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BOROUGH OP m TOWN AND COUNT'S OF HAVERFORDWEST. FAIRS FOR 1907. THE FAIRS for 1907 will b« held as follows, unless unforseen circumstances shall make an alteration necessary >— JANUARY TUESDAY 8th FEBRUARY 12th MARCH rl. 19th • APRIL 9th MAY .k. 14th JUNE (for Woof and Stock) 11th JULY Sth AUGUST 13th SEPTEMBER FRIDAY 6th „ TUESDAY 17th OCTOBER (Hiring) SATURDAY 5th „ TUESDAY 22nd NOVEMBER 12th BECEMBER 10th THE PIG FAIRS will be held on the day, after the Cattle Fairs. Dealers and others attending the Haverfordwest Fairs are hereby oautioned against the practice of Lacerating with a Knife or any Instrument for the purpose of Marking any Animal; and NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that under Statute 12 and 13 Victoria, Cap. 92, all Persons found Lacerating any Animal will be liable to a Penalty of FIVE POUNDS. JAMES REYNOLDS, Mayor. Haverfordwest, November 9th, 1906. SOUTHALLS' TOWELS STILL FURTHER IMPROVEMENTS, The Original and Best, are now sold in Packets containing half-dozen Size 1, at Sixpence. Also in Packets one doz. as follows :-Size i, is. Size 2, is. 6d. Size 3 and 4 (differing in shape), 2S., by all Ladies' Outfitters, Chemists, &c., throughout the world. Local Agents: HAVERFORDWEST Greenish & Dawkins, Ltd. Thomas Madocks Phillips, Castle Square F. D. Phillips, 26, Market Street. J. L. Jenkins, Bridge Street. MILFORD HAVEN: Harries' Drug Stores. L. J. Meyler, M.P.S., Dispensing Chemist. BILLIARD AND BAGATELLE TABLES. A Large Stock of New and Second-hand Tables always on hand also Convertible Billiard and Dininc Tables. Write for List. G. Edwards. Kingsland ltd N E THE SWANSEA MERCANTILE BANK LIMEITD, OF 18, BARK STREET, SWANSEA MAKE CASH ADVANCES DAILY FROM £ 5 to £500 r|^0 ALL CLASSES of respeotable house- J[ holders upon their own Note of Hand, and other de of securities. ALL TRANSACTIONS STRICTLY PRIVATE. For further particulars apply H. B. JONES, Manager. or W. D. PHILLIPS, Auctioneer, Haverfordwest, Local Representative. vv MEREDITH, JOBBING GARDENER, 17, QUAY. STREET, Haverfordwest. I3URRO UtfH'S REGISTRY OFFICE FOR SERVANTS, Boroughs, Hendon, London, NW. NOTICE. JOHN THOMAS, BEGS to inform the public that he has started business as a MASON on his own account. For the last 20 5ears he has been employed by the late Mr Morris, builder, of Haverfordwest. All orders will receive the best care and attention. Chimneys swept on the shortest notice. Addres^—~WINCH LANE, HAVERFORDWEST. N.B.-Orders may he left with Mrs Braun, St. Thomas' Green. PIANOFORTE FOR PIANOS, ORGANS & all MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS W. Mckenzie IS the most practical dealer. He has gained his experience in the following firms: Broadwood, seven years' grand flashing and tuning), Collard & Collard, and Chappeil and Coof, London INSTRUMENTS OF AKY MAKER SUPPLIED 16 Per Cent, ditcotmt for cash or the hire system PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED. OTB THB ADDBBSS 8, Victoria. Place, Haverfordwest* Tasker's High School for Girls. HAVERFORDWEST Headmistress, MISS ANDERSON, B.A., assisted by highly qualified Mistresses. BS.— £ 1 as. 8d. per Term, Special subjects reek, German and Painting, 15s. per terms, Country A* upils are only allowed to board at the Hostel, specially provided for pupils of the School or at houses approved by the Governing Body, of which a list can be obtained (with any ether infomation desired relative to school •tangemeats] either fro-u the Head mistress, r from MR. J. W. PHILLIPS, Solicitor, Tower Hill, Clerk to the Governors. The NATIONAL" GAS & OIL ENGINE iNSlp HWm. SOLE AGENT MARTIN PHILLIPS, Electrical Engineer, Bridge Street, Haverfordwest, The best Oil Engine on the Market. Salvia House, Millbank, Haver- fordwest. JOHin1>AVIES BEGS to inform the general public that he is prepared to supply, at the shortest notice, WREATHS, CROSSES, CHAP- LETS, HARPS ALSO WEDDING BOUQUETS, c. Artistically made to suit any purpose* WREATHS from 6s to 21s Orders by post or wire will receive prompt attention. WHO'S YOUR LAWYER P I haven't required one since I bought of Ciosby Lockwood & Son, 7, Stationers' Hall Court, London, E.C., a Copy of It EllERY MAN'S OWN LAWYER." by a Barrister, price 6a. 8d. post free, which has been repaid to me 20 times over in the saving of lawyers' fees. New and Revised Editien (1905) just published. WE GIVE FOR A GUINEA I SuperfineWltney Blankets, each Blnaketbeoodptak • AH stttl Carriagt Paid on netipt aTP.0.0. BROOKFTELDS, Market 8<| •TAFFORO. ZSTAS-LTBIMD 100 Y)CA". -0unii AND NOW TO £ 1,000 A YEAR SStW Writ* for our booklet, gratis and post free. Publisher*: 8*uart and Stuart, Guildhall Buildings, Birmingham. Telegrams"Quickshot, Birmingham." Telephone Ko.4868 WARMTH AND COMFORT IN 1 Swan's Green Ginger Wine Prires and Particulars from CEORCE MEACHAM SWANti,3,3.4.$.Crucifix Lane.LoNPoy.S.E. H~i TO KILLED BY SANFORD'S POISONS ili 1 Unsolicited Tc.-timon'ab received: "I ■ B mmA H ft | collected a wheelbarrow full of dead rats." ■ ■■ ■ "After using the last tin I pick.d up a pailful of rn!s." Dogs & Cats, won't touch it. Leaves no smell. 3->.5.t. SANFORD&SON.Sfl Jy.B -ds.orChemists K1*1 PIANO S TO BEI O V GIVEN AWAY I What You Hare to Do.—Send P.O. value sixpence and a stamp for one of our new lists. We have 50,000 of lists to send out and we giTe away to one of the applicants as each 1000 goes out, one of our high-elass Pianos. The name of the recipient ef each Gift Piano will apppar in this Advt. Rushton & Sons, Pianoforte Manufacturers, of the recipient of each Gift Piano will apppar in this Advt. Rushton & Sons, Pianoforte Manufacturers, Park Street, Grimsby. REEBY POST. Great Sermon by~C, H, SI'I'RCEON. Send address to Fassmore & Alabaster, London, E.C. IK Seedsmen by Royal Warrant to H.M. The King. HH jWEBBSj Cata- O Tp fa O Edition free. I Flowers. Webbs' Boxes of Floral Gems,con- JM ft Mining Flower Seeds arranged for the Gardens ]9| V of Ladies and Amateurs. 2/6,5/ 7/0,10/6,^21/- W| I Vegetables. Webb's Collections produce a I constant supply of the best Vegetables all the !■ I year round. SA,7/6.12/6.21/ 42/ 105/. ca. H ^^¥^ £ B!ONS^8Fordsley^touTbrl4ge^B O-OMETALS of every deacription purchased for Cash. H. B. BARNARD 4 SONS, 144, Lambeth Walk. £ ondoa. MAYPOLE TEA ,.5, i rAMOUS «OOTCH TONICS • 3BMm i I TONIC PILLS | SAlt ABIOLtTTCLT CERTAIN OURI (fe| I plOODLISBNiaa, INDIQCSTIWM* 1 h OONSTIFATION, BILIOUSNKMl 1 | and an Stomaoh TifevfclM. I J MARVELLOUS CORES. J | «tRB y»T«aawP row >>*«TTtou>wg» £ | KI0D4C0.. ALVTH. PcATMifm** I c* *mmmmmmwm• T" ))! L' -ltl3 H. SAMUEL is simply Inundated \Wf with applications for his FREE BOOK, and thousands are now g| fVER H 4/6 SILVER NOVELTIES, ot bargains, a Month's Trial and FREE PRIZE WITH EYERY PURCHASE, BUY AT FACTORY PRICES AND SAVE HALF YOUR S[Nn a rOl TH' Ott FR5E ST., THE BEST PIANOS I New Style" CHALLENGE MODEL. Height, 4ft. 2in. Width, 4ft. 7in. Depth, 1ft. 111in. Walnnt, or Ebonized, with Marqueterie Panels, Iron Frame, Brass Pin Plate, Fall Trichord Check Action, Celluloid Keys, and Turnover Desk. Sehoolroom Model.18 Guineas at 10s 6d per month .„ .or at 8s 6d per montln Cottage „ 20 „ 12s Od „ 9s Od CHALLENGE „ 24 „ 14s Od „ 10a 6d Excelsior „ .27 „ 15s Od „ It 12s 6d „ Criterion .30 19 17s 6d 19 „ 153 Od tl Discount allowed if paid sooner. Written Warranty with each Instrument. Exchanged if not appr oved o SECOND-HAND PIANOS FROM 5s. PER MONTH. THOMPSON & SHACKELL, LTD., 60, Stepney Street, LLANELLY, hi at BRISTOL, CARDIFF, KERTHTR, NEWPORT, GLOTTCESTER &c, hold the Sole Agency for most of the following Makers :— BICHSTEIN, STEINWAY, IBACR, NEUMETER, BRINSMEAD, COLLARD & COLLARS KAPS, and CHALLSH PIANOS; and ESTEY ORGANS. PRICES r-tBT POST FREE ON APPLICATION London Prices for Cash, or on Easy Terms. Pianos y other Makers taken in Exchange. Fall Value Allowed FREE DELIVERY TO ANY PART. A. M. JONES & CO., GLASS, CHINA, AND & Earthenware Dealers, tower HILL. iiA v TV JL < HAVERFORDWEST. O The Stock comprises a Large and Varied Selection of all kinds of Earthenware, including Breakfast, Dinner, & Tea Services Toilet and Bedroom Sets, GLASS AND CHINA ARTICLES ALL OF THE BEST QUALITY. There is also a splendid assortment of all kinds of lUGS, GLASSES, and SMALL WARES generally. A CALL WILL OBLIGE. Price's Candles, Scented, Bar, and other Soaps. f PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. Acquirement of Additional Premises at SWANSEA. MR. GEORGE ACE Has recently purchased FINE AND CO MMODIOUS ( MOTORCAR PREMISES At SWANSEA, Where he purposes extending his present Business at Tenby and Haverfordwest very materially. SHOWROOM— 64, Wind Street, Swansea. WORKS AND GARAGE— 55, 56, 57 and 58, St. Helen's Road, Swansea. DARK STREET, HAVERFORDWEST. I -:0:. JAMES WOOLCOCK, Painter, Paper hanger, Glazier, House Decorator, Sfc., BEGS respectfully to thank his friends and the public generally for the kind support accorded to him in the past, and to inform them that he intends carrying on the businesu in all its branches, end hopes to merit a share of public patronage. —:o: PAINTS OF THE BEST QUALITY ALWAYS IN SrOCK. GLASS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS FROM 2id. PER FOOT. -:0:- V. ji J i? i i ■ • ■ I (» r 1 TEETH. TEETg. TEETH EDWARD ENGLAND LIMITED, CAN BE CONSULTED AT Chester House, 8, Picton Place, Haverfordwest Daily; also from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., at ltfr Johij, Stationer, 3, Victoria Place, H -west EVERT ALTERNATE SATURDAY AND TUESDAY. Next Visits, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5th andSATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9th, 19Oi And will also attend at Charles Street, Milford Haven (Mr Meyler, Chemist), every other Tuesday. Next Visit FEBRUARY 12th And Mr Geo. Collins, Market Square, Narberth, every other Thursday. Next Visit FEBRUARY 14th CONSULTATION FREE OF CHARGE. TEETH.—1, Perfection in eating and speaking. 2, Perfectly natural and life- like in appearance. Upper or Lower Set from £2 10s. Single Tooth ,,£0 5s. Teeth Extracted Painlessly with Kiticts Cxice Gas NOTICE:- All Letters to be addressed to Brecknock House, Tenby GOOD & RELIABLE FURNITURE. BEDSTEADS & BEDDING, WIRE & WOOL MATTRESSES, BEDROOM SUITES, DINING & DRAWING ROOM FURNITURE, PAINTED & KITCHEN FURNITURE. W. H. REYNOLDS, General House Furnisher, Upholsterer, Painter, Decorator & Undertaker, 18 St 20, Hill Street, Haverfordwest. _A>W COAL! COAL!! COAL! AT OOLLIERY PRIOES. In Trucks 6,8 & 10 Tons, Carriage paid any Station ———— -)0(- Large, Newport,, Cannock and Lydbrook Souse Coal, Gobbles, Nuts Steam and Smiths Coal, Red Vein Anthracite, Pine and Rubble Culm :0:- Quotations supplied, with haulage if desirftd, for Tracks, also Water Cargees- APPLY—WILLIAM EGBERTS, ELM COTTAGE, HAVERFORDWEST. COMMERCE HOUSE, Ltd. (Late GREENISH & DAWKHFS). EVERY DEPARTMENT IS NOW THOROUGHLY ORGAOTWD <D 1ftjft ALL DEMANDS The Newest Styles nfl Unequaned TMae in MANTLES, JACKETS, COSTUMES, BLOUSES, SKISTS, etc. Our Ladies' A Children's tutftttllg Bepttrtttent is well worth inspection. We hold munificent Stock of absolutely NEW GOODS. We hare a splendid range of DRESS MATERIALS in all the latest colourings and designs, and we specially wish to direct attention to our DRESSMAKING DEPARTMENT which is now under the management of ft thorongbI1.ali.e<1 LADY HPMER, who has had first-class experience in several high-class London Dressmaking Establishments, and we can confidently afiarantee absolute satisfaction, and exceptionally moderate prices. I THE MILLINERY"DEPARTMENT is replete with an unrivalled assortment of LADIES' and CHILDREN'S HATS at prices to suit everybody. Latest Novelties in Neckwear, Gloves, Hosiery, Umbrellas, Belts, &c. We are giving special attention to the GENTLEMEN'S OUTFITTING DEPARTMENT, and are showing very SPECIAL LINES Our Stock of Bedsteads, Carpets, Linoleums, Household Linens, J Blankets, &0., is unusually large and varied. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO ALL ORDERS BY POST. y TO AVOID DELAY PLEASE ADDRESS— COMMERCE HOUSE, Ltd., Haverfordwest — r You will not have far to go before finding a friend, acquaintance, or neigh- bour, who can tell you from personal experience that BEECHAM'S PILLS are the most efficacious medicine known for the cure of aU forms of j Jndigesiion* Bilious J)isorders, SicJc ectdctcfje, poorness of BlooJ, Jfervous J)ebilify$Qzjjercrt Wallf of Jone. | Such unquestionable testimony can be obtained by almost anyone any- B where. Those who have taken BEECHAJTS PILLS have realised the ■ immense benefits derived from their use, and have recommended them to their friends. But notw!tbstandlng tbe gigantic sale of Qver SIX MILLION PER ANNUM, there are still thousands of suffdrers who are spoiling their lives, and possibly ruining tbeir health with experiments, while tbis old established remedy, remains untried. | S. D. PUGH, | S ■■ Hairdresser raL B A large variety of "3 § 8U ver'm onnted WHOLESALE & RETAIL flfPJlggl jES 11" lljil tobacconist, Hi ? HIGH STREET = (Next to Post Office.) HAVERFORDWEST. Cases, in all the Leading Styles. IS. Cool Smoking BPIRM S. that will not crack. MeerBcnaams, Combinations, and Briars of Selected Quality. ancj au smokers' Requisites In all the leading Shapes. and other Cased Goods always in stock. at Popular Prices. j Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobaccos of the Choicest Brands always Wstock. GEORGE PALMER & SON, CORN, SEED & MANURE MERCHANTS, MALSTERS AND HOP FACTORS, 9-ar HA VERFORD A PAPERHANGING, PAINTING, AND DECORATING. SUPPORT the firm that understands its BUSINESS. IF YOU WANT THE BEST YOU MUST GO TO THE FIRM who can supply you with it, at LOWEST PKICES. PRICE <&c bussell Have a reputation of 50 YEARS' STANDING to maintain, and conseouentlv supply ODIV the BEST WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIALS JUST ARRIVED! A Large Assortment of this Season's WALLPAPERS from Id per Piece FULL MEASURE IN EACH ROLL. Glass of every Description. Lead Lights a speciality. KINDLY NOTE ADDRKSS ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. TOWER HILL, Haverfordwest. AUTUMN AND WINTER, 1905-6. J I I DAVID DAVIES, OUTFITTER AND ROSIER, I 18, HIGH STREET, HAVERFORDWEST. It this day making an IMPORTANT SHOW OF NEW GOODS. Every Department will be found well assorted with the LATEST STYLES for this Season, especially Men's & Boys' Overcoats & Mackintoshes SUITS, &C. • EVERYTHING KEPT AND MADE TO MEASURE FOR MEN AND BOYS. Agent for Nicholson's Celebrated Rain Coats. 18, HIGH STREET COUNTY CYCLE DEPOT Bridge Street, Haveriordwest. -0- MARTIN PHILLIPS (Successor to MR J. J. SWEKNEY.) A NUMBER OF SECONDHAND CYCLES TO CLEAR CHEAP==from 12 10s. —• :o:—— Inspect our New Three-Speed Gear Machines. TRIAL MOUNTS FOR HILLY PEMBROKESHIRE. Hills climbed with ease with these Machines. LARGE STOOK OF PHONOGRAPHS & REOORDS. O All Kinds of ELECTRICAL WORK undertaken. ACETYLENE GAS PLANTS SUPPLIED AND FITTED, -0- The coming House Illuminant is ACETYLENE. Come and Inspect it in use at the Depot. Ð: JLoDis Browne's. 4" The ORIGINAL and jm The Best Remedy known fw Admitted by tli-j Jfroh^ioo B COUGHS, COLDS, th* Yaiu^biw HI 1 ffiyf i.vemody ever uiscovureu. B ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, Kllectuaily cut. short &h 1 CONSUMPTION. IISrol^^? attacks of A Acts like a charm m The cnly 1U DIARRKCEA, iIEU^AISIA, TOil'VBACh^ CHOLERA and isOUT, ibL. DYSENTERY. ,«'L &OI.O IN BOTTL.ES EY J. CHE1VJ5ST??, &t 1 2i9 and 4/6 eacn. •'j j VARICOCELE IS A Gentleman who has suffered from Nervousness, Brain Fag, 6Jeej> lessness, .Nervous Debility, Palpitt* tion of the Heart, Timidity, Lowness of Spirits, Dizziness, etc., will be pleased to forward particulars of simple self treatment to all sufferers on receipt of siamped addressed envelope. Old-standing v ases, which had been deemed incurable have been restored to perfect health by pleased to forward particulars of simple self treatment to all sufferers on receipt of stamped addressed envelope. Old-standing cases, which had been deemed incurable have been restored to perfect health by the Remedy, and there is no afflic- tion or disease it might not cure: thousands have been successfully treated by it. He will also send a Free Sample of the Remedy. Write to-day. It will cost you nothing. and cure is certain. Address, Rev. THOS. STONE, The Limes. Kemp Town, Brighton, England. Name this paper. Pi3a3 3 Notice Alteration of Address. Mr. C. BULMER. F.R.C.O., L.R.A.M., A.R.C.M., PROFESSOR OF 1IUSI:1 Pupils' Successes in 1905 Higher Exams., A.R.C.O., A.T.C.L. 11 Popi s also passed the Trinity College Exams., includin two Senior. one Intermediate Honours, thrpe In termediate Pass, two Junior Honours, hree Junior Pass. ADDRESS HANOVER HOUSE, 10, QUAY STREET HAVERFORDWEST. Yon cannot do better than consult OUI' g3| Illustrated Guide for Amateur Gardeners, |S1 Spring, 1907, 16If J^to pages, 154 illustrations, H (H coloured plates, and many cultural hints. W HH In it you ivillfind catalogued every descrip- flH |9 lion of Vegetable and Flower Seeds, all of the HE |H finest quality, and at most moderate prices. jfg It deals also Fruit Trees, Roses, Plants, etc.—in fact with g| Required for the Garden. |g Our reputation has been built up on the ^9 of the seeds and pl<1nts ?ve sell. A copy qtill be sent gratis on receipt of a post addressed ,APOIINTf4Et4T -m-ri4it KINC -W BT\AN"IELS' ILLUSTRATED GUIDEII for AMATEUR GARDENERS, 164 4to. pp. | B 154 illustrs., post free to intending purchasers,gives § B particulars of these competitions, as well as lists of E HEVERYTHING REQUIRED for the GARDEN, land up-to-date instructions for cultivation. ij ■ The 150 PRIZES now offered, ranging from | ■ £ 3 downward, are for Flowers and Vegetables g ■ easily grown by Amateurs, including STOCKS, Hi ■ ASTERS, SWEET PEAS, POTATOES, PEAS, ■ ■ BEANS, ONIONS, CARROTS, TOMATOES, &c. M Quality A.I. Prices nioderate. It D I) TOT- By TO H. M,.tH E K I N G —RATS. RATS.—Han Ecnicdr for dp- I ——IHWII m I III I'll I ami Mice. Used in all tlic London docks, rail w»-c« w»r» houses, and mills with grent snrce»«. No smell w*yi, ware, ^eg Estimates given far contracts. — U.G ANDREWS (4 -I' ]Essex-street, Straiid, London. W.C. -n ■■■■•■ • ■- — — F- D I DON'T BIEPULLED! THERE ARE NO BOOT PROTECTORS "JUST AS GOOD IBELfCi?^ OQFFEE. g-n crz I T~^ I For Breakfast &. after Dinner. "EVICT A CAO TH'Si.'vNT." DR. VETTEL'S vSTOf^E *n infallible remedy for in:' v 1 with Worms, apeedily expels those ptvLs, pvi, u x .vt' .-natli and viyour. Large caniste.'s, Is. <:d. m u. Cu.arig-" l'd. If your Horse*. Onltle. I' nr ,v ::j a -a: is-fn ( rv Condition, write 11" d givr, 'n ». -.>■■ «'iul oa «, renietiy lJr tl.1J' o it. tr <■ a i! C'> n-.n:. JOHN H. SMITH & C.1.. SP 0 A'JSTS. A AYIESBUHY. .J!W; MOLAKORN CATTLE MEAL Possesses great digestive and appetis- | ing properties, and is extremely valuable | for Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Pigs. It improves the coat and condition and maintains general health, and is composed entirely of PREPARED MOLASSES and CORN PRODUCTS. Full particulars of MOLAKORN CO., LD., 20, MARK LANE, LONDON, E.C. HEARSON'S INCUBATORS Can be Purchased on -g. "The Times" System 4 of Monthly Payments. SlwU' lir,O/hl3 233, Regrent Stroet, London, W. Send at once for Illustrated List to f-ole SPRATT'S PATENT. Ltd. APPLIANCE DEPARTMENT, 24 A 25, Fcnchurch St., LONDON, E.C. z-^ "GOD UK BRITANNIA'S KIHG.' This New Song is specially suited £ H for Schools, Concerts. Festivals,;nd AK Patriotic Demonstrations. It has been very graciously accepted by the King and Queen. Issued as a ^°'° or T'avt Sonj, Post free, both versions, i/- net, of the Author, MBS8&jSgBW Thomas Ford Caistor, Lincoln- Jar .Alffrr shire. Second Edition ready. MS t Name Paper.