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OWN AND COUNTY OF HAVERFORDWEST. rtsu.JfOTlCE IS HEREBY GIVEN, I "AT the next General Quarter Sessions of the j,*Tj. "ace for the said Town and County, will be J»irkn.tnd kfP* «t tbe Shire Hall, Haverfordwest, on «'?i L Y» ll»« 18tb day of October, 1872, at Eleven l>rop°2 w the Forenoon, and that the Court will first *«toi to audit and examine all accounts relative to the ti«pt« and expenditure and the assessment, applica- *HdO*nd management lor Ibe rate for the said Town J**j0unty and that all persons summoned to attend as ibK. Constables, Persons bound by Rccogni^nce IO *Bd n^ereat> most attend and answer to their names; ty .persons having indictments to prefer, or appeal* jfaterseg to try, or any business to transaot, are «^ji .1*^ to attend; and nil Justices of the Peace for the *l|j0 °*n and County are requested to return a!l depo- tof1,1* "I'd recognizances taken and acknowledged t'e- 12th i>etD' tu l*,e Clerk 'he Peace on or before the <*#y of October next. WILLIAM VAUGHAN JAMES, Sept 1 Clerk of the I'Moe. "<!PM872. JI„„ NORWICH UNION **« INSURANCE SOCIETY, instituted 1821. Capitul £ 550,010. DIKECTOHS. Edward Steward, Esq, President. Hi>w^eor60 Durrant, Esq., Vice-President. tC8on> Ee<l ify'wistopher Hotson, Edward Tack, Esq 3 Dalrymple, Esq, *'ward Simpson, Esq Colonel James Cockburn Thomas Beevor, Esq Henry Back, Esq William Robert Clarke Esq Captain Francis Astley Cubitt „ 8KCUETAHT Samuel Bignold, Knight, Surrey-street, Norwich KEPKAL OF THE IJuTjf upon Fire Insu- HloqiJ 'r°t» Midsummer, 18t>9, will enable Insurers to in«.«8 '^eir protection on first-class risks without any of payment. ofg Rates of the Society are the same as other wliilst Periodical Returns are made to ihopariie* In proof of the public confidence in the prin- »w\*n(l conduct oft he Establishment, it will suffice to *» total business now exceeds £ 100,100,000. J^'urers, whose Premiums are due at Michaelmas fihj^'ided that payment should be made wilhii. "Mays of that date. Agents for the County :— jjafbertb-William Herbert Owen, Esq. Pembroke —Mr William Henry Warlow. "Tg")bv-,Nfr Thonrma Rep?. CARM AliTilENSil IRK lIas MR JOHN-GRIFFITHS j. 'Cn favoured with instructions to offer for SALK Pubhc AUCTION, at the Iron Duke Hotel, St Road> on Tuesday, 8th of October, 1872, "wo o'clock in the Afternoon, (Sulject to a cscrve bidding on behalf of the Vendors, and to C>J Conditions of Sale as shall there and then be | ~r Valuable FARM of Meadow, Pasture, and Cju I?a^lc Land, with a good Dwelling House, Out J™.°«se, Barn, Stable, Cow House, and other jwj^'Mingg called "MARBLE HALL," in the 43^ Llandissilio, containing by admeasurement 0fVrZr-16p., or thereabout; now in the occupation Thomas Richards, as yearly Tenant. ttig ?? above Farm is well suf plied with water joins roa^ lading from Llandi?silio to Llangol- of contains a very thriving Plantation of 3a. and other Trees, of about 30 years growth j ioj. pleasantly situated, is distant from Narberth **>lway Station; 3 miles, and from the Market to Of ar rth 7 miles. The Timber and Trees ^Itlia *»ken B*ch a price (in addition to the WVL Money) as shall be named by the Auctioneer ^JJyofSale. "or further particulars apply to Mr Thomas k; n' Solicitor, Cardigan; or to the Auctioneer, the p High Street, Narbertb, where Plans of the Pro may be seen. PROVINCIAL INSURANCE COMPANY WREXHAM AND LONDON. ESTABLISHED. 1852 CAP I TAL Jj. 2 0 0, 0 0 0. lIeld by a highly respectabl e Proprietary. H.v THE DIRECTORS *h much pleasure in calling attention to the v;oj* 8'eady increase of the LIFE FUNDS of the ^Pany as shewn bv the following particulars:— THE LIFE ASSURANCE FUND. At 31st December, 1862, was £51,2!)8 Do do 1865 „ £89.865 Do do lISt,S" £ 128.506 Do do 1871 II £165,b2d This fund is Exclusive OF THK ANNUITY FUND, Is SKCDRELY INVESTED, and has been ACCUMULATED FROM PRBMIUMS RECEIVED. CLAIMS PAID IN THIRTY DAYS After proof of death TOTAL LiFE CLAIMS PAID, .€160,000, v FIRE INSURANCES Effected at moderate rates of premium. Ills PROMPTLY AND EQUITABLY SKTTLED. TOTAL FIRE CLAIMS PAID, £440,000 CHAIRMAN OF THK BOARD:— THOMAS BARNES, ESQ., we Quinta, Salop, and Farn worth, Lancashire. ROBERT WILLIAMS, ABnl. SBCKFTARY, Wr* J 7aiHona for Agencies to be mad6 to the Secre- 's'tiS Proper, 5, Brighton Park, Clifton, tLANSTINAN. S^0F WELL SAVED COKN' JAM liS & MORRIS rv nlPr »"are fecei»ed Inotructions to 0,1 BY PUBLIC AUCTION, N^AY, the 30th of SEPTEMBER, 1872, lO/V One for Two o'Clock precisely, *011 (or thereabouts) of BARLEY, 74 N.B Tartarian Oats. hMii °«ts.nd a ere at partion of the Barley Markabiy well harvested considcrinjl the |i*»„ he use of the Hayguard and Barn will be Aliu!^ BDjr purchaser *Un# » Let for GrBBing with Sheep only until the 01 January, 1873, the following Fields. No «« A. R F 308 Cefyngwyn, Barley Stubble with 12 2 38 and 310 Cdngwya, Barley Stabble Ho. sAh Clover 20 0 0 °'l and 318 Cefngwyn, Oat Stubble 13 138 ft it B Credit will be giycn on approved Security. '-The Public are fcqnested not to bring any tlnnliji- 1n< and the Lan(Is wiH be let subject to v 48 w'" be produced on the day of 20th September, 1872. PEMBROKE-DOCK. ^P«rt AlVne. tJ"Ms«rTed 8ale of powerful Draft Horses, other choice Cowi, Corn, Imp'ements of I' Wagons, Harness, Dairy Utensils, ""Old Furnltnre, and other effects, &o. t,MR WILLIAM J. DAVIES to i.i.lilk "On a that he has been instructed by • u Hawkins, Esq., of London, who has tj, |rlU,e^ the contract for the supply of teams to WDockr»r<l. rem broke Doek, TO SELL BY AUC- Un4' °n Premlsts, QUEEN ST. EAST, and on the Bush Hotel, in the above town, ON ANd TUESDAY, OCT. 7 AND 8 1872. ir~ g"ndf'mentioned, vie.23 HORSES, the « £ ?COBIM ert of which are second to none in ^le»s f Pembroke; they have been selected re- and are young, powerful, and Wi,! colliery or Agricultural purposes they can- THk «L^p'Ha»|0W8—^re MTen ,a number, and| are of the c«t j ^e*on Breed, one of which has re »re «> • an^ others expected to calve shortly rj^etert 50n#i<lered by competent judgos to be the best '•try ,/vr<l of milch cows in the County; for sym> r^n>t'nK Qualities are not be surpassed. L r ANU HAY—Coosist'of about 140 Mows £ ^BtM7,tajr' ^een we" harvested, and n *do» u Ma,tin* purposes; 1 large Rick of prime about 20 tons, which is of a superior I jjj'rtj Hot^j 6 ^orn and Way are on the land near the AaD MACHINRRY —Comprise I two- cutter, by Warren 1 hand Chaff nporn Cr ?rrc^» Exall and Andrews; 1 Furze Mill n^«.u"her>which oan attaPhed to the lai^ge hi01fr.» two-wheel plough, by Howard (n«w); l » Pa'r 'ron Olngler8 1 pair of wooden 1lr°n thrashing machine I corn Mltto *PParatus, I large useful wagon and Tripples; ^Onr recently oonsirncied for carrying large ■,w to the Dockyard, and may be readily l*to a most useful wagon for general pur- T?t* of*c. Cdr' on w^"ee's 5 good carts: several rl harness 2 corn Measure*; picks, Rakes. t^liltV 8pade8, Paile, wheelbarrows, nose bags, largo ••hst 1 iron chains, leakers, Ropes, Combs, quantity of old iron, H Household FURNITURE, & OTHER h °f in nf0TIS I-"01,8;—Milk pans, churn buckets, tubs, i?nR» Wlti Pai,8» brass mounted and yoke 3 hrt ss °ther Utensils. Mahogany and oiher chest- oar' lna')0gany an(I other chairs, tables, ward car etin to,Ieasy chairs, book case, so'a, cane R„ y olock and case, Pembroke and other bedsteads, feather beds and bedding, 8wiif "f'tanda and dressing tables, chamber "dggf glass, meat safe, shelf-and-dre^er with all too n are,tog°ther with various other articles which pt«nii«e8r0U8 10 Part'cuI*rize but will be found on ptera. wheel PHOTON, new, with siWer commence at 12 o'Clock on Monday in *0n u«ad*y at p.m. The purchase ham Horses, only, will be paid for on the fall EfiV. I"61' ^*or Cows, Corn, Implements, and ^ProvM 0 there will bo Tbrea Months' Cradit on Sale Money to be paid to tho pr°*i<Ied at (be Bush Hotel, at 8 l^0r co,u'rjg from a distance ofOU.°",0nner great pleasure in oall the atten Proprietors, Con ? gei °^«ora tojthe above 3alo, as such a superior bona kvowa are seldom ottered Co^fa Auotioti Sale. Tha Horses are powerful, 1 tie Crops are good, and he trusts a»T intend patronising the Sale will give a re* Itnnli ^ance» aa t'10 whole of the Stock, Crops, a °UlSohol,i 8°^ on the first day, the f]a„ urniture and Miscollaneoua Artiolcs ou the ay. 1Ui4 to tho higUeet biddora. COUNTY OF PEMBROKE. MICHAELMAS QUARTER SESSIONS, 1872. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, n^HAT the next General Quarter Sessions of the 1 Peace lor the County of Pembroke, will be holden at the SLiiro Hall. Hnverfordwest, on TUESDAY, the 15th day of OCTOBEU next, at Kleven o'clock ill the Forenoon, and at the hour of Twelve o'Clock at noon of the Fame day, a'l hustncM relating to tho County will commence and be proci-cded w'th. And Notice is Hereby also Given, that the Justices of the Peace acting in and for the paid County 01 Pem broke, wili, at llalf-pnst 1 welve o Click in the After- noon of the saiue day, prooeed with the busiiiesh relutiiiK to the Aa^cssnirnt, Application, and Manage- ment of the County and Police Kates COMMIITEK APPOINTED TO AUDIT TUEA- SUHKU'S ACCOUNTS And Notico is Hereby Given that the Committee np- pointeil to audit Treasurer's Accounts, will meet at the Sh're Ilall, Haverfordwest, 011 'luosday, the 8th day of October nixt, at Twelvo o'clock at noon, andNall persons having demands against the County are requested to send their Bills to the Clerk of the Peace s Othcf, Shire llall, not latrr than Four o.Clock p.m. 00 Saturday, the õtlJ day of October next. POLICE COMMITTEE. And Notice is Hereby also Given, that the Police Committee will meet at the Shire-hall, Haverford- west, on Tuesday, the loth day of October next, (lhc first day of the said Sessions) at Eleven 0 Cluck in the Forenoon. FINANCE COMMITTEE. And Notice is hereby also given that the Finance Com- mittee will attend at the Shirr-hall, Haverfordwest, on TUESDAY, the loth day of OdolJol mxt, (the tint day of the said Sessions) at Half-past Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, for the purpose of Examining the County Ac- counts. Tho Baid Accounts will bo audited in open Cuurt, as required by the Statute OCTOBER 16TII, 1872. T R I A L 0 F PRISONERS. And Notice is hereby also given, that on Wednesday, the IGth day of October next, (tho second day 01 t ir said Session#), at 20 minutes tolo o'cicok in tho forenoon precisely, tho Court will proceed with the Trial or Prisoners, when all Grand and Petit Jurors, Bailiffs of Hundreds, and persons bound by llecognizanecs to appear thereat must attend and answer to their names. And Notice is hereby also given, that all Appealnand Traverses to be tried at tho said Sessions must be entered at the Ofllce of the Clerk of the Peace on or before 10 o'Clock in tho Morning of Tuesday, the 15th day 01 October next,(tbo first day of the said Sessions), and tbo several Magistrates of the said County are requested to direct their Clerks to transmit all Depositions and He cognizances taken before them to the OMceof the Clerk of the Peace three clear days before the commencement of the said Sessions, in order that the respective Bills of Indictment may be prepared, and all Attornoys prac tising in the said Court are requested in all cases of Appeal to he beard at the said Sessions to transmit on the part of the Appellants to the Office of the Clerk of the Peace for the information and guidance of the Chair- man, Copies of the Original Order and the Examination upon which the removal is grounded, and copies of the notices and Grounds of removal and of Appeal, seven clear days before the first day of the 'aid Sessions. WILLIAM VAUGHAN JAMES, Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Clerk of tho Peace's Office, Haverfordwest, Sept, 1872. 1872. PEMBROKESHIRE REVISION COURTS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, rpHAT WILLIAM MiLLS, Esquire, the Barrister .JL appointed to Revise the Lists of Voters for the County of Pembroke, will, HOLD OPEN COURTS for such Revision at the Times and Places hereunder named; and the respective OVEIISKKRS OF THE POOR of the said several Parishes are required to publish the Notice of the said Courts in their respective Parishes, and to attend the Court lor their said Parish, and bring with them the original Notices of Claim and objection received by them with respect to their Lists of Voters, and also tjieir respective Kate Books botween the 5th day of January, 1871, and the 31st July, 1872, or tbey will be liable to the Pena'ties imposed by L"w for their neglect in so doing; and all persons claiming to have their Names inserted in any list of Voters, or objecting to the Claimants, Of to thu votes of others, must appear at the proper Court iu order to prove or substantiate the same. TEN BY, at the Town-Hall on Thursday, the 3rd day of October, 1872, at 11 o'Clock in tho Fore- noon, for Revising the Lists of Voters for the several Parishes or Hamlets of Amroth Rodberth Hogelly Rtynolton Carew Saint Mary, Tenby Gumfrestoa Out-Liberties of Suiut Mary Jetrreyston Ten by Lovestou Saint Florence. Manorbier Saint issells Penally WiDiamston PEMBROKE, at the Town-Hall, on Friday, th. 4th day of Ootober, 1872, at 11 o'clock in the Fotenooon, for Revising the Lists of Voters for thw several Parishes or Hamlets of Monkton Lawrenny St. Mary, rem broke Nash St. Michael, Petn- Pwticrochan broke Rosecrowther Angle Saint Petrox Uobtieston Saint Iwynnels CastJewartia Staekpolu Elitlor 01 Cherri- Cosheston ton Hodgeston Upton Lampboy Warren Llanfctadwcll NARBERTH, in the County Court House, on Monday, the 7th day of October, 1872, at 11 o'Clock in the foiencon, for Revising the Lists of Voters for tho several Parishes or llamlots of Betherdton Llysyfrano Carbeston Ludchuroh Coedcanlos Maencloohog Crinow Martletwy Urunwear Mmwear Uroadro MaenaclilosdJu llenllan Mountou i::J Lampeter Velfry Narberlb North L audewi Velfry Narberth South Llaudissilio Newion Llandckeven New Moat Lluudilo liobet-tou VYathcn Llangati Slebech Llangolmaa Virrlun Llauvaltcg Yerbeston Llawhadcn WISTON, at the Old Mansion House, on Tuesday' the 8th day of October, 1872, at half-past One o'Clock in tho Afternoon, for Revising the Lists of Voters for the Parish of Wiston. MILFORD, at the Lord Nelson, Hotel, Milford, on Wednesday, the 9th day of October, 1872, at 11 e'olock in the forenoon, for Revising the Lists of Voters for the several Parishes or Hamlets of Dale liosemarket Hasguard Saiut Brides Herbrandstone Saint Ishtnaela Hubberstone Steynton Johnstone Talbenny Marloes Walwyn's Castle Robeston We t HA V ERFORD WEST. at the Shire Hall, on Thursday the 10th day of October, 1872, at 11 o'Clock in the Forenoon, for Revising the Lists of VoterB lor the Beveral Parishes orilainlets of Prendertast Lambstone Saint Martin's Laugum Saint Thomas Noltou Uzwastoo Roch Boulston Rudbaxton Burton Spittal Camrose Treilgarne Freystrop Walton East Harroldiltone West Waltou West Harroldsione Saint UselB FISUGUARD, at the Great Western Inn, on Fri- day, the 11th day of October, 1872, at j2oUock atnuon, for Revising the Lists of VuterllJor the several Parishes or Hamlets of Ambleston Little Newoa^tlo Castlebytho Ll*ollawer Dinas Llanychacr Fishguard Llanychllwydog Henry's Moat Manoioweu Llanlair-nant y-gof Morvil- Llaustinan Tontfaen Llanunda Punchoston MATHRY, at the Farmer's Arms, in the Village of Mathry, on Saturday, the 12th day of October, 1872 at 11 o'Clock in tho Forenoon, for Revising the Lie's of Voters for the Parishes or Hamlets 01 Brawdy MaUiiy Granston Saint David's Hayscastle Saint Edrin's Jordanstono Saint Elvis Llandeloy Saltlt Lawrence Llaurian Saint Nicholas Lcttcrston Saint Dogwells. Llanrithan vybitechnioh otherwise Llanhowell Trecross NEWPORT, at the Llwyngwair Arms, on Monday, the 14th day of October. 1872, at 12 o'Clock at noon, for Revising the lists of Voters for the several Parishes or Hamlets of Bayvil Meline Eglwyswrw Moylgrove Eglwyswen otherwise Nevern Whiteehurch ^Newport Llanfair-nantgwyn KILGERKAN, at the Lcck-up House, on Tuesday, the 15th day of October, 1872, ift Ten 0 Clock i 'the Forenoon, for Revising the Lists of Voters lor thr 'geveral Parishes or Hamlets of Bidell Llantoed Cieddy Llanfimach CipilColman Manordivy 0«steliAn Monington K>U< ri an Penrith Kilrhedyn Saint D(.g"iell3 Lla»fih<jr»gel-Penbedw And 'ill other P.aces (ifaoy), in the County of 1 em- broke not herein before sneriflcd. And every Clf*rli of t'le Pcnoo, Postmaster, Overseer, or other Person, or Ptibiio Oilicer, for every wtltu. inintoazance or wilful Act of commission or omission. Is liable by the Act 6th Vict., cap. IS, to forfeit Oin Hundred Pounds to the Party aggrieved, to be re- covered bv Action for debt. WILLIAM VAUGHAN JAMES, Deputy Clerk ol the Peace for the County of Pembroke, j Clerk of tho Peace's OFTLIJ, Haverfordwest, j 20th September, I TO BE SOLD OR LET. O nt-rl Modern Freehold Residence, T!()SE~ J III I<L, situate about 5 miles from Mil'oril Haven 3 If. in ll.vvrriordwest, 1^ from liroad HaV'11, with about G2 acres of pasture, contains 3 Reception rooms, 7 Bedrooms, Attics, W.C., Bailer's Pantry, Con.s< rv;i tory adjoining, extensive outbuildings, prettily situated, nicely wooded, h.r^c fruit garden, lawn and Lodg<' attached. Fishing, Shooting, and Hounds in the -T.eR'libourhoo.l. J D. Roberts, 1 Apbley Terrace. deton, London, W. PEMBROKESHIRE (TO WIT.) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. 'IlHAT at the next Quarter Sessions of the Peace L holden III and lor the County of Pembroke a!. Haverfordwest, 011 Tuesday, in the week next after thu Eleventh day of October (to wit,) the fifteenth day of October, in the Thirty sixth year of the Reign or our Sovereign Lad.y Qncen Victoria and in the year of our Lord, 18/2, the Justices of the Peace, then and there assembled, wiil proceed to elect a Person to fill the ofhee of TREA SURER (or the County of T« nibroke, in the room and stead of J onalhan Powers Powell, Esq., deceased. The Party Elected will have to find Security for £2,000. Dated this 13th day of September, 1872, WAX. VAUG11 AN JAMES, Deputy Clerk of the Peace. PEMBROKESHIRE. Very Valuahle amf H igltly Productive DAIRY FARM, ia the Parish of Lampeter Velfrey, for Sule. MR JOHN GKIFFITIIS WILL OFFER FOR SALE BY AUCTION, AT THE RUTZEN ARMS HOTEL N All BERTH, On THURSDAY, the 3rd day of OTOBER, 8172, At Two for Three o'clock, p.m. precisely (unless previously disposed of by Private Contract), rpHE highly productive DAIRY FARM known as L KILN PAHK, part of the Whitley Estate, with a neat dwelling-house and out-offices, and 42a. 3r. 2Dp, of meadow land, in tho parish of Lampeter Velfroy, known to be some of the best land in Pembrokeshire, and now in the occupation of Mr En ch lieyuon, as yearly tenant, at the annual rent ot £1-15. The land- lord pays all tithes, rates, and taxes. The property will be sold free ol land tax. All tbe Fields arc well supplied with water, The above farm is within half-a-milo of tho market town of Narbertb, and in close contiguity to the NiIT- bertb railway station. Printed particulars and litlio- gtaphic plans of the properly may shortly b had on application to the Auctioneers, or of Messrs. Davits and Co solicitors, Haverfordwest. Spring Gardens, Haverfordwest, Sept., 1872. PEMBROKE. Sale of Freehold Dwelling-Houses and Premises, on an Estuary of Milford Ilaveu. Important to Ship Owners, Timber and General Merchants and Others. MR WILLIAM THOMAS Has received instructions from Mrs Scale, to SELL BY AUCTION on the Premises, on SATURDAY, 5th of OCTOBER, 1872, altbrce o'olock p.m. ai BRIDGEND HOUSE, Pembroke, ftUJE following Freehold Dwelling HOUSES, _L Premises, and Gardens, namely: — Lot 1.—All that commodious freehold DWELLING HOUSE, with tho appurtenances, known as "BlllDGEND HOUSE," containing Drawing-room, Dining room, Breakfast Parlour, nine Bedrooms, Closets, two Kitchens, Dairy, Browhouse, large under- ground Cellar, and other convenient Offices, two large Malt houses with Stores and Granary, Coach house, Harness room, four stalled Stable with well floored loft over, two Yards, large Shed, Boat house, Wharf, Foreshore, and a walled terrace Garden well stocked with fruit trees. The House is now in the occupation of Colonel Mauneell, and was formerly in the occupation of the late Captain Thomas Ilurlow, where he oariied on hia extensive and lucrative business of Ship Owner and General Merchant. The Prcmiaos aro conveniently situate on tbo Pembroke River, with an extensive foreshore for ships and timber, and arc eligible for the Timber Trade, but arc adapted for any other business requiring extensivo premises, particularly Malting, Corn and Manure Trade. ( LOT 2.-A Freehold Dwelling HOUSE, Garden; &o., adjoining Bridgend House, now in the occupation of Miss Hurlow, containing two Parlours, four Bed- rooms, two Kitchens, Out offices, Stable and walled Garden. The two Houses are Pllvpd in front, and enclosed with neat Iron Railing.—Immediate possession can be had. For particulars and to view apply to Btr George Hurlow Scale, Pembroke; or to the Auctioneer, Orange Rail, Pembroke, September 2nd, 1872. FRENCH MEDICINES, PREPARED BY GRIMAULT & CO., PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTS, 8, RUE VIVIENNE, PARTS. OF all the MEDICINES offered to the public for many years past, none have mot with such favourable reception, or boon so generally approved by tho Modical Profession, as thoso prepared by Messrs. Giimault and Co. Tho model hborataries of this firm, situn.te1. at Nouilly- Sur-Scino, and managed by Dr. Lf-oouto, Professor in tho Vacuity of Medklle, ex-l'harmacist of tho Hospitals of Paris, and formerly Assistant to Dr. Claudo Bernard, Pro- fessor of Physiology at the Cjlloffo of Franco, offers guaran- tees to be found iuno other establishment. AmOl1g these prepltmtions we may cspeeÍ:\ 1Iy montion Grimault & Co.'s Guarana. A single powder of this vefiotublo production is sufficient to cure instantly tho most violent sick headache. It is the most valuable remedy against diarrhaia, dysentery, ana all disorders proceeding from derangement of tho stomaou or bowels. This powder is indispensable for all families. Price 2s. 6d. per packet. Grimault Sr, Co.'s Syrup and Wine of Peruvian Bark and Iron. This medicine presents, in an agrooable form, tho active principles of Peruvian Bark, tho best of tonics, combined with Iron, one of the principal bases of the blood. It rapidly removet the distressing stomach complaints caused by anosmia, weaknesses, and other discomforts to which ladios are liable, and is also oxcollent for pale, lymphatio, and scrofulous children. Lastly, it rxci'es the appetite, promotes digestion, and is extremely beneficial to all persons wlioso blood tils' been impoverished by illness, or long and dimcult convalescence. Price—Syrup, 23. 9d.; Wine, 4a. 6d. per bottle. Asthma. Asthma. GRIMAULT & Co/a Indian Cigarettes of Cannabis Indica. AU tho means hitherto employed to relieve Asthma have been only palliatives in varied form", based on belladonna, stramonium, nicotiana, or opium. Itecent. experiments made in the Paris ll08pituls have preved th:1.t our Giparettos made of the extoct of Indian Hemp possess, remarkable vIrtues Sainst this complaint, as well ahronia laiynnUis, hoarseness, loss of voice, facial neuralgia, and imomnia. prioe is. 9d. per case. GRIMAULT & Co.'s Iodized Svrup of Horse Rjtaign^. „ Consiùered the best substitute for C?d Liver 'lit.. It lIas boen by cxpcriuJUuts ma,do 111 the pnuCJpal Hos- ^8it8r^3EiS« SU\lcrior to thoso obtained from the Oil, Which patients find so disagreeable to tak,c.. Not a nin-lo instanco can bo adduc^?wiands toeruntion phatic children subject to -weft'* of wt>ak con "titution, havo taken this syrup without deriv ing signal benefit from its use. Price 4s. Gd. pex' bottle^ GRIMAULT & Co.'s Syrup of TTvpoohogphito of Lime; An excellent remedy for all affections of too chest; it reUeves coughs, effectually prevents nocturnal perspiration, and restores the patient's strength. This syrnp is the only one which, ever since 1S57, has invariably been attended with satisfactory results, a fact due to the purity of t&o hypophosphite employed. Be sure to observe that it bears tbo Bignaturo, Grimault and Co. Price 2s. 9d. per bottle. GRIMAULT & Co.'s Pectoral Lozenges of Lactucarium and Cherry Laurel. This delicious comfit] containing the most soothing sub- stances of all the MateriU Medica, is employed with succeM against coughs, influenza, bronchitis, whooping-cough, &o. Price Is. 6d. per wox. &crle for tlrjc grngta— F. NEWBERY & SONS, General Agents for Proprietary Medicines, (125 years in St. Paul's Churchyard), 37, TSTTCWGATE-STREET, LONDON. Ten MillionBotfleBBold in Eight Tears. no DAUBITZ'S antibilious herb liquor. the liver, haWual facuity as a is strongly MEDICINE., OENUIJyJi an(i may be mixed with wine It is also a P1^^1 opi'nions, testimonials, &c'. Price or spirits. See seoout wPoifigalei F. NEWBBKY & Scrtfs, S7, 4s. 6d. Per 11 °z' bjf0 and may bo had retail of their ap. Newgate Street. '1c.is^ nointed Afionts andjxin>L^ v. Bilious Fills? slu^'t'S'ai.nsr^XF.se PilU ara tltor -c formed upon the liur rovGd state of a modern caiiuent Pliysiciaa, wao has UBV-J them .medical science by Boxea x m P^^flows. 37, yowgate Sttcftt, London. ui fof Sto^aeT'i Sick-hecdach?, 'Indigestion, rrr^i.VXr.,s Patent Compressed Soda, h» t;OU»bim»JS wiul1 ")0 Kustrio juke and tha food, Ur rows»« oxeesS/of aeia ia the s,.oun.eh, which «.uses jieui-raiiits xmmcaiate relief is obtained. bocauKot.be cause LearobU' "Wf ,ui Chemists. Boxes, Is. ana M. is remo^gyy anct sons, 37, Newgate Street, London. -NEWB:ERY & Sows have the ple^ure to awnpvAice that they have uvpvwtcd a?, DI8TRTCP AGENT for the sals of the above Proprietary Medicincs J4» MM, OHEMIST, SAY^PiTjSI'Wiil.S'r WANTED TO RENT, r|TWO FIELDS iu the neighbourhood of Ilavcrforrf- L west. AdJ¡- s'atin« terms, &c, Pem- brokeshire Hemlli Ollicc, Haverfordwest. JOSEPH POWELL, GROCER, AUCTIONEER, APPRAISER, AND COMMISSION AGENT. MAIN STREET, PEMBROKE FARM TO BE LET FOR A TERM FROM MICHAELMAS. rr>IIE Rmnll but very excellent and compact Farm X of THORN I5UU1', by Milford II' u^e 11 Rooms, Good Out-buildings. Apj ly to Thomas Roberts, Esq., Milford. MR CHARLES HiRSCHT (OJ Germany,) TEACHER OF THE GKIUIAN LANGUAGE, TENHY, BEGS to make known that he will attend every -D week at Pembroke, Pembroke nook, Milford, and Haverfordwest, and that hesuollJd be glad to meet with pupils anxious to become acquft'tited with the Germnn Language and Literature. For turihor particulars apply to Mr Chares Ilirscli, Sbairow Cottape, South Cliff, Tenby. J. S. Thomas, CIVIL ENGINEER, Land and Mineral Surveyor, House, Estate, and i i General Comirission Agent, 3. VICTORIA PLACE, HAVERFORDWEST. PLANS, Sections, and Estimates prepared for Drainage, and other Works. The Surveys, of Farms, Esiatce, and Collieries undprtaken; also the Collection of Rents of Lands and Houses, and Assurancca of all kinds effected in the best Offices. BRITISH IMPERIAL INSURANCE ) COL-TORATION LIMITED. For Banking Life Insurance wi'h Government Seouri'y Head Offices BROWN SJ IU:ET AND MAIISDEN STREET, MAKCHESTKH. The Essential Features of the British Imperia System hdve been adopted by Her Majesty's Govern- ment for small Policies issued by the Post Office. GOVERN MENT SECURITY—Four fifths of all premiums invested by Trustees in the Govern inent Funds. I'TXED SURRENDER VALUE.—From time of pay- ment of first annual premium. BANKING ACCOUNT -From 50 to 70 per cent. the net premiums can be had at any moment as an advance upon tbe Policy without sacrl- cing the sum innn-ed. SELF INSURANCE POLICIES.—Payable at any specified ape, on a plan specially prepared for tho British Imperial Further putticulars upon application at the offices of the Corporation, or to AGENT: MR. WM. BLETHYN. Dinneford's Fluid Magnesia For Thirty years the Medical Profession have appjovet of this pure solution as the best remedy for ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH. HEARTBURN. HEADACHE, GOUT, AND INDIGESTION, And as a mild Aperient for delicate constitutions, especially adapted for Ladies, Children, and Infants. When combined with the ACIDULATED LEMON SYRUP. It forms a most agreeable effervescing draught, in which Its aperient and cooling qualities are much in- creased. In warm seasons and warm elirnatcs, this simple preparation, when taken REGULARLY, has been found highly beneficial. D I N N E FOR D & C O., Chemists, &c, 172, New Bond Street, London; Sold by all rospectable Chemists throughout the World. CAUTION.—See that" Dinneford & Co," is on each hot tie and red label over the cork and use DINNEFOMI)'S FRICTION GLOVES & BELTS. 1872. ANNOUNCEMENT OF SALES BY JAMES AND MORRIS IN THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER. SALE AT PENVVALLIS in the Parish of Fishguard. LOWER TOWN, do do WALLIS, do do MAE8GWYN do do HIGH STREET do Tldo„ TRENEWfDD, <1u Llanllawer II EN DREW EN, do Jordanston DRITWO, do Llanunda TRELEMIN, 'J'-» do CHANGED. do N'dJohw MOHFA, do Matary PARKYNOLK, ,do T REV I NIC, do LI an nan SCLE4JI >Y GANOL do Fishguard GOOD HOPE do Dogwell 8 IIOLMUS do Little New Castle BLAENWAEN. do Llanycharo FFYNONDDEWI, do StLawreuoe SPRING WELLS, do Ambleston GREENLAND do Fisbguard LLANSTINAN, dD Llanstinan Letting Land at TRECWN, Mathry Do TREGWYNT, Mathry Do PANTYWRACH, Llanstinan SILK FURNITURE. NORRIS & CO., Mjnutacturors of all kinds of FURNITURE SILK, CURTAIN BORDERS, &o. WORSTED REPS, UTRECHT VELVETS, &c. Trade only Supplied. 1rv1 Tears Patterns lent upon application. Established 00« 124, WOOD STBEST, LONDON, TO LADIES. THE NEW TAPER BUSK BODICJii Has an iiaproveil mock of fastening, and a single Busk which affords great support. By tapering u¡¡warc1,. it is flexible where required, AND CAKNOT BE BROKEN; Superseding the present objecttonnblo ^modelled Tliis nniq ie Uodico is of tho newest Paris Fatuous, & modeuea So <w to add GRACE and KLEQ^NCE to the figure. THE TAPER DUSK AND IMPROVED FASTENINGS arc also introduced into THE EIDER-DOWN CORSETS, Which prevent Golds and Chilis, and maintain agreeable warmth anu comiort. Of all Drapers, MiUinors, and wholesale of t'ie T^,t?°,.00s" W. Thomas aud Bias., 12s & SUDDEN MOURNING. — Messrs. JAY are always provided with experienced rlressmakers and mil- liners, ready to travel to any part of the pense to purcliaaerg, when tho emergencies of sudden or^un expected raonrninf? reqnii-o the immediate cxccutionot mouraing orciers. They take with them dresses. besides materials, ntls. per yard and upwards fr^^ne P ere. a 1 marked m plam fl„-urc=, and at the same prieo pKti Jay's Mourning Warehouse in Resent-street. mates aro also piven for household mourning at a gica g to larpe or small families. Tfl E LONDON GEN b RAli MOU KJN- ING WAREHOUSE, 215, 247, 219. and 251. tiegent-stroct. SWAN AND EDGAR, Wholesale and Itotail Diapers. EMablyhcd 60 Yeat|. to 11, PICCADILLY, & 39 to58, REGENT S C., LONDON, W. Fir.ST-class GOIKIs at the lowest Cash I ricog. Carpets. Earnituro. Bodsteads. REUSSKLIi ft CO. be? to call tho attention of parties fnr- • nishing to their complete, cheap, and extensive stock of Carpets, Sc., at pvioes below the manufacturer s cost. sfoUT PATENT BRUSSELS, at Is. Hid. per yard. BEST PATENT BRUSSELS, åt 23. 9id. ner yard. BEST BRUSSELS, from 3s. Sd. per yard- Cabinet Furniture. Bedsteads. Bedding. Curtains, Cretonnes, Damasks, Reps, Table Linen, and every requisite for house furnishing. 10 to IS, LEICESTER SQUABEJJONPON. W.C. NEW MUSIC. CORALLINE." the new and Popular Valse of tho Season. Illustrated.. 21 Ht;>mi>s GENEVIEVE DE BRATIANT. The new Brllldls1 snng by Mdlle. Soldene, and encored nightly. 111 n3'r,a £ ° »?,i lies loliesdu Carnaval" Quadrille, danced by nnd Troupe with immense success. Ill¡1strnted. 2.t stamps. MASONIC MISCHI RF. The new Comic Soug. 18 stamp". SONG OF THE STRIKE. Jollv Nash's Now bon' IS stamps. MAN WITH THE BEAUTIFUL BgARD. Tho new Comic, sun? by Mr, Howard Paul. 18 stamps.. Music of ull other Publishers half-price and post tree. LONDONi HENRY STEAD & CO.. 19. PICCADILLY^JW^ N EWMAN'S BUITISH MOTHS; nearly 1,0(H) lllustrutions. Prieo 208., in handsome cloth. Post free. London: w. Tweedie, 337, Strand. NEWMAN'S BRITISH BUlTERVLIES; over 200 Illus- trations. In haudbomo cljtii, prioe 7. GJ..I: ost frcc. London W. Twmdie, S37. Strand. COMPENDIUM of niOTOGHAPMY. giving ) full and concise directions; containing more real information than many books four time3 the price. 00 pages, iliustr» jea, ireo 7 stamps.—Frederick J. Cox. Optician. 20, Ludgate-nilt, I/onuon. PI I ()TO(}R Al'HST-Sf X CARTES^DTTVISITE, Is. gd., twelve, 2s. 6,1.; carte enlarged, ten inches, 5s.; iitteenineneB, 7s. Send carte with stamps. Copies returned free in.four days. —West Ijondon Photographic Company, 13. Red Lion-square. J. Saiiford, Manager. DYER'S WATCHES aro the bast and cheapest iu the world. Lowest prices-Silver, 26s.; goid, 52s. 6d. All warranted. Solid gold chains, 203., mid by weight in sovereigns only. Pr!80 lists free. Country orders safo per post.-G. Dyer, Goldsmith and Watchmaker, 90. Regent-street, London. FINEST S^CCTTOH WHISKY. JOHNBEGO, DISTILLER, BALMORAL. All tbe ttOYAL PALACES solely snpplie<1 since 1818. THE LICENSED VICTUALLERS' PURE TEA COMPANY'S AGENTS (Licensed Victuallers only) Supply TEAS CHOICE, PURE, AND UNADULTERATED, .At the lowest possible prices. BLACK.—Kret crop Black Tea, packed in orange wrappers, at 2s. 6d. per lb. MIXED.—Finest Mixed Tea, packed in chocolate wrappers, at 3s. per lb. GREEJf.—Finest Moyune Green Tea, in light-green wrappers, at 38. Gd. per lb. INDIAN.-AsRam Indian very fine Black Tea, in dark blue and gold wrappers, at :5s. Gd. per lb. In packets of lib" Jib., Jib., and 2oz., and in canisters of 21bs., Hbs., & 81bs. each. Each packet bears trade mark, name, & price. Be careful to obtain the PURE Tea Company's Teas. Wholesale Depot: George F. Smyth, Manager, DENMAN-STREET. LONDON-BRIDGE, S. E. Carriage paid on parcels of 301ba. and upwards. Efficacious in Botcel Complaints in Children and Adults. EkALBY'3 CARMINATIVE (GNLL'S) is the original and genuine; see extract from Dr. Dalby's will in the hand- bins; none other can be genuine. The woihlorful benefit of this medicine'durinn the past, century has been surprising Price Is. 9d. Nowbery & Sons. 37, Newfrat.j-street EX! nnd all Druggists. ANTI-BUNOSTIC FOR CORNS ANTI-BUNOSTTO 70 H BTJNrONH ANTl-Bt^NOSTXC FOR .tJJILARGKD Tiji' J' [NTS A SINGLE BOX ot TOMLINSOl^'S ANTI- UUNOSTIC PLASTEKS will give INSTA>TT BELIEF. Is., of rai, consists, or 1? stumps, or T. lomljuson. No. 6. beyniotfT-sf.rnet, Iiondou, Say for Corns or ^nniors, or botn. uoidord~Uiiiver8ity Herald" sayg tnego "WOHDEE 02? TEE AGE," '• i'hey wnn :•« u boci\ ;.iri a ij^gfiia« to iucn The Piokwio.it. tue Owl, and tbe Waverloy Pen 1 AAA NBWSi'APBES recommend theil.. Sold every- IVvv wbcre. Sampio. Box by post, Is id MACKIVEN & ('A.MBRON,MTO 81'!(EF.T. 17.x- r.. {1liE OOOOA CATXLK i\)OD 00 's"\Vutciti6ae ic COCOA MEAL, for Horses, Cows, PlgS Sheep, Dotre, Fowh. &0. 1,000 feeds Ivir oh.; ^.00 feeds for 17s.; 250 feeds for 8s. Carii& £ <3 pa.id to aay railway station. J fcioid by Aii Corn deaiers, Ciiouiists, &c. Lon-'ion .Depot—2'J, C.UCKI. I. Street, E.C. f COSHESTON CHEMICAL WORKS, PEMBROKE Important to Landowners und Timber Grower?. MORGAN AND HOWELL Are at all times open to purchase rough Timber and Poies for ChIli ical and Colliery purposes. A Lot of Timber for Agricultural purposes alway" Oft Sale Apply as above. NOTICE. GEORGE JONES, CFor many years Clerk to Air Henry Phillips, ) IN compliance with numerous reoncsts, begs to } inform his friends awl the public generally, that be has taken out a license, and intends commencing business as Auctioneer, Appraiser, Commission Agent, &e., and hopes by shirt attention and integrity to all matters entrusted to bis charge to share the public patronage. Haverfordwest, 9th August, 1872. STEAM COMMUNICATION WiTH THE SOUTlT OF IRE AND. Via New Milford (Milford Haven) and Waterford Daily Service (Sundays excepted). The Milford Haven and Watcrford Stoam Ship Com pany's lioyal Ma Steamers will sail, weather per llIittmg- FROM NEW MILFORD, At 1 40 a.m, on arrival of the 4.50 p.m. Train, so as to enable paesengeis to proceed hy the 10.20 a.m. Train to Limerick, Cork, &c. PROM WATERFOBD, At 4 p.m, on arrival of the trnin from Cork, Limerick. &c., so as to enable passengers to proceed by tbp 2.0 a.m reaching London fit 11.15 a.m. For further particulars apply to any of the Railway Stations, or to Messrs Jackson & Co, New Milford, South Wales Important to the Agriculturist, Sports- man, and Householder. Marychurch & Daw BEG to announce that in view of an early dissolution U of their partnership and the ultimate disposal 01 their business, they have readved to offer for sale a large stock of tnaterinl, consisting of agricultural ma- chinery, implements, guns, and other articles of a useful description. The attention of intending pur- chasers of farm implements is respectfully invited to the stock of machinery, as in the present gieatly advanced state of the irnn market, an excellent oppor- tunity is afforded of obtaining first class agricultural machinery on most advantageous terms. The sale will be continued until the disposal of business is com- pleted. The articles among others, includelthe following which may be seen at the establishment Bridge street, Haverford "est: A Portable Steam Engine, 4-horse power, can be worked up to six; it has undr-rgonc a thorough repair, and the boiler is tested up to 1001 b— £ 7«. THRESHING MACHINES. One stationary seoond-liand Threshing Machine, 4 feet 6 inches drum, capable of Winnowing and Sack- ing the Corn.—Price, £ 40. Second-hand four horse Threshing Machine, 30 in. Drum and Shaker, with segments to a 6 feet driving wheol. All the wearing parts are made new, and both wood and iron work in excellent condition.-Price, £25. One second-hand 30 In. Threshing Machine, barn works only, almost new, suitable for horse work or water wheel.—Price, C6. ,?Serew Gear House Work, especially adapted for Chatfcutting, Corn Crushing, and Churning — £ 4. CORN DRILLS. One Six Coulter Corn Drill, with Change Wheels | complete.—Price, XI 1 103. If with patent Pipes, 5s extra for each Pipe. One Nine Ditto, Ditto.—Price, £17. WINNOWIKG MACHINE. I Winnowing Machines, well made, with brass bear- ings, and 6 riddles to each. 16 in. riddle, A;6 13"; 18. in. riddle, X7. Notwithstanding the great advance in materials there is no advance in the above prices. CHAFF CUTTERS. One Powerful Machine, with two Knives and movable mouthpiece 101 in. It is fitted with safety rollers and clutch, suitable for steam or water powor. i — £ 9 9s, One second-hand in excellent condition.— £ 6 One Richmond-and Chandler's Chaff Cutter, No. GO a.— £ i 4i. Ono Ditto, ditto, No CI— £ 3 6?. Economic Chaff Cutter, 10 in movable Mouthpiece, at fiBs. One ditto, with 8 in. fixed Mouthpiece, 38s. PLOUGHS. Double Furrow Iron Plough, capable of being worked with two strong horses or three small ones, by which a saving of a man and horse will be effected,— £ 5. One Wood ditto, on same principlc.-Prico, 93. Iron Ploughs of all sorts from 30s. up. HARROWS. One pair square Harrows, covering 6 feet 6 in., 30s. Tlirep Sets Diagonal Harrows, extra strong cover- ings, 11 feet 8 in., £ 3 1.3s. GUNS. One Double Twisted Barrel Breech Loading Gun, £10. One double twisted barrel, w;th patent breech, £3. One single twisted barrel, patent breech, 23s., 27a. j 3l«. Three single barrel, patent breech, 20s, POWDER. Diamond Gram, in lib. Canister. 2s. 6d. per lb Ditto, ditto £ ditto. 2s. 9d, per lb. Hall's Rifle in lib. Canister 26.6d. Ditto, ditto i ditto. 2s. 9d. tt Komo's extra treble strong in lib. Canister Is. 9d. Ditto, ditto, ditto i ditio. Is. lid. The prices uoted are Cash Terms. Impurities of the Blood These wonderful Pills are valued at the humblest hearths as well as in the houses cf comfort and wealth. They work a thorough purification throughout the whole system, without disordering the natural action of any organ, and eradicate those germs of complaints which consien tens ot tbousands to an early grave. Bronchitis, Diptheria, Coughs,!and Colds. No diseases are more frequent, and few more danger- ois than affections of the respiratery organs; no -ndition gives rise to more fatal maladies than a Simple Cold." The firet symptom. may always be re- moved by these renowned Pills, as they quickly remedy the stagnation of blood moderate the hurried breathing, and enable the wind pipe and lungs to perform their functions with ease and regularity. They also by their purifying properties, cleanse the blood from all impurities, and thus fortify the system against Con- sumption, Asthma, and other pulmonary complaints. Debility, Loss of Appetite, Headache, and Lowness of Spirits. These Pills will. in a few days, effect a truly wonderful change in Debilitated Constitutions (no j I matter their exciting cauie), as they create a healthy appetite, correct indigestion, remove excess of bile, overcome giddiness, confusion, sick headache, and all those gloomy forebodings arising from a bad stomach or disordered digestion. The Medicine for Females, Young and Old. For overcoming all obstructions and restoring sus- pended secretions, there is ne. medicine to be compared to these Pills. Universally adopted as the ofac grand remedy for Female Complaints, these Pilla cannot fail, they strengthen tho system, and always bring about what is required. To females entering into womanhood, or at the turn of life, they are invaluobje, being a perfect safeguard against dropsy, headaches, palpitation of tho heart, and all nervous affections often distressing at those periods. Complaints Incidcntal,to Children. Whooping cough, measles, scarlatina, fevers, and all diseases of the skin, may be immediately checked, and soon cured, by these putifying Pills. No mother should be without them. One, two, or three (reduced to powder), may be given nightly, with the certainty of doing good. Nervous Disorders. Any derangement of the nerves affects disastrously both the body and the mind. To the nervoas invalid these Pills are of vital necessity, as they impart tone and vigour to the internal organs, and consequently to the nervous syetem which prevades and connects tbem. Hence their marvellous cures of hysteria, low spirits, spasms, fits, nervous twitchiugs, and other kindred complaints. Ilollou Pills O) e (he best remedy known in the world for the following diseases. Ague ,Gout Sole Throats Asthma [Ileacacbe .Stone & Gravel Bilious Complaints Indigestion Soeondarv S\mptoms Blotches on tnc 'Liver Complaints iTic-Pulcreui Skin 11.ulIlb"ho I Ulcer* Bowel <von.plaint* il'iles IVenereal Affections Debility jiriU'um;it^in Worms of aU xinds Dropsy i itot. Iit on ot I Weakness from Female Irrcgu- Uri y. :nev r cause 1 .nm-* p' r a, king' Sc., :ce. iv.«■ ot • the 'l".1 Oir. t are sold rir. Professor [l^i.iiO vy.'i ^v.tabir •> it, &;>•}, (>xfoid-?treet, London; ;»»■> t>y n.]; -'try r;!8p.r fcbL Vendor of Medicino !hr*ugb<jut t; iriij-sed in Boxes and Pot*: At IR, •- L, 43(>1, Jl„/ 221., and :)Ja. cad\. The 2 J '.)01 oi'iitahis tbr«ei t Y, e 4,3 (i d size six, the 1," ,:j !J:t:r;. 22 ? si.j. thiny; three, and 'he 1 fifty-two ],¡ tue. quantity of a Is I5 13• >x. or tot. J tie sH.al; BOX 01 Pills contains iuut iowa; and the -nnaAe "ot cf Ointment Full printed direotior affixed to each and p;.t, and enn bohud^u r- iagaage, v.-a in Turkish Aj-p^jo. A'myuiaii, i'ort .r or UuiBtse. | LONDON HOUSE, HIGH STREET, HA VEBFOBD WEST, GENTLEMEN'S ADTPMN&"WINTER FASHIONS JATIES BIRCH BEGS respectfully to announce that he has jast returned frcm the LONDON MARKETS, and that bis an(* oareful'Jr selected STOCK, comprising everv variety and make in WEST OF ENGLAND. r/^rei ?' I1ni!2wI'Lr, GOODS, and FAXtY VE8T1NOS, is now ready for Inspection: Mso th? ,,e8t^M>ON MAKERS, GENTI.EMF.N'S HOSIERY in all its Branches, SHIRTS, COLLARS stAUFb, GLOVES, &c., UMBRELLAS, MCINTOSH WATERPROOFS, TliAVELLING RUGS, &c. Military Uniforms & Appointments strictly to Regulation. Liveries with due regard to durability & economy. An early call will oblige. JAMES BIRCH, Practical Tailor, Habit MakeT, &c., established over quarter of a century. London Mouse, September 6th, 1872. J. HOOD WILLIAMS, WATCHMAKER, JEWELLER, OPTICIAN, &c., BEGS to return thanks to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Haverfordwest and Pembrokeshire generally, for U their support and patronage during the time he has been in Business in Market Street, and at tbe lama time to Inform them that from this date, his Business will be carried on at HIGII STREET, fNEXT DOOR TO MRS. POTTER'S) J H. W. would invite attention to bis choice and extensive Stock of French Shade Clocks, Gold and Silver Watches, and Jewellery. SPOOJV& Alyn FORKS IN THE aYi?]fr METAL, PRUSSIAN SILVER, ESPECIALLY RECOMMENDED. NEW DESIGNS OF BISCUIT BOXES AND CRUEI STANDS IN SILVER PLATE, AiND CERAMIC WARE. Spectacles in great variety to suit all sights, by the New German j Optometer. WEDDING lUNGS AND KEEPERS. WATCHES; CLOCKS, & JEWELLERY, PROMPTLY REPAIRED BY SKILLED ARTIZANS. Engraving in all its Branches Neatly Executed. 10, High Street, Haverfordwest, May litb, 1872. "NEW liiHlT AND SHOE MART, Bridge Street, Haverfordwest, NEXT DOOR BUT ONE TO CASTLE SQUARE. r DAVID ROBERTS BEGS to inform the Public of Haverfordwest and its vicinity that his NEW SHOP is n#w Open with a large Stock of Ladies and Gentlemen's BOOTS and SHOES, Warranted Fresh Goods, and just Received from the Manufacturers. A Large Assortment of Children's Strong and Fancy Boots. Five per Cent. Discount for Cash. A LEATHER G OOPS THE LONDON & PROVINCIAL BANK Limited. P EM BROKESHIRE BRANCHES- FISHGUARD, HAVERFORDWEST, TENBY PEMBROKE, PEMBROKE-DOCK, WILLIAM IIULM, District Manager EDMOND & R E E S Beg to inform their Friends that they hwe just received from Messrs. BURNARD, LACK, aad ALGAR, of Plymouth, a CARGO of their very superior X JL SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME, CONCENTRATED MANURE, AND DISSOLVED BONE, And to elicit the favor of their Early Orders. These Manures are so well known and extensively used in this neighbourhood, that they require no further recommendation. The Brewery, Spring Gardens, Haverfordwest, 25th January, 1872. REMOVED FROM BRIDGE STREET. HABBIES' Wholesale and Betail Stationery and Book Estab- lishment, and Circulating Library OPPOSITE THE S H1 It E II it L L HIGH-STREET, HAVERFORDWEST. NOW OPEN WITH ABOUT THREE THOUSAND VOLUMES OF NEW BOOKS, A Large Stock of General Stationery, a varied Assortment of Fancy Goods, Intellectual Toil Musical Instruments, Perfumery, &c., &c. ONE PRICE AND THAT A FAIR ONE. ESTABLISH BO 13 YEARS! The adyice can be depended upon—Vide Press. £100 PER WEEK can be easily won by purchasing Messrs. H. WILSON & DIXON'S Weekly Turf Guide," price 14 stamps. Address Turf Herald Office, Hull. Telegrams sent any race day with our final advice for 2s. Commissions executed to any amount at 41, Brougliton Street, Edinburgh, p S.—Any private information that you may require, we will send it gratis. CAUrION. In calling the attention of the Trade to a recent decision in the Ilouse of Lords, in the case of "Wotherspoon tI. Currie," whereby our exclusive light to the use of the word" Glenfield in connection with Starch is indisputably established, would also intimate that this decibion renders the sale of the starch made by the defendant illegal, and will subject the seller of it to a Penalty of £ 10,000. We beg to intimate to those who may have been induced to buy it, that to save them trota total loss we will allow 20s. per owt. for it, at tho Glenfield Starch Works, Paisley, in exchange for the genuine Article, at the current price. This will entail a loss upon ourselves, as the packets will be broken up and sold for Waste Starch, but it will at the same time be the means of rendering the Article useless for further deception. Any information that will lead to conviction will be rewarded. R. WOTHERSPOON & CO. DEATH OR INJURY FROM ACCIDENT WITH THE COSSKQUKIJT LOSS OF TIME AND MONEY. Provided for by a Policy of the RAILWAY PASSENGERS ASSURANCE COMPANY. AGAINST ACCIEENTS OF ALL KINDS, An Annual Payment of L3 to i:6 M inures £1,000 at Death, or n allowance at the rate of jLC pet week j tor injury. £ 650,000 have been Paid as Compensation, One out of every 12 Almual Policy Holders becoming a claimant EACH YEAR. t-or particulars apply to the Clerks tbe Railway Stations, to the Local Agents, or at tbe Oftces, 64, CORNHILL.& 10, REG EST STREET, LONDON WILLJAM J.VIAN, Secretary. Agent lor Haverfordwest: Aft H. BAKU AM, Railway Station. I Is., rent for .4 ttle Editor- New'Volume, 1-t 8tamp- A LEX. ROSS'S TO)),f<:T MAGAZIN E. propers 01 4,inibiT- f»' V'ih u""m- f0ppo*"• Day and Martin's. —■— MR^DESTllOY STv.—248, niph TTolborn, Loo- don — ALKX. ROSS'S DEPILATORY removes superfluous liair from tbe face, ncrk Bnd w.th- out effect to the skin. I'rcc 3s 6d sent stamps. Had of all Chemists. QIVCFRE VOICE OF WARNING against A Quacks, oraii um-rn^ a^HER alio Debilitated, by J. L, t U n-ick An infs»iible n.exiiK of deteotm#, ^j Doctor, and thus prevrnt.ni: »'>« a of Patients from lulling "uo ^8 d llCJC^ t danger into which they are kely 1;o bo cj trappy through ""4 ent'UBS fonnu of a.iv.^usewenu alHn(j p^uk)n of lfae .Jbo^rL .affideut^rwte. of the truth of bis statement. bookseller, oi direct \° Galvanic Establish, &c SUMMERS IMPORTERS OF foueign WINES AND BEANDISS, 4, SAMSROOK COURT, EASING HALL STREET, LONDON E.C CARTS, WAGGONS, and every description of agricultural implements, manufactured by the Bristol Waggon Works, Company, supplied by a R. & I. JON E S. AUCTIONEERS, APPRAISERS, 4e. Offices: 4, High Street, Haverfordwest. DAVID EDWARD THOMAf, ARCHITECT Sf. THOMAS GREEN, HAVERFORDWEST. PIANO FORTES ANrT~HARMONIUMS By all the best makers, FOR SALE OR HIRE. For terms apply to T. JAMES, No. 1, Spring Gardens, IJaver/ordwest. THO MAS TAM L Y N, LANDSURVEYOR AND VALTJU't? LAND AND HOUSE AGENT AUCTIONEER, A P P R A LITHOGRAPHER, &0, >t. Offices, No. 4, Castle Terrace, and u; Haverfordwest. '&h-Btreel, KA^Erg~WORSDEI^s~~PrTT^ These Pills are a sure «peeific for HE n i n crw » £ DIGESTION, FLATULENCE, COMpi S* AFFECTIONS of the STOMACH Iw'il NEYS, &c. The? give immediate V i- I'ErtSlSTENT COUOri, ASTH I'ErtSlSTENT COUOri, ASTH TlON, and other AFFECTIONS Iftt' TCT?vSDW^ GOUT, RHEUMATISM, &c iu°/the LVNGS* they hare been in use for upward,, f/e invalu*W« thousands have testified to the W1 "a" a century, and their use. experience* bf Sold by all Chemiats and nfi, Medicinea, at Is. lid., 2s Dealers in Pateat 9d > and 4s. 6d. per bo*. J STEAM COMMUNji "V' CATION BETWEEN TlfE* ^Sg&gSgBBBm 1UsTO<L CHANNEL UNITED SrAl'ES ™g LS ot AMERICA is CANADA.* The SOUTH w. COMPANY'S N„ „ ATLANTIC STEAMSHIP built Steamships "m*cia8,,» full-powered, Clyd»* GLAMORGAV PEMBROKE 2,500 Tons 500 h*^ CAR WAHi M tr v 500 b.p Or other fi S.t'OO Tons 600 b,p between r»t-c,ass Steamers, will sail regalari^ CARDIFF AND NEW YORK, Carryinr MVlKiVt,NW EARLY IN AUGUST Rites Uo^00008 and PASSENGERS at Through 'he Uni^H Part8 »f England ar,d South Wales to These M utefi aod Canada. an'-l fitted -h'ps are buSlt exPre8B'y 'or ,he Tr^de, "OrntorJ P vfit'1 <!je latest improvements for the I'e^or, atJ(1 convenience of Cabin and Steerage j. "Kors. j., or further particulars, apply to Burdett and s; ll!s'11' Kmg-otreetj Bristol j Richardson and Co., i|i ai.l5,ai !'• Waite and Son, I'ontypool; Alexander otiieTs, Pontypridd; or at tha Company's Office, I. w*-ciit>.nibt>r>, C«r'liff' w*-ciit>.nibt>r>, C«r'liff' ND U 1 JOHN LA UGH LAND, HaOflgW.