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HAVERFORDWEST MUNICIPAL ELECTION. The election of a member of the Town Council to supply the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr W. Marycburch took place to-day at the Market Hall- There were at first three candidates in the field-Mr W. Williams, of Market Street, Mr John Davies. of Tower Hill, and Mr Thomas Williams, of Merlin's Hill; all of whom issued addresses. The last named gentleman, however, withdrew when a contest appeared certain, and tho field was left to Mr Davies and Mr Williams. The following is the result of the poll MrWilliams 268 Mr Davies 213 The first named gentleman was therefore elected by a majority of 55 votes. As the unexpired term of Mr Marychurch's office is only eight months, the same seat will be again vacant next November. THB LzvBK —By command of the Queen a levee was held on Tuesday, at St. James's Palace by hi" Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, on behalf of Her Majesty. In the list of those who attended the levee, we observe the names of Sir James Hamilton, and Mr Scour- field, M.P. ROYAL PEMBROKESHIRE ARTILLERY MILITIA.—This regiment is summoned to meet at their bead-quarters, Haverfordwest, for twenty-eight days traioing and ex- ercise, on the 27th of April. The recruits will attend on the 13th of April, for fourteen days' preliminary drill. Assessors AND AUDITORS —A meeting was held at the Shire Hall on Monday, under the presidency of the Mayor, for the purpose of appointing assessors and audi- tors for the ensuing year. Mr W. Hood, of High Street, and Mr George Morgan Green, of Bridge Street, were appointed assessors, and Mr H. Philpott, of Viotoria Place, and Mr George Lewis, of Picton Place, were ap- pointed auditors. LECTURE ON MUSKETRY.—Capt. Brady, adjutant of the Pembrokeshire Battalion of Volunteers. delivered a lec- ture on musketry to the Haverfordwest Volunteers at the Drill-room on Wednesday evening. The gallant officer delivered a very interesting lecture, which was illustrated by diagrams, and afforded the fullest information respecting the construction of the rifle, and its capabilities both on the target range and in the field. At the conclusion of tbe lecture a vote of thanks was proposed to Capt Brady, and carried by acclamation. ELECTION OP TRUSTEES OF THB FREBMEN.—A meeting of the Freemen was held at the Shire Hall on Monday frr the election of Trustees of that body. Mr Thomas Carter presided. The Chairman having explained the object of the meeting, Mr Daniel Gibbon proposed that the following freemen should be elected Trustees for the next three years:—Mr J. W. Phillips, Mr W. V. James, MrW.Bowen Rowlands, Mr W. Hood, Mr Stephen Green, Mr George Thomas, Mr Thomas John, Mr R. Evans, and Mr George Warlow. The proposition was seconded by Mr W. Phillips, of Barn Street, and, being put to the meeting, was carried unanimously. HAVERFORDWEST RIFLE CORPS.—The prizes given by Col. Peel for attendance at drill during the month of February was shot for on Monday afternoon. The ranges were 300 and 400 yards, five shots at each distance Wim- bledon targets and scoring. The following is the result of the shooting:— «_• « 300 400 Total 1 Private D. Phillips (10s) 9 18 27 2 Col-Serfft W. E. Jones. (7s 6d) 8 18 26 3 Privata (fco. Morris (5s) 13 13 26 4 „ John Davies (3s fid) 11 14 25 5 Corp. Andrews (3s 6d) 10 14 24 6 Private T. Rogers. (2s 6d) 6 18 24 7 Sergt T. L. James (2s) 9 13 22 8 Private J. Rogers (2s) 10 11 21 9 „ Geo. Davies (2s) 8 13 21 10 „ D. P, Da?ies (2s) 6 15 21 AcciDMT.—On Saturday last. whilst a coachman In the employ of J. P. Li. Phillips, Esq. of Dalo Castle, was driving a spirited horse down St. Thomas Green, the aRimal from some cause became frightened and dashed off in the direction of the town. The driver retained his seat, and succeeded in turning the corner of Upper Market-street, by Capt. Chambers's residence, in safety, but bad not sufficient control over the animal to prevent bis taking down Market-street. When opposite the meat market, his course was stopped by running into violent collision with a horse and cart, atandini? at the entrance, The man was burled from bia and sustained several severe bruiser, but we are glad to hear escaped without receiving any ilangeroos injury. The vehicle was broken, •fcd the horse slightly injured. Notwithstanding the generally crowded state of the thoroughfares on a market- day, there was fortunately no other damage than that above referred to. TRAVELLING IN A RAILWAY CARRIAGE WITHOUT A TiCRBT.At tbp Shift) Hall on Thursday, before W Owen, Withybosb, and James Bowen, E»q, Bailor nameft kobcri Wnuums, was charged by Mr Salisbsry M WittrttaveUing in a carriage on the Great .-mt aucket.— Mr 61ilt:s deposed m >(J^e«day nigbt was {ravi'ling in 11 1'. tilis narne was Robert Williams, anT?KWe,v Jtet.—The defendant admitted the jjpbe was sorry for what he had done, an1 §l?d op,' or he tvoald not have committed the Beach ordered the defendant to pay a fine *,p°*t*.and In default of payment to be ira. Tiif< defendant, net being TESTIMONIAL TO Mas FOTHEROILL.—A short time I since our pages recorded the marriage between Miss Jeanette Griffiths and Mr Fothergill, a gentleman well known and deservedly respected in this town through his late connection with the Haverfordwest Grammar School. Miss Griffiths has for some years resided with her brother at Belmont. during which time she has greatly endeared herself in the parish by her warm and ready aid in the Sunday School, in church decorations, harvest festivals, and those matters of local interest which form such a happy bond of mntual good fellowship in parish- work. Her marriage naturally calls forth the expression of general esteem in which Mrs Fothergill was held at Haroldstone West, where her loss Is sincerely felt, while she is followed with earnest good wishes for her happiness and prosperity by the friends who have have had so much pleasure in filling up a subscription list to offer the bride a testimonial in leaving them to undertake yet higher responsibilities; for we understand that Mr Fothergill, who has lately taken an excellent degree at Cambridge, will be ordained this month, and we feel that his choice has been happily directed to one well fitted to discbarge the dnties of a clergyman's wife. The testimonial is an elegant Church Service, in ivory and white kid binding, richly illuminated in gold and scarlet, with gilt edges and clasp. On the cover is engraved a cross in scarlet with floreated points and surrounded with a chaste gilt border beyond which is a second border illuminated in scarlet. Within the cover is the presentation-inscription printed in gold letters on white enamel in the following words:— •Presented on her marriage, Jan. 28, 1868, to Miss Jeanette Griffiths, as a slight token of grateful and affec- tionate remembrance by her Sunday School Class and other Haroldstone West friends.' HAVERFORDWEST PETTY SESSIONS. These sessions were held at tb, Shire Hall on Thursday, before the Mayor, J. W. Phillips, Esq, T. Rule Owen, Elq, and James Bowen, Esq. CHARGE OF ASSAULT. David Davies, of Prendergast, was charged with as- saulting George Griffiths, of Prendergast. This case (which bad been adjourned from the last sessions) was settled out of Court. MFUSINO TO ASSIST THE POLICE. Thomas Davies was charged with refusing to assist P.C. Simpson in the execution of his duty. Mr Cecil said the defendant was summoned for refusing to aid P.C. Simpson while ha was arresting one John Rees, at Prendergast under a warrant. His only object in bringing the case forward was to let the public know that they were bound to assist the police when they were called upon. The defendant said he could prove by witnesses that he did not refuse to auist. The case was postponed for a short time, and sub- sequently Mr Cecil caid that with the permission of the Bench he would withdraw the charge. The Clerk observed that the ch-'ge was a very serious one, and a person, who was guilty of it, might he con- victed at the Quarter Sessions, and sentenced to imprison- ment for a year or two with haid labour. DRUNKENNESS, &C. Maria Morgan, a nymph of the pave, waS charged with drunkenness after a previous conviction for drunken- ness. The defendant admitted the charge. The Bench ordered the defendant to find two sureties fn the sum of £10 each to be of good behaviour for one calendar month; and in default of finding sureties, to be Imprisoned for the same period. The Bench warned the defendant that if she were brought ap on a similar charge again, and convicted, tbe period of imprisonment would be very much longer. George Carter pleaded guilty to a charge of drunken- ness and riotous conduct in Mariner's Sqaare, on the 27th ult, and was fined 10s and costs. James Thomas was charged with drunkenness on the 27th ult. The defendant pleaded guilty, and was fined as and costs. Robert Lewis, seaman, of Hakin, was charged with drunkenness at the Shire Hall during the late assises. The defendant pleaded guilty, and waa fined 5a and costs. His Worship, in delivering the judgment of the Bench, said that if the matter had been brought before the Judge, the defendant would in all probability have been sent to prison. MATHRY PETTT SESSIONS. These sessions were held on Monday, before M. Griffith, Esq, J. Worthington, Esq, and Capt Edwardes. GAME PROSECUTIONS. Thomas Griffiths, police constable, tI. W, Roberts. This was an information laid against a dealer for buying game of an uncertificated seller. Mr Price appeared for the defence. Informant stated that he was a police constable, stationed at Saint David's. On Thursday, the 28th of November, 1867, he was at the Harp Public House, in plain elothes. He was dressed as a common man, and had a gun with him. He sold the defendant a hen pheasant. In answer to the magistrates' clerk, informant stated that he had no game licence, and consequently was not authorized to sell game. Mr Price cross-examined Griffiths as to the date of the occurrence, charging him at the same time to be accurate, as he (Mr Price) had evidence in court to prove that de- fendant was not at tbe Harp on that day. Informant produced his report and adhered to the time fixed in the information. Mr Price then took the technical objection to the m- formation, that the defendant was charged with the offence he being a licensed dealer;' the fact being that he was not licensed, but only in the employ of one who was. and that the charge made had not been proved and must therefore be dismissed. The Bench, on the advice of their clerk, held tbe ob- jection fatal, and dismissed the case. Thomas Griffiths c. W. Hill.—This was an information under the same statute as the last, and similar circum- stances. Mr Owen appeared for the defence. Thomas Griffiths said be was a police officer, and on the 29th day of November, 1867, sold two partridges to Hill, he (the informant) not having a game certificate. In cross-examination he admitted that he had gone to the Harp in disguise for the purpose of inducing the de- fendant to buy galne. Hill did not come, but be sent a boy out to him. He did not know why the charge was I made three months after the offence was committed. Mr Owen admitted that the defendant had been guilty of a breach of the strict letter of the law. but asked the magistrates to weigh carefnlly the attendingciroumstances. Tbe time that bad been suffered to elapse since tbe offence was stated to have been committed threw great obstacles in the way of the defence Had it been allowed to run three days longer the law itself would have interfered to prevent tho prosecution. Again, police officers were ap- pointed to prevent the commission of offences against the law, and nothing could justify their inducing people to commit them. It was most disgraceful that a policeman should assume a difgaise with the avowed object of seducing a man to be guilty of an infraction of the laws, and for the purpose of subsequently prosecuting him' and sharing whatever penalty might be fixed upon him' Under these circumstance the magistrates could but inflict a very light penalty. The magistrates, having deliberated, fined the defendant £5 and costs. HAVERFORDWEST TOWN COUNCIL. A special meeting of the Town Council was held at the Council Chamber on Monday. There were present: —The Mayor, J. VV. Phillips, Esq, Mr John Madocks, Mr Whicher Davies, Mr Summers Harford, Mr James Phillips, Mr A. Beynon, Mr Henry Phillips, and Dr. Brown. THE ENCLOSURE OF PORTFIELD. The Town Clerk: This is a special meeting called to consider the memorial of the Freemen of the Borough in reference to the enclosure of a portion of the area of the Race Course. This is a copy of the memorial: the memorial itself was presented to the Trustees of th* Freemen, and they directed their clerk to forward a copy to me, as Town Clerk, to be laid before the Council^ To the Trustees of the Freemen of the Borough of Haverfordwest. Wp, the undersigned Freemen of the Borough of Haverfordwest, having considered the clauses in the Haverfordwest Borough Bill relating to the enclosure of the Area of the Race Course, desire to express our approval of the scheme generally, for the improve- ment of that property, and for making it more available as a place of recreation. We approve of the whole of the whole of the clauses as proposed to he amended, with the exception of clause 38, which gives power to raise a sum of £1,000 on mortgage. In order to provide a fund to defray the expense of the enclosure of the Northern Area, we are willing that powers should be applied for under the Bill authorizing you as our Trustees, to contribute the sum of JE25 annually for any number of years not exceeding five, from the passing of the Act, out of the rents of our Portfield Lands, if the Corporation will seek for similar powers authorizing their con- tribution of a like amount for the like period. The moneys thus contributed to be spent in the enclosure and improvement of the upper area. It is our wish that the revenue which will accrue from the letting of the Northern Area, after its enclosure, should be expended in the manner provided for by the Bill. We submit this scheme for your consideration, and respectfully ask you to convey this expression of our opinion to the Corporation requesting them to strike out the clause relating to borrowing powers, and soliciting their concurrence in the proposal we have herein suggested for providing an enclosure fund.' This memorial—[continued the Town Clerk.]—is signed by a number of freemen. The Mayor: By 103 freemen—that is more than a fourth of the whole body. Mr Whicher Davies Do they wish to reserve the clause relating to the 13.14ths as well ? ayor The object of the memorialists is to raise money instead of by borrowing. Mr Whicher Davies: If you substitute a clause preserving the 13-14tlls to the freemen. I don't think it will be right for us to contribute and give up bjtlf the control of the property. I say strike out the clause preserving the la-I4ths of the proceeds to the Freemen. Mayor: The whole of the proceeds will be laid out subject to the approval of the Committee; it is only the bare surplus will be divisible, and 8 »nr- M r9lD<)tfi indeed, have the Freemen here asking for their share of £5, i or whatever moneys are left. We have had them i here before, and when there is any little game going 4 on-I mean an election-they will be asking for the proceeds. Mr James Phillips: We shall not be influenced by anything of that kind. Mr Whicher Davies It may be but there will be sure to be a cry of that kind. Mayor: The committee appointed under the Bill will have to expend the money. The money will be applied-first, in payment of money borrowed—that is supposing any money is borrowed: secondly, in payment of the current expenses incurred in main- taining the improvements of the area and the race- course and the recreation ground and other annual outgoings in respect thereof; thirdly, in the further enclosing, draining, planting, or otherwise improving thereof, or any part thereof. So that if yotf got only from £ 40 to X50 a year you will never have titty surplus. Mr Whicher Davies: You may lay out JE200 a year if you like. Mr Madocks: What amount do they claim ? Mayor: 13-14Lhs of whatever surplus revenue there may be after maintaining the improvements, and after making any further improvement the committee may from time to time deem necessary or desirable. I think that the surplus will, in all probability, be nothing. Mr Whicher Davies: Therefore that clause may be as well struck out of the bill. The last time we talked about the borrowing clauses, I think Mr Davies said he would take the whole ground at .£50 a year. Mr Madocks The bill has been agreed to by the Corporation it has been read over two or three times, and we are all thoroughly acquainted with the Bill. We are summoned here simply for the purpose of making an alteration that has been named—that is in reference to the borrowing powers. I think myself we ought to confine ourselves to that, for it will not do for us to reconsider the whole Bill at this meeting Mr Whicher Davies: Then comes the question whether that will fit in with the other clauses. Mayor If you agree to the proposal, you will then see wbat alterations are necessary. Mr Whicher Davies: Allow me to ask whether we, as a Corporation, have power to give £25 a year ? Mayor: You can take powers. Mr Madocks: We shall run no risk whatever in this way. Mayor: What Mr Whicher Davies means is—Is it a prudent thing for this Board to give so much money annually ? Mr Madocks: There will be jE50 a year to improve the land, and no risk whatever to ourselves, for the land will let out at 230 or 940 a year. Town Clerk: Mr Madocks has just said that if the land will let for X30 or 940 a year there is no risk to the Council in contributing £25. As I understand the proposal, the moneys given by the Freemen and Corporation are to be spent on the land, and is not to be repaid out of the rents. The rents will have to be applied in addition, and I do not think the Cor- poration will be in a position to recoup themselves. All that is derived in the shape of rents will be laid out in further improvements, together with the moneys contributed by the Corporation and Free- men. Mr Madocks: I see no difficnlty myself. If you advertise the land you will get L30 or X40 a year for it. I will take it for 40 years myself, and enclose it at S30 a year. Mr Whicher Davies: If you are going for a bill, let the Bill go as it is, or smash the Bill altogether. (Laughter.) Dr Brown: I wish to ask whether we can see our way clearly as to the power to give 925 a year ? Have we, as a Corporation, power to appropriate a portion of our rents to meet the expense ? M ayor If you agree to the proposal, the Corpora- tion will have to find £2.5 a year, and the Freemen E25 a year. Mr Madocks: Well, I think the Freemen's pro- posal a fair and honourable one. I think it is a very good one: for we shall run no risk whatever. I should like some one to propose it; but if no one will do so, I will. Mr James Phillips: Suppose we adopt their suggestion, and we agree to pay the sum, where are we to get the money ? How shall we raise it ? Mayor: We are to pay it out of our Corporate Funds. Town Clerk I think the discussion between the Freemen and the Council has arisen in conse- quence of our having unfortunately introduced a sum of £ 2,000.into the borrowing clauses. I think if the amount had been limited in the first instance to £ 500, we should have been saved all this diffi- culty. I think about £50.0.is all we could borrow on it in its present state it is not a property which is a proper security for more than that sum. If power was obtained to borrow £2,000, the money could never be raised; but if the sum bad been placed at £500, I don't think there would have been any objection. The proposition made by the memorialists is one of grave difficulty, because the Council has not f25 to spare out of its revenue, and we cannot go and so alter the bill as to make the f25 chargeable upon the water rental or water rate. We cannot do that, because that is al- together a distinct thing. Therefore if we agreed to this, we should have to pay £25 a year out of the ordinary revenue of the Corporation. We know from our Treasurer that we are constantly in a drag with him, and that our income is barely sufficient to pay our way under ordinary circum- stances. If the other plan be adopted, and the sum reduced to £ 500, we should, if Mr Madocks is right as to what the land will produce, be able to effect the improvement. All that' is necessary might be done for 9,200 or £300. and if that were borrowed on mortgage of the upper area, which Madocks suggests will let for from E40 to zC50 a year, the rents would be applied in paying the interest and principal, If that is not done, I am afraid our Treasurer will tell us we have not £ 25 a year to pay. Mr Madocks Mr John has put a little opposi- tion in the way; but I still think it may be done. I should like to know when Portfield was enclosed, how it was done ? Mr Whicher Davies It was laid out in 20 acres, and the tenants put up the cross hedges. Mr Madocks: Who did it ? Mr Whicher Davies: The Freemen-the land- lords. Mayor: That is quite different to this case: that was private property- Mr Madocks: Did they enclose it first ? Mayor: They divided it into blocks, and the tenants put in the interior hedges. If we assent to the proposal, we must consider where the money is to come from. Mr Madocks: My opinion is that it may be I done for very little money and if it let for a good sum, you will not want to borrow. Town Clerk If it was a matter of option, that would make a difference. It seems to me that it is necessary in the first instance to lay out a con- siderable sum of money—fronJ £ 200 to £ 300, and if that be necessary, there must be a sum available for the purpose. If on the other hand the rent for the upper area will be wufnctent of itself, then you need not borrow a penny. It must be either im- perative or optional to contribute the money if optional, there will be no risk, and there will be no harm in the clause. Mr Madocks: There is the land, and we all know it is worth a good deal of money, If advertize- ments are issued, stating that the land is to be let on lease, you will get 940 a year, and the tenant will enclose it. Mayor: I very much agree with Mr Mardocks there but I must again remind the Council that if we consent to contribute 925 a year to be met by another S25 on the part of the Freemen, we may be called upon to pay the £2;} and if we are called upon, we must be prepared with the cash. The question is—Where is it to come from ? By the bill, the management of the affair will be in the hands of the Committee, composed of the Corpora- tion and the Freemen's Trustees. That committee may say—' Where is your £ 25 V to the Freemen and Corporation. It will be for the committee to decide what improvements shall be carried into effect, and they may decide upon calling upon the Corporation and Trustees of the Freemen for the twenty-five pounds. Mr Harford: I quite aetee with Mr John's ob- servations, and I think it will be found that the Freemen are such men of sense that they will not object to borrowing powers to the amount of £500. I at first thought that £2,000 was a large sum. I don't object to Mr Madock's view, because it is the view I have entertained myself. The land must fetch S40 or £50 a year my own opinion is it will fetch £1 an acre and more but I think if we had borrowing powers to the extent of £500, it would be to our interest to enclose and do the work ourselves in combination with the Freemen. The work could be done in that way, if the Free men see it in the same light as we do. Mr Henry Phillips I did not hear the memorial read, because that was done before I entered the room. I think, if I ain-correctlv informed, the memorialists do not agree to give any borrowing powers at all. Mayor: They object to the borrowing powers, Ur H. Phillips; Nearly every one who signod thg memoml AA8 a {Jaok&d ty tbg )>g?- rowing powers. I was asked to sign, but I did not do so, because, being a member of the Coun- cil, I wished not to bind myself and I wanted to hear the arguments first. I believe as a Town Council we have no power to set aside £25 a year ror the purpose, and I think his Worship and myself, being freemen, would not like to lay out money which may tend to benefit a fund, in which as individuals we participate. We should let it out for as good a rental as we can get for it, but we cannot do that without taking powers under this Act. Mr Madocks: You entirely fall in with my views. Mr H. Phillips Let it out as it is. Mr Madocks I will be a high bidder for it mvself. Mr James Phillips: I think the suggestion of Mr Madocks and Mr Phillips a very good aiie, and I think the better course will be to take out tbe borrowing powers altogether, and let out the z!l upper" 8:tea. Mr H. Phillips; If you do that, you will have the support of tfc'e" freemen. Mr Madocks And fet the proceeds of the upper area go towards the improVeYjfteirt of the lower. Mr James Phillips That is It very good sug- gestion. Mr H. Phillips: If you will move that f will second it. Mr Whicher Davies: That is signed by only one fourth of the freemen. Mayor: It has been signed by the majority of resident freemen. The Town Clerk was understood to suggest to Mr Madocks that he should move that the memo- rial be rejected. Mr Madocks No ? I will not move that it be rejected. I think tGJe proposal a good one. Mr Whicher Davies,, Wove that it be not enter- tained, and that the Council Hcfespot approve of it. Mr Madocks I think we ought to gay that we are indebted to them for their kindness and cour- tesy that we approve of their proposal, fetft ftfave no funds, out of which to give the X25 and that we have consulted together, and we have come to the conclusion that we can do the work without borrowing at all. Mr James Phillips They have met us in a con- ciliatory spirit, and I think we should treat them courteously. Mayor: I think, as a matter of order, we must either reject or accept the propdsitfon. Mr James Phillips: We must reject it cour- teously. Mr Whicher Davies: Then it will not be necessary to consult the Freemen at all. The only reason for consulting them, was that it was intended to borrow money. If you strike out that, we ought to go in for the Bill as a Corporation, independent of the Freemen's Trustees, and keep the matter in our own hands. Mr James Phillips: We can't do that. Mayor I most remind Mr Davies that the Free- men are now entitled to 13-14ths of the surplus profits. We have no power to do that as a Council: they receive part of the rents. Mr Whicher Davies: They have received 92 5s 4d in all. Mr H. Phillips: The Freemen's rights are pre- served in the original award. The Mayor: The question is whether we can prudently, as a Council, undertake to devote £ 25 of our income for this purpose annually. Mr James Phillips: I think it is very plain we have no funds to meet the expenditure, and as it appears there is no necessity for borrowing powers, I move this resolution, That this Council having considered the memorial of the Freemen as to the proposed enclo- sure of the northern portion of the area within the Race-course on Portfield, are of opinion that such proposal is impracticable, and therefore cannot be entertained.' If this resolution be carried, I shall propose another relating to the borrowing clauses. Mr Harford: I second your motion. Mr Whicher Davies Excuse me, if you are going to do away with this £25, and the borrowing powers, then in that case I say we ought to go in as a Cor- poration for the sole control as at present. I think we should be very foolish indeed to throw up our control over the propertyT We should in the Act ask for powers to enclose the upper area, and I don't think that any five men or any body of men can object to it. We shall have no need to ask the Freemen at all. Mayor: Excuse me interrupting you. I think you are entirely wrong it appears from the present act of parliament that the profits are to be divided among the Freemen and the Corporation, and the Freemen have the largest share. Mr Whicher Davies: But we have the manage- ment and control. and I don't think any reasonable body of men can object to our keeping it. I say 1 enclose the piece of land, and reserve-the rights of the freemen as they are at present,' if you are going to do away with the borrowing powers. As a Cor- poration we ought still to hold our power over the land, and we could do so, so long as we give the 13-14ths of the surplus profits to the Freemen. We may reserve their Tights, and go in for the Bill as a Corporation, and have nothing to do with the Free- men's Trustees. Mr Madocks: I think the Freemen have behaved exceedingly handsome. They have made a very fair proposition, and I think we ought to have accepted it, if we had not seen that we could do without the contribution of £25. I don't agree with Mr Davies: I don't think it would be fair to do as he suggests. If it will cost £ 100 to enclose the area, it will only make a difference of £ 5 or £ 6 a year. We should ask their consent to do it without borrowing powers. Mr Whicher Davies: They have no consent to give. Mr Harford: If they could not give us consent, why did we ask them ? Mr Madocks We have l-14th, and the Freemen 13 14ths. They offer to give E25 a year if we will do so, and I think that was exceedingly honourable. Mr Whicher Davies You forget that the property belongs to us as a Corporation, and not to the Freemen at all. The Freemen are entitled to share any surplus we may get: but by having the com- mittee composed of nine freemen and nine members of the Corporation, we shall be giving up our control Mayor: The Freemen say—'We, as owners of 13-14ths, are entitled to have share of the control.' Mr Whicher Davies: We should not give it up. Mayor The ground now is in a very bad con- dition it is rapidly becoming a swampy bog. Mr Whicher Davies If we keep the control we shall be justified in getting all the water we can from there to increase our supply. The Mayor then put Mr James Phillips's resolu- tion to the meeting, and it was carried unanimously. Mr Whicher Davies That is all the business. A Mayor: We are to make such orders as we tIlInt tit. Mr James Phillips I beg leave to move that the borrowing powers be struck out of the act. Mr Whicher Davies Will you follow that up by moving that the Trustees be struck out? Mr James Phillips: I don't think that would be wise or fair. It would not be altogether right to ignore the trustees in this matter. The Freemen have come forward and manifested a conciliatory spirit. I am anxious that this should be settled in a manner as pleasant to all parties as we can make it, and I propose that the borrowing powers be struck out, and that the land be leased out in its present state. Mayor: I think it will be sufficient to move that the borrowing powers be struck out. Mr. Harford I second the motion. The resolutions were then put to the meeting and carried. The Mayor: I have now a communication to make to the Council, which is a matter of gratifica- tion to me, and will, I think, be received by you with considerable satisfaction. I was not at liberty to mention it before when the discussion was going on. for it related to the enclosure of Portfield. There was a meeting of the Freemen's Trustees last Friday evening, at which I was present, and the following order was made :—' That in the event of the scheme for providing funds for the improve- ment of the Race Course and the area. thereof, by annual contributions of S25 out of the Freemen's rents and by the Corporation for a period of five years, being rejected by the Town Council at the special meeting on Monday next, the Mayor be re- or quested to agree to the proposed bill with these modifinatinns. viz.:—The Freemen's Trustees to have an equal share in the management; the bor- rowing clauses and the clause which provides for the payment of 950 towards the expenses of the Act to be struck out, and a clause to be added that any surplus rents and profits be divisible between the Freemen's Trustees and the Corporation in the proportion in which they are now entitled-i. e., 13-14ths and 1.14th: That is exactly—[continued His Worship]—what we have agreed to. So that it really comes round now to what Mr Madocks started with. Town Clerk It is only fair to the Freemen that they should have a voice in the management, for they at present have the greatest interest in the surplus, and unless they concurred in the enclosure it could not be effected. Mr James Philhps I think it is a very fair way of settling the matter. Mr. Whicher Davies There will be no park there. Town Clerk: It should be mentioned that all this difficulty ja jvttri^tabJe t9 Mr Thorns WWebw Davies. He it was that suggested, or at all events approved, that the borrowing powers in the Bill should be extended to £ 2,000. He it was who approved-if he did not suggest—that that part of the bill, which originally provided that the surplus profits should be divided between the Freemen and the Corporation, should be altered, into the form in which it appears in the Bill. and that the whole of the surplus proceeds should be laid out as the committee may think fit. Now Mr Davies having raised up this bugbear himself is unwilling to knock it down, and would rather that the whole bill should go to smash. Mr Whicber Davies Of course I was for the £2,000, because I did not want the committee to be in the same fix as the Water Commissioners. The meeting then separated.