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LITE UPRIGHTLY-Tha poor pittance of seventy years is not worth being a villain for. What mat- ter is it if your neighbour lies in a splendid tomb 1 Sleep you with innocence. Look behind through the track of time; a vast desert lies open in re- trospect through this desert your fathers have journeyed wearied with tears and sorrows they sink from the walks of man. You must leave them where they fall, and you are to go a little farther, where you will find eternal rest.-The Moralist. GREAT GUNs.-The Secretary of the United States Ordnance Board thus reports officially to his government:—' The 20-inch gun has been fired with a charge of 200lb of powder and a shot weighing 11001b. and I have no hesitation in saying that tbia may be the regular charge for this gun. The range of 25 degrees elevation was more than four and a half miles.' We are busy adapting 68-pounders. Look out somebody And, as the Yankees say, Stand from under J'—Army and Navy Gazette. THE EFFECTS OF PIPECLAY.—Two officers of the 54th regiment have been writing to complain of a paragraph which has appeared in this paper. The officers say that bandsmen never wear their tunics when damp. Have they ever asked a bandsman the question ? Have they ever heard of such a case as the following ?—A bandsman is playing at parade in the morning, a shower comes on, and his white tunic is stained and splashed. In the afternoon he has to play again, and to makQ a decent appearance, is obliged to daub his tunic with wet pipeclay, which, soaking into the thick woollen cloth, lays the foun- dation of disease, such as killed poor Solomon. We repeat both our statements. First, that our bandsmen are often obliged to wear their tunics whilst still damp, and even wet, with pipeclay; and second, that Soloman almost in his last moments attributed his illness to the practice.- United Service Gazette. HAVE YOU ENEMIES?—Go straight on and do not mind them. If they are in your way, walk round them, regardless of their spite. A man who has no enemies is seldom good tor anything the is made of that kind of material which is so easily worked that every one has a hand in it. A sterling character is one who thinks for himself, and speaks what he thinks. He is always sure to have enemies. They are necessary to him as fresh air. They keep him alive and active. A celebrated character, who was surrounded with enemies, used to remark, They are sparks which, if you do not blow, will go out themselves.' Let this be your feeling while endeavouring to live down the scandal 01 those who are bitter against you. If you stop to dispute you do but as they desire, and optn the way for more abuse. Let the poor fellows talk—there will be a re-action if you perform bat your duty, and hundreds who were once e!ienated from you will flock to you, and acknowledge their error.—Rev Dr Campbell. A LOVING SWEETHEART.—The following letter was the cause of much amusement on its being read during the trial of a recent breach of promise of marriage case :—' My dear, sweetest ducky,—I am so happy to hear from you so ofteflr—it affords me sich grate pleshur. You always was so deer to me I hope you will suae You know I never hinted nothing abcut Carriage and I never mean to -take yc<T own time for that. I shal always remember the old sayin', procrastinatioa is the tbeef of time, but mother savs nothing should be done in a hurry, but ketchin' aeas. The fondest wish of my heart is that we may sune become one. Dq- you ever read Franklin's Extracts—his re- marks concerning marriage is 8Q delitelul. Oulr- Ijearts, be scz, out to assemble on u^othe| io every they ought to be hetergemonsj*6o that out Tinion may be mixed as well as uniting— AN AWKWARD CONJUNCTURE OF INITIALS.—There is a good story flying about. Mr Alfred Pye was employed to design a gateway for the palace of Cudesden; and when it was finished Bishop Wil- berfotce liked it so well that he graciously sug- gested his own initials being placed over one pillar and those of the architect on the other. But when it was proposed to put • S.O.' on the right column and 'A.P.' on the left, the prelate objected that that would never do, as it palpably spelt Soap.' DR. LIVINGSTONE.—The Natal Mercury of the 11th of January copies the following from the Trans- vaal Argus, received in December:—' Mr Marthinus Swarts, the elephant hunter, who has just returned from one of his annual shooting excursions in the interior near the Zambesi, informs us that in June of last year he spoke to some natives who had accom- panied the great traveller, whom they call' Minarie,' signifying Good'—the name to which Dr. Living- stone is known to the natives. These men Mr Swarts met three days' journey north of the Victoria Falls, who informed him that iu the beginning of April last Minarie' (the doctor) stated to them that he was now going away, and dismissed them, giving them various presents, and also sending presents by them to Retanga. This took place at a certain spot 20 days' journey on foot from where Mr Swarts met them, and close to some very large river which runs in an easterly direction. Retanga is chief of the Barootsi, and Cepopo is his chief captain. This very large river has its sources at some distance from the Debebe, and is described by the natives as considerably l.er than the Zambesi. Mr Swarts further says that the coast cannot be far distant, as the natives had sea shells in their possession, which they stated they had got from the big water, meaning the sea. Mr Swarts also says it would be impossible for the Doctor to transmit any letters, as no native could be induced to carry them beyond his own tribe, for ven- turing beyond certain death to the messenger would be the consequence. So far as we know, this very large river is not laid down on any map, and, being hitherto unknown, it is very probable that the Doctor, after dismissing these native servants, had prsceeded to explore it, intending to reach the coast at a point where this river discharges itself into the Indian ocean/ FATAL SHIPWRECKS.—At least 14 lives, in addition to several vessels, weralost on the coast of Cornwall and Devon during the furious north-westerly gale which raged from about 1 a.m. until 5 p.m. on Wednesday, the 19th inst. The schooner Gipsy, of Chepstow, with coals from Swansea for Rouen, went ashore on the ridge outside St. Ives pier, and the lifeboat was promptly launched to take off the crew. On proceeding towards the vessel, and while the grapnel was being got ready, a tremendous sea struck the boat and washed the coxswain and two of his companions overboard. Two oars were lost, and several minutes elapsed before the three men were picked up. Soon after this the crew of the vessel were rescued, and in a few minutes more the vessel went to pieces. About this time the crew of the lifeboat discovered that seven of their townsmen were struggling for life about a quarter of a mile to wind- ward. Three gigs had been launched to aid in the rescue of the Gipsy's crew, and one of them had capsized. It was only by a series of skilful and daring efforts that six out of the seven men were saved. The Four Sisters, Cavalin, master, with corn for Cardiff, ran ashore on the north- eastern side of Cape Cornwall, and rapidly broke up all hands were lost. Off Bideford the brig Jenny Jones, while the crew were clinging to her masts, was hurled by a tremendous wave against the rocks at Milford-cliff; she went to pieces almost directly, and her crew, eight in number, were drowned. The smack Phantom drove on the back of the breakwater at Brixham, and became a total wreck. A small brig was observed in great distress of the Land's End, and it is believed- she went down with all on board. Several minor casualties are reported. FRACAS IN THE HUNTING FIELD.—The ordinary proceedings of the Norfolk and Suffolk hunt were varied on Thursday by an incident which has given rise to much gossip, and which promises to give employment to the gentlemen of the long robe. The meet took place at Aldeby, and the hare, it seems, in her windings eventually led the way through a field belonging to Coleman, of Toft Monks, who, it is well known, is opposed to hounds or huntsmen traversing his property. While puss was in full flight across the ground, and before the hounds could come up, she was shot down by one of Mr Coleman's men. Mr Maple- stone, a near neighbour of Mr Coleman's, rode up and demanded possession of the hare, but the man refused to surrender it. At this stage Mr Coleman and others of his men appeared on the scene, and, some high words following, Mr Maplestone got un- horsed and a general melee is said to have ensued. Mr Robert Larkman, jun, one of the huntsmen, seeing the position of affairs, and his friend Maplestone surrounded by an angry gang of rustics, rode through them, and flourishing his whip, he laid about him vigorously. Encountering Mr Coleman, the latter demanded his business there in language described as more forcible than polite, which was replied to in terms of equal energy. It is said that Mr Larkman followed up the interchange of compliments with the application of his whip, which he laid to some purpose about the head and shoulders of his opponent till forcibly drawn off by other members of the hunt. We are told that a number of summonses have been served on the part of Mr Coleman, some for the assault, and some for trespass. A couple of months ago a hare was shot on Mr Coleman's ground under similar circumstances by one of his men, and we are informed that he had fciven notice to the master of the hunt of his objection to his fields being ridden over.—Bury Free Press. A RUNAWAY RAILWAY ENGINE.On Wednesday evening two engines on the Caledonian Railway near Greenock were engaged shifting coal waggons from the main line down the incline at the Greenock station to the coal depot at the low level. There being only a single line of rails on the incline, the driver of Ithe engines, who was proceeding down, observed the other engine coming up, and engaged pushing a train of empty waggons before it. The danger of a collision was at once seen to be great. The driver of the down engine immediately shut off his steam, and again reversed it, in order, if possible, to avert, or at least lessen the effects of the imminent collision. The stoker of the engine, likewise seeing the danger, jumped off the locomotive. Before the latter engine could be brought up, however, the up train came into collision with it, and it is said the force of the concussion threw the driver of the down locomotive off his engine upon the metals; the con- sequence was that, immediately after the smash took place, the down engine, having its steam reversed, began to ascend the incline at a rapid rate, and gra- dually increasing its (impetus, when it attained the level started for Port Glasgow at great speed, the danger whistle blowing all the time. The Greenock and Perth goods train had but shortly preceded it, and the various pointsmen along the line hearing the whistle of the approaching engine showed their danger signals—but all to no effect. On went the unbridled fiery steed,' and dishing past Port Glas- gow station, was suddenly brought to a stand by coming into collision with the train standing at the goods station near Port Glasgow. The break van of the train was considerably damaged, and had to be uncoupled and brought back to Greenock. Fortu- nately no person is reported injured. THE TRIALS OF EARTH.—The severe trials which God sometimes inflicts are seldom of long duration. They are not only sent in wisdom and love, but they are abridged also by the same wisdom and love. Life itself is hut short, and when on some emergency the Lord calls his child-to suffei, we see with what tenderness the Lord comes to his relief. He only just suffers him to bear as much as is necessary to evince the rectitude of his heart before God, for the instruction of those who love and serve him, Every trial here is preparatory to a state of glory, and by them believers are led by the Spirit of God into a knowledge of their own character and of the perfections of Jehovah. Our state hereafter will be connected with everv disci- pline here below. Divines have disputed respect- ing different degrees uf glory iu heaven, but there will be a difference I have no doubt whaiever. For instance t6 begin with the Saviour himself in his human nature. The suffering which he under- went when hare below, enabled him to enter into the perfections of God in a degree in which they can never be known by any of his brethren. Who cnn tell us wbat. is meant by these words f being made perfect through suffering '—the perfection to which his humanity was carried when presenting bis Father with a sacrifice for sinners. His bliss is propqRioujite to the depth of his suffering, and and there is to be found in this truth an analogy which may be applied to his brethren for we read in Scripture, 'Our light afflictions which are but for a moment work ont a far more eternal weight of pjQry-' They are used as instruments in the hand of God, in teaching us-truths which are absolutely flepessary to enable us to drink deep draughts of fwory above. What an encouragesent have we then to approach tfce Lord continually, beseeching him not ouly to give us resignation and submission to his will, but also to be grateful to him for every affliction here. Whatever portion of suffering may be allotted to us here, may we be enabled to say perpetually, not my will but Thine be done, thus glorifying bim in our life and.death that we may be glorified in him for ever,—}V, ffoiovlls 0* 'Sunday &


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