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No. 16, HILL-STREET, HAVERFORDWEST. PUNOFORTE TUNING AND REPAIRING. MESSR.S WESSON RROS. Of firm of 1J A N I E L WESSON & SONS, ..PIANOFORTE MANUFACTURERS- J> L\SGFORD-ROAD. KENTISH TOWN, LONDON and TT GREAT CHARLES STREET, BIRMINGHAM, jjn'ii*rtake the tuning and repairing of Pianofortes j armoniums, and American Organs, in all its ^ocbe^. To sii[)ply the great want of a first class, ^a-ctical tuner, &c., which has long been felt by the th tY,,tn(i Gentry of the surrounding country, one the firm will remain permanently in Haverford- Seuta for DANE & SONS celebrated AMERICAN 1 ORGANS. ir. STICK 2 ITS, Builder and Contractor, Ii A KIN, MIL FORD-HAVEN IIUNTj"R'S Special T,Pcttires to Young Men zf on I1KALTH, ITS RESTORATION, AND "AI>PY MARRIAGES.—When 1o marry, with ice to those who contemplate marriage, pointing certain impediments which render n.arried life s? aPPy> ai)d directions for their speedy removal. Quid be ratd by all who value health, strength, and and wish to attain a nappy old age.—Post j ee on roceipt of two stamps.—Address, Secretary, ^itute of Anatomy, Birmingham, 'm- 1\1 AEHYOUS SUFFIRHUS. RFAI) I fiE "SECRET FRIEND." J^HlS Wonderful Medical Guide not only gives the e« cause, but shows how a permanent cure can be 0f in all cisee of Nervous Debility, Depression p Spirits, Timidity, Impaired S'gbi and Memory, p6j.ns in the baek, 'Laesitade, Spermatorrhoea, Itn- *&H A n,s ,0 Marriage, Stricture,Secondary Symptoms, l)r AH Venereal Diseases without the ns-e of Mercury. 8r rtrnes's long expericllce in the treatment of al: iuV 1 Diseases has enabled him to treat the most erilte cases with marked success. This Talualde «iUn "THE SECRET FRIEND," is illustrated with p8j l.Cro*>8 CH»e» and testimonials from Patients ex- ),#rUr'S their deepest gratitude for having been re- •1,e<' 10 hiaith and manly vigour. her)t the tuarrird nnd single this book is invaluable. post ,rce secure from observation on receipt ol *° stamp-. Addrese, Dr. Barnes, 1, Lonsdale Square artl8b«ry, London, N. Important to Country Patients. 1)4 BARNES may be consulted pe sonnliy or by I fjr,, 'tter, in all pi i >ate and confidential cases and kjjj, benefit of Nervous sufferers wiio cannot visit f«el'0 e w>'d» on receiving a desciiption of their jase, g|Ve a stamped envelope for reply, be ready to Ptju_•18 "Pinion upOB the nature of the case, and the care 'P'es o' treatment necessary to effect a perfect Address, DR. BARNES, 1. Lonsdale Square, ■'bury, London, N. **0n THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE. WORLQ9 FAMED [?niiiin,M>:«iii;ta Trade Mark,—" Blood Mixture." GRKAT BLOOD PTJBIFIER AND RESTORTR. Ci^ariFing and clfHriiig the bleod from all impurities, Fn* ,>c to° liiglilv recommended. kin,! Scrcifuia, Scurvy, Skin Diseases, and Sores of all "■ is r. never-failing and permanent cure, It cures 0U1 Sores. Cures TTlreratrd Sores on the Neck. Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs. Cures Rlackhcr.ds, or l'implcs on the Face. Cures Scurvy Sores. Cures Cancerous Ulcers. Cures D'ood and Skin Diseases. Cures Glandular Swellings. Clears the Blood fruiu all impure matter, A» »v. Fi'fm whatever cause arising. th'S mixture is pleasant to the taste, and wrrranted free «th*ranW'»* injurious to the most delicate constitution of W u cx> the Proprietor solicits sufferers to give it a trial to s value. thousands of Testimonials from all parts. li^ in Bottles 2/6 each, and in Cases, containing six s the quantity, lis. each—sufficient to effect a per- by 'int cure in the great juniority of lonp-stand )ig cases, Vii J CHEMISTS and PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS uShout the United Kingdom and the world, or sent to any E'g on receipt of 30 or 1stamps by F. J. CLARKE, Chemist, High Street, Lincoln. Wholesale All Patent Medicine Houses. Dll 0 Sv L L-5 -77- -+- Impuiities of the Blood. 4', vi or" vul led at th" humblest hcartbl 4ese l,i;l, as in th- h ue- of c-.inf.rt and wealth. They work a puri titration tW.shmit the whole sy^em, without rinS 'lie natu-nl act <m <>f uiv or^an, and eradicate C Wrms of e m; l; „;t< whkh consign tens of thousands to rv grave. fo*icu'tit», diphtheria, Coughs, and Colo, i rj scr.5°< irf in-ire f (ijU''n' ;cw more dangerous ci* tins le-nirat,tv oreans; no condition givec •fcj* in0icf,(tt: in I!« H-> th-' ► •• Simple Cold." The first th s m 'y :il\viiv< lt.< i-ciiiv, the<e renowned Pills, quickly li-ii- ly ib st .i.n.rm <.f blood, moiljrate tha breathiiii. 1 er.i-l.. ;nd-pipe and lungs to per- Vip b ii- functioi.•* sua u,ru arity. They also, by til,]''1 -ifviii-jr pr tie t> ii d from all impurities, f -rtifv the -v-ti in ig.iiiist unption, Asthma, and co:n, ^Vilifyj Loss or Appetite, Headache, id LOVlne38 ot Spirits, tii]< "11, i.1I r, for davs, (tl\vt truly wonderful in Debilitated Coii-tilu >ns l.c .n->tter lh<>ir exciting n a« tlujy cnvito a fl. *[•' tifts corrcct indices* C/em V h ie. ov'r .»•».>. giddiness, confusion, Sd ^c'lfiae'ie, a.„l a".t t:e g!omy (••.i-oboOilig-. aiisuig from a '"aeh or di-or'cie i :ige> i->ii. The Med cin3 for Females, Young and Old. v^rM?t otPTco-i ing all ..b-t-u-<*o <* -ul restoring su ponded Vi.K™ '"s, th-io i« II«. ill'' t" to those Pills. Voh^allv a (,.I <-d a- tiio i-cninJy tor Kemale P;a'«it" thi'-e l'iils aiiniit fail. t'l? Hr-tisthen the systpm, hiina aho I'. What i- i" <|'ti -<"« o f.'tna'e' entering TO,, j'lianliiird 'I at :h tuni <.t* i •, they a e iuvaluable, P if e,t -inl c in.it r p.y, ln-'iidae'ies. pal pita' heart and all ut -vous al'^o—ns of-.en Uisti essing at ^°mplaint3 Incldanla-. G1 Children. i. g O. uath, tu-a-'es scarirind. f«-ers, and ii S^r<s ,;f the ,-k n. 1TIV h- iinni. di t'iiv elicited, and soon <"Ut tl l,y the-e pur fill-. N<> 'ther slumid be with- Oi.e. two. or ih ee (•'(•dllf! .J to powilei), niav be 'ohtlv, with '.iio cciia nty d >i^ g >uu. Nervou; Di-ordC-s. derailTe'iion (If ¡h.: Tiorvc i c'lccti both y and th niiii-'). T■> tli'j uoi'vouf inv ilid th se Pill- arn a t^ey iuipi t-Mie. a id vifoar t > th- n'ernal nd coasequeuflv t. the no. OIIH syst.-M which j».r- vsC'^n(i conne !< t'i in iIon c 1H ir nnrvll in cures of )the" low -pilits, a3 U d uv-rvous twitc'uiug-, and 11\\1reJ. cvm.Ü,.L ll' y's rir., „re fl„ b..sf rcmrrhj htow.i in (he world A- for f/ir fo'to'viufi dt HOscs .'— A r>>ilitvlnI,!aiu'.s ^rr^" all kinos •K Headael.e Iiidi(;e-tiMn Liver nnipl.lints l*.■ i iil-a :•> t'ics lilieumalism 1'elenti in o;' Uiine Pci "'ul i, or Kind's Kvil S I' e Throats i Stone ami Gravel Secondary Symp- toms Tie-Dulnreux TJleers Venereal Affections AVeakness from Worms of all kilid 1 wlia ever eau?"1, &c., tea. Ointmeit. a e s >W at, Professor IToi.t.oWAY's v6rv i Ijondou nl^o by nonrly Mil Vcml »r of Medicinc throMghout Xhv Pivi1»s"d to'u "> • r at Is. lid., 2*. 91.. 4s. 6.1., lis 22s., each. 1 he smallest. Bo* of Pi.ls contains four dozen; ^Ull all the smalle-t Put i f Ointment (ile ounce. dir. etions are affixed to eaeh Hot and Pot, anc1 had in any l.tnaua^e, even in TtvkisJa, Arab* Armenian. Peisiau, or Cliiaeso. 13—1 „ Kb yiatT^v'ce ean °^taiae^i ^ree charge, by ,JUfa the above address, diuly between the 0tll d 4, or by etter p PICTON HOUSE, HAVERFOIIDWEST. LE I- E. E. LEWIS CABINET MAKING AND UPHOLSTERING WAREHOUSE. ESTABLISHED 1832. FTNUNTUHE OF ETEB.7 DESCRIPTION- n t A LARGE assortment of Carpets, Mattings, Floor Cloths, and Damasks, Hair and Spring Mattresses, Feather Beds, Brass and Iron Bedsteads, of the newest designs. 0 Gilt and other Mouldings, Black and Gold, and Brass Cornice. Paper n Hangings in great Variety. Several Remnants of Carpeting at Rciucei Price. ;o FUNERALS FURNISHED SPECIALITIES!^ AUTUMTWEAR! GREENISH & DAWKINS, SILK MERCERS LINEN DRAPERS, ETC., ETC., 24, 25, & 26, Market Street, Haverfordwest, COSTTTMZS & MANTLES Of Special Designs, Tress Materials in all the new Fabrics. Troqadero Cloth, French qA Cashmeres, Sheteville Twill, &c. Serges in all the new shades. An extraordinarily < cheap lot of BLACK SILKS, FKENCH & ENGLISH MILLINERY, Felt and Straw hats trimmed and untrimmed in great variety, ULSTERS and WATERPROOF CLOAKS, UMBRELLAS AND FURS, Household and Family Linens, ■ C A. R PET S, D R IJ G GET 8, &c. Family mourning in all its branches. An efficient staff of Dressmakers and Milliners to ex- ecute all orders with punctuality and despatch. ESTABLISHED OVER 150 YEARS. Upper Market Street, Haverfordwest. JAMES DAVIES, (Late Baillieu i.id Davies,) LADIES' & GENTLEMEN'S BOOT & SHOE MAKt IN returning thanks for the patronage bestowed upon him and his lale Partner, begs respectful1 to announce that he is prepared to execute all orders iu Boot and Shoe Making in th newest styles, and at moderate prices. J. D's Goods are home made, and employing only the most skilful workmen, the workman- ship can be guaranteed. Re-pairs Neatly Executed "Ipswich may be described as the birthplace of Chemical Manures x-isrx JOSEPH ETSON & CO., IPSWICH, MANUFACTURERS OF ((^jnTYjSulphuric Acid and Chemical Manures.II (One of the oldest Firms in the trade), F. J. SELLICK & Co., Corn and Butter Merchants, Quay Street, Haverfordwest, Have been appointed Agents for the sale o( these celebrated manures, which will be delivered free of expense to any Railway Station in Pem- brokeshire in quantities of not less than 2 tons. & yfhe undermentioned Brands are very stronyly recommended ==~ EXTRA QUALITY CORN MANURE, DISSOLVED BONE SPECIAL TURNIP „ SUPERPHOSPHATE Theso Manures have been found not only to produce a large yiela, but also to improve the quality of the crops for which they have been ap- plied, to strengthen the soil, and to benefit succeeding crops Full particulars as to prices, &c., may be obtained upon application to the above named Agents. WORKS Ipswich and Brainford," ^HJIAD OFFICES Eastern Union Mills, Ipswich, I N N E FO R D'S For over Forty Years the Medi- [m I- cal Profession have approved llJ I &Jk ■■ Jta% of this pure Solution as the B w ■ ■■■■ m M II best remedy for Acidity of the ._i N k'omach, Heartburn, Heaxi» iPTniNN FPnPfV^.1 rche, Gout and Indigestion; Sm.nT I and as the safest appyient fop I FtUID I delicate Constitutions, Ladies, llATMCCIA I Children, and Infants. WJgOi#V/ SOLD BY CHEMISTS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. SOLD BY CHEMISTS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. CA UTION.-See that" DINNEFORD & Co." is on every Bottle and Label. THOMAS JAMES MERCHANT. OLD IlPilD HAVE LiFORD WEST, Sole Agent for the Ay ON MANURE CO., BRISTOL. IT is very gratifying to me to be instrumental in supplying this neighbourhood with the cele. 0 J_ brated Manures, manufactured by the Avon Manure Company, Bristol. I append a copy ot an extract made from The Weekly kews," October 3lst, 1876 The Judges awarded to Messrs. Peters and Hebiditch, the First Prize ofE5 5s for Man; gohls, which weighed 46 Tons, 8 cwt., 2 jrs., per acre. Mr Hebiditch said that his Mangolds were put in after Turnips lie used the Manure from the Avon Manure Company, Bristol (on)y\ It was therefore a fair trial." T. J. begs to invite attention to his Ftock of Agricultural Seeds, which have been selected with great car. and have been obtained direct from the growers in the finest possible condition. WATCHES, !CL0CK2, JEWELLERY,&G- Y7. NESBI-T, Opposite Railway Station, Cartlett, HAVERFORDWEST, ol BKG3 to announce that he has beenappointed by Mr S. H. La Trobe, of Bristol, his agent for the sale of watches, clocks, jewellery, &c., or this district. Any articles in the trade supplied on the best terms, and repairs of all kinds executed with promptitude and at moderate rates. Gold and Silver Watches replated. W.N. begs also to state that a Watch and Clock Clab will be n formed at his house on Saturday, the 27th instant. Terms on appli- cation. Castle Square, Haverfordwest. THOMAS JAMES, LATE JOHN JAMES JENKINS, j Wholesale and Retail WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANT Established 1830. T. J. invites attention to the following Choice Selection of Wines add Sohits GOOD SHERRY, PALE OR GOLD-from 18/ to 30/ per doz. SUPERIOR SHERRY-from 42/ to 60/ per doz. PORT OF VARIOUS AGES from 18/ to 72 per voz. GOOD CLARET-from 14/ to 24/ per doz. WINES OF GERMANY. CLARET, CHATEAU DULUC, 1870. SPARKLING MOSELLE, MUSCATELL, 1870. SPARKLING HOCK, 1870. Messrs. Feltoe & Sons' Specialite Sherry supplied at the Proprietors1 Prices PURE ROTA TENT OR SACRAMENTAL WIN Mai* sain I BRoefs Champagne ttuvgumly SparlsUng •flosefie FINE OLD JAMAICA RUM. MARTELI/S & HENNESSY'S COGNAC BRANDY Old and Choice. J. and W. Nicholson's best London Gin John JamiesowJs Irish Whiskey. Agent for Kinahan's LL. Whiskey, 38 per bottle •asss. '• ENCORE \VH1SKEY(SC"°" lW*orthinfjton Co's •JMiUi <% Mitter Beel. (Brewers by appointment to H. R. H. the Prince of Wales. QUINNESS'S gXTRA gTOUT. Bass & (Jo's Pale Ale, ON DRAUGHT AND IN BOTTLE. SOLE DISTRICT AGENT 1111NDLATERIS CELEBRATED DUBLIN STOUT. Messrs. Allsopp's Pale and Burton Ales in all size casks and in fine condition. Hill Evans & Go's pure Malt Vineyar p QUOTATIONS ON APPLICATION. Written Orders promptly and carefully attended to. N.B.-T.J. be.-a to announce that he has received a consignment of SAUMEE'S OH.ft.MPAGiq-E^ which he is enabled to offer at the exceedingly low price of 30s. per dozen, case and bottles (quarts) included This Champagne, which is of excellent quality, is the cheapest ever offered to the public. iT STABLISHED 1842. JOHN ROB I N SO NAN D CO, BRISTOL MANUFACTURE manures Of U:gh Quality, and send them out in good condition, at moderate prices, ludi CORN MANURE, which contains Non-volatile Ammonia, with other Fertilizers carefully combined, and may e W safely substituted for Guano. Price, £ 10 per Ton. DISSOLVED BONES MANGOLD & TURNIP MANUPT? GRASS MANURE SUPER-PHOSPHATE And other Manures for Special Crops. ALSO LINSEED AND COTTON SEED CAKES, From feed as imported. Apply to JOHN ROBINSON & Co., BRISTOL Oil TO THEIR AGENTS, Mr Jessie Harvey, Kilpaison House, Pembroke Messrs. R. & J. Jones, Haverfordwest. Watches! Watches! Watches! I OLD ESTABLISHED BUSINESS OF THE LATE g I Mr. JAMES BEVANS, Watciimaker, High Street, Haverfordwest. J. H. ASHTO-Ni-i (i.ate of Bridgend,)'_ Having taken the above has ahvays in Stock a large assortment of vv e lit e s C I o e k s W a telle s, Cloeks, JEWELLERY. ELECTRO-PLATED AND FANCY GOODS, Together with a variety of other articles usual to the business of a Watchmaker & Jeweller. J. II A. respectfully solicits, in a-ldition to orders for above Goods, all kinds of Rpairs, whic will be well and promptly executed on the premises by experience! worktne charges .i7- p Wen erToiTS WHOLESALE AND FAMILY GROCERS I Q UA Y STRE%1 HA VERFORD WEST, j AGENTS FOli LAWKS' SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIJI: LAWES' PATENT TVRNIP MANURE, AND LAWES' DISSOLVED BONES. PER U V I A N G U A N o. A QUANTITY OF MANURE SALT FOR SALE T A IV Tl M, » Are graced by he I i If &JLaL Agent-General fo South Australia toal. persons approved as suitable, who ara in sound health, and have not previously resided in Australia. They must pay their own passages, and proceea DIRECT to ADELAIDE, South Australia, p Ii, I jlj fy, and reside in the Colony for two years. WARRANTS £ 2 0 Forms of Application and other nformation may be obtained from THE AGENT-GENERAL FOR SOUTH AUSTRALIA, 8, Victoria Chambers, Westminster, London, S. W. CHARLES E. ALLEN, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Boot Maker Prize Medals at the Great Exhibitions of 1851, 1862 & 1867. THE G-OTJJD u_LJ-A.Xi 1870- 74, PRINCES STREET, LEICESTER SQUA E, LONDON. W. CARTS, WAGGONS and every description o agricultural implements, manufactured by the Bristol Waggon Works Company, supplied by R. & J. JONES, AUCTIONEERS, APPRAISERS, &c. O Slices: 4, High Street, Haverfordwest. 'K- WATCH AND CLOCK MAKERS TO THE QUEEN AND ROYAL FAMILY, And by Special Appointments to H.RH. THE PRINCE OF WALES, H.I.M. THE EMPEROR OF RUSSIA, THE MAHARAJAHS OF BURDWAN & JOHORE PRIZE M DALS—LONDON, DUBLIN, & PARIS. BENSON'S ) WATCHES Of every description, suit- able for all climates, from 2 to 200 guineas. CHRONOGRAPHS, CHRONOMETERS I KTALF.SS, LEVEtfS PRESENTATION, REPEATERS, RAILWAY CUAUDs', SOLDIERS', AND CUAUDs', SOLDIERS', AND WORKMEN'S WATCHES OF SXTRA STRENGTH. GOLD AND SILVER JEWELLERY. The Latest Fashions. BRACELETS, BROOCHES, EARRINGS, LOCKETS, NECKLACES, CHAINS, RINGS, STUDS, PINS, CROSSES, ETC. ALSO IN DIAMONDS AND PRECIOUS STONES. BENSON'S Workman's English Lever, as above, zC5 5s. (Warranted.) BENSON'S Everybody's Silver Watch, Crystal Glass, as above, £ 3 3s. (Warranted.) BENSON'S ICLOCKS Of all kinds at 1 to 1000 guineas. CHURCH, TURRET, CARRIAGE, CHIME, DINING & DRAWING ROOM HALL, SHOP, LIB BAR V, BRACKET, ETC. LIB BAR V, BRACKET, ETC. SILVER & ELECTRO- PLATE For Presentation, etc. 1 DINNER SERVICES, I TEA & BREAKFAST SERVICE, CRUETS, BASKETS, INKSTANDS, CLARET JUGS j SPOONS, FORKS, ETC. INKSTANDS, CLARET JUGS j SPOONS, FORKS, ETC. BENSON'S "EARLY ENGLISH" Wood or Olmolu Clocks, decorated with Blue China, Wedgwcod, &c., from £5 5s, Made solely by Benson. BENSONS' ILLUSTRATED NEW PÄM- PHLETS ON TURRET CLOCKS, WATCHES, CLOCKS, PLATE, AND JEWELLERY, SENT Post Free, 2 Stamps. Watches sent safe by Post to all parts of the World. Watches repaired by skilled workmen. Plate, Jewellery, Watches, bought and exchanged. Mer- chants, Shippers, and Clubs supplied. Steam Factory and City Show Rooms— LUDGATE HILL, LONDON. West-end Establishment- 25, OLD BOND STREET. Established 11719. PROVIDE AGAINST ACCIDENTS By takinj a Policy of the RAILWAY PASSENGERS ASSURANCE COMPANY. The oldest & largest Accidental Assurance Company THE KT. HON. LORD KINNAIRD, Chairman. SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL £1,008,000 ANNUAL I ME- £ 210,000. A fixed sum in cafe of Death by Accident, and a Weekly Allowance in the event of Injury, may be secured at moderate Premiums. Bonus allowed to Insurers of Five Years' Standing Accidents Occur Daily. £1,230,000 have been paid af COMPENSATION Apply to the Clerks at the Railway Stations. Local Agen-ts, or 64, CORNHILL, LONDON: WILLIAM J. VIAN, tary Agent for Haverfordwest: Mr H. BARHAM, Railway Station. A Marvellous Remedy for Couglis, Coldg, Hoarseness, Asthma, Bronchitis. Consumption! and all Chest Affections. PECTORINE Sold by all Chfitisls, in bottles, at Is ljd, 2. 9d 6d, and ] Is each. Sent hy the proprietors npon receipt of stamps. From Rev. J. SIONEHOUSE, St. baviour's Vicarage, Nottingham. August 1874. DEAR SIR, —I can strongly recommend your Pecto jine as an invaluable Cou-,h Remedy. I have given I a fair trial in my own family, and have also supplied it to persons suturing from Cough in my parish, and in every m-tance it lias given immediate relief. In some ca^es, after passing skep.'ess nights, one or two desoo o "lie Pectorine hav bad such a good effect that per- sons have got a gor night's rest hnd the Cough bag jsueedily disappeared. Mr A. HOLFE, St. Ann's Square, Manchester, "Your l'eclorine is superior to any MediefBel hsie ever tried for Coughs or Colds." ECTORINE "xres the worst forms of Coaghs and "ECTORINE cures Hoarseness PECTORINE gives immediate relief in Bronchitis PEOTORINE is the best medicine for Asthma PECTORINE cures Whooping Cough PECTORINE will cure a troublesome tickling Concn. PECTORINE is iiivaluable in the Early btagesof Con- suiliptios PECTORINE relieves all Affection tl the Chest. Lungs, and Throat. i'repiradonly 1 7 SMITH CLARKE, Manufactu- ring Chemists, Pa:k Street, Lincoln. v Vice Chancellor Sir C. Hal granted a perpetual function, with costs, aghast F. Mason, Chemist our-r'wun, for using the word 'Pectorioe.' I. Sold by T. M. l Uiiiips. chemist, Ca tIe Sanaie tlavirfor.l west. STIFF'S STARCH. STIFF'S STARCH. One trial of this beautiful Starch will prove ts Supe- riority. TRADE MARK. QUEEN BESS, Registered 16th April, 1877. STI FF'S SL"ARCII, STIFF'S STARCH. Sold by Grocers, Druggists, and Oilmen, and whole stsle at 29, REDCLIFF STREET, BRISTOL, .r — GEORGE J ONES, Auctioneer and Valuer, HAY, CORN, 8f BUTTER MERCHANT, COMMISSION AGENr, &c., NEW DAIRY, UHIDGE STHEET, HAVERFORD WEST. R. MARQUIS MACKILLIGIN & CO Importers of SHERRIES; PORTS, &c., CELEBRATED OLD HIGHLAND WHISKEY IRISH WHISKEY, LONDON GIN &c. Offices aud Vaults 05, Feachuich-street, London.