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Plå No. HILL SIRBBT, HAVBRFORDWKST. aNoporte TUNING AND REPAIRING. M;-tssFls WESSON BROS., 1 Of firm of ^ANIRI, WESSON A SONS, ™AllOrORT £ MANUFACTURERS* ^OJOHD-ROAB. KBSWSH Tows, Losoor » and {fRl,AT OHARLHS STKBBT, BiRWtrtariAsc, tuning and repairing of Pianofortes a'a>*s, and Ama-'loan Organs, in all its To supply th<; great w:\nt of a first clas*, 'Uneri &c., which lon^ been fe't by the °f the surrounding country, one will remain permanently in Haverford- K ^f«t DANE & 30 NS celebrated AMERICAN ORGANS. STJMMOlTrS, Guilder and Contractor, N, 1/ L F 0 R D- II A V j J N JR. Lectures to Young Men II.\ppn HEALTH, ITS RESTORATION, AND l<ivie Y MARRIAGES.—When o marry, with OUt e to those who contemplate marriage, pointing impediments which render married li^e 8h0 PPT. and directions for their speedy removal, k;lllh bereadbJ oil who value health, strength, and ti,te °°d, and wish to attain a nappy old age.—Post receipt of two stamps.—Address, Secretary, of Anatomy, -Birmingham. fO NERVOUS SUFFKRERS. fhn REAU rni5 "SRCUHT FlUKKD." J. IS Wonderful Medtcal Guide not only gives (he but "hows how a permanent euro can be of 8 i n all casee of Nervous DeMlity, bepreasion pki 8pirjt, Timidity, Impaired S'glu and .Memory, l^e back, Lifsitude, Spcruiatorrhwa, 1m- ]#^ Ah vS ,0 M«rri»tei Stricture.Secondary Symptoms, 61- 8, *et)eifal Dixf»He', without the Ufe of Mcrcury. i 'r)n5 experience in the treatment of al! ^etj "leases has enabled liirn to treat the raoit ^Ofjj ,*tc cases with marked success. This Taiuitble "utuj THE SECRET FH1END," is illustrated with t|«H>jr)°1'8 ca»e» and testimonial* from Patients ex- "°red deepest gratitude for hating been re- To i»? ^6R'th and manly vigour. t t> niarr'<'tl an(l -*• i•1 g e this book is invaluable. B* ,rce secure from observation on receipt of tflrnpK. ^rn.L Address, Dr. 3«rnee, 1, Lonsdale Square ury, London, N. |\j» J^portant to Country Patients. JJ j ■ARNES may be consulted pe tonally or by ?f'he k er' 'n pi i'ate and confidential cases and °Mi of Nervous *ufTerers who cannot visit Vo, wiil,°n receiving a description of their jaes, 0n giveia stamped envelope for reply, be relltly to opinion upon the nature of the case, and tho tllte, es of treatment necessary to crtect a perfect DR. BARNES, 1. Lonsdale Square, "fio"* N. THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE/1 ,i World" FAMED WORLD FAMED •hrjrade Mark,—" Blood Mixture." BLOOD PURIFIER A.ND REBTOREB. ^K^118'11^ clenrirg the blood from all SSL500 highly reccmmende^. fu^ SScnrvy, Skin Diseases, an* Bcrw el an « a neror-failing and pemanent care, cor« Old Ber». „ Ctires Uleerated Bcrrw en the aeok. Oarcs Ulcerated Sore Legs. Cores BlftekhenAs, er Pimplceoa the rIA Cures Scurry Bores. Cures Cancerous meers. Cores Bleod and Skin Diseases. CuroB Glandular Swellino. Clears the Blood from all import BttMT, Aa ft, wh*terer oatise arisin!?- BZ ^store Is pleasant to the taste, and warranted free » rth)n* tujnrloua to the most delloate constitution of H MK; Proprietor solicits sufferers to glre it a trial to lvalue. ^5'^saHeli «f Tntimoaials from all parti. Vcg .J* Bottlea 3/8 each, and in Cases, containing fit luanttty, lis. each—euflldent to effect a per- i»TWlre in the great majority of long-sUndinp ca«*> tkroni;L CHEMISTS and PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS the United Kingdom and the world, or sent to any PmeT tof 80 or 182 stamps by 1', J, CLARKE, Chemist, High Street, Llneola. j ^Wholesale AU Patent Medteine Houses. » Impurities of the Blood. th It as are valued at tho humblest hearii* Si^Ucrt.' ln th" h «'«'- "f comf .it and lrcalth. They work » P^nfination throuirhout tbe vholft witaout the natu-fll j\ct">n of anr orgu\t and eradicate 44 tprrqg of .ts which con-is" tens of theusandsto ik7 Brave, ^cu-tis, Diphtheria, Coughs, and Cold". N at, are more r. ((pen' :atl few more dangerous to ections of the re^!>ira:ory orcans; no condition girec S^lto^01* f*ta' niV.alic? th, i Simple Cold." The first f? the* 'Hay always be rein^. t ^7 these renowned Pills, reai'"dy th«! st.' ^a'.ion of blood, moderate th* (V^JL ^reathin £ \-d eir>.hL i -wind-pipi- nnd lungs to per« functio. NN. AVU rf ,Tulnvity. They *LW, by ih? tWf*ikan-e ttie b:oud from aU impurities. 'tify the system ig«iust Couf"\mptioa, Asthma, ana ^nionarj- compbunt- ^Uityj XJQ35 of Appetite, Headache, id Lowness of Spirits. till* -will, in j. ft-Tr days, r fleet a truly wonderful >a Debilitated Con^itutions (nc nntter their exciting 2" L they ere iite a healthy appetite, eorrcct indices- t 'T° exfei"! of bile, over, nine giddiness, confusion, «toUaei10' a"d aU tho 'e :;louiny forebodings arising fitna a °h or rlNor'tcred Jigci ifn. The Medicine for Females, Young and Old. overcor. ing all ob .tiuclioi.s and restoring suspended K^reis no medicine to he cnniparcl these Pills. k^Mn- y slop ed as the one 91 mnl remedy foy Female fM ai!nH thp.v Tills rannot IHil, ^reiiRtben the system, j*jo to!^ys Mir; abft'it. vha'- i* rcqui.' c<i. Tq ftma'e' entering ov at the. turn <f l.fe, they ave invaluable, t??rfoct ^re-^nwrd rg. inst ":r p.y, headaehes. palpita- sepeH^carti and all nervous ;iff'e'xns often distressing at ^Plaints Incidentat to Children. c.ugh, menslo. scarl-itina, fevers, and "U to 'w 'he i-kin, may be immediate!v cheeked, and soon these purifying l^ilis. mother should bo witli- w 0ne- tT0' or th:ee (reduced to powder), mar be with Hie certain'y of doing gectt. Hervo-as Disorder. w* ^a^getnen' ef the nerres etfectfl aisa^troasly bath J *nd th» mind. To the nervouf invalid these Pills ara e°essity, a< ttey impart tone and vigour t > tho internal 'and consequently t) the nervous system which per- stvW« ,Conne'"t< thi-m nonce their marvellous cures low spirits, »<aR»s fl's, nervous twitchings, ana ^tsd wmiplaiat,. ——————————, PP. aye tlie hf i* ivmecty kmi&n in the world JW the following ditcasea :— gJQjjjj. JTtartaehe Secondary Sjanp- K'>4HS(V Iiidigc-tion toms v^tch^y^^plaints Liver Complaints Tic-Doloreux >J'1 the Skin feumba^o Ulcers K^Uitv Plaiats l*i'es Venereal Affections Rheumatism "Worms of all kinds eN t Tiete-ttiun of Urine "Weakness froai IP., t,Irr'etU- SCrl"UlzL, or Kind's whatever cause, „ Evil &c., &0. °ut aU kinds Sore Throats Stone .and Gravel S^aL" Ointment a~e sold at Professor H0110*at'S Oxfird Street, London: also by nearly Ve* v«r of Medicine throughout the Civilised Pots, at Is. ljd., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., lis., 22s., v The smallest Box of Pills contains four dozen; full pri* lhe smallert Pot of Ointment clie ounce. be ^ireetioas are affixed to each and Pot, and in any Lianrul«%ge, even in Tiydskf AftM Jio in Arrufcaisai. Pei-slan ,or Ckme-^fc. Kh klyitop ^yioe can be obtained, free of charge, by ^oili j^e ab°ve address, daily between the 41 a 4, or by efter -ç "Ipswich may be described as the birthplace of Chemical Manures." /m JOSEPH FISON & CO., IPSWICH, MANUFACTURERS OF t^rio Acid and Chemical Manures, CQUADTYl (One of the oldest Firms in the trade). F. J. SELLICK & Co.. Corn and Butter Merchants, Quay Street, Haverfordwest, I Have been appointed Agents for the sale of these celebrated manures, which will be delivered free of expense to any Railway Station in Pem- brokeshire in quantities of not less than 2 tons. The undermentioned Brands are very strongly recommendca EXTRA QUALITY CORN MANURE, DISSOLVED BONE SPECIAL TURNIP „ SUPERPHOSPHATE These Manures have been found not only to produce a large yielu, but also to improve the quality of the crops for which they have been ap- plied, to strengthen the soil, and to benefit succeeding crops I zn tion Full particulars as to prices, &c., may be obtained upon application. to the above named Agents. WORKS Ipswich and Bramford. HEAD OFFICES: Eastern Union Mills, Ipswich. PICTON HOUSE, KLA VERFOLLDW"EST. t r INAREPSUSE E. E. LEWIS CABINET MA KINGMAND UPHOLSTERING WAREHOUSE. ESTABLISHED 1 8 3 2. FURWITUHE OF EVER? DESCRIPTIOIT- A LARGE assortment of Carpets, Mattings, Floor Cloths, and Damasks, Hair and Spring Mattresses, Feather Beds, Brass and Iron Bedsteads, I 01 the newest designs. Gilt and other Mouldings, Black and Gold, and Brass Cornice. Paper t) Hangings in great Variety. Several Remnants of Carpeting at Reduced Price. FUNERALS FURNISHED. -I IMPORTANT NOTICE GREENISH & DAWKINS 7 Having just completed stheir Annual Stock Taking, consequently have thrown out A QUANTITY OF REMNANTS And other Goods too numerous to mention which they intend CLEARING OU7 Al AN EUORMOUS REDUCTION, 1.1 LESS TSAlT HALF THEIR REAL 7ALVB. All will be marked in Plain Figures, and ready for Sale On Monday next, 10th inst., FOR FOURTEEN DAYS ONLY. The Goods are various, and will be put up in different Lots so as to effect AN IMMEDIATE CLEARANCE On Monday next, the 10th inst. and following days. ESTABLISHED OVER 160 YEARS. U Upper Market Street, Haverfordwest. JAMES DAVIES, (Tate Baillieu lad Davies,) LADIES' & GENTLEMEN'S BOOT & SHOE MARE IN returning thanks for the patronage bestowed upon him and his late Partner, begs respectful' to announce that he is prepared to execute all orders in Boet and Shoe Making in tb » newest styles, and at moderate prices. J. D's Goods are home made, and employing only the most skihul workmen, the workman- ship can becguaranteed. 1 Repairs Neatly Executed ==-==-=- FIRST CLASS ILLUSTRATED GARDENING PUBLICATION. Published Weekly, Price 3d.; Post free 33d. THE JOURNAL OF HORTICULTURE COTTAGE GARDENER AND HOME FARMEU, A Chronicle of the Homestead, Poultry yard, Apiary and Dovecote. OOHDOCTKD BY GEORGE W, JOHNSON, F.R.H.S., AND ROBERT HOGG, LL.D., F.L.S., Assisted by a Staff of the best writers on Practical Gardening, and numerous Amateur and Professional Correspondents, eminent in the various departments of Horticulture and other rural pursuits connected with the household. This long-established and widely oircuhiting J jurnal consists of thirty-sii* page3 of letterpress, with oooasional supplements; and isfiohly illustrated with wood engravings in the highest style of Art. The subjects treated on embrace every department of Gardening, aDd Raral and Domestie Economy. The Horticultural Department* treats of all out door and indoor operations of the Fruit, Flower, and Kitohon Garden; embracing the m»nager»9nt of the Stove, Greenhouse, Conservatory, Vinery, Pine-stove, and Orehavd-hoase; ind the cultivation of Melons, Caaumbere, and Mushrooms; Forcing both of Fruit, Flowers, and Vegetables; notices of all the New Fruits, Flowers, and Vegetables Arborioulture, and more particularly Fruit tree Caltara and Pomology Landscape hardening and Garden Architecture deforiptions of all the newest inventions in Garden Structures, Tools and Implements; and a detail of work to be done in each department during every week in the year. In Rural and Djinestio economy, it, treats of the Farm And Poulfry yard Allotment Farming; the Diiiry; the Pigoon house, and Rabbit and B'J8 keeping; the treatment of eoilt-, manures, croppiug, and rotation of crop«. Brewing, Wine making, Vegetable cookery, an! the preserving of fruits and Vegetables. Natural History and Bjtany, so far as they relate to Gardening and Husbandry, are ample treated on. and embrace Zoology, Geology, Mineralogy, Meteorology, and Physiological, Structural, Systematic, and Popular Botany. Biographies and Portraits of the most celebratod Horticulturists. Reviews of New Books relating to the above subjects; Raporn of Horticultural and Poultry Sacieties' Meetings throughout the country and Scientific notices. To Advertisers the Journal of Horticulture will be found a valuable and effective medium from ts ex- tensive circulation among the middle and higher classes. Terms of SubeoripUon-One Qairter, 33 91: Hslf year, 7s 6d Year, 15í!, JOURNAL OF HORTICULTURE AND COTTAGE GARDENER OFFICE, 171, FLEET STREET, LONDON, F.C.; And to be had of all Booksellers and at the Railway Stalls. ESTABLISHED 1812, H. AND_1\-PR0CT0R AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTS, CATHAY, BRISTOL, ORIGINAL MANUFACTURERS OF SPECIALLY PREPARED BONE MANURES, FOR GRASS, CORN, ROOT, AND 3THER CROPSj ALSO BONE SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. WORKS,—CATHAY, BRISTOL. AGENTS—Mr G. Griffiths, Win Merchant, Pembroke Thomas Parker, Cardigan J. N.Evans, Aberayrcn. Full Particulars with Prices, Post Free on application. Depot for British and Foreign Bible j&oc'eti,, Agent (by appointment) for W. and A. K/Johnson's Maps, Atlasses, &c. LLEWELLYN BRIGSTOCKE, Bookseller, Stationer, and Bookbinder, 7 MARKET STREET, HAYERFOBDWEST Has now on liaud A LARGE STOCK OF BOOKS Selected from the Leading Publishers. Also a great variety of FANCY GOODS. Comprising Ladies' and Gents' Tourist bags, Work Boxes, Desks, Tea Caddies, &c. Pianofortes & Harmoniums for Sale & Hire, A good Harmonium, Five Octaves and two Pedals, in Mahogany, at Six Guineas. W A TC H B S, C L 0 C K 2, J £ W EL L E R Y,&C XT. NESIJIT, Opposite Railway Station, Cartlett, HAVERFORDWEST, BEGS to announce that he has beenappointed by Mr S. H. La Trobe, of Bristol, liis agent for the sale of watches, clocks, jewellery, &c., or this district. Any articles in the trade supplied on the best terms, and repairs of all kinds executed with promptitude and at moderate rates. Gold and Silver Watches replated. W.N. begs also to state that a Watch and Clock Club will be formed at his house on Saturday, the 27th instant. Terms on appli- cation. E S T A 13 LISHED 1842. JOHN ROB INSO N AND Co, BRISTOL, Continue to Manufacture High Class MANURES Including CORN MAN U R E, With Non-Volatile Ammonia, which will be found superior to Guano, while the price is lower and less per acre required. DISSOLVED BONE Consisting largely of fresh cattle bone. SUPERHOSPHATE, GRASS, MANGEL, And other Manures. ALSO LINSEED AND COTTON CAKE, From aeed as imported. Apply to JOHN ROBINSON & CO., BRISTOL OR TO THEIR AGENTS, Mr Jessie Harvey, Kilpaison House, Pembroke Messrs. R. & J. Jones, Haverfordwest. Mr Thomas Jones, Miller, Pembroke. dTNNEFORDS For over Forty Years the Medi- IV Eb I cal Profession have approved It#I m. M I 1 4. J'1 of this pure Solution as the ■ w ■ » » m best remedy for Acidity of the • Stomach, Heartburn, Head. D N EFDR aciie, Gout and Indigestion; wdfeMS* I til 111% 1 a^d as the safest aperient for §Sggf|j £ A | r,fcUIU I delicate Constitutions, Ladies, r Afi M E CTfl I Children, and Infants. SOLD BY CHEMISTS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. CA UTION.-See that" DINNEFORD & Co." is on every Bottle and Label. I Watches! Watches I Watthes I OLD ESTABLISHED BUSINESS OF THE LATE Mr. JAMES BEVANS, Watcumaker, High Street, Haverfordwest. J. H. ASHTON, § (Late of Bridgend,)] Having taken the ab'&ve has alwayain Stock a large assortment of Watches, CLOCKS JEWELLERY. ELECTRO-PLATED AND FANCY GOODS, Together with a variety of other articles usual to the business of a Watchmaker & Jeweller. 0 J. II A. respectfully solicits, in aldition to orders for above Goods, all kinds of Repairs, which will be well and promptly executed on the premises by experienced workmen at reasonable charges. GEEEN & J 0 H N, WHOLESALE AND FAMILY GROCERS QUAY ST RE El HAVERFORDWEST, AGENTS FOR LAWKS' SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIM LAWES' PATEKT TURNIP MANURE, AND LAWES' DISSOLVED BONES. PER U V I A N GUANO. A QUANTITY OF MANURE SALT FOR SALE T A TVRT^ it m Are §Tranted by tho JLJJIVJL.1 JL/ A g e n t-G eneral for South Australia to all er sons approved as suitable, who are in sound health, and have not previously resided in Australia. They must pay their own passages, and proceed DIRECT AT)T^T? D t0 ADELAIDE, South Australia, If JLt;_LJ Jji JLV an(^ reslde in the Colony for two years. WARRANTS VSr* £ 2 0 Forms of Application and other information may be obtained from THE AGENT.GENERAL FOR SOUTH AUSTRALIA, 8, Victoria Chambers, Westminster, London, S.W. CHARLES E. ALLEN, J,adies' and Gentlemen 6* Boot Maker Prize Medals at the Great Exhibitions of 1851, j 1862 & 1867. TIKEIEJ G-OJLITD MER A-Mi 1870. 1 PRINCES STREET, LEICESTER SQUA E, LONDON. W. S CARTS, WAGGONS and every description o 1 agricultural implements, manufactured by the Bristol ( Waggon Works Company, supplied by R. & J. J 0 N E S., AUCTIONEERS, APPRAISERS, &c. OSices 4, High Street, Haverfordwest. C WATCH AND CLOCK: MAKERS TO THE QUEEN AND ROYAL FAMILY, And by Special Appointments to H.R H. THE PRINCE OF WALES, H.I.M. THE EMPEROR OF RUSSIA, THE MAHARAJAHS OF BURDWAN & JOHORE PRIZE M DALS—LONDON, DUBLIN, & PARIB. BENSON'S WATCHES GOLD AND SILVER JEWELLERY. Of every description, suit- able for all climates, The Latest Fashions. from 2 to 200 guineas. CHRONOGRAPHS, BRACELETS, CHRONOGRAPHS, BRACELETS, CHRONOMETERS I BROOCHES, KEYLESS, LEVERS EARRINGS, LOCKETS, PRESENTATION, I NECKLACES, CHAINS, REPEATERS, RAILWAT RINGS, STUDS, GUARDS', SOLDIERS', AND PINS, CROSSES, ETC. WORKMEN'S WATCHES OF ALSO IN DIAMONDS AND EXTRA STRENGTH. PRECIOUS STONES. I BENSON'S Workman's English Lever, as above, zC5 5s. (Warranted.) BENSON'S « Everybody's Silver Watch, Crystal Glass, as above, £ 3 3s. (Warranted.) BEN SON'S CLOCKS SILVER & ELECTRO. Of all kinds at 1 to 1000 PLATE guineas. For Presentation, etc. CHURCH, TURRET, DINNER SERVICES, CARRIAGE, CHIME, TEA & BREAKFAST SERVICE, DINING & DRAWING ROOM l CRUETS, BASKETS, HALL, SHOP, INKSTANDS, CLARET JUGS LIBRARY, BRACKET, ETC. SPOONS, FORKS, ETC. ( BENSON'S õI EARLY ENGLISH Wood or Olmolu Clocks, decorated with Blue China, Wedgwood, &c., from 95 5s, Made solely by Benson. BENSONS' ILLUSTRATED N-EW pc\M: PHLETS ON TURRET CLOCKS, WATCHES, CLOCKS, PLATE, AND JEWELLERY, SENT Post Free, 2 Stamps. Watches sent safe by Post to all parts of the World. Watches repaired by skilled workmen. Plate, Jewellery, Watches, bought and exchanged. Mer- chants, Shippers, and Clubs supplied. Steam Factory and City Show Rooms LUDGATE HILL, LONDON. West-end Establishment— JFY, OLD BOND STREET. Established 17-1 Accidents Occur Daily. 1 CC I DENTS OF ALL KINDS Provided against by a Policy of the IAILWAY PASSENGERS ASSURANCE COMPANY. rhe oldest & largest Accidental Assurance Company THB RT. lION. LOUD KINNAIRD, Chairman. IUBSCR I BED CAPITAL £1,000,000 ANNUAL I.\CUME £ 214,000. A fixed sum in case of Death by Accident, and a SVeekly Allowance in the event of Injury, may bo lecured at moderate Premiums. Bonus allowed to Insurers of Five Tears' Standing £1,350,000 have been paid nE COMPENSATION Apply to the Clerks at the Railway Stations, the Local Agents, or 64, CORN HILL, LONDON; WILLIAM J. VIAN, Secretary Agent for Haverfordwest; Mr fl. BARHAM, Raiiway Station. A Marvellous Remedy for Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Asthma, Bronchitis, Consumptton, and all Chest Affections. PECTORINE Sold by all Cheirists in bodies, at Is lid, 21 9d Gd, and 1 Is each. 1 Sent by the proprietors upon receipt of stamp*. From Iter. J. SIONEHOUSE, St. Saviour's Vicarage, Nottingham. August 1874. DEAR Silt,— lean stronply reconmend your Pecto rlne as an invaluable Cough Remedy. I have given i a fair trial in my own family, and have also supplied it to persons suffering from Cough in my parish, and in every instance it has given immediate relief. I a soua.! cas-es, after passing sleepless nights, one or two doses 0 ?lhe Pectorine havf hud such a good effect that per- sons have got a gor night's rest hnd the Cough has Deed ily d isappeareu. Mr A. BOLFE, St. Ann's Square, Manchester, sirs:—"lour Peclor inf: is superior to any Medicine have ever tried for Coughs or Colds. ECTORINE -trrB the worst forms of Coughs and Colds "ECTORINE curee ix jatseness PECTORINE gives immediate relief in Bronchitis PECTORINE is the best medicine for Asthma PECTORINE cures Whooping Cough PECTORINE will «'ure a troublesome tickling Coaxn. PECTORINE is invaluable iu the Early ftt tgesof Con- fumpiiOii ?ECTORINE relieves all Affeclion Ti the Clmt Lungs, and Throat. Prepared only 7 7 SMITH CLARKE, Mantitactu- ring Cheiuists, Pa.j¡: Street, Lincoln. A»* Vice Chancellor Sir C. Hil granted a Dorpelual njunction, with costs, ag^.nst F. Mason, Chemist otherti.im, for using the word I Pectorice., Sold by T. M. I hilltpB. chemist, Ca tie quare fl.av5iford«esi. STIFF'S STARCH. Is warranted FREE FROM ADULTERATION. MESSRS. STIFF AND Co,, however, cannot guarantee any Starch to be their manufacture unless the Box or Packet bears their Trade Mark, "QUEEN BESS." Dr ARTHUR HILL HASSALL has Analysed our Starch, and reported it to be a pure, genuine, and well manufactured article, and equal in every respect to the Best Stiffening Starch he ever examined." The accuracy of this high testi- monial is confirmed by the steadily increasing demand for our manufacture. STIFF AND COMPY, 29, HEDCLIFF STREET, BRISTOL. GEORGE J ONES, Auctioneer and Valuer, HAY, CORN, <§• BUTTER MERCHANT COMMISSION AGENT, &c., NEW DAIRY, JBUDGE STREET, HAVERFORD WEST. I R. MARQUIS MACKILLIGIN & CO Importers of SHERRIES, PORTS, &c., CELEBRATED OLD HIGHLAND WHISKEY IRISH WHISKEY, LONDON GIN &c. Offices Vaults 65, Feuchurch-etreet, Lortbi*