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FRED. F. LLOYD, G E NE U A L MERCHANT, High Street, Haverfordwest, Solicits your esteemed orders during the coming COAL AND CULM SEASON, and begs to r, r_l state that he is prepared to" supply the Rest Coals raised in "Wales at their fair market yalllc Coul and Culm delivered in 1 tht bugs if required. Special Amiounccmcnt. Extension of Premises. j J A M E S R E E S Begs to inform his Customers and Friend. and the Ready Money public in general, that In has taken the Corner Shop adjoining his own. for many years occupied by the late Mr Clan and intends opening the same on SATI1 KDAY, the 14tli of JANUARY, as a Beady-Made Clothing Establishment. J. R. !)""•«; to thank his mincou-; supporters, and the Cash Public, for the large share o): support given him during the sh n.t tinu* lie has been in business, which enables him to ex- 1. tend his'premises and oifer them still greater advantages for cash, which support show- clearly that the Public are fast finding out the advantages of Cash Trading over ttie Long Credit system. J R -ill the whole of his Stock for Sale on the abovo date, for 21 Days only, at lest- than Cost, previous to Stock-taking. GENUINE BARGAINS in READY MADES, in order to clear the whole of the Stock out before making Spring purchases. NOTE THE ADDUESS: JAMES R E E S, Cash Drapery and Clothing Stores, Castle Square, Ha verford\«. est. J ARNOLD COLLEGE, SWANSEA. PRINCIPAL REV. EDGAR WILLIAMS, M.A., (Glas) B.D., (Edin.) r>I\V SEA. VIEW, sheltered situation, J- healthy School ^omn, b P1"'for ground, well-Ventilated dornutoii. I ne „tric^' Wr. liberal and ^es«>n,e d,e^ but kind, ample teaching ;1 m*se-U have attrition. Twelve pupil* p^c. various examinations in 1S81. } TERMS STRICTLY MODERATE.. RILENCII, GERMAN, DUTCH, A-JD SPANISH. ( LANGUAGES. i I, 11, VICTOR i>k' l>r.RF.NSBERG. | Professor at tire" Haverfordwest Grammar School, and Hill House College* "T>EGS to inform the La-lies and Gentlemen of 1> Haverfordwest and the neighbourhood, I that h* is prepared to give lesson, in the above Languages, either to private Vu\nl*,or to Classes. M. DE IiKRr.xsuF.uu possesses the L lghost I otimo- nials, an I lists had a hm- principally 111 teaching French to English And American J upil.s. Special attention paid to backward StmloiiK Yor Terms, &c., apply to the Professor, Hill Street, Haverfordwest. liouse College. H AV E LI V I) nDWKUT 1'. tin": l'Ifi (Wife of Ihf lirr. V<•••'■■: ,111'1") k im« WVJSKKES8W aud l.-tll- Ni.'H M Mw Augus lias had a leugtluiH in Tuition, and po^se»(»cs the highest, it.ytimoma.s character and ability as a tcacher. llyf-rces —llcvrs. Dr. McLean Manchester J. Pearson, M.A., Vicar of Fleetw ood C. \Villiam", A „ t r\ « T VnvYT. hvvaii^ea vv Aocnn^ton J. Owen A. nrt-wss KfeujK B. A., tt. C liege, ajJ^ J. H. Lochore W. Davies, Esq,, Ai. r., west. etc. The college is in Union with the college of Pre.. ceptors, London, and passed Twelve Pup 1 Examinations of 1881. The next term commences May iotn^ G 0 A T S T nEE T C 0 L 4E G E HAVERFORDW EST. (ESTABLISHED FD YEARS.) -r- Pitixcii'ALs— The MISSES IJLEWELLIX, WHO have references and testimonials from Ladies in the first raiiks of fisted by an Efficient Staff, mciuding a Ceitificated Teacher, who has obtained fust pij«- and Certificate?, from the Kensington School o. Ait, and French and German resident tTOVeiue^e^. The course of study embraces »~crip i'i Grammar, Analysis and Composi ion, ■» Astronomy, XMiual Science, Arithmetic and Alfffiliva ° The Latin, French, and German Lan|iiageg Music Pianoforte, Harmonium, Smgmg, Ola., for Part Singins Riid Harniony. -i DRATSIX UF Flee Hand and Model, ( rayons and W ater Colours. Dancing and Calisthenics. T> ;i The PriiiO'pals can assure Parents that tne Pupils committed to their cure will hare the benefit of first-rate iimtiuction, Home Comforts and Atteiitie.,ii f rat and their persoml and c .instant, mperr sion. Pupils prepared (most successfully) tor the Oxfor.1, and, Cambridge Lorol Examinations. The next TNti) commence.5 January 2.ith. ^dIES W TAX. NOTICE. MR BAYN1UN begs to i'-f > hil he h«s arraPfments lo Ti^it >he io ing town* PEBSON ALLY.. « ,nrflll_ CARDIGAN the second and las. S».iuday eTNEWPOHT (PtmbrokO Motiay after eccor.c Saturday. • » > FISHUUAKD the same d«y, (by appointment Otily). HAVERFORDWEST the Tuesdey alier secona Saturday in every month. NEWCASTLE BMLYN the la?t All cotnmu.dcu'i .nB t«» be addressed to iULL. BOURNE HOUSE, c«roigsi'. K V O X 0 M Y. J OR A rr HI FI, IX G Ciff A IIGE BiSLEY H. MUXT, WAVCHMAKIll AX1) JRIVRLLhll. HIGH-STREET, HAY IvH 1"> HtDW EST, I s prepared to get any Articlcin ^V> v j 1 or (IILT JEWELLERY MADE. Equal toj to e and SILVER J EWELLl.H Y, Kcvn ed or WIt, a,ppear as 1 r. CARAT G0L1 > Only 4 days required. Pi-ice.; on Applitatioo. ¡ March loth, 188'2. _———— I MONEY LENT WITITOLT SURETIES .H- CFLARING-CROSS RU.ROSIT «ANK^ 28 ■B«dford8treet, Strand, Londot n £ 1000. daily, in town or country, male or Personal Beourity, mortgage i f fumnure, •• iarm Btock, PIaJ, crops, *i»LOD. removal. AUo detcls, polieieK, and reversions «■> o p^r < one month to 14 \earr. Diot.rjCe no i> ] < ■> *'payment8 £ 250,000 for inve?tmtnf. No g<>o<l ap Plication refused. Sirio ly r Call or write to A. WILLIAMS, Manger. Intending borrowers in London or G< uu fJ '• *88t aeevred if they cannot obtain an advance :at t OU established, bona-fide A ^acce Bank, u y cannot obtain oi>e fli>y,J»herP. We nee our^a_j ns J*«ll tbey always come b.nek, »nd re(!f'^ cheaper having a Itfrge connection we do busin than others. TEA.—DEALERS, &c. wanted to try 12/^26 lbs. RECKETT'S WIKTEltlNE OVinter !« £ <$ w* 8t SUEANOE ag^sTAOOIDENTS of ail Kindt. Assurance against Railway Accidents alone. ASSTOAK0E against Fatal A00IDESTB at SEA Assurance against EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY. RAILWAY-PASSEWGERS 'ASSURAKCE COMPANY- The oldtk-i & larre,! Companj InBuiing against Accidents of all kinds. THE HT. HON. LORD KINNAMtD, ClJ innan. Subscribed capital ^1,000,oi 0 Taid-np Capital and Reserve £230,000. MODERATE PREMIUMS. Bonus allowed to inpurer-q ikftcr Five yeare. £ 1,0 3 0,00 0 Has been paid a? CO:\( PEN GATIO: Apply totl„( cierki at the H<lway Stations, t te Ocal Agent,. or fit. COKNii ILL, or 8, GKASD Hotel BUILDINGS, CHABINO Cn fcS, LONDON. A BAZAA R. VI? ILL beheld D.V. in HUNT WEEK, 1882, in it aid of ST. TnoiiAs.. FE E D IN G STU F F S. E have always in 6U)-ok n large variety, suit- ? « able for Cattle, Horsey Sheep, Pigs, DngK, ruiflPoultry. These goods are sold at nLettcadi prices, and pay. able for account current—March 31, Jnne 30, S«pt-. :;0, and Dec. ;n. ELLIS & COMPANY, Haverfordwest, March 15, 1882. TUB THREE MAGAZINES for 1SS2. ALL nK.W'TiFl'LLY ILLU6T.ilATKU. 1. THE Q, ill Vhll, far Sunday Beading. 2. GASSELL s MAGAZINE, for Every Household. 3. LITTLE FOLKS, for all Girls and Boys. Ask to sec .SiK-cimcns and lYospcctufsrs at all Booksellers. Casscll, I'ettcr, GoJpin it Co., Liul'jate Ilill, London. NEW SERIAL PUBLICATIONS. CASSELL'S CONCISE CYCLOPAEDIA. CASSELL'S CONCISE CYCLOPAEDIA. MONTHLY, Gil. Illustrated. To lie completed in 27 1'arts. 1 OUR HOMES, and How to Make them Healthy, j MONTHLY, 7", IHtist-ratcd. To be cOJIlpleted in iU Parts. I CASSELL'S BOOK of SPORTS$PASTIMES. MOSTIILT. 4M. Illiustrnted: To be completed in 10 Parts st 1<lC I'rcsppi-tiiscs at all Booksellers, or sent p 'ft free 1>.> CmngcK, Pitlcr, Gulpia Co.. Lttdjo.U Hilly London, j THE BEST WATCHES IX THE WORLD Direct from the Miiinifaoturcr*, AT LESS THAX THE Wifou-^ALE PJUCE. On'1' (hie I[/ll/tI/'cd Sold ('¡,el'/I Wal.- /Jail, IiEtau. VALVE. COMPAEE OIK PIUCE. £ s. £ s. d. 5 ,) C;cnt'l'! EuglishSilvcrLcvcl' for 0 0 ti (I (rent's English Hunting Lever for -3 10 0 G 6 Gent's? English Pair-case Lever for 3 12 0 5 5 Liulies' English Silver Lever for a 0 0 14 10 Gent's English Gold Lever for 900 .10 10 La lies' English (jold Lever for (i 10 0 10 10 Silv".r English Chronograph for 5 10 0 :J0 0 Gold English Chronograph for 18 18 0 2 10 Gent's Defiance Silver Watch for 1 5 0 3 10 Gent's Pefiance Hunting Watch 1 12 6 2 10 Ladies' Defiance Silver Watch for 150 5 10 Ladies' Defiance Gold Watch for 3 10 0 EITHER oi' THE ABOVE SMit sa.fe by first return to any Part, with Guarantee, Key, and full printed Instructions. Over Twenty Thousand Testimonials received during the la-st Seven Years. Send order, or write for Illustrated Pamphlet, 112 Pages, containing full particulars, and 70 P?gcs of recently received Wonderful Testimonials. Post Free for Two froili STEWART DAWSON & CO., 121, Park Road, and 2,Ranelagh Place, Liverpool. COLOXTAL BIÚXCH — 79, Goulburn Street, Sydney, Australia. ;(' h. » MIGUATTON~TO^ >EW" SOUTH WALES- H THE new FOCXH WALES CKVEHNMENT will proti<J< ['nfHtts to Sj'dnfj (h) firftt-clasfc Shipp) npon pfij- iient (f the undermentioned rates, to persons sp- ,roved by the Axen!-Gftt.frft'. TI,PT must co-neitt f M^ni'-d ("oaples not i35 jcars of age, •'ith r.r Riilior.it children, and Sicgls persons not jxceeding 80 years of age. F»ttnris, AgiiruHnral and other Labourers, line D fsceiB, Mechanics, and Female Domestic v'rviiils are irqniicn. K^tes psjabie uiifi! .'ur!l)<r notice «iU b» £ 5 r,6J dull chi!dren (hieeaod IILdE-J foi.rteen, 1;2 10,< :ndn thif, f»e<■•. B<-dd nij »i:i! iiieee ut(:Eils rir, Farther ii.forrn^tif n 4o he :.Ltftircd fr^ni Tiic ^migrfttioti Dtpniim/n!, New South Wslef Gorem- ■ Mnvt ORiec ■, 5, Wes'.niinf if r Chnnibers, London, V SAUL SAM('EL A a > r !-G»rr i <J1 for New Jsontb Wvos. F INAL ADVElvTlSEilENT OF BAZAAR FOR WALTON EAST CHURCH, WHICH is fully intended to take place during the Hinit Week of the present year. Considcmble funds are required, as both East ard West end arc decayed by damp, and a vestry room •ilso requiied. Any contributions of work or money will be grate- fully received by either Mrs. Lloyd-Philipps, of Pentyparkc, or ISIrs. jiorgan, Vicarage, ^Valton East, Clarbeston Road. January 19th, lSS2. A CEUTAIN CURli FOR THE NERVOUS AND DEBILITATED. < 1RAUS, A MKDICAL « OKK showing suf- tjT f^rcrs' how thsy mny be cured and recover Health and Vitality, without the aid of Quacks, w:.tÍ1 recipes for purifyinsj the Wood and removing ,kill affections a'so chapters on ¡:apl' iMarnages When and W hom to v!iry; I he Tempe-inients Stanmiering Vital Foot; How Wasted and How Preserved Ga'vanie Apphances and the omlers cf the l\IiCOfCO!'c.ill Detect ng Va'iouSj Compiaints. Post Free for Two Stamps- Address. Secretary, of Anatomy, t!iimingham. SHIRTS. MORNING AND EVENING SHI R Fitting with precision aud ease, at Moderate Price?., SOCKS of every description. FLANNEL, MKR1NO, and INDIAN GAUZh I VESTS & DRAWERS. ) rbe Shirt Measures required .are-ronnJ the neck, chest, waist, wrisf. and height of werfrrr. Orders from strangers mtlst be accompanied by a Re- mittance, or London Reference. i Pri«e recommended 9'. CAPPER & WATERS, 26, Regent St., Piccadilly, London. ■ INCENDIARY FIRE AT WINSLE. ¡ Subscriptions are earnestly and respectfully invited in behalf of Mrs Hannah Young, widow residing at Winkle Hamlet of St. Thomas, whose loss by fire to corn, hay, &c, (supposed to be work of an in cendiary), amounted to upwards o. i(>0 Air Itevnolds, Tierson; Air Davies, Steynton Air James Joim, Bullford Mr George,l; Deemslnll; and Air Evans Dredgenian Hill; have kindly consented to act as' a committee, and to receive subscriptions. Subscriptions may also be paid to the London a.nd Provincial Bank, and the Brecon Old Bank, Haver- fordwest. £ 8j Mrs E. LI. IXavies, per Messrs. John Harvey and Sons » 0 0 Wm. Davies, Esq., M.P., 9 0 Mr D. P- Saunders t Messrs. Roberts & Rowlands » Mr Joseph Thomas 0 10 Oj Mr J- Bees X 9 g| Mr J- Mary church » Mr Geo. Thomas MrJno. Thomas J J Mr Thos. Davits, Spittal » 1 rr Geo. Howell 1 Mr John Brown g Mr W. Farrow g Mr John Jenkins Mr James Roch Mr J. H. Williams nor1 Messrs. Stephen Green & Co o 1 0' Jas. Davies 0 Q Mr Owens, St. David s Roberts, Drcwston q Mr Perkins, Sandy Haven T\fr Richard Williams, Dew-sticet 0 j Messrs Baker & Jones, High-street 0 2 0 Mr. Rces, High-street. 0 2 o Mr George Fletcher, High-street Mr Geo. T Bland, Castle-Square 0 o 0 MrS. Jenkins, Prendergast, Q 2 Q A Friend e f. o Mr Geo. Edwards, LimeMerchant „ Q Mr Richards, Hasguard o Q Mr Thomas, Honey Hook q 'ATrien^ Explanation of Ellis & Company's Terms in the Retail Department. We are very often asked what are onr Terms. By .some. we are urged to give longei 'C(Ut lry others, urged to give Discount for Cash and by others, to Sell for Cash only and > Booking. We therefore think it desirable to place be "ore the Public- the very favourable \>rms we have arranged for our Buyers. We confess the Cash system, and nothing but Cash, is the best system in the world, as a .utter of strict business; but the public are not altogether prepared for that. "N\ e can enu- merate hundreds of eases in which there would not be the slighest inconvenience to parties to )iv Cash: but it is inconvenient on several other grounds. As to allowing Discount foi J.i'sl) this is objectionable in many ways on Grocery Goods, because some articles, such a.« Sugar, kc., would not admit of it; again, we could in this cas? only allow Discount onlarg, parcels, so that we should be obliged to keep up our GENEKAI- PittcJ'.s to leave a niargin for Discount, and this should make the Goo is Dearer for the sm Her Buyers. Rethink we have hit on the right plan under all th > eircumstances, combinin the advantages of giving the fu'l st benefit to all Buyers—wh st it gives us s( ope to place our Goods before the Public it Moderate Prices. We charge all our Goods to all at NET C.vsir PISICES, so that the-e who pay Casnat the :ime of PuivhTise, get the full advanta -o, but for the mutual convenience of Seller and Buyer we supply Pa sPooks to those who wih to ]ny weekly, monthly, or and when lot exceeding a quarterly current accou:i\ ti e Goods arc charged precisely the same as ij :mid for at the time of purchase. When Accounts are left unpaid, we arc bound to charge j •jcr cent., or we should lose by the transaction, or be obliged to charge those who pa\ :)romptly higher than we otherwise would—-and this Ave cannot do! It conies to this—If the Public will sustain us in conforming to our terms, we will place before them everything from ime to time, at the smallest Profit, based on the supposition of almost a Cash System. We never find fault (we have no right to do so) with those who may think it best t< -iinid to London or elsewhere for their Goods, but we have no hesitation in Raying that if parties buy from lis a large quantity of Goods—in unbroken packages—they will find it to 'heir advantage over London after paying for cu-riagc, packages, ivc. We admit that a lew unall Artielu.; arc cheaper in Londou, which arises from the fact that they are not extensively ised in this district, and the carriage amounts to quite 3 to 7 per cent., but the heavier and more important Goods are really Cheaper in many instances. i It is scarcely fair to compare the price of small quantities at the Counter, witu a large mekage from London, as bv meeting the wishes of the public we incur an extra expense 01 ,t least 5 per cent in working the Busimss. We are wishful to -nect all buyers, and so to adjust the arrangements of our Imsm ;s. :hat we may do a large tr -de on a strict system, at Small Profits, rather thaa Large Prchts md no System. BOROUGH OF PEMBROKE. PEMBROKE BOROUGlf WATERWORKS. VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in pursuance of the provisions of the <: Public Health Act, 1875 (38 & 39 Viet., ch. oo) and the Acts incorporated therewith, the Town Council of the Borough of Pembroke, acting as the Urbau Sanitary Autlioiity, propose to construct- 1.- A Reservoir or Reservoirs, and approaches thereto, situate; in the parish of Henry s oj' OH and County of Pembroke, the said reservoir being of an area of -3] aere.^ or tiioro'ioouus, u> 4 formed by a dam 120 feet long or thereabouts, placcd across the stream known, as the iuvei Svfynfy. at, a point 430 yardsw thereabouts measured down, the stream m a South ^osoeriy lirection from the point where the boundary of the Parish ot Morvd joins tne said stream, anc n.lmlin- coitain portions of Holds or enclosures of laud, that is to Roy, s.x acre, or tbw«A<mt. s'toated on tlie enstem sitle of the mid river and being a portion oi lands ntuabcrod a.ul 4i() th(, Tithe Map of the said parish of Henry's Moat, tuc property ot and occupied by J. B. Macauiay, Esq., Milton House, Milton, Pembroke; also-4 acres 1 road m the said^ Ijw'ish I-Tenry's Moat ou the western side of the said River feyfyn-y, the property of Mi s C.ucune SSmrle Robin,, of 40, Park Road, Haverstock Hill, London, and being m the occupation of the following persons, viz. :—■ Reference No. uO| 'Xamc ai.d address of occnpier L'Jitu and Tithe; Description of Lanil; Kiwwn .«s i map. A. K. r. Pfc of :J77 Momitain Future I (^nchvii Gwyn 0 0 27 Margt. John, Be^arJ', Well 40 > Plld Moor Mountain 0' ot) jJames Moms, Biaenpant. ;i ,m mdiiog Wa«i»f -f 3 » <1>- 8S>!) j P.uture Waeniaaf <• j_J_j d)- Total 4 1 0 2ud. To construct a Covered Service Reservoir, containing <>00,000 gallOlB, together with a Water Tower and Reservoir therein, containing 18,000 gallons, and sundry other works in connection therewith, upon land belonging to Lort Phillips, Esquire, _L.a^reniiy summed iu, the iunction of Buttermilk Lane and Golden Hill, in the parish ot tot. Mary, and County of I em- brokc,.iowiuthe occupation of Ebonczer Griffiths, and marked 40) upon the Ordnance Map of the said parish, the portion of the said land proposed to be acquired, containing by a.d- mesisuremont half an Acre or thereabouts. 3rd. To lay a Cast-iron Water Main, 8 inches internal diameter along the Turnpike Road io.iciing from Hobb's Point to Carmarthen, from the junction at Golden Ilill Lane at Sladp to the junction OF Turnpike Road at Carew, with the Haverfordwest Turnpike Road, passing though the parishes of Cosheston, Nash, and Carew, and thence by the said Haver- fordwest Turnpike Road, through the Parishes of Jeffreyston. lerbcston, Martiefcwy, Newton \or',h Narbertli. Robeston Wathen, Lawhaden, Blebech, Castlebythe, and Loveston, to the junction of the said Haverfordwest Turnpike Road, with the lans leading from Cumberland to Wis ton, in the said County of Pembroke. Tr 4< 4th. To lay a Cast-iron Water Mam from the said, junction, with the Haverfordwest xtun- nil e Road a t Cumberland, in the parish of Wiston, and County of Pembroke, along the road in the parishes of Wiston and Clarbeston, passing by Colby Farm, Colby Aloor Lane Cottage Scurtle, Church HiU and Wiston Chapel, to the bridge crossing the South \v ales Railway at the Clar- beston Road Station of the said Railway, tlienee with a pipe not exceeding lO^mcaes internal diameter along the Cardigan Road, through the parishes ot Clarbeston, a ton^ast, Ainbles^on nud Henry's Moat, by Mountjoy, Walton East, Woodstock Slop. Cornelbach, Poll i ax Inn and Tufton Arms, to the iunction ot the said Cardigan Road, with the road lea nig to Maenclochog, it a distance from Cross Road at the Tufton Arms Inn. of 512 yards or thereabouts, tttence pass- in- alon- the said Maenclochog Road by Bernards Well to Cornwchwr, aul leaving the said road at a point measured along the road from the entrance gate of Henry s Moat Scnool house, in the direction of Maenclochog of 100 yards or thereabouts. 1 „ r>th To continue the said cast-iron water main-Aqueduct or conduit from the ato/esaid Maenclochog Road for a distance of 1216 yards or thereabouts, through certain lands, the pro- perty of Mrs Caroline Gertrude Robins, situated in the said parish of Henry s J.iuat, and County of Pembroke, and known as pj.'lj' & xithe^ Description of Land. Known as :Yards lineal.' Name and address of occupier. Map. Mountain Pasture Mountain John Jenkins, Pony bank. .>-0 Pasture Parc-o-flacn-dryws 8l>*o ditto ditto l Arabic and field road Parc-y-pisfc o-i'o ditto ditto } Pasture Parc-canol ISO'O ditto ditt,> (Utt0 J'arc-y-delvn ZK'-i John .James, Djifryn. 346 |pai-ture and field road; Pare-pen-feidr tiifct? dltt? 377 Mountain Pasture, Gwndwn Gwyn. loO 0 ;Margaret John, Leimndb oil. Total 121<)-4 „ +1 n Mvfvnf- bv means of au Aqueduct 70 yards below the Southern end of the Reservoir, .and terminating at the dam before mentioned, situated upon the property of the said ^Oth To lay the^before mentioned east-iron water mains beneath the roadway, or alongside the various County and other bridges along the roads mentioned, from Slade to Cornwchwr, and ■ic-oss the Bridge of the South Wales Railway at Clarbeston Road Station of the said Railway. Planp of the proposed undertaking are deposited, and may be seen at ad ica^onable hours, ft the Offices of the Town Clerk of the said Borough in Main-street, Pembroke, in the said Borough, and of the Engineer, W. Barnes Kinsey, Esq., 48 to 51, The Exchange, Southwark- street,"London. TTTT r A T O. ILU IAl, Town Clerk of the said Borough of Pembroke. Town Clerk's Officcs, Pemhrr-ko, 5th April, 1882. -4' A Great Benefit to Fanners. We think the time is come when everything used on. a Farm should be sold at the very T cvest Price consistent with Quality and mode of Payment. The reduced prices at which we sold Odam's Dissolved Bones and Superphosphate last ..ave universal satisfaction. Wc have now great pleasure in stating that we shall this '■ni«nirph,ir",e Trx SIIIIVI,TXOS per TON Lkss than last year for Dissolved Bones but the Snneil)ho'si)hate will remain at' the TIIEX Kkdttckd Puicr. As to Quality they stand well •» -hist all the Manures of the day wherever fairly tried. The < Prince Consort's Cup value Guineas «>iven bv Her Majesty the Queen, for the best Root Crop, was won by Ennuis who used^Odam's Manures hi 1880 and 1881—against all others. In this district nriv refer to results at our Annual Fat Stock and Root Shows.—It was estimated that the winner of the Silver Cup last season grew 33 tons of Swedes per acre with Odam's Manure Oxi v no Fold-yard Manure being used.—Swedes grown with this Manure carried off the Ch amnion Prize in the Yard against all other .Manures: numerous other cases might be given. F ACT S ARE F A C T.,S \nd worth the consideration of Agriculturists in the present day. As to mode of payment relating to Manure— not to our General Trade)—Ave give Credit tin January. 1883. but not beyond that time at the Low Prices charged—Wc charge 5 per 1 't '(m overdue Accounts, and when longer credit is required we shall be glad to know be- k<m(j au(i iuake a special contract to meet the case. Our object is to meet all as far as *C,. }nit we must IVKKI' TO a l!rij;, and not allow those who pay promptly to jiay extra f r those who leave their account too long. If payment should be made before May ist, Ave talJ 0^5 per cent, being really uu 1 Equal to about 11 per cent, per aimuin. If paid before July 1st, 2.V off. If paid before November 1st, 1-1 off. mis adapting our terms equitably to all. AV are open to make Special Contaacts for Cargoes on Cash lerms or Credit. V.'e Old Manure, left, but have just discharged a Cargo l-lo tons in fine condition, inother Cari>o 160 tons is on the way—and arrangements made for fuither shipments as the seaso^atlAmict^ quoted,- wc mean at the Stores, Old Quay, which will be the only iu futurc. We can manage to deliver direct from the large ships small cargoes oil the sunt. ^th()ut extra cost, if orders arc given early—andvre shall be pleased to deliver over- land at a moderate extra cost according to distance. QUALITY REMAINS THE SiME, ALTHOUGH PRICES ARE LOWEP. A SIL VEil CUP5 value £ «» Ôs, will be given as usual for the Best Swedes grown with this Alan ure. NITRATE OE SODA Has alwaA'S entailed on us a slight loss, and the Price was not always satisfactory to oiu Buyers- the quantity required in this district has not allowed us to go in for a Hi", Lot. Wc have always bought guaranteed within 5 per cent refraction, had it double bagged, still ofter 'had loss in weight, a»d paid Cash, all reckoned up, have left us without profit Avlien jiaidfoi to us at Xnias. We shall therefore not keep it in stock, but in future if any of our friend,' will pay us a SMAT.l Commission for our judgment and care in procuring the right articlc a' hnvest "Cash Price, Ave shall be pleased to do our best for them. "Wherever you bin-, get j I guarantcccl Analysis. j We hope to put before you some rare Bargains in Clover and other Seeds by and bye. AVe are buyers of all kinds of Gram at Market Prices. A\ e cannot give more than W' can <vet for it, even if you buy Manure. Our small profit on the article will not allow it. I ° ELLIS & COMPANY, Jahuary, 1882.. HaVCrfordWCSt. i NOTICE OF REMOVAL. Mr Helyar SURGEON DENTIST, Has removed from No. 3 to No. 7, Victoria Place, Haverfordwest. Feb. 8th, 1881. -i Et rf" xi R u FIP. rr,,i ilfl d, v iv- Bi:as rtffi ctfnlly 10 amiouBce to -t:, ji bl « t! a be has taken cnt an A UCTIO.,Y, AND APPHAISFWS LICE SSL. Surveying and Auction OSioes HIGH STREET, f AYEI;fli;DWE: T. "137 MOSES & SON, Tailors and General Outfitters, MIXORIES and ALDGATE, LOXDOX, I^OiiAVAltD Patterns of the NEWEST MATERIALS F and Design.■, v. itSi List and easy rules for sclf-me^suro, post free on iijuilication. A PEPiFKCT FIT GUAlfAXTEED. s Parcels of 40s. vaiue free to any Railway Station within 100 miles, and of .€) value or upwards, free to auy Railway Station of fJrcat Britain. SUITS from 30s. to Sis. 1 TROUSERS ,,1:8. 6d. „ 21s. BO'i; SUITS „ 7>. Gd. 45s. OXLY A1)!)REHS— [213 MINORIES end ALDGATE. LONDON. T>UM:\IEL\S NEW lI.\i!MONlI';sr TUTOR. V, fl (ii'i-nr. rain? iiavc li"cn l>"«:o\ve<1 npon tli.r. ,1" tviid. r it. what a Tutor oturlit to ),■•. viz., intcrcstinir Sn 1-li" "nosur jV'Av' V:.<'7"n" ''L'ti"" F- 1> EST and Comfort fur the EYES.— ECLIPSE" *•' I A.M1' SHADE. Siiado-.v fall? on the Eyes without darkening ni ro.». ,iinr.lc free fm- ]'oft.:iI Order—Oil, ts. t;d • Ras. Is 3d. jli .niiKN. I'ifiil,-e. l)niiiv;r<-r. r2r„ RUSSIAN" PI i I (Ki. A" COMFREY.— G rowin^ 0T1 wnt-in-t yi-Wiifr 100 to 150 TONS TKR Af'BK of lilc (• I." i*. I-N !• t) >111.1!. It; increases he Milk of (lows, keens Horses in siileiida: ecnt and eoimition, mid wi:listnnds drouelit.a. i} 'ir"r ''n!lv;i f 'il'i i'a'd at ."is., lo?., an(i Is.B.—Orders :!ii:oii;uniK to sent c:irrin.e paid.' Avoid spiu-inns varin ies .,r ('unifrry. apt to purge cattle. I'lios. funis rv A- Co.. 1.V-. Venelmreli Street, London. [273 ROSS'S T) OYAL I^ELFAST^ IKGEH AN-n XVAERATED.0 WATERS,\JTIRFI iNil .Sold by all Pirsf-Class Dealers. inLLHIlL/. [347 THE DIAMOND OIL BLACKING Is spwially prepared for the People, recommending itself. It has beer aeknowlcnged for years the best kind for preserving and imparting to leather n brilliant jet-black polish. Itlins nmneroiis imitators, but continuestooutshineihciiinll. Ask forthe original and see you get it. TRADE MARK. W. BERRY, Manchester. A (SENT AND CANVASSER WANTED.—Good SIILNRY FIND (1<)irmii?,«ion to an Insnrnnco Agon!. A<1<1IVF,C — IMTOVINPINT Assorr vrrox, P. 102. No. LNM)»NRFV St.. T,MN<LON.!2GS IMTOVINPINT Assorr vrrox, P. 102. XI). 1m. LNM)»NRFV St.. T,MN<LON.!2GS To Clean All Kinds of Plate mid Jewellery. A U R OGENTINE. Of .Icv.cllor.s. &c.. 1, and Mi ])cr T)oi-tle. p;9 A>,T,S' ]'ASSAGES.—For lowest Fares U and [iillestiDforniation apply to Messrs. Scwelland Crowther, 16. Cock spur Street, Charinj? Cross. Canada, £ i 15s.; United States, dC«; Australia. £ 13 l.'ls. llrishane, £ 14 14s.; New Zealand, £ 15 15s.; and South Africa, £ Ki 1S3. Sliips providing food. [193 BILLIARD & BAGATELLE TABLES. A LAUGH STOCK of NEW and SECOXD-HAXD TABLES always on hand. WRITE FOR TRICE LISTS. G. EDWARDS, KINGSLAXD ROAI), LOX DON, [85 THE ORIGINAL DEVONSHIRE SERGE. rriHE STRONGEST FABRIC PRODUCED A for Gentlemen, Ladies, Boys, and Children's wear ijeiuTalir.in ffnvy Blue, Black, and Ili i tures will bear exposure to It.-u'n aud .Sea Water without damage to Colour or Fabric. Write for i'aUeni- to P O P H A JI R A D FOR D & (J O., PT,Y3IOTTTH, DEVON. PC DUMB CHILDREN Taught to Converse by Word (If Mouth. Thorough Education and a happy Home. Defects of Speech treated.—Miss Hovi K..1, Nottimf Hill Sq., Londoll, DAVIDSON'S PAPEH FELT, for laying under and sanng Carpet. j Sold by all Paper Merchants, Ac. [2r):i "jVHERVOUS AND PHYSICAL DEBILITY. -A- I -A gentleman, having tried in vain every adver- tised remedy, has discovered a simple means of self cure. He will forward particulars to any sufferer on receipt of 9 stamped and directed envelope. —Address Mr. SEWELL, Brook Villa, Hammersmith, London. [211-1 ISLAY NVHISKY. W. & ,1. MUTTER, Bowmore Distillerv, Islav. Counting House: 41, Ann Street, Citr, Glaggow. The above Whisky. to be had by ordering through Wholesale Hongcg and rirokorg. [332 UNION LINE. APE of GOOD HOPE, NATAL, and EAST AFRICAN STEAMERS.—The UNIOr, S. S. Co.'s MAIL PACKETS sail from SOUTHAMPTON every alternate Thursday, and Steamers in the Intermediate Service every alternate Friday, all leaving Plymouth the next chy. Apply at the Company's ORices, oriental rise, Southampton or 11, Leadcnliall Street, Lo.>don.[lS ABERDEEN GRANITE MONUMENTS. f, £ 5, c.-irriaee uaid. lnyeripMnns .-iceurate and beautiful Plans and prices from .Ions \V. 1.kh;;r, Senlptor. Abenleen. [270 SAL1ION TROUT, AND FISH OF EVERY DESCUl PTIOX can be c.-ir,ht in imnieiise qitaiil it ies with the Chinese, bait, lied ('hing (StinkiniMilatLviiO. Fish smell ¡lll'1>t:l long distance, and attracted by s brilliant, colour and puntiencv take it v raeionsly. Sanijile suflicient t. take a bnsliel of lish seiit f0r 13 penny stamps..Iri.KS Co.. Importers. Southampton. [?5J PHOSPIIODONE. — The Beverage of Health. Of nud tMnnfr., n. u: SKrxxT'ii. ftxetcr. HOMCEOPATHIC For Stone,|HOME HOSPITAL, jNci-vous and other affections of the T'l-uiarr Diseases Of Systeni. Stone cured in a few days without cumin- pain.-or danger. Diseases of the ■Rlndflp-n /in i'11",1'11'1',?' I'roslate cured in a few weeks. XJidU-LltJl \±±1 indoor l':il u nt>, I wo ',s wtvkly Out- f botn Sexes), -|lJ'I"r,lll;r particulars write or apply to Dr..?OM-:S, dnviif-r ]»n>uvs!onnl HORN^, nt 15, and Wt-IWk Si rc(^.Loi:don.•:]even till One dnilv uesdny nud Kndny e\ce|-lcd). ]{eiK>ri of ?uc- "PrnQfcif <;5'sf,nl i*ei'or<'n<*os to Patients. jriUoiicil'L-, A >»<• or 1;o?ni'i or in'1 imer ('Imsscs. [MO HARPER twi:i,i<rrim-:ES' new STYLE JLi. VILLA WA.SIIKI!, WHI:\(:n:, and MAX<3U?U is the only machine in the world v.'hich entirely dispenses with rubbing and l)OiItiitr. I'reetnal. Oirria're paid. Easv terms from •' ii weel;lv HAIU-KH TWKI.VCTI! I:S. ,S I. rie^bin Y r.ivenienl. !.■ ndon. KFJHR DR. SCOTT'S BILIOUS & LIVER PILLS. il^Y'-cVvull;1,: errectual remedy for all liv. r complaints They create appetit", promote diTestion, and 6_trenptlien tlio wjiole nervous DR: SCOTT'S BILIOUS & LIVER PILLS 'T^ '"valuable as a family aperient and rreneral medicine alike for bell, sexes. They cure headaches, eiddiiu"? co"- t mil 'S!I'SoHon, and ll-itiilency, and may be taken at all nfftM'fe;; coU1-and n'^irc»» J>R: SCOTT'S BILIOUS LIVER PILLS 81w111ù, hc> ,cpt. 1:l'a<1. at ha,<1. a do, of :J¡H'ril'l1t !HCÙ;c't.c notice.—-boine unscrupulous persons for tlie N,fce of milkiult a larger profit, m y try to pers ade you to buy sonv _.on preparation of their own. J)o not do so, but iti-itt. on ;vu)fr DR. SCOTT'S BILIOUS & LIVER PILLS, which are wrapped In a square g.-< en package, and sold at Is. 1^1. and 2s. (HI. a box, (if all Clienii.-is, or by post for ^gip^gjlie Proprietor, W. LA.M DKlt' lra, «,ymour ttTUOlSl <K SliAltJli AUOixOIN UUMirAiTI (Limited), Crown Court Buildings, Old Broad Street.- Best medium for disposal of all Stocks and Shares not readily marketable. Auction Sales every Tuesday and Friday, Two IJ opened for the .fortnightly ssttlement. [H2 FERGUSON'S COMPOUNI) GLYCERINE BALM. «B sif The he«l preparation for beauiifyinp the Complexion and Keeping the lland« sivft and white. An infallible enre f-r Chaps and ltouirlin<>.<>$of the Skin. Kemove* Eruptioas, Sff Hlotchcs, Freckles, and Tan, restores (he healthr action or gvA the Pores of the Skin, and gives to the most sallow com- |IB I'lex ion n. natural and healthy appearnnee. Pries 1# or three B a in one, Sold by all chemist*& .M-edicina VenuoM, See m mtlio name Kerguson, Chciuisl, Leeds, on cncli holtt<K«th*r- wi. 1t. B 111)1 Tcnnlne. [345 WATCHES, Excellent Silver, Gent's sire, ill- each. Silrer Alberts with Appep,dit- to watch, 10/6 eaeb. Eleetro-Silvor Ten and Cofrec .Service, j-ii inside, beautifully ohased, from 20/ win eTchanifc for liriter net aijprored. Spoons, Forks, &c. Illustrated Catalni-m.' frei JAMES SIUMOXS, Lfl, Uudley Street, nirminu'liain. Ksla.Vlisheil ls. A BERDEEN GRANITE MOX U^Ten, fr<Ii P»W. Inscriptions, accurate and bcauHfu: nana and prices lrom J. W. J.errt-'c. Sculptor. Aberdeen. A STHMA, BROKCHITIS.—These dreadful scourges at OIK < relieveu by smoking "LOBELIA CIUAKETTKS' ''('< free for lg.Sd., from T. IJ. Batemax, Kilinmi, London, K.W DELICIOUS RASPBERRY BEER, Sparkling and KITerver. tins. A Packet makes 83 Half-pint Bottles. Sold by chemists and li-oce-s. Sent, post free 5 stamps by F. I!IRT>. Chemist. Coycr.try I^DUCATiON.- ONGAR GRAMMAR SCHOOL, 20 miles "j from Iiondon'.—Specially devoted to Mercantile Education A Preparatory Class for Little Boys. Twenty acres of ground. Pure milk from dairy farm. Diet unlimited. Locality healthy. Prospectus should he seen for details. Terms very moderate. i'ee'.i.- met in, ~d seen off from, Lou dor,.—Principal, tor._er.Ainc. T-VTJJA BUBBEB, IfAMK STAMPS, with Ink :?riil.Pad, 5s, ID J- bo r.oninlete; to mark Books, Pajiers, Linen, Price List {r0 V,r. WA 1!1), Maker, St. Mary's Panv, Ilirminjliam. -i\.Lo ui. AiU- Vivir e'ien y 1'■ t:i.ioh_ilt^e.i"i n'-i l els cJ_i^U. PL A as AND BASN SRS. ,1Ti\ (tf Si iU *«)!.(> H rSMNTE t>. I'Hi M fn \*r! T'! !•• .r .• ,n- :i! ii •: o!t;5l]' ii'P. Htw! V'lrll! »rk '• :i'»s '1 jK-vif' r }-r5.i».»M oy liu.c x; ^r -■ >j».rri; vC' 'jhi'rK.visrK. u. u rj'wr-K;FUE,^15B.ing nr.-n. !1 to 13"), Howlnsl: 3utts, T-oiaok r*AY3V'AT3R lflj D3P05rT0RY.-Pii''i.iture, &< n o a«d Stored, (ioeds ';e ire.i Im.n I) >cl; liaihvay's, & ji MI;I AI s. Address—M;mai:cr.i<'ii"eiiN_l[d.. P. svyat.-r, S&i §• jr'ffl' "PQSrriVELY CURED. «* 5^* g,, is PAMrtti.KT. I'osr K«- K, Id. Jy» fill ssf f r & co., I'd y I 5 S Sir &» 1 3%r';on-3n.H:Kaiar. » a *■ ■ .vTT a"IV.I I I I TH3 FLORENTINE EL -Gflti'J HAIS. BS,fc?SH, 2s. 3d. ■:< 4= :;d., ."is., as. •! 1., .i'. !)-• '■» p 'sr free THE ELECTRIC TOOTH BRUisII, l-H^ 2s, j«I f.1^ u id I.rodtice i'ea:y leel lt and C.11 c; V. 'ae-'ia .O.-J.o" itiaiups.—K. Ul'riSiOh, Agent, li, 1}iches St.. Cii» li^oad, hondon^V T GUARANTEED PURE. FRY S FRY'S COCOA EX TRAGT. I Pure Cocoa only, the superfluous COCOA aoMM^tSiievs, Awarded to J. S. I'll r ,t; SOX,S. _U76 SEA k_7 SAKT in y<"ur fv :*y lU'nciit.^ and refrcbiiins. Hi Packets, l.Jd'. per Imiti.f Ciie;i:i.-ls..vc. [186 L. RYAM. MERCHANT TAILOR AND JIOVS OUTFITTER. 36, GRACECITURCif STUEKT, LONDON, HAS the I,\RGK:S'r S TOCK of CLOTHING IN LONDON The Newest Fashions aatl Choicest Designs. SPECIALITIES IN }!KVS SPITS 2?.s. to Sis. D.r, ))o. ill) V S" sri r.s (is.lo'JIs. JJo". Do. s:N(;l.K i:i;Mi:Satvarioiii jriceS fo At p N' ,Y o t, r Ik x I) t,, MEN'S "WORSTED COATS AND V K<T.S 2.">s., :ys„ and 42s. MEiS'S SUJl.MKH OVEliCO.VTS l-> Ikl. to av«. HATS, CAPS, HOSIKRY, :nd OUTFITTING of cverj description. A Saving of Five Shillings in the Found effected. Plate of Fu Ji inns and l.hl of Frim Frc?. Close nnSutunhig. [1SJ t5EAL SCOTCTI" TWKF.IV SAXONY OR CllEViofs Xli (guaranteed;. — Ciiy Direct lrom the .Manufactiireis. Aej length cut. Pattern, free.—II ogg liros.. Sellc-lv, X.j*. T FY OUR HAIE, i ^AV E AX, USE I BHEIDENHACIl'S MAOH8.VIUNE OIL. Ono-SjiilUnj?; or tlircc boUlivs iu one, 's. I5d. 157B, New Bond Street, London. Sold everywlu-ro. 1181 Aberdeen (iranite MONUMENTS, fi-om £ 5, carriage paid. Inscripti'ins, accurate and beaul.Tui. Pian8 and prices from J. W. I.e:ire, Sculptor, Aberdeen. [1. 0TTLE1) alu1 Tj;iv>U<-0 in 11.M. Customs Bond JJiIIl V JXiJit Warranted Pare and nb>sur<4ely fret from Fuse! 'Jil. rv ■ The only Whisky certified by the Public Ijeiiume Analyst otOubUn. 40s. per IJox. Distilleries: ¡,cixlip, near Dublin. Irish, Whisky. TUt0031 ;)1, Qucou Victoria Su'c"" nVTONARCH LINE-OF 1VL LONDON to NEW YOUK.- I Class, £ 0. Special attention to coir -Apply to Jqmx fAUon. Jan., k CO r SAM HE L THOMAS, HIGH STREET, HAVERFORDWEST, Is now showing an immense variety of -u NEW DRAPERY GOODS The Latest Fashions in all Departments. 1 -t i t1 r n11 D J T I O X T O W H I C PI A 1 /t oi Ladies I. Lsters from 2s 11 eaeli. i, Children's ditto Is to 1.5s. t 1: Old, Is n-!<i-28 lId, »»* 3: lld. 2 -Black Quilted Skirts 2s lid, 3s lid. and -is Hd Dress Stufis 4kl, 6M, a ul upwards. AVmseys 1M to Is. AU Wool Serges l(' £ d. -Coh)icdVch-ctcpus,nI! shades, at Is 91,1 Black Velveteens Is Ud, Is lid, 2 ("d, to 4s 6d. t it L V II E A P E 8 T E V E E O E E E 11 E 0. Men's and Roy's Ready Made Clothing. Men's Colored Shirts Ix, is 6Sd. is lid, 2» 6d to 2s lid. special; ei 1el'vfifli'kl'ts 6<1, 3s 3d. 3k 11.1, -Is lId to 1racl.. lotn .litto ( Jnrpo svsc) ,)8. 6s 3d. 7s Gd to 10s 6d each. Browll or ditto 2s 6d each. Scarlet Yorkshire Flannels 9M upwards. Ditto Saxony ditto 8M, Is to Is Ud. White Welsh ditto Is 41 d to 2s. Plain and Stripe Flannels G'.d. 8.U1 to Is. Twill Sheetings (2 yards wide) GAd, 8.UI l(«d and Is. THE ABOVE ARE SPECIALLY SITfED FOR CHARITIES. .£111 Charities supplied at Wholesale Prices. 84 Ilai s-VMVEr< THOJfAS, Iligh Street, Ifovcrfordwost. PRICE LIST OF AGRICULTUR AL SEEDS. SEA sox 1 88 2 IteKm IWc ««« Jmjwwd direct from St. v«r Kb, 18 5 '« 1 ««,• S IWnal liyo CW v<-rv choic. M g 0 IK te '• -'a. 6 0 1),. -5 11 T-* Do. is r ^°- I)o- Do. 1(5"" i n 1^0. Do. 1)o (. 4 0 ery tine Xkw Red Canadian Clover 6 Do Yearling Seed G*(1 Per X r.w English lied Clover ]^ £ d Pcr ]h Do. J)o. Cow Grass l)ev Yearling Dutch Clover 8kl per ll> New Alsike 8Ad per Do. Trefoil 8d per 11> Do. Extra Fine duality' ;5(J Per m Do. Rib Grass 1(1 Per 1]) Do. Spring Vetches 2~?,d per il> Skirving's Swede Seed 1)CV Norfolk Green Gd pcr ft> Do. White (kl l)er Long Red l)er Mangel Wurzel. Gd per ft Orange Globs? 6(1 l)er lb Yellow Globe Gd per lb Gd per lb il'il\MS. Payable next Xnias: -j per ce^t interest -.ft- T allowed if lMid l,rf„,e M„v 1 if EiT sow#n.onk™iU i>bovc annot then engage to execute orders at the Prices. °nC ormore kinds, we We have used our best care to secure reliable SEEDS and to the i i i ■an strongly recommend them to our Buvers, but wc do #1 knowlc%c nay ])revent a good Crop when Seeds are good. oU.uantce, as so many causes ELLIS & COMPANY Haverfordwest, Moreh 17th, 1SS2. Xox i:.—A few very small Lots of Old SEED to he Sold Cheap. SPRING § SUMMER FASHIONS 1882. GREENISH & DAWK INS fTAVi; luuc^ l)1(iasuro. in ^niioimeino- that tlicy are now prepared to ^Avr/iiTT1? inspection numerous representations of the LATEST pi in Loxnnx, I)-UUB, and for the coming of SILKS, 8ATIXS AND VELVETS, u Amara^t special fast pile YKLVKTEKXS. 1)re,s Fabric, in all the Prevailing Text a res. AX1) EXCiLIRII riilXTEI) SATIRES, IX A VAPTETY OF CHOICE EFFECTS. Millinery, Flowers, Feathers, Ribbons, &c., &C. Fanc>/ Straw BmmeU and llaU, in all the -,You Hhufns. XEW STYLES AX I) MAKES IX LVCES AX I) TLMMAILXFIS. The Millinery & Dress-Making Departments Are presided over bv young Ladies of gmit o.xperioiKc, su,),„.rti-l l.v'-in 1 st(fft) ot, Assishmts, and can gnarauteo all orders boino puiuhiallv cxecutal m tlie latest .style at ^trietly moderah^ eliarges. LADIES AXD CTIILDREX'S PLAIX AXJ) FAXCY II08IERY. Brussels and other noted makes in Ladies' Kid Gloves, mf/i 2, 4 G ]}idiom U3IBJiKLLAS- AXD Sl XSIIADEs fN CHEAT VARIETY. I -L- I FAMILY & C()MPLIMENTARY .M()I |}V^<; QKDj j^ -01 !COMPLETED WlTII KCOXO^IV AND J'UOMlTITt i)]; commerce House, PIav6rfbrd"W6st April, 1882, E ST A B L I S H E D 1 8 2 3. THE OLD IRISH WHISKEY, AND FOREIGN WIXF 4xrt SRIKIT STORES, EISIIOUAKD. GEOLLGE BENNETT WHOLESALE AND HETAIL WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANT "RKGS to,thrnk,,he 0c,v' ;hc TniiU'' 'md ,h° ^Ac kw support ti,ov h,™ JJ Slvca t0 llls for so long a period—nearly sixty years —mi ht i faithful execution of their orders, to merit a continuance of "their ivitvnn 1<r)pe'S1 a age of adulterations and shams, when so many spurious {„ul i,i±Wi' r S°;, 1:^10.lpsoiit shipped to this country, it requires all the skill and knowledge of old -nwl0^ aiu.Sl)lnts «^C merchants 111 the selection of stocks, to ensiur puritv and <>r>od oumIi'i, t-M)CTlcl,ced \vii 0 iug at the pla.ces of production from first hands, and attending Derson-iP^V11^^ 1n!y- of the business, and consumers should look to the respectability -ind tl/ 1 i v details tion of the Wine and Spirit Merchant Avith whom thev do business -isT bhshcd rel>uta- tliey buy is of the best quality, and at the cheapest rates. grantee that what The far famed choice OLD IRISH WHISKEY, of special clru-ut i been so long known throughout the country for its perfect purity .NUI IAGE' WHIEL1 LUW as for its being an excellent and imaluahie stimulant, is still SUIU; A ?°MENESS' AS WELL .'His per do/en bottles containing two "allons. His stoVk of Wi, 'J ^I L)ER gallon, or some very rare "TS ;UUL SP'NT^, consisting „F OLD SCOTCH AVULSKKY, MAIiTELI/S HEXXFSSY^ EUANDIES. XICIIOI.SOXS CELEBRATED J^XDOV ,-iv' t & BR0WN HOLLANDS, OLD JAMAICA HUMS, POETS AND SHFP* Ij £ "KUYIiEE'S VINTAGES, CHAMPAGNE. SPAEKLIXG Afn^rr r T1 RIE8' 01' APPROYEB MABSALA, fo- HOMXU., HOCK, CLAEETS, J\IAR,SAI.A, &c" &c" is extensive, and in quality and flavour, such as L. ALL WINES -AXD SPIRITS K EXT C K 11 T I p f r. 1 1 T "tllOATIOS • 15Uguard, Jnuiuu'v, 1682. 0