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ACCIDENTS V\ IM. JL\rPLN!! Provide against the losses that follow 1,y taki/lg a Policy AGAINST accidents of ALL KIND.s, • OF THE RAILWAY PASSF.N(!LRS ASSURANCE COMPANY. rhf, Videft, and Largest ACCIDENTAL AWl,L •COMPANY. Hon A. Kumar- M P Vaid up C»pnnl and IWrve fund i.lC.n,WlO. An- nual Income, £ I80()!>0. Compensation Paid £ 910,000 Bonus allowed to ln-nrer* of Five Yf.,nrg' Standing App'y to the Clerks at the Railway Stationf.. the LochI Akcihs. or «4,CORNHlU., & 10, RF.OF.NTSTREET, LONDON WIJ LI AV1 J. VIAN, Secretary. Agent lor Haverfordwest: Mr H. HA RH AM, Railway Station. P EOPl'KS edition NEW SPKCJAL JVIKMOAL WORK- BY DR HENlO SMITH. NOW By poof, in envelope, one slump (to pre-pay poMsce.) Debilitating diskasesj their «jaus kami CJsKK. A WAUKISU VOICE TO Tf OU I H AND NIANIIOOD. By IIENKY SM ITII. M.L) of tilti lto,, "I Univer-ity of Jena, AUlh/lr of "lite Vol- Wrteer's Manna! •'The Warn.nc Voice." &" This work gi»es Dr Smith's Treatment (tJ.e result of I wen'y ?*i* year* special practice) for tlie Lure of all Diseases of the Nervous system, Nervou" Deblli'v, Mental «E Physi- cal Depress-on, P-lpti-tinn of U C H. art. jNo.ses in the fiend & Earll, ln<le«-mnn Impaired :>Ilht and Memory, Indigestion, Loss of Energy. Pr».h )" «•«*.<■ nation. Bln.h.n»r, Hrstrm. Timhl-iy, Self-,1 .hir.. Dizzine", Love of Solitude, ttronmllesH f-eer^. Musc.t 1*r Relaxation, ft. resulting from exhaustion, of Xerve Power, the effect -of Overtaxed hnersiw. Ener- vating Habits, and other abuse* of the *yM"mi wlnc.i, If neglected, en<1 in premature olin« and (l. nth GIVES 1 N STRUCT IONS ANI> PRKSOHIP I IONS. Illustrated with Testimonials from aratelnl i itb mv&ns of Cm# in <• A,*° TO YOU NO MEN ON SURJECTSOF ORE A I IM- PORTANCE. Sent tree hy post on receipt of one penny stamp. Thic is a worlt which every young man should read. The moriti toote iviiieb pervtiilpr. every page with Sound advice iu invaluable, especially when coming from the pen of a physician whoso success has piven huri a place amonrst the eminent Specialists of the rning C'hr v>cfe. Third Thousand. By post, seven stamps In ^nTf,,op^ *70MAN;Her Oulie«, Relations, and PomIioi W SubH-f" treat" d Oirlhnod, M- Courtship, Martian, Motherhood, /••« Female Health, Female Hv",cnP\ ,U"« rf%^fmUrt' «tc., (kc. It Is B treatise on subjects of vital iron>rt ance to WomaP. on BftAUTIFULLV lM-l'STRATUP WOOD. WOOD. WOOD. ••This i« an extremely well-writ ten and most m- ♦ereJin« work, evincing a thorough nimtf'T of the I" i 'ct, an<lc.»nt«1.nng the. val.nil.le irlormalioii for woman."— London. Hevkw, June 21, lii, Address L>r U. SMITH,}), IWirioii Circuit., Lon- don. w.c. CONSTT A LONDON PHYSICIAN BY LETTER WITHOUT KEE. T"\H H SMITH, the Eminent Specialist for tlie I ) etno nt all dehilltni i»x and enntaaious d"-eases VIIL TOR THK DV,>'K. IT OF CTNTRT PAHHNT8 WHO cAs.r.' COKhULT H.M Hi^ONAUY, on CCC V K de«- crintion ot their ciif*. send hi« opinion, with ad- vice and directions 'or the most successful miration to liefilti) A ^le'sDr h'i'1'. n, 15,,rt0" T'onflon-W-(' iMrfEUVOUS SlIEFKliERS. KEAU irtE 44 SECRET FRIEND." 'f^HIS VVondcrlnl Medical Guide not only gives the I caune but chown how a permanent cure can. he •fleeted in all case, of NerfouH Debility, D. pic8"lon of Spirits Timidity, Impaired S-kIii. and Memory, Pains in the bark, Las^tudc, Spermatorrhoea, Im- ped.mcnts to M»rri««e, S.r,oture.Second«y 6ymp-omn, anu All Veneieal DUeices without t te a -j, Dr B-.rnes's lon,t .xpemnce in the ° g xuul Difeaaea has enabled htm lo treat the n js inveterate cases w'iih niarked HiM?ee88- ThiH work" THE SECRET FRIEND," is illustrated with numerous cases and testimonials from Patients ex- _(t>(ihing their deepest gratitude for having beeu re- arored to b««lth and manly vigour. '•'o the married and singlu this book is involnable. Sent pot-t tree secure Irom observation on receipt of two sto")P$.. e4t- Address, Dr- -Barnes, 1. Lonsdale Square fiainsbnrv, London, N. Important to Country Patients. kirn, be wi 1, on receiving a de"pl ly l)e re9dy to et.clohlng a stamped »'i.vclope for .ej y,^ ([j(| jiive bis opinion upon the nature of ner|t)t;t principle* ot treatment necessary to effe P CUJ^Addre8», DB. BARNES, 1. Lonsdale Square, Bam-hury. London, N. Yum I BE BLOOD IS THE LI EE.So D-ute. |J ronomy, chap. xii. verse '28.—Clarke s World IImfd Blood Mixtuff-Trade Mark,—" Blood Mixture." 'he great. Blood Purifier and lies tor. r, for cleansing and clearing the blood from nil impurities, cannot be too highly reer.mmendRd for Scrofula, Scurvy, Skirt Di eases, and Sores ol all kinds 1 is a never failing and permanent cure. Jt ''nres Old Sores Cores Ulcerated Sorer on the neck Cores Ulcerated sore legit Cares Blnohbead? or pimples on the face Cores Scurvy sores Cores Cancerous Ulcers Cores Blood and skin diseases Cores Glandular Swelling* Clears the Blood from all impure Matter From whatever caiwe arising All tbis mixture is pleasant to the taste, and war", ranted free from anything Injurious to the most deli* cate constitution ot either St: the proprietor solicits sufferers to i?ive it n trial to te»t i's value. Thousands ot Testimonials from all parts Sold In bottles 2" 6d each, and in containing six times the quantity, lis each —sufficient, to »fleet a -jeruinnenl cure it. the treat majority of long eianding J.[HS __hT all Chemists and Paiciit Medicine Vendors Vrrn'fitjout the United Kingdom anri tl,« Wl#f|d> ur I f innnv address on receipt ot 60 or 132 stamps hy p \HKE. chemist, H gh Street, Lincoln. r J In Medicine bouses. S„,d yt:"iiir •»- W- »• —. nv. rfordweht. — J INVIGORATiNGPllJ^aiea ivc l known c^r tain remedy lor lumtjaRo, gravel pH'i (i and loinc, headuche. depregt-ioti t»l spinb. rn u cout d't-fbarges ol all kinds, piles, and all ftfft'wt'on"- of the kidneys «"d bladder. All disea-es art«e 11■ >rn impure l>lix>d mid weakness. Th. be Pills clem-n" and puiify tte fluids, rennoye ceneral or local do'ilt!) • ^ive tone to the stomach, restore, the t-1>ir• is, enrtcli the blcod iiepait energy and vivacity, eradicate every Irate of di-entc, and invigorate the whole system If, every ooniDla^'i however wml' nt or ong standing they allord In'stanl relief and see dy cure 'J he daily receipt 01 testimonials I'om men nod women in eyer v ror-i'icti of lite, who hiivc been cuied of si'iti erupnong. •ore'eyes, ulcers, am! scuii oil the heid, sore thioat, • ait.t. in lL-e hmts. ntuialgia, epilepsy, Mono in tlie bincder. disease of the kidneys,&r„ 11%. ttlUlr use. lIud !or *l:ei «ii ruber uiedicineB .iinl doctors had tailed; h»s Cm, „'])r, i HtMHJN to publish the: virtues, in att.eoi lioj-* that b.eb»in»t> so great may be more •w i:il1uK«j »r" ai'piecialed Priec 1 s.1 jU 2a 9d., i lie, ;-t. btx (To Protect the Pubhc irom tun i lie. iSiuje-n's Couiniis-ioii'. rs ha'e ordered v.liA LI' tl THOMSON, LONDON, to be eii- ■ Kv. i u- white lettere on the lion t nojein Stamp atiixto so each package, to in.ita'e winch i> felony auo Ttut i'Jt)). Soid by nil CbeiniMta in the norld .r till be eem direct, packed ptivutely iu a letter, or. oi leieipt ot 14, ^3, or 54 ?tiin p- by Or 'I IlOWsON. H. CiMtnee Itortd, Kentish Town, London. Foul oaeis ot youi Pilih cured to) pams III the back. vuicL uo Btint jeii me lot many jears. ll .V," I tried ibeu or pains in 'lie btck they cured toe it' a lew hoars. i K. Lad betn noubed lor ynns with m ♦ruption or the face. Your Pills bate quite cuied iU' Ht\.J.b." "i have ueter had an attack ui goul u IWUOiatiMU sii.ee 1 used your l'llls. W. Davis." ^uiu luied ii.y tl. k be.itJin■ii>; and bilious Mrb Lliif." T he pains in tli i^auk an- riniie'Tftied ,Cttli SlCop Willi etisb HOW. J. W«jfc C, jiAbu.'aj^i, whaieTe-he syaiploms may bo, is advised tflFlry Mtoc w thth a>«rauee that they fS-tf^t Jnu ItR. IIUNTKE.'S Special Ln-tni-es to Young Men J on HEALTH, ITS RESTORATION, AND • S PPY MAliR I Aftlr,S. — When to marry, with mlvicc to tli.'be wlio coiitcmplatc nnirriagc, pointing out cm tain inijieditHcnts ttltich render nariietl lie miliappy, and directions for tlieir speedy renioval. Should bp road by all vvlio value health, ptren;;lh, and mnnl.nod,l1tHI wish to attain a old ape. -Post I'fe on receipt of tiv« i>tain])K.— Address. Secretary, Institute of Anatomy, .Birmingham. r Impurity of the Blood.-Enfeebled Existence. Tbi'< mcdHno pmbraces every nttrihute required in a frenoral nnet ilome:tk remedy it overturns the foundation of Iniil br defective fond and impure air. In obstruction or con- ¡:-I"tj,(1!10 "f the liver, lung- bowels, or any other orfmm, Hirte Tills are "'1'('111\' serricerrble Hno. eminently sti<y»».ssfnl. Ther "11,\ 1)(' kept in readiness In every family, being n, mediein* of ino.<mparable ntility for young persons, particularly to those of feeble constitutions. Biliousness, Loss of Appetite, Head- ache, and Lowness of Spirits. Pills effect a truly wonderful change in debilitatc-I constitutions, as they erente P. healthy appetite, correct indi- gestion. remove exc" of bile, and overcome giddiness, headache, and palpitation of the heart. Mothers and Daughters. If there is one thing more thnn another for which Pills are famous it is their purifying properties, especially thflir power of cleansing the blood from 011 impurities, rem0vino;r dim- gerous congestions, and renewinq ?u«pendp<t feeretioos. Univer- sally adopted the one fjrand remedy for female complaints, these rills never fail, never weaken the system, and always bl-in: about what is required. Disorders of the Kidneys. In all diseases ntfectinsj these organs, whether they spcrete too much or too little water, or whether they he afflicted with stone or ftrsve4, or with aches and pains settled in the loins over the repion of the fcidneys, these. Tills should lie taken Recording to the "printed rlireotion*, mid Holloway's Ointmert should he well ruhVtwil into the sninil of the tmck at l-rd-t.'ine. Tins treatment will gi ve almost immediate relief even after all other means have failed. Indigestion, Stomach, and Liver Complaints. Persons suffering from any disorders of the liver, stomach, or other organs of digestion, should have immediate recourse to these Tills, as there is no medicine known that acts on these particular complaints with such certain success. Nervous Debility. Persons who feel weak. low, and nervous, may re<:t assured some serious ailment is looming in the distance, against which instant action should he taken. These renowned Pills present the ready means of exciting energetic action on the liver, liherat- ing accumulated bile, and lifting at once a load from the spirits and expelling a poi6on from the body. Jlollmvay't Pilh are the hrat remedy knOlrnin the world for the following diseases :— Ami' Hendnche J Stone and Gravel Asthma Indigestion Secondary Syinp- Bilious Complaints Liver Complaints toms Blotches on the Skin Lumbago Tic-Doloreux Bowel Complaints Piles II, r., Debility Rheumatism Venereal Affections Dropsv Petention of TTrine \Yorms of all kinds Female IrreaBlarities Scrofula, or King's Weakness from I- evei-8 of ail kinds Evil whatever cause, Gout buie Throats &c., &c. The Tills and Ointment are sold at Professor HoJjLOWAT'S Kstablishmeut, Oxford Ftreet, Loudon, also b> nearly every respectable Vendor ot Medicnne tbrouchoat the Civilised "VVor'd, in Boxes and Pots, at Is. ljtl.. 2s. 9d.. 4s. t!d.. 11?., <2* IF, )N.. aud .^>3. eftfh. Tbp sm,,iliewt Box of PIli" contains four dozen; nnd the smallest Pot of Omttnent one ounce. Full printed directions nre affixed to ench Box and Pot, and can be kad in any lanpnat-'e. even in I nrlcish, Arabic, Annenlu rersian, or Chinese. No. 15- 1. r 11IIE liviit olloctivo rouioly for — I- AS'l'lliUA. nil o'.hei uir?i!i.i'i:is ,he l.u>i's. No t.i. Expensive. 'T'T t (v ? A 7*^ro'r\\ !\l\' These prop*. ratioiw contain onlj \"— dr'iirs which "»"« Irnomn f« curt AtUini'i. ,s0 treatment, inorn easv to lollow. l'riens Ol f»r» (p, in numt>er) 'Js. yd.; Tupor (V", (|inc"i •» 01 :■ pie.-osl 1^. fi I. r tipsl'EY !1 ES" R PIS PAS riO P APE U.-The most con- A V"u for k'nui-u,. b'hl.Di' i ivit.'ion'. i"T"; t ''0"t'V !'C «r<w K t'"l S »-M. ltd •UOhemiete. fHEúPÂLL MALL JJ. DRESSING BAG, WITFI TM.HW »«■«> roil uurs "II «r..iri.™»s s est. price £11 lIs. metcalf and CO., INVENTORS AND ROLE MAKRRR. 19, COCKSPtTR STREET, LONDOIT, S.W. Tlhi^i-„|.P,ijprj^;j^|, or JnirelMrv. tC.. W't -f.r,,gl- 00^:1'|l^'iS!tLAVJLLE, e°rrt\'in nnil «nfo m '1'n"• p,lri' Kxlilbttini? a perfectly l> an Knclish prnctUionw CttrB* TnMU,Uted from l,o"don "7. NewR-nte-street. B.C. f^iiii,Lirp.> QummE-A^D L PBAUb PKNTIFRIOB rena»r-' V teeth lieautif'iby waite, ,1ec1T, nnd loothnche. a,8° lraP«t» 8 fraj?rancG k ^hreath. end a hcidiMui l,,uiiai; -O to the gums. In 'i""4. )s- 'W- »nd 2„, 9l1;' P:|fhemists; or Kew-cr^London! Wholesale, Newtier v "on«,_?' T0 NT^V.— A aontloman is ^pf'n ItI. Mi «Hva.nni?tioin £ to £ ;W^o[phttn,i alone. f;o'- io »U rusmuijlti'ite iv rvmJ up policies, lease3. &e. lb0 I'itnr. Ktock, Sc.. wi-fuut ret ■* d. l t „lgtldment.s or at the ;"i'"|it b »rowi'd mav lie r» !-• J Biirrotver. Wo Ian; costs, end Uf m of y-ar=. as maj • li „ Koi further pnrtiPulars Dispatch n ifh«-"ore.'V inav he 11 required, to Mr. J. send name nod ad Ires>. antl st.i.te nmju-ii i nim(9, who lSd vftl„s, 8. KUuVroad. rr^sein,nt is strictly will repi,- jier re'nrn. „.„i «iifi#tr. private, nnd does not ommi'ite from any I'11 k iujtstk vT!n ifuirr, UsjP^* -poStT 1 00 > BTRTHDAY FRIno^NTS POa^ iii.I l.iiit.it i< n U-u III" ri i'.K. ticiirhl levinsite >» lUin-e)..Iii; J Uli^CLtMb^l3llD5CTpB^ gjr lfVJ, 1- e rn-„ of ih. Cle-vv. «•»»• c; T:-i'^ !i' ( ilLMN H; y PIOCOH! uHIMNKYPJeccall i'l'-AMi dlil.Ali ot t'Ki)t;l^ii. Vienna, lh/i. m t.i-:»t is piUlI> t.:«(.-iloncester. Q N«n- Illu.Dii d C»'i(lo;ue now rei'dy. j.ost free. 'l'if,S<JElOYAI. WELLINGTON ESTA- n.U.K.ti^' l-tuuessor W»,lo*by Burton ;ihu> fur I-MtiVS* in«i. ^t»iuer#ot. U th« mo«t f«8btou- .r i'» items of s!i»wles 8t?nt free. 1 ) P1V'■ r »rrf'RPT'AN 'mi XTUKB cAP- n jr >UJ !,LJ>. roUMMly tiiow,, m. „ -,71'! ci>. » tiv enrpi m«iv 2^°^'Kup<»nor to oalRAtn irrV: St .;u,f ». ^-v\i^^emists. o, V- »-■ 9T ji t o ILr.USTlUTr,-D TliADE CATALOGUED and 1 1,1->TS, 1'iinteil in best, style. No Charge for Blocks to :i.vw iinW CMtlt-S n''d TABLETS, Cheap. Bnllient, and AHr-ietive "iVtimites and Specimens en Application. P. SlTUliKK Sr SONS. BU'topsgate Avenue. Lou Ion. E.G. "cRTOKETT CEICKET CRICKET TAMES LILLYWHITE. FBOWK and CO.'a U -Neiv Illustrated Price List, for 187U is no reat. n6 will he sent post, free to any appli ant. f. riHiinVi Mauuf.ieturr;rs of eveiy ar'icie used in and Bntibh Sports generally, of the best quality and 1- iterate puce. Observe the midrec 4, .NT.'A'liN'G'CON CAU3KWAY. LO.VPON. TTPl'tn-i ASSAM TEA COMPA~NS" (Limited). —Assents in all Provincial Tc'vus for sale of Assam Te:>s direot from the C'Mnp^uy*« P'ant 'f.lons. Pri'ow per ib.2fl.nJ, 8; 6t1. For further particn'ars apply to Head Depot, GlKin?r Wiliiam .s^ree\ London. wanted. OEIOIDE CrOLl. Aiil.-ii'iiT CHAINS, eqifil in ttj'pearauco to 18-ca n wi". Tre-f lifetime; post free for 58. 6a. and T«s. 6tr. i," y cl.jh.s. 1' Sd. and Ids. (id. Cluster ring", set wtth Al" 1" mdsSs.M ,5s. iVl.. and7s. 6d.; single stone ring, 5s ,f*e < tinker nht .¡!i"d byeui.Ang hole in card; brooch. 4'. «-i.;ot"> :s. 4", lJ<l.J>n. if pins,2s. Cd.; crosses, 2s.; necklets, is. i l.; |v «, 8). ili; pl -e^e links, 2s. Od.; shtrt studs. 2s.; Rolttai!Cs.- iencil a«e^S< fld.; brape'ets, 5a. 6J.; sesif linRS. ?s D-\ Ai"5 keys. S'.flnoit free. Price T.i^t. free. *V. HOJ/r. 1* '■ 11 ts'-road, Wjj^fionrrie-ri'irlT, l.ondon. W. NOTir/Ja 'bF ^*5 jvto 7al.~ MrJCALF AND CO., jKvrr.i,t»r.r,r% mi,y.f{SMiTii8 \\t> w.viouimkkks, l>l'V:.i.lK(-l-CA.HB TI(\V,;I,i,1:m:-B/Vi! .iaicrrs, EsWMisliftd jit. 8. -in t-h'* ymr Uhvo removed t<o f Vb«ir ncW JIJt:u:Ù-:e,< 19, C0CFSFUK cfTiifiET, LONDON, S.W. < 7isi!<>rs to I#« a n re ivVited to inspect their Stock, p,it,ni)ln for pr- fv?, ,,s, nt vei^low prices. Every article marked jjiiun ngnr r, Rn«l w> po^rbcuit. discount *Mowvd for cash, An > rtC.t'-s.r»,r ^-i^c.tion if d'^irod. • hjwp 'tod e**iAj.>gui' post froe. -r; :=- Royal Agnculturat Society Taunton Meeting1 Stand 259. Seed and Model Shed. E 8 T A B L I iS F1 K D 1812. H. AND"T PJiOCTOfi- AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTS, CATHAY, BRISTOL, UHltilNAL M ANU FACTIJK l.li.S OF SI'F.C! A LLV flif'P H I'.P BONE MANURES. FDIC I GRASS, CUlIN, liOOT, AND DTHKR CROPS; I I BONE SPPKKPHOSPHATK Ol- I.1MP. r WnUKS, ( | |[aV, BBiaiol,. AGKNTS -Mr n. Griffiths, WiRe Merchant, Pembroke Thomas Parker, Cardigan J. N. Aber;iyi-Oll. Full Particulars wit.h Prices, Post Free on application. I Beynon's Brewery, Bridgc Street, Haverfordwest. JAM E S ROC H, (Formefly ]\Iaiia^er to the late Mr D. Lewis, Saw & Hatchet, Bridge Street, and for tlie last three years in tlie employ of Messrs. Marycliurcli & Daw,) FARM & FURNISHING IRONMONGER) Gas Fitter and Plumber, Tin Plate and Wire Worker, &c,, :j BEGS to announce that lie has commenced Business at the above place, an.I having just returner* from the Birmingham, Sheffield, and other Markets, with a well selected Stock of Cutlery,,1 Electro-Elated Gowds, I' tiinisliing and Builders' Ironmongery, Lamps, Paints, Colours and Oils" Bar Iron. Steel, Spades, Shovels, Fire Arms, Powder, Shot, Caps, Cartridges and Cartridge. Cases* &c be is prepared to offer Goods which for quality and price will bear comparison with those; of any other house. Purchasers can rely onbeiiiJ- well served, and orders promptly executed. In soliciting a share of public patronage, he will use every exertion to merit the confidence of' all who may kindly favour him with a visit. all who may kindly favour him with a visit. Seven and a half per cent. off for Cash, with the exception of Bar Iron, and Cast Iron Kettles- ALL KINDS OF IMPLEMENTS GOT TO ORDER. J. lL wishes to call attention to his selection of French and Half Tester Bedsteads. Straw < and Flock Matiesscs Baths, Travelling Trunks, Toilet Wan;, ifee. Paints.Oils, Colours, Varnish* Slater, Bricko, Tiles, l-aths, Nailg, Locks, Latches, Screws, Hinges, Sheet Lead, Zinc Felt, &c.. All kinds of old and new Tin Work done to order. THE SHOW ROOMS ARE NOW OPEN FOR INSPECTION. J O H NHARfi IES, BOOKSELLER$STATIONER, r (Opposite the Town FlaIl,) HIGH STREET, t H AVE R FORI) WEST, I-IAIT-I-l UFOI- I)-kA7 Begs most respectfully to announce that he ban opened A GENEKAL PRINTING OFFICE at the above address where be will be happy to execute ordeis for all kinds of LETTFR prk« PfiiNTiVn MACHINE KULiING, NUMBERING, *c", &e. 1 BOOK BINDING ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO ITMKY SPECTACUiS AND lYIi GLASSES. Surpass Pebbles of the Finest Quality. -_u. I'ICTFON PLACE, HAVERFORDWEST LEWIS'S PET WAREMOLISE I 1 (Late) GEORGE R. LEWIS, CABINET MAKING AND UPHOLSTERING WAREHOUSE,; ESTABLISHED 1832. ■pUZABETH E. LEWIS begs most respectfully to return bcr sincere tban^3 for the kind jPj patronage bestowed upon her late, husband, and to inform her friends and the public in general, that she intends to continue the Business in all its branches, aud shall feel most grateful for any support she may receive. K E L trusts by diligent attention to all orders entrusted to her care, antHy s«PP'.Y,nS -very article of superior quality at a fair and reasonable price, to be favoured with a continuance of pub. lic pat-ronage. A large Assortment of Carpettitig, Floor Cloth, Cocoa and Manilla A1 Mattings- Damasks and Table Coverings: so a Quantity of remnants of Brussels and Tapestry Carpets at a Reduce nc. F [7 N ERA IJ s furnished- I CARSONS PAINT, tatronibbd by HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, H. R. H. THE PRINCE OF WALES, THE DUBLIN BOARD op Works, The British Government, I The Colonial Government Railway Cawal Comfanies, The Indian Government | The Russian Govehnment, CoLLiE»i«f< Iro» Ma6TBR6, &e. 8,000 OF the NOBILITY AND GENTRY For all kinds of OUT-DOOR WOBK, iI" And is proTc -l, after a test of upwards of 80 years, to surpass any other paint. I1 is eppedally applifVfolp to Iron Roofing, Park Fencing, Farm and other Buildings, Bridges, Hurdling, Farm Implements. CartF Waggon-s, Gates, Ac., &c., and all exposed work, effecting a ) Saving of more than 50 per cent., *s it is cheaper, and lasti twiijie asAflng as Genuine White Lead or any other paint, and CAN BE BY UNSKILLED LABOUR. It is sold in a finf" powder. Will keep*iiliy length of time. No grinding, tinting, straining, or dryero are necessary. It requires simply to bo mixed with Oil Mixture," according to Directions for Use," thus avoiding the waste of paints sold "mixed ready for use." • TerCwt. COLOURS Per Owt. nnp^flTfiNT-' 1 TRADE MARK! BRIGHT RED 28/ LIGHT STONE ]> \HK, RED BATH STONE p.: UPLE BROWN .>26/ CREAM COLOUR U2/ i-PON7,E GREEN j LIGHT PORTLAND STONE If p £ L"lt\^e»iS HOCOLATE 20/ PORTLAND STONE tUntiu^1,, aCK 20/ BUFF (for STABLES) .J VMJoLR1GHT GREEN LIGHT PORTLAND STONE If p £ L"lt\^e»iS HOCOLATE 20/ PORTLAND STONE tUntiu^1,, aCK 20/ BUFF (for STABLES) .J VMJoLR1GHT GREEN LIGHT LEAD or SLATE 28/ V^^psPllT j- MF DTUM GREEN .(40/ OAK COLOUR 26/ DEEP 6JWN ( LEAD COLOUR 20/ oil8>TV .?k,UE f Prepared Oil Mixture for the A^-Corr° 1 j ( -.urpenttoe. Varnishes. Brush^a, Sco. CARSONS PAINT, v For Public EpiricK.?. Mat«,>io:,s, 'll,1,AR,.«n«pc-V kind of. -Bii.;];, Btone, &c., is unrivalled, and is the only raint •hat'wrt^Jfc&ially resist thfrfys ot tho, 3^upon P' CONSERVATORIES, 3REENHOUSES, FRAMES, &c. 2 CWT. Delivered Carriage Frer: to all Eailway Stations in the United Kingdom. PRICES. PATTERNS AND TESTIMONIALS S'ENT POST FREE ON APPLICATION. WALTER CARSON & SON I LA BELLE SAUVA YAED, LUDGATE HILL, LONDON, E.C. And 21, BA-. lE^OR'S WALK, DUBLIN.1. NO AG-FiNTH. _u u, t Communication between Haverfordwest an'd SQint David's. I) A V I I )" L A M B BEGS'reppectfnlly to antiornice that, he h;is contraclcd with the Postmaster General for tho conveyance of tho Mails to and fro between Haverfordwest and St. David's, and that, his CGWh'-a-et authorises him to carry passengers. Oil and al'trr the first of January the Mai! will leave the Manners' Hotel at. G.30, ami arrive, a: the Grove Hotel At 9- Tlie Mail will leave (Aie Grove. Hotel at ^.15 p.m., and arrive at. Haverfordwest at. 5 p.m. rasseujiiTs' lares to^ttnd fro 75 611 each. Single fares 5e. Havetforrhvef t, Dec. ^1, 1874. JOHN EO BINS0~N~ AjS" D Co., "4Ipo- t. (KSTABI.ISHED 1842 ) 1 MANUFACTURE MANURES, Ol high Quality, which are sent out. in good and at moderate prices. ( j ;SUPEll-PHOSPHATE MANGOLD MANURE -CORN MANURE GRASS MANURE I And other kil1<h for Special Crops. Also LINSEED AND COTTON SEED CAKES, I, From Seed as imported. ¡ Apply to JOHN ROBINSON & CO., BRISTOL, or to their Agents, Mr Je2'Se Harvey, Kilpaisou flou"-e, Pemliroke; Messrs. IL and -J. Jones, flaverfnvdwe't. C L E D D A U~ B R E W E R Y, BRIDGE STltliTsT, HAVERFORDWEST, G K O It G E M. G 11 E i N. ww MALTSTER & BREWER DEALER IN AGRICULTURAL SEEDS. j Ageni for Miller and Johnson's Celebrated Artificial Manures. j x .inHN. WHOLESALE AND FAMILY GROCERS, QUAY STREE1 HA V EliFORD WEST, AGENTS FOR LAWKS' SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LI.HE, j LAWES' PATENT TURNIP MANURE, AM) | LAWES' DISSOLVED BONES. I PER U V I A N GUANO. A QUANTITY OF MANURE SALT FOR SALE. c 18 TO SUNDAY G EO. M. HAMMER, | A Ml) SCHOOL FURNISHER, INVENTOR, nnd MANTTfACI17RER of tf)« OSBORNE. QUADRANT, hiicI HoYAL (Potcof) ^CHOOI.-DEsK.s & SF.A7\ D. v cfiTTfuii Winch e,hi lict.u>l)in« n Sloped Dusk, FUt T.il.le, and B.n-kei mr L cturee, «« Al-btinIUL liluNlrttlBd Cat'onwe of De.>k.r, S. »is, T.ibies, (iallerie*, Enseh, Blackboards .Vo. Pofct froeTwot.on' c. The Mt-Uiot :si College, biMnst, and a lurce number ot other MANAGERS Collpgen and Scho. i ■ have »»eeu fitted hy G. M. H. 1. W, ST. MARTIN'S LANK, CHARING CROSS. LUNDON, we. FLINT & Co., ACCOUNTANTS, Commercial Inquiry Offices, 58, Chkapsidb, LONDON, E.C. (?tTR ay»ti-ti) of Debt Collecting in much approved— 1—Our Registers ami Ueleronce to 0orri'*|>oiidunts at cmco BUOW Debtor's ability to pay. M—No S|>cntliii|? good money nit' V bivi. J •3—Sppc'ml fnniliili-s in Conntv Couris, I 4 — Judgment aKairift Debtor in twelve dRVS. I •*>—A lletidniice lo prove debt unnecessary. K —(JotiimigKiiui, 5 per cent, under £ 20, 'ty per cent, abovo, j 7—Prompt KoniiUitnccH. fc^NOTlCK—In tlii* Office, a debt, sfter applination !s made, ig not, left to die t natural rlebt, I l,ondor,r.Pc^rwai;^ Ifin | t ihleus to recover debt wiihout any further trouble to Sutwcriber «ud witljotiVan01'^h mstrnetione as will en• ae ng necessary. d wuhout • "ttendance oi Subacriber t WKf.f EVER Attb cotm NC^B 0 rrjfai ^b&cK whicK s aach if inhaled on the first symptoms will at once remove tbem, and even when a cold will at once remove them, and even when a cold has been neglected and become severe, it will give immediate relief, and generally cure in one day. It contains no narcotic, and never produces any unpleasant effects. Address DB. DUNBAR, care of F. NEWBERY and BONS, 37, Nevgate Street, LONDON, E.O. —— Abidity iff Stomach, tli*k-h«adae%», Indigettion, te. l,aty DR0Stt00»'S PATENT^ COMPRESSED DROCKEDON'S patekt COMPRESSED POTASS' ARE THE FAMOUS remediks FOR INDIGESTION. •uq are universally acknowledged to be the most effective, becatua jney combine with the trastric jnice andthe food, and thus nea- u-alise the excess ot acid in the stomachal rf^Sf ig* 2*- 6d.; or by post. Is. Id. A S.8d. Of «11 CbemisU. *■ Newbery A Sons, 37, Newifsto-st.reel,, St.. PanlV, Vindoii. THE EYES I THE EYES ITTiTE EYESTTT RESTORE YOUR SIGHT. Spectaclcs rendered useless. All or the ^eyes cured by using Dr. HA LI.'8 PATENT X f^UPS. Can be used effectively without the aid of r £ ?.°uS'—!°se.stamped envelope for panioulars to Mr. J. Fletcher. Richmond Villa. Portfield. Chichester MeO HOMY III MO URN III8. (ffl»^a^»trS^D £ >?Sos#S.S^ Ffcho old 10 MUCH CHE APER, and WEAHS BEHKE !i mm Sola by Draporg everywhere. fTIHB LICENSED VICT0ALLBR3' A PURE TEA COMPANY, BY THKIB APPOUTTBD ■ AGENTS Bcpplv THE Public with C THAS CHOICE, PURE, AND UNAOULV^iED, f* At the lowest possible prices. X BT/ACK.Ghflice and pure, in amber wrappers. at It. Ð41r lb. Do. do.—First crop Tea, in orangw wrappers, at 28, 6d. per lb. MIXED.Finest Mixftd Tea. in ch<S>olate wrapper*, at Ss. per lb, GRBBN.Finest Moyana Green Toa, in UM^ffreea wrapper atjta. «fl. per lb.L nmnCV.-Assam Indian rery fine Black ToftSff ^srk blue ana .-fIOld wrappers, at 3s. 6d. per lb. v ..1^ In packets of lib., lib., lib., and So* and inj|B&u>uOrs of Jibs., fibs., A Slba. each. Each packet bears trade mdKTname. A price. Be careful to obtain the PULlE Tah Company's Teas. Wholesale Depôt, George F. Smyth. Manager. PENMAN STREET, LONDON BRIDGE, S.E. COCOI, MANILA, AND jU TMOS, C V -kg- -MWt HEMP CARPETS. COC(1A MATS. I Apply to E. SHEPHERD 8QN.S. rVHrtjiioreland. rtHe city CLOCK COM pa STY; T 7. Cullnm-Htrect, tjrmdon. siii,ply «'very descriptiou of Clocks (with a two years'warranty) :>t one third below the usual prices. T/iata post free.—G. t Eatil. ly >9. P" APKll~Col nr«rWrisfs. ft Frwts. for ladles ft G^iit!»inoa SAMPLES SENT for 6 STAMPS, ,7 Witix Illusl-ated Prie«-I.ist. J WDWARD TANN, High Holborn, T.ondmi. W.C. DR. HAYWAW-Sl[rW DISCOVERY. The Treatment ct? n1 ode of Cure. | HOW TO 1Y, WITH safety aw? b -1 < iwes of w^at- noss, low spiri ts, d*. t- exhaustioT muecular Ueb'Jitjr.tile, fte., *• T WITH v or rrcourt' <n "n<S<i>i ■ iii(l *Art" «•<■' full printed i»,«irh -t' valid*, -p«t Dr, HAYWARD. M.R.C.S.. ■ Portman-sati Ja. Ageul. W. II, llEES, MPERIAL AUSTRIAN LOAN MONTHLY DRAWINGS. Prizes: £ 25,000. £22,000, £20,000, £ IS.OOO dE10,000, jE5,000, &c, &c, di-wn 111£18. C^J_UARANTKEli hy the imperial Aasirit»ii (4-overn- T rnent. Drawings in put,lic utider superintendence H 5j0T,!rnrut,u OfHcialf.—Slmrrs whirh entitle fhe Holder to a chanrc of winning any ot the above Priz e t.'an >e had at each.—Six Snares entitling to 6 pirj1,1.08 r°81 — Apply O ily t,o the Agf.ncv FOB PUBLIC rusD9 is GENEVA (Switzerland), Remit- RliCL:'t,v«fJ0 ,? ec,,t j,1.k' £ CT TO GEXEVa, either «n nB^jhif at'i'i Chique-f, or Foft-othce Order* M? TT I nsv l'n?' r°vt Oflaoe to ,be Managt-r, Mr OtTO HOSK in Geneva, who will aiso auppiy Pro- >peoiu»e8^rati» on prepaid application. ft QTH fVI A ^"WtCLTr or Hl.RATHlNU. CATAnKU I I 1 I r* Lflectnallv cun-fl !»•uslup 'GlCQUEl.'S AN 1 I ASTHMA l ICAi; PAl'FU .1 CIGAU^ Prepared by a jir,,¡,-el1<8>\ fniisistt cliemi>t.. i.iiiy lwv> ;¡< -.mall. 18. 01. To nhtnined of all Chemists, and of F. No vbery 17. V I VRUSSKS, "ELASTIC ^STO JXi^ aS, JL .-iOUi.IOAL UiOl.TS, RANDACr. .*<■. lU(i8trnt^<t Price P^nt on aiuAioution. ¥.> nt» i^h<»d 1830.) K. J. MND.SKV..W, BOROUGH. FX).NDON. BRISTOW'S PURE COAL-TAR SOAP PRODUCES A CLEAR, SOFT, AND HEALTHY SKIN, remove? eruption# blo'ch* r» ap«, riranscs, purifier, prevents contagion, atul preserves iieaith. For Toilet, Bath, Nar»erj, ativl Si^k-rooni. In tablets 4d.,6i » A 8d„ nnd brxe« la.6tU. of aJI Ohornists, Prtrfumew# 4 fruft Catoow!—8e* you ecfc M BRISTOL'S/ NMurhqry's 21 1US" TkaT>B_M AnK. SEND YOUR ADDRESS T<5 M Ali»»rt Men-<'1s4i>hn. ft. Fitt^n-.U-o. London. K.O-„„ for a list of WHAT YOU CAX HAVii I'()R ONE SUIL.M-VG. OR POST FRBK FOI1 is STAMPS. STE E .L'S GOUT PILLS A KK the certoiu remediss for Gout and Rhenmatism. and V never fail Uy cure, if ltd, :v.xl "s. 9-1., of »U ChemisU- and > • w. Sre«l. 4S>. I.iverp.jol-roaJ, I,on<! >n, it. Wholesale of New. bary and Sans. ST. Newnate-sxreat. "K o. NOVELTIES 5 CHRISTMAS. A REAL Pack of Cards Instantly clinngo to a lady's handkerchief, SO gt*mp».-Tl>e Witard's flex, coninininn 10 excellent Wcks. apparatus and Instructions, U stanii.s. Ti'e Maaie Parse, wh cli no ous open hut yourself, 7 stamps. The Kest»r«l and C%anie8hie Curd, truly marvellous, mechanical. 30 stamps. T.'>« Mech'niaal Picture Frame, very effective, 20 stamp*. CMa<a*n*redurol r»-ire- u«H- ready, will be foriva -ded p«»i free. -HAMLBi: 'S MAG' PKI'OT, Mi, High Ilelborn, W.C. Esj«!)li*hed W. "^I< Â-LG- O N I C O N B A Ljjf— iJL CRBFroiVSHKW REMEDY. 151 • nnrc» tthermatism, Neuraijria, Goufj, Tic. LumhfP. Srif.. Stiff Joints. Sprains, Broucuius, Sore Throat. SuffNeck. SIu,n> i»a^che, Cramp. ChUblaiUK. Ac. », TotK bad of tne Wholesale A*ents-san a Sons. 15' n street; Nowbery and Sons, :» w( weate-strwt: w ^Wfl^on?2nrt o? sU fihfm'fstsf So,,g- FctTTJ^r' InSuUf-pintbo't'es(autheutic testimonialsenolosed),pries tx.p j A SAFE and Easy EXTERNAL CUBE f-» CHILBLAINS, Clear as water, no snwtt. go pain. ♦?orTrsrdrf*j, monisls po« free, dh vect-nt.of luu'teeti ^-jr- ■ £ • by JOHN (I P'H'L.1.^ TpIVE HUNDHK hr ffr, number of lew1 IDlp-rs. Redliill. Sar- '<2 'ncreased FUND t C LAIMJJ ABE N< JTery f .-J1,i„ hn. furnir Bab* i a"}- as, „ [- .,=' I PASSELL'S rv; PURE UKCMMSU tl..yTEftS~ A fASSF.UiS -TQFFKT. O^KLr.'S <TRttiSTAL 'JoFFF.K coc-tir'f oil (« «Vnr^fVn,W^m Kacl In proewp of w«Miitgar,rf_rj !jn_ u •, Br• PT* rp"d^r TUK '>Q ORIENT. "■ ot c<>FFEF >'rie^ 2* por C&u^'L'f,SF,f| •' "«•• •-i-i •« i«. I. tit F-»«n(!, bv Airpntw \A 1 owt> .sure *0P«n» #n.,thro.ieh' 0111" 'ertf-U. ron^ecrtene^i, CASCrrr'c th(* 8j(-f PORE UXCOLUUfiED TEAS, xy'"fanV TEAS are pure freo from arfj- ..Irecn POW('er "r otl,«r in^urtou« fni»tt^ jfef l,.a, Well ns the lUacfc is the nftHrral oeldiir of tlfe orrl:' '• "*s not tlienei.yrc lie l)ri«-ht gn'en htie 01 w .fl,rv Green Teas, m-hich are faced bv the Tblnese «n tntm'ra. puwdcr nr other'colouring matter r0 a»v« f1lt'm tppptranre. Bv'tiie ""1' ofC;\<:l'vl'¡:s Tfas rea win+v ani uniform-food quality are at all times en •swrea. C*8SBL1/S Pyrft oxcoLot'RBD Tea 2s„ 20 4d.. Hod. €J., per lb. CAssF.iiL's 'IVri: t"NorS*,ot'Rrt) Tea, finest qnalf. ties, ,1s. 5s od, alIa 4" per lb., in PacKets ot; en r.) 8 is. 80l y Jgcriii, (Imors. Chemist*. Confectioners, Sc. titri.uyhoul tha Kingdom. A —To fila.'e Cas^kll's weH known Tf'a ■" -^N:n Cotffks within the reach of every family in the Kingdom, Averts arprequired in every rreigh" horcrhoori no vet <niiv supplied. For terms," apple to v Uasseli., Smith, & Co ^0 Fencharch Street, Lnntion. ¡ d_ I STE. N, I I 1,N- C, I t TRADE TRID. E'RS MARK CHILDREN TEETHING. Stedman's Teething Powders. 0 CHILDREN JTEETHING. Stedman's Teething Powders. irT?-e-fatal fre'iurii- iy fo'lo-.vir tr t»<viso of Soothlne Medicines, on aceount of the opium tlie.v a'S e-mtain, shontS render parent s extremely cimt ho v.- N .id minister etirli dangerous remedies to 111f;r children, who are dispropor- tionately susceptible of rlu> influenri.- of onium. The Pro priet.or of the celebrated STKDMAN'S TKRTHT.Ni; POWDERS feel? it due to the public and liimBelf to assure H that, hig Powders contain no opiuin, and are on thai account the safest and V>e*t for (Jhililrei I^irnr r will readily see this for themselves, wheli fcV.ry conKidcV I te iiuinber of in^uos's that are held in the year in chikiren dyinp from the effects *f 8QOt-hing repigi'.ies. Testimonial. y, q,v v T!e.n'-li^i,}_ Ponlton-le-Frlde, Lancashire, ••.li 1 '♦ I have used your Teething Pcwdors r<*ularlv fo* Whil y<a,!d, 'nfno. s,le hav e l fou" r k- -i w"rflRof mine can lialf exjiress the con- Sdence which I have m theai, nor convey .mv idea of the Testimonial. y, q,v v T!e.n'-li^i,}_ Ponlton-le-Frlde, Lancashire, ••.li 1 '♦ I have used your Teething Pcwdors r<*ularlv fo* Whil y<a,!d, 'nfno. s,le hav e l fou" r k- -i w"rflRof mine can lialf exjiress the con- Sdence which I have m theai, nor convey .mv idea of the preat va^ue and comfort which thev hr ve been to me ™ many other mothers to who- I l.ave rec^»Pn2«S thin "I remain, Sir, yonrs verv faithfully ksigned) -j. a." Hi:«hw." f\ ACTION.—A VOT D and REFUSE IMITATION'S- c and see the TRADP. MARK, a. G1:M RANCFT, it on tve.ry POWDER and 1'ACKKT.—l'rice Is. Ud and Se.'gd. 100' C#o oA A' L) oA Ie DISEASES OF CHILDREN. Stedman-Phillip's Tonic Dr »• m f''r' Childron sulTering- from cither Rickets or Spinal riisoase, Enlargement o< Cor-sumption and Wasting-, Pallor of Co-. Dropsy, j All Krmitfc. Weak l-yas, avoiding light, Ba •• >•>< I'aralyais of Limhs, k T' U°r.Rra\ Debility, K:. Kpileptic Fits, • j Rickets and Ourvatare of ilit » depend, in almost 'very case, w ,r. C bones, which permits their ben<i;;v^ nil 4ft. body, or action of the ribs in breatMr.r of ) Hie nones IP one orsortemng. In order to better explain, it may b* '• ,that the- lpotitr are made up. rougoi v spealclng,i'"o kinds of iua. terials—one an uniiniii matter, which ay bfl likened tft ffelaf ine, and the other a mineral iuattor<aviagr its type in chalk.^Thesa two kinds of materials nrplendecl together in Healthy lx,ne in certain nearly deflui nr1 portions; under unfavourahl* corditionsof lireloou, =nch as obtain amon<» the workinsr clasnew in lar,re t<#r this healthv vru. portion neeoines dera-i^J. and tl.o. B ful or eartfiy in. gredients are in less than thmr ,p".1, •«-. it The object in naturu of this mineral Inatte, ':rmnws and strength to the bonea, OFjjeciati^- -s, the con sequence of its deficiency is to' lfM'nfc ami bending in the bones, commenM •. deSciencr and the weight of the superimpo Now, this softened condition o' >3<J Ric-'ctf. and ig one which ieads to curvati: *e, u- bandr lega and to pigeon-breasts. Cu. female ehr>" I(-adR Io-scmet '"icult—clr ;U bearing. '-yA Bandy-legs and knock-Vneepar»t«^jW)tf, di sHimminent both sexes;, and p:geon-bre36ts *»«?••<•■' '> .|n which the lungs should have free play, fl", -i«,p f). Consumption. No* v.-hs;. are we tip this rickety tendency m tl Jot it t:lke St. W¡lTI'" Fun to take a mixed (iiet, trive rH- t sunohine, and a liberal du „„ child ta.lro- STKDMAN-FIJII. LIP'S which will give colourtA »!•» t'a<-» ( prevent tl'm bofntiri", i. ,t; -• A course of these DropMbtv.- r;r non y those disagreeable and .g U. t' attack thi: cliild, rend:jrinj; its Jut1 ance t'orbijdinr. Weak eyas are made itro-tir, tho p. and that open condip glands of the n *ck h neilS, obviated, end but, to do so. they must, in son- three niontbs. If tho Chihi be Cnttinc Toefi, r Powd"rs shos'id b<' j.'i v.- Price Is l,^d 2s S,: Ss., P.U.O. _t w ,rC0^HrM 71 N C T y H' WHOOPIKG COUGIi, an,¡ 'c BUONCHITIS IN CTTlLDKEy. Suedman s Coivrji Tincture, T.h?^ In?* !,avr afamily Hkeness: tbei, ',t- are I''5" ar;; ^ntte" nlfb and ';Lv.i l>> pi-.w.«s-«n -'s ha f><? II noEP ■nsinpor.e il,o.>Br 1 liW one thing- useful 'ni'firt-" tore>a* the aincnns mem u-ane of the ''1s;a>,the escape and cxnectora" ,l!f! tlx- air pa>n, >V hi," thfl f- i JHnn.1 tt)"i-tlv !,(. u flBlfth" -tlM'3nisu-a'1 .v" •eecnr jH^Brotime tfiiould li. 1 r<itfh id. JB|r: 1 *1i: euektug *?.•- arr' r" 'C'W •■"■■, Ol PpfJH'iiitis..rt 1 i.!l,,r»n ft is «t*re!>;iv :•'wcr. williM.am antl Jipep :«'■ lutlf pu.'i^it satf,tv -thn Wen as<:dou?j, i ix,. .al uttac^ •ts < A bottle sent for ). ror;i) F63 CMfe VUThutJT i.\< tix 'LiuS. «P. a"d Vnscle. Prim« 3,1. In 4s. fl<t. ij.'M.V.V S i hv, and uecJ ;n t< • iistircti^i. rFiTfr,!7 A n TTr i i.v- i j"rJy toa rhM !;• n A t:; jrtuK.i I-1' V K,- T *•" EI,T Wil li 0>-R L H.'Heen, F