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OLD HOUSE FARM, PENALT. MR. JAMES GRAHAM, JUN" has received in- structions from MR. GEORGE DA VIES, who is saving the farm, to BELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, the whole of his LIVE AND DEAD FARMING STOCK, GROWING CROPS, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, and other Effects. Sale to commence punctually at Hay-past Twelve. N.B.-For full particulars see Posters. Dated Monmouth, July 4th, 1870. MONMOUTHSHIRE. IN THE TOWN OF USK. VALUABLE FREEHOLD INVESTMENTS, Mi TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY R. JAMES GRAHAM, JUN., at the THREE SALMONS HOTEL, USK, On FRIDAY, the 22nd day of JUL Y, 1870, Two o'clock in the Afternoon, subject to such con- fnliS ES shaI1 be then Produced, and either in the lowing lots, or in one lot, as may be determined at the time of sale, the undermentioned eligible FREEHOLD PROPERTY, VIZ Lot I.-All that commodious FREEHOLD MES- SAGE known as the "GEORGE INN," with the acksmith's Shop and Outbuildings, situate in MAR- KET STREET, in the Town of USK. Cn Messuage js very roomy ancj convenient, and ft^Pnses Parlour, Bar, Kitchen, Club-room, Smoking tn„0^' 2?antry» Three Bedrooms, and large Attic, gether with an underground Cellar. The Out- uudings consist of a Brewhonse, Stables, Piggeries, fr in, e ls also a spacious Yard, wiih entrance wa the main street, and a highly-productive Garden eu stocked with choice Fruit Trees. The premises « situate in the best part of the town, and cover an tensive area, and with a moderate outlay this "niabJe site might be made highly remunerative. D^°IV2'~1A11 that FREEHOLD MESSUAGE or T)rn,i -S adjoining Lot 1, together with the £ oauctive Garden and premises thereto belonging, CMfctorUp"i0" of Mr. James Williams, as tenant thereof. i,?'01' further particulars applj to tie Auctioneer. Monmouth, or MESSES. BALDWYN & MORGAN, °hcitors, Chepstow. RARE OPPORTUNITY. I O LET. Immediate Possession if required. The iv0 SASTLE, ?AGLAN, wither Without conn t-eces ?/r ^pit?1 MBADOW LAND. Good l2ft pC^0n* y draught of Ale and Cider about Stabling for thirty or forty horses, di'iv -r a ^uarter of a mile of the Castle. A Bavf6 ,ire,ct ^rom the Railway Station through Mr. to lton s lands to the Castle. No Furniture to take s in-coming for Plant, about £ 50. The present be n Beer' &Cl' would be sold out if objected to vvv. e.n *9* Mr. B. Barton, the present landlord, b'ho also has the lease of the premises, declines the on account of advanced age and ill-health. reside in a house adjoining, and will give ^1 ry assistance to the in-coming tenant to maintain e present business of the Inn. f 27, STOKE'S CROFT, BRISTOL. W. PEPPER, ^SOLESALE HOSIER AND GLOVER. ARTICLES in the above line supplied to the Trade at London Wholesale Prices, full,11 inspection of Goods kept in Stock is respect- II ly solicited. Agent for Holmes and Winterton's New Patent Purse Glove. ^°^nC80Patllic Medicines & Handbook. wUO pages, bound, Is., or by post for 14 stamps. J H OMCEOPATHIC FAMILY PDs IU "T^UCTOIl (an Epitome of.) By Richard laM it ° the Royal ColleSe of Surgeons of Eng. till,] Upwards of a hundred diseases are fully described ^.Prescribed for. A complete Medicine Cbest to this 20s. or 24s. J)atl°.llcl°n = Published by James Epps and Co., Homceo- Chemists (the first established in England), 112, i)ee^le Russell-street; 170, Piccadilly and 48, Thread c&iox—The medicines supplied by Agents are se- "'SHat a<^)ai1^ over the cork, and which band bears the ^0ll(:lo'U>e>' '^ames Epps and Co Homoeopathic Chemists n> without which none are genuine. ^J^Un COLEFORD, J. T. Williams, Chemist. a Sancti Viti-St. Vitus' Dance, Cured by the never failing treatment of DR. BARTON, OF RAGLAN". •Ji • lS PnSefSe if not timely attended to ends in nialysis, Consumption, or Insanity. })R. BARTON has had forty years (nearly thirty &lent of tv, 8 V1 regular practice in tlie treai- vM fronf fiimVe"named disease he has been favored «!8 Patients i°, 1,000 uns°licited testimonials from • e great n theirfnends,gratefully acknowledging ^stance wli^6 ti'16 ^as Pcr*orme<h There is not one ^U°cessfui Barton's treatment has not proved •efVer bad \l Severally in twenty.eight days, how- 110 cUrP CaSe" CuHEs undertaken by contract. 8ecufed K/!110 charSe is made. The medicine will be A'0,g letters patent. Wn^i **arton Ilas never before advertised K°Iieitation n.°^.been Educed to do so by the urgent Qefitnf .1 s 'riends out of consideration for the 01 the public. TOWN HALL, USK. ONE NIGHT ONLY. TUESDAY NEXT, JULY the \Uht 1870. THE ONLY ORIGINAL ROYAL TYCOON JAPANESE PERFORMERS (Males and Females) FROM the Imperial City of Japan, who created JL such a furore at the Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly, London, and are now on a Tour of the United Kingdom, Patronised by H.R.H. the Duke of Edin- burgh, before whom they have performed twice. Quite a new Performance. Nothing of the kind ever having visited this town before, FE A T S OF ARCHER Y quite eel ipeing the famous William Tell. BUTTERFLY FANNING. JAPANESE CONCERT, accompanied by Japanese Music on the Tycho and Samsie. TOP SPINNING. BAMBO BALANCING. A JAPANESE FOUNTAIN. BRICK BALANCING. YEDDO FLY WHEEL. This feat is one of the most surprising ever attempted, the performer turning Somersaults on the points of sharp swords with astonishing rapidity. NE POM DOW SUCK. TWENTY MINUTES IN JAPAN. Showing the Fashions and Costumes, together with. the Religious and 0: her Ceremonies of this so little known nation, the Interpreter giving a full explana- tion. To conclude with THE TEMPLE OF MIKADO. The Proprietor begs to inform the Public that this is the only Troupe of Real Japanese in this country, and that after a great amount of trouble, and at an enormous expense, he has prevailed upon the Govern- ment of Japan to extend their leave of absence from July to May next, when they are bound to return and therefore this will be the only opportunity the > public will have of witnessing these novel Performers in their new, astonishing, and original entertainment. ,i Reserved Seats (numbered), 3s. Front Seats, 2s. Second Seats, Is. Children Half-price. Schools by special arrangement. Plan of the Seats may be seen and Tickets obtained ( of Mr. J. H. CLARK, Observer" Office. Doors open at Half-past Seven. Commence at Eight. Carriages at Ten. iggTTo prove the genuineness of these people, Photo- graphs of the Troupe can be seen where the tickets are to be obtained. Interpreter, BUHICROSAN, Manager, J.PETERS. pOST OFFICE DIRECTORY FOR THE COUNTY OF MONMOUTH; And most of the principal towns and adjacent Places in South Wales. Price to Subscribers, 20s.: Non- Subscribers, 25s. Messrs. KELLY and Co., having had repeated appli- cations for a Directory for South Wales, have de- cided upon producing the above Work. The general plan of the Work as regards the County of Monmouth, will be identical with the Directories of the other Counties of England which Messrs. Kelly and Co. have been for so many years engaged in publishing, and, in addition to the usual arrangement of names, will comprise a topo- graphical account of all the principal Towns and ad- jacent places, with their distances from London and other chief towns, the Hundred and Union, and County Court District, and also the Diocese, Arch. deaconry, and Rural Deanery the population, from vi h thT3 ? 5\l D1C.SCnptlon of the Churches, Ktrnn A T* th<3 "ameS °f Patron and Incumbent; also a description of the principal Seats, the chief Landowners the Acreage notice of Soil and crops, Local Charities, &c. In thr. p elsh Wl1 be also given a full account of the Principal Manufactures of which each town is the seat; particulars of the local Government, and Archi. tectural description of the Churches and other Public Ph g% l l .ic?ch°°ls' HosPitflls. Almshouses and Charities; Agricultural and Scientific Societies and meetings; the Markets and Fairs; OWs 3 Natural Curiosities and Antiquities. andp0urEi0OffialS° t0 Postal matters> Law and Public Offices, Churches and Chapels, together with particulars respecting Conveyance by Railway, Water, or Land Carriers, will be included. 7' Also will be given an Alphabetical arrangement of Isanies of the Nobihty, Gentry, and Clergy, and a General Classification ot Trades. The proprietors respectfully request the favour of the gentlemen in their employ being personally seen on their applying for formation, and that the precise spelling of the name, qc may be given to them. London KELLY and CO., Publishing Office, 51, Great Queen-sllcet, W.C. (removed from Old Boswell Court). Agent for Monmouthshire: HENRY CLAEKE, Mr. Edwin Morgans, 16, Frogmore-street, Aber- gavenny. Boot and Shoe Manufactory, 16, CROSS STREET, ABERGAVENNY. (2 hioMishetl upwards of Thirty Years.) M'JEVANS begs to invite attention to the exten- sive assortment of BOOTS and SHOES now in 81 tock suitable for the present Season, comprising upw ards of TEN THOUSAND PAIRS. L& dy's good Elastic Boots 3s. a4. per pair Gei ltltimans' ditto 7s. 6d. it Top and Hunting Boots made to order equal to any London House. M. -4 E. wishes to call especial attention to the In ^proved FISHING BOOTS, or Wading oots, made of the best materials. These jBt wis are most durable, and witlstand for iel veral Seasons. They have been much ap- pp oved of by all who have used them. Di rections for Self-measurement on application. FO R SALE.—PRIME HEREFORDSHIRE and DEVONSHIRE CIDER, delivercdldirect from the M akers.—JAMES IbLL, Raglan. JpiNCY Stationery in every variety. JgOOKS BOUND to any Pattern. JL) TRADE Dies, Crests, and Monograms cut to JL any device. NOTE Paper and Envelopes Stamped from Private Dies at the London Charges. THE Oxford Black-Bordered Note Paper and Envelopes. m ANIFOLD Writers and Copying Presses SEWING MACHINES. JOHNSON'S Celebrated Black Tea. p ATENT Medicines of every kind. PERIODICALS and New Works procured P as soon as Published. LETTER-PRESS, Copper-Plate, and Litho- L graphic Printing of every style. AT THE "COUNTY OBSERVER OFFICE, USK. P. J. PULLING, GrROCEH. AND GENERAL IRONMONGrER, BRIDjjE STREET, USK, B?S?-S b inform his Friends and Patrons that MESSRS. HORNSBY & SONS have appointed l him AGENT for the Sale of their! Prize Ploughs, Mowing Machines, and Agricultural Implements Of all descriptions also that he has been appointed AGENT for Messrs. Ransomes, Simms, and Head's Ploughs, Horse Rakes, &c., &c. — + —— — PAINLESS DENTISTRY j GUARANTEED. ARTIFICIAL TEETH. 3a, BERKER'S-STREET, »N (»-, AND 448 STRAND, OXFO iiD-STREET, U/7>(/A OPPOSITE CHARING CROSS Q E NX ISTS ;RAILWAR STATION'LONI>ON The Oldest rCstablishpd Englitjb Dentists. By appointment to the Royal Household. THIRTIETH YEAR OF AITENDA^OE IN MONMOUTHSHIRE AND H E RE FO BDSSiRE. ANOINTMENTS FOR 1870. MONMOUTH—Every Fourth MONDAY, at Mr. J. Powell's, Plumber, Monnow.street.-Next visit, MONDAY, AUGUST 8. k ABERGA VENNY Every alternate TUESDAY, at Mr. GORVIN'S, Saddler, next door to the Angel Hotel.- Next visit, TUESDAY, JULY 26, and TUESDAY, AUGUST 9. HEREFORD—Every alternate WEDNESDAY,iat Mr. Webstpr's, Surveyor, 151, St. Owen's-street, eorner of Offa Street.-Next visit, WEDNESDAY, Jui4 27, and WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10. ATTENDANCE FROM TEN TO FOUR. PAINLESS DENTISliKY WITHOUT THE USE OF GHLOROFORM. MESSRS. MOSELY have secured by royal letters patent the exclusive use of the "Ale-xodyne." This preparation is recommended by the medical profession as introducing an entirely new era in dentistry. as being the quickest, easiest, and only really effectual process for the perfectly painless accomplishment of all per- taining to dental surgery. In addition to the utter impossibility of pain during operation, the ad vantages secured by Mesisrs. MOSELY'S patented system are—artificial teeth surpassing all others for economy, durability, mastication, :articulation, and natural appearance. Being indestructible, they never change colour or decay th ey excel for com- fort because their elasticity and unerring fit enable them to support and render useful loose and dec. \yed teeth they are worn with such ease arad comfort even over the most tender gums and sensitive stumps that the wearer speedily forgets that the deficiencies* of nature have been supplied by art. For the efficacy, utility, and success of system, vide Lancet. Tooth Extraction guaranteed painless, 10 s. 6d. each tooth. No fee charged for extractions when the be tter description of artificial are required. Air their — each', &E IS from 5 to 30 GUINEAS, warranted. ofTil 1- r ,IeeUl.bevn« constructed in, then- own work-rooms in London, Messrs Moselv are pnab ted toftlace rim ^r1 °f tb6lr Pat,eD! 8 those t!s,,ul'ces the Art unattainable in thfprol^ces exc ept at the trouble and expense ot » journey to the Metropolis. provinces, exc epv at w Lond on Establishment—30, JBerneiw-sti'eet, Oxford-street; and 448, Strand, (opposite the Charing-crosr- Railway fetation,) whore patients visiting London will meet with every attention, free of charge. All Consultations and every Information FREE. NO CONNECTION WITH ANY ONE OF THE SAME NAME. CROQUET! CROQUET!! CROQ-LTET JACQUE'S CELEBRATED CROQUET S E; T S, (BOX AND BOOK OF RULES INCLUDED,) From Fifteen Shillings and Upwards, AT J. H. CLARK'S, OBSERVER" OFFICE, BRIDGE-STREET, U SK. BELLAMY AND COMPANY, ABER GAVENNY, ESPECTFULLY invite attention to their varied stock of CHOICE WINES. i23..o 583 I> Moselle; £ ^i7f CHOICE FRENCH AND GERMAN WINES. Fine Burton Ales, 3Is. per 18 gallbns; Dublin Porter, 21s. per ):dL. Bass,g Afo Gu.mness's Stout, 4s. per dozen, imperial pint bottles. ESTABLISHED 1775. B 0 RWI C K S '1" B A KIN GP 0 W DE, R I HAS BEEN AWARDED TWO GOLD MEDALS, i FOR ITS SUPERIORITY OVER ALL OTHERS. Price Five Shillings. ON ST. PAUL'S VOYAGE & SHIPWRECK on the ISLAND MELITE. By the late WILLIAM FALCONBE, M.D., F.R.S. Second Edition by THOMAS FALCONER, ESQ., Judge of County Courts, with Additional Notes. London J. RUSSELL SMITH, Soho Square. IMPORTANT TO FARMERS AND PRIVATE FAMILIES. NO one should be without HANCOCK'S PATEXT BUTTER MACHINE, for washing Butter from all traces of Milk and Acid; also for co iling and making it firm in hot weather without touching with the hand, and for removing the flavour of turnips, and turning Salt Butter into Fresh for daily use, by the action of Cold Water only; also for pressing Juices from Fruits, mashing Potatoes, Turnips, and Carrots. This Machine mashes Potatoes into orna- mental forms, at the same time being as fine as flour. —Sole Agents for Pontypool and district:—Messrs DAVIES, SON, and SANDBROOK, Crane-street, where it may be seen daily and its capabilities tested. DR. MOORE'S PILLS. (EDWARDS') THE Safest and Best MEDICINE for affec- tions of the Liver, Stomach, and Kidneys, and derangements of the primes vim. In Boxes, with Directions, 1%d., Is. nd., and 2s. Sd. Edwards' Alterative Powders, For Children in Measles, Scarlatina, Hooping Couglf Croup. Convulsions, Teething, Small Pox, Thrush, Re- laxation of the Bowels, Worms, Local Inflammation, Glandular Swellings, Distention and Hardness of the Body, accompanied with loss of appetite and wasting of the limbs; also in recent Coughs and Colds, they are very efficient in removing the Tightness of the Chest and I ifficulty of Respiration, and in -every disease attended with fever they will be found truly valuable. They do not produce the debilitating results arising from the ex- hibition of drastic purgatives, but their action is mild, and consists in gently restoring the functions. They may be safely given to an infant a few days old -to those of maturer age, and to those advanced in life. In the preparation of these Powders a great difficulty is obviated, and a desirable end obtained, as children will take them with as much facility as a piece of sugar or a lozenge. Directions for Use given with the Powders, To he had at EDWARDS', CHEMIST, adjoining the Post-o Usk, ~BE0WN & POLSOFS" COEKT FLOUR IS GENUINE. PREPARED SOLELY FROM MAIZE—INDIAN CORN. TO OBTAIN EXTRA PROFIT BY THE SALE Cheap Qualities bearing a False Name Are sometimes unscrupulously substituted instead of BROWN AND POLSON'S CORN FLOUR, Which is prepared solely from Maize—Indian Corn. "OBOWN AND POLSON B were the first to adopt the name Corn Flour, and they are greatly interested in maintaining its reputation, which is liable to be discredited by the unwarrantable appropriation, of the name to articles of a different character. BHOvVN & POLSON'S CORN FLOUR, With Milk for Children's Diet. P. 0 NV N & P 0 L 8 0 N S B CORN FLOUR, to thicken Soups and Sauces. trx OWN & POLSON'S _L» CORN FLOUR, to thicken Beef-tea. iro~w~ir~& ro L s o n 'i B CORN FLOUR, for Custards. BROvVN & POLSO N~H3 B CORN FLOUR, for Blanc-mange. RO~ W N &~P OLSON'S CORN FLOUR, for Puddings. m L I NA P E A R L I N A Is rich in albu^'hious properties, Prepare^ L'J' BROWN and POISON. PTTSTTN A -t- Is rich in flesh-forming properties. Prepared by BROWN and POLSON. EABLINA Has the sustaining properties of Oatmeal, without being so heating. E .4 R L I N A -——— P May be used with or without Milk. Prepared by BROWN and POLSON. EI A R L I N A P Boiled with water, and a little salt, is the most digestable Supper. T) E A R L I N A JL For Breakfast. Prepared by BROWN and POLSON. TTE A R L I N A JL For Baked Puddings. Prepared by BROWN anft POLSON. P- E -1 R;-INT' 1: L For Plum Pudumgs. Prepared bv BROWN and P lii A. _R L I N A • Rec. upon eao!l i>aC!;a,e> Price 6d. TLH'E .a G" E N O E I A lllxv AND, LO^v-STITCII SHUTTLE ,.S^TMG MACHINE. p