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EsTABnanrn 1835. LAWN MOWERS AND GA RDKN ROLLERS. Q-REENS' PATENT LAWN MOWERS bnvo proved to be the BUST, and bnvo carried of! vrrt PRIZE that has been given in all ennes ot Competition. MANtJrACTUBEHB OF C ALVAK'IZKD WIRK NF.TTINQ. GREENS' PATENT HOT WATER BOILEHS. Drawings and Price Lists Free on Application. TF)OM AS GREEN & SON, SMtTHFtXt.D InoN WORKS tLDS, and 54 & 65, Blackfrinrs Kond, London. J?. TMPERJAL AUSTRIAN GUARANTEED STATE • in# LOTTKRIKS. Bona-fide chanccs to 1,1,1 'or £ ,he Urge premiums of **>,000, £ 26,000, czo,ooo, &c, &c Pjlblne drawings on the Firtf,of every Month, nnder 0* ?BP*f''»'endcnee of the Auttrian Government, anrl (jijA?pj P,lblie fnnc'ionarieg. OFFICIAL Li*TS SRNT is*noa T0 SUBSCRIRKRS. Apply for XI ehnnces, »Dant form» supplied by the Awtrian Govern for « bearin? Imperial half a florin .lamp, and r^ssr-"to voelcker *ati c°-' WJo«t Published, Post Free for Two Stamps. 0 N D E R FU L MEDICAL DISCOVERY, Jjpp Wowi™ THE TRUE CAI'SE OF J: °U8> MENTAL, & PHYSICAL DEBILITY, LOWNESS OF SPIRITS, INDIGESTION, w. T 0F ENERGY, PREMATURE DECLINE P'am diroPti„ns for PERFECT RESTORATION AND VIGOUR in a few dny*. ""ty ^r,Hnt^«Ct that these alarming complaint* ],h ^ITHOTJT MEDICINE, ('Pni("i«trated, nnd the entirely new and *u'lr p*nt ■1"^ tre»t'nent, as adopted by tbe Author, n,e"n> pf which ONE IS ENABLED TO CUBE P.rr«„ HIMSELF 'eceiot rf « 8t ",e possible cost. Sent Free on 1,1 c' two stamps by W. HILL, ESQ., M.A., HOVSB, ISOUTH-CRFSCFNT, Tb RUSSELL.SQUARE, IJONDON, W.C. so Easy and Simple in "■« 8Mai t o Mn ^re Themselves Sncce&tfnUy, ''The m 0ST ,N A FEW l)AYS- Pro?« how N '*tmordinary publication is to e^ecttt»n.erT j08"8 an^ concomitant Maladies can rofl»itic|n, £ ■n*eM«fully treated, and the most d(jro„ °' lhe cfflcacy of this, »be greatest of °^c«rej eo-_ j '*• 's teitified by the numerous cases MEDICAL RECORD. 4EAl) I,IIF A SPI^ THE WAKN1N0 VOICE. tY. ^^CIAL PAMPHLET FOR PRIVATE Henrv INSTRUCTION. mD.,ofibeUnirersityof-lena. y^CR Morj New Edition ol THE WARNING Abate w*t'1 a New Chsp'er on ttie Use i/'e*»es. r" fc'ccirioity for tho Curo ol Nervous T# 'ritd ,?nf,Un, many letters from Patients who Proving th,lthe rl(J-C, lied remedies without medicine, at. Tile A!iLvE,CTRlClTY 18 NOT LIFE. J,r>UTR |„v» VOICE is a SPECIAL WORK FOR of N.r»RVcT,ON' It gives Plain Rules for the Ditann..00.8 Exhaustion, Indigestion, Rheutna- I> V' Low sm ■1°' Sight, Functional Disorders, Weak- ""bHity paf'r»8. Spermatorrhoea, &c.f Sec., Nervous Y> lnd»^iU- ^ream8, Mental and Physical De- thin* 'n th« n l.ont,•"Paired Memory, Loos of Energy, l!VoV^r,>undUC t. Diasiness, Love ot Soli- &c- PRESCRIPTIONS and On# havn k *bich TiiousAND^of Or. Smith's be use nt \f*a res,ored to health and vigour, with- K«IIC^ Witt. rco,y» Galvanism or Electricity. IHus- l'ent8 *k0 ha8c# *nd Testimonials Iroin grateful j- A¥e bwn ct«ee<t by the Sent free spECIAL MEDICINE ad*re8». on rL p08t in a Sealed Envelope, to Rny ^Ad(,^M. i)r u,pi of ,n'° 'tamps. W (), SMITH, 8, Burton Crescent, Lon- *t,JNS(ir T TO COUNTRY PATIENTS. fiiJ,Tl,0UT »irb0ND0N PHYSICIAN I3Y LETTER t ^°t»ntr. UR.SMITH will, for the bsnefit U So''end bi««en,S' on rrceiving adegonption ol their i!no*t eur«.rP'n!on* with »dvice, and direct on» for A<ldreas. n! c ul trea""ent and cure. SIHTH, 8, Burton Crescent, London W b25 PATENT /"&A, C, CALVANlC<iT< 1 N BANDS, BELTS, rptlKsR P0CKRT BATTERIES. tniM ren«ler Pi0"1'7 IMPROVED INVENTIONS >bopvC°n,'Ouou» rnr,'T perrpc,,y «elf "PPl»cnble, in a *hp °r Unrtl » ■"<1 extremely etlicacious, no »0 it P e8«ant »en«ation IK •ing experie'-crJ, tornt,sPeedi|»COfcn,e8,B. ,rne'"obtain of health and vi- •bi> i ''tubs » "Eou'sing p«ins, rennimiiting •thu ^P^tin,, *T|v'nK 'he sluggish functions of life, >De» enipoKtDjWei^ pn«rPy »"il vitality to eon- itiimk Trtr<o«8 influences. Tho daily •xu "• R-'S 2u ni°f pnres eftootcd bv 1HJLVEK- »n*. '• *n<t »1C0-(1A, VAN,C SYSTEM i« so ention Mth/"n^. that tt forcibly points to this PHFi pQ> of a nniversal remedy. r,V.. 'lit9 0V;NG TESTIMONY, signed by tbe •— English medical lacultr, has been Wp ,ntestif. !V",er*,Kned. have roorh pleasnre jmnr MrJ I' PULVERM ACHER'S «.an'1 Galw. i eiDen"' ln l,is Voltaio Batteries" «. f^*e* are nf° ^PI,'ianee* for Medical Pur-" n^ediein. importance to Scientifio" s'der»tion j be is entitled to the eon-" father ,inn .PP0" of enrynne diopor-ed" .c Pr0Bre«» '»* adunccrnent of real and useful rSA^h day of March, 1866." «5"« HfiNRY nrJ;°,C,)CK' Barr" M-D- F RC P*" iinJs9TLLAN|». Bar., M.D.F.R.S." n?D«'D h Bart., F.R S." -» IRJ- Ran?1FAVEKIN0, M.D F.RC.P." V^verm MARTIN, F.rc.S." i5n« £ rbyannmH,F\R'8 SYSTEM i» also approved ju • Paris R« ,CL8' reP«fl »f the Academie de Medl- ViJ'ns' i*yn] Soe'ety of London Royal College pf leOna I london; and the Imperial Faculty of ^?'«ds f curative virtues are confirmed by Jh?* Patimhu.1*11'0 t,>stimonlals of carei effeoted. la hM«faw; *rat;s > sr.11 hlm«*JiP"i1 t0 lho Rood senBe of eTefy '"fferer of A** ,0 wbini .J scientific and curative pro- « 8t»dj ,nd 'be inventor has devoted a lifetime Ji, of rur- a« ,n •"lent disciple of that great ChAej, p an^'nd, the late illustrious electrioian, Uutvppx v> Of CHAiife.AcnER,8 MEDICO (JALVAN'C or ^ceedlogly efTfetive without the aid fell P«/ieni,<8 7C!IOH °f or Iwt derangement and daily occupations, in tho SeuJ- 7'° Plus:pri«h Circulation L„ £ ,VC* Indigestion Urinary Disorders i*° peafness Psralvsis Spasms Epilepsy ? Toou,s<>v female Complainta Nervous Debility TK n\pla; Constipation Functional Disorders C he erreet Cramp &c.,&c. lb I-a RPPlication of PULVERM AC R ER'S °- *t>oTe disordert ia immediately relief of pain inifantaneotii. ^oJHAVnV^VERMACHER'S GALVANIC ,CRA1NA?:»ANI)S, BELTS, and BATTERIES, b a v for Ner*o«" Deafness, Head,Tooth, ^AIN.Ra wfe and Noi*e» »•» the Head.2lsto30s. K ofth 'or ^M°f Voiee and other tffeo- CB*lH.RtitIb0ro" 10» 6d to 2ls an^ Qontw n or Sciatica, Rheumatic, Neuralgic, i» ™a|n», Loeal Paralysis, Cramp, &c. ^AlN-jiAvr»o 18s to 22s, and 40s ^e8t tkti<\v* !or Lumbago, Indigestion, Liver, U fce, worn UIjetional Disorders, Nervous Debility, ^AIn SA^f6!1 -22s to 40s and 5&s It r> er»on«no Writer's Cramp, Trembling, 228 30#. "nd 408 "^P'leps* rP cHA1N-BAND for Centml Psr.ilysif, nfcral Debility, Functional Disorders &c c05iplet9 R.» 608 BELTS an^ r.2f. COMBINED CHAIN-BANDS, -ergv CHAIN BATTERY forrestoring vital A Ao > »• ••; to £ 6 B *-{"cn"ji7,. s..a", Hell* nregenuine but those bearing hihtl PUL. VEHMACIlk'IVS signature jHanJeky'7Af PERPETUAL INJUNCTION in f> r* Pl"LVKRi,i. ^!h August, 1 SOy, WHS granted to t«j}?• Uammowh J?R 8Ka,"st Alfred BARHOWS, alias g.j r 'Nistanis S "KNRT Jamkb, alius C. T. RAFMFT «ct person or n*nd Bt-rvunts, restraining the th?eufuI,y «dveni»?n,,„"nder a penally of £ 6000, from PllTw* "Metric t £ eU* &c» delusively representinK ftnrt K ^MACHWn.J* «5?ecreo is pruned in externa ir. B^ Ports of J.!{ PAMPHLET of Testimonial. »nH1Dn,*ent POstfr^8 con,ai"ing other valuable infor Patentee on "Pplication to the Sole Inventoi >fio L K >{ M ACH E R, 00, SiREE r, LONDON, W. I DINNEFORD'S FLUID MAGNESIA. For Thirty years the Medical Profepsion have approve< of this pure solution as the best remedy tor \CIDITY OF THE STOMACH, 11 E A RT B U R N HEADACHE, GOUT, AND 1NDIGE&I ION, \nd as a mild Aperient for delicate constitutions, npiciftlly adnpteri for Children, and Infants When coabined with the ACIDULATED LEMON SYRUP. It forms a most iigreenblc effervescing drnught, in vliieh Its apoiient and cooling quiiliiies are much in. rrea-ed. In warm seasons and warvii climates thi- miiipie preparation, when taken REGULARLY, hat. been found highly tienelicial. D1NNEKORD & CO., Chemists, &c, 172, New Bond Street, London Sold by all respectable Chumists th rough out the World. CAUTION. — See that Diuneford ft Co," is on each bottle and red label over each cork. |U ,)IV 1) IiINLOCH'S CATALAN. The Trille of Spain. RED CATALAN los. 17s. 20s, Juiunl tn fine fruit;/ T'ui/. p poz WHITE CATALAN. 1.5 17s. 20s. Vm Equal to Jiite old Madeira. The name "CATALAN » is our Registered Trpd" Mark. Pole Proprietors and Importers C. KINLOOH & 0", Binklersbury, London. Gcncrol IJUs on application. A pent for Ilaverfordwcst, E. 11. ELLIS, 94, Dow Street. 1)0 yon WANT REAfJTIFur. HAtn, WHIS- I) KERS,&c? Dr Russell's Lixiveno, an elegantly perfumed toilet compound, for nourishing, preserving, and restoring the hair, is guaranteed to prodnoo mous- taches, whiskers, eyebrows, &c., in two or three weeks, s'rpt.ptLen weak hair, prevent its falling off. cheek grcyneMi in »>ll i s sta>?< s, reftore the original colour, dispel scurf and dandrilF, and mske it clean, soft curly and glo«sy. For the re-production of hair in baldnesm, from wbalt-ver cause and at any ace, its effect. are certain in thousands of eases it h;is been succrsslul when all other preparations had Isilcd. In the nursery it is un^ounlkd, as it keeps the bend clean and fortna the basis of a beautiful head of hair. Price 2s., sent any- where free by post, on receipt of 24 penny stamps, by Dr G. Russell, 28 Clarence Road, Kentish Town, London. Large Bottles, containing three times the quantity, 4s 6d. earh. "It Hopped my hair from failing off-J. Saville.* "My whiskeri are now abun- dunt and thick. Wm. Ncale." "My hair had gone in patches from illness, but it is now growing niccly,- Miss Webb. My moustache is enved by every body — Major Birch." •' I was bald for 9 yenrs, but now my "ead il covered with hair. J. SPrn^r;n^r E»i rr Genuine botilc has the words RUSShLLs LIX- IVENE troulded in the gIftRo. and is wrapped in a pamphlet of 16 pnges, on the Management of the Hair and Skin also see that George Ru«sel!'s IradeMark and Signature are on every outside wrapper. Sold by nil Chemists. riVTlE PURE HERBAL MEDICINE. DR THOMSON'S L INVIGORATING PILLS are a well known cer- tain remedy for lumbago, gravel prins in tho back and loins, headache, depres sion of spirits. rheumatism, cou\ discharges of all kinds, piles, and all affeotions of the kidneys and bladder. All diseases nnso from impure blood and weakness. Thrse Pills cleanse and purify the fluid", remove general or local debility, give tone to the stomach, restore the spirits, enrich tho blood, impart energy and vivacity, eradicate every trarfl of disease, and invigorate the whole system. In every comprint, however vlrnlent or long standing, they afford instant relief and speedy euro. The daily receipt of testimoniAls fro", men and women In every position of life, who have been cnred of skin eruptions, sore eyes, ulcers, and sourf on the bend, sore throat. pains in the limbs, neuralgia, epilepsy, stone in the bladder, diseaso of the kidneys, &o.. by their use, and accounts of surprising recoveries for severe Ulness when 1111 other medicines and doctors had fatted b-8 induced Dr. THOMSON to publish their virtues, in the earnest hope that blessings so ercat mllY be more widely diffused and appreciated. Price 1, Ill., 2m 9,1., & 4s.6d. per box. (To Protect the Ptitilic from Imi- tations Her Majesty's Commissioners have ordered Xo» £ d. RAL|.|{ THOMSON. LONDON'. I. b. e"; graved in white letters on tho Government Stamp am*ed to c.ich package, to iir.ita'e, which is felony ana transp rtafion). Sold by all Chemuts in the world or will be sent direct, packed privately in a on leceipt of 14..33, or 54 stump* by Dr 1 HOMbON, '28, Clercnco Road, Kentish Town, London. Tour doses 01 your Pills cured my pain_m tho back, n had annoyed me for many years. 11. M. "I tried them for pains in the back they cured me in a few hours. (} n." I had been troubled for years with an eruption on the face. Your Pills have quite curedI me. Rev. J. S"I have nevtr had an attack ,0' rheumatism since I used your Pills. W. Davis. •! ley quito cured my sick ileadacbe and IjiH'one Bttarhp. Mrs Elli" "The pains in the back are quite cured I can stoop with ease now. J. Weiss. Every whatever the symptoms nisy be, is ad used to tryI Pills, with tho honest assurance Ihnt they must reliof. Dr THOMSON ON NERVOUS DISEASES. Just FubHshvi. The One Hundred and Llet-epith NEW WO'KK ON MARRIAGE, the causes & A symptoms rf Nervuns and general debility, re- laxation, languor, dislike to sooiety depressmn of spirits, loss of memory, dimness of si^ht, dea ne nreiatnrc dcol ne, connimption Ac., with prescriptions, diret rules, and ail necessary information, for the speedy self cure ot loss of mental and physical power, nrrvou. SS. and all ll'f iliscMPs of ,lh .»d rnnl-»<■ sent post-froe, on reoeipt of two p<nny stumps, by Dr. THOMSON, 28, Clare»ce R .ad, Kentish Town, London. Opinions of the Press. There ii no quackery or learned mystery in Dr Thomson's book, but a plain exposition of tho causes, symptoms and ratioijal treatmein nf this dsstruetive cl«s» of diseases, all set forth with the clearness of a practical man, who wishes tc be under- stood, and the earnestness of a conscicntious man who only wishes to ho useful. Dublin Gazette. ••Thin work is-popular'in every sense of the »ord. and its worth is untold, to those who cannot, from a feeling of shame, consult the family physician. Bap. Magazine." From upwards of 30 years practioe in London, the author is justified inassnringsnlTerers who require confidential treatment, that al^I esses will be speedily cured, without recourse to any of those dauge ous drugs, copaiba, ro"ur7ul to r. er o used, pntl that he is proud in being able toi refer^to many tliougarf do whom lie has restored to bealtli and vigour Persons at a distance should forward a detail of their eases by letter, enclosing ono guinea for^ ad vioe and medicine, which will be scut by return. Patients corresponded with till cured, iTrilOMSON-S TONIC EL1XI R Uest^TSh Sircncth, and power, to the most shattered con- ation and cures with the utmost cer,a"?'y relaxation, spermatorrhoe», exhaustion, ePre'81 of spirits giddiness, nervousness, epilepsy, Para ]y,is,P and all tbe distreeing eonsecjuencc. arhng irnm debility. For all di?0«ses of the urin iry orcans it will be found a speedy specific, ™1U1' £ ^alteration In diet, purifying the I^>J««J secondary symptoms, scurvy »rroful«, blotche^ eruptions, irritations of the bladder, &c, quently harass the sufferer over the best yea^rs of Tonic Elixir has restored bodily strength and b thousands of debilitated Individuals "^o now J'y perfect health} and whatever the causes of dlqualincft tion for niarrisge, they are effoctually 8"J,d" y f potent remedy. Many poor sufferers, wbo from fear of discovery, had borne their afflictions for a rather than apply to the family doctor.corod t privately, at little or no expence, with 'his o Medicine. Price'2s 91, 4s 6d, and 11«, l>t!r^ot,I110' i,f.° protect the public from spurious lI?,,atj0..Vi. VIIOM. commissioners have ordered the words RAM M i S°)N; LONDON, to be engraved In white leon the (iovernment stamp afflxed dp each package, c i which is felony and transportation). S' Chemists in tho world, or will be sent d,r'efi °aR"l of a post office order for Us. payable to l)r. HA. THOMSON. 28 Clarence Road, Kentish lown, Extracts from Testimonials. •' The nervous dcbil. y ig bo much better, that 1 do not neec. stimulants. My appetite bee'nfurjr.sed SVhe' shignlaHy vivifying effects of your medicine, and cannot sulffciently exprcos iny prntitu ie. u. Jj A CUirE^FOir ALL. Dr JOHNSTON, celebrated A over a quarter of a century for tho cure ol N^vous and General Debility, loss of energy depression nfsniris lassitude, prostration, palpitation of tho heart, dizziness dimness of sight, noises in tho head and ears, fo« of memory, deafness, indigestion, rheumatism, irout lumbago. Pains in t,,e tack, gravel, and all forms Sf secret diseases, which when neglected end in cough and consumption, continue* to give awny his l'am. Dl,|e{ —which contains simple instructions, wlierebj any one may regain health and lakinii quack medicines or running a doctor s Dill. The Book will b«-sent privately, on r<ceipt of a •tamped and directed envelope, by Dr. JOIINMUN, 17 Crown Terrace, Haverstock IliU. London. Ihou- sands of sufferer.,i who had fallen into a bad state of health have borne grateful testimony to the value and 8impllcity of the advice given, which in a ►horttime has nerfeotly restored them at a trifling cost In money. 'I he Medical Journal says •« It is a noble thing for a Qualified Physician to come forward ano rescue these victims of disease from the extortionate clutches of those d'-siguiugSJlquacke who u-urp this branch 0 praotice." 4 To Gentlemen, Farmers, and Others. G. J. BLAND BEGS to Inform the above, lhat he is in a position to Let out Horses, dri«en by experienced tnonr on very moderate terms. ) moderate terms. WITH SPRING WAGONS, for removing Furniture, &o from or to any part of the County or Kingdom, WITH TIBMBER CARRIAGES, for Catting Timber, Castings, and other heavy Goods. WITH PLOUGHS, CULTIVATORS, HARROWS, &c. CARTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DONE. AGENT FOR T11H GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY Co., UAVERfORDWhST. n, J B. takes this wporlunitf of tbonking the Public for the kind support h. tuts hitherto received. c4 ESTABLISHED 1812. IT. A N D T. PROCTOR AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTS, C A T H A Y, BRISTOL. P R E V A R E D P>ON E M A N U U E S, FOR CORN, (j BASS, HOOT, AND OTHER CROPS; AL80, 130N12 SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. WORKS,—BRISTOL, BIRMINGHAM, CHESTFP AND WARWICK. CHEAP TEA SHOP. THOMAS'S FAMILY TEA. & GROCERY WAREHOUSE UPPER MARKET STREET, HAVERFORDWEST. Good Tea Is- «• per j|>. Strong Breakfast do f^ l,er Fine do 2s. 8d. & 3s. per lb. PRIME WILTSHIRE BACON. FIELDS AND PRICE'S PATENT CANDLES. IIUNTLEY AND PALMEll'S BISCUITS. JAMS, JELLIES, PICKLES, SAUCES, &c. Agent for Weir's Sewing Machines HAVERFORDWEST. SPRING GARDENS' BREWERY, WINE AND SPIRIT VAULTS. ESTABLISHED 182 5. E D M 0 N D AND R E E S, AUCTIONEERS, < £ C., I 1FO to inform the inhabitants of Haverfordwest and the County of Pembroke, that they have taken to tho 15 above Old Established Brewery, where they intend carrying on the business of MALTSTEIvS, MKWERS, WHOLESALE AND liETAJL SPIRIT, ALE, l'OKTER, AND HOP MERCHANTS, f and trust by strict attention to Ml or(lors entruqted to them, and ouplylying superior artlclc8, to merit a share ° public paironage. Fine old Irish Whiskey, superior French and British Brandies, Gins, Rums, and Cordials, at Moderate Prices. ALLSUPrs- INDIA, PALE, AND MILD ALES, IN CASKS AND BOTTLES. A LARGE QUANTITY OF EXCELLENT WELL-MADE OLD ltfALT NOW ON HAND, Agents for Barnard, Lack, & Co.'s well-known and Celebrated Corn and Root Manures, AGRICULTURAL SEEDS, &c Spring Gardens,-Haverfordwest, 2tth November, 1869. 529 a m ■ 10! t n a iitji i ■ a 1.4 ONLY ON.THE BOXjMgy THE PUBLIC ARE CAUTIONED AGAINST DAN -:E- ROU'S' MITATIONS. I iiiiiM»MVi«nimgii Din M a This wonderful Ointment acts like magic in the cure of old wounds, sores, and a ulcers, however inveterate. It's effect is marvellous in cases of paralysis, contracted S or stifF joints, and in stoppage of the water or disorders of the kidneys it is unequalled 1 .A-STH::M:A AND BEOITCHITIS. ■ This class of cases, including sore throat3, bad coughs, and colds may be infalli- I bly cured by w ell rubbing this remedy twice a day on the breast, throat, and chest. | lEJLD LEGS IB-A.T> SiaEA-STS, ETC. B In many hospitals in Europe this celebrated remedy is now in general use. £ In Spain, Portugal, and in Italy, the Physicians regularly prescribe its use for ■ sores and ulcers. Sailors, soldiers, emigrants, and miners find it most invaluable. I BHETTZM: -A-TISl^C AND SWELLINGS. I. S To Rufferers from racking pains this Ointment is priceless. It reduces inflam- ■ mations and swellings, removes all pain, and restores natural circulation. 1 IMPBTJDEUCES OF "STOTJTIi. H Certain old sores and swellings can be effectually cured by the joint agency I of ilolloway's Ointment and Pills, if used acccording to the printed directions. j| The Ointment and Pills should be used conjointly in most of the following cases fj Asthma. Eruptions Piles Bore Heads. Bad Logs. Glands, Enlargement of "Rheunrntiam Tio Dolcmn-ux I Bad Broasts Gonfc Scrofula Wheezinp, with difficulty i/i Bronchitis Lumbago Sore Throats Breathing f CA UTTON:—None are genuine unless thei words fJollott'dj/, London, aro I discernible as a Water-mark in even- leaf of the book of directions whieh may I be plainly s«en by holding it to the. h'aht. Sold at. the manufactory of Profes- I sor HOLLOW AY, 244. Strand, London, and by* all Dealers in Medicine in pots at Is. l\d., 2s. Od., 4?. 6d., 11.?., 22s,. and 33s. There is a considerable saving by I taking tho larger sizes.—Very copious directions for use are affixed to each pot. CLEDDAU BR E W E R Y, BRIDGE STREET, IIAVERFORDWEST., O E O li G E M. GREEN. MALTSTER & BREWER DEALER IN AGRICULTURAL SEEDS. Agent for Miller and Johnson's Celebrated Artificial Manures. GREEN & JOHN, WHOLESALE AND FAMILY GROCERS, QUAY STREET, HAVERFORDWEST, AGENTS FOR LAWES' SUPEKPHOSPIIATE OF LIME, LAWES' PATENT TURNIP MANURE, AND LAWES DISSOLVED BONES. PER U V I A N GUANO. A QUANTITY OF MANURE SALT FOR SALE. cl8 SAJV AND HATCHET IRONMONGERY ESTABLISHMENT. EVANS & PRITCHARD, (Successors to the late Mr David Lewis,,) B. EG to inform the Inhabitants of Haverfordwest and its locality, that they arc carrying on this long -U Established Business in all its Branches, and hope, by supplying Goods of first quality at moderate prices, to secure for themselves a continuance of the liberal support accorded to their late much respected predecessor. FARM, FURNISHING, & BUILDING IRONMONGERY. CJJTLERY, BRICKS, LATIIS, SLATES, PAINTS, OILS, COL- LIEIlY ROPES, GREASE. &c. PLUMBERS, BRAZIERS, AND BELL HANGERS, TIN PLATE AND WIRE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Bridge-street, Haverfordwest, March, 1870. C25 THOMAS JONES, MARBLE AND STONE MASON. MERLIN'S HILL, HAVERFORDWEST. MONUME N TS. TO MILS, AND HEADSTONES, S OF THE NEWEST DESIGNS READY FOR INSPECTION. WINDOWS OF BATH AND OTHER STONE, AND ALL KINDS OF CHURCH WORK. MARBLE AND STONE CHIMNEY PIECES, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, ANTIQUE AND MODERN. DRESSED MASONRY IN ALL ITS BRANCIIES, EXECUTED ON THE MOST REASONABLE TERMS. Estimates Given for all Descriptions of Marble and Stone Work." 100 I CARSONS P A t N T, BY • HER MAJESTY" THE QUEEN, THF BRITISH OOVPTINMFVT, I THE COLONIAL GOVERNMENTS, RAILWAY aud CANAT, COMPANIES, INDIAN GOVEKNMENT, | THK RUSSIAN- GOVKKNMVXT, | COLLIERIES, IRON MASTERS, Lc., 7,000 OF THE NOBILITY AND CEKTRT, For all kindi of OUT-DOOR WORK, Anil is proved, nflor a trrt., (if upwards of 70 years, to surpass any other l'aint. It is especially applicablo to Iruu hoofing, lark i'cncin^, Farm and oth-r lJuiMiti-S Dridyrc-s, ltur-llin-, Farm Implements, Carts and ayons, Gates, &c. he., and all exposed work, ellecting a Saving of moro than 50 per cent., as it is chcaper, and Jal ts twice as long as Genuine White Lettd or any other paint, and CAN J3E I.AID ON BY UNSKILLED LABOUR. 11 is sold in a fmo ).ow,ler Will keep any length of time. No g-rinding, tinting, straining, or dryers are no<-cw:ary. It rc-piii-os sin.j. y to l,c mixed with Oil Mixture," according to Directions for Use," and at Kuue tune avoiding the objections to all paints sold m xcd ready for use." REI;C,VT- COLOURS. Per Cwt. I,gM°Ht.Vne ii: Sark" ) Biitli St ono f Chocolate f t'n ain colour Ms. /kwTicOHRnsiO^ Purple Brown ?zos< J. j; it, Portland StoneV I PAINT Black 1 I'oi in! ^tone | IMANURACTURCCIII^-L-—Bronze Green Bull' (for Stallies). V/mitir'c»ssBright Green Oak colour ) or \o-oN°"CTMedium Green I ] o,id col'iiir j i-us- G YL*. J o-T tNTlntD Ai S1ATIOI1EI1S IIALU J/npuioul I Licht Lead or Slato 238. — Blue J Ü Piepared Oil Mixture for the Anti-Corrosion. Oils, Turpentine, Varnishes, Brushes, &c. & I 4-ftL CARSONS' PAINT, For I\'Bt M EniKICKS, MANSHIXS, VILLAS, and every kind of Brick, Stone, Compo, kc., is unrivalled, and is the only Paint that will ctleclllnlly resist, the rays of the sun upon Conservatories, Greenhouses, Frames, &c. 3 Cwt. delivered CAIUHAUK FKE:C to all RAILWAY STATIONS iu tho United Kingdom* l'attcrns find Te.Uinwnuils sent l'ost Free on application. No Agenú. WALTER CARSON & SONS, LA BELLE SAUVAGE YARD, LUDGATE HILL, LONDON, E.C.; And 21, BAOIUBi^OTt'S WALK, DUBLIN CARSONS' mmi PAINT. CLOD G K/ TT S H E R. P R I C E S:- 6 ft. 6 ins. wide, 30 infl. diameter JE16 10 24 inches diameter S1410 6f;0 do do 15 0 do 13 0 H 5° 13 10 4° 1110 5ft.O do do 12 10 do 10 10 MAUYCnURCH & DAW, HAVERFORDWEST, AGENTS FOR NORRINGTON'S SUPERPHOSPHATE & OTHER MANURES. SUPERPHOSPHATE £ 5 10s. PEU TOK, CASH. ^OTE Over 40^Tons oi turnips, per acre, have been grown, with this Manure. CIS — — 3L To Landlords or Agents, BANKS OF THE THAMES, NEAtt LOSDON. A GENTLEMAN offers to EXCHANGE • bund- eomo RESF DENCE containing eight bedrooms, two dressing-rooms, three noble reception room*, eon- lerratory and every domestic convenience. with aceess to exteniive groundi planted with See old elms AO4 cedars sloping to the river; capital boating and fitbiag; for a propwty of rqnivalent value in South Wales.-C W., Pembrokeshire Herald Office, Uaveriordwest. IIL NTER'S Special Lectures to Young Men on HEALTH, ITS RESTORATION, AND itjAPPY MARRIAGES.—When to marry, with advice to those who contemplate marriage, pointing out certain impediments which render trarried life uufcappy, and direction* Sor their speedy removal. Should be read by all who value health, strength, and manhood, and wish to attain a happy old age.-Post free on receipt of two stamps.—Address, Secretary, Institute of Anatomy, Birmingham. TO FARMERS AND OTHERS. RT1DE METROPOLITAN F.AIRY COMPANY trs ■N°VPEN ,0 ENTFR INTO additional Contracts for r,uppliea, during tie summer season, of Pure Country Milk, AT (torn tenpenco to one shilling per gallon. Also for first class fresh Butter and Eggs (14 to 16 a « illiug), suitable for high class customers only. Each AJJ of the first quality, none other will Bait. Address particulars of lots for disposal to the N"S; I^^N. M"r"se-13> Uigl1 Hi«11 Mr. J. W. FRANCIS BEGS most respectfully to inform the inhabituta of 13EGS most respectfully to inform the inhabituta of he has pomm«-d H6!' BDd ite diftrict thai ne nas commenced business as Auctioneer, Valuer, &c., and crasts by atrict attentioa to commtmioa iatrutod to his Care to merit a share of Pablic PatrooagV. ACCOUNTS SETTLED WITHOUT DELAY. O..nCE8 :-78, Commereial .treet, Mllter, and at Kg WaLlolL, High street, Haverfordwest- TO NERVOUS SUFFERERS -f 'READ THE "SECRET FRIEND." A NEWWW WORK BT DR. BARNES » °.R TWENTY YEAR8 GIVEN hia exolusiva attention to the treatment and cure of Sexoal Mala- dies, Nerve, and Physical Debility, Low of Appetite, Pains in the Back, Dimness of Sight, Lassitude, Indi- gestoa, Spermatorrhoea, Impediments to Marriace and numerous other ailments, enused by the folliea of LNI WHLCB,' NE«LEC*ed, result in consumption in- H,18 MEDIC*1 WORK, the SECRET illustrated with numerous oaaet and testiraonials from Patients, showing the war by which they were restored to health and manly Tironr. It is a true guide to thole who require a speedy cure. To the Married and Single this bock is iuraluable. Sent Post free, secure from observation, on receipt of two stamps. flgT Address, Dr. Barnes, 30, Thornhill Crewent, Caledonian Road. London, N. HUBBERSTONE NATIONAL SCHOOL. Donations subscribed towards placing a new reof M School, and also refitting with Forms and Desks. Thorass Merrick, Esq, M.P 26 0 General Palby • « • T. L. Marriott, Esq n a -FORD,ESQ R S S Collection in Hubberstone Chnrcb 2 » W. Walters, Esq, Haverfordwest 1 L A Y'tPW"' Solicilor» Harerfordwest 11# J. B. Wimshurtt, EFO T J F. G. Wedncll, E»q, London I I a W 'N ^HILLIPF, Esq, Harerfordwest 0 A A Mr Jones, Milford V „ ? Mr P. P. Ellis, Haverfordwest lift Mr J. Thomas, Haverfordwest 0 10 ■ Mr Alexander, Hakin Tn Z J. Greenish, E'q, Gelliswick 0 10 C I RO^E*DS FROM Children's Christmas Tree 1 19 J •'ORD Dishop of St. David's R, n • Mrs Roob, of Butter Hill -4 l a a J. H. 8conrfleld, E»q, M.P i « « RB' LI" "II 11 • C V. IlassHll, E^EG'^RTLMJNT' C 10 6 Proceeds from Concert and Readin? 10 2 O AC^REDX'THE^V'J STEAM COMMUNICATION f FTlTEV v LIVERPOOL. MILFORD, SWANSEA, & BRISTO For the Month of JUNE, 1870. The Liverpool and Crijtol Channel Steam Comrarr's Steam Ships ►gauoa SevRRKlGN, Capt. Gitibs WINP*RMICRE,Capt J BarrelT MONTAGV, Cv>t Ppeakman AKNi*VKRNo.v,CHpt Camnbtll JANF. BACON, 'npt. Work J. KKNNEDT, Capt. Allen AKTIZAN, Capt..Roulston AoKES JACK, Capt. Styles LI.KWEI.LTN, Capt. Tallar PLANTAGENET, Capt Old MILFORD (Buildintr) The nbovc, or Borne other suitable vessel, is intended to pail with Goods and Passengers, (unless prevented by any unforeseen occnrrcnee) as follows, with or without pilots and liberty to tow vessels I^ROW Liverpool to Milford and Bristol. Saturday June 4 12J after Saturday 18 1 after BALURDAY n- 8 morn I Saturday 25 8 morn FTom Milford for Bristol. Sunrift.' ?■) S m0rn 6UNRT!,Y 19 7 mora SUNDAY V12 J'noJn STTNDAY 20 2 morn from Milford Jor Liverpool, Wednesday June 1 12ni(?ht| Wednesday 15 1 after Wednesday 8 6 even | Wednesda* 22 6 even tk o. ednesday, June 29, at 12 o'clock night. The Steam Barpe OirSET is intended to ply on the Milford Haven, in connection -with the above Str-amem, earrvinr Sent tawnsr.0m rembroke Dock. Haverfordwest, and tfaS fiin:- Milf->rd to or from Liverpool. (nf'od Milfrrd to orfn m BrlatolT. 8« 6d 6s Od MNOTICK°r Th™ j?8** fMumWea) i• Od ii 0d ,r> Vav.n tjnbarcation of Goods or Tae- fn per.s at Milford, Vy whatever convevance, whether at th« pence of the Steamer, or otherwise, is at the risk of th2 Tu^rci gers rfnd the Owners of the Goods respectivelv. I-or lurtber particulars see small bill, or apnli to John Co., Managing Owners, 14, Water-street Liver, iv Eran8» Charles Lamb, Swansea- John Kenwortby an So., Mancheiter. D,nuuc*» Job* D. HORE Aoairr, Mamas HAVERFORDWEST. SEASON 1870. To Serve a Limited Number of Mares, that Thorough. bred Entire Horse WILD CHARLEY Thorough-bred Mares, 5 Guineas each. Half-bred Mares, 42 28. each.-Oroom'A Fee 5a The Groom's Fee to be paid at the time of service arid the remainder on or before the 12th day of June' 1870, to William John, Hill-street, Hnverford. fordwest., or to William George, North Gate, Haver. fordwest. Wild Charley is a beautiful dark browr. horse, eight years old, 16 hands high, on short black legs, with im- mense bone and muscular power, great depth of "irth and rib, remarkably short back, strong powerfulloins and quarters, fine oblique shoulders, and free licht action, is perfectly sound and free from all hereditary disease, is a sure foal getter, and his stock (now year. lmgs) are remarkably fine and promising Wild Charley is by Wild Dayrell (winner of the Derby), out of Phemy by Touchstone, (winner of the St. Leger), granddam Phebe by Lamplighter (sire of Phosphorus, winner of the Derby), out of a marc by K,u.p!'Tls: (sir.c °/ Landscape, winner of the Oaks), out ot Iippitywitchet, by Waxy, (winner of the Derby), out o? Hare by Sweetbriar. Wild Dayrell, is by 1011; out of Ellen Middleton, by Bay -Aliddleto;t, (winner of the Two Thousand Guineas Stakes and the Derby,) her dam Myrrha by Malek, out of Bessy, by Y Gouty, out of Grandi- flora, by Sir Harry Dinted ale,—Pipator. Touchstone, was by Camel, (son of Whalebone win- ner of the Derby,) out of Banter, by Master Ilenrv (son of Orville J his granddam, Boadicea bv .41e.r. ander, by Eclipse. WILD CHABLEY is half brother to Buccaneer the sire of Formosa, (winner of the One Thousand' Guineas Stakes, the Epsom Oaks, and of the Great Doncaster St. Leger); and of' See San-, (winner of the Cambridgeshire btakes at Newmarket). He is also half brother to The Bah, „f N.'wm'.rkot 0"" a°d Plrk Plate at Touchstone was sire of Cotherstone, Orlando and pln_evn.d_Newnunster, (winners of the St. Le<*er ) and of Mendicant, (winner of the Oaks.) ° Bay Middleton was sire of the Flying Dutchman (winner of the Derby and St. Leg-cr,) and of Andover, (winner of the Derby,) from which it will be seen tbat W n.D CiiAuL^Y is most closely connected on both Mdtb with all the great Winners, & the above linear tor spee^ fashion, and endurance, cannot possibly be surpassed. J Wild Chnrlej will remain one night in each fort- night at Mr T. Grillitbs's. Milton Brewerv, Milton. Pembroke. Further particulars may be obtaincdiof ither of the above named parties, who will a.¡,ú .pctii'y the TIUIC and places of aWeutiauce,