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BOROUGH OF THE TOWN AND COUNTY OF HAVERFORDWEST. FlAIRS FOR 1906. rpHE FAIRS for 1906 will be held as follows A unless unforeseen circumstances shall make an alteration necessary :— JANUARY TUESDAY 1th FEBRUARY 13th MARCH 20 th APRIL 10th MAY 15th JUNE for Wool and Stock) 12th JULY 10 th AUGUST 14th SEPTEMBER THURSDAY 6th TUESDAY 18th OCTOBER (Hiring) FRIDAY 5th TUESDAY 16th NOVEMBER 13th DECEMBER 11th THE PIG FAIRS will be held on tue day after the Cattle Fairs. Dealers and others attending the Haverfordwest Fairs are hereby I cautioned against the practice of Lacerating with a Knifi or otter Instrument for the purpose of Marking an Animal; and NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE? under Statute 12 and ^3 Victoria, cap, 92, al Persons found Lacerat- ing any Animal will I e liable to a Penalty of FIVE POUNDS, H. J, E. PRICE, MAYOR. Haverfordwest, November 9tb, 1905. THE SWANSEA MERGANTILE BANK LIMEtTD, OF 18, PARK STBEET, SWANSEA MAKE CASH ADVANCES DAILY FROM £5 to cJ5500 rpO ALL CLASSES of respectable house- JL holders upon thei? own Note of Hand, and other ds ol securi'.ius. ALL .VRANSAOViONS STRICTLY rlJ.VATE. For further particulars p.pply P. B. JOINES, Manager. or W. D. PHILLIPS, Auctioneer, Haverfordwest, 1 Local Representative. MEx-cEDITH, /O-'iBl.NG GARUKNKK, 17, QUAY. SiREnT, Haverfordwest. K K U 1 S T K Y OFFICE FOit SERVANTS, Boroughs, Hendon, London, NW. NOTICE. JOHN THOMAS, BEtjS to inform the public that he has .l.) slurtea business ;.iA80N ou his own ( account. For the lattlO yetusiie has been employed by the late Mr Morns, builder, 01 iiavenoraweat. Ail oiaers will recsive the best care anu attention. Cbiiiineys swept on the shortest notice. Address. — WlNCH LASE, IiA YERFUlWWEST. N.B.—Orders may he left with Mis Braun, &t. Tnomas' Green. ojeOAt'X'JB FOR PIANOS, ORGANS kali MUSICAL IN SI KU MEN TS w. Mckenzie IS the most practical dealer. He has gained his experience in the following firms: A ftroadwood, seven years' grand flushing and p tuning), Collard & Collard, and Chappell and Coof, London INSTRUMENTS OF ANY MAKER SUPPLIED 25 Per Cent, discount for cash or the hire system C V PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED. NOTE THE ADDRESS 8, Victoria Place, Haverfordwest. Tasker's High School for Girls. HAVERFORDWEST Headmistress, MISS ANDERSON, B.A., assisted by highly qualified Mistresses. ] FEES.— £ 1 6s. 8d. per Term, Special subjects Greek, German and Painting, 15s. per terms, CountryPupils are only allowed to board at the „ Hostel, specially provided for pupils of the School or at houses approved by the Governing Body, of which a list can be obtained (with any other infomation desired relative to school j arrangements) either frOdJ the Head mistress, or from MR, J. W. PHILLIPS, Solicitor, Tower fiill, Clerk to the Governors. The "NATIONAL" GAS & OIL ENGINE I SOLE AGENT: MARTIN PHILLIPS, Electrical engineer, Bridge Street, Haverfordwest, The best Oil Engine on the Market. Salvia House, Millbank, Haver- fordwest. 1 JOHxN iDAVIES BEGS to inform the general public that he -D is prepared to supply, at the shortest notice, WREATHS, CROSSES, CHAP- ^ETS, HARPS ALSO WEDDING B O U Q U E T S c. ( Artistically made to suit any purpose. WREATHS from 6s to 21s Orders by post or wire will receive prompt attention. WHO'S YOUR LAWYER P I haven't required one since I bought of Crosby Lockwood & Son, 7, Stationers' Hall Court, London, E.C., a Copy of « EVERY MAN'S OWN LAWYER." by a Barrister, price 6s. 8d. post free, which has been repaid to me 20 times over in the saving of lawyers' fees. New and Revised Edition (1905) just published. TOBACCOS! CIGARS I CIGARETTES! r -1- Every known Brand at Manufacturers' own List Prices. Endlew TarletT of Tobacconists' Fanoy Good, and Shop • FILtines The Trad'' enl" supplied. Opening orders a Speciality. Send for Price X,1st to any of our branches or to SINGLETON &CQI.E, LTD., Cannon Street, Birmingham. WE GIVE POR A GUINEA t Pair Superifne Witney BlanV«s, each Blanket bound pink I Jibs, weight: Pair White T willed Sheets, 2Jyds. by2} yds. hemmed ready for use; 1 Poir White Pillow Cases, fnll sirs, buttoned ends; 1 WhiteCcunterpane,3yds.longby2jyds. Wide, woven pattern, good d^si^o | 1 Duchesse Toilet bet. All sent Carriage Paid on rtceipt of P.D.D. BROOKFIELDS, Sq., STAFFORD. 100 YEARS, f)LO METALSof ererydescriptionpurchasedforCash. 1 II H.R. RtTtNiRp&SONS, 144. Lambeth Walk, London. MAYPOLE tf* AMOROMA I A Certain, Sure & Efficacious Cure for | "f~ INDIGESTION. ~~P E I An Incomplete Story. I • During a visit I paid to Naples and Rome I • B met two gentlemen and got into conversation ■ ■ with them. We discusse the horrors' of ■ ■ sea-sickness and indigestion, no doubt called ■ • forth by the high feeding indulged in on board » 5 these east-going steamers. This talk about • • indigestioiv—well, that's just where the story ■ ■ ends, for I must not give anything away. ■ ■ Thousands of cases of indigestion were quietly ■ I tried and successfully treated, and it was then H 5 determined to put THIS REMARKABLE • • CURE on the market. It has been left to ■ ■ me to do this upon the following conditions: ■ I The PRICE of this Eight-ounce bottle isH9 ■ ■] 5 Not one Bottle is to be given away gratis. • J 5 This Cure is to stand on its own merits alone. Z I It 3s not a quack medicine—in fact, it is not ■ I a medicine, strictly speaking, at all. It is Q Q simply an Absolute Cure for Indigestion. q Jk It will be posted to any address BL in the UNITED KINGDOM. ■■■■■S3 | AGENTS WANTEBi I AMOROMA L 32 JAMAICA ST" CLASGOW, j SCOTLAND. ■ i ™ • PAMOU8 SCOTCH TONIC. J | j I TONIC PILLS • § ■■■ ♦ I An ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN GURE for {•I.OODI.E88NE88, INDIGESTION, CONSTIPATION, BILIOU8NE88, I and all Stomach Troubles. | MARVELLOUS "CURES. | SEND POST-CARD rOR PARTICULARS. | KIOD&CO.. ALYTH. PKRTHSHIRt. m -m m,.m. m. m. mm & ^SSSSS==SSSS=SS==SSSSS==SSSSS9 V i il I'{oj I {n W double va;ue ;o ba obtained by pur- §| "• j;j chasing direct ami saving the middleman's- la ^0* j0-y |j j nro/U, is oi?en to one ana all in SAMUEL'S GREAT FREE i IF/ aooK OF BARGAINS, ( 'which gives purcbasars the choice of the factor v's finest 1*1 productions in g r V 1/ ^s\ VVATC £ S, RiKSS. GEM JEWELLERY, ELFCTR0- € M S-i-ATS, SILVER, CUrLIRY, Sc, I m Hi auJ proves convincingly that buying dir-ect X-' ^4,/ it /li makes a little money go as far as twise the »V amount aiisr.t in the orUinary retail way. SACk 1 '^SSf'FPEE prizes Ss'a.™"1- I'O Jf:| I c, | t | from the lists of which you accurate. |jl\k S; »S V I can select when buying, and Warranted S# ffk M kK A IB 200 MARKET ST., CQI" ffli 4 1 YtaTIi MANCHESTER, WITH FREE GIFT OF Hv )\_ S0LID SILVER ALBERT. PRESENTS! There is nothing more appropriate for a I' PRESENT than something in Gold or Silver. It remains an enduring and pleasant reminder of the friend who gave it. TO=DAY we are showing a most varied and artistic assortment of American & European Gold and Silver Novelties, j INCLUDING A NICE SELECTION OF SILVER ARTICLES with the HAVERFORDWEST COAT OF ARMS. C. SYDNEY DA VIES, < JEWELLER, BRIDGE STREET, HAVERFORDWEST. —^—■ r A. M. JONES & CO., ♦ 4 ^!||||, *GLASS, CHINA, /^lll> AND II? Earthenware Dealers, < TOWER HILL. HAVERFORDWEST. • 0 The Stock comprises a Large and Varied Selection of all kinds of Earthenware, including Breakfast, Dinner, & Tea Services Toilet and Bedroom Sets, GLASS AND CHINA ARTICLES ALL OF THE BEST QUALITY. There is also a splendid assortment of all kinds of JUGS, GLASSES, and SMALL WARES generally. A CALL WILL OBLIGE. Price's Candles, Scented, Bar, and other Soaps. c GEORGE ACE, I. (Cycle Champion of Wales and Mon. (1879 to 1889, Retired), I Cycle, JVIotor, and Sports Depots 16, HIGH STREET, HAVERFORDWEST. ] Works TENBY. f -:0:- r Sk — S°le Agent for Any make Cycle supplied on MSN\| //AXS\ Sunbeam, Raleigh, bdlNSliif Hwmber, Triumph, Easy Payment System. THE "ACE" FREE WHEEL £5 17s. 6d. Built for Pembrokeshire Roads. Guaranteed Two Years. -————— Fishing Rods and Tackle of Best Quality. MOTOR CARS ON HIRE carrying Four and Driver from £3 10s. Od. the day. DARK STREET, HAYERFORDWEST. JAMES WOOLCOCK, Painter, Paperhanqer, Glazier, House Decorator, Sfc., BEGS respectfully to thank his friends and the public generally for the kind support accorded to him in the past, and to inform them that he intends carrying on the business in all its branches, and hopes to merit a share of public patronage. :0:- PAINTS OF THE BEST QUALITY ALWAYS IN STOCK. GLASS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS FROM 2.d. PER FOOT. ,0:- A Large Assortment of New Cheap Paper from ljd. Upwards. TEETH. TEETH. TEETH. -:0:- EDWARD ENGLAND LIMITED, CAN BE CONSULTED FROM 11 to 5 P.M., at MISS JOHN, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, 3, Victoria Place, New Bridge, Haverfordwest EVERY ALTERNATE SATURDAY AND TUESDAY, Next Visits, TUESDAY, JULY 24, and SATURDAY, JULY 28. 1906. Also CHESTER HOUSE, 8, Picton Place, Haverfordwest, Daily. And will also attend at Charles Street, Milford Haven (Mr Meyler, Chemist), every other Tuesday. Next Visit JULY 17 And Mr Geo. Collins, Market Square, Narberth, every other Thursday. Next Visit JULY 19 CONSULTATION FREE 0F CHARGE. TEETH.—1, Perfection in eating and speaking. 2, Perfectly natural and life- like in appearance. Upper or Lower Set. r from £2 10s. Single Tooth „ JEO 5s. Teeth Extracted Painlessly with Nitrous Oxide Gas. NOTICE:—All Letters to be addressed to Brecknock House, Tenby GOOD & RELIABLE FURNITURE. BEDSTEADS & BEDDING, WIRE & WOOL MATTRESSES, BEDROOM SUITES, DINING & DRAWING ROOM FURNITURE, PAINTED & KITCHEN FURNITURE. W. H. REYNOLDS, General House Furnisher, Upholsterer, Painter, Decorator & Undertaker, 18 & 20, Hill Street, Haverfordwest. COUNTY CYCLE DEPOT Bridge Street, Haverfordwest. -0 MARTIN~°PHiLLIPS (Successor to MR J. J. SWEENEY.) FHE BEST VALUE PHONOGRAPH IN THE MARKET IS THE PATHE from 21/- Large Stock of Disc & Cylinder Records froDtlj- SPRING GUNS & PISTOLS FROM 2/- Provides capital Indoor Amusements. — :o: Customers should not leave the Overhauling and Enamelling of their Cycles till the busy season, but should send in as soon as possible, so that proper care and attention can be given to the work. 0- A.11 Kinds of ELECTRICAL WORK undertaken. ACETYLENE GAS PLANTS SUPPLIED AND FITTED. rhe coming House Illuminant is ACETYLENE. Come and Inspect it in use at the Depot. # rUC DCQT DIAMHQ I BY THE BEST makers! I HE. DLu 1 rlflnUO l ON THE BEST TEAMS! New Style" CHALLENGE" MODEL. Height, 4ft. 2in. Width, 4ft. 7in. Depth, 1ft. llUn* Walnnt, or Ebonized, with Marqueterie Panels, Iron Frame, Brass Pin Plate, Full Trichord Check Action, Celluloid Keys, and Turnover Desk. Schoolroom Model.18 Guineas at 10s 6d per month .or at 8s 6d per month. Cottage „ .20 „ 12s Od „ n 9s Od „ IHALLENGE "24 „ 14s Od „ „ 10s 6d „ £ xcelsior 27 15s Od „ „ 12s 6d Criterion 30 17s 6d 15s Od Discount allowed if paid sooner. Written Warranty with each Instrument. Exchanged if not approved of. SECOND-HAND PIANOS FROM 5s. PER MONTH. THOMPSON & 8HACKELL, LTD., 60, Stepney Street, LLANELLY, &.nd at BRISTOL, CARDIFF, MERTHYR, NEWPORT, GLOUCESTER &c, hold the Sole Agency for most of the following Makers:— 5ECHSTEIN, STEINWAY. IBACH, NEUMEYER, BRINSMEAD, COLLARD & COLLARD, KAPS, and CHALLEN PIANOS and ESTEY ORGANS. PRICE LIST POST FREE ON APPLICATION. London Prices for Cash, or on Easy Terms. Pianos y other Makers takqp in Exchange. Full Value Allowed. FREE DELIVERY TO ANY PART. T A Good Appetite comes only by having a perfect acting liver and good I digestion—both can easily be obtained by using I H;" ¡ M. 'I ¿'. ii PILLS They are a reliable remedy for the cure of Biliousness, Lassitude, Impaired Digestion, Poor Appetite, Costiveness, Wind and Pains in the Stomach, Discomfort after Meals and aU other troubles which arise from a disordered liver or stomach. „ They cleanse the system, give tone to the digestive I organs, and will, if taken according to directions, I restore you to sound and vigorous health. BEECHAM'S PILLS are specially suitable for Females of all ages. Every woman who values health should read the instructions wrapped round each box. I Worth a Guinea a Box. J Prepared only by THOMAS BEECHAM, St. Helens, Lancashire. N Sold in boxes, 1/11 (56 piUs) 2/9 (168 pUis). Tails, fringes, and all kinds of Ladies' and Gent's Toilet Requisites. V0m s. D. PUCH, In Hairdresser IgL B N Choice Natural °' Mil WHOLESALE & RETAIL JS BUyer-moun ted Walking IBB tobacconist,^ fgS I HIGH STREET (Next to Post f|j|f HAVERFORDWEST^ in a): lhè Leading Tobacco Pouches, Cool Smoking Brian papers, that Will DO> crack. Keerschaums, Combinations, and Briars of Selected Quality. and all Smokers' Requisite# In all the leading Shapes. and other Cased Goods always in stock. at Popular Prices. Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobaccos of the Choicest Brands always Ladies' Combings made up in any style. y TRAJDE 'MARK. I MOLASMEMEALI I THE PERFECTION OF ANIMAL DIET. OF ALL CORN DEALERS &c 1 LT.D 56.MARK LANE LONDON JOSEPH COYSH, MOUNT HILL NURSERIES, CARMARTHEN. o Fruit Trees, Forest Trees, White Thorn Quicks for Hedges, Ornamental Evergreen & Flowering Trees & Shrubs Standard Limes and Planes for Avenues and Parks and all kinds of Nursery Stock. Thoroughly Acclimatised to Wales. CATALOGUES ON APPLICATION. -.A PAPERHANGING, PAINTING, AND DECORATING. SUPPORT the firm that understands its BUSINESS. I IF YOU WANT THE BEST YOU MUST GO TO THE FIRM who can supply you with it, at LOWEST PRICES* PRICE az HTJSSELL Have a reputation of 50 YEARS' STANDING to maintain, and consequently supply only the BEST WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIALS I JUST ARRIVED! A Large Assortment of this Season's I WALLPAPEIRS from Id per Piece FULL MEASURE IN EACH ROLL. Glass of every Description. Lead Lights a speciality. KINDLY NOTK ADDRESS- ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. TOWER HILL, Haverfordwest. MISS A. M. MILLAR Begs to intimate that she has now OPENED BUSINESS in the Shop recently occupied by Mr T. H. Evans, as a TOBACCONIST AND FANCY DEALER AT 42, HIGH STREET, Haverfordwest and that the shop is replete with the best stock in town of Tobaccos, Cigars & Cigarettes of the best brands, Pipes, Cigar and Cigarette Holdersr Pouches, Walking Sticks, picture Post Cards and other Novelties, Stveets, &c. Only Sweets of the Best Quality kept. J. P. MUM FORD, Tobacconist & General House Furnisher 41, SWAN SQUARE, Haverfordwest, BEGS to respectively call the attention of all those about to FURNISH to the fact that all Goods supplied by him are of the LATEST DESIGN, and BEST FIiMbJtl am- QUALITY. NO OLD STOCK. SPECIAL LINES IN EVERY DESCRIPTION OF BAMBOO GOODS. Fancy Articles at Lowest Prices. Tobacco, Pipes, and all Smoking Requisites in endless Variety. All leading Tobaccos, Cigars and Cigarettes kept in Stock. Also a. Good Assortment of FISHING TACXLE. Welsh Bacon! Welsh Bacon! Welsh Bacon! He MILLAR, 27, DEW STREET, HAVERFORDWEST, HAS A LARGE SUPPLY OF THE BEST QUALITY HAMS, SHOULDERS and FLITCHES, Which he guarantees Cured properly and of the best quality. Prices :-Hams, lOd. Shoulders and Flitches, 8d. to 9d. per lb PIVEP away MKXUcut Lk4j'b WstrhM H HP Mkltr Trlrem BATS 3* "VCI.UTTJL," Ifea QUIT Bzii'i mn. S0I |An|> • niZZlTTA » Xnnrn Kim nr Iftwm. I Itii-pi for Fret Trial Bottttt with Fall MMMMIMM Mfcra*. IF. W. BATM, 25, Brooks Bar, Manchester. C0LD.3! COUGHS! In Asthma, Bronchitis, Infiurnr^. C iarfhs, &.C., EJJ, ■ spst,; iiy and sa:ei> tureu by g GLV KALINE j Of all Chemists, I/t j, 2/9 and 4/6, or post free from— 1 Lf ATH 6? KOS3, I 58, Duke Strec t, Grosvecor Sa„ London, W. I Guide to Healti post fres «o all on application. I 7 II MODERN I, MONS. c. D HAVINO ing the Have1' I I TV 11" ON -'f, -eooh GcrDTan- ana I.»tuca.« K. is eDq-ureat rl.aProf^soc'.s, CTLSANT "OTjSE, GOA*r STREET, HAYEBFORDWEST A. G- ALL, 'CARPENTER, RAILWAY VILLAS, Cartlett, Haverfordwest BEGS to anuonuce that he has started bnsiness on bis own soconnfc. All work entrusted to him will be welf and oeatly carried cut at be shortest notice. BEST Malt & Hops Beer brewed from our noted LVlalt always keeps well, drops bright quickly, and the gravity is far higher than what is derived from ordinary Malt. GEORGE PALMER & SON, MERCHANTS, HAVERFORDWEST. VARICOCELE JP% w ;a v;1 A Gentleman who has suffered from Nervousness, Brain Fag, Sleep, ilessness, Nervous Debility, Palpits- Ition of the Heart, Timidity. Lowness 'of Spirits, Dizziness, etc., will be pleased to forward particulars of P c simple self treatment to all sufferers on receipt of stamped addressed envelope. Old standiag cases, which ,had been deemed incurable have been restored to rerfect healti. by the Remedy, and there is no afflic- tion or disease it might not cure: thousands have been successfully treated by it. He will also send a Free Sample Of the Remedy. Write to-day. ItwlU cwt you notbinj, and cure is certain. Address, Rev. THOS. STONE, The Limes. Kemp Town, Brighton, England. Name this paper. Harry F. Walker, A.R.C.O. is prepared to receive Pupils for instruction in Organ, Pianoforte, & Violin Playing; ALSO IN THEORY. TERMS ON APPLICATION. 10, PRENDERGAST, HAVERFORDWEST. Please Notice Alteration of Address. Mr. C. BULMER. F.R.C.O., L.R.A.M., A.R.C.M., PROFESSOR OF MUSIC Pupils' Successes in 1905 Higher Exams., A.R.C.O., A.T.C.L.; 11 Pupils also passed the Trinity College Exams., including two Senior, one Intermediate Honours, three In termediate Pass, two Junior Honours, hree Junior Pass. ADDRESS HANOVER HOUSE, 10, QUAY STREET HAVERFORDWEST. GEORGE PALMER & SON. ———— 2>cr -I SPECIALITIES. bottle, EXTRA SPECIAL LIQUEUR. The perfec- tion of Scotch Whisky, of great age and A m softness, equal to the linest French Brandy as a stimulant GLEN STUART Scotch Whisky. An ideal blend of carefully selected PureO/fl Highland Malt Whiskies, v eil matured VJ and mellowed by age DUNBOYNE Irish Whisky. Very choice, pure Pot Still, Dublin Wnisky, guar- ijiteed over 12 years old, in Sherry* Wood PORT-Genuine Oporto Wine, excellent value 2/- INVALID PORT, Specially recommended 2/6 OLD LODGE A perfect type of a really old Tawny Wine, stored many years ill 3 A Oporto U1 U SHERRY, Pale, dry, superior CHAMPAGNE, Ackerman Laurance's Dry Royal Q hots., 1/2 i bots., 2/-2) PALE BRANDY, Suitable for domestic 2/6 purjioses z COGNAC BRANDY, Genuine French, good 3/6 age EAU DE YIE YIEILLE. Pure Grape r 1 Brandy of great age. An invaluable Oj 9 stimulant Martells' & Uennessy's Brandy. 5/6 RUM, Fine old Jamaica 2/6 Very old Jamaica 3/- l HOLLANDS, De Kuypers, Anchor Brand 2 3 Coleman's Wincarnis, Hall's Wines, Quinine Sherry, &c. Oigais and Cigarettes of the choicest brands, at tiowest Store Prices. High Street, HAVERFORDWEST. MILFORD HAVEN ZPth Vear. 0^8?! T4V h Ye,r- WEEKI?V r t- IIL i ^1 H WEEKLY Id. Obtainable al! BockstaHs & Newsagent, 1d. Or Spocimcn Copy i'min "Pcrr/vuv" OFFICE, 1?.. Mn'RB CO{"tiT Oiramni-HS. PUTT STKKKT. LONDON. MOLASSES i^EAL. Hio per feci o.nd uuinv.a •wonvlGrrvJ Food for Cattil I ttorsea, Sheep, Pigs, Poultry. Destroys Worm*, prevent* Colic, Diarrhcoa, and Cough. MArvwUeat for making Rcm lay. Grand Pig Food. I Al: Corn !)ea. BflUSSWE 8 lm., 35, MARK LfKl. Umm El YOU ARE INTERESTED IN POULTRY? ITHEN LET US BKCOMMEND TO YOFH NOTICE <<feathered LIFE," The Utility Poultry JournaL Published Every Wednesday. ONE PENNY. Follv Illustrated for photographs and contains a mine of inform** tiou relating to Poultry luanagonv lit. Send card to tbe PPBLISH^R, "FEATHERED LIFB," j FETTER LANE, E.C., for specimen copy free. | MOLAKORN CATTLE MEAL] Possesses great digestive and appetis- ing properties, and is extremely valuable for Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Pigs. It improves the coat and condition and maintains general health, and is composed entirely of PREPARED MOLASSES and CORN PRODUCTS. Full particulars of MOLAKORN CO., LD., ao, MARK LANE, LONDON, E.C.