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JOSEPH TOWELL. GROCEIl, AUCTIONEER, APPRAISER, AND COMMISSION AGENT. MAIN STREET, PEMBROKE THE PEMBROKESHIRE STEEPLE- CM ASKS Wil l, tnkr plnee the First WrrU of APRIL, nex in the Vicinity of HAVERFOKDWEST. STEWARDS— A. N- J. STOKES. »Q, M. U OWEN, ESQ, W E. KOCH, FfIoQ \VM. JONES, Hon. Soc- T O 0 LET. ( With immediate, possession) AOEN I'KKL HKSIDKNCK, situated within » mill 01 HftvrrforitwrM. and provided wiih every con lenience. The hou-e contains five bedrooms, and hll a garden nttacticd. Stable and Conch bonne accotmno- d*iii>n run be had if required. Apply to the office 01 OHvFnpnr, u JOSEPH THOMAS, Of Quay Street, Haverfordwest, BFGS to inform tho Public tlmt tie 1",1 relinquished ) his RETAIL 1HONMONGKRY BUMNKSS. liiclt he has carried on tor many ycurs, mid that 1,.1 '•piids in future to confine himself to the IMI*LK» MkNT TRADte, and to his GENERAL MER tHANDIZING. If 0 takestlitsopportuiiii) of thanking ••in Customer for the generous support he has so Ion> Reived, nnd beg* to solicit » continuance of theii PutriHiHge in <he Crunches he intend* to continue. PEMBROKESHIRE CONSTABULARY. WANTED, a Smnrt, Intelligent, Mftn as CON" STAHLEIII the above Constabuliwy. Age not exceed 30 yeais, must lie of good eonatituiioi', nlili to read and write well, and not let* than 5 t<" t 8 incho yich, Wnge>> on appointment, lib. per week, nm JJiniorm provided. Apply at the Constabulary Offices, i'ew Mreet, Haverfordwest. Chief Constable1^ Offices, Haverfordwest. 18th February, 1874. bEASiOiN STUD HOUSE AT STACK POLE, FARM PEMBROKE RALLYWOOD A DARK BAY, stands 15 bands 3 incLes bleb, got by Newmineter, dam Woodcraft, at £ 2 2e mare, thorongh-bred mares £ b Groom* fee 2A 6d, For fnrther particulars apply to Mr CAND. LiSa, Stack pole Farm, Pembroke. 1874. BLACK CATTLE HERD BOOK. G ENTLEMEN interested 111 this matter are invited T to meci Mr HOWEN, of Llwyng w»ii, at PEMBKOKK, Lion Hotel, S<U.,?8lh Feb.. at. 2 p,DI BAVERFURDWEST, Castlo Hotel, Saturday, 14 March at 2 p.m, DAVID EDWARD THOMAS ARC HIT EVT Sf. THOMAS GREEN, HAVERFORDWEST. REFERRNURS-Theoew rentbrukfhtre and Rav cnordwest fnfirmarv Building Committee the Haver- fordwest Wesleyan Building Committee; and the Camrose aud other School Boarde. &c., &p, NOTICE. CHARLES DAVIES, Deceased 1)URSUaNT to the Statute of 22nd and 23rd Vic- toria, Cap. 35. intituled "An Act to further amend the law of property and to relieve Trustees" NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all CREDITORS and ■other persons having any claim or demand against the Estate of CHARLES DAVIES, late of tht. "Plough and Uarrow" Inn, in tho Town and County of Haver- fordwest, Inkeeper, who died on the 20th day ot December, 1873, and Probate of whose will was on the 27th day of January, 1S74. grunted by the Principal Registry of Her Majesty's Court of Probato to Samuel Taylor, of the raid Town and County of Haverfordwest, Merchant, the sole Executor therein named, are hereby required to seud particulars in writing of their claims and demands to the said Exfootor at tho office of his Solicitors Messrs. William John and Son, No. 5, Victoria Place' Haverfordwest, on or before tbe 30th day of April nflxl: alter which day the said Executor will proceed to distri- bute tho assets of the said deceased among tbe par- ties entitled theroto, having regard to the claims and demands only of which ho shall then hare had notice, and that the said Executor will not be liable or an- awerable for tbe assets so distributed or for any part ereol, to any person or persons of whose claim or demand ho aboil not hare had notice at the time of tuch distribution. Dated this 19th day of February, IRU. WILLIAM JOHN & SON, 5, Victoria Place. Haverfordwest. Solicitors for the paid Executor. SOUTH WALES. Very desirable Freehold Estate, small Pleasure Farm, Productive Meadow, pasture and arable Lands, elevated Grounds, delightful Sites for family and villa residences magnifi- cent Scenery, Woods, Vales and Mountains, within about one Mile of a Market Town and Railway Station centre of Three Packs of Fox hounds, asd within easy distance of two celebrated Salmon and Trout Streams. PEMBROKESHIRE. ME. WMT THOMAS Has received instructions, TO SELL BY AUCTION, (Subject to such conditions ItS shall then and there be produced) at tbe DE RUTZEN ARMS HOTEL IN THE TOWN OF NARBERTH. ON THURSDAY, 2nd APRIL, 1874. in iho afternoon« »n four lots ■ THE following valuable J RE EH 01 D VROPFHTV «>' £ n>;Dw' ,^2^ Lor, No J. HILL with good dwelfing'hSuee TaJm b^ld* C°X 34 acres, J rood, 18 porches of Rood Z..? gS 8"d and a table land, divided int > coiiveniem H,?«T' are well watered and witbin a ring fen."r'"cb occupation of Mr Thomas Jamesas yearly't, n V' other lands at the low yearly rent of 'wl.'h pounds. The farm is bc unded on one aiUe bv n* Turnpike road leading from Narberth to Haverford- west, the House is within ooenulf of the Market town of Narberth and also the Railway Station. Coal and Lime are within an easy distance. The elevated land,, present a dellgbtful stte for a gentleman's residence, the surrounding country being well timbered, having lovely and picturesque views This Lot will be sold euhject to payment of an annuity of.C4to Mrti Sarab Morgan nowaced 51 yoars and which will remain as a chaigo thereon tnr her life. The apportioned rent of this lot will bo £á7 16" Od pei runutn. LOT, No. 2. All that field or parcel 01 rich meadow land contain Ing 4 acres, 3roods, tOpen-ht-s. called WEST MEA. JJOW partol tbe said (arm of Coxbill, which is sepa- rated from Lot, No. 1, by the said Turnpike road, lcading irom Narberth to Haverfordwest, and now let it to tho t>aid Thotnas James. This allords an ex1 vlcnl «ite for a villa residence. he apportioned rent of this Lot will be £ 11 5s Od Per tnttum. A LOT, No. 3. All th*t Sold or parcel of very rich meadow land acrP' roods, 30 perches, called tb» IMIT '^AN'S FIELD,now let to tbe said Tbomat YUr p# w'th Coxhill Farm. It adjoins the afonsnic West ? r°ad, and from the elevated position ol th< lor ""P0"11 ion a most delightful site may be cbtainec •otnmn' and from which will be securer are tlf "ewa of the surrounding country, WLICI, T uf beauty, lH'r be apportioned rent ot tbil field wtU beJE70c. Od. '1' annuUl.. joinic»t\,e! with theso two cottages and gxrdens ad- I'homag t!i tbe ycnr,y "nt of £ 3 0s. Od. eaob, to Thes« in ani^ Eliza Oavies, respectively. »>l adjoin the T«wnV Moor of Narberth. All tb t. LOT, No, 4. ""•^•iain*6 e Bcla or Parcels of Rich Meadow Landt ate *boiit^ together 17 aorel 2 roods, 23 perches situ- 'he aid tit ¡ne milos from tbe Town of Narberth, ou fpnby e eO thu *oa(^ leading from Narberth t. an onl of whIch II frmøed on the Western side and throuab"1 copptce, noled for an early woodcock, never known » of the purest watei Runnner ih„ u i ^aVe<^ 'n lh° hottest or driesi ^0r cattl« TK affording water shade and sheltei t«iono.e; pasturing capabilities of tbesf fields ar in8 oiteg whilst for Build- .0,n the nm. "f.nnot h° "urpossed although shelters wind, the coup de mil from Uien ^0o<l immn(i; 8 an obserter looks down over Eas V10 th« beau^f6 i °V tbe left front ^ere lies befm- Whilst fcener? of Canaston Wood. c^t sharn Castle and Treffgarne Rock W.K 8kj nearcr at hand the villa?' ru.CS of Tt" T",tln* ,hc hill» and the ivy ^atberth it. n Ca8tle> with tbe Town o « entire ranK9 t"wer nestling on tbe slop, fn. U,°'y visible <r ^reoe'ly Mountains one and all IVrlY* *'ew whichC-ID* 88 a to the rigbt hlcti 111 unequalled in the County o j. | 1^4^ 3'dm? Williaf*>8 of Narberth rent of0^* terin »f °l°^ ° 2Jlu d*y ot' Seplt Inb^1 exceedingly lov j!uvJ x;b4rt> soSo" £ ke,oktl,in^of Mr Iewi'1 the AucHo A8«ct, Maturrf/0 pr H°bert Mur«ai Otttn„ ?.eer- UoU8e' ^wbioke, and of t*ll, Pemtjpta p„v February J9th, 1874, CARDIFF TO NEW YORK. I VlUECT STEAM COMMITNf- II CATION I5KTWI'.EN TOR K"" B li 1 S T t> L C H A N N E L UNITED STATES OF AMERICA & CANADA. The SOUTH WALES ATLANTIC STEAMS]111' COMPANY'S New, first.class, full-jiowercd, Clyde built Steamships GLAMOIUIA N 2 ;()() Tons 500 lip CAKVIAKITIEN Tons (iOO h.p ANDES.J,tJOO Or other First-cJass Steamers, will sail regular between CARDIFF AND NKW YORK, Carrying GOODS and PASSENOEIJS at. Through Kates Irom nil parts of England sii.d South V^'ales to the United iStiitcs and Caniida. These Steamships an: built expressly (or the Trade, and fitted-np with <*lt iho lutest, improveinents for the comfort and convenience of Cubin and Steerage PessengcrK. Siccrnee Pawncers provided with miittresses, Stewardess carried for the female ciniKrants Tbe Sailings will bo as follows:— ANDES Feb. 14 ULAMORGAN 28 PEMBROKE March It ANDES L>8 GLAMOIIGAN April M V EM BROKE „ To Foi MHiliei j'Hitieui.ns, Hitply to Kuil>;ett & .iiiine', I I. Knit fitiuri, l;ii^'i)i Ku iiiinl-on unit*. »> SwunaM W J. J. 1, (J.ifile ttrcci, Al-ithjr Tydlil; E. II 1'1' IT, iim] ISIIHC Tho, 'M, St'VM.oin-nireet A lier inrt- S, H. SUeie'.i, I'e i tii nUe III el< Richiiri! \l-i-" ii, 1«. uti) Ji'hti CI i .cis, M u'ticti .1 M:i>, Kr Co, t \-rlu i ,i 11 icc. II in • i ii i > f t, I iiiineiii.it l,i w!lii"i, ;'l. -Mri't, f'»r.! f.i!. L s. tiMli' i At)' r»v<;ii J„l ti .1. Cbaliiider, l'> »t nlUee, i.Unclly H, V. I., v* i I'n-t iiu.>ti i, Eti. II V iv ir ir <u ¡II, Coiii- .'•iiiyV Ollii't-, i, Doeli'" c.'ii.mbei'f, Cnriiifl'. BLANCARD'S IODIDE OF IRON PILLS, Approved by the Academy of Medicine of Paris, AIm SI'ECIALIA' KECOMMEKDHD by tho mcrticril cetcbrities or the world for ScnOFlJLA (Tumours, Kinx's t'vil, &e.l, the early st»R8 ot CONSUMPTION, CONSTITUTIONAL WEAKNESS, POOKNKSS OF liLOOD, and tor stimutatinK and regulating its periudic course. N,B.-Nono aro genuine unless signed Blancarll. Chemist. 40, Rue Bonaparte, Paris. Wholesale In London: F. Ncwbery (md Sons: Joieau. Retail or all _Chemists at 2s. Od. and 4s, fld. per. bottle. muCKER'S Patent CALF FEEDER, complete, 7B. By this invention culve8 feed ùy the lluturaf process of snckinp. To ùe obtaineilof Agriculwmllronmongcrs •nd Iinplewenl. Arfntity, or of Tucker Bros., Ashburton. "Devon. THE EYES! THE EYES!! THE EYES!!T RKSTOHE YOUR SKillT. Hjiectaclos rendered nsolcrs. Alt cHseasos of tlio eyes cured by usirip Dr. BA LI/K l'ATENT 1VOBV liYE CUPS. Can be used eireetively witliont the aid of doctors.-J<:nclo6C stamped envelope for particulars' to Mr, J. Ftetchor. Richmond Vilhl. Portfiold. Ciiichcster. Aridity of Sivmach, Sick-hcadachc, Indigestion, <fe. DW^im'S PATE!'LC0MPR £ SSfD S°I>A DROCKEDO N'S PATENT COMPRESSED POTASS', ARE THK FAMOTTS KKMRDIKS F(>n TNDIOEHTION, &nd are univei^filly ;icknowlcdKej to be tho most effective. Jx?causG they combine with tho pastric juico ana Uio food, und thus ncu. transo the OXCCK* of ncid in the atoroneh. Boxes, Is. ft 2s. 6rt.; cr by post. Is. Id. A 2s. 8<J. Of ft 11 ChemUta F. Newbery ft Soup, 37, Now«:at-o-stroel. St. rani's, l70iLdou._ Ol AA/\ on Accidental Doat^,i>5 Weekly" ptJX) v/" v/ dnring DisaWonii nt. fur £ 2 10s. per aim. OCEAN. RAILWAY, and GENERAL TR.A- V VKbMiK.S'' ASSliHANOK COM I'AN V. Limitoil, Mnnsiou- H. Use buildings, TjpmUm. E.C. AGKNTS rcciuired in ovorv Town. I i KEAT TICHBOKNE TK1AL PICTURE^ V A cmilrtiuitw nwirlv 200 Kiin-rautce'l port ra its (combination of Jury by jicnnission ot WONSI s. Wat kins and llaiKb). J'riccs 21s., E»s., 3»., 2h.—\V. Nicholson, as, Walhrook, l/oiidon. Kcy (id. extra. OR! NAYWARD'S NEW DISCOVERY. The Treatmont and modo of Curo. HOW TO USE SUCCESSFULLY, WITH safety and success, in all cases of woak- V w nets, low Rpirits, despondoney, languor, exliaustion, nervous debility, loss of strength, appetite, &c.. He, WITHOUT MEDICINE. Pamphlet, ill,trucfionR, diagrams, &ie., die,, tor Invalids, post free. tv>o stamps, from Dr. HAYWARD. M.lt.O.S.. US.A., &c.. No. 14, York-street. Portraan-square, London. W. T MONEY WITHOUT SECURITY. HF, A 1'LAS LOAN & IN VESTJiKNT COMPANY make immediate ailvnnrcN to residents in town or country, on simple note of iiand, without trouble or expense. Advances also on furniture and stock privately, and without removal, deeds, life policies, &c.—Application personally or by letter. Offices, Goswcll-rond. London, K.< A. IttlStlTON, Mnnager. THE LICENSED VIC^UABIJEBS' A PURE TEA COMPANY, BY THEIR APPOINTED AGENTS SUPPLY THE PUBLIC WITH TEAS CHOICE, PURE, AND UNADULTERATED, At the lowest possible prices, BLACK*—Choice and pure, in amber wrappers, at 2s. per lb. Do. do.—First crop Tea, in orange wrappers, at 2B. 6d. per lb. lIUXED.- Finest Mixed Toa, in chocolate wrappers, at Ss. per Ib, GREEN.-Finest Moyune Green Tea, in light-green wrapper*. at3a.6d. per lb, INDIAN.—Assam Indian very fine Black Tea, in dark blue and gold wrappers, at 8s. 611, per lb. In packets of lib., ilb., ilb., and 2oz„ and in canisters of 21bs,. «M.81bs. each. Bach packet bears trade mark, name. & nriee. Be careful to obtain the PURE Tea Company's Teas. Wholesale Depot: George F. Smyth Manager PENMAN STREET. LONDON BRIDGE, S E STEEL'S GOUTTPTLLS ARE the certain remedies for Gout and Rheumatism, and never fail to cure. Is. lid. and 2s. 9d., of all Chemists, and X. ,V. Steel, 2M3, Liverpool-road. London, N. Wholesale of New. bery nndSons. 87^Newgate-street, E.C. riVRUSSES, ELASTIC STOCKINGS. -*r 4 SURGICAL BELTS, BANDAGKS, &c. Illustrated Price List sent on Rpplication, (Established 1880.) E. J. LINDREY. 55. BOROUGH, LONDON. BRISTOW'S PURE ^COAL-TAR SOAP pRODUCES A CLEAR, SOFT, AND HEALTHY 8KIN. removes eruptions, blatchc.. chnpH itc Cleanses, purifies, prevents contagion, and proserves health. For Aoi% Bath, Nursery, aud Sick-room. In tablets 4d„Gd„ and 8d., ana boxos ls»f?d„ of all Chemists, Porfumers, Ac jfflk WI 1 CAUTION!—See you pet "BRISTOW'S." Wiiolesnie: ^owbery*s and Wholesale Houses. TRADE MAUK ALGONICON BALM- -CTL CREFYDD'S NEW REMEDY. Cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Gout, Tic, Lumbago, Sciatica bntf Joints. Sprains, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Stiff Neck. Mumcs. Fiiccucho, Cramp, Chilblains, &c. To he had of the Wholesale Agents-Slinger and Sons, 150, Ox- ford-street F. Newbery and Sous, 37, Newgate-street: W. Edwards, 88. Old Chanee; Barclay and Sons, 95, Farringdon- ttn ot. I/ondon; and of all Chemists. In half-pint bottles (authentic testimonials enclosed), piico <8. ø" Agent r—W. H.jREES, Chemiet, Dew Street, H. Welt — » ■■ Impurities of the Blood. '086 Klls are valued at the humblest hearHjt thrZn, 'n „e houses of comfort and wealth. They work s dinnwTl?;«JU« i*R ^r«Hghout the whole system, without thosa KZ, H-10 na<:},T?11 action of any organ, and eradicate e«5yp«veCOm ts whIch consign tens of thousands to Bronchitis, Diphtheria, Coughs, and w Colds. No diAeases are mare fí thftn^S^S'f6W m°^-fangCTOllB rise to more fatal xnaladi^tW a rftSJ remWheTa0^fby ^» £ form their functions with ease and reg5^tynd^^J^^ other pulmonary complaints. uuu Debility, Loss of Appetite, Headache," and Lowness of Spirits. I These Pills frill, in a few days, effect a truly womlcrfal ehantte in Debilitated Constitutions (no matter their exdHag cawae), as they create a healthy appetite, correct indima. tion, remove excess of bile, overcome giddiness, oonfta^, rick headache, and aU those gloomy forebodings arising from « bad stomach or disordered digestion. The Medicine for Females, Young and Old. For overcoming all obstructions and restoring s«spou.8flfl •ecretions, thera is no medicine to be compared to these PIBB. Universally adopted as the one grand remedy for FemaM Complaints, these Pills cannot fail, they strengthen the system, and always brine about 'wtiat is required. To females entering into womanhood, or at the turn of life, they are invaJoaM6» being a perfect safe-guard against dropsy, headaches, pa4fnta» tion of the heart, and all nervous affections often distressing M those periods. Complaints Incidental to Children. *■ Whooping cough, measles, scarlatina fevers, and nil diseases of the 6kin, may be immediately checked, and soon flmed by these purifying Pills. No mother should be with- out thsm. One, two, cr three (reduced to powder), may ho pyen nightly, with the certainty of doing good. Nervous Disorders. Any derangement of the nerves eifects disastrously both the body and the mind. To tho nervous invalid these Pills are of vital necessity, as they impart tone and vigour to the internal organs, and consequently to tho nervejus system which per- vades and connects them. Hence their marvellous cures of hysteria, low spirits, spasms, fits, nervous twitchings, ttni other kindred complaints. Eollowaj/'s Pills are the best remedy known in the world for the fot/owing diteam:— Ague Headache Secondary Bymp. Asthma Indigostion toms Bilious Complaints Liver Oomplaints Tic-Dolorcux Blotcheaontheakin Lumbago Ulcers Bowel Complaints Piles Venereal AffeetioBi Debility Rheumatism "Worms of all kinds Dropsy Retention of Urine Weakness from Female Irregu- Scrofula, or King's whatever cauee, larities Evil tec., &o. Pavers Of :ill kinds Sore Throats Gout Stone and Gravel The Pills r.nif Ointment are soM it Professor Hoi £ OVAT*9 BfttaNifhmcnt, 53."?, Oxford Street, London; a!jr> by nMMT every respectabh Vendor of Mcdicine throughout tn1? Civittsott "Wf-rl l, in Boxes and Pots, ut Is. 1V1-, 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., Us., Ms.» and 33!1, each Tho smallest Box of Pills contains four doam; and the ^mfcllCit Pot of Oin'mrnt one ounoe. Pull printe.1 directions are affixed to each JJox and Pot, and uon be had in any It;nf* ia«e, even 1,'1. Turk., ÂlabJC, Aruumiau, Persian, yr CTuMpso. ^0,13-1.; AGUNTS.—Wlfntod iinniediaicly, FOR Jcwelh ry ARD 1 Fimcy (Jood-I. I llunti ntrd ('ntiil"»:II<I free. t LINES Simmons, Manufacturing Jeweller, ILTI, Jiilgbas- TM Streol, Riiiniii^tiam. JOSLIKSTUN CUEMtCAL WORKS, rEMIJltOKi Important to iMndoioici'S uiul Timber Growerv MORGAN AND HOWELL Are at all times open to PURCHASE roujili limber MIK Coies for Cliemienl ami Colliery jmrposs A Lot of Timber lor Agricultural purposes alway I unhide I Apply AS above. /"LUOCOLAT MliNIKH for U5U5AKFASI j AWAUMSD MliLML lit the VIENNA EXflj MITiON. IJoware of Imitations. Observe Trac'e Marks and Ileal Name. /^IHOCOLAT MENlElt lor LUNCHEON. ) AWARDED MKDAI. at the VlltNWA hX)ttBtHON. liewarc of Imitations. Observe Trade Maths and Heal Name. VI EAIEU'S COCOA Sold in and £ lb piickots am. ITJ 1 IT* tins. AWAHDKL) Ml' DAL, ttt tile VIENNA BX11I- BITION. Hewaro ol Imitations. Observe Trauo Marks and Real Name. Y| LNIER'S ESSENCE of COCOA Sold in £ lb and IT I llh tint, 2s per lb. AWAUDKB HKUAL at tin VIKNNA KXIIMITIOX. BEWARE of Iinitatioiis. Observe Trade Marks and Real Name. \YF ENIEU'S CHOCOLAT FOWDEU HALU A(„! iVl. Vanilla flavour. SOLD in and HB tine AW .HDKD MKIJAL AF. ihc VIENNA IXIIIBITION. Bewan of Imitations. Ohscrre Trade Marks and Real Name. CHOCOLAT MEN FT U defies nil honest competition. Annual Consumption exceeds S OIlO,COOl hs. AWARDED MEDAL at tlw VIENNA EXILILILTLON. Beware of Imitations. Observe Trnd'J Marks and Heal Name. Factory aud Warehouse, Southwark-street, and Wor- cester street, llorough. PUBLIC Ac-OOUNTANl MR J. EDWARD MATHIAS BKGS most respectfully to inftTmthe Inhabitants of D Haverfordwest and the County of Pembruki generally, that ho has COMMENCED business as l'ub}ic Accountant and General Comrjiasion Agent, and hopes that by strict attention to business to merit a aharoof their confidence and patronuge. Tradesmen's AcclJunta unri Balance Sheet8 muile up, Rents Collected, and COMMISSIONS uf every kind promptly at tended tn, Agent to the Scottish Union Fire and Life Insurance Company, References and Sea)o of Charges on application. Offices: VIUTOUIA PLACE, opposite lo the Brecon Bank, Haverfordwest. Dinneford's Fluid Magnesia For Thirty years the Medical PROFESSION haveapprovet of this pure solution AS the best remedy lor ACIDITY OF TliE STOMACH, HEAUT15URN. HEADACHE, GOUT, AND INDIGESTION, And as a miltl Aperient for rlelieato eonstitutions, especially adapted for Ladies, Childreu, and Infants, When combined with the ACIDULATED LEMON STRUT. It firms a most agreeable effervescing draught, in wlii;DI Its aperient and cooling qualities are much in- creased. In warm seasons :11111 warm climates, this simple preparation, when taken REGULARLY bus been found highly beneficial. D I N N E F O R D & CO., Chemists, &T, 172, New Bllud Street, London; Sold by all resiicetable Chemists throughout tne World. CA UTION.-See that Dinneford & Co," is on each bottle and red label over the eork and use DINlSEFOliD'S FlilCrION GLOVES & BELTS 1NVFS1 MENT—FIVF PElt CENT. I N'l KREST. C^ONSELTVA riV E LAND SOCIETY V Established 1852. Totnl Receipts to Christinas, JR7:t as per published accounts .£1,998,638 fls hI. Rate of Interest on Shares 5 per Cent per Annum' Rate of Interest on Deposits 4 rer Cent, PER Annum. The money can be withdrawn at any time, on short notico under tho Rules. Prospectors post free on application. OTTWA• 99 V F II ASHDOWN, Secretary. Offices. 23, Norfolk Sjreet, Strand, LondoD, W.C. CAUTION^ In calling the attention of the Trade to a recent decision in the House of J,ords, in the case of "Wotherspoon v Currie," whereby our sxclusive right to the use of the word "Glcnfield in connection with Starch is indisputably established, would also intimate that this decision renders the sale of the starch made by the defendant illegal, and will subject tbe seller of it to a Penalty of.StO.OOO. We beg to intimate to those who may have been induced TO buy it, that to save them lrom total loss we will allow 20s. per owt. for it, at the Glcnfield Starch Works, Paisley, in exchange for the genuine Article, at the current price. This will entail a loss upon ourselves, as tho packets will be broken up and sold for Waste Starch, but it will at the same time be the mians of rendering the Article useless for further deception. Any information that willI-ad to conviction will bo rewarded. R. WOTHERSPOON & CO. A BAZAAR In AID of tho FUND, for the RESTORATION of N OLTON CllUliCH WILL bo held in Haverfordwest, during the TV ensuing HUNT WEKK, under tbe Putrou&GO of The COUNTESS ot CAWDOR, MRS. SCOUREIELD, MRS P111LIPPS, Picfon Castle, MRS PHILLIPS, Lawrenny Park, MRS COLBY, Fyncne, MFCS. BAKU AM, MUS V.LARKE, Scolton, MRS STOKES, Culfofll, MRS DAVIES, CASTLE Urcrn. Contribution;, ot Fancy Work and nther Artlclofl nre earnestly requested, and will be thankfully received B? Ur8 Rerrington, Druidston, and Mrs S'.oUcs, CufFern. EMIGRATION TO ADELAIDE. SOUTH AUSTRALIA ASSISTS PASSAGES. 1 be Government cf South Australia grant PASSAGES to the FOLLOWING persons;— VU<ILN°> Atriculiurai and other Laboureis, Minors and Gardeners under 50 years OF ace. 2. Single Femnle Domestic Servants, or WIDOWS ( wii hout Children under 11) not exceeding 40 years of age. Subject to the payments as under:— For Males or Females under 12 years of age, £:3 each >ver VI and under 40, JC4 cacb over 40 and under £8 each. Persons PAYING their own Passago receive n Lan.i Warrant of the value of £ 2-()R ILnidbook desciiptlvt if the Colony, gratis on application. For further information apply to fHE EM IURATION AGENT FOR SOUTH AUS THALIA. 37, Great George Street, WESTMINSTER, London BOROUGH OF THE TOWN AND COUNTY OF HAVERFORDWEST. FAIRS FOR 1 874. [HE FAIRS for 1871 will be held as follows, unless L some unforeseen circumstance aball make an iIteration necessary :— 2SV TUESDAY 13th I EBRUAllY. i mt VI ARCH, APRIL, JJF MAY t UNE, (for Wool and Stock) (ULY, ,J.U- VUGUST, }flf SEPTEMBER, M()NDAY 7U IPTOHCP rrt' • TUESDAY, 22nt5 'CLOBER, (HMNJJ laii) >1 ON DAY, 5(| VOVL.'M'TITT? 1UESDAY, ?0TL> DECEMBER,' I" »» lotb, i he PIFC H atra will bo held the dby after the Cattl N'airs. Dealers and others attending the Haverfordwes lairs are hereby Cautioned against the Practice 0; macerating with a Knife, or other Instrument, for he p' 1' "UN marking an Animal and NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. Under the Statute 12 and 13 Viel., cap. 02, al I/ersons found Lacerating any Animals, will be liable o a Penalty of FIVE POUNDS. JOHN JAMES, MAYOB. Dli. II AY WARD'S NEW DISCOVERY. The Treatment and Mode of Cure. I HOW TO USWSUCCESSFULLY, WITI1 safety and sucrcss, in all cases of v/eakn«SS I loss ol nerve, powr, functional ailment- lov pirits, despondeney, languor, exhaustion, musculo lebility, loss of Ltr>'n>:t I. apprtite, ^C &C WITIIOlTT M EI!!mNE. The New Mode. REANIMATES Mill KKVIVHS fe fniiinfr fnn»*tioi i.t' of life, and thus imparts Energy NND Fresh Vitality TO THE EXHAUSTED and Debnii<iied con/tiiution and may fairly be termed The Fountain of Health. Local and Nervine Treatment. IMPARTS tone and vigour to the nervous sysSco, ül. |TO»OT:M,e» NSGLUJ immniiil IIIG- properties, Ih ..ilut nee on the SECR-TION^ and functions is speed11) nanifes'.ed, and in all casei of debility, ricrroiKnes*. I !epre.->ion, palpitation of the heart, TROUBLING in tie 'IIVBS pains in the liack, &E., lesuliiog from ovi'I TAXED energies of body or mind, ISRE. Fail Printed Instructions, with Pamphlet and Diagrams jor Invalid*, /jott Free., t»<„ stumps, ( llOM SOl.K INV ICNTI.lt AN1.I I'AT! NlFK.) Dr BA yWARD, M R C.S., L.S A., 14, York Street. I'tirtiuan Square, Louden, W. POTATOES FOR COOKING. POTATOES FOR SEED. ONE II u nUITe d rr o n s, Best Quality, IRISH WHITE ROCK POTATOES FOR SALE AT GREEN AND JOHN, HAVERFORDWEST. SHIRE IIAI.I. IIA\i:I;ioi;ii\vixr. A GRAND EVENING CONCERT IN AID OF THE FUNDS OF THE HAVERFORDWEST HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY WILL TAKE PLACE AT THE ABOVE HALL On TUESDAY, the 17th MARCH, Instant, \Vben Several Ladies and Gentlemen of the Town and Neighbourhood have kindly consented to assist Prices of Admissioll-neserved Seats 2s Gd. Second do. Is Gd. Area Is. Gallery rGd. For Further Particulars see Programmes. 1 Dated this 5th March, 1874. NEW (iOOl)S FOR THE SPUING SEASOX. greenisITdawkins HAVE JUST RECEIVED THEIR FIRST DELIVERY OF NEW GOODS IN PRINTED CAMBRICS, SHIRTINGS, TRUSSORS, AND OTHER NE'V DRESS MATERIALS. 4' Also Several Cases of the Newest Styles in STRAW HATS, which will be much worn, for the Coming Season. COMMERCE HOUSE, 24, 25, & 2(), Market Street, Haverfordwcst BRIDGE STREET, IIIAVERFORDWEST. A D. P. SAUNDERS, Chemist, Druggist, §c. t BEGS to annonnce that. h« has been appointed Agent for the sale of the WIN ICS of JOSEPH TRAVERS & SONS, a firm which has been established in London for upwards of 120 years, and has acquired an excellent reputation by the superior quality of the wines supplied by them. Great precautions are taken to ensure the purity of the Wines every bottle, even of the commonest kinds is labelled with the name and Trade Mark of the Firm, and the purchaser is thereby guaranteed the receipt of the Wine bottled by the Firm. b PRICE LISi ON APPLICATION. D. P. S. also respertfnlly invites the alteiitiuii of the public to his New Stock of GARDEN, FLOWER, AND AGRICULTURAL SEEDS' which have been select d Irom the establishments of the first ElIglish Seedsmen, and are ill tIt best possible conditiun. Catalogues on Application. N E W H r T(J II H us SHOP. ~— BENJAMIN THOMAS (Forme:fly Coachman to J. ll, Scourfield, Esq.. lIf, P., IViUiamston ) l^EGS respectfully to inform the Gentry and Inhabitants of Haverfordwest and its neighbour- J J hood, that he has commenced business as a Butcher, at the House formerlv used 't> Office a„J ailjoijiing the Savings Bank, in Quay Street, ami trusts by a careM sS prompt execution of all orders he may be favoured with to merit a share of public uatron-uro Joints, Steaks, and Chops supplied to order. 0 Quay street, Haverfordwest, Dec. 5, 1873. HA VERFORDWESTT BOOK, STATIONERY) MUSIC, & GENERAL FANCY WAREHOUSE London and Provincial Newspaper and Advertizing Office PIANOFORTE & HARMONIUM REPOSITORY, I &c No. 7, Market Street. LLEWELLYN BRIGSTOCKE by assiduous personal attention to the duties of his Business, and the varyL requirements Vtl neighbourhood, he may merit and secure a fair share of public patronage and support ROBERTS AND ROWLANDS CORN, BUTTER, & SEED MERCHANTS SPRING GARDENS, IIA VERFORDWEST Agents for the London Manure Company's Various Artificial Manures. Bi and R..beg to inform the Public that Mr JOHN WTI T TA mc i x LANDS ami WILLIAMS, has retired fro, f ™ RO -.1 "i,at the same premises on a larger scale. 11 W'U l'.S.—All onlsto.lii,g accounts to be pud ami received by Koberts and R,)wl.u„|s ODAMS^MAmjIulsr^—" ODAMS' NirRO-PHOSI-HATE. Oil BLOOD Ma- ODAMS' DIS80I VPn 1SUUE, FOR COKN AND UoUT CHOI'S. ODAMS' .SIM'RI AI im P N,'S- ODAMS* KUI'KKl'HOsrilATE. ODAMS' SI'ECIAI T ,KV MAP«TRE ODAMS' SOLUBLEOUANO. (AMMONIA FIXED). ODAMS' TOI^KESSIN^M'0.M *NUHE. MANUFACTUEKIJ NITRO-PHOSPHATE AND ODAMS' CHEMICAL MANURE COMPANv (LIMITED), X Consistine of Tenant Farmer occupying uownrds of 100 dfVi j„„„ft CHIEF OFFICES: 109 FEN CHURCH STREET nL„, DlllECXoHS. CHAUVMAN—KOBIii?.T LEEDS, CustleacrB K^f n, Hepuiv-CumuMAN—JOUIN COLLLVS, Ai«vl.» h'ousr h p EDV7ARD BELL, 48 Murine l'urade, Jlngl.ton. | JoNAS WpliH vi i! Z*7' T • RICHARD HUNT, Stanatead Abbott, HeiU- C. J. J,A( Linoohwbire. GEO ItO E SAV1LL, lnglhorpe, near Stamford. f c-imhnl' CHAltLES DORM AN, 123, Essex Street, htrand.. UEltDKliT" BI It?> r, t rUOMAS WifiBB, Hilderflhum, Cambridgeshire. | Sliortacres, Icterboro'. MAWOINO-l)i.<KCTon-JAMKS 0Duja ANI) SUB-MANAGt:K AN)) fc>ECItKTAKY-C. T. MACADAM Severttl Hundred Thousand Tons of these Mauures huvc been suDDlif.^ • < he annually increasing demand for thom is the best proof of the upr>rouiA!wn P-Agricultural public, and Particulars may be had of the Local Agents, or thoy will be lorwardirf V» « 7 nr8 ht'ld- tion to whom also communications respecting agenviea in distriets not rf.nrp«n» ™ bo^r,:lar.V UP«U applica- Chief Offices, 10!), Fenehurob Street, London. E.C. presented may be made. Apply to ELLIS & COMPANY Haverfordwest. Our First Cargo 105 TONS, of the iibovc valuable Manures is nearly all sold. y Wc arc now di^cliarging a bccond Cargo, 1(52 TONS, and shall feel obliged if those persons who intend purchiising %vill kindly Sc)1(l [n their order? at once, that we may nuike aiTangements accordingly, March Oth, 1874. (;<§§ e) 1 The Only American made (Howe) machini)& now in the Em-t-pettn mark^tf OTFBN- „ KSTABJ'ISUKI> 18D5. S only Cu^o°IJM ,RIJATIC 1'ILIS The S .nv is.utei \V*^ 'Obtained of Nkwuku-* and 1» la.'> y,j 'ill Chemists, m boxe/, 0\'tn< Mann, pr :int,' ^s- J*ost tree lor out M.rn.S j ivorrwf'l iV"1! !'>' Fju-nk W- S'fKEL, • J-Ivc'pt)ul Road, London, N. S'lftA&i COM M UXICATIQN IV lTl1 THE Vi v,. J0< TJl 0F 1RE Wilv's^ ^rtren)^nti Watcrford The Milior i ii ViS;° Cau"day, excepted). pany's K0yai Steam tsliip Com mittiog teameis wilt sail, weutber per mlttllJg- At 1 4(1 m J,'H0M NBW M»-KOBIi, ""•1" •s ;vn(.7Vui 01 ''f,1 Train, 8o as to Limerick,Cork, &c? l'roc y lhe U,,2(J tt U1- TrailJ 10 1"ltOM WATBRKORD, At 4 p.tti, on arrival of the train from Cork, Limerick, ■/r, *° as to pivisenders ta prococd .Vv the i0 *.« reachingf»ndon .lt j 1>15 u U1 }* tnt ■tor furmer particulars apply toap.v of tli« Railwav H~"ji"6- NOTICE TO CORN GROWERS! ihllis and Company open to BUY all kinds of GliAI'V \r t bo 1.M- rf" L",s' DcUvor)' to nearest Uail«.iy Station t lmmo ^«f»Hty and Condition. and tolerably 1,0 JR,ced 0D- J J5t°t,0n' t0 Vesseis at neureet Port, or to our Storeu, OLD QUAY, as may Hsivurfordwcat, August, 8173. P O TATOE3. pxlkct ELLIS AND VOMVA NY. EXPECT in a few days, ex Schooner" Blanche," a CAHGa about 130 of 1<'IŒNCH l'UTATOES to bl' ,1i8chnrlwci lit PEAl BltOIÜ; IHJCK. 3,1 HA V EIŒOl{1J W "Vi e shall oO"er them. for dt>Jivuy (rom the Ship at a -o \V l'me! to save Dxpense of Storing &c. SlImpln takpl1 from bulk cnu bt: eecu « our Ustdblisbmetil Ulk;I!-Strcet B„erford.„t. February 21, 1874, — — 7iSD WIITTER iF1 A. S HIP S. 3, IIIGH STREET, HA VERFORD WEST. R- & F. PHILLips 1VT -r-r-r- I^3EruRM-NTo TO tueir ? NEW PREMISES WJII.TO increased^ AccoDimodalion for thuir WorkTi n •„ 1 BEl,7ur!S"ilLt° 'hant »• 1-uUI. gcilL'raily t„r lhe execution of Orders, »"b" h"° •«» •«. liiUltUUGrHLY GOOD AHTrrrvtS AT rrm r 1} ■ Ana this lljcy (1; be5ita(e ( J s;^hc;T HEMCXERATIVE PRICES thf>1IwoWeB PRACTICAL TA IT iiik ,u r> y PrePared to do. S £ I;- "«»» TH E ncecimuM OF «U. Pub £ u.t,„t.^Ml„Mot6eintli|1<itn]c ,t< o( thcjr TTo'#-« n -r,. °fadenee on the discrimination of the ,Hats, Caps, Ties, Scarfs, Collars. &c., &0. i-ne lrustees for the Freempr7nfT)T~n i H„„ <• b<"ough and County of the Town of Haverfordwest, in Account with the Free, •r.K. Kal.'tace of the ,mt Aoonuut „ „ I»C0-M.r2S 1SVKS ™E™- C,. .805-Mn,.2» LU<I'S' ^WO-Vul,0^h"87 1!» » 3 Half yenr« rentlesBin- £ lfi 7,1i come tax Ho 17 ;U I87»-Fob lT U 298 16 8 Less credited in tbe last £ 'l(i ti «' account. o'l 5 4} *-Il» Uiuwls at 92| m u 4rS^i'«r.y2 «* 5! 17 <» » .0 'iiicsSAUBV 7w iu 0 One year less incomo r> • •' t»* .y4 „ wiglit years to this dav 8(J 0 Q lS«7~Sept. 29 3 iiXt'ENSES. One year and a ball'd -Juno 6 to rent less income tax 111 S 1' Mny 24 A'«x.ar8 bad S £ c!^ t^vmentR including (Llewellin) 102 17 0 S'js n n W- C 'st l)f Writa of Q>w 1872—March 25 11 Warranto ag»i„8t J0„< s Four years and a half's r'n 8. who 'U(i been wroue- rent loss incomo tax l^'ri 7 » 'uly admitted, costs of dividend,, 1873-Mir. 25 7 1 ptinlxnj, advertising, &, Dno years rent loss in- T 0 •KEt'AlJJS. ° ° come tux 273 17 G\ 1807—June 8 Less Aricars bud ?'i .Tn?r ^atee, <fec., on (Thomas) 1G 7 11 Arlow s holding j. do good 41 15 10 58 3 9 215 13 0i W W'lr r "10 1,5 Ji "• Wiltnnis forming l>.» < niVTm7i«n« iwVTT 2174 1^1 -tone Jto.d n» 1 «*n»er- ^yJ^NDS AND SALES OF STOCK. 1-SGQ-Fob. 24 2 10 0 tuTu 1 lr Allowed Mr Honrv ly, lbGS Jan. t) account of £ l9n f on Fpur half year's dividend 3Mraer«ton ro,nirK at loss income tax on Mareh *> 32 13 3 A^i^mb 13105 ™ £ 229 lis Id Cohsols nt, Sir S. Green 1 3 2 4 < Oojj less esponsea ;;]•> o < — Au' 4 0 5 7 1871— Oct. 21 Allowed Mr H Fvnno <• £ 334 lOs Consols, IOBH i>nirs of fonc°« °r re* i exprjt«e» 309 3 t 1870—Jan. 31 12 3 9 One Year's Dividend Allowed Mr H Dn»io« 1 tbcroon duo 5tb July 0 10 8 318 10 Q °fthe £ !20.. balance 544 18 6 Fw73~N"V 28 87 6 P First annual allownnce of £ l0 for ten ye .r. to Mr H. D.vies iuroTpeiaUO,1°fhispX',>e"di- 0 Jt "idmerston 10 0 0 >M.o8,t1,iV'I1)liSU- U"2 54 n 1868-MQr. to Srpt. raid 383 Froemen ,10.> each. 7GG 0 0 Paid 380 do ,i Uo do 760 0 0 1873-Nov. 28 1520 0 t Biilauce £ 2764 4 5 1873—Nor. 28 Balance ~loTTTo" £ 27H 4 SJ 2, At Md (M, d>y „ — —— — J. W. 11IILLIPS, Chairman. NEW QUAY UMBER YARD HAVEKFORD W EST. Dantzicl Swede Crown Gcflo, Deals of all Preparcd Flooring, In. Ruof Batten, ana Laths. Orders 10raU kinas of Scantlings, Boards, -te" ex""nt.cd at the shortest notice. \VILLIAMS & CLOSE, Importers. THOMAS Agent. Depot of the S.P C.KT THE OBSEUV ATOny, MARKET STltEET, HAVESFOKDAVEST T. J. "WHITE W(lf £ t, Jeweller, Optician, STATIONER, BOOKSELLER &c T) EGS to announce that at the above Depot (which has heon w li. P Years) he has now for Sale Bibles, Testaments, Prayer Bo^f ,1 n°P T Ten l^nghsh ami Welsh also Reward Books. School Books KrtL ct^ I Tn m &c. and that at the request of many of his Customers he has adtWl ^S' C^ dr 1C °ta' uct'• PLAIN AND FANCY STATIOVFPV ^onsisting of Note Paper, Envelopes all sizes, Mourtiinc Note Pv)(M. i r t -i Border bteel Pens, Penholders, Pencils • Ink Jet Rlu-k- V; 11 UI ^liv«l»pes all widths e Red, Marking Ink, Memorandum Books, Ruled Copy Books Foot'111C.oc]iru'11'3 bright SCAVI 1 apei 1 issue l^aper all colours, Inkstands, Purses, Colour Boxes v Ji"d /Uled' BIottia Kmves, &c. °lUUl ^aliug Wax, Pen and Pocke Bibles strongly bound, 6d., 8d., and 10d., each, Testaments 2d and 9^ u, feehool 1 estanients with strong Metal Rims 4M each Prayer Books 2d 2id, 3d, 4fd, Gd each and Upwards. Church bervices, New Lectionary, from Is 4d to 15s each. Be ward Books from one Farthing each to 7s (3d f. J. W. also begs respectfully to invite the attention of tho t> 11- Clocks, Jewellery, Spectacles, and Eye Glasses &c the wh< 1 ° U> Stock of Watches, selected and many novelties recently added. wlnclt have been carefally A three years warranty given with each Clock and W iteh c u Duplex, and Repeating Watches. Cleaned, K(-T)air(.(i a,,dVnvf n • !Iori''r'nt;i!' Lcv'er. Verge t guaranteed. Jewellery neatly and carefully repaired W le'5, aad com'rt P^r^Tinat. Wedding Kings and Keepers, Engaged Kings, Stc. Koys and fi'.ted liEMOYED FliOM BRIDGE STKEEtT- HARRIES'S WMesale and Retail Stationery and Book Estab.. (\ I» I» NFRN 'R Circulating Library, OPPOSITE THE S II I R e Ti T r dIG H.ST REE T, il 4 V ER F Q Ii D W Eb NOW OPEN WITH ABOUT THREE THOUSAND VOLUMES OF NEW nooro /V X-<a>'gc Stock of Guueral Stationery a varied Assortment ,if Fa,„,v r one r- lhy~non's JAMES ROCH FARM & FCIiNISIIING IROKMoElk Gas Fitter and Plumber, Tin Plate and Wire Worker &c D EG S to announce tlnit lie has commenced Business at the above place, and havL ju!t r, JL) Irom the Limiaghum, Suefaeld, aud other Markets, with a Wd selected StoeiK El'ctro-platcd Goods, 1< unnshing and Builders' konmougery, L^u, Paiuts, CoiyUrJ Bar Iron, Steel, Spades,^ Shovels, Fire Arms, Powder, Shot, Cups, Cartridges d!ilt q ?an«.Oil^ dsc., he is prepared to ofter Goods vviiich for quality and price will c°iupaiia0 ^■•-ses, of any other house. Purchasers can rely oubeiu^ well served, arid orders prompt) Wltl1 tij0sc In soliciting a share of public patron age, he will use every exertion to mem 1 J, Y execute. all who may kindly favour him with a visit. '■' '^den^c uf Seven and a half per cent, off for Cash, with the exception nf u,, T and Cast Iron Kettles- 01 iron I' ( \'P ALL KINDS OF LVU" s 7., 3*rr>. w.'jlu'.s to ,:atl atteuti.ti, w his^ "^n. H. i j( K *?*»**■ i> ""itj-J!,1..jr'^ • bK'rl:l^' ,OW RO' INSPECT'ON.