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SUMMER GOODS! SUMMER GOOM; E. MEREDITH, WATERLOO HOUSE, P, SIGH STREET, MEB1HYB TTD^RL^ ) BEGS resTfotfi/fly to announce to the inhabitants of Merthyr his return from the London and other Mfrfkeis winKa'-targe Stock of NEW and FASHIONABLE GOODS suitable for the coming Season—^ N.B.—E. M. calls particular attention to the HAT and CAP DEPARTMENT. TIBIOIM^S TOW1T BBICK IMPORTANT TO BUILDEBS, CONTRACTORS, AND (ymsXtC A IMMENSE saving by the use of BRICK as a material for Building, in preference to Sj#fie—effectin0 a laving of 25 per cent, at the present reduced prices, which are as follows- h M Good Building Bricks 20s. per 1000. | Fire, prime quality, ditt<xT. /L • iOs.n^riOdO. The above prices, for Cash only, and a considerable per centage allowed on large quaqytieiv^ Merthyr, May 26th, 1860. xT LOOK TO THE CONDITION OF YOUR HORSES, ANID CATTLE. õf Horses an attle E use E. lit. C POWDERS in all ca" of 1 ._of 'i vital energo, indigesfion c., c proves the digestive fu ts ew and enables them^ro Uouble^me 1 stbour without being distressed. Want of condition in a Horsftis gtnei^rffy indicated by the roughness of the coat, ^vhich the above Powders will speedily remedy. One trial wM bej^cougli to prove that it is the best preparation for increasing the appetite, purifying the blood, giving a fine t, and preventing all diseases incidental to Horses and Cattle at..Spring and Fall. The Powder beiu^fm Indian produce, is prepared from the recipe of one of the principal Veterinary Surgeons in England, and has been used for many years in several of the largest livery stables in London. „ Prepared only by E. R. GAY, Dispensing Chemist, 55, High-street, Merthyr Tydfil, in packets at Is. 6d. each, with full directions for use. AGBNTS :-Aberdare: Mr. W. J. Thomas, Chemistj Commercial-street; Pontypridd, Mr. R. Smyth, Chemist. er Agents in course of appointment throughout "South Wales, who will be announced in future advertisements. Carriage paid to all paK^of South Wales on Orders for 12s. and upwards. —————— i i R o i\t i IN GREAT VARIETY. T THOMAS begs to announce that he has now ready for inspection a large Stock at such prices • as will defy competition, having regard to quality. T, T. also invites inspection of his Stock of Foot, Hip, Reclining, Slipper, and Shower Baths, and Lovsdi's Patent Hydrostatic Coffee and Tea Urns, in Tin and Bronze, at exceedingly low prices. Observe the Address '.—Opposite the Bush Hotel, High Street, Merthyr. FOR OLENPI^pub- MTENT S C sfes YOU GET IT, As inferior kinds are substituted^^Woxifau8f oa? and CoA GHkgow and Jiondcm) | yr Licensed jtgent fo^America and Aus- tralilL DAVBD DAVIES, 2°' UfflON 8 T, 11 p LL fr ul head Lin Good acconifliodation for Travellpfc, ISth o* wiU//6ut Board, via, re.a&oiytole termy yr I IBEB STOBE JOB lUGGiG^O THE above begs to inform titose w wish to Emi- A grate under his auspices, that it is necessary for their protection that they should write to him previous to leaving their homes, stating the time of their depar- ture and the route of their travel, in order that he may meet them on their arrival in Liverpool, to conduct them to his Establishment, as many are led astray and taken to other houses by designing and interested par- ties, where they are imposed upon to the greatest extent. PAINLESS TOOTH EXTRACTION \VY ELF.MSAY, DENTIST, B&§(^O UDTFMKI^HAT he • has"fcerfeCfed an E2?EUTI^CALJ APPA- RATUS for >he above aJfrpose. ■ul qjjy beoon-u'ted daily at 55, High-street1^Mertk> r<i,]biosit^Jrc Market- square.) « T S Decayed Teeth and StumpsV xtxagred without the least pain.—Scaling and Cleaning*, SsjdMoppitig, 2s. 6<1.; Artificial Teeth supplied. These c t Mineral Teeth are perfect in their resemblance to nature, and are of everlasting wear. E. R. Gay's Tooth Essence, for the TMMEDTATE^ E. R. Gay's Tooth Essence, for the TMMEDTATE" RELIEF of Tooth-achc.- In Bottles, 6d., and Is. cach., E. R. Gay's Quinine Dentifrice, for Beautifying and Preserving the Teeth, Strengthening the GUlD", &c.— n Boxes Is. each. « Ny] I\ Prichard's Dandelion, Camomile, Rhu- barb, &c Ginger Pills HAYE long been before the Public. All persons, therefore, who have not already tested them should not delay giving them a trial, to prove their qualities for the cure ot Indigestion, and all Bilious disorders. Prepared bv W. PRICIIARD, Apothecary, 6.5, Charing Cross, I.OQcfon. In bottles at Is. l^d., 2s^9d., 4s. Cel., and lis..• To Mr. T. KceSj Chemist^Mcrthyr. Sir,—:I feel it,a day to the f'ropWStor oLjPiidiat^s Datul lion, Chamomile, and lihnh&rtyYilU, as aa |p*fn.os<! of !he public who may snflev ojJjilious headaches to offer my testi^ioili'TJl^ed ou^iFCjence—to their values a remedy for Btornajirjo^«0|niftrI am\ diseases arism<«TTom constipation. J^rSfve no hwtatini in statissr thaL>rfiol!icr as an aperient /m nieaicirii a<is|>ted for injjjj^twtion, ttoeee Pills cannot be surpassed; whilst I they hxyrthis advantage also tbat thoy can be taken without, ineenven'ence or injury by persons whose occupation ejsjJoses them to eyery kind of unfavourable weather. I way., rccouamentled these Pills wlien occasion offered,jjptrin every instance they have given satisfaction —Tour's ofiediently, 51 AT HEW THOMAS, Brewer. Merthyr Tydtii, May 17i.I), 1860. To be had through all Medicine Vendors. j N.B.—If taken according to the directions given with ) each packet, these Pills never fail in producing the eect desired. THE i SUFFERERS OF MERTHVR i AND THEIR CTTTLK BY PULVEEMACHEE'S PATENT GALVANIC ANTI-RHIUSIATIC CiiAIF BABES. MR. PULVERMACHER informs those invalids whose maladies are considered beyond the aid ol medical skill, that he has appointed Mr. T. LOVE- RIDGE, Chemist, Merthyr Tydfil, to be especial Agent for the sale of these singular VOLTAIC CHAINS. Mr. LOVERIDGE will give applicants every informa- tion respecting their curative powers, and the proper method of administering them, so as to ensure imme- diate and certain success. Nearly every form of disease is permanently and magically cured by wearing one over the part affected. In aH those cases where medicine or ordinary appliances prove futile, the Chains act like a charm. For miles round many sufferers have already"-h^er, marvellously relieved- the maladies cure I^ptffncipally onsst of paralysis, epilepsy, spusffls. rheupmtism, gout, lumbago, sciatica, rigidity, stirtrj<ViA?,V^'thrai disor- ders, hysteria, loss of voice/livjfS^Mpndria, deafness, debility, constipation, and /nlsjjT Am! the'alleviation of neuralgia, tic doloretix/ headWar, twe, and tooth ache, is so astonishing, an(I effieted *o jfistantaneously, that sufferers may test tjte inflcteOTe of/he Chain before- hand at the dep6t. y After seeing and feeling tti^ienoXena produced, the sufferer may still further be «ton/hed and convinced by perusing the extracts taken /mm upwards of 100 medical, scientific, clerical, and philosophical works, referring to the efficacy ot this new discovery.— Price 5s., 10s. 6d., 15s., 18s., 22s.—Visit the depõt" ailt] read the documents from parties cured.—J. L Pulvermacher and Co., 73, Oxford-street, London. Agerit for CARDIFF, Mr. JOY, Chemist, &c., Duke- street; BRIDGEND, Mr..IriHN 1?BICB, Clieu;Lt, &c\; TBATH, Mr. IICTCHINS, Chemist, .'ce. MERTHYR: M'R. T. LOVElilDGE, CBEMisr. &c. ^NOTICE TO BUILDEBS, WJough BUILD"INGXOC] fJTp EX DERS are required, by>Tie ^Ubrf'flr il«fnnt, X by the above Societyj^fln- it HOUSES in Troedyrhiw.Particufals iu^He obtained by applying to Mr. EDWARD Crawshay's Arms, Mertlivr. I HEW COAL im 13 PSSYDmSS YA2D, MERTHYB TYDFIL. HUGH MORGAN A^pectfuijj»<^1ovnia the Public that he has opened the jjmxe. Yaukf( |Ksu m&f' of the best HOUSE COAL^vhich will lU delivej?€uiu the\Yard at 7s. lOd. n^ton, oj>f\ 2m per dj#fx7 Tijf- quality of this Caaris ndttsurpa5se!r bv^ SiTv in the district. yS All "orders promptly attested and itil iceight guaranteed' YALE OE NEATH^ A^^SOUTH WALES RAILWAYS. CHEAP EYCU^ION^ ON SATURDAY, JULY 28U^18G<S% leave MERTHYR at (LJo c#mna^t Aber- nant and Hirwain, for S^^se;nellvf Pemfcrev, Ferry Side, CarmarthenXTun^tomk m. clears, Whit- laud, Narberth Roady^iiarbestqA 0, and New Milford (Jffuford Ha^o)^^tuvningfrom New MHford at 3.0 p.m., on Monday, ily 80th. ForFares and other particulars, see handtiiTS^>< HEALTHFUL EXERCISE. WILLIAM WALTERS respectfully informs th" Public that he has just tajssn tlie BALL CO UItT ^?AVERN, near the Courthouse, Keythyr, together with the TENNIS Couijj^tii^d;ntleinair'desi- rous ot hTtving a gap«6 at tlfWinlrt^cent aa*^althit:! exercise of Bail Bkaviag- vfM iJkvj evcrptimrnticn, and the use of the fijfcelieiilQiAl' Court>*fm Ball on ttfin that cannot^ffil to gtisfactmj*T The uti order fym al^Hffs be preserved, so that GeYUienieniuiay arrftrec tijefnselves without the fear of objectionable iKtevtercp^, or anything that may detract tromtheirpleasure. IMPORTANT NOTICE. GLENFIELD PATEUT STANCH, Is the only Sm'rch used in Her Mjrj&th's v T Laundry, AND agorae unpiinciplcd paiJ^»<ai)vn'o^ miking tikld SxAKCiVrvve hereby (fluitiou alLQxr <Ls^Bncr» to be careful, wSreVpureha^ing, to see THat^pe word Olenfield is on /nfliTtocket, to copy vvhicJ^ifnSony. WoxHiiH^ooM Glasgow and London. COMFOIiT T, J? I'TO PEN CAN TEL^n V THE great superiority ol N sold at the TBLBGBAJ'H LY^Ciaptcd for eveTy hand, is an aui^igfaniatiinjof tvp/ftehi metals, and being anti-corro-sive, will last r\vii*(Vas lo«a-, and' wiite iaiit.'sn-t:rahly superior to any^ftiie Pens usually sold. A trial invited. Sold at od. per dozen, or 2s. per gross box. %'t,. 1,'jn # A ■■y /r ID A r* HP Jt JU JL X J. CORN FiX'JJR. A Delicious preparation for riuMtngs^C'^tar^'i Blanc-JFange, CnVct, Sec., M^ferre'd to tiffbcr.i Arrowroot, and when siicply bdHeu witk M, :ia tlif most light and wholesome dm for ehlf?b\r» an'llfiv1 I and served with jelljrand millKor cXearufis flie moso wholesome and in^pcnsive/*c^grt ftiy?liiinev o- supper. 1 f\ )( BAXED PoDia^a (Fx*cra fcccijxs orffpackages.)— ISeany four taole spcoainls of4he Efo, or three ae.d a hatt ounces to one quart of ruillc^oil three minuter, stirnng it briskly; allow it to eoaj^aud then thorom>'lil\ mix it with two eggs, well Heat^n with three iiihfk spoonfujs of sn'ir. Flavour to taste, and bake for haii an hour in an oven. FRUIT PIE.-— j>ake or stew the fruit with sugar, pui it into a pie dish, then pour over it Corn FiourboD^i with milk, in the proportion of four ounces of the Flour to on" <{uart of milk, then brown it before the lire or i i the even. The Lancet states: This is superior to anyfMijo- thekhtdknown." h Obtain it where inferior artides are not substituted. Sold in 4, 8, and 1G oz. packets, at 2d., id and 8d each. PAISLEY; 77a Marlrot-stref t, Manchester; 1; t, ay, iiwimongcr-lnne, ¡ .0WJUiL T.HOilAS I,OYEK £ DGE, 8ch Wholesale and Retail Agent for Merthyr and t,i.. I MB, DANIEL DAVIES'S NOTICES I v' Mr. DANIEL DAVIES, ^Auctioneer, Appraiser, and General Commission Agent, RESPECTFULLY returns his sine hankf, to. his^. R numerous Friends and Supporter for tht age he has received for the las iglit Ydars,Wld begS^ to solicit a continuance of tli support y Offices, Ivor Street, Dpsmis, and^lbion Inp^Higli Street, Merthyr. rj I y' f Personal attendance given in MertliyAMrery THURS- DAY. Rents collected. Fire and^Lilij/jPolicies effected op advantageous Terms. l r Dowlais, June 2nd, 1859. MONEY ADVANC^T ON FREEHOLD & LEASEHQJED PH«RfcRTy, by the Perpetual Investmep>^Lamt^ViTM Bufluing Society, London, to be repaijt»^Sy inellme tbin 15 years, at 5 per cent. per annum.—#ppl*!l!tion to be made to Mr. DANIEL DATIES, Auoteroler, &c., 19, Ivor-street, Dowlais, Agent for Merthyr District. _& TO PARTIES ABOUT,T6^K^wVSH. TO BE SOLD BY PRI^TE^C^RAAL^ DANIEL DA VIES,—A FEW^FLGJIFT^RTCEOFEKS, in mahogany cases, quite ne^, and Warrai^gQgood time-keepers. Prices from £ 4 to £ 5 ea £ n^ 19, Ivor-street, Dowlais, June 28th, 18001 SALES BY MR. WALTER PERROTT. TREDEGAR, MONMOUTHSHIRE. WALTERPERBOTT Has received instructions from the Proprietors to offer for SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION;*t the TALBOT INN, TREDEGAR, on THURSD^T, th(^26th day of JULY, 1860, at Five o'clock iji tnt Evening, subject to the conditions then to be produce* the following valuable LEASEHOLD PROPERTY. MONMOUTHSHIRE; ,LoTl-rrW0 COTTAGES, Gardens, and Ap- X purtenances. In the occupation of [In the occupation of y Thomas, Thos. Parry, J ohn W illiams, Daniel Pierce, Thos. Evans, and ThomasWilliams, LOT 2.—TWO do. do. are situate in Park- LOT 3.—TWO do. do.<( row, Tredegar, and LOT 4.—TWO do. & Stable. are,Jet at the weekly rent of £ 1 "2s., and held under a" lease froimije Tredegar Iron held under a lease froimije Tredegar Iron l Co., al> the ground rent of 95 lis. per anmirn, 29 years of V wjrfch are unexpired. LOT 5.—TWO COTTAGES, their Gardens and Appurtenances, in Cwmrhos, Tredegar. Lo r 6.—ONE ditto dit*0 ditto ditto.. Lr the occupation of Robert Davj^s, David Hiraje^gpoRich- ard Jenkins; held undej/a lease frAaAtlreTij^gar Iron Company (29 years jffe unex^eW—j and 6, ^i^ad rent £ 1 e^fi. Lofc 5^eeklvpftit 4s. Lot 6, LOT 7.—SFjpKN C(|lTiniES ym Appurtenances, situate in Maraet-place, Iredega^^n the occupation of John Thomas, William iWbertsy^foseph Jivans, J. Tho- mas, Mic. Price, Evan Rowlands, and Thomas Francis; held under a lease from tfor Tredegar I fen Company, at the ground rent of £ 4 14s., 19 years ol which are unexpired. Weekly rent 17s. Id. LOT 8.—ONE COTTAGE, Garden, and Appurten- ances, situate in High-street, Tredegar. LOT 9.-0N E ditto ditto ditto, adjoining lot 8. LOT lO.JN E ditto ditto ditto, adjoining lot 9. These are occupied by William Hambly, Hugh Pugh, and John White, at the weekly rent of 2s. each, and are held under a lease from the Tredegar Iron Company tor 1/114 years, at the ground rent of .£3. LOT "ll.-CROWN INN, with Brewhouse, Field about five acres, Garden, and Appurtenances, and Smiths' Shop, let to Messrs. Jenkins and Marsden, at the rent of £ 50 per annum. This Property is held under a lease from the Tredegar 4s<jn Company for 71 years from the 25th of March, 1810, ar< subject to the ground rent of £ 13. .> LOT 12.-TWO COTTAGES and Gardens, situate at Argoed, Monmouthshire, hnunder an unexpired lease of 65 years, granted by Thomas Williams, Mary Williams, and Thomas George, now in the occupation of good tenants, at a ground rent of 2ls. per annum. Rent 15s. per month. BRECONSHIRE. LOT 13.—The BUSH INN, with Brewhouse, Stable, large Garden, and THREE COTTAGES adjoining, situate fit Dukestown, in the parish of Llangunnider, in the above county, in the occupation of Thomas Col- lins, Walter Lewis, Henry Phillips, and Lewis Lewis, at the rental of 13s. 3d. per week. The above are held under an agreement for a lease of 99 years, from His Grace the Duke of Beaufort, subjectjto the ground rent SOjJs. per year.. t' LOT 14—ONE COTTAGE, Garden, FNE>RLY and .Appurtenances. Ground rent I 'In 103.; weekly rent 2s. 9d. J *e °,9'\UP^ .LOT 15.—OJV'E' ditto ditto ditto, I ton of David Ground rent £ 1; ditto 2s. I «rVanT a 1 Wm. Jones. LOT lC.-TWO commodious COTTAGES, Gardens, and A ppurtennnces, situate at Scwrfa, Dukestown, in the occupation of John Clee and William Pritchard as weekly tenant? at 2s. Gd. and 2s., held under an agree- ment tor a lease for 99 years from His Grace the Duke of Beaufort. I-IT li.-SIX COTTAGES and Gardens, situate nelr the Victoria Inn and Catholic Chapel, in the aforesaid parish and couutr, in the occupation of Thomas Grif- fiths, Henry radii, and others; held under an agree- ment for a lease from His Grace the Duke of Beaufort, subject to a ground rent of 22s. per year. Weekly n-nt lis. 6d. LOT 18.—FIVE COTTAGES, Gardens, and Appur- "t mances, situate at or near the Brick Yard, Cwmnant- ybwch, in the aforesaid parish and county, in the occu- pation of William 1. Davies, Watkin Morgan, Daniel Davies, David Herbert, and Morgan Owen held under a lease from His Grace the Duke of- BcauHa«4; weekly rent 10s, 6d.; ground rent 50s..per annum. For further particulars, appiySo, Messrs. C. H. and t. JAMES, Solicitors, Merthyr, or 'to, tile Auctioneer, liedfgar. V F, D, E G ik. P. IRON WORKS, # MONiieUTHSHIBE. Important to Capitalist■«, Railway Contractors, Brick, Tile, and Draining Pipe Makers, Linn Burners, and others, requirinp a constant and plentiful supply of Water with Water Poioer toithiii 100 yards of the. Site of the Merthyr, Tre- degar, and A bergavenny Railway Station. WALTER PERROTT Tins received instructions to offer for SALE BY PUB- LIC AUCTION, at the CASTLE INN, TREDEGAR on MONDAY EVENING, JULY 30th, ISfio, It Five for Six o'clock, subject to the conditions then to be produced, I HE following valuable PROPERTY (ill one lot), JL situate at Cwmnantybwch, in the parish of Lan- gunidc, in the county 01 Brecon, near the Tredetrar and Birhowy Iron Works, now in the occupation of ATr. Daniel Gwynne and other respectable tenants at the annual value ot about £ 110, which is held under a lease for lives from His Grace the Duke of Beaufort, for the remain tier of two lives, aggd respectively 40'and 49 years, renewable by th^fJaynwnt oL-rf* small heriot fee, Siioieet to the grouu^Tent o;TJi fef anniyd. r» 1'WO LIME&fLNS. a fWatftr VVWlabout 8-hoise '0powei\ Newjmck Kil^X)^;n1 Stofe, Clay Rolls and Cottage, together xillh^l the nroessary rof|uirements for the^ratiufaoturd <n Ffre amKCommon Bricks Glazed Flooring Squares, ^/nnlcy'and rmy other purpose, where water power is required. Contiguous is the be Clay in the Kingdom for the a >QYC and other purprocs, to be obtained at a nominal cost, samples of wiiich will be produced on the day of sale, and a practical man will attend to explain its applicability to various purposes. Also NINE COTTAGES and STABLE adjoijyng the sfod property, which are a part and parcel thereof Limestone and Coal are to be obtained near the pre- mises, at moderate prices. For further particulars, apply to Messrs. C. H and F. JAMES, Solicitor, Merthyr; Mr. HARRHY, Bank, Tredegar; or the Auctioneer, Tredcgar. MILLINERY & DRESS^AKIM^ THE MISSES ISABElZIj/dtfl\ikpTlME, of Church-street, Tr,\uX bej^ to/return thanks to their numerousitfendaJpr^fhe greifenceu rajjemeat and patroaagei&y },^Xrecemfk«oce cjheir arrival from London, vuKerc tlrtkuac^ire.lXkuowledEre of th.) most apjirove^^usbioiis «jthe AyrKNNTiCM MAlIq D. Tredegar, JVIou., j une 20th, 18, MR. TITUS JONES'S NOTICES. CEFNCOEDYCYMMER, NBAR MEBTHTB TO BE LET, with immediate pos^ssion, y THAT well-known HOUSE, callaa the pN IL HOTEL," near the Cemetery. 2lie Houisf winch is recently built, possesses every cMJvenieace mr a J^rge trade. There are Stable and C0ack-h4w<3f mm tne necessary outhouses, and there/is atmche^ wy large well-fenced Garden, with treUised sumrafer nojrfses, orna- mental plants and evergreens, d e hole well adapted for an extensive^ut-door mmme^trade. The Stock and FurnUare ulayLbe taKMi at a valuation. The cause for lettirfg the houae islm consequence of tbfe death of the late Mrs- Aspreyf For particulars, apply to Mr. D. VLSPREY, China Warehouse, High-street, Merthyr; or to Mr. TITUS JONES, Auctioneer. No. 1, Castle-street, Merthyr; IMPORTANT SALE. To Wheelwrights, Carpenters, Cabinet-Makers, r Smiths, and Brokers. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. TITUS JONES, On WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, JULY 25th and 26th, 1860, on the Canal Side, near the Iron Bridge, Merthyr, 5 THE whole of the very valuable Stock of TIMBER, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, and other Effects^ the property of Mr. D. W. EVANS, who Is giving up business, consisting of the following lots of prime dry Ash and Oak Planks, 6000 feet from I to 6 inches thick 1000 spokes, 100 falleys, 20 to 30 wheel stocks, wheel block and frame, 3000 feet of elm, deal, maho- gany, and other boards, six new pairs of patent axles, one new cart, three new pairs of wheels, and a great quantity of old wheels, carts, carriages, axle pipes, two strong lathes, with iron and wood tools, four carpenters' benches, with screws to them, one strong wheelwright's vice, five pieces of round ash, one strong carpenter's cramp, and a quantity of tools, two large pairs of scales and weights, 100 back chains, a large quantity of scant- lings and slabs, 40,000 nails, 1000 w pins of all sizes, two strong smith's bellows, two anvils (two and four cwt.), one vice, one stron ohn Bull, bows and drills, a quantity of screw-plates and taps fou airs of stocks, taps and dies, four sieges, a largLtfiantity of top and bottom swedges, iftinches, toAheavy srfvedge block, borer, 40 tongs, ovtk long irto to*, one^anding or shoeing plate, witr screws. an\ <Mg^ Wighing 1§ cwt., one grindstoj*; and frffihe. Ive cwC of BB.H. iron, a large qjyrfitity ^KoltTT^n, fiv^ewt. of new spring steel, six pairs of spdngsfS quality of old ditto, a quantity of cast and double shear^teel and new files, a great quantity ot paints*6ils, vifrnish, japan brushes of all descriptions, a quantity of rass fittings and trim- mings for carriages, 12 gross A nuts, and a variety of things too numerous to mention. The Furniture consists of a sofa, dining table, six polished chairs; four portable mahogany and rosewood writing desks, superb Chinese lady's work-box, rose- w.?, J V.A ^"dy, rosewood work-box, large chimney gilded-frame looking glass, glass globe with ornaments, weather glass, pictures with gilt, rosewood, and maho- gany frames, three bron zed fenders, a quantity of books and shelves, set of china, water jugs, carpeting, floor cloth, mats, hearthrugs, half-tester, oak, iron, French, tent, ana other bedsteads, mattresses, feather and mill- puff beds, large quantity of beddiner, dressing tables, Washing stands and ware, towel horse, chest of drawers, night commodes, cane-bottom chairs, bedroom looking glasses, Copper tea urn, brass lamps, four sets of fire- irons, tea kettle and saucepans, earthenware, safe, tables, glasses, eight-day clock in mahogany case, bright iron stand, shelf and dresser, water casks, kitchen chairs, music stool, clothes horse, pickle jars liquor and water jugs, children's chairs, a variety of bottles, silver- mounted whip, washing tubs, pans, &c. The Auctioneer solicits punctual attendance to the above, as the lots are very numerous, and must be dis- posed of within the time stated. Sale to commence the first day at 11 a.m., and the second day at 12. The whole will be sold without reserve. 1, Castle-street, July 16th, 1860. MR. T. H. EVANS'S NOTICES. THOMAS H. EVANS, Auctioneer Sf er 9, BUTE STBBB^^BBVDABHLJ^ Agent for the Congols" on in con- nection with^6fovei*fitibflntBepimtyX NEARLY half PremiuMaAjaurfrom year to vear are entirely the will of loured, and can be withdrawn at any moment.-Fbr further particulars, apply to T. 11. EVANS. TOWN OF ABERDARE. To SCULPTORS, MASONS, BUILDERS, &c. TO LET, and immediatepossessjdn mfy be hatf THE BUSINESS and PREJffsEB o M. THOMAS, Sculptor, Comr^dal-Mape, AbeMare' The Stock, which is reduced Jto be t^kemVat valuation The above premises are suitafile, w li le terition, for any other trade or busmfes, ^llcre aVent&l situation is an object. The premiss are ntw heKfipon lease, of which nine years are uKfexpired, at/an Jcceedingly low rental. This lease yn be disposed of/if desired.—For further particulars/apply to Mr. ptoMAs, on the pre- mises; or to Mr. T. H. EVANS, Auctioneer, Aberdare- or at the TELECHArH Office, Merthyr. Tailor by Appointment to the\2thj@lamorqanshire or Merthyr Tydfil Rifle JpOluT^eers. R 11 Y S T. S, TAILOR & WO^LIWBS^pEE, Shivjdfreet, Brgpotyr Orders by Post or otherwise promptly attended to. JOHN GABEy^ Builder, Contractor, Architprft,^Lpppfiiser, Valuer, K THOMAS TowN/^ftTEST^YB^ Plans, Specifications, Jp(d EstfWcL^ii the shortest notice. J Jc Experienced Workmen in every winch of Building Trade constantly employed. D. E. JONES^i Practical Clock & WoXfih. Vikor, Near the Sarin sl nk, lais -d I" Watches and,.Cloc- d every des- r, des- cription, repaired on tM premises. JOHN PRIOE, Auctioneer, Appraiser, and Ace Ita Estate, and General g FIBE AND LIFE POLICIES T CCOUNTS AND RENTS OL D 4, Polar-place, Tre^egsrff April, wkort RH YMNEY, PBAITKILIK" X) O 2\T (Late of Plymouth Surgery, Mj/thyr\ BEGS to inform the inhabitant? of/RfuVmey and qurroundingiieighbntirliood itliell con cliced business as It CHEMIST and WUGreisA iSthe re- mises near the Church (late!y/occuoieclby Wv Wilfinm ,,itel CCUT)ie Wi ,ni Davies, Grocer), with an ex^nsi^ stock o?V)ruB8 and Chemicals of superior qufflity, fyd hMs by strict attention and moderate charges, tojiieit/aieir natrona've and support. 1 &' Physicinns' Prescriptions and Frfbily Recipes accu- rateJy dispeuscd. Oiis, Paints, Colours, and Tarnishes: Tooth, Hair Nail, and Paint Brushes; Patent Medicines and Per- fumery, &c., &c. Teeth carefully extracted. TO MASONS. W^T^T) imoudiatel^lTHII^^kw^LL- ERb, to build m the TunneKind'S^dgeybn the w mtrope and Riccarton Corm-actsN frear/HFIawiek Border Union Railway. f{ \J ™Itk 'Sl>wir!iags per ?ay °f/fe& will^e given to good Workmen m the ^n.Xli^Fiv/Shillings and Sixpence per day for outside workj Application to be ra«<fe to Mr. JosEyfa RITSON, Glyn- Neath Mr. J. COULSON, Briton-fiwrv Docks* orVhp Foreman on the Works. Masonry'1 g°°d FORJEMAN WANTED, for Tunnel Dated 9tli Jaly, S.I'UM WANTED,—EMPLOYjJt^OT 16 years of age, veryj^ons^ a*f?K^el\jrf(ucated.- Apply to Mr. SAXBY, A^tioneer^FC^^FFL^ WANTED,—A Young Lady as an A^RENTICjB' to the Millinery. Also, a resnjHftabl^YYSfctJ^io the Drapery trade.—Apply to J. JQi<E8,^chbrJHouse, Merthyr. V^, X/T OLE BE LAND STR T. TO BE LETKf A\) A HOUSE and SHOP, N»<% W5*eW-street, Merthyr.—Apply tojir. 55, Castle-street, Merth J/ TO LET, WITH IMMEDIATE POSSESSION^ IV A DWELLING HOUSE, No. 3, Satfwrset-fttke/ Thomas Town, Merthyr, well adf^ted Jom a IK- pectable family. A gopd supply of>vater^>n tie de- mises.—For particular^ apply to Mr. Joiw^Sh^ton, No. 1, Somerset-place, i Merthyr, June 27th, I860., r\ \s TO BE tET, And may be entered upon immediacy, (_/ A PUBLIC HOUSE called the B! situate in Horse-street, Dowkls. IVk w^fl adapted for business, and a suitabk4^i»j*VoM!/l&on command in it an extensive and table trafle.y€om- ing-in trifling.-Apply to Mf. JENIOMAS, Pantyscallog, Dowlais. J TO SCHOOLMASTERS & OTHKRS. TO BE LET, and may be ehtere^f^m&M^th^ A SCHOOL-ROOM, in Merthyr.—Apply to Mf. BdStf AM\NJEVANS, Timber Merchant, Merthyr. s TO DRAPERS. TO BE LET, and man be entered oridw Julpnext, Q y A SHOP and PREMISES j|!tuat/in JSgWitn^C Merthyr, near Zoar Chapd, WnwiftKi- pation of Mrs. Isaacs. The Shop4s fiftfW colwfSiently for the business of a Draper, i^iii a got^sit/ftion, and the House is convenient for the requirements )f a family. Rent moderate.—For particulars, apply to Mr, J. LLEWELLYN, Cefncoedycymmer. SAML., CHAsJ' <te EREp^V^W^, TAILORS & WOOX^EWyJm^E^, 48, Park-streetf W. EVANS,* Tanner, Bridge Street, Mertfrfjr, j\ CONTINUES to produce the Best^atherISrMiorfc» and Wear. When you purd>«fi5e yoj^BKtafcnd Shoes, see that the leather is of Ejjans's Mf^thyVcmmage An Apprentice wanted to e Currie ess. C s.