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PHILPOTT & MORGAN, tAN D SURVEYORS, LANDVALUERS AOOOUNTANTS ct AUOTJONEEBS. ICEs— HIGH-8TBEBT, HAVERFORDWEST. Agents to the Lancashire Insurance Company. NERVOUSNESS NO FANCY. J ^SAN'DS of poor sufferers can truly testify that nervous- WffirJ10'8 *s ."u^ect^ no fancy, but a terrible reality that ha* 'ivnpH ^e wisest of our physicians to cure. Nervooi" heari "u^ering from low spirits and debility, noises in the head' I?ela.nch°ly»fear, blushing, dislike to society, sleeplessness, ne°ac"e. indigestion, dimness of sight, loss of memory, giddi- 'P^'pitation of the heart, neuralgia, fits, epilepsy, or any Thmn thousand forms of this raging malady, wiil find Dr t'voii S°n's ^eurotone a most certain remedy. It has effected °f cures of all affections of the nervous system since l)y JUr°duction to the public, and it is so safe that it can be used cjjea"u.1?S and old, however weak and ill they may be, and is so Prirl* i eren poorest have no longer a necessity to suffer, b- .|s- ljd., and 2s. 9d. per box, with dietary rules, &c. Sold Chemists, or will be sent free by rost on receiptor 14 J0-^P?^ny stamps, by Dr Thomson, 28 Clarence Road, Kentish hyTf' n^on" 'My fearful headaches were completely cured doses.' A.R. My store ach is in a healthy state, and I t»vih W my meals now.' J. W 'I was so nervous before treniu-youv mpdicine, that I was unable to write.' J.T. 'The D0 n of the hands and knees is gone.' T. L. 'I have had 6. r P^tion the heart or hesitation since I took it.' Mrs The pains in the back are cured, and I can stoop with fciddin^ M.W. «My wife suffered for years from nervousness, petit *n the head, pain across the forehead, and loss of ap- leI I am thankful to say your Neurotone cured her.' G.G. A RUPTURES CURED WITHOUT TRUSSES. sufferers from these distressing complaints are earnestly PUr lnvi'e(l to communicate with Dr Thomson, as he can bgg'aatee them l elief in every case. His celebrated remedy has n successful in curing thousands of cases and is applicable Ion eVery variety of single or double rupture, however bad or tect; standing, in male or female of any age, effecting a per- *eMeUr° 'n a r'^ort time, without causing confinement or incon- >e and thus doing away with any further necessity foe is SpltJ& trusses, &c. The remedy, with full directions for user *tainn afty*hcro free by post, on receipt of IOs., in postage IT °r P°8t-°ffice order, by Dr Ralph Thomson, 28 Clarence Town, London. A work on the nature, causcs, an(i varieties of Rupture, with extracts from letters post from patients who have been cured, will be sent free by tions ,^ny one on receipt of 13 penny postage stamps. Consulta- tive p \»4ee, One Guinea,) dailv, except Sunday, from 11 till 12 in Extracts from Testimonials I suffered so much t^e ns'n& your remedy, that I shall ever be thankful for have received.'—Henry Curtis. Your remedy has Or ,n "Messing to me, for I was obliged to wear a galling truss Jtev i?e other support for all the 23 years I had the rupture.'— «Terv ^artin. I find myself completely cured, and have tried I a to prove the cure, by lifting and running, which, t'.W ,PPy to say, I can do without pain or using any truss.'— tfn," Many thanks for your remedy; I have thrown my a*ay, glad enough to get rid of the torture of it.'—G.H. DR. THOMSON ON NERVOUS DEBILITY. The hundred and fifth Thousand, 200 pages. THE FRIEND IN NEED. A MEDICAL work on Marriage, its duties and hindrances, syphilis, stricture, &c., with prescriptions, and all necessary information for the speedy cure of all ftfty ^Seases of Youth and Maturity; illustrated with upwards of 1K)s(L Sent post free in an envelope, on receipt of two penny *otloife 8tamps by Dr Thomson. Contents of the WorkInsti- tjjq. ?8 Marriage—Obligations of Wedlock—Causes of interrup- H,aPPincss" •Domestic Bliss—Healthy Offspring— and Pregnancy—Description of the Organs of r hoth Sexes—Masturbation its consequences— an<* Remorse—Barrenness, its causes and Removal— Coin*? Happiness—Parental Bliss—Turn of Life—Hope and 11^5t—Seeret Diseases, their varieties and Symptoms their Matrimony, its trials, joys, and responsibilities- of Natural Strength—How to Strengthen the System- °ns to Sufferers—Suggestions of value to every person. WANT BEAUTIFUL HAIR, WHISKERS, Sec 13 "J^USSELL'S LIXIVENE, an elegantly perfumed toilet •Mr for nourishing, preserving and restoring the *c./in guaranteed to produce moustachios, whiskers, eyebrows, lalijjj- off0 ?r three weeks, strengthen weak hair, prevent its rti ,ecK greyness in all its stages, reatore the original and gloss 6 Rcurf and dandriff, and make it clean, soft, curly Whatever ^or the reproduction of hair in baldness, from 0f. cause and at any age, its effects are certain; in thou- had failei?ases ^as ^een successful when all other preparations clean *Vi'. *n the nursery it is unequalled, as it keeps the head A '°rms the basis of a beautiful head of hair. Price 2s, Jjteipt of S! three months'use, sent anywhere free by post on I llamnstoj i Penny stamps by Dr Russell, 22, Hawley Crescent, Extracts Itoa<l, London. Sold by—and all other Chemists. keen ur?m Testimonials s It has darkened my hair, and I P^hes i m eurl now.—Miss Curtiss. I had lost my hair in ??8.Prodni)u.r Lixivene has quite restored it.—Dr James.' 'Tt Lixivejve excellent moustache.—J. Berry, Esq. Your It ha# thict my hair after 3 years' baldness,—G. Morris.' hair hag w ?! ed my whiskers considerably.—R. Scrle.' My — "alien off since I commenced using it.—W. Smith.' *re a DR TaOMSON'S INVIGORATING PILLS Wing r.emedy for lumbago, gravel, pains in the back an tSons' 'fmatiani, gout, discharges of all kinds, and all affec Mti,i„ } the kidneys and bladder. In every case, however le tan.8 nding, they afford instant relief and a speedy iw > eradicating every trace of disease, purifying the blood and ^orating the system, The enormous sale these Pills have jO'fted for many years past, and the daily receipt of testi- li *ials of cure, of nearly all the diseases the human frame is lie* to' warrants the proprietor in asserting that they are th efficacious medicine ever issued. Price Is. ljd., 2s. 9d., and per box. Sold by — and every other chemist in the ttoJi I or will be sent post-free, packed so as not to rattle, on Pt of 33 ( or 54 penny postage stamps by Dr Thomson. DR. THOMSON'S TONIC ELIXIR MtoU^kiting specific, requiring no change of diet, &c., for relax tieg of tK Ustion, gpermatorrhsea, secondary symptoms, impuri lowneg, ^?°d, 8^n eruptions, epilepsy, erysipelas, weak eyes J><*vQu; spirits, loss of power, and every form of general and PerSQl~ debility, and has restored bodily vigour to thousands of *ho now enjoy perfect health. In all cases, even where •Useagg ,er ^reatment has failed, it eradicates the virus of *ciire ear8 the complexion, quickcns the blood, and performs the qnincredibly short time. Price lis., and four times °r 'Will hi y at per bottle. Sold by — and all other Chemists; S?*0unt 8fn' direct from the Establishment, on receipt oi the entish T ^ress—Dr Ralph Thomson, 28 Clarence Road, ne ftA°Wn> London. Post Office Orders to he made payable 14eral Post Office. APHYRim flELP F0R ALL- upwards of 40 years in practice, havingbeen v*1'! Sener i8^ •'? curing thousands of sufferers from nervous » cons* ek'lity, loss of memory, indigestion, pains in the ?^l,,Ptom,l}I11P^oui rheumatism, gravel, gout, and m&ny painful othpr numerous to mention, resulting from imprudence it thause8>'s desicons of imparting (gratis) to those who n j means brf^thlch their restoration to health was t[°Ua j-ynd will send 9e book (100 pages) containing preserip- Jho Relf f-nghsh, diet rules and all the necessary information for l°>'onZe-tmeT,t. &c., of nearly all the ills that flesh is heir Ru„. ,!Pt of a Rtamped and directed envelope. Address,— Thig booii-6' Hawley Crescent, Hampsted Road, London. Jtlief ,no18 offered with unaffected sincerity to all who need ooolcg ant r^P^iaUy to those who have been deceived with quack vho nee ? medicines. « Your book is worth anything to those S^Ption »Adoct.or-' J- Short, Luton. 1 adopted your pres- a(^v'ce> and my giddiness is all gone.' H. Merry, tea tr» £ f • Talue your lK>ok, and wish you to «end me three away.' ROT W.Leigh. ^ublithed, Price li, post free for 14 stamp*, or in a "DREIVTI sealed envelope for 20 stamps, JC DEBILITY, a popular Medical Work, illus- ^th numerous Engravings, treating on Sperma- Perfect 't" causes, and cure, giving full instructions for the from entpi5 at^0n °f those who are prevented by impediments *esultginto the Married State, also showing the dreadful farfy abuse, Gonorrhcea, and Syphillis. »*ater r^l: Barnes Allen, bookseller, 20, Warwick-lane, Pater- vw9 London. J* a certa;« TRIESEMAR No. I. distressing rfcmedy for relaxation, Spermatorrhoea, and all the „ consequences arising from early abuse, indiscriminate 'or too long residence in hot climates. Effectually. TRIESEMAR No. II. afttr J era(kcate8 all traces of Gonnorrhcoa, both in mild srayated forms, Gleets, Strictures, Irritation of the £ '/amsofthe Loins and Kidneys, and all urino-genital I Is the + „ TRIESEMVR No. in. 8yiupt^eat Continental Remedy for Syphilis and Secondary «mab No. 1, 2, and 3, prepared in the form of a 1 *aist!v.I* evoid of taste or smell, and can be carried in the Pocket. *5casLU', or four cases in one for 33s, which saves lis; and i I AQB31' thereby there is a saving of £ 1 Us. Sutton i8ir~Newberry & Sons, 45, St. Paul's Churchyard; W Church? ?' Bow Churchyard W. Edwards, 67, St. Paul'< Oxford Sanger, 150, Oxford-street; E. Cleaver, G3, Etrand "St^et» Butler, 4, Cheapside; Prout and Harsant, 229, SOOIM.1.' .~°^ert Howden, 78, Gracechurch-street; Bartlett A King William-street, E.C'. Londmf' P°st»two stamps; sealed 12. Address, Secretary, Street \v at0D"Ca* Museum» 44a» Maddox-street, Regent MAItftIAGE; its Physical Duties and Obligations, with I By a Phy-on in Man and Woman its Cause amd Cure, tents 0f J?lc'an* To which is appended a catalogue of the con- 1 ^n till ten ^u8eum> ▼hich is open, for Gentlemen only, from "HrA«PYT, Admission Is. •01 vl E- YIG0II;R GUARANTEED IN FOURTEEN "without the possibility of failure, by the use of DR in»ure fj* REMEDY, prepared in the form of a Lozenge, to JhvRir.owfe,c-?.' Invaluable in all cases of Generative and on repfj^r6* Spermatorrhea, &c. sent carefully packed, •rder « 1S8> free hv post, X2s, for stamps or poBt office Add °n aPPlication. l«ndo"*w 1,1 Brigllt» 29» George-street, Hanover-square, vBUCHAN'S SUGAR-COATED SARSAPARILLA PILLS. -I »eL3tEIX*?N(mN PACT that SARSAPARILLA is the BLOOn Prr«Pi!^ ™ °C,the blood in the world. KEEP YOUR TORThespP^u6.??,wels regular! And DEFY the DOC- ParticulnriT- i 1iP £ e at the root of each disease, they are Rre for the niTP mercury has been employed, and thild such as all pi-ifri?' ment incidental to man, woman, and Liver and ^toia,h Pr0n8 ?f.the Ski", Indigestion, Bilious, throats »nrt • I thc Limbs, Headaches, Sore bowels, obstructpd npnSf^H caused by irregularities of the Uk>od. Patent M^S w i a deteriorated and unhealthy «^eet London 19' Berners-stre^t, Oxford- rmgdon-street '• m ri?EN?:8 Barclay & Co, 75, Far- 28 9d, 4s 6d?an'd lis Chemists. Sold in Bottles, Is ljd, TH|uldefehoLRih?h °n MAR^iG?, a Medical Work, a TH|uldefehoLRih?h °n MAR^iG?, a Medical Work, a by youthful have imperilled the power of manhood 83^ptom^GonoirhIo°^; treiltl.nf? on Syphillis, Secondary the preventive T.0ti t containing a Prescription known as w>engravSJRfrOtlv0n't0 avold contamination; 190 pages with JERRY & gco H y P0St 12 staml)s> scaled 20- Address, Messrs London, W rL 8nrBeons, 19, Berners-street, Oxford-street 8unday till i o^iock 0aS diily' 11 tU1 2' a,ld from 5 till 8! PE rS BALM OF SYRIACUM.-l'or all eases natural power „„!r errors or excesses of youth, iol= nf tity, 33s. 61 aad vigour. Price lis, or four times the qaan- PERRY'S COP AIR A AX A preparation comLAND CTJBEB GLOBULES, the original Copaiba and Cubehl of the vf ry essence of the Balsam ei itteir being encased ^pcrfectly tasteless, in consequence of Oleet, Striclure, &c n F!upar- In all cases of Gonorrhoea, "Working remprivlng,1f ?rial wil1 prove the efficacy of this Fe> oa reeeiDt nV « rlce 4s- 6d. and lis i>er bottle. Sent Co., as abovp. „^ost-office order. Address, Messrs. itC ijiauSaas • °r may be had from Prout & Hagr*ut, iw, Oxford street Loudon. \f. v. mm R. EUROPEAN AND COLONIAL WINE COMPANY, 133, PALL MALL, LONPON, S.W. ESTABUSHED 1858, FOR the purpose of supplying the Nobility, Gentry, and Private Families with PUTtE WINES of tLo highest character, at a Baying erf at least 30 per cent. Royal Victoria Sherry 27s. per dozen. (The Standard of Excellence.) Splendid Old Port 37s. per dozen. (Elnen Years in tlx Wood.) SHERRIES. J Per do*. ROYAL VICTORIA SHERRY. 27s (The Standard of Excellence.) Excellent Dinner Sherry 20s to 24a Superior Selected Ditto. 30s to 368 Fine Golden 42s to 48a East India Sherry 428 to 60s Manzanilla 42s „ PORTS. SPLENDID OLD PORT 378 (11 years in the Wood.) Port from the Wood 24s to 30s „ Old Crusted *42s to 48s High-flavoured Old 54s to 60s Very Dry Old 72s to 120s CLARETS. ST. JULIEN CLARET 24s Medoc 14s to 18s Bordeaux. 18s to 20s St. Estephe 30s to 36s Rauzan and Mouton 42s to 48s Leoville and Larose 48s to 64s Sauterile and Chablis 36s to 60s CHAMPAGNE. Per doc. Creaming Epernay 34s Sparkling Verzenay 36s Ay Mousseux 42s Chansarcl and Co's Gold Foil 48s Moet and Chandon's (1st quality) 60s Madame Veuve Clicquot's 72s Eoederer's Carte Blanche 80a In Pints, 4s per 2 doz. Pints extra. GERMAN WINES. Sparkling Hock 42s to 668 Sparkling Moselle 42s to 66a Still Hock 36s to 84a i 't' Cabinet Do 78s to 100a | SICILIAN WINES. Bronte Marsala 208 Virgin „ 24a Old Brown Syracuse 26a SPANISH PORT lfc PRUSSIAN SHERRY. 161 Beaujolais 20s. per dozen. (The Finest Imported.) SPIRITS lot the Fineat Quality only and at Wholesale Prices. Book Price-Lists forwarded on application to the AGENT FOR HAVEIiFORDWEST, THOMAS D. MEYLER, FAMILY AND DISPENSING CHEMIST AND WINE MERCHANT, 11, HIGH STREET, T. D. M. begs to state that he has made arrangements with the above Company for a regular supply of their Choice Wines, which are offered to the Gentry and Inhabitants of this neighbourhood on precisely the same terms as those of the Company, and he trusts by strictly adhering to their system to secure a share of public patronage. The Wines will all bear the Seal of the 'European and Colonial Wine Company.' Single Bottles are supplied.

