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^NDARDLtTBlUCATING 01 LS COM P ANY. JILTED, 95, CANNON stri*:et,;T.OM^ -E.C. CONTRACTORS TO HER MAJESTY'S GOV- ERNMENT. I/L descriptions of lubricating and wool oils, abr • J8Ving 51 per cc,lt '.vantcd at home and °'id. Full particulars on application. T HENRY DUNCAN, General Manager. CERTAIN CURE FOR CANCER. JOHN GRIFFITHS, of Goree, C'amrcse thif 1 Haverfordwest, begs to make known fill 1 c»res, without, purgical operation, t.lifit dreao- tor'yer of human life, the Cancer. inference* jU,j'.er8ymen, and others of the highe.->t respectabiliiy, •^testimonials on application from persons cured. \Ye wiH attend at the Queen's Hotel, JJaverford- lYk every fortnight, commencing on Saturday, i*ruarv 22, 1879. Jan. 1879. TOWER HILL, HAVERFORDWEST. pPRICE JND RUSSELL, ENTERS, GLAZIERS, PAPER-HANGERS AND GENERAL HOUSE DECORATORS. All kinds of Glass at moderate Prices. TO FARMERS AND OTHE S. l'nE SOUTH WALES LOAN COMPANY A RE prepared to make advances in Sums from k.5 iu„ to £ 1000 upon furniture without removal, farm- diL? k °nd crops, deeds, bonds, leases, jewellery, Pav °D{'S' l''ate and all other valuable securities, to Of) writs, rents claims, &c. Apply personally Jj- ) letter to the Manager, I, Seline, Head Office, 39, 0D,r'-Str«;t> Swansea, or at the Branch Office, near!y fofri>slt'e the Hush Inn, Upper Market-street, Haver- L, Attendance at the Branch Office, Haver- •' everi' Wednesday from 11 till 4 All com- V^i'P^ions strictly confidential. Repayments in fortnightly, and monthly instalments. TOIAILI>ORTAI,T NOTICE.—Furniture &c., delivered frca Railway Station. A new ll.ustated Triced Lift The largest and most varied Mocks in Londcn 0ne! from at very rcduced prices. Members of ro- Nyt^e societies should inspect theTi.—W M. W AIN K, hou, 08a'e> Export, and General Furnishing Ware- 131 to 139, Newington Butts. MR. HENRY HELYAR, L.U.S., May be consulted as follows MoNniv I At Brecknock House, Tudor Square, J Ten by, from 10 to 4. ^CEsmv At 13, Lower Meryck Street. Pcm- J broke Dock, from 10 to 4. ■J^er days at 3, Castle Square, Haverfordwest. SUN LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, LONDON.—ESTABLISHED 1810. Je^^ipation in Four-fifths of the Profits every Five An* °r>tion at each Division of Profits as to the [4) er of receiving the Bonus. Ijj!Premiums for young lives. er of receiving the Bonus. Ijj!Premiums for young lives. tiQjj ei ew Prospectus will be forwarded on applica- J. G. PRIESTLEY, Actuary. AGENTS. PEMBROKE DOCK-MR F. TREWENT. s^_PEM BROKE—MR JOHN BUTLER. fw ESTABLISHED 183.5. J^EKL'S GOUT & RHEUMATIC PILLS The SJoj, Cure, May toe obtaii e<l of NEWIIEHY :wul U 1! "ARCLAY and SONS, ard t il Chemists, in hoxo-, vis 9d., 4s Gd., and lis. I' fr»e for o.u Afh Stamp, Prepared only fyFif/tK W. STKE/ 283, Liverpool Road,' ,ondi..i, X. SALE OF TIMUER. fW MR WILKIN BEYNON V. announce that he has received instruc- ?HVvns *rorn Gapt Hassall to Sell by Auction at ^ori l^ASTON, ill the parish of Hayscastle, on o £ y' Feb. 24th, 1879, about 300 lots of LARCH V ^fi-UCE POLES, also SYCAMORE, BEECH, Th e. Poles are of excellent length for ladders, W gll)g nearly 40 feet. The whole of the timber is 'I'hr^ access* ''•S^ Inon^s' credit, subject to conditions of sale 'T^Persons attending the sale are respectfully ted to bring no Dogs with them CHAIUTY COMMISSION. IN l^8 matter of the Foundation in the Town of \i VERPORDWBST, known as the FKEE o SCHOOL, and in the matter of the En- Schools Acts, 1869, 1873, and 1874. is HEUKBY GIVEN that the Chnrity Com- ^bo»8,le,8 'or England and Wales, acting under the Daine<i Aotf, haTe prepared the draft of a schemc An* fut^re administration of this Foundation. •ehoj. °bj«ctions or suggestions respecting such '*r> n 8^°lld be addressed in writing to the Senre- tv Commission, Whitehall, London, S.W., ^int l5t.h of AruiL, next. copies of the scheme will lie for publio in- bit offioe of the Charity Commission, Mr T a^ore88'd, and also at the place of busir.es* "TTJJ HARKIES, printer and stationer, Hi«h- Dr' *erf°rdwest. Copies may be purchased at enoo eacb of Mr Ilartios, or on Rppli- Ba'^ Secreiaty by letter enoloiing sis Postage stamps p>-r copv. 7tb t- (Signed) D. C. RICHMOND, "•h-uary, 1879. 5f. 1879. ACKP4OLE FARM, PEMBROKE. TBAT SPLENDID ENTIRE HORSE TOM KXNG, Will The Propeity of the Enrl of Cawd' r, terl(e a limited nnttbrr of Maies, at f2 2t. each Qr. ^ee*> 2s. 6d.. to be paid at the live of eer it ?' lbe Horse's Fees at ot before Midsummer next jjj^'hargid foi collecting. All Mcxce tried lo b l1' King is a tiih bHy, riting 4 yfisrs old ttnnds *Ut. w, °a"ds 3 in<be» hi^ht rn worder/ul good leg?, *« V 8r> boneatd hair, and with tplerdid action. Y>0' ^sr' EUenncrr, WorsJey IJaJJ and was **U.bat celebrated hi'rce Horest Tom, cut cf Lord fine mare Gip*y. Horest Tcm won first 'he R.jal Agiicultural Society's Show, 6 Se TK,Ucce"i"1- f]< nrsi T(in wosby that noted (of Mflrcb) hy Irglie's 'J hurrper, (of ""eM n^°n)' by Stewart's "Wnjor," by J'urren's u. by "Goodman's" Honest Tom .During & ^onD ^'n8 attend a iNarbertb, Wiston •'•rfordwest. For d»jm of attendance, apply to MR ICANDLISH, STACKPOLE FAHM, PEMBROKE. lltb, 1879. y. R. r. ARMY C.O N/T R A,c T S F- (i»EllS will be received at the|undermentioned w'W. Ce» until 12 o'clock Noon, on the 25th • for the supply of COAL and KINDLING °*H 1J for Military Services at the following places, 1 April, 1879, to 31st March, 1880. .1 £ 0(3IQ. WESTERN'DISTRICT. n rllltol anù H orfield "Point, and the several Forts forming N.E. 6 a from Laira to Erntettle I i»L0nP°rt, Plymouth, and Stonebouse o JfpJ^er an<^ Topsbam £ "'Port (Moamouth.)—Menmouth k Pwlholm nobrolte Dock.- Hut and Defensible Barracks, h JW?,ter N-E. and S.W. Toners li k & St Catherine's Fort, Tenby N'ennis an<^ Mawes j« o^bolas Island, St.addon Point and Heights, Sta rtoford an<i Picklecombe Point SJ^Rock, Popton, H libbers ton, South Hook, lli ihorn Island, Dale Point, Block Hous# and is &fi5r" IR T6-RAJ^E« Scraesdon, Maker Barracks and b ? ot>bts, Cawsand and Polhawn an(l Conditions of Contract. Ap- aten>Uantities, &c., may be obtained on appli- tij i^^issn'• 8 by Letter addressed to the Senior W J1^ Officer, or in Person between the hours ^8 jjj j o'clock, and no Tender will be entertained nPon 'be Form so obtained. up ?u the printed Forms must he propprly u' 8lSned, and dated, and no Tender will be CW delivered at the undermentioned Office, r, bef0envelope, marked "Tender on the out-, ot0n.: e 12 o'clock Noon on the 25th February. Office, Sw > George Street, Devonport. 4th February, 1879. fiAYERFORDWEST. TO To GUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS desirous of Contracting with the Trustee ^°bn Perrott's Charity, for the takinp of the Two Dwelling Houses in H'» ^aT«rfordwe6f, ocoKpied respectively by '*nt> Bs Niohola», hairdiesser, and Mr Tht mas Ta,°bniaker; and f< r the Erection in the S 5 0°PB.f NEW P0ST 0FFICE AND TELE- ,.sP*ci« ,1CE, according to the elevation, plans, Arcva,*on8 thereof, to be in.ipectfd ut the office ^'r Thomas, in Victoria Plaoe, from the l;t to the 14th days of Marcb th 6en t!"e hours of 10 and 4, are invited to ^^dersigned on cr before th« I6ib day of the*' ^tn'ed Tenders specifying the sum at '11 be willing toexeiute the eontraot, f 'n^ei'8 f°r f03' Office,' and giving WM ftXM ,Wo 'esponsible sureties to be approved i. te#a for |j,e ^uc fulfilment of such con* *• ^0 not bind ibemselvos to Bceept (be ,ny Tender. sender. 01" B, order of the Trustees, n HENRY DAVIES, CLEBK. o » H^Terfordwest, February l&ib, 1879, f LLIS'S ROOFING FELT, the best and cheapea. Wnfarproof Covering for all sorts of Sheds, Out Ruitdngs.Hayand Corn Ricks, &c. Sold by ELLIS i Hid Co., Manufacturers 23, Strand Street. Liverpool Also Sheathing Felt, Hair iioiier Felt. JAMES VAUGHAN, HAKII, BULFORD-HAVEN, Kuctioneer, Valuer, -and General Commission Agent. The prompt settlement of all claims, and the most imnctual attention to the interest of those who may favour J. V. with their support may be implicitly re ed on. TO BE DRAWN FOR a", the MARINER'S I t HOTEL, Haverfordwest, on Tuesday, Feb. 2o, ¡ 1879: First Prize a COTTAGE PIANOlORJE; Second Prize a very fine toned VIOLIN in case. Is each which may be obtained at WESSON 13iioTHEi;s, Pianoforte Tuners and Repairers, xlill Strt et, Haverfordwest. MILFORD HAVEN, No. 17, HAMILTON TERRACE. 'PO BE LET the above Commodious House with t Drawing Room, Dining Room, Breakfast Room, Six Bed Rooms and the usual offices. For further paiticuiars apply to E. Eaton Evans, Esij, Solicitor, Haverfordwest. THE TRAVELLER'S MANUAL of JL PRAYERS & MEDITATIONS— Price Eighteen Pence. Thanks for the excellent Traveller's Manual.' "—The Bishop of Lincoln. London V. POOLE, Paternoster Row, and all Booksellers. ORGAN METAL FIFES, l'est Quality, Zinc Front Pipes. Articles of every de- r" scriptiou for Organ work, Voicing and Tuning. Pianofortes and Harmoniums Supplied. S. FOWLER, 127, Pentonville, London, N. PEMBROKE DOCK-YARD. SALE BY AUCTION in her Majesty's Dock- yard at Pembroke Deck, by order of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, on TUESDAY, the 25th day of FEBRUARY, 1879, consisting of surplus lots of African, Greenheart, Mahogany. Oak, (English, Italian, and American.) Fir, Oak Treenails, about 6 tons of old wrought iron, &c. The sale will commence at 12 o'clock at noon pre- cisely. Catalogues may be had on application to the Auctioneer, and at the Dock-yard. WM. THOMAS, Auctioneer to the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. N.B.- The usual monthly sale on the 3rd of March will not take place on that date-April the 7tli being the first sale after the 25th February, 1879. MILFORD RAILWAY. XTOTTCE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the next iS Half-yearly Meeting of the Milford Railway Company, will be held at the Paddington Station, of the Great Western Railway, on Wednesday, the 2bth day of February instant, at a quarter pa t four o clock in the afternoon, for the election of two Directors and one Auditor, in the room of the same number retiring by rotation, and for the general purposes of business. And Notice is hereby given that the Register of Transfers will be closed from the 22nd to the 26th days of February instant, both days inclusive. RICHARD BASSET, Chairman. ARTHUR CURREY, Secretary, Paddington Station, 5th February, 1879. NOTICE. The Lawrenny Races ARE POSTPONED UNTIL WEDS ESI) A Y, tlie 19th or FEBRUARY, On account of the postponement of the Carmarthen Race Meeting. Entries will now close on Saturday, February 15. After this date entrance fees will be doubled. SUN F I R E OFFICE LONDON. ESTABLISHED 17 LO. HENRY F. SHAW LEFEVKE, ESQ Chairman and Trea- surer. FRANCIS B. RELTON, ESQ., Secretary. Total Sum insured in 1877, £ 254,303,317. Claims paid during the last ten years, upwards of Two MILLIONS STERLING. All information respecting Fire Insurances may be obtained from any of the undermentioned Agents of the Society. AGENTS:— Haverfordwest Messrs. Goode&Owcn. Fishguard Mr .Tames W. Quilter. Milford Haven Joseph Whicher. Narberth Thomas Lewis. Pembroke William James. Pembroke Dock and) Francis rewent. "New Milford f Pembroke Dock Mr J. ler i'enby Mr John Phelps, 22, Victoria Street BOROUGH OF THE TOWN AND COUNTY OF HAVERFORDWEST. FAIRS FOR 1879. THE FAIRS f ir 1879 will be held as follows unless unforeseen circumstances shall make an altera' tion necessary: — JANUARY Tuesday th FEBRUARY th MARCH 18'h APRIL 15th MAY 13th JUNE, for Wool and Stock, 10th JULY 15th AUGUST 2nd SEPTEMBER Saturday 6th Tuesday 16th OCTOBER Hiring Fair Monday 6tb Tuesday 2ht NOVEMBER Ilib DECEMBER 9th The PIG FAIRS will be held on the day after the Cattle Fairs. Dealers and others attending the Haverfordwest Fairs are hereby cautioned against the practice of Lacerating with a Knife or other Instrument for the purpose of Marking any Animal; and NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, under the Statute 12 and 13 Viet.. cap. 92, all Persjnsfound Lacerating any Animal will be liable to a Penalty of FIVE POUNDS, JAMES PHILLIPS, Mayor. .————.———————————————T——— -.——


