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-0- HOMAS POWIS REYNOLDS ARCHITECT, KILL 8TRE Kr., HAVEllFORDWESl Dee.gn* with SpcciBcatlons pi»P«'p.rt for ^cles,as"- «i School, Public and Pr 1'? '1'{l V" £ Ji n A TI OS?. iNTl'IUOR AND EXTKRIOK PhCORAIJU.. Architect to the Haverfordwest School Board to whom reference may be made. SoEATtOT'm HAPITT MAEBIAGES.-When to marty, ».d vice to those **o contemplate milmafe'S out certain impediment., which render -aiT ^d l « laihiippv, and directions for their speedy removal. Khuwlrt be read by all who value health, strength, and manhood, and wish to attain a happy o B<?'. free on receipt of two stamp#.—Address, Secretary, Institute of Anatomy, Birmingham. MOtfET, TIME, AND LIFE,, ARE LOST IN THE EVENT OF ACCIDENTAL INJURY OR DEATH. Provide against these losses by a Polity of the RAILWAY PASSENGERS ASSURANCE COMPANY. AGINST ACCIDENTS OF ALL KINDS, TheOldest and Largest ACCIDENTAL INSURANCE COMPANY. Hon A. Kinnarcl, M.P., Cliairmai,. Paid up Cftpiiftlmid HOllcne Fund An- nual Income, 1:160,000. £810,000 have been Paid as Compensation, Bonus allowed to Insurers of Five Years' Standing. Apply to the Clerks at the Railway Stations, tbe Local Agents, or 64, CORNHILL.&tO. REGENT STREET, LONDON WILLIAM J.VIAN, Secretary. Agent tor Haverfordwest: Mr H. BARHAM, Railway Station. TO THE NEli VO^SSr DEBILITA TED. CONSULT A LONDON PHYSICIAN WITHOUT FEE.. DR. HENRY SMITH has devoted 25 years exclu- sively to the treatment of Diseare»o( the Nervous ay-stem, resulting from exhaustion of Nerte Power— viz.. Nervous Debility, Physical Depression, Impaired SiRht and Memory, Indigestion, Loss of Energy and AppotitefpSiDthe Back, Timidity, Distrust Local Weakness, Ac. Dn SMITH win. for thk BKNBFIT OF PATIENTS WHO CANNOT TOW "i* d bV on receiving a statement of their return a letter of advice with instructions, which, if followed, will ensure a cure. J „«nt«in- IMPORTANT.—A form ofcorteepondenceoontatn- ins questions, &o., to assist the Patient in describing hia case will be sent poet free, on receiving a directed ""TESTIMONIALS TO DR. HENRY SMITH. Dr Smith has received up to date December, 2lst, 1872 Fourteen Hundred and Twenty-Four written Testimonials from Patients who reside in the country in proof of his successful treatment conducted by cor- respondence only. Address Dr H. Smith, 8, Burton Crescent LondoB.w.o Just published, post free for two stamps, PRESCRIPTIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR P THE CURE OF NERVOUS DEBILITY, By Dr. HENRY SMITH, of the Roval University of Jena, Author of The People's Guide to Health," &c. PRESCRIPTIONS and INSTRUCTIONS is a New Medical Work on the Electric Treatment of all Diseases of tbe Nervous System, Nervous Debility, Mental and Physical Depression, Palpitations of the Heart, Noises in the Head and Ears, In- deoision, Impaiied Sight and Memory, Indigestion, Loss of Energy and Appetite, Pains in tbe Back, Timidity, Self Distrust, Diasiness, Love of Solitude, Groundless Fears, Weakness, Muscular Relaxation, &c., resulting fiom Exhsustion of Nerve Power. Gives INSTRUCTIONS for the Development and Strengthening the Human Body, how to acquire Health and Strength, Secure Long Life, and Avoid the Infirmities of Old Age. Also, the names of Mcdicirres by wtroa Thousands of Sufferers have been restored to health and vigour after all other remedies bad failed. Illustrated withTeBtimonials from grateful patients- Sent free by post to any address on receipt of two penny stamps. Address, Dr. H. SMITH, 8, Burton Crescent, Lon- don, w.e. TO NERVOUS SUFFERERS. READ THE "SECRET FRIEND." JPH1S Wonderful Medical Guide not only gives the 1 cause, but shows how a permanent cure can be effected in ail cases of Nervous Debility, Depression of Spirits, Timidity, Impaired Sight and Memory, JPains in the back, Lassitude, Spermatorrhoea, I m- pediments to Marriage, Stfieiure,Secondary Symptoms, and AH Venereal Difasex, without the use of Mercury. Dr Barnes's long experience in the treatment 01 all Sexual Dioeases has enabled him to treat the most inveterate cases with marked Kucoess. This 7111uablo work «• THE SECRET FRIEND," is illustrated with numerous cases and testimonials from Patients ex- pressing their deepest gratitude for having been re- tEVk ealth. 'nd reouly vigour. bnut Rnd 8in8'e this book is invaluable, two stamps. WCUte ,rom observation on receipt of Address, Dr. Barnes '1 '.Barnsbury, London, N.' J, Lonsdale Square Important to Country Patients. DR BARNES may be consulted nernnnaiw letter, in all pi i rate and confi^ntial or for the benefit of Nervous sufferers who cannot' visit him, he will, on receiving a description of their c«a« enclosing a stamped onvelope for reply, fa readv to give bis opinion upon the nature of the caae, and the principles of treatmont necessary to effect a perfect ifty Address, DR. BARNES, 1. Lonsdale Square, Parniobury, London, N. TPOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE;—"See Dan to r ronomy, chap, xii, verse 23.-Clarke s VVorid amed Blood Mixture—Trade Mark,-r Blood Mixture." the great Blood Restorer, for cleansing and clearing the blood fr m all impurities, cannot be too highly recommended; for Scrofula, Scurvy, Ski/i Diseases, and Sores of all kinds JUi* a never failing and permanent cure. It Cures Old Sores Cores Ulcerated Sores on the neck t Cures Ulcerated sore legs 1111 Cures Blackheads or pimples on the face Cores Scurvy sores C-T. Cures Cancerous Ulcers Cures Blood and Bkin diseases Cor* Glandular Swelling* •fcA Clears the Blood from all impure Matter From whatever cause arising As this mixture is pleasant to the taste, and wart 'anted free from anything injurious to the most deli* f CODel>tution of either sex, the proprietor solicits "jnorers to >:ive it a trial to test lis value. 'HoniMdi ol Testimonials from all parts i ai* »■ 'n bottles 2s 3d each, and in cases, containing Derm"1" lbe quantity, lis each— sufficient, to effect a J oa«p.Bn cure *n 'be Rreat majority of long standing thm„,T 8" Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendor* sent w United Kingdom and the world, or 'p "ddress on receipt of 27 or 132 stamps by ,» Chemist, High Street, Liucoln. Bold K J?"a'e AH Patent Medicine IIouBcs. I H,erfordwo«t ^arr|ea, Chemist, aud W. II. Rees, lNVirni!l £ ^BAIj MEDICINE. DH THOMSON'S ln'emeov PILLS are a well kuown cer- 1 and loiog hPn?r lu"">ago, gravel pfiins in the back i Rout, ° depression o( spirits, rheumatism, | kidnet.. Vf a11 kinds' piles' and nl1 affeetions of impure blrinH bladder. All disea«es arise from I I PUr^y the fl,?11 *«•»"»»■. These Pills cleanse and • 5(?n<s th» •,e,D0Ve general or local debility, Ki»0 ? c°d, iaDar, ,ach' rest°re 'he spirits, enrich the race 0( T. energy and vivacity, eradicate every th«e?ery eomnu1,nf*1d inviS°rRte l|le whole system. E ftfford inV,;1"1' "owever virulent or long standing. | *"Celptof^eBU "t.'eHefand speody cure. The daily f^»',lon lilp ZV a froat men acd women in every ? pain eyeB' 0leers ani"*6 5een Cured of ^in eruptions, i bUrtHln the £ ',» 80Uff 0a lbe lle"d' 80re throat, I »c^„er' d«ease of\vneiJrf K'a' ePileP»y, "one in the fe ^vhan*118 of surnri Sidneys, &c„ by their nse, and > lother aie!i!!ing iecoveries for severe illness I THOMsrviu8 doctors had iailed has I *'deu boPe that hila 1|° pub,'sh tl)eir virtues, in 1 & 4g 6rt Bea and annri. j 80 great may be more 1 taw* box .,Pr^e 2s 9d., I the word Maiew. (,otect'he Public irom lini- | *»vert ^ALf H ThOM^n v ,M^er8 ba¥e or^red I »Wte leti?Mh0N« LON»ON, to be en- i te%,»8pcrt^Ch P^ace toin -,thfc Go,rni"ent Stamp 1 8ofd b?irrheW',ich.l< aoS 1 £ lecein, #ent direct. nLb hemuts m the world I cKl0' 14. aft pa/*eU Pri*ately in a letter, on I f J8«s ot vn°n ^0ad. Kentish by Dr THOMSON, f annoye,r ills cured mv nai>,WD' London. » Pour i r<r nuriy JeS H"I, .I10 ,back' whioh J H. »■ ] bacK • tho^ ars*H.&J. "I tried theu> 1 »»"»»b°cd0fri" If SM*08" Your L years Wlth an tttatism ''ave neTor h '}* have quite cured me. m 4 e cured "sed yon* ?^.au.attack of gout or 1 fll Davis.« They « "l0°P with pains in the hi" u b,lli008 attacks. m. ? rU,cr the ^»a8e are quite cu.ed w K- mt 'WSUranf.. (Ul,"ed to iry these ft, a,1Ci! thev m-ilt huti —

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