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Family Notices

I £ 11Y M N Til Y.

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clause in its true light, and appealing firmly and forcibly to the Lords against the meditated in- justice. On Tuesdav this petition, signed by 426 ratepayers was forwarded to II, A. Bruce, Esq., and it other constituencies have been simi- larly active, we entertain the hope that, though almost too late, the bill will yet be thrown out. If so, too great praise cannot be awarded to Messrs. Bryant, Smyth, T. Williams, Overton, F. James and others, who have showed such energy in the interests of their fellow ratepayer?. It is right to state that II. A. Bruce, Esq., was not the first to inform his constituents of tl e nature of this bill, as he was not in hia place n the House of Commons when the clause was i; troduced into the House of Lords, but it is said, notwithstanding the personal interest he has in the measure becoming law, that he has, nevertheless, exercised his influence to prevent its passing. In addition to the petition sent up, a deputation, consisting of Messrs. Overton and$tussell, has gone to London to wait upon the government re- specting this clause and when Mr. Bruce per- ceives that his constituents are so uilited in its opposition he will, we have no doubt, still further exert himself to support the object of the peti- tion and deputation.—Since the above was written we have received from Mr. Walter Smyth the following copy of a letter from H. A. Bruce, Esq., in reference to the petition: liear Sir,—I have received, and forwarded for pre- sentation to Lord Stanley of Alderley, the petition forwarded to me by you. I have been in constant communication with Ministers in both Houses on the subject of the Local Government Bill, and am not without hope of success in obtaining the withdrawal either of the Bill, or at least of the obnoxious clause. I am, dear Sir, yours very truly, Athenaeum, August 8th, 1860. 11. A. DRUCB. Mr. Walter Smyth, Merthyr. THE GKAND RIFLE VOLUNTEER GALA AT GLYN NEATH.-Large posters everywhere ex- hibited on our walls notify the startling prepara- tions now making for the forthcoming g :11. And we fully anticipate that although much enjoy- ment has been received this season and many trips made by our volunteers, this grand day at Glyn Neath, amidst scenery unrivalled, and in the company, of course, of wives and sweet- hearts, will surpass them all. We heartily trust Thursdav next my be a "Queen's day," and memorable for sunshine as well as pleasure. There is no doubt that a large attendance will be present, and ss it would be a convenience to the -committee of management to know as early as possible the approximate number, we would iStrongly recommend visitors to purchase cards of admission forthwith, which may be had at Merthyr at the TELEGRAM Office. GAND MUSICAL CONTEST.—An announcement in another column informs us that a grand musi. cal contest, similar to that recently held in the Crystal Palace, will take place in the neighbour- hood of Neath on the 24th and 25 th of Septem- ber next. We have not yet seen the programme, but when favoured with it we may again draw attention to this the first contest of the kind we believe in South Wales. OUR COAST DEFENCES.—The late fete at Car- diff not having given so much satisfaction as was anticipated, probably owing to unpropitious wea- ther, our friends at Cardiff appear desirous of redeeming their good name by another trial, and accordingly, on Monday next it is announced that a grand military demonstration will be hold in the Cathays Park, to celebrate the arrival in town cf two large 18-pounder guns, intended for the defence of the coast by our artillery volun- teers. From the programme we anticipate that the proceedings will be of an unusually exciting and attractive character. RECOLLECTIONS. No. II. WHEN I look around me and see the marvel. lou.s changes everywhere perceptible, I almost forget in the greatness of the spectacle its insigni- ficant beginning. Whether it be persons or trades menfwhom I knew in the humblest posi- tion, or trades of the smallest charactcr, it is all the same. In no case is this more strongly shown than with Scotchmen. Let any one con- trast them as they now are, living in comfort, some in princely state, with the pedlars of thirty or forty years ago, and they will be astouaded. I forget the name of the first Scotchman who visited Merthyr Tydvil as a tea hawker; indeed, if my memory serves me correctly, tea was first introduced here by a rector named Price—Tho- mas Price, I think-who had a supply for home use from London, at the rate of a guinea a pound. He commended it so highly that some of the better conditioned of his parishioners were in- duced to try it, and the good old man served them at cost price, much to their pleasure and approval. After this time a Scotchman of a wandering character seems to have found the village, and having discovered it in his journey- ings soon made a business. But his movements 48urprised the people; they were at a loss, and dumbfounded, for he did not come as the old Irish hawkers did, men bearing immense burdens and carrying them on long sticks from liouso to house, shewing their wares, and buying as well as selling; but in the most random manner tnis stranger went from door to door throwing in little packets of tea as if his sole object was to get rid of it for nothing! I recollect his having been at our house well. We were all out at the time, but when my mother reached home she found one of these packets had been thrown in on the iloor-we did not lock doors then, burglary was a word unknown to us—she picked up the packet, and examined it—the good old lady had tasted tea before-and having seen that it was a lot. of}, tea, very good and odorous to all appearance,lie placed it by until the good man came home, when a family consultation could be held. When the master of the house arrived the (irstmlelli- gence was about the mysterious packet, but he had heard from neighbours that similar presents had been received elsewhere, and so was not much surprised. Still he was loath to hAve it used, and so the tea remained a few days in the expectation that something more would be known. We didn't think then that the first Scotchman was simply scattering the seed from which a good harvest would be reaped. Yet so it was. We used the tea and all praised it, and when the pedlar came a week or so afterwards, my parent opened an account which continued for many a long year.. 1 In subsequent times I remenioer a man ot the name of Jones selling tea. He was t ie only one who did so, and so great was the demand that he disposed of two chests a week. He sold and thrived well, but unfortunately for him his good fortune became known, and a rival started up in the person of a Scotchman, whose energy soon showed itself by reducing Jones's sale to one chest per week. This was not to be borne. The idea of being so opposed in his own town by a stranger was preposterous, and not to be endured. Accordingly he made his appearance before the magistrates, and having obtained a hearing stated his case. A stranger to the town had opened a rival shop, and by the opposition his trade had been reduced in the article of tea fully one chest per week, and he submitted that it was a case requiring the inter- ference of the law which should protect him. a native, against a stranger. His tale was heard,, but only to be laughed at, and he returned home a rebuke! and a mournful man. Sucli is a picture of the old times reader, and of our si., pie heart ed forefathers. Contrast them with our Alcrchauts," every one is a merchant now, and side by side with our warehouses, vaults, stores, put the primitive shanties of past time. It will do you good. .$»_ ABERDARE. PEACE WAR.—A. meeting, having for its. object the promotion of peace principles," was held on Wednesday se'nnight, at the Siloa chf»t>el. The Ivev. Mr. O'Neil, of Birmingham, aud Mr. "R. G. Jones, Merthyr, (11.1 the absence of the Rev. Mr. Daniel, of Mynyddhaeh,) attended as a deputation from the Peace Society, had made excellent speeches on the subject; which the meet- ing had been called to discuss. The Rev. D. Price ably filled the chair, and there was a nu- merous audience in attendance. LECTUKE.—On Monday evening last the Rev. Wm. Rees, of Liverpool, delivered a highly in- teresting lecture on the life and times of the celebrated Welsh preacher so well known as Williams o'r Wern. The lecture came off at the Tabernacle English Independent Chapel, and was, we regret to state, hut thinly attended. D. E. Williams, Esq., of Hirwaun, occupied the chair, and the rav. lecturer gave ample satisfac- tion to his auditory. In moving a vote of thanks to Mr. Rees, the Rev. John Morgan, Cwmbach, was so inappropriately facetious in his remarks as to cause the exeunt of two or three very re- spectable members of the audience. THE MASONIC DINNER.—On Monday last a grand provincial meeting of members of the Most Ancient Order of Freemasons (for the Eastern Division of Glamorganshire) was held at the Black Lion Hotel. Considering the inclemency of the weather, there was a pretty numerous muster of the fraternity. After meeting at the I Lodge, the brethren of this ancient and respect- able order formed into a procession and marched to St. Elvan's Church, where an excellent dis- course was delivered to them by the Provincial Grand Chaplain. Several ladies attended the service, and the highly respectable appearance of the Brotherhood, together with their gentle- manly demeanour, were the subjects of general eulogium. Diviue service being over, the pro- cession re-formed and returned in excellent order to the botel; from which place, about 4 o'clock, the members proceeded to the Assembly Rooms to dine. The hall had been neatly decorated and prepared for their reception. The tables were laid with consummate taste and elegance, re- flecting great credit on Mr. Ed. Watkins, under whose superintendence the whole of the arrange- ments in connection with the dinner were per. formed. The "bill of fare" exhausted all the availables of the season, comprising as it did soup, fish, fowl, all kinds of seasonable meat, tarts, custards, jellies, pines, grapes, &c., &c., forming a spread of so varied and recherche a nature as to be capable of satisfying the most fastidious disciple of Trussler or Beau Nash. A staff of professional waiters were in attendance, who gave the greatest satisfaction to all con- cerned. The tables having been cleared, the doors were closed to the "uninitiated," and, under the able presidency of the P.G.M. Colonel Kemys Tynte, who was ably supported by the Vice- chairman, Mr. James Gawn, a pleasant evening was spent. Before concluding this brief notice we ought not to omit to mention that Mons. Rolland, the celebrated French cook, performed the functions of le chef de cuisine with his accus- tomed skill, and that all the arrangements made by the spirited host and hostess of the Black Lion Hotel on the occasion of this graad Masonic fes- tival, speak much for their liberality as public ,aterers. WE are glad to notice that matters in connec- tion with the staple trades of this valley look a shade healthier than when we last made reference to them. rhe several iron works of the district are in lull employ, and most of the coal-masters are well supplied with orders, and the complaint of a dullness of trade is not low so generally heard as it was some six weeks ago. Messrs. Samuel Thomas, Scuborwen, and Rhys and Ho., Cwmd ire, have been favoured with orders to supply m immense quantity of coals required by the Great Eastern," and a large number of Government orders lave been received by other proprietors during the week. Jwing to the extremely unseasonable weather with vhich we have lately been visited, but little progress las been made with the harvest. The corn crops look inusually green for this time of the year, and a feeling )f despair appears to have taken possession of the minds )f most of the important farmers of the district. BBAUFOKT. CLUB FESTIVITIES.—On Saturday last the members of the Benefit Society neld at the Victoria Arms, held their anniversary, and marched through this village headed by the Ebhw Vale brass band, to the residence of G. P. Bevan, Esq., where they partook of some re- freshment. On their return they went to the Primitive Methodist Chapel, where a short and interesting sermon was preached to them, at the eonclusion of which they marched back to their club room where an excellent dinner was pro- vided for them by the Miss Bedford's. The afternoon was spent in harmony. HOUSE WARMING SUPPEII. — Mr. Francis Francis, of the Eagle Beerhouse in this place, provided a supper a few days ago at his house. A great many of his friends rallied around him and enjoyed the excellent spread which was so bountifully set before them. BEYNMAW Iv,. ENGLISH INDEPENDENT CHAPEL.—The anni- versary of the Sabbath School connected with the above place of worship was held on Sunday last, when three sermons were preached. In the morning at half-past ten and in the evening at six o'clock, by the Rev. W. Thomas, pastor of the church, (late of Street, Sommerset), and in afternoon at half-past two o'clock, by the Rev. F. G. Andrews, of London, now pastor of the English Independent Church at Beaufort. Suit- able topics of discourse were chosen by the ministers, and at the close of each sermon the children recited portions of Scripture), dialogues, and pieces of poetry, as well as some interesting and truly touching prose pieces, especially that entitled Christ is all/ The singing of the children and the choir was very good. The con- gregation, especially in the afternoon and even- ing,- vrtfs the largest ever seen in the cuapel, .and -the amount realised also exceeded that on any- previous anniversary, it being above £ 6. -This chapel is one of the stationsfof the Home Miss onary Society, and it is gratifying to observe the great advancement our English independent friends have made since the settlement of Mr. Tnomas amongst them; through the labours of the Rev. Mr. Greig, their previous minister, the financial state of the church is so slightly oppres- sive that the present pastor and active church are able to devote all their attention to the spiritual and numerical improvement of the cause, and we have been informed that all sittings are Jet, and that many are unable to procure pews for themselves and families, so that an en- largement of the chapel is become necessary and we are glad to find that our friends are not unmindful of their duty. We sincerely hope should they undertake their corneal plated altera- tions they may meet with every encouragement. — Communicated. IM-YIXA. A certain gentleman on the Bench remarked to us lately, apropos of a parish squabble, that "the press is getting too licentious." This re- mark, we interpret, is, as it was doubtless meant, using too much license;" and in this sense we beg to ask if a magistrate can be too licentious? Certainly the press has not given the publicity it might have done to many complaints of the ineffective"working of the police courts of the division; and not a month since, Mr. J, Russell on Lie Blaina Bench complained, in the absence of the Clerk, when more than half an hour had elapsed, that the business was n JL ready to enter upon. The same gentleman also complained on the same day that orders of removal were asked for improperly, and before- the proper steps had been taken to find the absconding husband. Then again, with regard to the late parish difference on the very same day, the overseers proved to the satisfaction of the Bench thai there was no neces- sity for a nun mo .& on the parish of Abery is truth at. all; and that when this was explained to tbe Bench the' previous day, it was withdrawn. we had givçn a report of the animated scene which took place before the Bench that day on the sub- ject of costs between Mr. Waiers's clerk, Mr. Brook field, and the overseers, we could have tickled the public ear far more effectually than the assistant overseer did by a statement literally incorrect; .ar-d further, were aMmiUed to the table of the Board of v, ;• should be in a position to show a state ci U •>* Ui: u v'ould fuily account for tne tiis<«*.u.; .!•■4r. Leviek -fxpressed very umeocrvedly at a previous session. As wo s■'■•■•'ted last week, Mr. Levick could not help noticing with disapprobation the manner in which parties are dragged about from one part of the division to another, often without neces- sity and we need not ask whose fault it is. Un der the jurisdiction of a stipendiary magistrate all goes with the punctuality of clock-work and we feel convinced that, however upright and painstaking the unpaid magistracy may be, wt shall never be efficiently served in the crimina) courts till the Act just passed in this session or Parliament for the extension of the stipendiary system is applied to the adjudication of our police business. EBBW VALE. EARLY CLOSING.—We arc glad to perceive that the necessity of finding time for drill has led the tradesmen to an agreement for closing at 8 in the evening; and it is to be hoped that thi step, so essential to the health of men immured in a shop all day, will not only be maintained, hut, as the days become shorter, followed up by another, restricting the business hours to 7 p.m. If Saturday night must be sacrificed on account of pays and draws, it must so, but this very ar. rangement makes the necessity for late shop. keeping unnecessary. If this arrangement could be come to at once, it would be a great advantage to the progress of the, drill, of the diligent prose. cntion of which, thus far, we cannot speak in terms of approbation too erreat. Three separate squad? are working hard in different parts of the work- daily and we doubt not, if the clothing and arms can be obtained in time, we shall be able te muster 200 men for. iiVr Majesty's inspectim, at Gloucester in September. This is a feat worthy of the ambition of our volunteers, who will, b. such means, show most convincingly with what case and celerity peaceful citizens may be trans- formed into a national guard. RruElw HILL FAIR.—We suppose the bad weather must account for the small display of live stock at this market, which can only be called a fair in deference to the holiday seekers, who rejoice in any excuse for a day's sport. The onlv animals we observed there were a couple of droves of pigs, which, from the leisurely manner in which they grubbed up their oats, seemed quite at eas- from the apprehension of involuntary change of masters. The preparations for the amusement of the juveniles evidently took their complexion from the military ardour of the inhabitants,- rifles of all shapes and sizes, with targets of most tempting proximity, invited the youth to crack expensive nuts; while adventurous boys and girls performed prodigies of valour in chariot or on horseback. For the amusement of hobbledehoys the good" Angel," with outspread arms, had pro' vided ninepins in two houses gutted for the nur pose, and an ample supply of beer for the thirsty performers nor were the young damsels for gotten,—Brumagem brooches and a heap of nicknackery tempted the vanity of sweet seven- teen, while cherries and gingerbread excited the cupidity of penniless urchins ;-so far, a scene of Arcadian simplicity. Let us go before the Angel's guests grow red in the face. NANTYGLO. ON Tuesday last the inhabitants of this place were sorriewhat surprised at seeing our Volunteer Corps, with their hand, marching through the village in quick time, at so early an hour. Many suggestions were thrown out as to the cause of the muster on the occasion. Some wanted to know if the French had landed at Newport; others said there rnuat have been a riot in some place, and the Eifleinen sent to quell the mob'. One knowing character would have it that there was "something up," because the Hifiemenlookecl so savage, having no time to answer questions. They hastened onward through the neighbourhood, and when near the Western Valleys station the band struck up the old and popular tune of See the conquering hero comes." On arriving at the station the men were ordered to "fall iu" in two columns, the front column to right about fhcc." It was then ascertained that tlier Ensign, Crawshay Bailey, Esq, jun., was coming by train, and that they had met to give him a welcome home. They presented arms" while he passed through, and then escorted him to Nantyglo House, b where they halted for a while, partook of refreshments, and marched back to their armoury. -POIM TYP HID D. NEW METHODIST CHAPEL.—Thursday is the day nxed for opening this chapel, and as all the shops are to be closed and many eminent preachers to be present, we doubt not that it will tennr n/ fier fllJali leilRtheued report of the^proceedings in our next. AWFULLY SUDDEN DEATH.-On Saturday last a mason named John St. Stoney, after partaking £ breakfast fell down dead in the kitchen of inn lodgings. An ia quest was held on M on- day on the body of deceased, when from the evidence adduced it appeared that he had disease of the lieart, and the ju y returned a' verdict accordingly. ODDFELLOWS' FESTIYAL.-OU Saturday last tne members of the above society, assembled the Butchcra Arms Inn to celebrate their anni- versary. The day presented anything but a promise of being deuce masses of rain anJ clouds flew athwart the heavens with fearful rapidity, and seemed like evil spirits congrc»aMuo- to one common centre, imparting to the heavens a most ominous aspect. However, about eleven o'clock, the piecing of Sol began, gradually to dispel the inurny gloom, and changed the skV to one vast ocean of bright azure. Headed bv the lontypriud brass baud the procession moved, i the var/otw scarfs and other insignia of the order presented a picture lio less lovely than picturesque. After parading the principal streets of the town, they proceeded to the Hocking btooe, where a dresses were delivered by sortie of the members on friendly topieg. AmonV ['•■> speakers was the Nor. Mr. Oliver, Independent minister of ■Sardis Chapel, but with this gentle- man's remarks we cajftnot altogether agree, that music is in any wayjoohsh or demoralizing, and that the young members, should be ruied"alto- gether by their eiiMr or aged brethren, is to us a perfect anomaly./ We, .woulCaujriSfltajtij. oddfcL lows and all otf.gfr socie:'iSV*TolSrfflrT- course, fully ing into• extreme cannot biw^ro^-<jle^n!eimffo all that is beneiiei^l in friendijr-- &f56,tsr"N'eiilier can we perceive that a Jjojdfy- of- sober, well conducted and intelligent m.g»?'Shoald deprive th'Bmselres of the pleasure -oVl'iearing good music in going to andlrefurning from church or cnapel on their eiub festival day. We make thrse observations in no ill spirit to the rev. gentleman, but merely beg to say that in our opinion, true religion was never, nor will be, injured by musir; when conducted properly. After tire addresses they again formed into procession, and proceeded to the lodge room where they were regaled with a good dinner. Lhe usual toasts were given, and the evening ter- minated in the most convivial and satisfactory mannerCommunicated. &LA.NTAFF IvOJiifE ANNI\REKSAHY.On the same day the members of the true Ivorite Society met at tlw L:unb Jnri and proceeded to the Aictuoaisi Chapel, where an able and eloquent address was delivered to them by the liev. M'r. 1 >uvies._ After parading the streets they returned to the Lodge, where afiulllptuous repaH awaIted tie*m. jDunng the evening several songs—both Welsh and Jinglish—were given, and later dancing commenced and continued up to a late hour. Mr. Evans, of the factory, ably presided. Of the hajJpiil, Mr. Evans, of the Harp Inn, wr; cannot speak in too high terms. His excellent playing was the delig:-1 of the whole parly.