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PRESENTATION OF A TESTIMONIAL AND ADDRESS TO THE REV. JOHN CUNNICK, ABERDARE. A few Sundays ago a communication, of which the following is a copy, was read to the members DF the Tabernacle English Independent chapel: MY DEAR CHRISTIAN FRIENDs,-Having laboured amongst you now for nearly three years—having had the satisfaction and pleasure of giving the right hand of fellowship to many of you—and having anticipated many years of Christian usefulness in your midst,-it is withieclings of deep regret that I now announce that my Pastorate.will cease at the Tabernacle the last Sun- day in June. I have come to this conclusion, after a long and prayerful deliberation, mainly from the conviction that my own usefulness, and the usefulness of the Church, have been-and to all appearances are likely to be- greatly restricted by the absence of that amount of kindly feeling and active co-operation on the part of some amongst you, which are so essential to the peace and prosperity of a Church. It is this consideration—not any desire of mere pecu- niary advantage-not any disposition to leave a young cause (necessarily struggling against difficulties) which has induced me to entertain the unanimous invitation that I have recently received from another Church. If during my stay amongst you, I have been the humble instrumentality of arresting one sinner on his downward career, and of leading one soul to the Cross, I shall bless God in eternity that he has directed my steps to Aberdare. Wherever in the Providence of God I may bp called, from time to time, to labour for Christ, I shall ever feel the strongest solicitude for the welfare and prosperity of the cause of the Redeemer in your midst. And praying earnestly that union, love, and harmony may charac- terise all the members of the Church from this time forth, and that the Great Head of the Church may soon send you another Pastor who will rightly divide unto you the Word of Truth,— I beg to remain, My dear Christian Friends, Yours sincerely in the Gospel of Christ, JOHN CUNNICK. The members, with some few exceptions, re- ceived the announcement thus made-if not with surprise-with unfeigned regret; but, for reasons which are fully explained in the ably written ad- dress given in another portion of our report, Mr. Cunnick's friends very reluctantly arrived at the conclusion that it would not be wise to entreat a continuance of his ministrations. They have, however, taken other means to evince the high respect in which they hold their beloved pastor, and the hearty manner in which they have per- formed this (evidently) pleasing duty, bespeaks a sincerity but seldom witnessed in connection with proceedings of the kind. Mr. Cunnick's residence in this town has been one continued course of usefulness and benevolence, and by his departure from amongst us, we, experience the loss of a truly good citizen. His unassuming manner, cheerful and kindly disposition, made him many friends. His public doings were always in harmony with the principles of Christianity, and in his private life, he seems ever to have ex- hibited those refined and gentle feelings so be- coming the minister and the man. His efforts in the cause of mutual improvement and the dif- fusion of useful knowledge, must be patent to all who know or have known him. In witnessing the departure of this worthy man, we cannot therefore help sharing the deep regret felt by his many friends, and we heartily hope he may be spared to enjoy a long and happy life in the new field of his divine labours. Mr. Cunnick leaves here for Gloucester, where he will be called upon to preside over an old established church, and a numerous congregation. On Wednesday last a grand farewell tea party was given in the Temperance Hall, to pommemo- rale Mr. Cunnick's departure. Notwithstanding the extreme inclemency of the weather, a large number of ladios and gentlemen came together, and amongst the assembly we noticed the follow. ing :—Revs. J. O. Hill, and T. Jenkins, Merthyr; Revs. S. Davies, Aberdare J. Cooper, (Baptist minister); J. T. Jones, Aberdare; J. Rees, Cwm- niamman, and E. Matthews, Llwydcoed; D. Davies, Esq., Maesyffynon; T. Williams, Esq., Mill-street; Wm. Williams, and John Williams, Esqrs., Hirwa N; 1. D. Rees, Esq., Aberdare, & Ac. The room, which was the large one on the ground floor, was beautifully and eve: elegantly decorated. At the east end there was displayed the word "Farewell," neatly printed in gold on a pink ground; at the other end, on a green cir. cular ground was printed with equal neatness the words Presented to the Rev. John Cunnick." This bore reference to the testimonial, which rested on a table beneath. The walls were gracefully be-decked with festoons and wreaths of evergreens and flowers, and the room altogether, by the tastely manner in which it had been pre- pared for the occasion, formed a pleasing coup d'atil. The proceedings were commenced by the assembled company sitting down to partake of that far-famed cup which cheers and not in- ebriates." The tables were laid with great taste, and presided over by ladies who performed their duties with promptitude and cheerfulness. The company having been regaled to satisfaction and the tables cleared, The Rev. J. O. Hill, of Merthyr, expressed his regret that he should be compelled to leave the meeting in a few minutes, which would account for his being somewhat out of order in addressing them at this early stage of the proceedings but he should be sorry to allow the opportunity to pass without expressing his sincere regard for his friend and brother. No one regretted more than he did, that Mr. Cunnick was about to leave the neighbourhood. No doubt Mr. Cunnick had opened up before him new prospects which were very much brighter thnn any which in the course of providence he could reasonably look forward to in this locality. Still, as far as his (Mr. Hill's) personal feelings were concerned he deeply re- gretted losing him, as a friend and brother minister. He, however, rejoiced to see the mani- festation this evening in connection with the de. parLure of their friend. Many faces around him appeared full of kindness, and their hearts doubt- less were full of love to him who was about to leave them. There was something in the very appearance of the room which told of a deep feeling in the hearts and minds of many before him. These natural and artificial flowers-these festoons which adorn the room, although they may fade in the course of a few hours, although the ROOM to-morrow might be, as it were, a scene of desolation, as it were; yet to night they spoke volumes—to night these decorations told of a deep and earnest emotions which is cherished in the minds of many towards their retiring minis- ter. (Applause.) After some remarks upon the natural, the spiritual, aud what he termed the oificial character of the meeting, Mr, Hill pro- ceeded to say that he had just read a beautiful and eloquent address which the members of Mr. Cunnick's church and congregation were about to present to their beloved pastor, and he should be proud, if ever the day should come when circum. stances should call forth from any people an address to himself, couchedjin that language of affection and earnest hope and confidence, which he had in the address that evening. It was a document worthy of tho people who had sub- scribed their _mouey~~and it was worthy of the excellent minister who was about to receive it. Had he hees. enabled to remain longer he should probably have caught the spirit of the meeting, winch he expected would soon manifest itself, and concluded a lengthened-and eloquent speech efter wishing Mr. Cunnick every happiness and success in the place to which he is repairing, by proposing that Mr. Thomas Williams should take the chair. The proposal was seconded by Mr. Davies, and carried by acclamation. Mr. Williams, ou taking the chair, thanked the company for the honor they had done him, and called upon Mr. J. O. Riches to read the letters of apology for absence which he had re- ceived. The following letters, with one from the Rev. Isaac Jenkins, Wcslcyan minister, were then read;-— Rose Cottage, Aberdare, June 22nd, 1860. MY BEAE SIE,—It is with sincere regret that I inform you that I must tie ia Aberystwith on Wednesday, the 27th inst., and so shnll be prevented from attending the farewell tea meet- ing. I am exceedingly sorry fof this, as J shotdd bayc been jiad to be present to express my deep sympathy with Mr. Cuu- liek- and my prayers for his future happiness and usefulness. M.y son will attend for me, to express my deep regret. M.al' the Lord be with you and guide you in all your ways, I remain, my dear sir, yours very sincerely, .1. O. Riches, Esq. THOMAS PRIOE, Brynhyfryd, Aberdare, 23rd June, 1860. My DEAB SIE,—I have only to express my very deep regret that I shall not be able to be present at Mr. Cunnick'a farewell meeting being obliged to be from home at the time, it will be impossible for me to gratify my own desire to attend. Believe me that I cherish a true sympathy with the object of the meet. iiiz-to express its regard and affection towards Mr. Cunnick, on the occasion of his departure to another field of labonr. Though my acquaintance with Mr. Cunnick has been but comparatively of short duration, yet I have known him suffi- ciently to recognize the many excellent and amiable traits in his character. I am very sorry that the time in which I have en. joyed the privilege of his friendship has been so short; since, from personal observation, and from the high opinion in which he is held by the people of Aberdare, I cannot but entertain for him the warmest feelings of regard, and tender to him my heartiest wishes for his future success. May the Chief Shepherd be with him, and deliver him from unreasonable and wicked men." Regretting again my inability to be present, and hoping jou will have a good meeting. I remain, dear sir, very truly yours, J, 0. Riches, Esq. JAMES OWEN. Mr. J. O. Riches stated he was also requested to convey to the meeting the sincere regret of Mr. and Mrs.Thomas, of Scuborwen, who, except for the wretched state of the weather, fully in- tended to have been present with their family, to testify their respect for Mr. and Mrs. Cunnick, and their regret at the circumstances under which they were leaving. The chairman then requested Mr. B. Davies, the chairman of the committee, to read the ad- dress. After a few preliminary remarks explana- tive of how deeply he felt on being called on to perform such a duty, Mr. Davies then read as follows:— EEVEKTWD AND DEAR SIR,-We, the undersigned members of your Church and congregation, who for the last three years have been privileged to attend your Christian Ministrations, and who have enjoyed the advantages of your affectionate pastoral intercourse, have received-not with surprise, certainly—but with feelings of profound regret, the announcement of your contemplated removal from amongst us. We cannot allow you to depart without expressing our warmest approbation of your untiring efforts, under no ordinary difficulties, to build up the Church of Christ in this neighbour- hood and while ascribing all glory to the Most High, we must acknowledge that, as the honoured instrument in the hands of God, your labours tave been productive of great advantage to the Church and to the district. You have always been the expounder of sound doctrine, of pure evangelical truth; while, at the same time, you have in. variab.y displayed that enlightened catholicity of spirit towards those from whom you differ upon minor points,-you have so carefully abstained from all useless and irritating controversies, that you have endeared yourself to the Churches generally, by whom, as well as b/ourselves, your removal will be deeply, e- grettcd. You have manifested a consistent life and conversation. You have heartily entered into all plans which have been devised for the social, moral, and intellectual, as well'as for the religious advancement of the people. The young have never sought your advice unavailingly or lacked your most solicitous atten- tion. The poor and the afflicted have ever found, both in your- self and in the dear partner of your life, warm and sympathising friends. In your intercourse with us as a Church, your en- deavour has been to prevent misunderstanding—to allay anything like unkindly feeling one towards another. You have impar- tially and conscientiously, with wisdom and discretion, discharged all your duties amongst us. You have patiently endured much that must have been peculiarly painful to a sensitive mind, rather than increase discord. In a word, your conduct has been an unmistakable demonstration that you have been striving only for the salvation of souls—tor the extension of Christ's kingdom in the world. We feel, at the same time, reluctantly compelled to endorse the statement contained in your letter ot resignation, that 'Your own usefulness and the usefulness of the Church, have been (and, to all appearances, are likely to be) greatly restricted by the absence of that kindly feeling and active co-operation which are so essential to the peace and prosperity of a Church.' We regret this the more from the corsideration that, few as the numbers may be to whom this can with any truth be applied, it has been manifested on the part of some whose high andjholy office amongst us ought to have been a guarantee to yourself and the Church of their warmest aid and sympathy. Sincerely do we believe you when you say that it was this consideration, and no mere desire of pecuniary advantage" which induce you to take this step. We would have urered you to re- cosnider the matter-ti) reflect upon the consequences which might ensue to this infant cause, but that we felt reluctant to interpose any barrier to your regaining that peace of mind which must have been_ so long a stranger to you here, or to prevent you from labouring amongst a people by whom your quiet, un- ostentatious piety would be better appreciated than it appears ostentatious piety would be better appreciated than it appears .0 have been by a small section of the Church here. We beg that you will aceept this simple expression of our love, our gratItude, and our sympathy. Amidst all the changes and vicissitudes of this life, we thank God that we can lookhope- fully to that world "where Christian friendships will be renewed and perfected, and where we U-mt to appear, with many others, to be your crown of rejoicing in the day of the Lord Jesus." And with earnest prayer that God may shower his most abundant blessings upon yourself and your family, We remain, Reverend and dear sir, Your faithful and affectionate friends in Christ, (Loud cheers followed the reading of this ad- dress, which, we ought to state, had been signed by a large majority of the Tabernacle church and congregation.) Mr. Davies then stated he had a still more pleasing duty to perform—namely, to present their beloved pastor with the testimonial they had prepared for him, as a token of their respect and gratitude for his services amongst them. The meeting was a credit to all concerned, and must be peculiarly gratifying to some in parti- cular. Mr. Davies afterwards expressed in a pathetic manner the regret and reluctance he felt in parting from one with whom he had held such close communion and intercourse. Although the word at the other end of the room said "farewell," he trusted it would not be so in reality. Their spirits were of a kindred nature, and although they may not be together personally they could commingle in prayer round the throne of grace. The speaker then formally handed over to Mr. Cunnick two purses of ten guineas and an elegant large-sized silver tea service. (Loud and prolonged cheering ensued.) The Rev. J. Cunnick, on rising to return thanks, was received with loud applause. He said, with considerable emotion If I had a desire to make a long speech, my feelings would not allow me to do so. I have felt sorry to leare Aberdare ever since I decided upon taking that course; but upon the exhibition of such a kindly feeling and warmth of affection and esteem as I witness here this evening, my sorrow is still more intense. (Hear, hear.) The present occasion brings to my remembrance many circumstances in connection with my brief history at Aberdare. It recalls to my mind the time that I first came here-just three years ago-and I can see faces here whom I think I have been the honoured instrument in the hands of God in bringing to the Saviour. This thought cheers my heart, and it will encou- rage me in my future course in connection with the work to which I have devoted myself. My great desire, ever since I have been amongst you, I can truly say, has been to promote the glory of God and to advance the happiness and welfare of my fellow-creatures. I am thankful to God that my labours have been blessed in the accomplish- ment of the great object of the Christian minis- try—the conversion of souls to God. (Hear, hear.) It rejoices my heart to see so many kind friends assembled around me-so many belonging to denominations other than my own-and I thank God for this manifestation of catholic spirit. We want more of this catholicity of spirit. (Hear, hear.) We may differ on minor points, but when we come to Calvary-when we surround the cross, we are all one there-one in love, one in faith, one in aim, one in object. For this reason I rejoice to see present so many kind friends belonging to other churches and to other denominations. Allow nie to thank you for this manifestation of esteem and respect towards myself, as the unworthy servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. God will reward those who res- pect and regard His servants, and I hope and trust that I shall ever be sustained and supported so as to be enabled to walk worthy of the high vocation to which I have been called. (Hear, hear.) I thank those friends of my late church and congregalion whom I see around me for the aid and kind assistance that they have rendered to me during my connection with the Tabernacle. Heartily and sincerely do I thank them for the sympathy and co-operation which I have always experienced at their hands; and though we are now to be separated for a time, I hope we shall yet meet in the flesh but if we are not thus pri- vileged, I trust that by and bye we shall all meet before the throne in heaven, to join the patriarchs, the prophets, the evangelists, the apostles, and the great and good of every age and country, in singing praises to the Lamb for ever and ever. May every blessing attend you in travelling through the wilderness of this world—may you be blessed with all necessary blessings to make you happy and useful in this world to prepare you for endless happiness in the future. Again I tbank you for this cordial expression of esteem and attachment to me as your pastor. (Applause.) The REW John Cooper, Baptist Minister, rose and stated how cordially he respected Mr. Cun- nick as a Christian brother, and how much he desired his future path should be strewn with happiness. Though he had had troubles here, it may be that he was going to meet troubles such as he had never experienced before. He trusted it would not be so; yet if such should be the case, though it would be painful now, it would be pro- ductive of a crown of glory which would amply repay for ten thousand days of trouble. He prayed God would give him health and happi- ness, and the same to his dear partner in life. (Applause.) The Rev. Mr. Davies, Zoar, having been called upon by the Chairman, rose to propose a vote of thanks to the ladies for their exertions in con- nection with the tea-party; in doing which he expressed his deep regret at Mr. Cunnick's departure, and his sympathy with him under the circumstances which called him to separate from his flock. It was a painful thing to part from a pastor at whose feet they had worshipped. He expressed his sympathy with those who were about to lose him, and concluded by proposing the vote of thanks he had risen to move. (Cheers.) The Rev. T. Jenkins, in seconding the vote of thanks, hoped he would be allowed to digress a little from the subject, to express his feeling towards Mr. Cunnick, who, he stated, was kind and full of christian charity. Did all possess the same principles to such an extent and variety, it would be better for the world. The speaker then referred to the time when Mr. Cunnick, by his interference, prevented the clashing of two contending parties, and stated that if he had never done any other good in the town, he had done enough, to merit the respect of the inha- bitants. He expressed a hope that his future career would be happier than the past, and prayed God to bless him and his family. The Rev. E. Matthews, Llwydeoed, expressed how much he had enjoyed himself during the evening, and his sorrow at being obliged to wish Mr. Cunnick farewell. He trusted those whom he would leave behind him would soon have a minister, and that they would take care to use him well. Mr. D. I. Davies, in response to the chairman's call, rose, and in an appropriate speech, expressed his entire concurrence with what the previous speaker had stated. Mr. Davies complimented the ladies on the beautiful appearance of the room and referred to the pleasure and profit he had derived from his acquaintance with Mr. Cunnick. He dwelt upon the usefulness of Mr. Cunnick in connection with the Young Men's Literary Class and expressed a belief that the good influence he would leave behind him would be productive of much benefit. The speaker concluded a telling speech by expressing his sympathy with and res- pect for Mr. Cunnick, amidst much cheering. David Davies, Esq., Maesyffynon, then rose to propose a vote of tnanks to the committee for their untiring and praiseworthy exertion in get. ting up the handsome testimonial which, he said, had been subscribed to by the whole town. A lesson was taught by the proceeding of the even- ing. It was this The man who sought fame in religion or politics was not always sure to obtain it. Mr. punnick was an example of this: by his unobtrusive manner and doings, he had not courted fame yet he had obtained it. Mr. Davies, in a terse speech, dealt out some severe strictures on pride and ostentation. He concluded by eu- logizing the principles of humility, and proposing a hearty vote of thanks to the committee. T. D. Rees, Esq., in a few words, seconded the proposition, and expressed his belief that Mr. Cunnick's departure would be a public loss to the town. Mr. Davies, chairman of the committee, in an appropriate speech, returned thanks. The Rev. J. T. Jones, Gwron Office, stated that, although everything around him tended to make him happy, he could not out feel sorrowful. He stated that since his kind reception:at Pem- broke by Mr. and Mrs. Cunnick, to whom he was then a stranger, he could not but respect them. He was mainly the cause of getting Mr. Cunnick to Aberdare, and he verily believed that the town bad never yet experienced so great a loss by the departure of any one, as it would now. Mr. J. Osborne'Riches, having:been also called upon by the chairman, remarked that the testimo- nial might have been of greater value in a mone- tary sense had it been considered desirable to appeal to the public indiscriminately. But the committee were of opinion it would be more highly esteemed by Mr. Cunnick if those only were asked for subscriptions whom he valued as his friends and well-wishers. This was the explanation for the testimonial not being more worthy of the occasion;; but he, nevertheless, hoped that it would be deemed acceptable as a slight tribute of their affection and regard (cheers.) The word fare- well" at the other end of the room might be taken in a wider sense than as being applicable simply to lMr. Cunnick. Many of those now present, who had been for a long time labourers in the same vineyard, would to-night bid each other farewell." But although they were no longer members of the same church, they would still be fellow labourers in the same glorious cause. Such separations are, however, always painful, especially where, as he was glad to say was the case with all the members present, they had worked so well and harmoniously together. This considera- tion had added another pang to the otherwise pleasurable nature of the meeting. Mr. Hall, in the course of a lengthy and sen- sible address, stated that he thought many had espoused congregationalism through their great esteem for Mr. Cunnick. Nothing that had passed during the recent unhappy complication had shaken his good opinion of congregational principles. It was a system wisely ordained, but it required wise and enlightened men to live under it. Mr. Perkins expressed his great regret at parting from their beloved pastor, and was sure a great loss would be sustained by the Tabernacle. Mr. John Williams also stated the regret he felt at Mr. Cunnick's departure, and expressed his good wishes for that gentleman's future welfare. Mr. E. G. Price, of the West of England Bank, considered the meeting had been a pleasant one for them all, and for MR« Cunnick, a proud one. He eulogized the rev. GOTTLENMN'S character, and expressed a hope that ministers of all deno- minations would imitate him. Mr. Timothy Davies, in a neat Welsh speech, alluded in eulogistic terms to Mr: Cunnick's character, and expressed his regret at being obliged to part from him. A vote of thanks was then given to a party of ladies and gentlemen who had formed themselves into a choir and had enlivened the evening's proceedings by their excellent singing. Mr. Davies, Maesyffynon, proposed, and Mr. 1. D. Rees seconded, a hearty vote of thanks to the chairman. Mr. Williams (the chairman,) returned thanks in a pithy speech, and thus terminated one of the most pleasant and successful meetings it has ever been our duty to chronicle. STAFFORDSHIRjTlRoir TRADE. WE have no change to notice in the trade since our last report. The demand for sheets and boiler plates continues good. The meetings at Wolverhampton and Birmingham were quite up to an average this week very little business was transacted in finished iron. The sales of pig iron were very limited indeed. Mr. Wm. Mathews, of Corbyn's Hall, and Mr. Benjamin Gibbons, of Millfields, are each about to blow one of their furnaces out. The official list of prices of Staffordshire finished iron is as follows common Staffordshire bars, R7 10s., at the works; best bars, £ 8 10s.; sheets, £9; doubles, £ 1010s.; nail sheets, £ 810s.; Latins £12; boiler plates, £9; best and best best in proportion; common rods, R7 10s.; hoops, XS IOS. gas strip, L'S; Canada plates, £12, and all other sorts in proportion. Welch bars, R5 10s. to 9,5 12s. Rails, £5 5s. Current prices of pig iron, Staffordshire cold blast, £ 4 7s. 6d.; best native hydrate pigs, £ 3 153. to £42s. 6d.; first" class all mine grey forge pigs, f 3 10s. to 93 15s.; good mine pigs, with a modi- cum of flue cinder, £ 3 to £ 3 5s.; mine pigs, deteriorated by cinder, £ 2 15S. to £ 3 2s. 6d. • grey forge cinder pig iron, £ 2 15s. to £ 2 17s. 6d! white forge cinder pigs, 92 10,1. to £2158. Melters. Nos. 1, 2, and 3, L2 17s. 6d. to L3 2s. 6d.; superior makes of all mine melting iron £3103. to £ 4, ac- cording to make and quality. Favourite Shropshire and Forest of Dean brands, 94. 7s. 6d.—Extracted from Samuel Griffiths's Staffordshire Iron Trade Circular.