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ESTABLISHED 1835. LAWN MOWERS AND GARDEN ROLLERS. GREENS' PATENT LAWN MOWERS IE PR°TEC* T0 THE BE8T, and HARE carried of! WTTINOI" TBAT BM BEON given ia all cases of ^"CPACTTJRRRS OF GALTANIZRD WnUl: NKTTINO. GREENS' PATENT HOT WATER BOILERS. drawings and Pries Litis Free on A pplication. INTONE FT SON, SMTTI! FI HLU I RON WORKS. 54 & 55, BUcklriars Iiond, London. S. AUSTRIAN GUARANTEED 8TATK 'ilfor F I L LOTTRRIPS. Boaa-ftdo chances to Ike large premium* of *30,000, £ 25,000, £ 20,000, &C, &c IND8RI#W'N^> ON Fir»t of every Monlb, nuder „DFNC»°R»HB Austrian Government, and fnnc»ion«rie». OFFICIAL LIST* SKNT ^•AED 8UB8CR|BKKS. -APP'Y for £ 1 chances, "■•IT .NRF ? •M# supplied BY the Austrian GOVERN- OR PRNM. TH# imperial half a florin (tamp, and ^'KINNA T0 V0ELCKER and Co., BA,LKBE2R: *| T POET Free for Two Stomps, W 0 ND E R F u L MEDICAL DISCOVERY, KFIRVFTTTB8,,0WLKA THB TKUE CAV8B OF LOWU ENTAL> & PIIY8ICAL DEBILITY, ^ANT N SS °P SP1RITS. INDIGESTION, WITH., ..ENERG^, PREMATURE DECLINE T N^DIRECTION8 FOR P £ RFECT RESTORATION Th, LTH AND VIGOUR in a few days. tnay easily 6E REMOV'D*0' ^'la' "lcse alarming complaints MEDICINE, J^BLY M0B«MF(1F?>ON,TR*,0(1< A"D ^IE entirely new and •*plain.^U URE,TMENT. AT adopted by the Author, IVJKV BY MEAN« °F WHICH ONE IS ENABLED TO CURE PERFECT]- A HIMSELF ,EC*ipt of TWO stamp B* C08T* ^REO ON W. HILL, ESQ., M.A., MMEIBJ*1*1 ^0V8B» BOUTH-CRKSCBHT, TKT.A C L*SQUARE, LONDON, W.C. ■0 Easy and Simple in *• BMAI T RCAN C*re TLetnsehtt Sncccufnlly, M "TH« OM ♦ V T LS A FEW DAYS- TL0** HOW •*traordinary publication is to "8 AND concomitant Malndles can DRON» ■U,C*E«FNLLY treated, and the most •f?*FT "OTIRIM EFFICACY of this, the greatest of 0R«I ,?•,8 TC*RTFIOD by the numerous cases ^^J-MEDICAL RECORD. A 8PEPTDA,THE WARNING VOICE. PAMPHLET FOR PRIVATE HE^RT INSTRUCTION. VNIN^'KHED^J^T?' M D., of the University of Jena, •MICEU30B Edition of THE WARNING DU. AL)N»O of P! WITTL A New Chapter o» the Use KA» E8, Conta" {OR THO CNRO OF Nervous tha ,?ANY letters from Pationts who 'N8 THAT, remedies without medicine, W"^ATNE,<JTR,.01TT IS NOT LIFE. CULUT« I*ST™LY?IC? IS a SPECIAL WORK FOR N- NE»'»0U8TP>NI K'*CS Plain Rules for the » ""Jess NI i^X"AU,Tion, Indigestion, Rbeuma- DEKIII. W 8DIRIT. O'^H,» Functional Disorder!, Weak-: P»W &0-> &C>» Nervous ^*LN*?N, ^DACIIINN'R^AM8». Mental and Physical De- !? BARK ,{,'MPA'RED Memory, Loasof Energy, INRTFT R°UNDLB,« M^'TY» Diatzioess, Love of Soli- >»TLJ3UCTL0V%?EAR8..&C. PRKSCR1PTI0NS and "IT TU ^A»E B»«N WT,IGH THOUSANDS of Dr. Smith's 0#E of M«»!I R,,TORTd te htalih and vigour, v»itk- >*TI«I WILH CA«IFNRY* Q*LT»NI«M or Electricity. Illus- '• *ho HA»«*NC^ Testimonials from grateful » NPX» EN CURED BR THO FDD6NT FRE« b» SPECIAI« MEDICINE ADT' 0N RECE?NII/IN A SOALCLL Envelope, to any IIA Dr n C1I WO »TFTMP8. » W.C. • • SMITH, Burton Cresoent, Lon- XMPORT.J^ WI^SULT I TO COC»TRY PATIENTS. •«!1?0UT PFP ^0N PHYSICIAN BY LETTER «#«» 1'atieniiT" WIL,» FOR 1,16 BINEFIT LH« bi, 0N"; • ON receiving A description of their AD^0LT LUCCES8'NI°F' W'TL1 A(L*IOO, and direct ons for DTES», Dr SW TR*A,ment and cure. Burton Crescent, London W. b25 CALVA IC N*BANDS, BELTS, RPFLR8E HLN°CKET BATTKR'ES. tbiiH R*B(Jer EI?J?^Y IMPROVED INVENTIONS •HOCV N"NUOU» TY R^RFCOTLY self-applicable, in a *H<!RJ.V0? IN6IR.«.0RM' AN<L extremely eflicacious, no TOUR J'T BEOOM.ANT ?EN»*TION being experier ced, ,0RPld R EDI'Y SOMT' TRUC FOT»NTAIN of health and vi- •"4 U "RON'SING pains, reanimating ?T'TLUI^ £ *RIIT)|T TH° "LUGGISH functions of life, L20RE»«I ENFCOBLR,I,KE EN?RRY ANCL VITALITY to con- N0MH»R F TARIOU8 influences. The daily ?*U»? ^'8 MPNIRV-. CNRE' effeoted by PULVER- ,0 •IN"T.S1S°-OALYANIC SYSTEM is so »HJIL0L> •« th.71K LHAT U forcibly points to this PSE F0R. R! 70 OF A universal romedy. OF THIE,RF°IITV.ESTIM0NY' EI(?NOD by the 8 H medical fftcuUy, has been ■"DERSFGNCD, L,A*O much pleasure ..R*E«NT [ "V0HTV J-L.PULVERMACHER'S" 4 QALT.„^IEN2EN,« IN HI» Voltaio Batteries" -VR'?8AR« of. APP\IANC«« for Medical Pur-" C'"«. INN .I4' ,'MPortance to Sclentifio •"U »ERAT'on «NJ • ENTITLED to the con-" •, FUIH#R., 8NPPOrt of everyone disposed" MR°*RFL»S.'» AT#NCENI8NT of real and useful" « CH^DR\H'S 9'H DAY 0f March, 1866." »S "RNRY UN.°I0.0CK» BART-» M D" FRCP-" "IN,!7*. FERMRL^AND. B»RT M.D., F.R.S." «,FDWD H HI9.US8°N. Bart., F.R8." L^I1* JT RANALNVM¥NQ' MD' F-RC-P" MARTIN, F.R C.S." ^P°F^»BO £ R'8 SYSTEM is also approved R,SI Roval A [EPORT 9F LHE Academie de Medi- V|CJ 'C'AN>, JYN'8°«IETY of London Royal College of AND it. « *N<^ 'I10 IMPERIAL Faculty of SN^IL8 OF »RI TLRTUES are confirmed by TH« PA,»»HLNT«, TC6Ti«nonials of cures Effected. to ,7« raoti ANN ?'"•) "■•SI 'I1 K'NASEIF^OOD 80DBE OF every sufferer 0F8TN^ *hich IK 8CIENTIFIC and curative pro- AND LABO,,R INVONT°r HAS devoted a lifetime *ITM>R of NIAN[, AJ AN ARDEN' disciple of that great A8I. FARADAY TLJ0 LAT8 ILLU8TRI0U8 EL«ctrioian, J VE IT » °/M J'^AINS « £ CHER'S ME DICO-OALVANTC O/ /A* '"E, restri .E.*OCCDLNRLY effeetlve without lhe aid FO||0FC. P*lient'. A i°n °f or ^'e lea*t derangement RHETITAAN^ '"LADIES-"3 and daily occuPations• iu tbo QOUT A"SIU R'C p0loreux Plusrgish Circulation L^BAL }ND'KERTION Urinary Disorders ^<RSI £ Paralysis T,P"8NJ8 Epilepsy ,LYER r, 00TL>achfi P^MA.LE COMPLAINTA Nervous Debility rs. NS'IPATICN Functional Disorders 0«LA?S*OL*C"TH.^AN{P &C'&C- I» an» ^PP!LCATI0N OF PULVKR.VI ACHER'S -the R.R R A^.OT0 disorders is immediately — '8F of pain instantaneous. li. qS^AV|-BA\PN0LX/;WMACHER'S GALVANIC ALN'BA?n F S,BBIILTS' AND BATTERIES. OW FL»ce AOH FOR NERVOUS Deafness, Head.Tootb, \i ALN-BANNVF ?OI'E# IN TH8 Head.21sto.30s. ^.CM°«N* °f th» 88 VOIEE and other sffee- ILA,LN-BA»NFEATH"R-V 108 6FI 10 218 ^OUTV P., Hheumatic, Neuralgic, B. PU D(I ^-OCAL Paralysis, Cramp, &c. I^ALN-BA«N 18* to 22S, and 40s A^EST> and ^°R Lumbago, Indigestion, Liver, WORN NA « » ,LONAL DISORDERS, Nervous Debility, SA,N-BAN '22S T0 408»AND 558 TRU ROO»NO« WRITER'S Cramp, Trembling, IVMBINEIM 2"2S to 30s, and 40s MLEPSY G„N for Central Psiralysis, J, woneral Debility, Functional Disorders Ac TTJPLETE AB.. „ 30S to 60s S» LTS.and CM A IM°,,M.BINED CHAIN-BANDS, ETVTRGY ^AIN BATTERY for restoring vital 4. ? ^QH(C B '*V £ 5 to £ 6 •N /A"0, of I r S °>'I /'e^4 »«genuine but those bearing lhe >«ltl J J~ L- 2UL VERM A C'HE1VS signal™ JFIANCP^-A PERPKTUAL INJUNCTI0N IN C. IJ I^WSRUAM^J August, 1869, was granted to THCI, AMLFONN al: A1AIDST ALFRED BARUOWS, alias •»HI A8,I"*utB AO?.N? NRY JAMK8- ALIAS C. T. RAFHET de„TER80I> or DERSNN AIUL SERVANTS, restraining the THELUFUL'Y ADVEPRETI«??8'DER a penalty of £ 5000, from I*UL v» THI IL8,^C' representing RHD R. RMACHEIJ.O* J?P"ETE IS printed in extenso in Ct>PORT8 of CU PAMPHLET of Testimonials »Ud P ',8ENT P08tfree NN°NTA!N"LG othor valuable iafor- ^FTTEDTEE Q APPlication to the Sole Inventor ,92 GA L KA RMACH E R, 200, ft K/W, TABI<1S HM1CNT, EGEN F STREET, LONDON, W. as- DINNEFOUD'S FLUID MAGNESIA. For Thirty years the Medical Profession have approyec of this pure solution as the best remedy for ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, [IFARTBITRN. HEADACHE, GOUT, AND INDIGESTION, And as a mild Aperient for dolicate censtitutions, esptcially adapted for Ladies, Children, and lafantt. When combined with tbo ACIDULATED LEMON SYRUP. It forms a most npreeablo effervescing draught, in which Its aperient and cogling qualities are much in- creaied. In warm seasons and warm climates, this simple preparation, when taken REGULARLY, has been found highly beneficial. DINNEFORD & CO., Chemists, &c, 172, New Bond Street, London; Sold by all respectable Chemists throughout the World. CA UTION:-See that 1, Dinneford & Co," is on each bottle and red label oyer each cork. XCoeX h«m)m KINLOCH'S CATALAN. The Wine of Spain. RED CATALAN 15s. 17s. 20S.\ Equal io fine fruity Tent. i p0R POZ. WHITE CATALAN.I6C. 17A. 20s. j Equal to fine old Madeira. The name "CATALAN is our Registered Trade Mark. Sole Proprietors and Importers C. KINLOCU & Co., Bucklersbury, London. General Lists on Application. Agent for Haverfordwest, E. II. ELLIS, 94, Door Street. DO YOU WANT BEAUTIFUL HAIR, WHIS- KERS,&C.? Dr Rnssell's Lixivene, an elegantly perfumed toflot compound, for nourishing, preserving, and restoring the hair, is guaranteed to produce mous- taches whiskers, eyebrows, &c., in two or three weeks, strengthen weak hair, prevent its falling off, oheck greyne^s in all i s stages, rettore the original colour, dispel scurf and dandriff, and make it clean, soft curly and glossy. For the re-productinn of hair in baldness, from whatever oaose and at any age, its effeotB are certain in thousands of cases it has been successful when all other preparations hnd failed. In the nursery it is unequalled, as it keeps the bead clean and forms the basis of a beautiful head of hnir. Price 2s„ sent any. where free by post, on receipt of 24 penny stamps, by Dr. G. Russell, 28 Clarence Road, Kentish Town, London. Largo Bottles, containing throe times the quantity, 4s 6d. each. "It stopped my bair from railing otf-J. Saville." "My whiskors Are now abun- dant and thick. Wm. Neale." "My bair had gone in patches from illness, but it is now growing nioely,- Miss Wehb My moustache is envied by every body — Major Birch. I was bald for 9 years, bnt now my head is covered with hair. J. Spcncf." ODSKRVR.- Evrrv Genuino botflo litis the words KUSSI^LLJ 8 LIX. 1VHNE moulded in the gla,,s, and is wrapped in a pamphlet of 16 pages, on the Management of the Hair and Skin also see that George Russell's Trade Alirk and Signature areoa etery outside wrapper. Sold by all Chemists. riMlE TURK HERBAL MEDICINE. Da THOMSON'S L INVIGORATING PILLS are a well known cer- tain remedy for lumbago, gravel pains in the back and loins, headache, depression of spirits, rheumatism, COU" discharges of all kinds, piles, and all sffootions of the kidneys and bladder. All diseases arise from impure blood and weakness. These Pills cloanse and purify the fluids, remove general or local debility, give tone to the stomach, restore the spirits, enrich the blood, impart encrpy and vivacity, eradicate every traco of disease, and invigorate the whole system. In every oomplaint, however virulent or long standing. they afford instant relief and speedy cure. Tho daily receipt of testimonials from men and women in every position of life, who have been cured of skin oruptions, tore eycs, ulcers, and sourf on the heid, sore throat, pains in the limbs, neuralgia, epilepsy, stone in the bladder, diseaso of tho kidneys, &c., by their use, and accounts of surprising recoveries for severe illness when all other medicines and doctors had failed li-s induced Dr. THOMSON to publish their virtues, in the earnest hope that blessings so great may be more widelv diffused and appreciated. Price ls.lid., ZS J T., & 4* Gd. per box. (To Protect the Public from Imi- tations, Iler Majesty's Commissioners have ordered the words RALPH THOMSON, LONDON, to be en- graved in white letters on the Government Stamp affixed to each package, to ifr,itllte whrf>h is felony AND transportation). Sold by nil Chemists in the world or will be sent direct, packed privately >n a on leceipt of 14. 33, or 54 stamps by Dr THOMSON, 28, Clarence Koad, Kentish Town, London. Four dosei of your Pills oured my pains in the back, which had annoyed me for many years. II.M. I tried them for pains in the back they cured me in a few hours. O. R." I had been troubled for years with an eruption on the face. Your Pills have quite cured me. Rev J. S." "1 have never had an attack of gout or rheumatism «ince I used your PiUs. 1V. DANS.' quite oured my sick headache and bUIious attacks. Mrs Ellis "The pains in the back are quite cured I can stoop with ease now. J. Weiss." Every sufferer, whatover tho symptoms may bo, is advised to try these Pills, with tha honest assurance that they must NUU relief. Dr THOMSON ON NERVOUS DISEASES. Just Published. Tlltl One Hundred and Eleventh Ldition. 1881'aqcs. „ „ X NEW WORK ON MARRIAGE, the causes & J\ symptoms of Nervous and general debility, re- laxation. languor, dislike to sooiety, depression of spirits loss of memory, dimness of sight, deafness, premature deol'nc, consumption &c., withproscriptions, dirct rules, and ail necessary information, for tho speedy self cure of loss of mental and physical power, nervous affections, and all the diseases of youth aud manhood. seat post-froe, on receipt of two penny stamps, by Dr. TIIOMSOV, 28, ClarcBce Road, Kentish Town, London. Opinions of the Press. There is no quackery or LEARNED mystery in Dr Thomson's book, but a plain exposition of the causes, symptoms, and rational treatment of this destructive class of dueasos, all set forth with the clearness of a practical man, who wishes tc be under- stood, aud the earnestness of a conscientious man who oaly wishes to be useful. Dublin Gazette. "Thip work is' popular in every seuso of the word, and its worth is untold, to those who cannot, from a feeling of shame, consult the family physician. Bap. Magazine." From upwards of 30 years practice in London, the author is justified in assuring sufferers who require confidential treatment, that all cases will. be speedily cured, without recourse to any of those dangerous drugs, copaiba, meroury, lire., geDenlly used, and that ho is proud in being able toi refer^O many thousands whom he has restored to HEALTH and vigour. Persons at a distance should forward a detail of their oases by letter, enclosing ono guinea for ad- T»R".S'CIN0, WHICH .IN ■».« m Patients corresponded with till cured. R THOMSON'S TONIC ELIXIR Restores health Strength, and power, to the most shattered con- siitution and cures with tho utmost certainty relaxation, spermatorrhoea, cxhaunion depression nf sDirits giddiness, nervousness, epilepsy, PA.RA fv,i.P "nd AH the distressing consequence. «rl mg J .LF.HLLITV For all dueasos of tho urinary oreans it will be found a speedy specific, requiring no alteration in diet, purifying tho Wood, rein<ovujg •econdary symptoms, scurvy, scrofula, BLOTCNES,^SAI eruptions, irritations of the bladder, &c, which too fro- ouently HARASS tho sufferer over the best years of life. | Tonic Elixir has restored bodily streDgtb «"D VIJS< u T thousands of debilitated individuals who no<» JJ perfect health J and whatever the causes 0/DL,Q.U.A' T|^ I tion for marriage, they ore effectually F R i notent remedy. Many poor sufferers, who from E i of discovery, had borne their afflictions for a ™ • | S,B« U..»';pplj to lb. i«»r. ™ privately, at little or no expence, with this wonao Medicine. Price 2S 9J, 4s 6d, and 1 IS V'S protect the public from spurious ^U"T'0INPV, TH6\T- commissloners have ordered the words RAM J» O* SON LONDON, to be engraved In white LO tei on the Government stamp affixed do each package. to imitate which is felony and transportation). SJld by till Chemists in the world, or will bo sent"3,REC^'P^I nf a post office order for lis. payable to Dr. KALFJJ. THOMSON, 28Clarenco Road, Kentish lown, Londoi. I^TRACU from Testimonials The nervous debiluy Is SO much better, that 1 do not need stimulants. My nnnotito and digestion aro improved indeed I feel apptuw an K D H „ (L J HAVE BEEN GTIRPRI8ED TT SI Angularly v.vifying effects of your medicine, and ennnot fufflciently EXPRE^A my GRATI'U LE.J^JL -R~OURE"VU& ALL. Dr JOHNSTON, cnlebrated A over a quarter of a century for the cure of Nervous and General Debility, loss of energy.depression SBDi?» lasMtude, prostration, palpiUtion ot the heart, d azincss dimness of sight, noises IN the head and ears, fosa of memory, deafness, indigestion, rheumatism, E-out LUMBAGO, pains in the back, gravel, and all forms OF^CM diseases, which when neglected end '"COUGH and consumption, continues to give AWAY HIS 1AM- ohlet -which contains simple instructions HEREBY «nv one MAY regain health and strength wrthont takinK quack medioines or running a doctor s bill. TheVk WILL he sentpr-i^atejy c^n rrce>ptofn stamped and directed envelope, by Dr. JOHNSTON, 17 Crown Terrace, Havcrstock Hill, London. Thou- •Inds of sufferers who had fallen into a bad state of 1 ITH have borne grateful testimony to tbe value and .SL&5; oi fS f" "b!?h in (,h0" b" perfectly restored them at A trifling cost in money. The MEDICAL Journal says IT is a noblo thing for a mialified Physician to come forward and rescnc these victims of disease from the extortionate clutches of those designing quacLe who usurp this branch o! praotice.a To Gentlemen, Farmers, and Others. G. J. BLAND DEGS to inform the above, that ho is in a position to Let out Series, driven by experienced men, on very 1 ) moderate terms. WITH SPRING WAGONS, for removing Furniture, &c from or to any part of the County or Kingdom. WITH TIBMBER CARRIAGES, for Carting Timber, Castings, and other heavy Goods. WITH PLOUGHS, CULTIVATORS, HARROWS, &c. CARTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DONE. AGENT FOR THE- GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY Co.. 11..4. VERFORDTYBST. G. J B. takes this opportuuity of thanking the Poblio for the kiad,support he lias hitherto received. c4 ESTABLISHED 1812. I-J. A N D T. P it 0 C T 0 R AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTS, CATHAT, BRISTOL. PREPARED BONE MA N U RES, FOR CORN, GRASS, ROOT, AND OTHER CROPS; ALSO, BONE SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. WORKS, BRISTOL, BIRMINGHAM, CHESTFP AND WARWICK. CHEA-P TEA SHOP. THOMAS'S FAMILY TEA & GROCERY WAREHOUSE UPPER MARKET STREET, HAVERFORDWEST. Good Tea IS- PER }]>■ Strong Breakfast do ••• ••• 2s. Od. per lb. Fine do. 2s. 8d. & 3s. per lb. PRIME WILTSHIRE BACON. FIELDS AND PRICE'S PATENT CANDLES. IIUNTLEY AND PALMER'S BISCUITS. JAMS, JELLIES, PICKLES, SAUCES, &c. Agent for Weir's Sewing Machines t ci8 HAVERFORDWEST. SPRING GARDENS' BREWERY, WINE AND SPIRIT VAULTS. ESTABLISHED 182 6. EDMONDIND R E E S, AUCTIONEERS, 4-c„ I >EO 10 Inform II.. inh.bit.nl. of H.R.rf.rd.o.t .od th. Ooimljr .F 'J « ">«7 "»'• I"1" '» J3 .bOTO Old Established Bioworj, wbero th.Y intend crrymg on tb. b.Bines. of MALTSTEKS, BREWERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SPIRIT, ALE, PORTER, AND HOP MERCHANTS. f and trust bv strict attention to ail orders entrusted to them, and supplying superior articles, to merit ft share o ana iru« » public patronage. Fine old Irish Whiskey, superior French and British Brandies, Gins, Rums, and Cordials, at Moderate Prices. ALLSOPPS' INDIA, PALE, AND MILD ALES, IN CASKS AND BOTTLES. A LARGE QUANTITY OF EXCELLENT WELL-MADE OLD ltfALT NOW ON HAND, Agents for Burnard, Lack, & Co.'s well-known and Celebrated Corn and Root Manures, AGRICULTURAL SEEDS, St o Spring Gardens, Haverfordwest, 21th November, 1869. 529 mm |gg|| Zm |i 9 It ES5| 3 B ijBttjfiK æ ,F.p,DE MAI?,, t A,?,( "'LY ON THE BOX sItcurn;ITY erlcuin;i LIGHT 9-n -DAFETY THE PUBLIC ARE CAUTIONED AGAINST j This wonderful"o''inhnen acts like ma^c^in the cure o!* old wounds, sores, and | S ulcers, however inveterate. It's effect is marvellous in cases of paralysis, contracted jf | or stilf joints, and in stoppage of the water or disorders of the kidneys it is unequalled | I ASTHMA AIsTX) BRONC HITIS. I I This class of cases, including sore throats, bad coughs, and colds may be infalli- | | bly curcd by w ell rubbing this remedy twice a day on the breast, throat, and chest. 3 | BAD LEGS BAD BREASTS, ETC. a | In many hospitals in Europe this celebrated remedy is now in general use. £ g I In Spain, Portugal, and in Italy, the Physicians regularly prescribe its use for H | Bores and ulcers. Sailors, soldiers, emigrants, and miners find it most invaluable. H | EHE TIM: AT ISM AND S'VVELLINGS. 1 I To sufferers from racking pains this Ointment is priceless. It reduces inflam- R mations and swellings, removes all pain, and restores natural circulation. I IMPETJDEUCES OP YOUTH. I Cortain old sores and swellings can be effectually cured by the joint agency H of Holloway's Ointment and Pills, if used acccording to the printed directions. §j IMPETJDEUCES OF YOuTH. I Cortain old sores and swellings can be effectually cured by the joint agency H of Holloway's Ointment and Pills, if used acccording to the printed directions. §j I The Ointment and Pills chould be used conjointly in most of the following eases 1 'J Asthma. Eruptions PilCS Sore Hends. I| | Bad Legs. Glauda, Enlargement of Rheumatism Tic Doloureux G | Bad Broasts Gout Scrofula Wheezing, with difficulty OF || j Bronchiti3 Lumbago Sera Throats Breathing G 1 4^" CAUTION:—None are genuine unless the words Holloway, London, are ji w discernible as a IJ ctter-mavJc in every leaf of the book of directions which may K I be plainly seen by holding it to the light — Sold at the manufactory of Profcs- g 1 sor HOLLOWAY, 244, Strand, London, and by*all Doalers in Modicine, in pots at g I 1*. ljrf., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6< lis., 22.?,. and 33s.—1There is a considerable saving by | i taking the larger sizes.—Very copious directions for use are affixed to each pot. .:¡t" CLEDDAU BREWELIY, BRIDGE STREET, HAVERFORDWEST, Ii! G E O K G E M. G R E EN, MALTSTER & BREWER DEALER IN AGRICULTURAL SEEDS. Agent for Miller and Johnson's Celebrated Artificial Manures. GREEN & JOHN, WHOLESALE AND FAMILY GROCERS, QUAY STREET, HAVERFORDWEST, AGENTS FOR MWES SUPERPIIOSPHATE OF LINE, LAWES' PATENT TURNIP MANURE, AND LAWES DISSOLVED BONES. PERUVIAN GUANO. A QUANTITY OF MANURE SALT FOR SALE. 018 SAW AND IIATCHET IRONMONGERY ESTABLISHMENT. EVANS & PRITCHARD, (Successors to the late Mr David Lewis,,) thcmMlvM of the respected predecessor. FARM, FURNISHING, & BUILDING IRONMONGERY. CUTLERY; BRICKS, LATEIS, SLATES, PAINTS, OILS, COL- LIERY ROPES., GREASE. &c. PLUMBERS, BRAZIERS, AND BELL HANGERS, TIN PLATE AND WIRE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Bridge-street, Haverfordwest, March, 1870. c25 THOMAS JONES, MARBLE AND STONE MASON, •MERLIN'S HILL, HAVERFORDWEST. MONUMENTS, TOMBS, AND HEADSTONES, OF THE NEWEST DESIGNS READY FOR INSPECTION. WINDOWS OF BATH AND OTHER STONE, AND ALL KINDS OF CHURCH WORK. MARBLE AND STONE CIIIMNEY PIECES, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, ANTIQUE AND MODERN. DRESSED MASONRY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, EXECUTED ON THE MOST REASONABLE TERMS. Estimates Given for all Descriptions of Marble and Stone Work. 190 CARSONS P A ) N T, PATROXISEDBf „ HER MAJESTY TIIE QUEEN, THK INDII^GOVEHNM^XT7' I TNE COLONIAL GOVERNMENTS, RAILWAY and CANAL COMPANIES, NMLKT, | THE RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT, | COLLIERIKB, IRON MASTERS, &C., /,U00 OF THE NOBILITY AND GENTRY, V For all kinds of OUT-DOOE WORK, Iron ROOTIUA- PARK^OUCIN upwards of 70 years, to surpass any other Paint. It is ospecially applicable to \v' F,A" IER. Buikhngs, Bridg-es, Hurdling, Farm Implements, Carts and W agons, Gates, &C. &c., and all oxposod work, effecting a Saving of ruore than 60 per cent., as it is CH C £ PER, <'ARTS TWIEO AS LONG AS GANUINE WH;TO LOAD QR ANY OTHER PALNTJ AND CA^ WON BY UNSKILLED LABOUR It IS sold in a fino powder. Will keep anr LGTTTRIII NF a™* v liflco^sary. It requires isimplv to bo mixed W;tL V< Oil ^IIXTURO NN VIN^. ^1?^' straining, or dr}Tors are SAME t Jo avoiding tho objJCtions to all PINTS' «o!D SECTIONS for Use," and at Tor G'wt. COLOURS. P„ N. White T, N. Per CWT. IJIKHTJTONC J Darf LIED ) Bath htono Chocolate (NA Cream colour V 80s. X«TKOR,R,OS!OI%5~M PVU-ple Brown LI'HT Portland btonoV F PAINT VO |I Black I TMAMURACTUs1Bronze Green ) Buff (for Stables). WTERCARWIM4^M Bright Greon Oak colour I 26s Medium Green F L.eul colour J AFRIYD™ PIRW<N >42s. Light Lead or Slate 23S. -E^T!BTO AT "AT">H"1> Blue Prepared Oil Mixturo for the Anti-Corrosion. Oils, Turpentine, Varnishes, Brushes, &o. CARSONS' PAINT, I or I UBLIC EDIFICES, V"J.ABVNN<L every kind of Brick, Stone, Compo, &c., is unrivalled, and is th# only 1 ,imt that will EHECLU;WIY resist the rays of the sun upon Conservatories, Greenhouses, Frames, &c. 3 Cwt. ddiyered CARRIAGE FKEK to all RAILWAY STATIONS In the United Kingdom. J atlcrns and TcstinwnUrfs sent I'ost Eree on application. No Agents WALTER CARSON & SONS, LA BELLE SAUVAGE YARD, LUDGATE HILL, LONDON, E C And 21, BACHELOR'S WALK, DUBLIN CARSONS' JSSSII P A l N T. |i C nL (D DD o IR, TJ S H: E E. PRICES: — 6 ft. 6 ins, wide, 30 ins. diameter JB18 10 24 inches diameter RII in 6FT,0 do do 15 O do 13 O 5 ft. 6 do do 13 IO do IF IO 5 ft. 0 do do 12 10 do IQ IO MABYC^BCH & DAW. IIA VERFORD WEST, < AGENTS FOR NORRINGTON'S SUPERPHOSPHATE & OTHER MANURES SUPERPHOSPHATE £5 10s. PER TON, CASII. NOTE! Over 40 Tons of Turnips,'per acre, Lave been grown with tins Manure. cl8 :1 To Landlords or Agents, BANKS OF THE THAMES, NEAR LONDON. A GENTLEMAN offers to EXCHANGE a HANI- eorue RESIDENCE centaining eight bedrooms, two dressing-roomi, three noble reception rooms, con- servatory and every domestic convenience, with aceesa to extensive ground* planted with fine old elmi and cedars sloping to the river; capital boating and fiahiBf; for A property of equivalent value in South Wales.—C W., Pembrokeshire Herald Office, Haverfordwest. DR. HUNTER'S Special Lectures to Young Men on HEALTH, ITS RESTORATION, AND HAPFY MARRIAGES.—When to marry, with advice to those who contemplate marriage, pointing out certain impediments" hich render married life f J unhappy, and directions for their speedy removal. Should be read by all who value health, strength, and manhood, and wish to attain a happy old age.—Post free on receipt of two stamps.—Address, Secretary, Institute of Anatomy, Birmingham. TO FARMERS AND OTHERS. THE METROPOLITAN DAIRY COMPANY are now open to enter into additional Contracts for supplies, during the summer season, of Pare Country Milk, at from tenpence to one shilling per gallon. Also for fjrat clast fresh But;er and Eggs (14 to 16 sbllhng), suitable for high class customers only. Each must be of the first quality, none other will suit. Address particulars of lots for disposal to the Manager, Mr R. Marriage, 13, Leigh Street, HIgh Holboro, London, Mr. J. W. FRANCIS T>EGS most respectfully fo inform the inhabitants of A-F Haverfordwest and its surrounding district that he has commenced business as Auctioneer, Valuer, &c., and (rusts by strict attention to commission intraeled to his care to merit a share of Publio Patronage. ACCOUNTS SETTLED WITHOUT DELAY. OFFICES:-78, Commercial street, Mast eg, aDd at Mr W atsoa, High street, Haverfordwest. STEAM COMMUNICATION WITH TN. SOUTH OF IRE AND. Via New Milford (Milford Haven) and Waterford Daily Service (Sundays excepted). »n!!M ^llfor!i ?,aTen w*t«r'»rd Steam Ship Cam* LitUng- Steamers will sail, weather par FROM NEW MILFORD, At I 40 a.m. on arrival of the 4 50 P.M. Train, 10 an to UI.T'CKXT.'LSPROC,ED"•» "-=• W « Limerick, Cork, FROM WATERPOED, TL4 P.?NF«RRIT&L0F THE TR8IN FROM Cork, Limerick, «c., go as to enable passengers to proceed BY tha 2.0 a M reaching London at 11.15 a.m. PAWICALA" APP1Y 10 «Y of the Railway South Wa°es 8" CKS°D & C°' N#W MILFORD'


