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BREAKFAST.—Eppa's COCOA. -GRATEFUL AND COM- PORTING-.—The very agreeable character of this prepar- ation has rendered it a general favorite. The Civil aervice Gazette r -marks "By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of diges- tion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of wel-s lected cocoa, Mr Epps has pro- Tided our breakfast tables with a del cately flavoured _everage which may save us many heavy doctors bills," Made simply with boiling water or milk. Sold only in tin-lined packets, labelled—JAMES EPPS & Co., Homceo- pai lie Chemists, London. T J. E. & Co.'s other preparatiors are sold in Coleford by J. T. Williamq, Chemist.— S. e that each bottle is secured by a band over the cork, bearing the signature-James Epps and Co., without which none are genuine. Holloway's Ointment and PiUs. -Cuug-hs, inHuenza.— The sootinug properties ot these medcaments render them well worthy ot trial in ill diseases of tbe l-ings, In com- Mpacoids and influenza the Pills taken internally, and the Ointment rubbed externally, are exceedingly efficacious. when influenza is epidemic this treatment is easiest, Barest, and surest. Holloway's Pills and Ointment purity the blood, remove all obstructions to its free circulation through the lungs, relieve the over-gorged air tubes, and render respiration tree without reducing the strength, ir- ritating the nerves, or depressing the spirits. Such are the retdy means ot saving suffering when afflicted with colds, coughs, bronchitis, and other complaints by which so many are seriously and permanently afflicted in most countries. FANCY Stationery in every variety. BOOKS BOUND to any Pattern. TRADE Dies, Crests, and Monograms cut to JL any device. NOTE Paper and Envelopes Stamped from Private Dies at the London Charges. THE Oxford BJack-Bordered JSTote Paper and Envelopes. lVI ANIFOLD Writers and Copying Presses g E W 1 N G MACHINES. JOHNSON'S Celebrated Black Tea. JJATENT Medicines of every kind. PERIODICALS and New Works procured r as soon as Published. LE IT R-PRESS, CopperPlate, and Litho- graphic Printing of every style. AT THE COU > T Y OUSERVBR" OF FICE, USK. '• ill), t-v.jiv one that thnsieili, ouine je tv tDtj waie. una tie that htlh no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea come buy wi.ieatid milk without money and without plice. ISAIAH, IV, 1. CONSUMPTION, ASTHMA, BRONCHIAL DISEASE, >TOMACH & LlVEli COM- PLAINTS, CURED GRATIS I No money, stamps, or any equivalent whatever acci pied. As effectually as water quenches thirst, so can these diseases be eradica ed by the REClPK which will be forwarded on receipt of stamped envelope.— Address, RFV. J. D'ALMAINE, Bloomsbury House, Manchester. Just Published, post free for two stamps. WONDERFUL MEDICAL DISCOVERY. CJ HO WING- the true causes of Neivous, Mental, Physical, Debility, Lowness of Spirits, Indigestion, WANT OF ENERGY, PREMATURE DECLINE, with plain directions for PERFECT RESTORAilON TO HEALTH AND VIGOUR IN A FE w" DAYS. The most important fact that these alarming complaints may easily be removed WITHOUT MEDICINE, Is here clearly demonstrated, and the entirely new and highly succsssful treatment, as adopted by the Author, fully explained- by means of which EVERY OHH IS ENABLED TO CURE HIMSELF perfectly, and at the least possible cost. Sent free on receipt of two stamps, By W. HILL, Esq., M.A., Berkeley House, South Crescent, Russeil Square, London, W.C. THESE CUKATIVE MEANS ARE SO EAST and SIMPLE in APPLICATION, THAT ALL CAN CURE TllEMSEL VES PRIVATELY, SUCCESSFULLY, and at the SMALLEST COST IN A FEW DAYS. "The object of this extraordinary publication is to prove how Nervousness and cuncondtant MaladIes can be effectually and successfully treated, and the most convincing pi'oof of the efficacy of this, the greatest of human discoveries, is testified by the numerous cases of cures effected,"—Medical Record. THE AGrENORIA HAND AND LOCK-STITCH SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE. PRICE, 24 4s. May be had at the County Observer Office. ORDERS RECEIVED raB London and Provincial Newspapers, and Advertisements INSERTED in any PAPER published in the United Kingdom, on the Publisher's Terms, by forwarding the same to the County Observer Oiiice Usk. KAYE'S WORSDELL'S PILLS. THIS Invaluable Medicine, which has fo; nearly Half a Century had a large and increasin1 Sale, is admirably adapted to supply a great want-tha of a remedy always at hand, easy of application, aru certain in its results. The extraordinary cures effected by this wonderful preparation prove that where these Pills are used, perfect and robust health may be de pended on. The following interesting case of restora- tion of health is one of the most recent; hundredF more might be added: 1, Waingate, Sheffield, July 26, 1866. "To John Kaye, Esq.-Dear Sir,—I have much pleasure in bringing to your notice another extraordi- nary case of cure through the use of your invaluable medicine. Mrs. Wellfoot, of 2, Sylvester-lane, in this town, has been for many years afflicted with dropsy md spinal complaint to such an extent that she had to be lifted in and out of bed having quite lost the use of her limbs. For the last four years she has been under the care of some of the most eminent doctors, but could not obtain any relief from their treatment. While in this deplorable condition, she was advised to try Kaye's Worsdell's Pills, and, solely by their use. she has entirely recovered Ler health, and is able to follow her usual employment. From the extraordinary benefit she has received from the use of your medicine she is truly grateful and thinks it her duty to mak., her case known, so that other unfortunate person, suffering as she has done, may know where to filid a remedy.—I remain, dear Sir, yours respectfully, (Signed) "B. Ellis." Prepared solely by JOHN KATE, Esq., of Prospect Hall, Woodford, Essex. Sold by all Chemists and other Dealers in Patent Medicines, at Is. ljd., 2s. Del., ind 4a. 6d. Wholesale Depot, 22. Bread-street, London. Agents for the "County Observer" Abergavenny.. Mr. Meredith, Messrs. Davies and Co Mr. Morgan, and Messrs. Thomas and Edmunds, Booksellers. Bettws Newydd Mr. Griffiths. Blaenavon Mr. Probert, Bookseller. Caerleon Mr. Evan Jones, Shopkeeper. Chepstow,.Mr. W. E. Clark, and Mr. T. Griffiths Llanarth Mr. Hunt, Shopkeeper. Llangwm.Mr Northover, Shopkeeper. Llanvibangel Torymynydd..Mr. Lewis, Post Office. Monmouth. Mr. John Rees, Bookseller. Newcastle Mr Weare. Newport.Mr. Weston, Bookseller. Pontypool. Mr. Hughes, BC okstlicr. Eaglan Messrs. Jones and Son. < £ IS IT TOO LATE ? NO! :jí) While there is Life there is Hope." THOUGH you have suffered and despaired for years,and tried remedies, there is still a safe and sure cure at a small cost. EVERY AFFLICTED PERSON SHOULD 1RY cj -w jql. "x it: A.*m (Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons,) LIVER & NERVINE PILLS, THEY REMOVE INDIGESTION, BILIOUS & LIVER COMPLAINTS, Short and difficult breathing, palpitation of the heart, pains in the stomach, sense of weight after meals, flatulency, acidity, heartburn, spasms, hysterics, faintness, flushes of heat, cold chills, sick headache, giddiness, drowsiness, vomiting, green sickness, waterbrash, feverish motfth; clean the furred tongue, remove offensive breath, disagreeable taste in the mouth, parch- ed lips, stitches and pains in the sides or between the shoul- ders, sallownesa of skin, blotches, pimples, the sunken eyes brighten and the spirits revive; free the stomach and bowels of all crudities that vitiate their secretions excite a proper secre- tion of gastric juice, regulate the action of the liver with a wholesome supply of bile necessary for the process of digestion, and ahealthy flow of blood to every organ in the stomach, liver, heart lungs and kidneys the brain becomes strong, the in- tellect clear; give freedom to the lungs, remove bronchial affec- tions, obstructed respiration, over-gorged lungs, oppressions of the chest, congestion of the liver, lungs and brain: prevent consumption if persevered with in the early stages; pains in tbe back, gatherings of wind and water. dropsy, hearing down pains, inward tumours, ulcers and cancerous womb diseases, goaty swelled ancles, white legs, &c. soon disappear; dropsical fluids are speedily carried out of the system and prevented from accumulating; no dropsy can long resist their power; they promote the functions of the kidneys and bladder, prevent grand forming, remove stricture, inflammatory heat, difficulty in hold- ing urine, urinary deposits, sediments, &o. Remove obstructions, either in the young entering into womanhood, or approaching the turn of life—the most critical period; strengthen the nerves and give increased vigour to the constitution Give to the complexion a healthful hue, root out diseases that have defied every other treatment, and health is renewed by natural means. Those who are obliged to sit up until late hours should take these pills 2 or 3 times a week, as they are the best protectors of health; they should be taken for a few weeks after accouchement to cleanse the body of humours, that for the want of being thoroughly discharged, are the cause of many serious diseases Every female who values health should take 1 or 2 boxes at the turn of life, as they prevent uterine or womb diseuses. For costiveness and piles they are a certain remedy, they regu'ate the bowels, and the sufferer is soon able to do without medicines. I Numerous Testimonials have been received of their wonderful healing and curative properties. Cure of liver complaint, general debility, &c. J. GAMSTKR, Burley Street, Barusley suffered trom sinking pains in the stomach, inflamed pains in the left side, between the shouMers and across tue loins, fluttering ofthe heart, loss of appetite, hectic flushes, clammy sweats, uneasiness in the bowels, &c., with languor, could scarcely breathe, ooughed up a deal of phlegm, and could not take along breath without feel- iuga darting pain in his side, skin yellow, veins small and blue, was gradually losing flesh and fast sinking. He had been under a Doctor several months, vho gave no hope of his recovery; cured in 12 weeks by Cavania's Liver & Nervine Pills. Cure of liver complaint, jaundice. and dropsy. HAERIET GRAY, rtaxelby, Lincolnshire; her eyes were of a dark yellow, veins small and blue, pains in the stomach, sick- ness, pains between be shoulders and across the loins, dropsy wind and water, bearing down pains, flushes of heat, clammy sweats, aching of the bones and legs, scarcely strength to get about, had been an out-door patient at Lincoln Dispensary and under medical treatment4 years. Cured in 10 weeks by Cava- nia's Liver & Nervine Pills. Cure of enlarged diseased liver, jaundice, dropsy, Sec. MR. PEARSON. Coal dealer, High Street, iiaslord near Not- tingham, was afflicted with jaundice, his eyes and skin were of a dark yellow, pains in the stomach, between the shoulders and across the loins, sickness was very weak and scarcely able to walk, had been ill 15 months, and laid up all wmter. He had been under several Doctors, one put a seton in his side. He applied for Cavania s Liver & Nervine Pills, though his cuse ap- peared hopeless, in a few days he began to improve, the yellow- ness to disappear, and was cured in 8 weeks; he is now able to follow his employment. Cure of indigestion, nervous debility, &c. MRS. HORN, Agbrigg, near Wakefield, suffered from Iivev complaint indigestion, wind, pain in the stomach and bowels palpitation of the heart, pains in the sides and between shoul- ders, trembling of the hands and limbs, loss of memory, rest- less nights, frightful dreams, apprehension of death, or of some evil about to befall her, and other distressing symptoms. She was unable to attend to her duties for IS months, being uruler the care ofa nurse. She persevered with Cavania's Liver and Nervine Pills for 8 weeks and was cured. Cure of liver complaint, dropsy, swelled legs, Sic RACHEL IOTLEY, Upper Hoyland, near Barusley, suffered with sinking pains in the stomach palpitation of the heart, giddiness, flushes of heat, <)oid chills, pains across the loins, fulness of body, bearing down pains gatherings of wind and water, her legs were filled with dropsical fluid, could not get any stockings on. and was in such a weak state as not to be able to attend to herself for nine months; a Doctor told her she was incurable. She took Cavania's Liver & Nervine fer 10 weeks, and was perfectly cured. Cavania's Liver & Nervine Pills give Relief in the most extreme cases to Male and Female Hundreds have been cured of long-standing diseases bi/ taking one or two boxes of these Pills, after being given up b;/ I'lnjuci- ans and Surgeons, and turned out of Infirmaries as incur'ahie Price Is. lid., 2s. 9d., 4s. ed.. and lis. per box. There is a great saving by taking the larger boxes the 2s.9d. contains three at ls.Hd., 4s 6d. two at2s 9d., lis three ut 4s 6d. fcir Send the price of box required in postage stamps la Sirs. E. FORD, Wholesale Patent Medicine Depot, 2, King Street, DSKBY, And it will be sent FREE OF POST by return, with a Book on the treatment of diseases, copies of testimonials &c. tssr MEDICINE VEiVDORS WISHING TO BEOOME AGENTS SHOULD APPLY TO DERBY, and they will be supplied with Show Cards and Circulars with their address on. London Agents—F. Newbery & Sons, St- Paul's Churchyard; SangerA: Sons, Oxford street; Barclay & Sons, Farringdon street; Edwards, Old Chanee • Sutton & Co., Bow Church Yard. K 1 fa Sold also by the following Agents:— Usk..Mr. J. H. Clark, "Cnunfy Observer" Ofllve. Raglan.Jones and Son, chemists. Pontypool.Mr. Wood, chemist. Caerleon.Mrs. Thomas, bookseller. Newport.Mr. T. J. Jones, chemist, nigh-street, Chepstow.Mr. Ilillman, stationer, High-street, Lvdney..Mr. Smith, druggist. Blakeney .Phillpots & Son, Patent Medicine verdors, Mitcbeldean..Mr. J. Kathro, chemist. Ross..Mr. Counsel], stationer, Market-place, Ledbury. 1h. A. Stringer, stationer. Monmouth.M. VV-. Cossens, stationer. Abergavenny..Mr. J. S. Meredith, bookseller. Blaenavon.. Mr. lieep, bookseller, STANDARD SCHOOL BOOKS. THE Most Popular School POJks of the present JL day are those by GRA. YSTON & "BIKKBY, con- aining lessons on Reading, Writing, Spelling, and Arithmetic. No. 1.—THE INFANT SCHOOL FIRST S' D" STANDARD' READING BOOK, 32 pa.res 0 2 No. 2. THE FIRST STANDARD READ- ]NG & HOME LESSON BOOK. 56 pages. Clot h 0 4 No. 3. THE SECOND 'STANDARD' READ- i ING & HOME LESSON BOOK. 84 pp. Cloth, 0 6 No. 4. THE THIRD 'STANDARD' READ- ING & HOME LESSON BOOK. 101 pages. Cloth I. 0 7 No. 5. THE FOURTH < STANDARD' READ. ING & HOME LESSON BOOK, containing Lessons in Prose and Verse, Geography, Grammar, and Dictation Lessons. 132 pages. Strong cloth 0 8 No. 6. TH E FIFTH & SIXTH < STANDARD' READING & HOME LESSON BOOK, containing a choice Selection of Poetry, Tales, English History, from the Conqueror down to the present Reign, and Lessutls in Natural Science. 272 pages. Strong Cloth 1 2 No. 7. INFANT SCHOOL READING SHEETS, per Set. 2 6 Wholesale Agent, J. H. CLARK, Bridge-street, Usk St. Luke's Schools, New Cut, Biistul, 24th June, 1869. Dear Sir,—About two years since I was desirous of adopting d set of books "a ii,pte(I to meet the i-, q iire- mi nis of the Re-is;d Code." I wanted them 10 be suitable for the pupils to purchase themselves, and use as a Hooie Lesson Book as well as in the school, in change with the ordinary Reading books, supplied by the managers. After carefully perusing several of the most popular sets, and taking all points into account, I had no diili- culty in giving a decided preference for Grays-ton and Birkby' and it is my opinion that the authors have not done themselves justice in nut making them more gener- ally known. I have never seen them advertised but once, recently in a monthly paper. They are very suit- able lor tbe capacity of the scholar; the authors having hit the happy medium of giving him something not too difficult, too easy, nor too foolish and chiluL-h. The Home Lessi ns set for every day, save the teacher the t me iind trout L of giving them out. The type, and paper, and bindilJg are very good, and the price the most uJodr- rate. The idea of combining the 5th and (jth Standards in one book was a wise idea, and giving the pupil a good, carefully written History 01 England. y,urs &e., Mr. T. S. Birkby. I. PAKE. In Cloth. Grilt, Price 2s. 6d., SKETCHES OF MONMOUTHSHIRE, INCLUDING Notices of Druidical Remains-Invasion of Britain by Julius Caesar—Description of the JL Britons, Druids, and Bards—Landing of Ostorius to oppose Caractacus-Goverment of the Country by the Saxons—The defeat of Caractacus—The Princes of Gwent-The Norman Conquest-The Lords Marchers -Disputes between Llewellin and King John-Llewellin and William de Breos-The encounters of King Edward and Llewellin-Insurrections in Wales-Owen Glendwr'sbattles—Henry V's conque&ts- The Families of Monmouthshire—The Civil War-The Storming of Chepstow Castle—King Charles's visits to Monmouth- shire-The Siege of Raglan Castle-The Restoration of Monarchy—The Memoirs of Monmouthshire—The present state of the County, Agricultural Statistics, Magistrates of the County, and Flora of Monmouthshire. In Cloth. Grilt, 400 pp., Price 3s. 6d., THE HISTORY OF MONMOUTHSHIRE. CONTAINING a full account of the Castles, Abbeys, Ancient Residences, Mansions, Mountains, C Pedigrees of the Principal Families, and notices of the extent, population, and local divsions of each parish in the County. To be had of Messrs. HOULSTON &f SONS, Paternoster Row, London; any of the principal Booksellers in Monmouthshire, Sent Post Free, on remitting Stamps for the Price of the Works, to the COUNTY OBSERVER" OFFICE, USK. SOMERSET INN, DINGESTOW. Rogers's A.K." Bitter Ale Is. PER. GAL. I Rogers's Double Stout. Is. 6d. PEE. GAL. Rogers's"A.K.K." Bitter Ale.. Is. 2d. „ Allsopp's Superior Burton Alo Is. 4d, „ Rogers's Single Stout. Is. 4d. „ | Families supplied, Carriage Free, in Monmouth, Dingestow, Raglan, LIandenny, and Usk, z, t, o IN SMALL CASKS OF 9, 18, AND 35 GALLONS. All orders addressed to the Sole Agent, JOHN H. HURD. c :t r DISOEDEBS OF THE STOMACH | jl Are the sources of the deadliest maladies. Now,'what is the operation of the Pills ? 1 U They cleanse the bowels, regulate the liver, bring the relaxed or irritated stomach jl |j into a natural and healthful condition. Changing sickness into health. ■ AILMEUTS OF PEMALES. I H At the two epochs in life in which the system undergoes the most important I I and critical changes, the Pills are priceless in their effect in disorders to which the I sex is liable and at the turn of life are a safeguard against evil consequences. j| 1 WEAKITE8S J^ISTJD 3DFBI31iIT"Z". 1 jl These Pills remove all symptoms of debility, laoguor and weakness, as they 11 i act upon the mainsprings of life and give strength and vigour to the system. || I TIEEIEj BEST KNOWN POE I jf| Asthma. Debility. Influenza. Stone and Gravel. 1| H Bilious Complaints. Diarrhoea. Liver Complaints. Secondary Symptoms g if Blotches on the Skin. Female Irregularities Piles. Weakness,from what- H H Constipation of the Bowels. Indigestion. Retention of Urine, ever cause, &c. &c. || 1 £ 5" OA UTION!—None are genuine unless the words Holloway, London, are if jl discernible as a ~Watermarlc in every leaf of the book of directions; which may be H g plainly seen by holding it to the light.—Sold at the manufactory of Professor || H HOLLOWAY, 244, Strand, London, and by all Dealers in Medicine, in boxes at || H Is. l|d., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., lis., 22s., and 33s.—There is a considerable saving by || jl taking the larger sizes.—Very copious directions for use are affixed to each box. if "O L iilT OBX-FXidmt is prepared from "RICE, the Staple Food of more than Three Hundred Millions (300,000,000) of People, and is unequalled for Blanc-Mange, Custards, Puddings, Cakes, Soups, &c., and is the most wholesome and easily digestible Food for Children and Invalids. Testimonial from EDWIN LANKESTEE, M.D., F.R.S. Rice-Flour is Corn-Flour, ancl I regard this preparation of Messrs. COLMAN'S as superior to anything of the kind now before the public." Testimonial from ARTHUR HILL HASSALL, M.D. I find it to be perfectly pure and most carefully manufactured; it forms an exceedingly digestible and wholesome article of diet." Testimonial FOin CHARLES A. CAMERON, M.D. I have never tasted anything of the land more agreeable in flavour or so easily digestible." Retailed by Family Grocers and Druggists, and Wholesale by J. & J. COLMAN, 108, Cannon Street. London. (Jasseli's Dictionaries. XT ATIONAL ILLUSTRATED DIC- TIONA.RY. Cloth, Is. WEBSTER'S ETYMOLOGICAL DIC- TIONARY. Cloth. 3s. 6d. LniENCH AND ENGLISH DIC- -IL TIONARY. Cloth, 7s. 6d. School Edition, 3s. Gd. T AT IN DICTIONARY. Cloth, 7s. 6d. JLJ School ICditioa, 3s. 6<1. pERMAN' AND ENGLISH DIC- vJ T10.NAKi'. Clotli, 7s. 6d. School Edition, 3s. (iJ. "O I O G RAP HI CAL DICTIONARY. J 1,152 pp. Imperial 8vo. Cloth, 21s. | > IBLE DICTIONARY. Imperial 8vo. iO Cloth, 21s. Natural Histories. The following interesting Worlcs on NATURAL HISTORY are now published by CASSELL, PUTTER, and GAJL,FIU :— Demy Svo, 2:33 Plates. 16s. rpHE WORLD BEFORE THE DELUGE. -L From the French of LOUIS FlGUlElt. Carefully e iited by R. W. BRiS-fOW, F.R.S., of the Geological Survey. Demy 8vo, with 471 Plates. 16s. THE VEGETABLE WORLD. From the X French of LOUIS FIGUIER. Edited by C. O. G. KAPIEK, F.G.S. Demy 8vo, 427 Plates. 16a. rpHE OCEAN WORLD. A DESCRIP- X TLVE HISTORY OF THE SEA AND ITS IN- HABITANTS. From the French of LOUIS FIGUIER. Edited by C. O. G. NAPI.Eit, F.G.S. Demy 8vo, 573 Plates. 16s. npHE INSECT WORLD. A POPULAR X ACCOUNT OF THE ORDERS OF INSECTS. From thy French of LOULrJ FIGUIER. Edited by E. W. JANSEN, Lib. E. S. Demy Svo, 307 Plates. 18s. BIRDS AND REPTILES. From the ) French of LOUIS FIGUIER. Edited by PARKER GILMORE, Esq., Author of Gun, Rod, and Saddle," &e. Demy 8vo, 200 Plates. 16s. /HHEFS D'CEUYRE OF THE INDUS- C TRIAL ARTS. By PHILIPPE BURTY. Edited by W. CHAFFERS, F.S.A. \\70RLD OF THE SEA. Translated from » the French of ALFRED FREDOL, by the Rev. H. M. HART. Demy Svo, with Coloured and Tinted Plates, and numerous Wood Engravings, Best cloth, lettered, 21s. WHELPTON'S U Rip). j E MAR RECISTERE Are warranted not to contain a single particle of Mercury or any other Mineral Substance; but to consist entirely of Medicinal Matters, Purely Veg- etable. Hence, they are easily digested by the stomach, taken up by the absorbent vessels and carried into the blood, and thus the whole system is brought under their Purifying and Renovating Influence. They have long since been used in one of the largest County Hospitals in Great Britain, and re- ceived the commendation of several eminent Phy- sicians and Surgeons; and have proved their value in Thousands of instances in diseases of the Head, Chest, Bowels, Liver, and Kidneys; and in all Skin Complaints are one of the best Medicines known. Prepared and sold wholesale and retail, in boxes price Hd" Is. lid., and 2s. 9d, each, by G. WHELP- TON & SON, 3, Crane Court, Fleet Street, London; and may be had of all Chemists and Medicine Vendors. Sent free on receipt of 8,14, or 33 stamps. THE SECRET OF HEALTH AND LONG LIFE consists in a Bood digestion, pure blood, clean tongue, fragrant breath, sound sleep, and a good appetite. There is nothing more pitiiul than to see people vapourish, dyspeptic, sallow, drowsy, always complaining, and ready to sink into the ground. especially when all this can be avoided by keeping on hand PAGE WOODCOCK'S WIND PII.LS, which are known throughout the length and breadth of the land as the most suceeRsfl11 Antidote and Preventive of Wind in the Stomach, Indigestion, Spasms. Biliousness. Imimrity of Blood, and all complaints arising from a disordered state of the Stomach or Liver. They are sold by all respectable Medicine Vendors, in Boxes, at Is. 2s Vd., and 4s. eel. each; or should any difficulty occur, enclose 14. 33, or 51 stamps, according to sire, to PAGK D. WOODCOCK, Lini-oln House, St. Faith's, Norwich (formerly of Lincoln), and they will be sent fxee by return of post. IAEAVILU COCOA. MARAVILLA COCOA.— For Breakfast.— The Globe .ays ''Various importers and manufacturers have at- tempted to attain a reputation for their prepared Cocoas but we doubt whether any thorough succes* had been achieved until Messrs. Taylor Brothers discovered the extraordinary qualities of Maravilla" Cocoa. Adapting their perfast system of preparation to this finest of all speeits of the Theobroma, they have produced an article which super- sedes every other Cocoa in the market. Entire solu- bility, a delicate aroma, and a rare concentration of the purest elements of nutrition, distinguish the Maravill* Cocoa above all others. For homoeopaths and invalids we could not recommend a more agreeable or valuable beverage." TAYLOR BROTHERS, London, Sole Proprietors. Sold in packets only, by all Grocers. IMPORTANT NOTICE. ■Qtyfi OHO be obtained by an Inrest- S'/VU,UUV ment of £ 1 in a bona fide Money Tran- saction, established and guaranteed by Government. For Prospectus (which will be sent gratis), apply by letter addressed Mr. J.A.RINCK, No. 14, Duke, street, Adelphi, London, W.C. 1 Pontypool and AbersycMn, Saddlery and Harness Establishment, Commercial Stree Pontypool, and at the usual place, Abersychan. GORRELL'S (Bva SADDLERY AND HARNESS mf MANUFACTORIES ARE now replete witk /$Pis^iww every article in the trade, fwt|^ of the best quality and |s«\/f ll > workmanship. \Sl« Jl. f" GIG- CARRIAGE, & CART HA RNESS. j £ with all kindsof Saddles || and Bridles made on the Premises. LEATHER MILL BANDS For all kinds of machinery, on the shortest notice. Horses measured and carefully fitted with all kinds of clothing. 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Detailed Catalogues of the above Primury and Tech- nical Series may be had of any Bookseller, or I-opt free on app.ication to CASSELL, PETTEB, and GAIMB, E.C. CasseiFs Primary School Books. An entirely New and Original Series of Manuals. 1. BOY'S FIRST READER, Stanclard I. 4d. 2. BOY'S SECOND READER, Standard II. 4d 3. GIRL'S FIRST READER, Standard 1. 4d. 4. GIRL'S SECOND READER, Standard II. 4d. 5. ELEMENTARY ARITHMETIC. 4d. KEY, 3d. 6. ELEMENTARY GEOGRAPHY, 4d. 7. ELEMENTARY BRITISH HISTORY. Gd. 8. EIGHT LINES IN THEIR RIGHT PLACES. Is. 9. ENGLAND AT HOME. Is. 10. OUR BODIES. Is. 11. OUR PLANTS. 1; 12. OUR HOUSES. Is. 13. THE ANIMAL KINGDOM (double volume). 2s. pASSELL'S ART UNION. Under the Special Sanction and Control of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council. SPECIAL ADVANTAGES. 1. Every Subscriber is certain to receive at least a Prize to the full value of his Guinea Subscription. u 2. 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