, Cork; or to Messrs. Owen and Downiiu Ship Brokers, Cardifl or, Mr. Jas. Maddoelo, Newport. WEEKLY STEAM COMMUNICATION BKTWEEN LONDON & CARDIFF & NEWPORT Til I? Cork Steam Ship Company give Notice of their intention, in a short time, to convey Goods by their poweriul Steamers between Lon- don and' Cardiff and Newport. uf addition to reasonable rates of freights, the ^vjreat. advantages ottered as to Insurance of ^fcoo«ls on the Cork Lines will be extended to this line, so that a trifling extra payment Mer- 1 tchanrs may be entirely secured fioin sea riA. /V' tnf Ka'es o't Freights and other particulars will I T|W WTnserted in future advertisements. « 1 '• i?(»r further particulars, apply to L, vv. ► OioVEtt, Esq., Secretary, Cork Steam Ship Company, Cork to Messrs. Owen and I)OWN- ■ VNO, Cardiff; or to Mr. J. MADIIOCKS, New- p ort, Mon. ■■ SErTEMBRR, 1860. CAUDIFF AND BRISTOL. ■, rpHE Cardiff Steain Navi- —j | gation Company's Fast- t S'niling Steamer uJENNY JONES," DAVID DAVIES, Commander, inteuded to J BRISTOL,th Passengers and Mechandize, during the ensdng- month, as under PROM BUTK -.JOCKS,'from BATHURST BA- .CARDIFF. SIN, BRISTOL. /Sept. Sept. 3 Monday.. 5| ,.ra. 1 Sal urday.. C p.m. 5 Wednesday 6.J- a,n. 4 Tuesday a.m. S' /)Tl,LS'i,lay • • • 7i <> Thursday- • a-lil- 9 J^Moe.lay ..10i*a.n 8 Saturdav 10,fa.m. V12 Wednesday 1J- p.min Tuesday -i P-1T1 tV' Y -H p-Tn'Thursday • 4 p.m. 17 Monday ofc a.m. 1, Saturd4 (ii a.m. 18 1 uesday ba a.rn. 17viIontia, 7 ,>.m. v 19 Wednesday G:f p.m. 18 W^dav 7A i> rr 21 Friday. 8 a,,j2oCIy." fea.m. 2t Monday 11| a.ia.|22 Sm,tr(1; i„» a.m. 26 Wednesday If p.m..2o Tue^jav 3 nm. 28 Friday. }>.m. 27 TLtui 4 L'w 29 Saturvay # # 5 pan. k* To Cumberland Basin on the ]>; ),_ aTo-and-fro from Cardiff, 17l;!i ani iBtli. To-and-fvo from Bristol, i,i conjuiCf;on ,v;,k f the ELV, 3rd, ith. 1-jtli, ;tod 10th. i Fares:—After <'abin, 3s.; Fore Cabii i9. (;,[ —Further information as to freight:, &c*lMy i,e obtained by applying at the Company' iftice v Bute Docks, Cardie; or to John Kvered,jai.cI Street Hall, Marsh-street, Bristol. |ji^> 45. J. THOMAS, General Superintended r IQE/AMMAB SCHOOL, ABBRDAEE, i\ Coilduotod by J. G. MORGAN, U Member of the London University. '7 ON TUESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 11TH, 1860, THE REV. :.ELTTa-:e: STOWELL BBOWK Of LIVERPOOL, will deliver X r A LECTTJ JR, IN ZOAR CHAPEL, MERTHYR, '1l y/\ ON "HOGARTH AND HIS PICTURES. Admission by Tielet-Is., and 2s. Tickets may he obtained at the TELEGRAPH Office, Mrs. White's, Mr. W. Harris, and Mr. W. Wilkins, Grocers, Merthyr; Mr. John Lewis and Mr. Philip John, Aberdare; Mr. Dixon, Chemist, Rliymney; and Mrs. Lewis, Grocer, Tredegar. r- SPONGING, HIP, SHOWER, & EVERY DESCIJHTION OF BATH, MAY BE OBTAINED AT • -W T; aBIPPlTH S.y JST FUIlinSHING AND OENEEAL IEONMONGE5R-Y I^STABLISHMENT. IRON BEDSTEADS IN GREAT VARIJJTY(; i Agent for Price's Patent Case-Hardened Safe, which is undoubtedly the only one capable of resisting the accomplished Burglar, as proved by the late disastrous trial at Barnsley, between Price's and Milner's Safes.—See Barnsley Advertiser, May 5, 1860. 147, HIGH STREET, OPPOSITE ANGEL HQ^|L. J WINI-NI* ■ IMIIIMIMI. mmm* nn IMPORTANT NO TIC L. ICOOS,, 4. J/' PEACTICAL WATCH & CLOCK MANUFACTURER, J^WELLEIl^&fC 97 and 34, HIGH STREET, MERTIIYR, BEGS to thank his Friends and the Public generally for the very liberal support Joints received during the last nine years, and begs most respectfully to inform them that he has taken the Shop and Premises of Mr. A. ROMBACH, Watchmaker (who is giving up business in consequence of ill health), No. 34, High-street, Merthyr, nearly opposite High-sTceet Chapel: L. Koos hopes to merit the same liberal support received bIC, Mr. llombach, by producing first-rate workmanship and punct-aklity. A New Stock of the best made Patent Lever, Vertical, and Geneva Whiles, also a large Stork of Jewellery and Wedding Rings, will be ready for inspection on MoNUATf next, AUGUST 20th, the opening day, and will be sold for cash only, at the lowest remunerative prices. L. R. intends keeping 011 his Shop at No. 97, High-street., as heretofore,^itli a large Stock of English and Foreign Clocks, Jewellery, Wedding Rings, and Fancy Goods. Watehes & Clocks repaired under the supervision of L. Koos, by an efficient staff of workmen. Clocks sold, as usual, by weekly or monthly payments. IKST Please observe the AddressNo. 97. near the Castle Hotel, anS'No. 34, nearly opposite High-street Chapel, Merthyr. aeomatic~v/ 00:0 LIVE EAyi L. THE superiority of Purp Cod Liver Oil over aH'r'i^iJ^ial ifeents in tlio treat- ment of Consumption, General Debility, and Scrofulous Affections, has now been long fully proved; the only objection to its more common use has heretofore heeff the disagreeable flavour and impurity ot what has been too frequently sold; this has at length been overcome by im- parting to the pure oil the pleasant hitter of the hop with other Tonic Aromatics, thus increasing its strengthening qualities, and rendering it more agreeable than most other remedies. ° Prepared by LONGMAN, LEONARD, and ROBINSON, Wholesale Druggists, Bristol • and sold by all Druggists, in Bottles, One Shilling each. T7~ R E~E"S IB S I ID IB 2ST T ID IHflliT TTE £ 3 rp, HIGH STREET (opposite the West of England Bank), MERTHYR, INVITES the Public, and especially those afflicted with decayed or defective Teeth, to an exami nation of the durable and elegant Artificial Mineral Teeth, manufactured by him on the premises in High-street. They are perfect in their resemblance to nature, never wear out or cor- rode, and answer in every respect the purpose of natural Teeth. "»■ Reference is kindly permitted to a large number of the most respectable persons in the neigh- bourhood who have patronized him. h Rees's Essence for the Toothache, which produces an instajstsneoua cure, is sold in bottles at Gd. and Is. each. Rees's Tonic Astringent Mouth Lotion.—This excellent preparation has been proved by experience, to be of the greatest benefit for the cure of spungy gum*, tender or relaxed cums-Wd as a general lotion for rendering the mouth sweet and comfortable, it' J*found one of the'mot pleasant ever employe' 'ro persons wearing Artificial Teeth it is hmluftTRa# ltccs's Tooth T owdc prevents and removes the formation of tartar, imparts to the Teeth pearly whiteness, pivesadviglitf.il fragrance to the breath, and entirely prevents the iniurioii effects of acid and sttel med cines upon tiie enamei. "I ects of acid and ,I( iiies ul)on tile en"lTn(,I. L PRINTING BY STEAM POWER. WHY GO Til BRISTOL & i'.VY MURK P. W I h HAMS, ESPECTFULLY informs the Public that he possesses every facility (which perfccfffm5iinerv M, and Steam power can yield) for executing Orders to any extent m Printing, ou the Shortest Notice, and at the Lowest Kate of Charges. Bill Heads, Invoices, Letter and Note Headings, Circulars, Business and Visiting Cards, Auc- tioneers', Agents', and General Trade Announcements, m the best Style, and executed with an Expedition that cannot be surpassed in any Establishment out of London. Prices of' Posters, printed on Good Paper. Double Crown (30 in. by 20) for 100 17s. Oil. For 200 27s. 0-1. For 300 35s_ ,),<• Do. do. folio Long (30 by 10) 300 13s. Od. 500 l(js. Od. 1,000 21s.to25s' Royal (24 by20) 100 10s. Od. 200 25s. 0d. 300 o,j" Demy (23 by 18) „ „ l is. Od. „ „ Ibis. Od. „ „ o<)s[ od* Crown (20 by 15) 10s. C-d. 10s. 0d. I2ls. 0d- Demy folio (18 by 11) „ 8s. Od. „ „ 13s. 0c. „ „ 17s. 6d• Crown do. (1.5 by 10) „ /s. Od. „ 10s. 0d. „ 13s. 0d• Foolscap do. (14 by 8 £ ) „ 0s. Od. „ 9s. 0d. „ lis. 0d- Demy 4to. (11 by 9) 4s. 0d. 500 9s. Od. 1.000 14S. (3d- Crown 4to. (10 by 7J) „ 4s. Od. „ 9s. Od. „ 12 s. Od- Demy Octavo (9 bv 5'}) .1000 7s. Od. „ 3,000 .IKs. Od. „ & 000 25s 0d' Crowi do. (7.J by £ >) 2000 10s. Od. 5,000 20, Od. „ 10,000 •,(,«. 0d. Demy 12mo. (7lby4.J) „ oOOO los. Od. 10,000 2os. Od. „ 20,000 40s. 0d. Coloured Paper or Coloured Inks, charged extra. Invoice Heads on Good Writing Paper. Foolscap Quarto (8V by 0}).. for 100 4s. Gd. For 500 10s. fid. For 1,000 14S> od. P ist Gmo. (9 by 5) „ 1000 12s. Od. „ 3,000 30s. 0d. „ 5,000 4^ (),|. Foolscap do. (84- by il) „ „ 10s. Od. „ „ 24s. Od. „ „ 34s. 0d. Do. Omo. (5i by 44) „ 8s. 0d. „ 20s. Od. „ „ 30s. Od. Circulars, Cream, Laid Paper, Fly Leaf. Note size, for 100, from 3s. Od.; 200, Gs.; DOO, 12s. Gd. Cards, from 10s. per 1,000. TEA PAPBRS PRINTED AT Is. PER 1,000, IF THRKJS BEAMS A HE ORDBREJD. PRINTING and BINDING done for the TRADE. Account-Books of all Sizes and Patterns, made in a Superior manner, at the Shortest Notico — „ .tvi e of Binding done at the Cheapest Rate ot Prices, consistent with elegance and durability i'^l -r Ruled by Machine to any Form .-School Books, Writin- and CiphnrinR Copies, Pocket and } £ Ledacrs, Metallic Books, et«- etc., always on liaiuh-lieviews, Ma^a/ines, nud all other 1 v -Hons including Newspapers and Cheap Periodicals, supplied reguiarly. pub ica 1 ^anc//[rri IJSIC supplied to the Public at Wholesale Prices. T AT?G-"KST ASSOliTMEWT OF PAPER HAWGIKGS ITT TII3'- MERTIIYB, „ n-,e most Elegant and Rich Designs, together with those of the Cheapest CompW-nS-> Description. •, i. v,- -nl'ice v.'ithin the delivry of the South Wales, Yale of Neath, TafF Vale, and Carriage Paid to anj 1 <0 nu parts ot the Iron Districts'of Monmouthshire, on Onlerr. of Loop Line of Railways, anu 2\1::>, and 1Jpi\anls. i u rj^lMG-BAFJI" Office, Merthyr TydM. j SHIOOTI1TG BEGINS ON THE DAY ON WHICH THE UBEAT MALF-IEW IpAEING OUT SALE OF DBiPEEY COMMENCES AT SMITH'S, COMMERCE H0U8^ TALE. i ,I QOPBLANTI'S/ 1 FOIL j A T S ^¥RT]lYir TYDI^irTjAS jCXJiMPANYr- WITH a Winter befora us which, in all likelihood, will be one of the most trying and disastrous that we have known, It is incumbent on every household to exercise a prudential foresight and a thoughtful economy. And in no way #an this be exercised so well as by a rigid examination of the articles of domestic requirement and daily use. To one item, and in the Winter this is one of the most important items of consideration, we beg to direct public attention, feeling assured tnat bv so doing we are consulting most largely their individual interests. This item of domestic expenditure is LIGHT, which, of late, owing to the exorbitant prices of oil and candies, and tne neglect of a cheap and valuable substitute, lias figured conspicuously in the annual exposes. The Merthyr Gas Company having spared no expense in the enlargement of Jie|* £ OIKS, arc now prepared to meet every demand, and can supply, at the cheapest rate, a Gas that, iwpurity ana cost, shall win the hearty approval of every consumer. „ v*- I Until comparatively late times the use of Gas was confined to Public Offices, Hotels, and Institutions, private individuals thinking it too costly for their use. This impression is fast losing ground, and will assuredly disappear altogether when the fact is known that Gas is the Cheapest Light that can be obtained, and not only the cheapest, but safer, and is a great, comfort in a .felling house. To bring this truth home to the public, we beg to append a scale of comparison, which may be relied ou. 1 Comparative Cost of Light from^Candlet, Lamps, and Gas. j 1. Quantities and Prices Quantities & Cost of Gas. s' i\ Canj^andOil. \tS br Tallow Candles (dip^f- •»/ lib. 0 7 21 0 1| Ditto ditto (moulds) +}.1 lb. 0 8 21 0 lj Composition ditto 1 lb. 1 0 25 >f) li Wax ditto ••*• 1 lb. 2 3 25 0 lj Solar and Pale Seal Oil 1 gall. 4 0 175 0 10^ Sperm Oil uall. 8 1 217 I 1 After this there can be no question which is the cheapest I.ight-the only matter remaining to be proved is that the Light yielded by Gas is as healthy a Light as that afforded by any other article. We cannot do better, in order to dispel any erroneous notion, than give the decision of an authority on the subject LEWIS THOMPSON, lisq., M.R.C.S.who arrived at his conclusion after a long, patient, and searching series ot experiments:- "1 have commented upon the greater insalubrity of wax compared with coal gas, when these luminiferous agents are contrasted together according to their chemical composition; but it was obviously necessary, on public grounds, that actual experiment, and not theoretical deduction, should form the basis of so important an argument. Hence, in order to demonstrate the relative advantage possessed fcv well-purified coal gas over other luminiferous agents, I instituted a set of experiments in which one photometrical standard* was made the means for measuring the relative atmospheric'deterioration caused by various luminiferous substances. The standard chosen was coal gas, of suc-h a quality'hat when burnt at the rate of 5 feet per hour in a 15-hole argand burner,- with a 7-inch chimney, it gave a light equal to IS spermaceti candles, consuming, in the whole, 1,560 grains of sperm per hour; and such a quantity of the following materials were consumed in a proper manner as were found- to give the above quantity of light, or, in other words, to equal the light afforded by the combustion of 26 grains of spermaceti per minute. Having carefully ascertained that this luminiferous standard had been reached, a given bulk of atmospheric air was subjected to the action of each description of flame, and the deterioration inferred from the length of time which elapsed ere the flames became extinguished by the contami- nation of the air, the time being then inversely as the deteriorations. Thus tested „ Min. Min. Rape or Colza Oil became extinguished in 71 I Stearic Acid became extinguished in 77 Olive Oil >> >> Z? I Candles 79 Russian Tallow „ K >l" • | Spermaceti.ditto „ „ „ • • English „ „ y 7o Common Coal Gas „ „ „ 99 Sperm Oil >> >> 76 Thus short-hr- that practically, as well as theoretically, the advantage in healthiness, above all other lights, is enormously in favour of Gas." Thus, then, for health as well as comfort, and comfort as well as economy, Gas jjtaifas pre- eminent. The Merthvr Gas Company respectfully submit these impartial observations to the public of Merthyr, and trust that every private individual will speedily avail himself of those substantial benefits which hitherto have been conferred to tradesmen and public institutions. Parties who may desire to bo supplied with Gas are requested to make application-to the Manager at the Works, who will superintend the Fittings, and give the information and attention required. A Stock of Gas Fittings kept for selection at the vVorks, which are charged at the very lowest l'emunerativé prices. Gas Office, August 29th, 1860. "WHEN TOTT ASK GLEJtfFIELD PAT 8HK THAT As inferior kinds are sujistau^TO. iWciTUKUsi'ooN anjKCo., J" HOLLO WAY'S OINTMEJS x1. A CURE FOR THE AFFLICTED!—Pos sessed of this remedy every man is his own Family Physician. If his wile 01; children are troubled with eruptions of the skin, sores, tu- mours, white swellings, sore throats, asthma, or any other external ailment, a persevering use of the Ointment is-all that is necessary to produce a radical cure. Piles and Fistulas. The cures which this Ointment effects, in heal- ing Ulcers of long standing- and which have re- sisted all other applications, as well as in curing- Piles, Fistulas, have been so countless and so notorious throughout the world, that any cllort to give an adequate detailed statement ot their number or character would be vain. It is suffi- cient to say that the Ointment has never proved nefficacious. G-reat Ylouse]wif^P^<n^ly • The diseases or the/Wn, toj^iich'children are most subject, sucl^fsencrust^W^'es 011 the head and lace; rasWHng^ pimples, See., are quick!yvftYmvt-<tiiTgnguent^ 11 fh the iliouMrte used in the Rid lesrs (ft'fsofor Wieumatism Rid lesrs (ft'fsofor Wieumatism Bad breasts Caucei^^ Scalds Burns CoitffSetcd and sore nipples Bunions Ktift' joints Sorc-throats mto Of Mosehe- Rleplnuitiasis Skiji-thseases toes and Sand- yistidas Scurvy llies Gout Sore-heads oeo-bay Ulandular swel- Tumours Chicg-o-foot tint's Steers ijUiH>l:iins Lumbago Wounds Chapped hands Piles Yaws Sold at the Establishment ot PKOPBSSOR IIOI.I.OWAY, 244, Strand, (near Temple Bar), London, and by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicines throughout the civilized world, at the following prices:—Is. l £ d., 2s. 0d- 4s. 6d., J.ls., 22s., and 33s. each Hox. There is a considerable saving by nking the larger sizes. N. B.—Directions for the guidance of patient n every disorder are affixes! -to each ll()x, LOVERIDGE'S RHEUMATIC PILLS, FOR THE CURE OF RHEUMATISM-—ACUTE, ONIC, AND MlTSCULA^f PAINS IN T BACK; PAINS AND Giimj^rss IN THB HEAJP BlLiptfB COMTAints CoSTIVjENES^AEISIIlG LlOlt iN^TOTiSTION PrepargjJ<ny T^Loiur^li)<;e, ifmiiber of the PharmaceuticaWDfUwtjWr GmjKllritain. LIST OP AoENTsV-Tre^gar, Mr. Crosswcll; Aberdare, Mr. Evswr; NfKvliridgc and Treforest, Mr. Bassett; Ilirwajm, Mr. Sims; Dowlais, Mr. Lewis; BrynmOwr, Mr. Jones; Neath, Mr. Hibbert; Aberdare, Mr. Orchard, Mill-street; Rhymncv, Mr. Dixon, chemist; Ebbw Vale, "Mr. B. A. Geoge.—Wholesale Agents, Messrs. Barclay and Son. London. Pi'ichard's Dandelion, Chamomile, Rhubarb, &s Ginger Pills, IT^OR Indigestion, and ail forms of Bilious and Liver Complaints. These mild vegetable family aperients are for inactive bowels and sick headaefiesjirising from derangements of the stoinjKfn, &c^\hpir action being certain and eflbcJjfJu, witl^outMask or in- convenience. 1—1 In bottles, ls.l^L^s. 9i\, 4s.Q/tL, and lis. Prepared 1HI\*AR IV, ^^thecary, 65, Charing Cros^7 London^ J To be had of Messrs. S#<yth, and Rees, che- mists, Merthyr; Jones, chemist, Dowlais; Tho- mas, chemist, Aberdare; and of all Medicine Vendors. HENRI'S IIORSE & CATTLE FEED HENRI'S PATENT CATTLE FRED is the most perfect preparation of the day for HORSES, COMS, CALVES, or SHEHP, as hundreds of Testimonials certify. Price 42s. per cwt.—HENRI'S PIG MEALjrMs. per cwt. HENRI'S PATENT MEjBICATED HORSE FRED, administered iii ly, ^S^uickly re- store Horses that are aifk tneir teod, into splendid and health^coiuiitioM' witWt inter- fering with their/Ruly 4Rtfk. Inj0b\es where this is used, swj^f'neraVke#inieels, or sur- feit never appear. BiS^s, c^Jnaining. 56 feeds, 12x. yr HENRI'S FERT) is me only one patented (lR-,r>) and is sold, wiH) a guaranteed AWAT.VSTS, L>V"L:FI?NKI'8 PATKNT OATTI.E FKKI» COM- RVTIY, Steam Mills, IIULT,, the sole manufac- tiii-ers to whom or flit ir duly apjioint^d Ag-mts, orders must be given, and Post Oliicc Orders made payable. London Depot, 40, King William-street. Merthyr and Aberdare, THOMAS LO VEKIBCJE, Merthyr. HEALTHFUL EXERCISE. WILLIAM WALTERS respectfully In- forms the Public that he li^fjust taken the BALL COURT TAVERNVeaAtke Court House, Merthyr, totrethIffliMr.NTJJ-« COURT attached. Gentle^^jgMMis of ha|i(^ a game at the innocejji^and Mrniful ex^Rse of fiafl Playing will hrtfe OTenti^rffand the use of the excellafit BalfCmyft an all on terms that cannot fail to give saf^Tacti^K The utmost order will alw^^be preserved,so that Gentlemen may amuse themselves without the fear of objectionable interference,or anything that may detract from their pleasure. Merthyr to Tredegar THE Public are informed that THOMAS GIBBON, the Mail Carjiei^tetween the above places, is permitted^lo CMWIY PAR- CELS, and which he cngtfge^to, deliver with the greatest care and-fffmp^alltyjV^Ie leaves the Coach and Horsp^ Mertl\rJif(t 6 o'clock in the morning, and fne ^2W>ri^|pnn, Tredegar, at 12 o'clock, arriving at jleumV at a quarter past 1. Parcels left at eitlifr of these places, or in any house on the road, will be taken care of and properly delivefsp. INCREASED COACH ACCOMMODATION. MERTHYR TO BRECON. ON and after the present date the WELLING- TON OMNIBUS will leave the WELLING- TON HOTEL, BRECON, every Monday and Friday mornings, at half-past Nine, for Merthyr, at which place it arrives'at Tweh^, in time for the Down Trains to Swansea>Neath, Cardiff, Newport, and Hereford. ItJPaves the ANGEL HOTEL, MERTHYR, for co ry Tuesday and Saturday Afternoorujf at hy-paaf Four, after the arrival of tha^Ta^^fcile ayr Vale of Neath Trains. X BRECOK/TCyl^eGA^NNY. The WE GTON IB sleavesthewel- lington Hot'll, Brecon, h^ff-past Eight every Wednesday morning, forAbcrgavenny, and starts, on its return journey, from Abergavenny to Brecon every Thursday afternoon, at Four o'clock, by way of Llangynider and Talybont. REDUCED FARES to both placesOutside, 4s.; Inside, 6s., which include 751bs. of Luggage. IW The Public are solicited to support these Conveyances, as it is through their competition the previous excessive Fares nave been reduced, W. JONES, Proprietor. Brecon, August 20th, 1860. MERTHYR & ABERGAVENNY ROYAL MAIL. rpHE above X Mail leaves tiie Castle Hotel, t» crti| every i MarniBr ( Sun- at Eight o'CIock T^uega^Bt a Quarfej^past Nine; and arrives hr Abergaver^7 at -past, Eleven, in timeJov tha^ptflye ijp'd^ck Third Class Tram to Hereford, Shresrsbunj^hesfrr and IJ ,'erpoo arriving at tlieTattei^place at Eight j L-iocK the same Evening. ON ITS RETURN, the Mail leaves the Angel Hotel, Abergavenny, at Half-past One o'CIock in the Afternoon, (after the arrival of the Liver- pool Train); and arrives in Merthyr at a Quarter nast Five, in time for the Vale of Neath, and Taff "V ale Trains. "Pretty tube of mighty power, Charmer of my leisure hopr"T- ^^A-m-oseley. U TTONOURABLE 0as made UL of the BRQ^LEYflGL^ED TO- BACCO PIPES at/fle G<S|t E^bitiojp<l851 These Pipes, niaj^nactured nt, ant^lnmped on each stem, E. SouthO^}*, Brokelei^ai'e strongly recommended to GeimSftnen Jpr private use. Hotel keepers will find^Iiejj^Tar superior to the ordinary clay pipes. Sold in cases from one gross upwards. BUGS DISAPPEAR LIKE AIAGIC A FTER using Harper Twelvetrees' Bug xjL Destroyer, which kills them by mil- l^gs, utterly destroys the element in which they breed. None can possibly exist after a single dressing. Sold in packets at 3d., Gfa < and Is.; and bottles Gd. and Is. each, by ajl^garfsfor Harper Twelvetrees' Soap Powde^^Postjaree for 7d. A PENigHPAcaifo^ HARPER p!lLYWMES> POI- SONED WHiyfT wi)Ok.ilW(iun<h)^^ of mice and sparrow^fu tlw^pot.X No nor danger to human life, nor to Mis ondoadT Crops may be entirelj' protected hid^caM^ng this poisoned wheat over seed beds. J&old at Id., 2d., tkl., and Is. Agents wanted. Patentee, Harper Twelvetrees, Bromley-by- Bow, London, E. Sold by R. Thomas, T. Rees, and E. R. Gay, druggists, Merthyr; J. James, chemist, Dowlais B. A. George, Ebbw Vale. Prichard's Aromatic Steel Pills ARE unrivalled for restoring vigour to debili- tated constitutions, in boxes, Is. l^d., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., and lis.—Prewffed by WM. PRICHARD, Apothecary, 65^/Charing Cross; and of all medicine vendors^^ 1419%0001 ^'rolpe*. May 4,18JK). Mr/rrichjj*|d. 'WL tr SIR,—I have jracloseoSs postage' stamps, please to forwar<fone ijt Aspma^ifrSteel Pills, at 2s. 9d. per box.—P.S?Jirec\i^ more benefit from their use than alffTthar^nedicines I have ever taken for twenty years, first one thing artd then another, but more particularly quinine and iron in its various forms, as well as poisonous drugs I know not of.—Yours respectfully, WM. HARRISON, Colourman, near Swinley Well, Belper, Derbyshire. The Greatest Boon of the Age! TEA DOUBLED IN STRENGTI-I REDUCED HALF IN PRICE Sea Sickness and the ill effects of Drink prevented and Health insured, by using MAGNUM PROMOTUM, ob the INDIAN TEA IMPROVER.—Tea, which alone is simply a refreshing beverage, by the admixture of this INVALUABLK COMPOUND, is made so strengthening and nutritious, so bene- ficial to the nerves, that mffemigrant or family should be without it. It effectually preveifts sea sidlhieHs, .and not only imparts a ridj^xastc iwre J*Tength to the Ten, which ig soreseniMrs a^o show no trace of its pj^enee^iV Minf is a tonic on the stoiiiac tllcll, t], whole system, rendering it, cqua31V>lc.siAiife to the man of business or plcasur^sJ<?\the most delicate female. S One Penny Packet will last a week in most families, and will save half the Tea. Sold in packets at Id., 3d., 6ti. and Is. each, with full directions for use, by various trades- men in Pembroke, Swaasca, Cardiff, Newport, Gloucester, Bath, Bristol. Liverpool, and Lon- don. Wholesale orders to bo addressed to .Mr. WILLIAM W\i:J,MAMS, Glebeland, Merthyr; Mr. BASSKTT, Druggist, Pontypridd; Mr. DAVIS, Druggist, Cwmavon; or to Mr. GEORGE MAtics, Sole Agent to the Manufacturers, 12, Deanstreet, Portland-square, Bristol. NO PEN CAN^eil^J| THE great sold at TPT 17/^1 PEJT. for every hand is an nrr^wt t is adaPtei and being anti'-corro-s^f, Jf4 metfll^ write immeasurably superior v ?> 81?(I sold. A trial invited Sold per gross box. qold at per (Jozen, or 2s. painless TOOTH EXTRACTION i 11 B E. GAY, DENTIBT, befi-s to intimate that ba • biOQrfected an ELECTffilQAL APPA- RATU3 the above purposeyifnd consulted daily at^55, High-street, Mer^ (o^^sit^|Rie^arket- Decayed Teeth and S mps cd out the least pain.—Scaling and Gleaniifg, d to 2s. 6d. Artificial Teeth supplied Tltese excollen^Iineral Teet& are perfect in thei^>resemblance to Vature, and are of everlasting wear. y E. R. Gay's Tooth Essence, or the IMMBDFATK RELIEF of Tooth-ache.—In Bottles, 6d., and Is. each. E. R. Gay's Quinine Dentifrice, for Beautifving mer Preserving the Teeth, Strengthening the Gums, See — n Boxes Is. each. [ADVERTISEMENT.] EGLWYS ZOAIR A BOBYK DDU EEYXtl. GAN nad vw llythyr Aelod," yn v Divougiwr anr Gorphenhaf, i860, yn nghylch eglwys Zoar a Mr Parry yn ddirn amgen nag anwiredd pendant, amcanl edig 1 gamhyfforddf y cyhoedd am yr amcrylchiad a chau mynwesau a chydymdeimlad ei genedl oddtwrth y bardd, teimlwn yn rhwymedig i gynvsgaethu y eyfryW fig adroddiad ddiduedd o'r gwir, yr holl wir, a dim ond y gwir boddlonir ar gyflwyniad ffeithiau noethion oblegid medd y Sais, Facts are stubborn things » Yn mis Gorphenhaf, 1858, ar ei ymweliad a Morgauwg,, daeth Mr. Parry i Ferthyr, ac oddiar gymhellion am- gylchiadau a chyfeillion, penderfynodd ymsefydlu ytna ac ymunodd yn ddioed fig ysgol Sul Zoar gan fynychi* ei chyfarfodydd, yn ngbyda chyfarfodydd eraill yr eg- lwys hono, mor ami ag y goddefai amgylchiadau iddo Anerchodd yr ysgol amryw weithiau ar gais Mr. D. Davies, Heol Victoria, un o'i harolygwyr, ac un 0 brif ddiaconiaid yr eglwys, ac unwaith yn ngwydd a chlyw y gweinidog, a hyny cyn ei fod yn aelod eglwysig yno. lonawr 2ail, 1859, ymunodd â'r eglwys, ac yn Chwefror, derbyniwyd ef i gymundeb eglwysig ac ar gais a galwad yr ysgol, yr eglwys, a'i gweinidog, cy- northwyai yn nghynaliad cyfarfodvdd cyhoeddus yCvf~ ryw. Hefyd traddododd ddwy ddarlith yn y caiwl a'r gweinidog yn gadeirydd, y naill ar John Elias," a'1" llall ar Yr Ysgol Sul a'i Llyfr," a boddhawyd yr ysO'ol gymaint yn yr olaf, fel y penderfynodd, gyda chaniatkd Mr. Parry, ei hargraffu ar ei thraul ei hun, yr hvn a wnaed. Chwefror 7fed, 1860, cynygiwyd mewncwrdd eglwys fod i Mr. Parry gael caniatad ac anogaeth i bregethu a chydsyniwyd yn unfryd i hyny, os nad oedd gan Mr. Owen, y gweinidog, wrthwynebiad. Penodwvd tri, dan ddiacon ac aelod arall, i ymgynghori kg ef ar yr achos wrth y rhai y tystiodd yn rhydd nad oedd ganddo ef ddim yn ei erbyn, ond otnai y gallai fod yn yr eglwys rai a wrthwynebai. Y 19eg o'r un mis, dygodd y gwein- idog benderfyniad y cwrdd eglwys i sylw yr eglwys, gan ei hanog i'w ystyried yn b«vyIlog erbyn y Sul canlynol afychwanegodd mai yr hyn oedd F^rry er pan ymael* ododd yn Zoar, ac nid yr hyn a yn ragSaenol, ddy- lasai fod vn safon i farnu priodoraeb y cynygiad a theil- yngdod ei wrthddrych. Y^6ai«te, gofiftjvyd barn. yr eglwys ar y cynygiad, /aii yr aijygodfl amryw o'r diaconiaid ac eraill eu parodrwjj^rw aefnogi; ac o'r tu arall y dadganodd ua fod^anSBo efinvrthwynebiad? iddo, eitnr nad amlvgai yi^afkoedihfB paham, ond y dadguddiai ei resymdu dros hyl^/i bwllgor neillduedig i'r dyben. Penodjfyd ch^Mb i'w i^yfarfod nos Fawrtft canlynol, ond am na welsapap y oersonau a hysbysasal iddo y petliau a ystyriai oeao ynAnnghymhwyso Parry i'r pulpud, gorfuwyd gohirio cyfarfod hyd fore dydd Sul dylynol, pryd y cyfarfyddwyd drachein, ac y cafwyd ei gyhuddgwynion yn erbyn Parry, y rhai a drosglwydd— wyd yn flyddfon i'r eglwys. Erbyn chwilio, caea nad oedd y cyhuddgwynion ond chwedlau gwybyddus a chyhoeddus cyn ei ymuniad fig eglwys Zoar, "ac telly yn. ddirym yn ol safon y gweinidog. Yna ail roddwya y cynygiad i arwydd yr eglwys, a chefnogwyd ef yn un- frvdol, gydag eithriad o chwech neu wytli o nifer. Y 13eg o Fawrth pregethodd Parry ar gais y gweinidog vu y gyfeillach. Mewn cwrdd eglwys, Mai IOfed, cyhuddodd Mr. Parry y gweinidog o esgeuluso dwyn penderfyniad yr eglwys yn ei gy lch ef i weithrediad, a gofynai ei reswm dros yr ymddygiad. Yr atebiad a gafodd oedd, na phenododd yr eglwys y lie na'r pryd y cai bregethu, ac edliwiodd iddo feiau y cyhuddid ef o honynt 21ain mlyriedd yn ol. Modd bynag, penderiynoddy mwyafrif i Parry bregethit ddwywaith drachefn ylI y gyfeillach, ac jT»4inol a'r pen- derfyniad hwnw, pregethodd yr all a'r drydedtf waith ar yr 8ted a'r 21ain o'r un mis. Nos Sul, Mehefin 3ydd, pan oedd yr eglwys grynohaf yn nghyd, oddigerth y cymundeb, cyhoeddwyd fod yr eglwys i benderfynu nos Fawrth, y 5ed o'r un mis, a. oedd Parry i gael pregethu yn gyhoeddus a'i peidio,'ae anogwyd pawb a alleni i fod yn bresenol. Nos Fawrthc a ddaeth, pan y dygwyd yr achos i sylw yr eglwys, ac y gofynwyd am ei roddi i arwydd yr eglwys heb ymdria ycliwaneg yn ei gylch, gan y gochelid felly bob teimlad annymunol; ond gwrthwynebwyd y cais gan un o elyn- ion Parry, yr hwn a ollyngodd tfrwd o ddifriaeth ar ei gymeriad, a mynai haeru mai dyn drwg oedd, gan g-eisio profi hyny drwy ddarllen daraau yn un o gyhoeddiadau y Mormoniaid ag oedd ag enw Parry wrthynt, ac ni allai annghymeradwyaeth gyhoeddus ei attal, ond dal- iodd at ei orchwyl hyd om welodd fod pawb yn diflastr arno, ac amryw yn niyned allan. Wedi adfer tawelwch. a threfn, ceisiwyd arwydd yr eglwvs.ar Pa un a oedd Parry i gael pregethu yn gyhoeddus yn mhulpud Zoar y Sui canlynol a'i peidio ?" pan yr arwyddodd o chwecli i saith ugain yn gadarnhaol, ac o wytW U^tuddeg yn. Nos Wener yr 8fed, yn anffodus syrthlodd Parry I brofedigaeth lem, trwy ymosodiad an o'i gydaelodau ac hen gytaill iddo, arno yn ddisymwth yn ei letty, ond galluogwyd ef i ddyfod drwyddi yn ddiwarth, medd tystiolaeth y rhai oedd yn gweled a chlywed yr ymrys- on. Nid ystyriwyd y dygwyddiad yn ddigon o reswm i ddirymu penderfyniad yr eglwys, ac felly pregethodd yn ol ei phenodiad fore Sul y lOfed. Penderfynodd yr ym- osodwr ddial arno, ac yn y gyfeillach eglwysig hwyr y dydd hwnw, mynegodd too ganddo gwyn yn erbyn Par- ry, ac y dylasal yr eglwys ymchwilio iddo, ond nid ym- driniodd yr eglwys a'r achos hyd nos Fawrth 19eg, pair y cyhoeddwyd y byddai cwrdd eglwys nos dranoeth i ymdrin ag achos y ddau frawd ag y gwyddai y rhaul amlaf am danynt. Rheol osodedig Zoar yn nghylch cwrdd eglwys rw fod pob cyfailod o'r iath i gael ei gylioeddi y dydd Sul blaenorol, ac nad oes un cyfarfod arall perthynol i'r eglwys i'w gynal yn un man y prydt hwnw, fel y gallo pawb wybod a chael cyflc i tod yn bresenol; ond es- geuluswyd hi yn hollol y tro hwnw, caajrs nid yn unig ni chyhoeddwyd y cyfarfod y Sul rhagflaenol, ond cy- hoeddwyd tri chyfarfod arall i'w cynal yn gyfamserol. Nos Fawrth a ddaeth, ac ymgynullodd Mau fetleugaia o'r aelodau, gan fyned at eu gorchwyl yn awyddus. Gwiandawyd y cwyn a'r arnddifiyniad, a gwelwyd tod y naill yn gwrtliddywedyd y Hall, a bod yn rhaid wrth dystion; ond ni clianiateid presenoldeb y cyfryw, er en bod yn grefyddol, am na pherthynent i'r eglwys hono. I gyflenwi y diftyg hwnw, penodwyd pedwar yn gen- adon drostynt at y tystion, er cael eu tystiolaethau ÀWY ar yr amgylchiad; aethant, a dychwelnsant yn fuan, a chatwyd yr adroddiad yn unair ag eiddo Parry. Yna sylwyd tod cymodiad y ddau ft'u gilydd yn angenrheid- iol i barhad eu haelodaeth yno; a gofynwyd a wnaent hwy hyny, pan yr atebodd Parry y gwna ef, ond nacaodd y llall; am hyny difuddiwyd y ddau o ragorfreintiau. yr eglwys hyd oni ymgymodent, drwy fwyafrif o 24ain yn erbyn 18eg. Mae'n hen arferiad i roddi penderfyn- iadau y cwrdd eglwys i sylw y cyfarfod gweddi dilynol, er cymeradwyaeth neu anghymeradwyaeth, ond gwyr- wd od d iwrth y reol gyda'r achos hwn. Nos Fercher, y 27aln, ymgymododd yr ymrysonwyr ien nhy un o'r diaconiaid, ac yn ei wydd ef a brawd arall, a gwnaed hyny yn hysbys i'r eglwys. Nos Sul, Gorph. v laf, gan fod y cymodiad yn n»itli hysbys, arosodd Parry yn y gyfeillach; ond nid cynt y welodd y gwei- nidog et nag ei ceisiodd deirgwaith ganddo i fyned allan, pan y gofynodd yntau iddo, "Am beth ?" ond yr unig atebia<i a gafodd, oedd terfynu y cyfarfod cyn ei dde- ehveu, tcwy weddi gan Mr. Owen.—Dyna tieithiau, ac hcriwu aciod na neb arall eu bwrthbrofi. • »- Hyn ar ir a chydwybod. David Bevan, Penydarren )Thomas Evans, Coedca Rees Morgan, etto Henry Flo wells, etto Edmund Rees, etto J ames Thomas, etto John Morris, etto John Lewis, Twynyrodin William Davies, etto William Williams, etto John Phillips, Pwllywhyaid ')avid Griffiths, etto George Williams, etto Thomas Evans, etto W. Morgan Williams, etto John Griffiths, etto William Williams, etto Evan Davies, etto George Williams, etto Mesach Thomas, etto etto David Davies, Got David Rees, etto Ncxiah Williams, Tydfil's Josiah Williams, etto Well David-James, etto John Jones, etto John Jones, etto Ebenczer Williams, etto jElias Malipimnt, etto John Richards, Gael wmpin James .Tones,Thomas-«jfrA«+ John Thomas, Glebelarid [James Harris, etto John Davies, Tramroad D.S.—Ymd-leugys y gweddiU o'r eawau y tro nesafj